Start here => M.O.-Introductions => Topic started by: driftingblizzard on December 28, 2006, 04:36:50 PM

Title: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 28, 2006, 04:36:50 PM
Guess which ONE of the following is NOT true:

I already have 3 friends on IxI.
I hate introducing myself.
My last name is Blizzard.
I have 8 siblings.
I'm the only one of my sibliings with AS.
My mother is of Irish Descent.
My father is of English Descent.
My NickName is Double A.
I have a lighted Keyboard.
I am proficient with a pistol, shotgun and assault rifle.
I have captained my own sailboat.
I have lived on the Atlantic Coast, the Pacific Coast and in the Mid West.  And in the South.
I am a certified Scuba Diver.
Blue is my favorite color.
I speak 3 languages fluently.
I've seen two people as they died.
I've been married twice without dating either one.
I think this sounds like a highschooler talking.
I'm a proficient rum drinker.
I work at a nuclear facility and sometimes play with radioactive material.
I own a jet boat.
I am a male.
I am 4.4 decades in age.
I hope this is the beginers' board.
Until the 12th grade, I thought squinting was required during eye exams .
I got my first pair of glasses in the 12th grade.
I think all Europeans sound smart no matter what they are saying because of their accent.
I have never piloted an airplane.
I was a virgin until the first time I got laid.
I have friends in Romaina, Russia, Hungary, Belarus and Ireland. (Although they technically may not currently be in those countries.)
I still have all of my fingers and toes.
I know what the ultimate question to the ultimate answer of 42 is.
I'm getting up now to freshen my drink.
I miss understand 80% of what people think should be easy for me to understand.
I believe I should have numbered these.
I believe this list is too effing long.
I don't really like internet slang.
I think crazy bitch is a very good poet.
I made my own computer table.
My computer table looks suprising nice.
I tend to ramble when I'm nervous.
I like brunettes.

I'm really getting up now to freshen that drink.

Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: Litigious on December 28, 2006, 04:51:52 PM
You don't have all of your fingers and toes?
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: McGiver on December 28, 2006, 05:03:08 PM
the second drink refresh?
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: duncvis on December 28, 2006, 05:46:48 PM
The first drink refresh would make more sense.  :eyebrows:

Welcome to Intensity²... we only bite people who ask for it. :evillaugh:

*passes DriftingBlizzard a virtual welcome beer :beer:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: odeon on December 28, 2006, 06:43:52 PM
You hate introducing yourself.

Welcome to Intensity. Nomaken would probably like to bite you.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 28, 2006, 07:04:19 PM
Omfg, I don't know how to clean this one up....   If I tell you, it kills the thread~  and I'm up to 2 karma points!   But no, I've refreshed both drinks and quaffed the virtual beer.  10q very mush.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 28, 2006, 07:05:41 PM
I DO hate introducing myself.  so that's true, right?
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 28, 2006, 07:08:19 PM
Ok, let me do this with some sort of dignity.  (I was actually waiting for crazybitch so I could do it very much without dignity but I don't know how to make her appear on demand)....   I DID refresh drinks.  And I have all of my fingers and toes.  Although a girlfriend in 9th grade closed a car door on one of my fingers and now its kinda sorta bent.  Don't tell anyone though.  He goes for 3rd drink refresh....
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 28, 2006, 07:12:51 PM
Oddly enough, its my wedding ring finger that is now bent.....hmmmm...
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 28, 2006, 07:18:21 PM
If someone does happen to strike upon it, I will e-mail them with the exciting news.  But I can't be sure that I wouldn't let everyone else go on and on about ME.  (as uncomfortable as that might be).  I really do hope that crazybitch gets in on the festivities.  Its fun to say "that crazybitch"  even though I didn't mean it like "THAT crazybitch".  Do you think she knows what a fun name she has?  I've always thought that "that" used like "that" should be spelled "thet".   Aaron  rambles.  Shit.  used first name.  blocks all cell phone calls.  shit told world that he has a cell phone.  rambles more.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 28, 2006, 07:34:04 PM
I'm really getting to know myself, and I think I like me. :agreed: :crowd: :crowd: :crowd:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: Scrapheap on December 28, 2006, 07:51:22 PM
I'm really getting to know myself, and I think I like me. :agreed: :crowd: :crowd: :crowd:

Are you Werbert's long lost brother??  ;D
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: DirtDawg on December 28, 2006, 07:52:05 PM
I'm really getting to know myself, and I think I like me.

