Politics, Mature and taboo => Political Pundits => Topic started by: Peter on January 15, 2007, 11:39:46 AM

Title: False rape accusations
Post by: Peter on January 15, 2007, 11:39:46 AM
How common is it?  Are false accusers brought to justice?  Have your say.

Quote from:
I was witness to a mess over sexual harrassment at one job I had. To make a long story short, a group of women decided to falsely accuse a man of sexual harrassment. The man in question was a manager and one of the employees under him was a young man the same age as the women who made the accusation. They liked to flirt with him and chat with him and generally carry on like it was a social club (or high school, to be honest) and this mean old manager kept expecting him to go back to his desk and do his job instead of sitting around socializing. The solution the women decided on for the "problem" was to accuse him of sexual harrassment so he'd get fired and they could socialize all day long. As it happened, some people I knew sat right across from them and heard all of this going on and knew this was a false accusation and told HR so, but it didn't do much good. Officially, they found that no harrassment took place but they also shoved the manager out on the street within two weeks for "unrelated reasons". The group of women was smugly satisfied that they'd cost this guy his job and pretty much made it known they'd do it again if any of us guys crossed them.,2933,194032,00.html
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: thepeaguy on January 15, 2007, 11:51:08 AM
In regards to the Daily Mail article, I was really annoyed that the accuser is being made anonymous, despite the fact that she has wasted police time and put two innocent men in prision. Selfish, deceitful cunt. Whoever makes up rape allegations should be fully ashamed of themselves for making light of what the rape victims have to go through mentally day after day.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Peter on January 15, 2007, 11:51:34 AM
Quote from:
Overreporting and false reporting

A 1997 article in the Columbia Journalism Review dealing with the debate surrounding false reporting, noted that wildly different figures, from 2% to 85% of all rape reports, have been presented:

    "... one explanation for such a wide range in the statistics might simply be that they come from different studies of different populations... But there's also a strong political tilt to the debate. A low number would undercut a belief about rape as being as old as the story of Joseph and Potiphar's wife: that some women, out of shame or vengeance ... claim that their consensual encounters or rebuffed advances were rapes. If the number is high, on the other hand, advocates for women who have been raped worry it may also taint the credibility of the genuine victims of sexual assault." [3]

In her work, "The Legacy of the Prompt Complaint Requirement, Corroboration Requirement, and Cautionary Instructions on Campus Sexual Assault", Michelle J. Anderson of the Villanova University School of Law states: "As a scientific matter, the frequency of false rape complaints to police or other legal authorities remains unknown" [4]. The FBI's 1996 Uniform Crime Report states that 8% of reports of forcible rape were determined to be unfounded upon investigation [5], but that percentage does not include cases where an accuser fails or refuses to cooperate in an investigation, or drops the charges.

In 1994, Dr. Eugene J. Kanin of Purdue University investigated the incidences, in one small urban community, of false rape allegations made to the police between 1978 and 1987. Unlike in many larger jurisdictions, it was official policy to investigate all rape allegations regardless of their credibility. The falseness of the allegations was not decided by the police, or by Dr. Kanin; they were "... declared false only because the complainant admitted they are false." The number of false rape allegations in the studied period was 45; this was 41% of the 109 total complaints filed in this period. The figure of 41% forms a lower estimate of the total number of false rape accusations given to the police during this period. It is possible that some false accusations were never recanted and even resulted in a conviction. In Dr. Kanin's research, the complainants who made false allegations did so (by their own statements during recantation) for one or some combination of three major reasons:

    * providing an alibi. Dr. Kanin's report describes a woman who got into a bar fight and, fearing that this might prevent her from regaining custody of her children, filed a rape complaint to account for her injuries.
    * a means of gaining revenge. Dr. Kanin's report describes an 18 year old woman who engages in consexual sex with a boarder staying at her house. After he refuses to continue their relationship she accuses him of rape.
    * a platform for seeking attention/sympathy. Dr. Kanin's report describes a woman who becomes attracted to her therapist and in an attempt to elicit sympathy from him fabricates a story of rape and is subsequently pressured by him to report it to the police.

