Politics, Mature and taboo => Political Pundits => Topic started by: Yuri Bezmenov on August 30, 2016, 11:06:28 AM

Title: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on August 30, 2016, 11:06:28 AM
I was drinking and thinking last night, what causes societies to decay and the best answer I could come up with is a breakdown of parenting culture.

If you look at the sorry state that blacks in America are in, it can easily be explained by over 75% of black babies being born to single mothers, often with multiple baby dadys. I've seen some of these mothers in action. They invest very little effort into their kids and mostly let them grow up like weeds. The results are predictable.

Now this is happening in white society too, since feminism told us in the 70's that women should dump their kids off at day care and go have careers just like their husbands, the quality of their kids is in decline too.

I'm thinking at this point that you could draw a chart between the amount of time that mothers spend investing in the raising of their kids and the health of society. As parenting declines, so does society as a whole.

The problem I have is coming up with a metric to show the results of declining parenting culture producing a decline in society. What would be the most accurate result to measure??
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: odeon on August 30, 2016, 11:47:18 AM
So what's your excuse? You're white, right? :zoinks:
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: 'Butterflies' on August 30, 2016, 01:31:10 PM
I was drinking and thinking last night, what causes societies to decay and the best answer I could come up with is a breakdown of parenting culture.

If you look at the sorry state that blacks in America are in, it can easily be explained by over 75% of black babies being born to single mothers, often with multiple baby dadys. I've seen some of these mothers in action. They invest very little effort into their kids and mostly let them grow up like weeds. The results are predictable.

Now this is happening in white society too, since feminism told us in the 70's that women should dump their kids off at day care and go have careers just like their husbands, the quality of their kids is in decline too.

I'm thinking at this point that you could draw a chart between the amount of time that mothers spend investing in the raising of their kids and the health of society. As parenting declines, so does society as a whole.

The problem I have is coming up with a metric to show the results of declining parenting culture producing a decline in society. What would be the most accurate result to measure??

Inequality is the surest way to fuck up a society.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: benjimanbreeg on August 30, 2016, 02:54:30 PM
It has nothing to do with "inequality".  To think that big business just cares about women's rights is ludicrous. 
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: benjimanbreeg on August 30, 2016, 02:56:44 PM
I was drinking and thinking last night, what causes societies to decay and the best answer I could come up with is a breakdown of parenting culture.

If you look at the sorry state that blacks in America are in, it can easily be explained by over 75% of black babies being born to single mothers, often with multiple baby dadys. I've seen some of these mothers in action. They invest very little effort into their kids and mostly let them grow up like weeds. The results are predictable.

Now this is happening in white society too, since feminism told us in the 70's that women should dump their kids off at day care and go have careers just like their husbands, the quality of their kids is in decline too.

I'm thinking at this point that you could draw a chart between the amount of time that mothers spend investing in the raising of their kids and the health of society. As parenting declines, so does society as a whole.

The problem I have is coming up with a metric to show the results of declining parenting culture producing a decline in society. What would be the most accurate result to measure??

It's not just that though.  It has a lot to do with "selfism" now.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: 'Butterflies' on August 30, 2016, 03:21:58 PM
It has nothing to do with "inequality".  To think that big business just cares about women's rights is ludicrous.

I don't understand.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on August 30, 2016, 04:06:01 PM
I was drinking and thinking last night, what causes societies to decay and the best answer I could come up with is a breakdown of parenting culture.

If you look at the sorry state that blacks in America are in, it can easily be explained by over 75% of black babies being born to single mothers, often with multiple baby dadys. I've seen some of these mothers in action. They invest very little effort into their kids and mostly let them grow up like weeds. The results are predictable.

Now this is happening in white society too, since feminism told us in the 70's that women should dump their kids off at day care and go have careers just like their husbands, the quality of their kids is in decline too.

I'm thinking at this point that you could draw a chart between the amount of time that mothers spend investing in the raising of their kids and the health of society. As parenting declines, so does society as a whole.

The problem I have is coming up with a metric to show the results of declining parenting culture producing a decline in society. What would be the most accurate result to measure??

Inequality is the surest way to fuck up a society.

Right. And the way you are raised is a big factor in how successful you will be later on in life.