Yeah, there's a lot of that around here, from tme to time.

Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 28, 2006, 07:54:35 PM
How do you pronounce Webert?  Implying that I don't know the chap...
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: duncvis on December 28, 2006, 07:56:40 PM
Like Herbert with a W, if I'm not mistaken.  :green:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 28, 2006, 08:02:03 PM
How do you pronounce it if you are mistaken....
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 28, 2006, 08:05:37 PM
I'm expecting a 9 pm cell call;  is it rude if I just let everyone go on and on about me with out me?  has anyone contacted crazy bitch about all the action?  How do I get my Karma up? 
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 28, 2006, 08:12:50 PM
my daughter just had me take the myer-briggs psychological test.   :-[  Houston, we have a problem.   the results were probably encrypted and sent by sat-phone straight to the place where these types of test results are hurried off to.  yeah, I AM still waiting on a call.  9 pm in my book means 9 pm.... 
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: duncvis on December 28, 2006, 08:32:02 PM
How do I get my Karma up? 

By making people laugh, usually.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 28, 2006, 08:35:40 PM
Momentarily, I shall attempt some of this humor u speak of.  Damn those prepositional endings.. damn them to hell.   No, that wasn't the humor part.  I just hate grammer.  (now THAT was humor).
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: El on December 28, 2006, 09:22:23 PM
I've no idea how you'd come to the conclusion that I'm a good poet unless you followed me from somewhere else.

I KNOW you must know that the ultimate quetsion to the ultimate answer is an incorrect mathematical problem.

So, no idea.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: Leto729 on December 28, 2006, 09:24:15 PM
Welcome driftingblizzard to Intensity2. ;) So welcome to the craziness of Intensity2. :laugh:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 28, 2006, 10:59:17 PM
Kevv729, thanks,  I just got off the phone, my fingers are frozen.   but I still have them all.
Crazy bitch...  oh god, now I gotta do research.  have I just gotten my first drive-by? :tooledup:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: Scrapheap on December 28, 2006, 11:06:04 PM
I'm really getting to know myself, and I think I like me. :agreed: :crowd: :crowd: :crowd:

Are you Werbert's long lost brother??  ;D

Werbert has a habit of talking to himself too........ and arguing with himself, and calling himself out to the Main Event, and accusing himself of impersonating himself and last but not least, blaming his imposter self of sabotaging his true self.

If Werbert ever comes around here anymore, you'll probably get a laugh or two out of him........ he's a bit like an AS Andy Kaufmann.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 28, 2006, 11:09:08 PM
we don't talk to ourselves do we pressscious....
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 28, 2006, 11:10:12 PM
COPIED (well cut and pasted) without author's permission whatsoever...  was that wrong of me? Now my Karma should go up to 5!  whoohooo!

Crazy Bitch
Samsara sucks and then you moksha.
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Re: OK, I can only post this here because I will otherwise be eaten alive...
« Reply #20 on: April 16, 2006, 11:00:27 AM »
   Reply with quote
Quote from: McJagger on April 16, 2006, 02:44:08 AM
writing in rhyme.

ya got trouble with a capitol T.

