Politics, Mature and taboo => Political Pundits => Topic started by: Yuri Bezmenov on June 13, 2018, 09:13:33 AM

Title: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on June 13, 2018, 09:13:33 AM
... oh wait, not niggers, just men in general.

Niggers=Men, samey samey, right??   ::)      ::)      ::)
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Queen Victoria on June 13, 2018, 12:10:05 PM
You can hate anyone you want to.  Just treat them with the same fairness and respect that you give to others.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on June 13, 2018, 12:54:14 PM
Did you read the article?

How is it that feminists can get away with such blatant bigotry without being called on it??

And this is a University professor, no less.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Icequeen on June 13, 2018, 02:23:18 PM
I don't hate men.

I hate the woman that raised her son like a little king entitled to do whatever he pleases, including treat her like shit...because one day he will be a man...and that means so much more than being a woman.

I hate the woman with the 3 sons that gets treated like a stupid piece of shit by her husband in front of those 3 boys and never speaks up...because the bible says he's the head of the household and he knows best...congratulations for perpetuating the problem.

I hate other women who turn on the woman who's been abused...or encourage her not to speak up, or blame her for creating the problem. You are a biggest part of the problem.

I hate women that raised their daughters to put up with this shit in silence "because it's all part of being a woman" and not how to aim for the jugular and grab someone by the balls and twist before they run for the door. Because this is not "okay."

I hate the people that employ these men and condone their behavior by their repeated silence. When they know exactly what kind of asshole they are dealing with.

Women need to step up to the plate here too. This shit just didn't happen overnight. People needed to start being outraged years ago.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on June 13, 2018, 02:28:16 PM
I hate other women who turn on the woman who's been abused...or encourage her not to speak up, or blame her for creating the problem. You are a biggest part of the problem.

In other words, Hillary Clinton, amirite??

People needed to start being outraged years ago.

Uum yeah. Uncontrolled hysteria goes wrong about 100% of the time.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Icequeen on June 13, 2018, 03:21:16 PM
I hate other women who turn on the woman who's been abused...or encourage her not to speak up, or blame her for creating the problem. You are a biggest part of the problem.

In other words, Hillary Clinton, amirite??

People needed to start being outraged years ago.

Uum yeah. Uncontrolled hysteria goes wrong about 100% of the time.

Standing up for yourself and speaking up for change is what I mean...that does not equal uncontrolled hysteria.  :wanker:

I was a Hillary supporter, because I personally considered her the lesser of two evils...not because I agreed with everything she did. I didn't.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Al Swearegen on June 13, 2018, 05:20:03 PM
I don't hate men.

I hate the woman that raised her son like a little king entitled to do whatever he pleases, including treat her like shit...because one day he will be a man...and that means so much more than being a woman.

I hate the woman with the 3 sons that gets treated like a stupid piece of shit by her husband in front of those 3 boys and never speaks up...because the bible says he's the head of the household and he knows best...congratulations for perpetuating the problem.

I hate other women who turn on the woman who's been abused...or encourage her not to speak up, or blame her for creating the problem. You are a biggest part of the problem.

I hate women that raised their daughters to put up with this shit in silence "because it's all part of being a woman" and not how to aim for the jugular and grab someone by the balls and twist before they run for the door. Because this is not "okay."

I hate the people that employ these men and condone their behavior by their repeated silence. When they know exactly what kind of asshole they are dealing with.

Women need to step up to the plate here too. This shit just didn't happen overnight. People needed to start being outraged years ago.

So essential you don't like asshats of either gender and their asshattery? Sounds entirely reasonable but has got nothing to do with genders or Feminism or the original post of Scrap.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Icequeen on June 13, 2018, 06:01:55 PM
Oh well...just like you I don't always stick entirely to the subject. ;)
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on June 13, 2018, 06:32:55 PM
Women need to step up to the plate here too. This shit just didn't happen overnight. People needed to start being outraged years ago.

I agree with most of what you say but....

Yes, it didn't just happen overnight. But criticizing women for putting up with that sh1t for all those years is a bit like Kanye West saying "slavery was a choice".