Dr. Kanin also looked at the police records of two large midwestern state universities and found that, of the 64 rape accusations, 32 (50%) were eventually recanted. Unlike the city police in the other study, the university police did not use polygraph examinations and the investigations were all performed by female officers. This figure also forms a lower estimate of the total number of false accusations reported to the police during this period and it is similarly possible that there were false accusations that were never recanted and resulted in convictions.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Litigious on January 15, 2007, 11:53:56 AM
I'm not surprised but outraged. And most of the times the women get away with it, despite the fact that it's a gross crime to falsely accuse someone for a crime.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: thepeaguy on January 15, 2007, 11:57:22 AM
I'm not surprised but outraged. And most of the times the women get away with it, despite the fact that it's a gross crime to falsely accuse someone for a crime.

If they were caught, I'd set HG on them to kick their arse. But then, that's just I think.  :angel:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Peter on January 15, 2007, 12:24:12 PM
I'm not surprised but outraged. And most of the times the women get away with it, despite the fact that it's a gross crime to falsely accuse someone for a crime.

If they were caught, I'd set HG on them to kick their arse. But then, that's just I think.  :angel:

Here's one that was sentenced to one year in prison and had her anonymity revoked.,,29389-2436279,00.html
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: thepeaguy on January 15, 2007, 12:31:49 PM
I'm not surprised but outraged. And most of the times the women get away with it, despite the fact that it's a gross crime to falsely accuse someone for a crime.

If they were caught, I'd set HG on them to kick their arse. But then, that's just I think.  :angel:

Here's one that was sentenced to one year in prison and had her anonymity revoked.,,29389-2436279,00.html

Crazy cow.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Peter on January 15, 2007, 01:04:32 PM
No word of anything happening to the woman in this case:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: McGiver on January 15, 2007, 01:07:09 PM
I'm not surprised but outraged. And most of the times the women get away with it, despite the fact that it's a gross crime to falsely accuse someone for a crime.

it can literally ruin a man.

my issue is that the accusations of rape are really only taken seriously when a woman makes the accusation.
the claim of rape (false or true) is the exclusive right of a woman.

god forbid that a man scorn a woman.  she always has the right to accuse him of rape, and ruin his life.  i really believe that these newfound rights are an invention of the woman's movement (specifically man hating lesbians).

equality NOW.  yeah right  ::), today's equality rights are written to exclude the rights of a man completely.

on a side note:

it is encouraging to me that women who falsely accuse men of rape are finally beginning to get their cumuppance.  and even locally, their is a case against 10 black teens for the special circumstance of HATE CRIME.  they beat up 3 white women on holloween and yelled racial slurs while doing so.
just a few years ago, both these instances were rarely heard of.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: thepeaguy on January 15, 2007, 01:10:36 PM
I'm not surprised but outraged. And most of the times the women get away with it, despite the fact that it's a gross crime to falsely accuse someone for a crime.

it can literally ruin a man.

my issue is that the accusations of rape are really only taken seriously when a woman makes the accusation.
the claim of rape (false or true) is the exclusive right of a woman.

god forbid that a man scorn a woman.  she always has the right to accuse him of rape, and ruin his life.  i really believe that these newfound rights are an invention of the woman's movement (specifically man hating lesbians).

equality NOW.  yeah right  ::), today's equality rights are written to exclude the rights of a man completely.

Amen, brudda (to a resonable extent). +1
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: McGiver on January 15, 2007, 01:12:24 PM
this thread is becoming a sausage party!
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Litigious on January 15, 2007, 01:17:54 PM
I'm not surprised but outraged. And most of the times the women get away with it, despite the fact that it's a gross crime to falsely accuse someone for a crime.

it can literally ruin a man.

my issue is that the accusations of rape are really only taken seriously when a woman makes the accusation.
the claim of rape (false or true) is the exclusive right of a woman.

god forbid that a man scorn a woman.  she always has the right to accuse him of rape, and ruin his life.  i really believe that these newfound rights are an invention of the woman's movement (specifically man hating lesbians).

equality NOW.  yeah right  ::), today's equality rights are written to exclude the rights of a man completely.

Totally agree.