Very few people come from fucked up homes to be huge success stories, doesn't matter much how rich or poor you are.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Jack on August 30, 2016, 04:14:52 PM
Tend to conceptualize social decay in terms of actual visual decay, cleanliness, upkeep of the old, development of the new. Some places actually look like they're dying, probably because they are. Economic success is key.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Al Swearegen on August 30, 2016, 06:12:15 PM
I think that societies are by necessity both for the good of all and to give the next generation better than what the previous generation had, allowing our children a better legacy

A society that disempowers the individual, ruins the legacy and can't protect its community and culture is ultimately doomed
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Icequeen on August 30, 2016, 06:51:04 PM
Tend to conceptualize social decay in terms of actual visual decay, cleanliness, upkeep of the old, development of the new. Some places actually look like they're dying, probably because they are. Economic success is key.

That. Combine it with lack of opportunities, no hope of leaving, need for money.

Parenting could play a part I guess, but not totally I think. I've seen some really fucked-up parents with really successful and "good" kids, and vice-versa.

Most people I think become a product of their environment...but there are always a few that choose to learn from it instead.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: benjimanbreeg on August 31, 2016, 04:36:28 PM
It has nothing to do with "inequality".  To think that big business just cares about women's rights is ludicrous.

I don't understand.

What don't you understand?
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: 'Butterflies' on August 31, 2016, 04:46:42 PM
It has nothing to do with "inequality".  To think that big business just cares about women's rights is ludicrous.

I don't understand.

What don't you understand?

What women's rights have to do with anything :dunno:

I was talking about financial inequality. I suppose I should have made that clear :laugh:
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: benjimanbreeg on August 31, 2016, 04:56:15 PM
It has nothing to do with "inequality".  To think that big business just cares about women's rights is ludicrous.

I don't understand.

What don't you understand?

What women's rights have to do with anything :dunno:

I was talking about financial inequality. I suppose I should have made that clear :laugh:

They come under the same category don't they?  Women are always fighting for the right to be payed the same as men. 
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: 'Butterflies' on August 31, 2016, 05:05:43 PM
It has nothing to do with "inequality".  To think that big business just cares about women's rights is ludicrous.

I don't understand.

What don't you understand?

What women's rights have to do with anything :dunno:

I was talking about financial inequality. I suppose I should have made that clear :laugh:

They come under the same category don't they?

I wouldn't say so.
Of course women should get equal pay, but that's a different issue.

I was talking about inequality between the rich and poor.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Lestat on September 01, 2016, 12:49:36 AM
Inequality between women's and men's pay is wrong, of course. Assuming of course that the woman and the man in any one particular instance, filling the same post, can do the job in an equally proficient and productive manner. If they cannot then the one who does the job best should get the post or if there are more than one for the post, or multiple workers working at the same task, the ones who do the job better should be able to expect some considerations by way of earning more, as reward for spending more time at the work, and doing the job better,

But if there be two equal candidates or employees who work equally well, equally hard then obviously they should be paid equally regardless of their karyotype and their reproductive biology. Unless your a hooker or stripper then what lies between your legs is largely irrelevant. Yes, there are certain tasks that women should not do, such as working with teratogenic/highly mutagenic chemicals during some industrial processes when pregnant or of an age where they might get pregnant unless taking hormonal type birth control, but again that is no judgement upon the worth of the worker, it is to protect an as yet unborn baby from being born a fucking train wreck, with severe physical and or mental disabilities of the most crippling kinds. I don't think women of childbearing age, who are both inherently fertile, capable of carrying a pregnancy to term without genetic illnesses that mandate having no children, and/or who do not agree to take (preferably implanted so it cannot be forgotten) contraceptive measures. And if not the likes of an IUD or implanted chemical contraception then they should remain abstinent, because condoms can fail, and oral contraceptives can be forgotten, if they are to work in certain chemical sectors (and yes I include fellow chemists of my sort, who are either hobbyists or self employed, or of course both as well as those who work in industry.)

Its simply because I really do not believe children yet unborn should ever be subjected to such things, aside from cases of potentially teratogenic medical treatment which cannot either be changed or ceased, in which case the mother in potentiae need think long and hard. (for example, valproates in epilepsy) and where exposure can be avoided it should ergo, be so. 

In other cases I am all for the equality of male and female. The difference in acceptability to me in this case, is because it is the female which carries the gestating foetus, and presents the risk of prenatal exposure to the teratogenic/mutagenic agent.

