Politics, Mature and taboo => Political Pundits => Topic started by: Shareese/Ana54 on September 13, 2015, 08:54:42 AM

Title: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: Shareese/Ana54 on September 13, 2015, 08:54:42 AM
I consider myself a Unitarian Universalist for the most part (I say for the most part because I'm against late-term abortion and most euthanasia); do you think that's about right?

1. All is saved forever in every way.
2. Everything that happens is good for you.
3. All the dead are happy.
4. Staying alive makes you happier faster after you’re dead.
5. We forget our pre-birth memories because we are concentrating on our mission.
6. God knows everything. If you are the only one that knows something, God knows it, because you are part of God. God is everything. Everything is connected.
7. Everything is happy in the end forever.
8. Everything has always been alive.
9. Nothing comes from or goes to nothing.
10. Everything is always conscious somewhere.
This planet will not be destroyed. It is needed to teach us about evil, and the situation on it is as evil as things can get.
There is infinite matter.
Everything has already met everything else before, infinite times, forever. Including memories. And it will continue that way forever.
We can choose to believe that all the bad that had to happen to us already happened.
We will all be together forever in the end.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: ZEGH8578 on September 13, 2015, 09:30:26 AM
Most of that made absolutely no sense to me, but that's me, and you're you, and that's my reply!
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: Al Swearegen on September 13, 2015, 09:32:09 AM
I am not religious. I don't believe in God. I do not believe in soul. I do not believe in spirits or ghosts or afterlife. So consider this against that list and you may get an appreciation of what I may feel about what you wrote. I am not put off by it or upset or anything of the sort.

If you posted about your belief in pixies and elves and what you think they think of us and whether we become elven woodland sprites at death, I would not believe that either but would not be offended or upset with that either.

I think we are here alone. When I die it ends for me and I rot. The end.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: 'andersom' on September 13, 2015, 09:42:06 AM
The mind boggles, but this one makes my mind boggle the most.
4. Staying alive makes you happier faster after you’re dead.
Can you explain?
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: 'andersom' on September 13, 2015, 09:45:23 AM
Your whole list, looks like you are hoping to find some logic in the events of life. Like if you suffer A, while thinking B, C will happen.
Life does not work that way.

Your list is not comprehensible to me, when it comes to the facts in life. It fails to make any spiritual sense to me too. Maybe you could elaborate on every point in your list, by giving an example how that thought helps you in your life.

I am not kidding you here. I like to understand why thoughts and belief systems work as a comfort for people.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: Shareese/Ana54 on September 13, 2015, 11:55:29 AM
1. All is saved forever in every way.--I imagined this, and if I can literally picture what I imagine, that means it is possible, and if I can picture EVERYTHING being perfect in the end being possible, that means it's already possible... already happening.
2. Everything that happens is good for you. --Because we learn from everything, and it's all interesting, and we won't be in any pain at the very end in the afterlife so we might as well enjoy it. It also all leads up to the same thing, no matter what happens. It all leads up to perfection.
3. All the dead are happy.-- Because after we die, we know we're dead, and then we realize we're still alive, so we're happy about that, realizing that we have another chance. Not everyone is EQUALLY happy after we're dead, but we will all be in the future.
4. Staying alive makes you happier faster after you’re dead.--Because our problems follow us everywhere. Committing suicide and going to another place is no different.
5. We forget our pre-birth memories because we are concentrating on our mission.--Because our souls, aka we, have access to all memories but are in a certain place at a certain time so are concentrating on those memories.
6. God knows everything. If you are the only one that knows something, God knows it, because you are part of God. God is everything. Everything is connected.--That should be self-explanatory.
7. Everything is happy in the end forever.-- See #1.
8. Everything has always been alive.-- Nothing comes from or goes to nothing! THAT would be magical thinking. #8 and 9, therefore, are the law of the conservation of matter, since all matter is alive.
9. Nothing comes from or goes to nothing.--See #8.
10. Everything is always conscious somewhere.--Because existing is being alive and being alive is existing. "Dead stuff" is just empty space. Black nothingness. It's NOTHING, therefore EVERYTHING is alive.
11. This planet will not be destroyed. It is needed to teach us about evil, and the situation on it is as evil as things can get.--Because this is hell.
12. There is infinite matter.--Just imagine it. We know enough to use the term "infinite". Time is infinite. Numbers are infinite. So is the amount of matter.
13. Everything has already met everything else before, infinite times, forever. Including memories. And it will continue that way forever.--If we can understand enough to even use the word "everything", and we can, then we can imagine that we've been everywhere. And everywhere is an abstract term, not an earthly term, so we (our our souls) can actually have been everywhere due to us just imagining it. In the soul world, imagining is doing and doing is imagining.
14. We can choose to believe that all the bad that had to happen to us already happened.--Or rather, to our souls. We can still get shot, stabbed, etc. or have people die or fall off our balcony or get in a car crash, but we don't need to believe it's a big deal.
15. We will all be together forever in the end.--See #13, and #1.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: Queen Victoria on September 13, 2015, 12:06:52 PM
Sounds like Dr. Who.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: 'andersom' on September 13, 2015, 12:36:00 PM
It looks like various proofs of the existence of god in history. All requiring a leap of faith to start with.
And all, in specific conditions, bringing some kind of comfort.

