Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: Phoenix on January 03, 2020, 03:39:09 PM

Title: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Phoenix on January 03, 2020, 03:39:09 PM
I'm worried about our members in Australia. This fire is beyond reasoning. Is everyone safe right now?  :(
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on January 03, 2020, 04:05:29 PM
Okay here. Today is going to be 40+ Celsius. Large parts of Sydney will be 110 Fahrenheit or more.

I am literally about 50 yards/metres from the bush so I will have my fingers crossed and we will be ready to evacuate.

There are places we go regularly on weekends that are just about wiped out. My wife wanted to go camping over Xmas and New Year and I'm very glad I said "let's stay home in case the fires get worse".
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Phoenix on January 03, 2020, 04:23:52 PM
Do you have places to evacuate to? In Canada they're reporting that once you're under bush fire warnings it's too late to evacuate. But that's the media. I figured better to go to the source.
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on January 03, 2020, 05:07:17 PM
Do you have places to evacuate to? In Canada they're reporting that once you're under bush fire warnings it's too late to evacuate. But that's the media. I figured better to go to the source.

We have safe places to go. Many others are not so lucky. A lot of towns have been told to evacuate and that bushfire conditions today may not be survivable.

If you stay after the evacuation warnings and the fire hits, then it's generally too late to evacuate. The worst place to be can be in your car, trying to drive through the fire.

A lot of towns have one narrow road in or out. A lot like Canada, we have similar population density. Towns along the coast had to be evacuated from the water, as you would have seen. We got evacuated last year, firenados are scary as heck. We were standing in the street talking to the neighbours and we saw that and we were all like "holy shit", and bailed.

It's been super dry for a couple of years. And now we are getting extreme heat and winds and it's a disaster waiting to happen. Normally firefighters do hazard reduction (backburning) during the winter but this year and last it has been too dry and too risky.
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on January 03, 2020, 05:11:00 PM
The fires create their own weather, which can make evacuation from the air also impossible. Visibility can be minimal as well.
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Phoenix on January 03, 2020, 05:14:40 PM
Right. That's exactly what I've been reading. It's actually creating it's own weather system. And then the devastation of the flora and fauna and how long it will take people to rebuild. Utterly devastating.
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: renaeden on January 03, 2020, 06:41:34 PM
I'm in the west and while there are fires here, they're mostly in the hills. I'm on the coast. I feel safe here.

I've seen horrific pictures of what's happening over east. They need rain desperately.
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Charlotte Quin on January 04, 2020, 03:02:49 AM
Hang on Walkie, where are you? In the Greater Sydney area I presume?

Yes we had our own crises in October/November with several fires surrounding our area. We were the ones that had that poor Koala rescue from the flames that went viral. They still flare up/re-ignite from time to time with two occurences of such just today.
The peat fire has been fairly inactive since well before xmas thankfully (I mean, it wasn't so much a safety threat no homes were lost, but people started moving away due to the air quality)
Drove past the aftermath of the Great Lakes & Taree fires on Xmas day as I drove to my brother's. Everything I saw was cremated into inorganic matter, I don't think it will grow back :-\

Update: 3rd flare up today.
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: renaeden on January 04, 2020, 05:17:24 AM
I thought Walkie lives in the UK.
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on January 04, 2020, 05:52:21 AM
Walkie does live in the UK.
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Charlotte Quin on January 04, 2020, 06:59:47 AM
I'm confused. Is he here on holiday?  :blonde:
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Phoenix on January 04, 2020, 07:22:53 AM
I don't see any posts by Walkie in here. Was is deleted?
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Charlotte Quin on January 04, 2020, 07:50:27 AM
Sorry, I thought Minister of Silly Walks and Walkie were the same person  :autism:
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on January 04, 2020, 10:16:42 PM
Sorry, I thought Minister of Silly Walks and Walkie were the same person  :autism:

Not surprising. We are both raving lefties.

I'm enjoying the cooler weather today. Yesterday was the hottest day EVER in the Sydney basin. 48.9 Celsius in Penrith.

That's 120 Fahrenheit. Not a good day to leave one's puppy in the car.

Smoky and we've got a "watch and act" status fire 7 km away.
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: DirtDawg on January 05, 2020, 02:17:45 AM
Hope things work out well for you, pal!

I can not imagine being threatened by such things. I mean I have had to drive around thousands of acres of grass fires and tumbleweed troubles of all kinds, including fire, but never a forest fire.
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Phoenix on January 05, 2020, 03:11:14 PM
I didn't catch the whole story in the news broadcast the other day but have they been arresting people for intentionally setting fires?
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on January 05, 2020, 04:16:48 PM
I didn't catch the whole story in the news broadcast the other day but have they been arresting people for intentionally setting fires?
Yes. Fire nuts, stupid teens, various idiots, get caught up in the excitement and start fires. So they can watch "their" fire on the news, I guess. They've caught at least one volunteer firefighter as well.

Happens every year. The difference this year is that it's much drier and there is more fuel to burn, combined with extreme heat and wind, so the consequences are much worse.

84 Canadians and more Californians are here helping. That's awesome. The worst may be yet to come.
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Phoenix on January 05, 2020, 04:26:58 PM
I didn't catch the whole story in the news broadcast the other day but have they been arresting people for intentionally setting fires?
Yes. Fire nuts, stupid teens, various idiots, get caught up in the excitement and start fires. So they can watch "their" fire on the news, I guess. They've caught at least one volunteer firefighter as well.