Social, having families who are poor, or who are degenerates (think frank gallagher, lager-swilling gutter rats. basically), chavs (err, oops. see I already listed 'degenerates':P), heavy islamisation of the area lived in, especially when it affects schools, and white children are forced to play second fiddle to masses of muslim children, and there are few white children to associate with, and even more so when that or similar mass immigration problems result in a largely nonwhite population, or many many non-whites coupled with a great many eastern europeans who do not speak any, or who speak little/poor standards of english (not saying I have a problem with eastern europeans, the romanians excepted, because that lot aside, I do not)

Mass immigration into an area coupled with 'white flight' further concentrates the problem.

Some is less easy to word. I went into an area recently, the other side of the city to pick up some gear and was absolutely shocked (to say nothing of horrified) by the extent of the deprivation and how severely the area was run down. Buildings falling to pieces, humanoid rats scurrying about. The degenerate type of crackheads etc., and traces of smack-rat degenerates (I am not calling anyone who uses H a degenerate example of murine rubbish, not all are, use it sometimes, and I know I am nothing of the sort. I am talking about the type of trash, and trash they certainly are, who leave their used needles and foils hanging about the streets rather than disposing of them. There exist exchanges that give out clean rigs and points, filters, along with single use amps of sterile water, plus citric acid sachets for cooking [a majority, I'd say, of the gear in at least england and likely the rest of the UK, is heroin freebase rather than HCl or acetate, this has the effect when a little caffeine is added to retard decomposition in the heat, of allowing it to be smoked. Because there are a lot who don't shoot it at all and only smoke. And a LOT of H users are homeless, and whilst it is not difficult, they would not, and the ones I've known to pick up from/through, not one of them knew how, and indeed I do not believe any of them would have been capable of understanding simple instructions on procedure. And to boot, small quantities of anything are inherently more difficult to work with due to mechanical losses than larger ones. Access to decent solvents is another tricky one for people unlucky enough to be on the streets. The base is intended for smokers, whilst converting from base to salt is much easier, simple as adding a bit of citric acid or vitamin C, adding water, then depending on the characteristics of the gear itself, applying a little heat)

But this place was run down, crawling with pikey vermin, poor area, places falling down, used fucking needles not taken to an exchange but simply used and tossed into the street, where fucking children can find the damn things. I'm sure as hell not going to go picking them up, but it disgusts me nevertheless, what happens if some poor kid gets a needlestick from a diseased user who caught HIV from sharing a needle? well obvious what happens. Or can happen if they are not fortunate. And at that age they shouldn't even have to know about such things. Its disgusting.

Being a poor area as well, plus perhaps the number of homeless, reflecting the council's assistance or lack of assistance, and that of other, charitable organizations, access to adequate medical care, and how the elderly are treated I think, are also of importance. That last is less tangible in how the effect upon society can be assigned numerical values but nevertheless important.

Access to enough jobs is another one. This ties in with medical care, because if a member of the family is severely ill it may well be that the rest of the family, or the breadwinner cannot then work due to having to be a full time carer.

Plus if your already poor, employers might well be inclined to look down on you and treat you like dirt.
Immigrants taking jobs that should go to white british folk, not someone coming over from some middle eastern/african country or the balkans in order to find work and take advantage of our NHS to get medical treatment for free that they would have to pay for there is another factor. And filth like romanians coming over in organized gangs, often employing kids to steal and mug and scam. Nobody wants to live in an area full of them.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Trigger 11 on September 03, 2016, 08:12:24 PM
I was drinking and thinking last night, what causes societies to decay and the best answer I could come up with is a breakdown of parenting culture.

If you look at the sorry state that blacks in America are in, it can easily be explained by over 75% of black babies being born to single mothers, often with multiple baby dadys. I've seen some of these mothers in action. They invest very little effort into their kids and mostly let them grow up like weeds. The results are predictable.

Now this is happening in white society too, since feminism told us in the 70's that women should dump their kids off at day care and go have careers just like their husbands, the quality of their kids is in decline too.

I'm thinking at this point that you could draw a chart between the amount of time that mothers spend investing in the raising of their kids and the health of society. As parenting declines, so does society as a whole.