Looks like the comfort you seek/found is one in the future, when all will have balanced out. Where do you find comfort for today, Ana? In the perfection of the future only?

Spirituality is something I value. For me it is about living this very day during this very day. The thought of living through hell, to reach a better place/time/atmosphere of what you call it, gives me no comfort.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: 'andersom' on September 13, 2015, 12:36:47 PM
Welcome back btw.
I'm curious about what brought you back.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: Jack on September 13, 2015, 01:28:07 PM
Welcome back.

Interesting comeback post. Only agree with 8 and 9, though that's due to holding to an unconventional definition of what is life. Energy is what defines and sustains life. If an atom can die, then it's alive. All matter is comprised of energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: ZEGH8578 on September 13, 2015, 05:18:49 PM
Many of these are easily contradicted by science, but I'm going to guess that science is not very welcome here. Bad, cynical science.

But for example, this planet will end. The energy within it, the heat, will eventually dissipate, and simply radiate out into space, and this will terminate most of the geological activities, but even if it were to persist unchanged, our sun will grow large enough to physically engulf it in its red giant state. Our sun won't even grow all that big, comparatively, but still big enough to vaporize our planet long before the sun's surface even reaches our orbit

But let's say that both our earh and sun are ultra-unique anomalies of space time, two entities that are unlike all the other entities they should be similar with (sun=stars, earth=planets), the very nature of particles will slowly change over time, as this actual universe changes itself - as it ages. This will take a mind-boggling ammount of time ("billions and billions and billions and billions") but eventually atoms themselves will not be able to sustain their physique, and will "disasemble", or whatever one want to call it - our world wouldn't even vaporize at this point, it would quite simply cease to be
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: Bastet on September 13, 2015, 09:10:59 PM
The mind boggles, but this one makes my mind boggle the most.
4. Staying alive makes you happier faster after you’re dead.
Can you explain?

Good sig material
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: 'andersom' on September 13, 2015, 11:19:13 PM
The mind boggles, but this one makes my mind boggle the most.
4. Staying alive makes you happier faster after you’re dead.
Can you explain?

Good sig material


Do it.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: 'andersom' on September 13, 2015, 11:49:17 PM
I'm going to give it another go, addressing one by one.
I consider myself a Unitarian Universalist for the most part (I say for the most part because I'm against late-term abortion and most euthanasia); do you think that's about right?

1. All is saved forever in every way.
Conservation of energy and such, OK, will go with that maybe. Though, what about soundwaves, they can completely extinct one another, in specific cases.
2. Everything that happens is good for you.
Bullshit. Told a lot by fundies, believing in a deity planning their lives, or fundies absolutely convinced they chose this specific life themselves to grow. It was used by people keeping their slaves or unpaid/barely paid workers. Not everything in life is good for you. But there are people able to find the good that happens with the bad, and enjoy that. That is something different. Cancer may bring a family closer together. Does not make the cancer a good thing. It shows that this particular family has the power to deal with the negative in a positive way.
3. All the dead are happy.
Why are they? Why is happy the ultimate goal? Why is it important to have thoughts on life after death?
4. Staying alive makes you happier faster after you’re dead.
After your explanation it still makes no sense to me. Probably because of the happy after death thing. That your problems will go with you, yes, in most cases they will, in some way. Suicide will not stop because of thinking there may be a new life. Could in that theory be a new start, clean slate.
5. We forget our pre-birth memories because we are concentrating on our mission.
What is the mission? For me the mission is living here and now. The past and the future are present in what I know to be my history, and on the actions I make today that could influence tomorrow. But there is no clear future, and the past is seen through my eyes, so very personalised.
6. God knows everything. If you are the only one that knows something, God knows it, because you are part of God. God is everything. Everything is connected.
This may be the first rule I recognise as something spiritual. The notion that all is connected. For some, this is God.
7. Everything is happy in the end forever.
Again, why the focus on the happy? And what do you mean by happy?
8. Everything has always been alive.
A matter of definition.
9. Nothing comes from or goes to nothing.
See at rule number 1.
10. Everything is always conscious somewhere.
This planet will not be destroyed. It is needed to teach us about evil, and the situation on it is as evil as things can get.
See Zegh.
There is infinite matter.
Everything has already met everything else before, infinite times, forever. Including memories. And it will continue that way forever.
This is a belief statement. Neither wrong or false, may give you comfort.
We can choose to believe that all the bad that had to happen to us already happened.
I don't get this one. Don't get it at all. Is it connected with rule @
We will all be together forever in the end.
Giant black hole? If that sounds too cynical; What do you mean with being together? Why would it give me comfort now? And in what will it differ from everything already being connected as in rule 6? 