Quote from: McJagger
on a side note:

it is encouraging to me that women who falsely accuse men of rape are finally beginning to get their cumuppance.  and even locally, their is a case against 10 black teens for the special circumstance of HATE CRIME.  they beat up 3 white women on holloween and yelled racial slurs while doing so.
just a few years ago, both these instances were rarely heard of.

That's one of the things that I admire about the US--the system of justice being independent from the political system. The courts re-interpret the law and sometimes even verdicts against the law, if they find it unconstitutional. In Sweden the courts in principle do no such things. They verdict politically correct and by the letter of the law. As I mentioned a couple of months ago; according to Swedish law, minorities can't commit hate crimes. If 10 immigrants of African or Middle East origin rape a Swedish "whore" as they usually call them, they often go free on small technical details and are paid damages. They can't even be prosecuted for hate crime, though they barely ever rape women of their own origin...
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Litigious on January 15, 2007, 01:18:50 PM
this thread is becoming a sausage party!

May I sick your duck?  :eyebrows:

+1.  8)
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Peter on January 15, 2007, 01:31:45 PM
Something similar:

Quote from:
French paedophile ring case - Woman says Sorry I made it up

A French woman, implicated in a case of child sex abuse, implicated 18 other people.

    The trial had shattered the lives of 18 people accused in the case, with one committing suicide and others losing custody of their children, while sending France into a paroxysm of soul-searching.

Quote from:
For three years France agonised over claims of a pedophile ring. Now the main suspect admits she made most of it up. Craig Smith reports from Paris.

A major pedophile case that had captivated France all but collapsed when the main suspect suddenly admitted that she had made up much of the story, which has destroyed the lives of more than a dozen people.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Peter on January 15, 2007, 01:32:51 PM
this thread is becoming a sausage party!

Not much to be done about it if the women don't want to post.  They're welcome to start a thread about some way that women get screwed over by men.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: McGiver on January 15, 2007, 01:40:48 PM
Something similar:

Quote from:
French paedophile ring case - Woman says Sorry I made it up

A French woman, implicated in a case of child sex abuse, implicated 18 other people.

    The trial had shattered the lives of 18 people accused in the case, with one committing suicide and others losing custody of their children, while sending France into a paroxysm of soul-searching.

Quote from:
For three years France agonised over claims of a pedophile ring. Now the main suspect admits she made most of it up. Craig Smith reports from Paris.

A major pedophile case that had captivated France all but collapsed when the main suspect suddenly admitted that she had made up much of the story, which has destroyed the lives of more than a dozen people.

she made it up and it ruined several mens lives.  to the point where one of them committed suicide?

she should be put on trial for first degree wurder.  and put to death if convicted.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Litigious on January 15, 2007, 01:49:28 PM
Something similar:

Quote from:
French paedophile ring case - Woman says Sorry I made it up

A French woman, implicated in a case of child sex abuse, implicated 18 other people.

    The trial had shattered the lives of 18 people accused in the case, with one committing suicide and others losing custody of their children, while sending France into a paroxysm of soul-searching.

Quote from:
For three years France agonised over claims of a pedophile ring. Now the main suspect admits she made most of it up. Craig Smith reports from Paris.

A major pedophile case that had captivated France all but collapsed when the main suspect suddenly admitted that she had made up much of the story, which has destroyed the lives of more than a dozen people.

she made it up and it ruined several mens lives.  to the point where one of them committed suicide?

she should be put on trial for first degree wurder.  and put to death if convicted.

Alas, I don't think the French have the death penalty anymore. Maybe she could get a couple of years in prison--at most.  :(
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Graelwyn on January 15, 2007, 05:26:08 PM
Actually, you wouldn't like to have seen my reactiion when I saw a recent incidence of such false accusation. It made me livid, and nasty as it sounds, I really hoped the cry wolf thing would apply and the woman in question would know what is it to really be a victim of rape. It makes me angry as it means those who have genuinely been raped are going to come in for a harder time, the more false accusations there are.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: McGiver on January 15, 2007, 08:02:04 PM
Actually, you wouldn't like to have seen my reactiion when I saw a recent incidence of such false accusation. It made me livid, and nasty as it sounds, I really hoped the cry wolf thing would apply and the woman in question would know what is it to really be a victim of rape. It makes me angry as it means those who have genuinely been raped are going to come in for a harder time, the more false accusations there are.


each time a false accusation is uncovered, it makes the legitimate claims seem less believable.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: El on January 16, 2007, 08:48:36 AM
That's what I was thinking, too, it ruins credibility.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Peter on January 19, 2007, 03:36:42 PM
Woman jailed for 9 years for stalking a couple and accusing the guy of rape:

Quote from:
Marchese then falsified DNA evidence against the doctor by retrieving one of his condoms from a rubbish bin to back up claims he raped her.