The problem I have is coming up with a metric to show the results of declining parenting culture producing a decline in society. What would be the most accurate result to measure??

Inequality is the surest way to fuck up a society.


The premise in the opening remarks to this thread are flawed, racist, and sexist. Fathers should have a key role in raising their children as well and creating a society where all people not only have an equal chance and share, but where parents don't have to slave away at jobs away from their kids 5+ days a week wouldn't hurt either. We have really made a shite system. The rich have almost all of the world's wealth and the rest of us are like indentured servants beholden to a society that makes a work well past the time our bodies are healthy to do so. Capitalism is BULLSHIT! Money is BULLSHIT! Humans, as a species, are MORONS!
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Queen Victoria on September 03, 2016, 08:20:29 PM
Off topic (slightly), but I don't ever recall seeing a male cashier at Wal-mart, K-mart, Target, etc.  There have been some at the grocery chains.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on September 04, 2016, 09:38:35 AM
The premise in the opening remarks to this thread are flawed, racist, and sexist.

Ooooh, lookie here!! we got us a Social Justice Whiner!!!  :pentagram:

Capitalism is BULLSHIT! Money is BULLSHIT! Humans, as a species, are MORONS!

And a fucktarded commie dipshit too!!!  :bint:
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Al Swearegen on September 04, 2016, 09:49:10 AM
The premise in the opening remarks to this thread are flawed, racist, and sexist.

Ooooh, lookie here!! we got us a Social Justice Whiner!!!  :pentagram:

Capitalism is BULLSHIT! Money is BULLSHIT! Humans, as a species, are MORONS!

And a fucktarded commie dipshit too!!!  :bint:

A politely correct, identity politcally aware, morality pandering righteous virtue signalling ideologue. We need more of laugh at
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Trigger 11 on September 04, 2016, 06:29:31 PM
I aspire for a Star Trek-like utopia where there is no hunger, no want or need, and everyone can aspire to be what they want and not be beholden to the nonsense humans have created, so knock that all you want...I am proud that I look past the stupid labels you all want to put on me and my belefs. Shows how closed-minded, arrogant, and egotistical you both are.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on September 04, 2016, 06:46:52 PM
I aspire for a Star Trek-like utopia where there is no hunger, no want or need

These are the very things that push people forward to strive and succeed. Get rid of these things and you will have a world of lazy entitled cry babies.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: 'Butterflies' on September 04, 2016, 06:53:36 PM
I aspire for a Star Trek-like utopia where there is no hunger, no want or need

These are the very things that push people forward to strive and succeed. Get rid of these things and you will have a world of lazy entitled cry babies.

You seriously think hunger is a good thing?
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Jack on September 04, 2016, 07:13:20 PM
There's no such possible thing as a world without need; humans simply have needs. Though considering a scenario where basic human needs are adequately met for everyone without striving for those needs to be met, will agree with Pappy that a world without want would be highly problematic. Desire is what drives people to aspire, and a world without want is a world of complacency.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Trigger 11 on September 04, 2016, 07:27:32 PM
I aspire for a Star Trek-like utopia where there is no hunger, no want or need

These are the very things that push people forward to strive and succeed. Get rid of these things and you will have a world of lazy entitled cry babies.

You seriously think hunger is a good thing?

