Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: Walkie on April 02, 2017, 03:30:23 PM

Title: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Walkie on April 02, 2017, 03:30:23 PM
..or maybe i should say, i'm reliable, just like the proverbial bad penny?

I dunno.

I've been wanting to post and say "Woot! Pyraxis as mod, what a stroke of genius "  or words to that effect

but i've procrastinated for so long, that's old news by now.

It's been one damned thing after another, in Walkie-land. ( I know I'm posting this request on the wrong thread , yet again, but hey! can we have a smilie of one damned thing chasing another damned thing?Great big hairy damned things with sharp red horns in their heads. Oh yeah and weilding those great big three-pronged  toasting forks).

The latest damned thing popped up  just  a few days ago. My friend David (Teddy Bear to you). just dropped dead suddenly, in his apartment . As far I can gather it really was very sudden and he didn't have chance to suffer. So . Good. A good way to go. And although he thought of himself as a "failure" (don't we all, if we measure ourself by conventional NT standards) he was a roaring sucess as a human being.  That man was loved.   By numeous people, all  around the globe.   

And now it falls to me to try and contact all those numerous people.  With great difficulty,  because the silly bugger really was was totally unprepared for this. His apartment manager still had his brother down as "next of kin" .  Said brother died about 15 years agio, And no love lost between them, anyway.

I dread to think who will actually get to play the next-of-kin role. In the meantime I've appointed myself as temporary stand-in- next-of-kin, and am doggedly tracking  down as many as I can of those  people who are gonna be alarmed by the length of tiime that  his mobile has been switched off for,; and they can only ever get his deep doomy "let's scare off the cold-callers" answerphone message on his landline; and by his concommitant failure to step off a plane on the other side of a pond, as expected, etceteras  Also, I  am trying to  find out which of his Teddy Bears is down for adoption by whom, in this event (I believe  he had some verbal agreements ) . And delivering the sad news, of course.   

In the meantime , the coroner is sitting on said mobile phone, apartment keys etc, until such time as the ghost of David's brother floats in. Or probably some even more awful apparition, such as his dead brother's snobbish widow, who really won't be terribly interested.

I am taking a quick break from all this mind-stretching communication stuff.

And what am doing with this break ? Posting here. WTF? I guess my brain has been terminally fried.

All the best, guys.  I miss yas.  Not that anybody would guess. Think i might go back to being a regular soon-ish... if those damned things would only  just stop chasing each other  for a while.

Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 02, 2017, 03:44:00 PM
  I'm sorry for your loss, Walkie.  Let us distract and entertain you for awhile. :hug:
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Walkie on April 02, 2017, 03:52:56 PM
  I'm sorry for your loss, Walkie.  Let us distract and entertain you for awhile. :hug:
Thanks Weeble :) sounds like a plan.
Oh, yeah, did i say i'm also feeling a teensy bit sad?
No I didn't did i? Dumb spazz.
But you guessed , didn't you?
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 02, 2017, 04:04:01 PM
  I'm sorry for your loss, Walkie.  Let us distract and entertain you for awhile. :hug:
Thanks Weeble :) sounds like a plan.
Oh, yeah, did i say i'm also feeling a teensy bit sad?
No I didn't did i? Dumb spazz.
But you guessed , didn't you?

  I did.  You mentioned how loved your friend was.  :)
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Pyraxis on April 02, 2017, 04:26:56 PM
Well fuck.

Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: 'andersom' on April 02, 2017, 04:35:16 PM
Something like that.

Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Walkie on April 02, 2017, 05:13:47 PM
Well fuck.


Ooh my favourite Admin  :)
I don't suppose you'll believe me, but that's cheered me up a bit. 

Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Walkie on April 02, 2017, 05:27:57 PM
And now I'm chatting sporadically with David's ex-fiancee .   Usual bloody-silly-starcrossed -lovers -thing. He broke her heart, she broke his, and I couldn't do a damned thing to help cos she pushed me off , mistaking me for one of his ladyfriends.

He only had one layffriend.FFS.  She was it. I was just his (unaccountably younger, but then girls grow up faster right? ) self-appointed big sister who gave him a shoulder to cry on and listenned to all the things that  he really  should have said to her instead of me. I told him "Don't tell me, Tell her" til I was blue in the face. But did it make any difference? No, of course not.

People in love are impossible, and aspies in love are impossible squared.

I strongly suspected the heartbreaking thing was entire mutual , but would she talk to him about it? No. would she talk to me about it? certainly not. Not until now.

Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Pyraxis on April 02, 2017, 05:51:26 PM
Ooh my favourite Admin  :)
I don't suppose you'll believe me, but that's cheered me up a bit.