Ana, can you elaborate on one of the rules, and explain how it helps you get through your days in life? How does it comfort you?
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: WolFish on September 14, 2015, 08:56:11 AM
if everything is connected and the dead aren't really dead, and matter is infinite, isn't it going to get rather crowded around here shortly?
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: 'andersom' on September 14, 2015, 09:20:12 AM
if everything is connected and the dead aren't really dead, and matter is infinite, isn't it going to get rather crowded around here shortly?
Not if it has been from the beginning of time. But then one can wonder whether there is such a thing as the beginning of time in this concept.
Probably there is, because there is a happy ending. And no end without a beginning.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: ZEGH8578 on September 14, 2015, 10:15:43 AM
Eliminating the downer of death seems to be the first responsability of any kind of spiritualism.

I have yet to encounter a spiritual world view where death truly sucks, or contains nothing special.

As a kid, I always thought heaven was a very complicated issue, for example, does heaven exclude all non H. sapiens, or does heaven allow ALL living things that have ever lived? Since non-humans are unlikely to be capable of deliberate sin, one would assume that every single individual of everything non-human that ever existed would be allowed in. Since heaven does revolve around sin/no-sin, it seems unlikely fish or insects or lichen or trees will have anything to do with heaven, but it seems unfair to send all dead trees to hell.

in short, it never made sense to me.

I guess if heaven was real, we could check with heaven for The Exact definition of Homo sapiens, since it is the only organism (to ever have existed) that is allowed entry.

A similar problem exists with the whole 4000-year-old-earth idea, where all carboniferous creatures, all devonian creatures, ALL mesozoic creatures, every species of creature that ever existed, lived together.
For example, the North American continent would be absolutely swamped even if we ONLY counted ONE family of organism - the Sauropod dinosaurs, even if we only counted jurassic ones - for example Oxfordian (a time period section of the latest Jurassic) Sauropod genera allready evolved into separate species by the Kimmeridgian (still in the latest Jurassic, but about 10 million years later)

So, a time-period as cramped as 10 million years allready sees a division of a genus into several consecutive species. Add 200 million years to that, and then 3-4 billion...
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: odeon on September 14, 2015, 01:18:51 PM
I think you are wrong. As Al says, when we die, we rot.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: 'andersom' on September 14, 2015, 01:28:56 PM
@ Zegh, there is a spiritual view possible where death is part of life. No big deal, will happen, inevitably. Part if the circle of life, where flies will lay their eggs in dead flesh. What you make of your life the moment you live it is what it is about.

A few protestant streams also may have some thoughts about death and beyond, but in practice they focus on life here only, because the rest can't be influenced in any way. In Christian religion there is a split between streams where people are capable of working for their fate after death, and streams where nothing what you do here will make a difference for when you are dead. Both types come with their own ways of comfort and anxiety.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: Icequeen on September 14, 2015, 08:56:31 PM
I think you are wrong. As Al says, when we die, we rot.

What Jack kind of said.

"Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another"

That's probably the only thing that makes me doubt that a little.
I take a lot more stock in what Einstein had to say than what they put in the bible.

With my luck I'll be re-incarnated and I'll come back as a fruit fly or something. :zoinks:

...anything hopefully but a damn spider.  :zombiefuck:

I hate spiders.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: Jack on September 14, 2015, 09:25:26 PM
Eliminating the downer of death seems to be the first responsability of any kind of spiritualism.

I have yet to encounter a spiritual world view where death truly sucks, or contains nothing special.