Humans have the capacity to be and do so much more. It is sad that so many people are so closed off or complacent and thus incapable of thinking outside the narrow box that has been placed around society et al like shackles. No child should be hungry or not have proper health care. There should be no war, no poverty, no hate, no labels (race, nationality, etc.), and so on. We COULD achieve all of this and so much more, but those in power, who make their living off of being in control, keep the masses under the influence of a corrupt and flawed system that deteriorates our environment and our minds, pitting humans against each other so the masses don't rise up and say, "ENOUGH!" Sadly, I do think there will be a major uprising within the next century, but when it does come, things will be so bad it will be a massive and deadly "reset" rather than a peaceful transition to a better world and society for all. Greed is so powerful, which is why Capitalism is so flawed. Great minds, thinkers, inventors, etc. would still strive to do their things. I am a theoretical physicist. I don't do what I do for money. I do it for the intellectual challenge, as do most scientists. You take away the shackles from money and absolutely we would all achieve more. We've been in this messed up system for so long, that there is too much complacency. Especially in the US, where kids are brainwashed into the sole thinking that Capitalism is great and Socialism, Communism, or anything else is terrible without even understanding what they really are. Communism, as it was written by Karl Marx, was supposed to be a utopian society where everyone was equal and the government provided for all. He also recognized how it was difficult to achieve (hasn't yet been done, because those that get the power don't want to give it up and be equal) and that there would be a transitional period that wasn't ideal. But you know...'Murica!
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Jack on September 04, 2016, 08:05:03 PM
a utopian society where everyone was equal
One of the reasons societies tend to thrive on capitalism may be that humans don't really want to be equal, much less to not be allowed to be anything more than equal. Personally think the human ego is an important element in human survival, and people have a fundamental desire to be special or important in some way; to be better than. The human ego is the one thing that keeps humanity from falling completely into the harsh reality of existential nihilism and simply offing themselves.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Trigger 11 on September 04, 2016, 09:15:56 PM
a utopian society where everyone was equal
One of the reasons societies tend to thrive on capitalism may be that humans don't really want to be equal, much less to not be allowed to be anything more than equal. Personally think the human ego is an important element in human survival, and people have a fundamental desire to be special or important in some way; to be better than. The human ego is the one thing that keeps humanity from falling completely into the harsh reality of existential nihilism and simply offing themselves.

There is some truth to that, but I think it is more driven from a baser survival element from evolution and the idea of ego really comes about as a more artificial construct of the societal systems we have constructed.

I am an idealist, but also a realist. We can be better. We should be better. It sickens me listening to the political rhetoric, especially from the right. They have created such a divide with their propaganda for so long that this is why we have what we have here in the coming election. They didn't have a single, remotely viable candidate. Their platform is one of hate, discrimination, and lining the pockets of the wealthy. The left is corrupt too and boned it up by fixing the nomination and not allowing for the candidate that was likely an easy win be the nominee.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Pyraxis on September 04, 2016, 11:04:32 PM
The USA right and left both seem to be becoming increasingly polarized and contemptuous of each other.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on September 04, 2016, 11:48:57 PM
The USA right and left both seem to be becoming increasingly polarized and contemptuous of each other.

Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Al Swearegen on September 05, 2016, 04:48:39 PM
The USA right and left both seem to be becoming increasingly polarized and contemptuous of each other.

I think the progressives are divisive and the root cause. Conservatives and classical liberals no pro, just different opinions
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Trigger 11 on September 05, 2016, 10:34:42 PM
The USA right and left both seem to be becoming increasingly polarized and contemptuous of each other.

That is a fair assessment.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on September 06, 2016, 09:42:28 AM
I aspire for a Star Trek-like utopia where there is no hunger, no want or need

These are the very things that push people forward to strive and succeed. Get rid of these things and you will have a world of lazy entitled cry babies.

You seriously think hunger is a good thing?

Being hungry is. It motivates even the most lazy.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: 'Butterflies' on September 06, 2016, 05:09:46 PM
I aspire for a Star Trek-like utopia where there is no hunger, no want or need

These are the very things that push people forward to strive and succeed. Get rid of these things and you will have a world of lazy entitled cry babies.

You seriously think hunger is a good thing?

Being hungry is. It motivates even the most lazy.

I hope you're joking.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Lestat on September 06, 2016, 05:51:02 PM
Whilst I do not exactly agree that world hunger is good, I think I get what was meant.

If there is zero hardship, then people become used to that, they will probably become soft and fat and useless, so that when the shit DOES hit the fan there will no longer be the capability to deal with the shitshower of raining turds beating down upon those soft, fat useless heads.

World hunger is not 'IT' but some form of hardship, that can be solved through continued effort I think is a good thing. People need a driving force in order to prevent their becoming degenerate and useless. Otherwise, were such a utopia possible then good, sooner the better.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Jack on September 06, 2016, 05:53:05 PM
Basic human needs only motivate people to survive.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: 'Butterflies' on September 06, 2016, 06:11:55 PM
Not everyone can have a nice car, or the nicest clothes. I accept that.

We should be striving to ensure that everyone does have access to enough food, good healthcare, and their basic needs met.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Al Swearegen on September 06, 2016, 06:24:49 PM
Not everyone can have a nice car, or the nicest clothes. I accept that.