Women learned to keep quiet and put up with sh1t because the consequences of speaking up were often dire. When I was a kid, it was an unwritten rule that the police didn't get involved in domestic "situations", it wasn't a policeman's job to tell a man how to treat his family. Even now the options for women in those situations are limited. Allowing your husband to treat you like sh1t in front of your kids was often preferable to speaking up and telling him that treating you like that is not acceptable - and getting your face beat in.

Speaking up about a man in a position of power groping you or r*ping you was often a career-ending move, with zero consequences for the man involved who knew exactly what he was doing and exactly how to get away with it. Even now... it's starting to change, but there are still plenty of regressive attitudes around. There's a long way to go.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on June 13, 2018, 06:41:08 PM
Why can't you spell out shit or rape??
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on June 13, 2018, 07:10:33 PM
Depends were I'm posting from. I'll spell them out for you later :)
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Jack on June 13, 2018, 07:17:25 PM
Don't understand that. If the language is worth self-censoring, then why use the words in the first place?
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Queen Victoria on June 13, 2018, 07:21:52 PM
Did you read the article?

How is it that feminists can get away with such blatant bigotry without being called on it??

And this is a University professor, no less.

If your question was directed to me, no.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: rock hound on June 13, 2018, 07:43:13 PM
You can hate anyone you want to.  Just treat them with the same fairness and respect that you give to others.

Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: rock hound on June 13, 2018, 07:43:57 PM
I don't hate men.

I hate the woman that raised her son like a little king entitled to do whatever he pleases, including treat her like shit...because one day he will be a man...and that means so much more than being a woman.

I hate the woman with the 3 sons that gets treated like a stupid piece of shit by her husband in front of those 3 boys and never speaks up...because the bible says he's the head of the household and he knows best...congratulations for perpetuating the problem.

I hate other women who turn on the woman who's been abused...or encourage her not to speak up, or blame her for creating the problem. You are a biggest part of the problem.

I hate women that raised their daughters to put up with this shit in silence "because it's all part of being a woman" and not how to aim for the jugular and grab someone by the balls and twist before they run for the door. Because this is not "okay."

I hate the people that employ these men and condone their behavior by their repeated silence. When they know exactly what kind of asshole they are dealing with.

Women need to step up to the plate here too. This shit just didn't happen overnight. People needed to start being outraged years ago.

Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on June 13, 2018, 08:27:19 PM
Don't understand that. If the language is worth self-censoring, then why use the words in the first place?

Paranoia that there's a filter of sorts that picks up words like fuck or rape.

Some workplaces have that.

Got into the habit emailing friends from work who do the same thing.

More habit than a real belief that there is some crude filter on the network emailing my boss details of my naughty word usage.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Jack on June 13, 2018, 09:07:20 PM
I see.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Al Swearegen on June 14, 2018, 01:34:21 AM
Oh well...just like you I don't always stick entirely to the subject. ;)

Don't get me wrong, it was well written and entirely sensible. Better by far than much of what you share on here. Hard to disagree with any point. Just fuck all to do with anything.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on June 14, 2018, 05:30:34 AM
Standing up for yourself and speaking up for change is what I mean...that does not equal uncontrolled hysteria.  :wanker:

Well, as we have seen with the #metoo movement, the former degenerates into the latter. Once you create the culture of outrage, no one can control it, that's how witch hunts work. They start out legitimate, then the mob gets drunk on power.

I was a Hillary supporter, because I personally considered her the lesser of two evils...not because I agreed with everything she did. I didn't.

There was far more than just those two shitheads running for president you know. Gary Johnson and Jill Stein were both fairly ethical people who deserved every vote they got. If the American people could just let go of the two party system, the quality of our politicians would improve dramatically.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Icequeen on June 14, 2018, 08:51:58 AM

There was far more than just those two shitheads running for president you know. Gary Johnson and Jill Stein were both fairly ethical people who deserved every vote they got. If the American people could just let go of the two party system, the quality of our politicians would improve dramatically.