I believe you. Why shouldn't I?

Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Jack on April 02, 2017, 06:58:03 PM
Welcome back.
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Walkie on April 02, 2017, 07:09:56 PM
Ooh my favourite Admin  :)
I don't suppose you'll believe me, but that's cheered me up a bit.

I believe you. Why shouldn't I?


cos you're a scary spazz with flames spouting out where your hair should be .
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Walkie on April 02, 2017, 07:12:15 PM
Ooh my favourite Admin  :)
I don't suppose you'll believe me, but that's cheered me up a bit.

I believe you. Why shouldn't I?



cos you're a scary spazz with flames spouting out where your hair should be .

oh! and you might also , quite possibly,  be a teensy bit  deficient in self-esteem
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Jack on April 02, 2017, 07:14:36 PM
Pyraxis has never stuck as lacking self-esteem.
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Walkie on April 02, 2017, 07:15:41 PM
Welcome back.

oh!  am i back? *looks about suspiciously*  really?  hey! that's nice to know.

Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Walkie on April 02, 2017, 07:19:39 PM
Pyraxis has never stuck as lacking self-esteem.
ohhhh! that is the most amazingly ingenious piece of obscure gibberish i ever saw!
i could read almost anything i liked into that depending on where i thought the typos were

Shhhh. let's watch pyraxis and see which of all the possible misreadings she takes offense at.

Then we'll all jump out and shout "GOTCHA!"
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Jack on April 02, 2017, 07:22:26 PM
Pyraxis has never stuck as lacking self-esteem.
ohhhh! that is the most amazingly ingenious piece of obscure gibberish i ever saw!
i could read almost anything i liked into that depending on where i thought the typos were

Shhhh. let's watch pyraxis and see which of all the possible misreadings she takes offense at.

Then we'll all jump out and shout "GOTCHA!"
She is rather frightening; that part was good.
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Walkie on April 02, 2017, 07:31:40 PM

She is rather frightening;
yeah, that's why i did this:  :hide:
she'll have my guts for garters for suggesting she's deficient in anything like that. but then she'll have to look under the chair get past this  lot :viking: first !
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Gopher Gary on April 02, 2017, 08:17:38 PM
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Icequeen on April 02, 2017, 08:36:44 PM
I'm sorry Walkie.  :(

Sounds like he was a great friend and you were a great friend to him. Wish his ex would have talked to you sooner. I bet she wishes that also now.

Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Al Swearegen on April 02, 2017, 11:35:41 PM
That's really shit. Sorry to hear this, mate.
Hugs if you want them
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: odeon on April 03, 2017, 01:51:20 PM
Sorry for your loss, Walkie. :(
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Walkie on April 03, 2017, 02:46:02 PM
That's really shit. Sorry to hear this, mate.
Hugs if you want them

I'll take all the hugs going .

Thanks, Al, IQ, Odeon, everybody.   Whaddya know? A virtual hug really does make a difference :)
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Queen Victoria on April 03, 2017, 02:47:01 PM
Been down your path recently Walkie.  Hugs across the miles.  Best advice I can give:  Whatever you're feeling at any time is what you should be feeling.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Walkie on April 03, 2017, 02:51:59 PM
Sorry for your loss, Walkie. :(

A loss to I2 as well. It's not everyday we get a noob who's brave enough to post , is it?

Remember Teddy Bear?

Well, OK,  so maybe he only did a teeny bit of posting. But he was here. :) And he read the board  over my shoulder a good few times, too. So you might have called him our Forum Ghost already. (But heck, that's a bit too literal now  :( )
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Pyraxis on April 03, 2017, 05:59:13 PM
Yep I remember him. And I think it's awesome you got him here long enough for us to know him.
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: Pyraxis on April 03, 2017, 06:01:17 PM
Wait, I was supposed to be getting your guts for garters or something, wasn't I?

Pyraxis has never stuck as lacking self-esteem.
ohhhh! that is the most amazingly ingenious piece of obscure gibberish i ever saw!
i could read almost anything i liked into that depending on where i thought the typos were

Shhhh. let's watch pyraxis and see which of all the possible misreadings she takes offense at.

Then we'll all jump out and shout "GOTCHA!"

You made me actually laugh out loud with this. You dingaling.

I think I'm off my game.
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: renaeden on April 04, 2017, 04:28:57 AM
I remember Teddy Bear. I was looking forward to more of his posts. :(

Sorry Walkie.
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: El on April 04, 2017, 05:34:16 AM
I am sorry for your loss.
Title: Re: Quick update from the ever-unreliable Walkie
Post by: WolFish on April 05, 2017, 09:15:44 AM
truly sorry for your loss.