We should be striving to ensure that everyone does have access to enough food, good healthcare, and their basic needs met.

Do you think it is a moral responsibility for those who are well off to donate to those that are not?
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Lestat on September 06, 2016, 06:26:39 PM
Quite. Its just that there is a huge difference between world hunger coming in famine grade, and the continued need to work hard to produce the food. Efficient food productivity and the use of advanced technology to tweak the genetics of food and medicinal crops (E.g wheat,   Where    When
Al Swearengen (1947)    Lestat (214)    +    Well said   In topic    Today at 05:51:46 PM
Trigger 11 (408)    Lestat (214)    +     and the opium poppy respectively. GM grain is old hat now, although still room for improvements of course, whilst in the case of the opium poppy, there are now both very efficient high morphine producer poppy strains going, I've grown some of them myself actually, although I regrettably do not have access to some of the proprietary superstrains used by big pharma, but some specifically intended to be high yielding ones with a very high proportion of morphine in the alkaloidal fraction once it is extracted by means of not even bothering to lance the pods, but rather, to simply run both poppy pods and chopped up poppy straw through a big blender, and then soak the resultant mush in dilute acidic solution, such as hydrochloric, in a mix of mostly methanol, about 70-80 percent, and the rest H2O, this makes it far easier to evaporate and concentrate the solution of alkaloids. And avoids the latex oxidizing so much and going brown, so one gets a nicer, cleaner product with less work done. Then evaporate the acidic H2O until most of the methanol is gone, after first letting it settle out, so the plant fiber and bits of crud settle to the bottom, then pour through coffee filters or lab filter paper, decolorize if need be with a little activated carbon. Then evaporate the methanol until there is mostly H2O left containing a concentrated solution of poppy alkaloids.

Addition of slaked lime, calcium hydroxide in suspension reacts with the phenolic -OH groups of morphine, codeine and many, although not all opium poppy alkaloids, because unlike the hydroxyl moieties found in alcohols, phenols are quite acidic and can form phenoxide salts, aka phenates. Many calcium phenates are insoluble in H2O, morphine certainly is, and will precipitate out. The more concentrated the solution of alkaloids before adding the slaked lime the better, and easier to collect the morphine and other goodies on workup. But it literally snows out, cooling helps.

Doing multiple acid water pulls is obligatory of course, upon the slurry of poppy pod/straw mush, that way one gets the majority of the alkaloids. The calcium morphinate salt along with the bits of codeine, thebaine etc. then should be filtered again, after first decanting most of the H2O/remaining methanol or other alcohol through coffee filters or lab filter paper, and separated from the remainder, which is again filtered, the fraction of the alkaloids remaining will be caught in the filter, allow to dry. Then it can be carefully acidified with HCl (dilute) to give morphine hydrochloride, or the morphine and other goods can be dissolved in methanol as the phenate, treated with a solution of moderate strength ammonia gas in methanol to give the freebase, extracted with chloroform or methylene chloride (chloroform can be made from acetone, using bleach and caustic soda, in glass only containers, to perform a haloform rxn-gets quite hot, large ones should have both cold water and ice baths available in case of runaway), and the chloroform carefully distilled off or evaporated to give morphine freebase.  Take this up in dry acetone with a stoichiometric quantity of bicarbonate relative to the molar amount of HCl that the acyl halides will give off when hydrolyzing, preferably adding half the base first, and then treat with either acetyl chloride, propionyl chloride to give either diamorphine (heroin) or dipropionylmorphine, slowly, in dry acetone solution, adding more base in portions. Bubbling will start, and continue for a while when the reaction is still going. When the bubbling ceases, the rxn is complete. Add a tiny bit more base off the tip of a knife, to see if it bubbles off more CO2 still then its still acidic, and should be tested with PH strips, adding knife-tip portions of bicarbonate until very slightly alkaline to red litmus, or titrated to neutral PH using an electric PH pen.