As a result of Marchese's claims he was charged with rape in 2004 and cleared in 2005.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: McGiver on January 19, 2007, 03:38:13 PM
what are the punative damages?

he was convicted of rape.  likely spent time in jail.

she should pay him 10 million for his pain and suffering.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Peter on January 19, 2007, 03:39:24 PM
She's been ordered to pay £9,000 to both parties within 3 months or have a year added to her sentence.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: McGiver on January 19, 2007, 03:40:57 PM
how much jail time did HE serve?

this is utter Bullocks.  she should get 25 years to life.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Peter on January 19, 2007, 03:50:49 PM
how much jail time did HE serve?

this is utter Bullocks.  she should get 25 years to life.

He didn't serve any time; he was cleared of the charges, but the news on the TV said that it took 18 months, and I don't know if he was held in custody for part of that or suspended from work or something.  I think also that people in the UK have to be released after serving 2/3rds of their sentence (no idea why that is), so she'd only serve 6 years max, unless I've gotten something wrong.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Peter on January 19, 2007, 03:51:39 PM
Also, the stalking caused a breakup with his fiancé, who he'd planned to marry, but they'd called off the wedding because of death threats.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Litigious on January 19, 2007, 03:57:00 PM
what are the punative damages?

he was convicted of rape.  likely spent time in jail.

she should pay him 10 million for his pain and suffering.

There was one guy in Sweden totally falsely accused for raping his daughter and another girl and being part of a pedophile network. He got 8 years and did 3 of them before a researching TV team found out that the accusations were totally false. The cops as well as the vice Chief Public Prosecutor had made up false proofs to get him convicted. I don't remember but I think he got about $1 million in compensation, which is extremely high for Swedish circumstances. But no cop was put on trial for making up false proofs, neither was the high prosecutor. She couldn't even get charged according to Swedish law, since her crime was revealed after she had committed it. She didn't even apologize to the man when they asked her to do that in real time TV...they are planning to charge the his daughter, though, despite the fact that she was underaged when she came up with the accusations and despite the fact that the cops and prosecutors made her lie about it all. Things like this are the reasons why I hate society...
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Peter on January 19, 2007, 04:01:17 PM
since her crime was revealed after she had committed it.

Isn't that usually when crimes are revealed?   :-\

Or do you mean it was revealed after the statute of limitations had come into effect?
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Litigious on January 19, 2007, 04:08:01 PM
since her crime was revealed after she had committed it.

Isn't that usually when crimes are revealed?   :-\

Or do you mean it was revealed after the statute of limitations had come into effect?

No, prosecutors in Sweden can obviously just be prosecuted themselves if caught in the act so to speak. I didn't believe it when I first heard it, but sadly, it's true.  >:(
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: McGiver on January 19, 2007, 05:07:43 PM
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Litigious on January 19, 2007, 05:10:13 PM

Indeed. The authorities here are always "right", no matter what they do; they can even blatantly break the law without getting punished for it. Fucking Big Brother mentality.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: purposefulinsanity on January 20, 2007, 05:08:55 AM
I think people who make false accusations should be punished, it can be hard enough for people who have been raped to prove it without these false claims muddying the issue.

But I don't think the existance of these false claims is evidence that men are the ones who get screwed over in society,  but evidence that people in general like to screw each other over. 
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Litigious on January 20, 2007, 05:13:41 AM
Yes. People enjoy hurting each other, whenever they get the possibility.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Peter on January 21, 2007, 05:54:11 PM
Watching Consent; a court film about a rape case.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Scrapheap on November 07, 2010, 09:37:19 PM
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: 9shadowcat9 on April 07, 2011, 05:44:41 AM
this thread is becoming a sausage party!

Not much to be done about it if the women don't want to post.  They're welcome to start a thread about some way that women get screwed over by men.