Happens every year. The difference this year is that it's much drier and there is more fuel to burn, combined with extreme heat and wind, so the consequences are much worse.

84 Canadians and more Californians are here helping. That's awesome. The worst may be yet to come.
I simply cannot fathom intentionally setting fires like that. It makes me so sad and angry to think about what people have lost, what the animals have lost, how much it changes the landscape the biodiversity for the country.

Yes, they sent out more from our country (Canada) the other day. I have a lot of firefighters in my family.
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Pyraxis on January 05, 2020, 09:26:05 PM

Not surprising. We are both raving lefties.

I'm not sure Walkie's politics can be summarized in being a lefty.   :LOL:
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on January 06, 2020, 12:03:02 AM

Not surprising. We are both raving lefties.

I'm not sure Walkie's politics can be summarized in being a lefty.   :LOL:
"Lefty" is a very broad category. Not intended to be an accurate summary of one's political position.

Do you have a presupposition of what "lefty" means, and why it might not be applicable to Walkie?
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Charlotte Quin on January 06, 2020, 03:37:19 AM
Fires are also caused by arrogant, overconfident cowboys who think it's ok to do a little unauthorised burning off on their own rural properties.
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Pyraxis on January 06, 2020, 09:15:47 AM

Do you have a presupposition of what "lefty" means, and why it might not be applicable to Walkie?

I remembered her posting a bunch of things in the Brexit thread...

Starting about here?,23725.msg1128657.html#msg1128657
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on January 06, 2020, 07:37:49 PM

Do you have a presupposition of what "lefty" means, and why it might not be applicable to Walkie?

I remembered her posting a bunch of things in the Brexit thread...

Starting about here?,23725.msg1128657.html#msg1128657

I just read from there to the end of the thread. Based on that, Walkie is even more of a lefty than I thought.

Are you basing your opinion off Walkie being pro-Brexit, and the case for Brexit was mostly being pushed by right-wing nationalists? Rightist by association in this case?

Bear in mind that the "political left" is very different from the "ideological left". And the traditional left which represents the interests of the working class is very different from the more modern concept of the left which represents the interests of minorities and is socially progressive.

And then there is what the conservative right wing wants people to think the left is about. Which is another thing entirely, a fantasy.

I'm happy to discuss this and provide info and references in another thread if you are interested.
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Phoenix on January 06, 2020, 07:39:28 PM
And there's some of us who are a mix of the two kinds of lefts (not counting the one that the rightists think is left). Very confusing sentence.
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: odeon on January 07, 2020, 03:41:31 AM
And there's some of us who are a mix of the two kinds of lefts (not counting the one that the rightists think is left). Very confusing sentence.

Thank you for clearing this up. :laugh:
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Phoenix on January 07, 2020, 07:38:13 AM
And there's some of us who are a mix of the two kinds of lefts (not counting the one that the rightists think is left). Very confusing sentence.

Thank you for clearing this up. :laugh:
You're welcome. It's my super power  :lol1:
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Pyraxis on January 07, 2020, 04:58:36 PM

I just read from there to the end of the thread. Based on that, Walkie is even more of a lefty than I thought.

Are you basing your opinion off Walkie being pro-Brexit, and the case for Brexit was mostly being pushed by right-wing nationalists? Rightist by association in this case?

Bear in mind that the "political left" is very different from the "ideological left". And the traditional left which represents the interests of the working class is very different from the more modern concept of the left which represents the interests of minorities and is socially progressive.

And then there is what the conservative right wing wants people to think the left is about. Which is another thing entirely, a fantasy.

I'm happy to discuss this and provide info and references in another thread if you are interested.

I don't need references. I spoke too hastily, and I think I was confusing personal conversations with Walkie with what she'd said on the board. At any rate, I shouldn't try to represent her opinions, she can give them herself. I think the left/right dichotomy is nonsense anyway.
Title: Re: Aussie friends - Everyone okay?
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on January 07, 2020, 06:36:22 PM

I just read from there to the end of the thread. Based on that, Walkie is even more of a lefty than I thought.

Are you basing your opinion off Walkie being pro-Brexit, and the case for Brexit was mostly being pushed by right-wing nationalists? Rightist by association in this case?

Bear in mind that the "political left" is very different from the "ideological left". And the traditional left which represents the interests of the working class is very different from the more modern concept of the left which represents the interests of minorities and is socially progressive.

And then there is what the conservative right wing wants people to think the left is about. Which is another thing entirely, a fantasy.

I'm happy to discuss this and provide info and references in another thread if you are interested.

I don't need references. I spoke too hastily, and I think I was confusing personal conversations with Walkie with what she'd said on the board. At any rate, I shouldn't try to represent her opinions, she can give them herself. I think the left/right dichotomy is nonsense anyway.

Currently the left/right dichotomy is nonsense. I would agree with that. This is a good, not too long article which puts forward the proposition that there is no left. The context is Australian obviously, but it's probably just as relevant to the US:

Sorry, I didn't mean to come across as condescending. It just seems that we are working off very different ideas of what "left" and "right" actually mean. That's all I was getting at.