Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: jedicounsellor on September 16, 2019, 11:08:34 PM

Title: Romance writing isn't for me, I think...
Post by: jedicounsellor on September 16, 2019, 11:08:34 PM
Just another day at the keyboard. I'm looking to write some fiction, and yet instead of staring a blank screen, or one with utter rubbish written, I've logged in here to write about my writing, and life in general.

I have a girl-friend who's living overseas. She suggested I write a story about us, since I've complained that I lack new ideas for stories. Something new, and fresh, I said. Well this is definitely new. I don't know about fresh - since we've been in contact for over ten years. In that time, nothing much has changed in our situation. Although, she might be coming to Australia in the not-too-distant future which would mean likely meeting up in real life for the first time.

I've begun writing the story but find myself holding back a lot - as I know I'll be sharing it with her. I'm censoring myself all the time, because our relationship isn't at an advanced stage. We're still just basically friends with a little extra interest (afaik). And then there's the problem of writing about "things" happening between us, which may or may not happen. Neither do I want to spoil any surprising events, nor do I want to be too forward with her. I basically want to throw out what I've written and start over -- I'm not one to write romance stories, so maybe just write a story which has some romance in it.

My other problem with writing, is that I have changed a lot since my days of writing, and hence don't know whether the same genre's still interest me. My tastes have changed, and I'm not the hell-raiser I once was. So I'm sort of stuck on what to write. I enjoy reading thrillers, and action, so maybe that's where my interests lie. I could also write a little mystery, I'm reading a H/C/T at the moment, sort of enjoying it, although it's pretty full on. Not sure whether I want to write such morbid stories as I once did. Maybe I just need to read more horror stories, and see whether they appeal to me. Lately, I've just been reading crime books off the rapid reads section in my local library.
Title: Re: Romance writing isn't for me, I think...
Post by: odeon on September 17, 2019, 10:03:05 AM
Writing about your writing is a known form of procrastination. Been there, done that. I remember being on misc.writing instead of writing when there still was something called the Usenet. :orly:
Title: Re: Romance writing isn't for me, I think...
Post by: renaeden on September 17, 2019, 08:14:40 PM
I forgot you're an Aussie.

Back before Kayleigh transitioned, I went from Perth to Melbourne to meet her. We had messaged each other beforehand, both on WP and on Yahoo. We had both said we loved the other before meeting. We met and had a great time exploring the city and also Geelong, where she lived.

Anyway, I hope it's like that for you.
Title: Re: Romance writing isn't for me, I think...
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on September 18, 2019, 02:35:57 AM
Under normal circumstances I would warn you to be very careful in a long-distance relationship with someone you haven't met, in case you are being catfished. But in this case.... it's been 10 years, you would have had escalating demands for money long ago if it were a catfishing situation.

I hope it works out for you.
Title: Re: Romance writing isn't for me, I think...
Post by: jedicounsellor on September 19, 2019, 05:41:18 AM
Well! I feel well and truly painted into a corner on this topic. I think you guys covered just about every aspect of this issue which I was faced with. Thanks for all your replies :)
Title: Re: Romance writing isn't for me, I think...
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on September 25, 2019, 07:47:10 PM
In your circumstances I would keep the "romance" side of things in the story to having conversations where you feel a deeper sense of connection than you could have imagined, like you've known each other forever, holding hands as you walk down the street, her resting her head on your shoulder in the back seat of a taxi after a night out. From her perspective, I guess, this would seem more romantic than some 50 Shades of Grey bollocks, or graphic descriptions of shagging or kissing (none of which is particularly romantic given the context).
Title: Re: Romance writing isn't for me, I think...
Post by: jedicounsellor on September 26, 2019, 08:41:32 PM
Thanks Minister of silly walks, I think the context is true in this scenario.
Title: Re: Romance writing isn't for me, I think...
Post by: Gopher Gary on September 30, 2019, 06:04:48 PM
Do you two cyber?  :orly: I'd read about that.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Romance writing isn't for me, I think...
Post by: jedicounsellor on September 30, 2019, 09:20:51 PM
Lol, Gopher Gary - we don't cyber in the slightest, it's just talk about what we get up to these days, and the possibility of meeting sometime in the future