Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: SBI_Patience on April 15, 2020, 03:42:46 AM

Title: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: SBI_Patience on April 15, 2020, 03:42:46 AM
And my condolences to those loved ones. A whole list of them are listed here.
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: DirtDawg on April 15, 2020, 04:52:58 AM

I had no idea about many of those folk.

I have couple more old jazz guys to add, sadly. Marsalis is not the only jazz legend we lost this month.
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: rock hound on April 15, 2020, 01:34:15 PM
John Prine was the one that got to me.  There were others whose names are lost in blur of this pandemic. 
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: odeon on April 15, 2020, 01:57:52 PM
Just today, Adam Alsing, a Swedish TV profile well known around here, died from coronavirus complications. He was 51.

You know, every time I start thinking that maybe this isn't that bad, maybe we'll survive, there's news like this. Someone who I'd never have thought would die from this, dies. This really is that bad. I'm glad I can vent here.
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: rock hound on April 15, 2020, 03:22:42 PM
John Prine at his finest......
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: Jesse on April 20, 2020, 08:53:59 AM
I was shocked to find out Adam Schlesinger died of this Virus
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: odeon on April 20, 2020, 12:26:31 PM
Allen Daviau, Director of Photography for some of Steven Spielberg's earlier films, died of the virus. :'(
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: SBI_Patience on April 20, 2020, 04:59:47 PM
Hillary Heath died of the coronavirus, the british actress who was known for Witchfinder General and Wuthering Heights.
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: Phoenix on April 20, 2020, 05:48:24 PM
I was shocked to find out Adam Schlesinger died of this Virus
Yeah I knew about all the rest except for him!

My friend who has been in ICU since the end of March and is still fighting it, is a famous Broadway actor, Nick Cordero. They had to amputate his leg two days. the ventilator causes a lot of side effects, one of them was his leg kept clotting but when they put him on blood thinners, he started bleeding internally. It was either they take his leg or he dies. Horrific scenario.
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: Jesse on April 20, 2020, 06:36:01 PM
Wow, I'm so sorry about your friend. That is just awful, I hope he gets better soon  :(

This Virus is terrible. So many weird things it causes, I've also watched COVID stories on YT which, I do not recommend.  :laugh:
And people are like "Yeah, I thought I was gonna die!" some had like schizoprenic symptoms, ontop of not breathing. Some passed out and lost coinscoiusness, One guy said his skin felt like he had a sunburn, another lady had a fever for 9 or 10 days straight. Such a weird disease it is. Just have to ride it out inside your house and hope you survive

Hopefully a cure can be found soon, but I imagine most of us will get this Virus. They just don't want it to crush your healthcare system in whatever country you are in, so having everybody mitigate it by staying home is all they can do, but more than likely we will all get it unless they can eradicate it like Smallpox
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on April 20, 2020, 09:35:38 PM
we will all get it unless they can eradicate it like Smallpox

There is another way, eradicate it like SARS and MERS. Ramp up testing, get in touch with every contact of a person who tests positive, it might even be possible to detect the virus in raw sewage and track it to specific suburbs or localities. Stamp it out at the source.
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: odeon on April 21, 2020, 12:36:56 AM
I keep wondering why they aren't ramping up testing around here.
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on April 21, 2020, 03:23:57 AM
I keep wondering why they aren't ramping up testing around here.

Limited availability of test kits and high cost.

Hopefully there will be more and cheaper in coming months.
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: SBI_Patience on April 21, 2020, 04:33:05 AM
I keep wondering why they aren't ramping up testing around here.

Limited availability of test kits and high cost.

Hopefully there will be more and cheaper in coming months.

Apparently, I've heard somewhere which started in Singapore which basically uses the same technology as a pregnancy test but modified. They take a blood test and use a drop of blood on the device itself. The results come up as little as 10 minutes.