Ask yourself when was the last time a 3rd party candidate EVER won an election for president?

They had about as much chance of winning as I do winning the lottery.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Icequeen on June 14, 2018, 09:03:21 AM
Women need to step up to the plate here too. This shit just didn't happen overnight. People needed to start being outraged years ago.

I agree with most of what you say but....

Yes, it didn't just happen overnight. But criticizing women for putting up with that sh1t for all those years is a bit like Kanye West saying "slavery was a choice".

Women learned to keep quiet and put up with sh1t because the consequences of speaking up were often dire. When I was a kid, it was an unwritten rule that the police didn't get involved in domestic "situations", it wasn't a policeman's job to tell a man how to treat his family. Even now the options for women in those situations are limited. Allowing your husband to treat you like sh1t in front of your kids was often preferable to speaking up and telling him that treating you like that is not acceptable - and getting your face beat in.

Speaking up about a man in a position of power groping you or r*ping you was often a career-ending move, with zero consequences for the man involved who knew exactly what he was doing and exactly how to get away with it. Even now... it's starting to change, but there are still plenty of regressive attitudes around. There's a long way to go.

Agreed, I probably should have rephrased that last part.

I remember all too well when even saying the words "sexual harassment" out loud at the workplace was your ticket to the unemployment line...and still is in some cases.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on June 14, 2018, 12:35:56 PM
Ask yourself when was the last time a 3rd party candidate EVER won an election for president?

Abraham Lincoln.

That's besides the point though, when the two major parties give you a choice between a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich, the voter SHOULD revolt by voting 3rd party.

That's what I did.   8)
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Icequeen on June 14, 2018, 04:20:44 PM
Ask yourself when was the last time a 3rd party candidate EVER won an election for president?

Abraham Lincoln.

That's besides the point though, when the two major parties give you a choice between a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich, the voter SHOULD revolt by voting 3rd party.

That's what I did.   8)

I ask myself what I'd rather live with and which one will create the least damage...the douche or the turd sandwich. Because I know revolting isn't going to change the choices on the menu and I know I'll be eating one of them eventually.

No one cares that some 50 year old housewife revolted by voting for some third party that you won't even remember the name of in 5 years when they're choking on the turd and the douche might have went down a hell of a lot easier and not attacked your healthcare.

Lincoln was a Republican. He changed parties and jumped ship for a more popular party as did many others when the Whigs started their death rattle.

Part of politics is like being in a big popularity contest, you're either hanging out with the other popular kids or no one remembers your name.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on June 14, 2018, 05:05:16 PM
I ask myself what I'd rather live with and which one will create the least damage...the douche or the turd sandwich. Because I know revolting isn't going to change the choices on the menu and I know I'll be eating one of them eventually.

And as long as everyone thinks like that, we will be mired in the 2 party system and only have the choice between the lesser of 2 evils.

Part of politics is like being in a big popularity contest, you're either hanging out with the other popular kids or no one remembers your name.

Oh, please!! You're not rubbing shoulders with any of these people. Hitlary doesn't know who you are or gives a fuck.

This was a national election FFS! Your vote really didn't count, no one person's vote does.

Elections nowadays are all about money, name recognition and generating publicity. Sheeple will simply follow.  :sheep:
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on June 14, 2018, 06:56:48 PM
As long as people keep telling themselves that no one vote matters, nothing's gonna change.

Chomsky says the US political system is effectively a one-party system with two factions of the pro-business party. Or something like that. I don't think it's just America that's like that, it's a lot like that in Australia as well. People are starting to say "I don't like the sh1t you're serving up, I'm gonna vote for some other sh1t that you're telling me not to vote for". We're seeing the rise of the protest vote around the world - not so much people voting for real change, but voting in a way that they feel tells the establishment that they are pissed off.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on June 14, 2018, 07:06:54 PM
Women need to step up to the plate here too. This shit just didn't happen overnight. People needed to start being outraged years ago.

I agree with most of what you say but....

Yes, it didn't just happen overnight. But criticizing women for putting up with that sh1t for all those years is a bit like Kanye West saying "slavery was a choice".