I'm a female and I find this disgusting. >(
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Eclair on April 07, 2011, 05:49:15 AM
this thread is becoming a sausage party!

Not much to be done about it if the women don't want to post.  They're welcome to start a thread about some way that women get screwed over by men.

I'm a female and I find this disgusting. >(

If this is the only thing you find disgusting, then good luck. The site hasn't been built on the foundations of political correctness. Doubt we are going to change overnight for  a newb.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Callaway on April 07, 2011, 09:06:43 AM
this thread is becoming a sausage party!

Not much to be done about it if the women don't want to post.  They're welcome to start a thread about some way that women get screwed over by men.

I'm a female and I find this disgusting. >(

If this is the only thing you find disgusting, then good luck. The site hasn't been built on the foundations of political correctness. Doubt we are going to change overnight for  a newb.

I think that she might mean that she finds false allegations of rape disgusting, not this particular idea of women starting topics of ways women can be screwed over by men.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Adam on April 07, 2011, 10:33:42 AM
All I can think about now is this:

I'm a female

is she hot?  :autism:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Squidusa on April 07, 2011, 10:47:51 AM
All I can think about now is this:

I'm a female

is she hot?  :autism:

Sorry Soph she's like the opposite of me  :zoinks:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Adam on April 07, 2011, 11:19:52 AM
you guys know each other?
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 07, 2011, 11:33:02 AM
I think her name should be revealed so she can get hell in life from people and rape victims.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Semicolon on April 07, 2011, 01:17:24 PM
I think her name should be revealed so she can get hell in life from people and rape victims.

Why? Shadowcat just signed up; you should wait a few days before making her life hell.

After she's hooked, feel free to torture her.  >:D
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: P7PSP on April 07, 2011, 01:22:05 PM
I think her name should be revealed so she can get hell in life from people and rape victims.

Why? Shadowcat just signed up; you should wait a few days before making her life hell.

After she's hooked, feel free to torture her.  >:D
The voice of reason.  :thumbup: Well put sc.  :lol:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Meadow on April 07, 2011, 01:25:31 PM
Looks like nothing much has changed.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: P7PSP on April 07, 2011, 01:26:44 PM
Looks like nothing much has changed.
Hey cuntly, what's up?  :zoinks: :finger:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Meadow on April 07, 2011, 01:30:31 PM
Even worse than being falsely accused is calling someone who has been raped a liar. I'm not sure which is worse but both are very bad.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Semicolon on April 07, 2011, 01:31:41 PM
Even worse than being falsely accused is calling someone who has been raped a liar. I'm not sure which is worse but both are very bad.

That statement is self-contradictory.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Meadow on April 07, 2011, 01:35:17 PM
Both are true. It isn't that complicated.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: P7PSP on April 07, 2011, 01:36:47 PM
Even worse than being falsely accused is calling someone who has been raped a liar. I'm not sure which is worse but both are very bad.
Are you still the kept woman of that rich guy who won't leave his wife? If so, this  :vibe: :vibrator: might make you feel better while he neglects you.  :thumbup:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Meadow on April 07, 2011, 01:40:10 PM
I'm a VERY gifted artist meat-for-brains. It's beyond your ability to fathom I'm sure.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: 'Butterflies' on April 07, 2011, 01:41:03 PM
Hi Meadow. I didn't expect to ever see you back here.

I'm a VERY gifted artist meat-for-brains. It's beyond your ability to fathom I'm sure.

You've already told me that your art has neverr been published.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: P7PSP on April 07, 2011, 01:43:37 PM
I'm a VERY gifted artist meat-for-brains. It's beyond your ability to fathom I'm sure.
So he left his wife for you?  :zoinks: Didn't think so.  :hahaha: I know that you will not put your art up for critique so why even boast about shit you won't back up?
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Meadow on April 07, 2011, 01:46:42 PM
Okay, I'm not going to subject myself to any more of your abuse Dude. You're just jealous because you're such a massive loser and somehow think everyone else iin the world are too.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: P7PSP on April 07, 2011, 01:49:23 PM
Okay, I'm not going to subject myself to any more of your abuse Dude. You're just jealous because you're such a massive loser and somehow think everyone else iin the world are too.
Wrong! I am a great artist! But I won't show you my work because it is classified.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Frolic_Fun on April 07, 2011, 01:50:23 PM
I'm half-okay at art but I'd definitely be better than some bint who doesn't produce any results at all. :dunno:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Meadow on April 07, 2011, 02:06:13 PM
My god they don't come anymore brain-dead than you PPK.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: P7PSP on April 07, 2011, 02:07:50 PM
My god they don't come anymore brain-dead than you PPK.
Praise from Caesar.  :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: 'Butterflies' on April 07, 2011, 02:10:02 PM
My god they don't come anymore brain-dead than you PPK.