Also it would be much cheaper and faster to produce.
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: Phoenix on April 21, 2020, 05:37:18 AM
They developed a test in Canada which has results in under an hour. I heard it was going to be approved for mass distribution last week but didn't hear if that went through or not. I suspect it did.
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: Jesse on April 21, 2020, 09:11:21 AM
we will all get it unless they can eradicate it like Smallpox

There is another way, eradicate it like SARS and MERS. Ramp up testing, get in touch with every contact of a person who tests positive, it might even be possible to detect the virus in raw sewage and track it to specific suburbs or localities. Stamp it out at the source.

True. SARS has basically disappeared from the planet with only few pop ups since it's discovery. MERS seems to be on a similar track as SARS. not very common there has only been 2 people in the US for instance that have had it.

COVID19 seems to be related to SARS but is way more contagious than either SARS or MERS. Death rates range from everywhere from 1.3 percent to 3.4%

You do have to Test, Track and stomp it out however My government (USA) is slow as fuck to do anything. of course we lead the world in cases and deaths. 60,000 people dying here will be considered a success.  :P

We have 42,000 dead now. Anyways, COVID19 seems to be way more contagious than SARS and MERS. Hopefully some theraputics can be found as well a cure. Antivirals, Etc.

Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: Jesse on April 21, 2020, 09:21:40 AM
I keep wondering why they aren't ramping up testing around here.
Kinda shocked Sweden is still not on lockdown, perhaps your leader is trying to be like Trump?  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: odeon on April 22, 2020, 12:40:27 AM
I keep wondering why they aren't ramping up testing around here.

Limited availability of test kits and high cost.

Hopefully there will be more and cheaper in coming months.

Yeah, you're right.
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: odeon on April 22, 2020, 12:41:12 AM
They developed a test in Canada which has results in under an hour. I heard it was going to be approved for mass distribution last week but didn't hear if that went through or not. I suspect it did.

I've heard about a couple of such tests but nobody seems to be distributing them anywhere yet.
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: odeon on April 22, 2020, 12:55:56 AM
I keep wondering why they aren't ramping up testing around here.
Kinda shocked Sweden is still not on lockdown, perhaps your leader is trying to be like Trump?  :zoinks:

Not really, it's just that here, the government advice remains just that, advice. They're not enforcing much, just recommending. It works with the Swedish population because traditionally people tend to listen to, and trust, the government, but the immigrants have a different background and tend to ignore any so-called authority.

Of course, large gatherings of people are banned - pretty much all public events have been cancelled, cinemas are closed, etc - but self-isolation is not mandatory and restaurants and the like remain open, albeit with limited seating.

On the whole, they claim the approach is working but we have twice the number of deaths per million people when compared with our neighbouring countries, so a lot of us have doubts. There are a number of possible explanations (the lack of testing and a far higher percentage of infected than the official numbers are regularly being suggested) but it's still worrying.

And the fact is that we are not protecting our older population as well as we should. In Gothenburg, the closest major city to where I live, Sweden's second largest, a third of the old people's homes have infections.

Thankfully, the government is not trying to emulate Trump, though.
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: Phoenix on April 22, 2020, 06:47:29 PM
They developed a test in Canada which has results in under an hour. I heard it was going to be approved for mass distribution last week but didn't hear if that went through or not. I suspect it did.

I've heard about a couple of such tests but nobody seems to be distributing them anywhere yet.
Yeah they said they're meeting Canadian needs first before they ship them out of the country.
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: SBI_Patience on May 11, 2020, 04:51:35 AM
A British rapper a few days ago under the name of Ty aged 47 died from the complications caused by the coronavirus.
Title: Re: Tribute to these celebs who died of the COVID-19
Post by: postpaleo on May 25, 2020, 01:03:48 AM
Conway died and someone figured out his knot shortly after. It's all cruel. I suppose if you believe in a life after, it was him with an after thought. But that would be extremely unfair to the very young Lady that did it.