Well, ya got trouble, my friend.
Right here, I say trouble right here in Intensity
Why, sure, I'm an Aspie
Certainly mighty proud to say,
I'm always mighty proud to say it
I consider the hours I spend with a keyboard in front of me are golden
Help you cultivate horse sense and a cool head and a keen eye
Didja ever take an' try an' make a relevant post
about yourself in a sensory overload?
But just as I say it takes judgement, brains and maturity
to post on these forums here
I say that any boob can go and post ?me too?
And I call that sloth,
the first big step on the road to the depths of degreda-
I say, first- you start to enjoy an argument,
then you go lookin? for one
And the next thing you know your friend is postin'
for answers with an ?evil? emote
and scourin? the next for controversy
Hear him tell about religion and politics'
Not a wholesome nice discussion, no,
but a war where they get up all their hackles
Like to see some stuck up poster sittin? up there on his high horse?
Make your blood boil, well I should say
Now, folks, let me show you what I mean
You got ten, twenty, thirty days in the Refuge
Day that can that mark the difference between a gentleman and a bum
With a capital 'B' and that thymes with ?T? and that stands for 'troll'

And all week long, your Intensity youth'll be fritterin' away
I say, your young men'll be fritterin'
Fritterin' away their noontime, suppertime, choretime, too
Make a hit on your post count
Never mind face-to-face interaction or making ?real friends?
or showering
Never mind personal hygiene 'til you totally reek
and someone who catches a whiff of you passes out and that's trouble
Oh, ya got lots and lots o' trouble
I'm thinkin' of the kids in the controversial avatars,
ones they got from Something Awful or
Ya got trouble, folks, right here in Intensity
with a capital ?T?- you heard me, ?T?- and that stands for 'troll'

Now I know all you folks are the right kind of posters
I'm gonna be perfectly frank
Would you like to know what kind of conversation goes on
while they're postin? on those threads
They'll be tryin' out Google, tryin' out Wikipedia,
tryin' out serach engines like
internet fiends
And braggin' all about how they're gonna cover up
a definite flame with a happy face
Now one fine night they leave the general discussion
headin' for the Pulitical Pundits and Main Event forums
Opinionated men and educated women and biases
Shameless flaming that'll grab your friend, your buddy
into the arms of a jungle animal instinct- mass hysteria!
Friends, the idle brain is the devil's playground, trouble!

Oh, we got trouble
Right here in Intensity
Right here in Intensity
With a capital 'T'- you heard me, ?T?- and that stands for 'troll'
That stands for troll
We surely got trouble
We surely got trouble
Right here in Intensity
Right here

Gotta figure out a way to keep the young ones
moral after school

Mothers of Intensity,
heed this warning before it's too late
Watch for the tell-tale signs of trolling
The minute your son won?t leave the house
does he cancel his real life plans to chat in the chatroom
Does he use BBCode and emoticons verbally?
Does he have carpal tunnel syndrome?
Is he starting to memorize jokes
from the Sex-Mature Version Forum?
Are certain words creeping into his conversation?
Words like... lol?
Well if so, my friends...

Ya got trouble
Oh, we got trouble
Right here in Intensity here in Intensity With a capital 'T'- you heard me, ?T?- and that stands for 'troll'
That stands for troll
We've surely got trouble
We surely got trouble
Right here in Intensity
Right here

Remember the community, the forum guidelines, and common courtesy?
Oho, we got trouble
We're in terrible, terrible trouble
Those posts that are written to incite are the devil's tool
Devil's tool
Yes, we've got trouble, trouble, trouble
Oh, yes, we got trouble here, we got big, big trouble
With a 'T'

With a capital 'T'
You heard me, ?T?
And that stands for troll
That stands for troll

Remember my friends, listen to me,
because I pass this way but once

(chant 'trouble', etc.)

Perved  FROM :  +  INTENSITY²
|-+  Start here
| |-+  Rookie Refuge
| | |-+  OK, I can only post this here because I will otherwise be eaten alive...

Aaron speaking now:  "when a girl says anything about being eaten alive, I tend to pay very close attention..." 
P.S.  THANK YOU for joining the post, my life is now truly complete.....

Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 28, 2006, 11:20:57 PM
ANnounCEMENT:  I will announce the answer and field any questions on the tavern drunken forum, on saturday evening... PS, do you have to be drinking to be in that forum?....  Do I even know what the hell I'm talking about?
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 28, 2006, 11:24:51 PM
damn, where is that forum...  wanders around the ethernet aimlessly...   more damn dots follow his sentences like stray puppies...
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: duncvis on December 29, 2006, 04:23:14 AM
Arrr, the chatroom be behind this link. CLICKY ( - you don't have to be full of rum, but it helps. Or you could just dress as a pirate and help combat global warming.  :arrr:

(BTW, there's usually a 'chat' button in the menu bar, but I haven't had chance to patch it back into the forum template since the last upgrade)
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: purposefulinsanity on December 29, 2006, 04:51:09 AM
Welcome to Intensity², glad you decided to post an intro  :)

And I'm going to guess this statement is possbily not true- I have never piloted an airplane- because there seems to be a lot of things you have done.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: El on December 29, 2006, 07:45:19 AM
Ohhhh.  I thought you stalked me from another site.   8)
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: DirtDawg on December 29, 2006, 08:12:29 AM
Ohhhh.  I thought you stalked me from another site.   8)

Could be, but your main stalker is Ol' One Eye.

Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: Litigious on December 29, 2006, 08:16:18 AM
He's the stalker of every nice chick.  8)
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: El on December 29, 2006, 08:53:50 AM
He's the stalker of every nice chick.  8)

Are you accusing me of being nice?  My good sir, I take offense!
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: Litigious on December 29, 2006, 09:48:52 AM
Beg your pardon! I mean nice looking.  8)
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 10:32:46 AM
That's great logic purposefulinsanity. I'm really glad to see your post, now all three of my initial IxI friends have posted so that eliminates the first statement. As a former Instructional Technologist, we were told that writing the answer as the choice that stood out could be seen as coaching.  So we'd write answers that stood out but seldom were they the correct one.  THEN, our students would catch on to that and NOT pick it for that very reason, which I thought to also be a form of coaching.  It can all become so twisted.  That was the only part of the job I didn't like, being told how to write a damn answer.  Back to your choice,   my father was a pilot, and we were allowed as children to steer, but I don't really consider that piloting.  The correct answer is very clearly untrue.     
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 10:45:18 AM
Evil Spawn of 2007 has changed his name?!  you can do this? ???
I DON't like change...  :wallbutt:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 10:48:54 AM
Crazy Bitch you ARE stalk worthy, but I'm already stalking someone else! :'(   
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 10:51:09 AM
my karma went DOWN? ???  ok, quick, think a happy thought...   stay puft marshamallow man, no, that went badly before, think damn it! Karma shields failing...

Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: purposefulinsanity on December 29, 2006, 11:18:29 AM
Evil Spawn of 2007 has changed his name?!  you can do this? ???
I DON't like change...  :wallbutt:

Yes, unfortunately some members enjoy changing their names regularly, it can be irritating but you get the hang of keeping tracks of avatars, custom titles, etc soon enough.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 11:55:27 AM
Ok, I know, I'll give out a free be!  That's sure to get my karma up~

The ULTIMATE QUESTION to the ULTIMATE ANSWER of 42 is... drumroll building to creshendo, someone please dim the auditorium lights:


I think the ultimate question cannot possibly be one simple question, but must be a different question to different people to actually really make sense. (ok dammit, at least that's how I'm going to package it)...