Then evaporate off the acetone using GENTLE heat, acetone boils at 56.05'C, which is whilst not damaging, a LITTLE bit warm IMO, I'd recommend about 40'C to 45'C and have moving air from a fan over the top of the container, to disperse the vapor. Kitchen extractor fan above a grill works, the fan removes the acetone vapor, whilst the grill can be used at a very, very tiny flame setting, fan going over too which will make the solvent go away faster if one hasn't distillation equipment to strip it and recycle it. The result is diacetylmorphine or the infinitely superior dipropionylmorphine-faster acting, longer acting, far far far better rush when IV'ed if propionyl chloride was used. Acetic anhydride or propionic anhydride work, although heating is needed and it is not nearly so fast and clean. Also, if these cannot be obtained or one doesn't wish to buy them, whilst I have never done it apparently the common, dirt cheap and unsuspicious glacial acetic acid can be used (no base needed) to selectively acetylate the 6-position of morphine to form 6-monoacetylmorphine which is meant to be rather good stuff. Never had 6-MAM though, yet. I assume also that glacial propionic acid would work to form the 6-monopropionate ester of morphine)

There are also industrial poppy strains now that have been engineered to produce nearly no morphine and most of the alkaloid content being thebaine, which is not an opioid itself, but rather, in tiny amounts it gives opium or poppy pod tea its uniquely perky, stimulating effects, but in larger quantities, it is a convulsant poison due to its being a strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor antagonist like strychnine is. These strains are used for producing oxycodone, buprenorphine IIRC and other synthetic opiates.

IIRC too, the gene sequences for the enzymes in the morphine biosynthetic pathway have been isolated and cloned into bacteria or yeast, to produce strains of morphine-producing microorganisms which enable production of this valuable painkiller and tasty delightful treat in tanks of growth media nutrient soup. This, I have not yet myself tried to do, although I really want to do it some day too.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: 'Butterflies' on September 06, 2016, 06:33:59 PM
Not everyone can have a nice car, or the nicest clothes. I accept that.

We should be striving to ensure that everyone does have access to enough food, good healthcare, and their basic needs met.

Do you think it is a moral responsibility for those who are well off to donate to those that are not?

No. I believe in redistribution of wealth via taxes.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on September 06, 2016, 06:38:39 PM
Not everyone can have a nice car, or the nicest clothes. I accept that.

We should be striving to ensure that everyone does have access to enough food, good healthcare, and their basic needs met.

Do you think it is a moral responsibility for those who are well off to donate to those that are not?

No. I believe in redistribution of wealth via taxes.

Such a system never lasts for long though. You either have to make the basic services so meager that those who need them will find them inadequate or if the benefits are generous, you will get too many people mooching off the system.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: 'Butterflies' on September 06, 2016, 06:51:51 PM
Not everyone can have a nice car, or the nicest clothes. I accept that.

We should be striving to ensure that everyone does have access to enough food, good healthcare, and their basic needs met.

Do you think it is a moral responsibility for those who are well off to donate to those that are not?

No. I believe in redistribution of wealth via taxes.

Such a system never lasts for long though. You either have to make the basic services so meager that those who need them will find them inadequate or if the benefits are generous, you will get too many people mooching off the system.

Why would someone want to mooch on benefits, when they could earn decent money. I think that's a poor argument.

I also think that if you make "basic services so meager that those who need them will find them inadequate," then you simply create a group of citizens who are so disenfranchised that they create the social decay you talk about.

Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Al Swearegen on September 06, 2016, 06:56:38 PM
Not everyone can have a nice car, or the nicest clothes. I accept that.

We should be striving to ensure that everyone does have access to enough food, good healthcare, and their basic needs met.

Do you think it is a moral responsibility for those who are well off to donate to those that are not?

No. I believe in redistribution of wealth via taxes.

Such a system never lasts for long though. You either have to make the basic services so meager that those who need them will find them inadequate or if the benefits are generous, you will get too many people mooching off the system.

Absolutely right. Incentive is not to drag your are to work every day. There is more to life than money. If you do not have enough to be comfortable you will be motivated to earn.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 07, 2016, 05:28:34 PM
Not everyone can have a nice car, or the nicest clothes. I accept that.

We should be striving to ensure that everyone does have access to enough food, good healthcare, and their basic needs met.

Do you think it is a moral responsibility for those who are well off to donate to those that are not?

No. I believe in redistribution of wealth via taxes.

You think corrupt politicians will give that money back to the people?  No system will ever work with us humans.  People are too selfish, greedy, ignorant, naive and/or stupid.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: 'Butterflies' on September 07, 2016, 05:30:00 PM
Not everyone can have a nice car, or the nicest clothes. I accept that.