Isn't that how jewish people see it?
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: Jack on September 14, 2015, 09:36:55 PM
That's probably the only thing that makes me doubt that a little.
Doubt what?
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: Gopher Gary on September 14, 2015, 10:01:49 PM
Some of this stuff doesn't mesh with each other, like everything has always been alive but happy to be dead. Everything is caught in some infinite perpetual loop of never ending life but somehow there's an end, an end that lasts forever.  :GA:
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: 'andersom' on September 15, 2015, 02:26:09 AM
Some of this stuff doesn't mesh with each other, like everything has always been alive but happy to be dead. Everything is caught in some infinite perpetual loop of never ending life but somehow there's an end, an end that lasts forever.  :GA:

Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: MLA on September 15, 2015, 08:43:35 AM
God is dead.  And gay.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: 'andersom' on September 15, 2015, 08:50:08 AM
God is dead.  And gay.

Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: MLA on September 15, 2015, 08:58:47 AM
God is dead.  And gay.


Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: 'andersom' on September 15, 2015, 09:03:42 AM
God is dead.  And gay.


3. All the dead are happy.

Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: Bastet on September 18, 2015, 05:36:16 PM
Ana54 is very colorful and interesting
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: 'andersom' on September 19, 2015, 03:59:44 AM
Where did she go?
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: Jack on September 19, 2015, 05:18:18 AM
Ana54 is very colorful and interesting
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: Gopher Gary on September 20, 2015, 09:34:46 AM
Did you leave already, Ana? :emosad:
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: Pyraxis on September 20, 2015, 08:24:39 PM
She was repelled by negativity.  :P
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: Gopher Gary on September 20, 2015, 08:54:07 PM
She was repelled by negativity.  :P

Then she shouldn't have asked what people think.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: 'andersom' on September 21, 2015, 01:00:10 AM
She was repelled by negativity.  :P


Strange thing, I think she answered my question, what comfort these thoughts give her, in another thread.
Somehow the thoughts made sense to me, not for me, but to me, seen in the light of what Ana wrote there.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: odeon on September 22, 2015, 12:28:46 AM
She was repelled by negativity.  :P

Another dreamer shot down. :zoinks:
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: "couldbecousin" on March 30, 2016, 09:57:53 AM
She was repelled by negativity.  :P

Another dreamer shot down. :zoinks:

  Another good day's work done. :trollface:
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: "couldbecousin" on March 30, 2016, 10:03:23 AM
  I have to say, I have my own fuzzy feel-good half-baked thoughts about a possible afterlife in which
  everyone is healed and reconciled and at peace.  It's comforting to think there might be something
  better after this existence, that all our questions might one day be answered.  I was thinking about
  my late mother awhile back, when I was awake in the wee hours, and the thought occurred to me,
  "I hope she still is."  Even if I never see her again, I'd like to think she still lives in some form.  :apondering:
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: odeon on March 30, 2016, 02:19:58 PM
Sorry to break it to you but this is not a test.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: "couldbecousin" on March 30, 2016, 02:22:59 PM
Sorry to break it to you but this is not a test.

  So what should I be doing with the time I have left?   :GA:
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: odeon on March 30, 2016, 02:35:36 PM
Sorry to break it to you but this is not a test.

  So what should I be doing with the time I have left?   :GA:

Something you like doing, preferably.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: Lestat on April 05, 2016, 01:45:03 PM
^ I concur.

A lot of Ana's OP in this thread consists of magical thinking and wish-fulfillment fantasy
Tendency for head to be in the clouds at times, as such, with little regard for the principles of logic in some of those kinds of posts/statements.
But let that not be taken as attacking her personally, shes a good egg generally, nice lass and easily likeable. Nomatter what anyone might say of her, I know her heart is in the right place.

In a jar of  HCHO(aq.), behind the eggs, cheese, bacon, vials of ergot fungus samples, plate of fish and chips, I keep it hidden behind the bottle ethyl acetate so as not to raise any unwelcome suspicions :D

No, I mean it though, shes a decent girl generally speaking.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: MLA on April 05, 2016, 03:59:57 PM
You have to consider the possibility that God does not like you, never wanted you, in all probability he hates you. It's not the worst thing that could happen.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: WolFish on April 06, 2016, 03:50:57 AM
You have to consider the possibility that God does not like you, never wanted you, in all probability he hates you. It's not the worst thing that could happen.