Women learned to keep quiet and put up with sh1t because the consequences of speaking up were often dire. When I was a kid, it was an unwritten rule that the police didn't get involved in domestic "situations", it wasn't a policeman's job to tell a man how to treat his family. Even now the options for women in those situations are limited. Allowing your husband to treat you like sh1t in front of your kids was often preferable to speaking up and telling him that treating you like that is not acceptable - and getting your face beat in.

Speaking up about a man in a position of power groping you or r*ping you was often a career-ending move, with zero consequences for the man involved who knew exactly what he was doing and exactly how to get away with it. Even now... it's starting to change, but there are still plenty of regressive attitudes around. There's a long way to go.

Agreed, I probably should have rephrased that last part.

I remember all too well when even saying the words "sexual harassment" out loud at the workplace was your ticket to the unemployment line...and still is in some cases.

I'm inclined to agree with what I think is your sentiment on the article. Hating men isn't going to solve anything, and it's a broader social issue anyway that has been perpetuated for an extremely long time by both genders. Men (mostly) are responsible for their own actions, for sure, but women need to stop enabling it. And there is positive change happening.

We are slowly moving in the right direction, you're not going to change such fundamental aspects of our cultures in one generation, but stupid articles like this "let's hate all men, they deserve it" cr@p are what I'd call regressive feminism. Because it puts offside the very people whose attitudes you need to change.

I can't remember the last time I saw a woman groped or harassed at work, it's been years. Or heard the girls mutter about some manager or colleague who was a bit too hands-on. And that change is a good thing. I'm sure it still goes on though, but in more subtle ways.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on June 14, 2018, 07:17:13 PM
As long as people keep telling themselves that no one vote matters, nothing's gonna change.

Chomsky says the US political system is effectively a one-party system with two factions of the pro-business party. Or something like that. I don't think it's just America that's like that, it's a lot like that in Australia as well. People are starting to say "I don't like the sh1t you're serving up, I'm gonna vote for some other sh1t that you're telling me not to vote for". We're seeing the rise of the protest vote around the world - not so much people voting for real change, but voting in a way that they feel tells the establishment that they are pissed off.

This argument bolsters my voting for 3rd parties.

The 1st presidential election that I could vote in, I voted for Ross Perot.

I continue to vote for 3rd parties.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Icequeen on June 14, 2018, 09:16:52 PM

Oh, please!! You're not rubbing shoulders with any of these people. Hitlary doesn't know who you are or gives a fuck.

This was a national election FFS! Your vote really didn't count, no one person's vote does.

Elections nowadays are all about money, name recognition and generating publicity. Sheeple will simply follow.  :sheep:

I meant the candidates not me.  :wanker:
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Icequeen on June 14, 2018, 09:28:31 PM

I can't remember the last time I saw a woman groped or harassed at work, it's been years. Or heard the girls mutter about some manager or colleague who was a bit too hands-on. And that change is a good thing. I'm sure it still goes on though, but in more subtle ways.

Wish I could say the same.

In some parts of western Pa I think time has stood still since the 50's. :P
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on June 14, 2018, 10:45:17 PM

I can't remember the last time I saw a woman groped or harassed at work, it's been years. Or heard the girls mutter about some manager or colleague who was a bit too hands-on. And that change is a good thing. I'm sure it still goes on though, but in more subtle ways.

Wish I could say the same.

In some parts of western Pa I think time has stood still since the 50's. :P

That sucks.

So HR departments don't give a sh1t?

I remember seeing it and hearing about it a lot in the 80s and 90s. All my jobs in Australia since then I've never seen or heard any sign of that sort of thing going on. I guess it used to be something that would go on brazenly and people would say "oh yeah, that guy, he's a member of the Wandering Hands Society" and swap stories about who was getting harrassed by who. Has the dynamic where you are changed? Is it more covert, are people less able to speak openly about it? In the past at least people spoke openly about it, even though nothing ever got done about it.