We should be striving to ensure that everyone does have access to enough food, good healthcare, and their basic needs met.

Do you think it is a moral responsibility for those who are well off to donate to those that are not?

No. I believe in redistribution of wealth via taxes.

You think corrupt politicians will give that money back to the people? No system will ever work with us humans.  People are too selfish, greedy, ignorant, naive and/or stupid.

That's a defeatest attitude :laugh:
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 07, 2016, 05:31:04 PM
Not everyone can have a nice car, or the nicest clothes. I accept that.

We should be striving to ensure that everyone does have access to enough food, good healthcare, and their basic needs met.

Do you think it is a moral responsibility for those who are well off to donate to those that are not?

No. I believe in redistribution of wealth via taxes.

Such a system never lasts for long though. You either have to make the basic services so meager that those who need them will find them inadequate or if the benefits are generous, you will get too many people mooching off the system.

The system has been partly set up to be mooched on.  Like the NHS, and unable to cope with mass immigration etc.  It will turn into such a mess that we beg for private health care.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 07, 2016, 05:35:12 PM
Not everyone can have a nice car, or the nicest clothes. I accept that.

We should be striving to ensure that everyone does have access to enough food, good healthcare, and their basic needs met.

Do you think it is a moral responsibility for those who are well off to donate to those that are not?

No. I believe in redistribution of wealth via taxes.

You think corrupt politicians will give that money back to the people? No system will ever work with us humans.  People are too selfish, greedy, ignorant, naive and/or stupid.

That's a defeatest attitude :laugh:

Yeah sorry.  I meant neither capitalism or communism.  Not that real communism has been tried out.  Real nationalism and real democracy could work where people and countries have respect for each other.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: 'Butterflies' on September 07, 2016, 05:38:38 PM
Not everyone can have a nice car, or the nicest clothes. I accept that.

We should be striving to ensure that everyone does have access to enough food, good healthcare, and their basic needs met.

Do you think it is a moral responsibility for those who are well off to donate to those that are not?

No. I believe in redistribution of wealth via taxes.

You think corrupt politicians will give that money back to the people? No system will ever work with us humans.  People are too selfish, greedy, ignorant, naive and/or stupid.

That's a defeatest attitude :laugh:

Yeah sorry.  I meant neither capitalism or communism.  Not that real communism has been tried out.  Real nationalism and real democracy could work where people and countries have respect for each other.

I like jelly beans :dunno:
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Al Swearegen on September 07, 2016, 05:55:01 PM
Not everyone can have a nice car, or the nicest clothes. I accept that.

We should be striving to ensure that everyone does have access to enough food, good healthcare, and their basic needs met.

Do you think it is a moral responsibility for those who are well off to donate to those that are not?

No. I believe in redistribution of wealth via taxes.

You think corrupt politicians will give that money back to the people? No system will ever work with us humans.  People are too selfish, greedy, ignorant, naive and/or stupid.

That's a defeatest attitude :laugh:

Yeah sorry.  I meant neither capitalism or communism.  Not that real communism has been tried out.  Real nationalism and real democracy could work where people and countries have respect for each other.

I like jelly beans :dunno:

No wonder Bremain lost.
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 09, 2016, 05:54:26 PM
Remainiacs  :P
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: 'Butterflies' on September 09, 2016, 05:57:13 PM
Remainiacs  :P

Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Al Swearegen on September 09, 2016, 06:11:58 PM
Remainiacs  :P


Who is throwing a tantrum here and why?
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: 'Butterflies' on September 09, 2016, 06:15:45 PM
Remainiacs  :P


Who is throwing a tantrum here and why?

Don't worry Les. This was absolutely nothing to do with your tantrum.

Benji mocked "Remainiacs," and I jokingly suggested I was throwing a tantrum.

This all seems very confusing for you :laugh:
Title: Re: By what metric do you measure social decay??
Post by: Al Swearegen on September 09, 2016, 06:24:25 PM
Remainiacs  :P


Who is throwing a tantrum here and why?

Don't worry Les. This was absolutely nothing to do with your tantrum.

Benji mocked "Remainiacs," and I jokingly suggested I was throwing a tantrum.

This all seems very confusing for you :laugh:

You were throwing a pretend tantrum. Okay good to know. You weren't really upset.