You just said that you were not going to subject yourself to any more of his abuse. So why are you provoking him to abuse you?

On a different subject, are you getting psychiatric help for your Narcissistic personality disorder?
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Squidusa on April 07, 2011, 03:45:17 PM
I'm a VERY gifted artist meat-for-brains. It's beyond your ability to fathom I'm sure.

Kindly buy a pistol , slither off back to the rock you crawled out from and point the thing at your head please.

You'll be doing the world a favour , vapid cunt.  :finger:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: P7PSP on April 07, 2011, 03:49:57 PM
I'm a VERY gifted artist meat-for-brains. It's beyond your ability to fathom I'm sure.

Kindly buy a pistol , slither off back to the rock you crawled out from and point the thing at your head please.

You'll be doing the world a favour , vapid cunt.  :finger:
You overlooked the proper smiley Squid Ink.  :kapow:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Squidusa on April 07, 2011, 04:11:41 PM
I'm a VERY gifted artist meat-for-brains. It's beyond your ability to fathom I'm sure.

Kindly buy a pistol , slither off back to the rock you crawled out from and point the thing at your head please.

You'll be doing the world a favour , vapid cunt.  :finger:
You overlooked the proper smiley Squid Ink.  :kapow:

I think you should correct me by spanking for that PPK  :zoinks:

Seriously though , I did overlook the proper smiley , I blame tiredness  :P
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: P7PSP on April 07, 2011, 06:16:16 PM
I'm a VERY gifted artist meat-for-brains. It's beyond your ability to fathom I'm sure.

Kindly buy a pistol , slither off back to the rock you crawled out from and point the thing at your head please.

You'll be doing the world a favour , vapid cunt.  :finger:
You overlooked the proper smiley Squid Ink.  :kapow:

I think you should correct me by spanking for that PPK  :zoinks:

Seriously though , I did overlook the proper smiley , I blame tiredness  :P
How about if I spank bodie, cbc or Eclair (alphabetical order) instead and Rage spanks you?  :thumbup: :lol:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on April 07, 2011, 06:18:56 PM
I'm a VERY gifted artist meat-for-brains. It's beyond your ability to fathom I'm sure.

Or you're so deluded from your own bullshit, and everyone is actually laughing at your art. :hahaha:

This is going to be fun.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Squidusa on April 07, 2011, 07:06:02 PM
I'm a VERY gifted artist meat-for-brains. It's beyond your ability to fathom I'm sure.

Kindly buy a pistol , slither off back to the rock you crawled out from and point the thing at your head please.

You'll be doing the world a favour , vapid cunt.  :finger:
You overlooked the proper smiley Squid Ink.  :kapow:

I think you should correct me by spanking for that PPK  :zoinks:

Seriously though , I did overlook the proper smiley , I blame tiredness  :P
How about if I spank bodie, cbc or Eclair (alphabetical order) instead and Rage spanks you?  :thumbup: :lol:

Hey i'm absolutely fine with that.  :autism:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: DukeNukem on April 07, 2011, 07:36:28 PM
It's broccoli, bitch! :wanker:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Osensitive1 on April 07, 2011, 07:39:30 PM
Don't get it. What's with the broccoli?
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Calavera on April 07, 2011, 09:08:13 PM
Actually, you wouldn't like to have seen my reactiion when I saw a recent incidence of such false accusation. It made me livid, and nasty as it sounds, I really hoped the cry wolf thing would apply and the woman in question would know what is it to really be a victim of rape. It makes me angry as it means those who have genuinely been raped are going to come in for a harder time, the more false accusations there are.