At my last job I remember helping the secretary carry some heavy stuff to her car. We were chatting, I was talking about my wife, I guess I do that with ladies I don't know very well because I'm worried that if I make small talk about other stuff it might sound like I'm trying to chat them up. And this was the first time I'd actually chatted with her. She was fairly attractive, Indian (subcontinent) or mixed Indian and skinny with huge implants. She asked if she could give me a hug and she gave me a really good squeeze, it felt like hugging a really skinny person and having a couple of over-inflated basketballs in the middle. It was a bit weird and if I went around asking girls at work if I could give them a hug I'd expect to get into a lot of trouble with HR. But yeah, the dynamic is completely different when it's the female initiating physical contact, there's no sense of pressure for it to lead to something else or threat or danger or anything like that like sometimes there is when it's the other way around.

The other time was when a really good friend asked if he could give me a hug on his last day at work. He was very gay, about my age though so he didn't talk about his love life like younger gay guys tend to do these days (and no problem with that, it's just a generational thing). He was about a quarter of my size and it was very platonic. I really like that we live in a time where it's not a big deal any more, at least not here in Sydney (there were a series of jokes doing the rounds a few years ago: "you know you're living in Sydney when...." and one of the funnier ones was "you know you're living in Sydney when your hairdresser is straight but your plumber is gay".)

Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot about the company I worked for in the 2000s. A guy tried to Harvey one of the trainers when they were both working at a client site in Europe. This was in 2002. She told me about it a couple of years later and before she even said anything I knew who it was, the guy was an extremely intelligent high-functioning sociopath, initially charming but a major sneaky @sshole.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Al Swearegen on June 15, 2018, 02:07:11 AM
This may be a bit off-track or may muddy the waters.
I have no doubt that there are men and women in the workplace that are or can be verbally and/or physically completely inappropriate.
I wonder too, now in the time of heightened awareness of this kind of thing, as to whether people get unfairly caught up in unfair accusations.

The only time I have been a party to that kind of thing at a disciplinary level was interestingly being a support for a female co-workers against two other female co-workers. It was awkward but worked out mostly. There was no much in it.

But what jogged my thoughts was the new girl at work recalling how on her first week something had upset her and she burst into tears, but I walked around to her and gave her tissues and  hug until she stopped crying. She said that was very sweet. I said "I am a Dad". Those joining in said I was a good bloke. thinking. Another workplace, different team, different girl, same situation, could have turned out badly for me.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Tequila on June 15, 2018, 07:23:17 AM
Because it isn't nice.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: rock hound on June 15, 2018, 07:57:44 PM
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on July 07, 2018, 06:46:55 PM

This dimwitted professor, Suzanna Walters, has had a Title IX complaint lodged against her at the university she teaches at.

Yet another loony leftist scores a goal against themselves!!   :hahaha:
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Al Swearegen on July 07, 2018, 08:33:52 PM

This dimwitted professor, Suzanna Walters, has had a Title IX complaint lodged against her at the university she teaches at.

Yet another loony leftist scores a goal against themselves!!   :hahaha:

It is pretty clear but I am betting she gets away with it because the University will apply a different standard and make excuses for her.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on November 17, 2018, 05:19:06 PM

For some reason I thought of Pappy when I saw this.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Gopher Gary on November 17, 2018, 07:09:15 PM
Why were you looking up racist dog memes?  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on November 18, 2018, 01:30:27 AM
Saturday is racist dog meme day.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Gopher Gary on November 18, 2018, 10:10:08 AM
That still doesn't explain why you are a participant.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on November 18, 2018, 02:52:10 PM
Actually I was feeling a little butthurt because somebody said something mean to me. So rather than going on a drunken rampage and posting incoherent reams of bollocks, which seems to help some people, I googled "butthurt" and went to images, and scrolled down until I started feeling happy again. This one was funny and reminded me of Pappy and this thread for some strange reason.
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Gopher Gary on November 18, 2018, 03:19:22 PM
Title: Re: Why can't we hate niggers??
Post by: Bastet on December 19, 2018, 08:38:43 PM
Let’s just hate men for fun. I dunno I’m guessing Feminazis are angry and bored.