I know this is probably a total and complete letdown to everyone that has ever touched (or even been in the same room with) a glorious and fantastically well written Douglas Adams book (with the exception of Dark tea time of the soul, didn't care for that one much really).  But to me, in the course of a few short minutes, well regular minutes actually, my entire existance suddenly came into crystal clear focus and for once made complete and comforting sense in my head.  Similar to the moment I put on my first pair of glasses in 12th grade (after being told not to squint while reading the eye chart).  I had been squinting at those damn things since 6th grade when told by a fully liscensed optician, "tell me what the smallest letter is that you can see".  With out further explaination, I did exactly what I was told.   And I did it well.  For the next 6 years.  In 12th grade, one of them finally noticed that I was squinting like crazy to try my hardest to make out the absolute tiniest letter I could possibly detect.  Kinda like a human version of the hubble telescope scanning the heavens for the faintest quazar burp!  All through High School, classmates thought I was stuck up since I didn't always greet them in passing.  Trouble was, I usually just didn't recgonize them!~   Its the reason I always sat in the front row.  Overnight, a girl thought I must have a crush on her since I was now saying hello to her from down the hallway~  oh the angst of ignorant youth....  Then one night, alone on my computer, while researching ADHD info for a close family member, I came across a description of a syndrome and oddly enough, it was describing my life!  And then I heard angels singing and a bright light burst forth filling the room and a euphoria coursed through my body to the very marrow of my bones, fanning out to the tips of my fingers and toes, all of which I still have.  I shouted Eureka!  Which by the way is fun to do in a quiet house at 2 am.  I frantically started catologing all the incidents cluttering my head that had occurred with me, to me, against me, over the course of my life span and each and every one could be linked to my A-S.  How's that for a nice way to wrap up a twisted little tale.  Not bad for a nights work I said to myself. For the next few weeks, I learned as much as I possibly could, continued to catalog events (and still do) since there were many "incidents" that defined me.  At least now I had something to go on, something I could really sink my teeth into.  A bit of a project, but more than that. Oh yes, this was a revelation of biblical proportion!  I'm still, after 2 years, trying to plumb the width and bredth of it all.  Kinda like Hubble trying to measure the universe about him even as it continues to expand.  (I live for a good alagory)....  more damn dots....

Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 12:02:34 PM
I refuse to change my avatar or my sreenname.  Nothing personal Evil Spawn of 2007, but a stance must be taken and a line drawn.  I have principles to uphold you know. (Damn watch my karma spiral downward now).
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 12:09:23 PM
But I have to sheepishly admit that I do have a different avatar on W.P....  But it will never be changed!  Long Live Standards! Hail Cesar. :clap:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 12:14:13 PM
How do you pronounce "duncvis".

I have a hard time reading something if I'm unsure of its pronounciation.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 12:17:13 PM
Litigious, I like your avatar.  very dignified.  reminds me of my neighbor.  I kinda wish I would have been more thoughtful when I put up my avavtar....  (But I do like the irony of mine)...
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 12:22:37 PM
My avatar also signifies the pain and frustration of life. :agreed:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: purposefulinsanity on December 29, 2006, 12:24:20 PM
But I have to sheepishly admit that I do have a different avatar on W.P....  But it will never be changed!  Long Live Standards! Hail Cesar. :clap:

I have to sheepishly admit that I do change my avatar from time to time but never my screen name.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 12:30:24 PM
I really like your current avatar.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: purposefulinsanity on December 29, 2006, 12:31:14 PM
I really like your current avatar.
Thanks- I find your's amusing  :laugh:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 12:36:47 PM
I took that photo on a cruise ship  (my first cruise ever) in early December.  Some times, life gives you a sign of irony, and this one, literally was a sign.  Then, I took my camera, and went in..... :boobs:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: odeon on December 29, 2006, 01:41:14 PM
Are you sure you aren't related to Werbert?
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 02:23:58 PM
Positive, but I'd like to bump into him sometime...   Is that why they call this site I2?  Because it combines intense personalities?
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 02:24:48 PM
PS.  I think you've got a very cool avatar!
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 02:26:32 PM
 :woohoo: My karma is 5!  :glug: :party:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: Scrapheap on December 29, 2006, 02:36:39 PM
Evil Spawn of 2007 has changed his name?!  you can do this? ???
I DON't like change...  :wallbutt:

I don't usually change my screen name, I'm just doing it for the holdays to be festive.  >:D :evillaugh:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: odeon on December 29, 2006, 02:58:00 PM
Positive, but I'd like to bump into him sometime...   Is that why they call this site I2?  Because it combines intense personalities?