You left one out.
You have to consider the possibility that God has much better things to do than notice that you exist. You are at the mercy of the chaos of the natural world. Bonus.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 06, 2016, 05:21:58 AM
You have to consider the possibility that God does not like you, never wanted you, in all probability he hates you. It's not the worst thing that could happen.

  He totally wanted me.   :M :angel:

   You're just being a jelus h8ter.  :trollface:
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: MLA on April 06, 2016, 08:45:50 AM
You have to consider the possibility that God does not like you, never wanted you, in all probability he hates you. It's not the worst thing that could happen.

You left one out.
You have to consider the possibility that God has much better things to do than notice that you exist. You are at the mercy of the chaos of the natural world. Bonus.

It wasn't mine, it was Palahniuk.  :LOL:
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: odeon on April 06, 2016, 11:51:56 AM
I guess we'll find out. :P
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: Icequeen on April 06, 2016, 02:45:18 PM
I still remember all the weird shit that happened for about 2 months after my dad died. TV randomly shutting off/turning on, radio turning on in the middle of the night, smoke detector going off all the time around 3:00 am, lamps flashing, random electrical shit with the cars, I remember trying to list this one tap and die set of his on flea bay mom told me to sell when we were cleaning and every time I would try to upload the photo for it the damn computer would crash...tried retaking the picture, everything...gave up after about a week of trying on and off, didn't crash on anything else...ended up actually needing the set 2 weeks later to fix the mower.

Would have be so typical of him if it was possible.  >:D

...all I know is that is by some long shot possible, I'm planing on messing around with a lot of people's shit.  :zoinks: 

I think I'll start with the TV's and work on to the cell phones.
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: MLA on April 06, 2016, 03:44:45 PM
I still remember all the weird shit that happened for about 2 months after my dad died. TV randomly shutting off/turning on, radio turning on in the middle of the night, smoke detector going off all the time around 3:00 am, lamps flashing, random electrical shit with the cars, I remember trying to list this one tap and die set of his on flea bay mom told me to sell when we were cleaning and every time I would try to upload the photo for it the damn computer would crash...tried retaking the picture, everything...gave up after about a week of trying on and off, didn't crash on anything else...ended up actually needing the set 2 weeks later to fix the mower.

Would have be so typical of him if it was possible.  >:D

...all I know is that is by some long shot possible, I'm planing on messing around with a lot of people's shit.  :zoinks: 

I think I'll start with the TV's and work on to the cell phones.

Ever consider that rather than being him, it was something you were doing subconsciously while in a heightened emotional state?
Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: Icequeen on April 06, 2016, 05:04:02 PM
I still remember all the weird shit that happened for about 2 months after my dad died. TV randomly shutting off/turning on, radio turning on in the middle of the night, smoke detector going off all the time around 3:00 am, lamps flashing, random electrical shit with the cars, I remember trying to list this one tap and die set of his on flea bay mom told me to sell when we were cleaning and every time I would try to upload the photo for it the damn computer would crash...tried retaking the picture, everything...gave up after about a week of trying on and off, didn't crash on anything else...ended up actually needing the set 2 weeks later to fix the mower.

Would have be so typical of him if it was possible.  >:D

...all I know is that is by some long shot possible, I'm planing on messing around with a lot of people's shit.  :zoinks: 

I think I'll start with the TV's and work on to the cell phones.

Ever consider that rather than being him, it was something you were doing subconsciously while in a heightened emotional state?

Never really considered that aspect of it...considered a possible power surge, a crappy old car, and just plain coincidence that everything messed up at once.

Without concrete black & white, personal proof I will always be doubtful. Ghosts, God, Bigfoot, and Aliens are all in the same group, until I'm personally abducted or have some real tangible proof.

I'll probably buy into the aliens before anything.  ;)

I think it's just fun (and maybe some days a bit comforting when you have no family left) to consider...but I can't say I really believe in anything. :dunno:

Title: Re: What do you think about these positive spiritual thoughts?
Post by: Lestat on April 12, 2016, 02:59:07 PM
And considered 'god' hates who? ana? well if god is real, going from the bible and both OT and NT, god is both A-a genocidal, psychotic, baby-butchering antisemite (well everyone has to have SOME good in 'em :P )

And B-quite obviously, blatantly schizophrenic.

Baby-killing monster (OT) to fwuffy-wuffy, pansy-arsed, dickless  treehugger fucking pussy boy wonder (NT)

Personally I'd be quite glad, if god exists, if he DID hate ana54, shes lovely, and doesn't deserve to suffer the presence/existence of such an utter, irredeemable twat.