That's the thing that pisses me off. Girls who cry false rape are some of the most selfish self-centred unempathetic inconsiderate people in this world who have no respect for themselves, for others and especially for the true rape victims out there.

I hope all girls who do this shit have an eventual place in hell to rot in.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Calavera on April 07, 2011, 09:13:04 PM
I love how shit is not censored here. That's a relief, lol.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Squidusa on April 07, 2011, 09:19:44 PM
I love how shit is not censored here. That's a relief, lol.

Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on April 07, 2011, 09:21:00 PM
I love how shit is not censored here. That's a relief, lol.

Just like fuck cunt kike nigger cock jew jap bitch slut faggot asshole ass sandnigger dyke twat piss... I think that's enough words. Yep, nothing should be censored.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: 'Butterflies' on April 07, 2011, 09:22:27 PM
I love how shit is not censored here. That's a relief, lol.


You can't do this on WP
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: P7PSP on April 07, 2011, 09:24:27 PM
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: 'Butterflies' on April 07, 2011, 09:26:02 PM

 :P :lol:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on April 07, 2011, 09:26:48 PM

Indeed, and it figures that the latter nude image emerged from a chan source.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Calavera on April 07, 2011, 09:30:09 PM
I was going to say I should post here more often but then I saw Butterflies' post in full glory. :laugh:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Osensitive1 on April 07, 2011, 09:30:58 PM
Thank goodness a new page.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: 'Butterflies' on April 07, 2011, 09:41:58 PM
I was going to say I should post here more often but then I saw Butterflies' post in full glory. :laugh:

Please don't let me put you off posting here. :santa:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Squidusa on April 07, 2011, 10:14:55 PM
I was going to say I should post here more often but then I saw Butterflies' post in full glory. :laugh:

Was that deliberate?  :lol:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Calavera on April 08, 2011, 07:06:03 AM
I was going to say I should post here more often but then I saw Butterflies' post in full glory. :laugh:

Was that deliberate?  :lol:

What do you think?

I want the guests to also enjoy the scenes. >:D
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Al Swearegen on April 08, 2011, 07:33:24 AM
Actually, you wouldn't like to have seen my reactiion when I saw a recent incidence of such false accusation. It made me livid, and nasty as it sounds, I really hoped the cry wolf thing would apply and the woman in question would know what is it to really be a victim of rape. It makes me angry as it means those who have genuinely been raped are going to come in for a harder time, the more false accusations there are.

That's the thing that pisses me off. Girls who cry false rape are some of the most selfish self-centred unempathetic inconsiderate people in this world who have no respect for themselves, for others and especially for the true rape victims out there.

I hope all girls who do this shit have an eventual place in hell to rot in.

Well said
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Squidusa on April 08, 2011, 01:18:05 PM
you guys know each other?

She's a RL friend yes.  :)

I think her name should be revealed so she can get hell in life from people and rape victims.

And why do you think that?
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Callaway on April 08, 2011, 02:09:00 PM
you guys know each other?

She's a RL friend yes.  :)

I think her name should be revealed so she can get hell in life from people and rape victims.

And why do you think that?

I think Spokane means the woman who falsely cried rape to conceal her affair from her husband but still has her anonymity, not your friend.
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Squidusa on April 08, 2011, 02:25:37 PM
you guys know each other?

She's a RL friend yes.  :)

I think her name should be revealed so she can get hell in life from people and rape victims.

And why do you think that?

I think Spokane means the woman who falsely cried rape to conceal her affair from her husband but still has her anonymity, not your friend.

Oh dear.... , excuse my rather large herp derp.  :-[ :autism:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 08, 2011, 05:11:17 PM
you guys know each other?

She's a RL friend yes.  :)

I think her name should be revealed so she can get hell in life from people and rape victims.

And why do you think that?

I think Spokane means the woman who falsely cried rape to conceal her affair from her husband but still has her anonymity, not your friend.

Oh dear.... , excuse my rather large herp derp.  :-[ :autism:

You see, darling, you'll always have a home here.  :hug:
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on October 23, 2014, 12:16:46 PM
Title: Re: False rape accusations
Post by: Semicolon on October 24, 2014, 09:18:06 AM