There was a first Intensity, that was shut down after only a brief run.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: Scrapheap on December 29, 2006, 03:09:02 PM
Positive, but I'd like to bump into him sometime...   Is that why they call this site I2?  Because it combines intense personalities?

There was a first Intensity, that was shut down after only a brief run.

What happened to the original Intensity??
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: odeon on December 29, 2006, 03:21:00 PM
For the precise details, you'd have to ask Mcj and others who were there from the start.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 03:39:02 PM
I like precise details :vulcan:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: odeon on December 29, 2006, 03:45:23 PM
Yeah, me too, but I can't be arsed, right now.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 03:54:01 PM
:yikes: What does arsed mean? :moon:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: odeon on December 29, 2006, 03:56:22 PM
=I can't be bothered to do it now.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 04:07:46 PM
Thank you.  I'm locked in now.  I don't usually understand 80% of what people think I should easily understand.  And that's exactly what  led to the dumptruck incident of 1980.  At a nuclear facility in Midland Michigan.  Well, it never got its NRC operating liscense and is now the world's safest natural gas fired generating station....  god I'm feelin' generous and all giddy. kinda like scrooge when he started giving up the jack....   where do all these dots come from?....  IS ANYONE KEEPING TRACK OF MY ANSWERS THAT I'M SPEWWING HAPHAZARDLY AROUND THE WEB PAGES???  DOES ANYONE CARE?
P.s  what time on saturday nigth should I divulge my deep and ugly shortcomming of life?
P.S.S.  And no, it wasn't my fault that they didn't get there damned operating liscense. 
psss.  I hate how liscense is spelt.

Words that I should be given credit for coining:
Watch my karma now......
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: duncvis on December 29, 2006, 04:11:13 PM
Positive, but I'd like to bump into him sometime...   Is that why they call this site I2?  Because it combines intense personalities?

There was a first Intensity, that was shut down after only a brief run.

What happened to the original Intensity??

The original Intensity was part of The Neurolands. A few weeks after Intensity became active a shitstorm of *gasp* controversy was generated by a thread Jman started, 'Which female(s) on WP would you like to fuck'. In the face of criticism Neuroman let it be known that Intensity had been hacked along with the main Neurolands board, and that he *couldn't* get it back up. It appeared that he no longer wanted Intensity as part of N'lands, so Peter approached me during the uproar to see if the exiles could meet on my site The Drivel to discuss what to do next.

To cut a long story a bit shorter, I put Intensity² together and hosted it, originally with McJagger, Eamonn (retired) and OmegaFemale (disgraced) as the admins, now as a member run democracy with elected staff. You'll pick up the rest in between soon enough I expect. :zzz:

btw, duncvis is pronounced 'dunk' and vis as in elvis. uh huh huh.. :D
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 04:11:53 PM
For the precise details, you'd have to ask Mcj and others who were there from the start.

I wasn't asking you to run out and get precise details,  I was simply stating the fact that I LIKE precise details.  gawd, do you have A-S too?
Is that wrong of me to ask that? 
Now I'm going next door to talk to my neighbor that looks like Litigeousss's avatar.  He really gives out precise details wether you want them or not....  god, now i've stepped in dots....
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: Leto729 on December 29, 2006, 04:16:21 PM
driftingblizzard You have some cool posts. :laugh:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 04:17:17 PM
When I grow up, I want to be a writer, and get free coffees at starbucks.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 04:21:48 PM
And the only thing I'll add to that is that the internet is the great equalizer.  Kinda like the liquor stores of old.  You meet the friendlest people in a liquor store.  Its better than church.  although church is good too.  But on the internet, even bad breath drops out of the equasiontion,  (damn, that's a hard word to spell).  OK, now I must go next door and deliver a 1500.00 check (US$)  for a terrible misunderstanding.  can that be claimed as health related?.....................................
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 04:27:12 PM
To cut a long story a bit shorter, I put Intensity² together and hosted it, originally with McJagger, Eamonn (retired) and OmegaFemale (disgraced) as the admins, now as a member run democracy with elected staff. You'll pick up the rest in between soon enough I expect. Zzzz

btw, duncvis is pronounced 'dunk' and vis as in elvis. uh huh huh.. Cheesy

Too late on making the long story short, if its a long story, continuing makes it a longer story.  so you should have said "to make a long story even longer".,..  do I get bitten now?

AND how does someone retire from Asperger's?  I'd like to see that trick.
Thank you for clearing up the pronounciation of your name but what does it mean?   
Aaron now leaves to talk with said neighbor, and steal a bottle of his vintage, while paying off a stoopid $1500.00 bet and waiting for Crazy Bitch to get on-line!~
But I DOOOO thank you for Isquared...  Its a life line.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: El on December 29, 2006, 04:30:29 PM
/me is here, with advice:

You need to start an ask away thread. 


J  O  I   N   U   S   !  !  !
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 04:35:54 PM
I would crawl across a freshly cut corn field, naked during a hail storm to hear your fart come across a static filled walky-talky.  So yes I will do as you command, IF I knew what the hell you just told me to do.  You kinda have to act like you're talking to a kindergardener..... damn, more dots. 
AND< now I don't want to leave my ILLUMINATED keyboard to go next door because you are here.  with me.  drinking wine as I wisper in your ear.  or somethingk.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: El on December 29, 2006, 04:37:26 PM
Oh lord... should I have not posted the picture of me with a gun?  I'm 100% not romantically interested in anyone over the internet, no matter how rich, handsome, or free of V.D. they may be.

I enjoy scintillating platonic converstaion though.  :)
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 04:38:33 PM
But hey, look at my karma grow!
!In soviet union, sometime, the exclamation is at start of sentance, which make much more sense.  You know sentence is exciting when start of readingk.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 04:40:55 PM
:hornysign:  A GUN?~  I thought it was a microphone~ :bananas: :spank:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: duncvis on December 29, 2006, 04:43:16 PM
To cut a long story a bit shorter, I put Intensity² together and hosted it, originally with McJagger, Eamonn (retired) and OmegaFemale (disgraced) as the admins, now as a member run democracy with elected staff. You'll pick up the rest in between soon enough I expect. Zzzz

btw, duncvis is pronounced 'dunk' and vis as in elvis. uh huh huh.. Cheesy

Too late on making the long story short, if its a long story, continuing makes it a longer story.  so you should have said "to make a long story even longer".,..  do I get bitten now?

We don't bite for pedantry. We have loads of nitpicking buggers. So far, you seem pretty safe.  :police:

AND how does someone retire from Asperger's?  I'd like to see that trick.

me too, I'd retire tomorrow. ;) Eamonn has retired as an admin, and now entertains himself by insulting people and practicing expanding his word power.

Thank you for clearing up the pronounciation of your name but what does it mean?

silly joke inspired by the King-life quiff of a female Malaysian student who I was at uni with. It amused me and a friend so much we bacame Jimvis and Duncvis in homage, and practiced our dodgy elvis impressions.   

But I DOOOO thank you for Isquared...  Its a life line.

I like it here anyway. Welcome to the madhouse.  >:D

Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 04:44:41 PM
Hey, I give very good plutonic too.......  more damn dots, I hate it when they get tracked into the sheets.
PS.  I'm very married, to a bi-polar NT, so pleeease take pity on me, and take me under your wing.  If you knew my Hell.  Yes, that's Capitolized on purpose!  Did I leave out happily?  good.  damn.  Now I've gotta go next door before the bet pay off starts accumulating interest.  and not that warm kind of puppy dog interest either.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: Diesel on December 29, 2006, 05:26:09 PM
Greetings & I don't think bue is your favorite color.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 07:30:50 PM
Damn you!  Damn you to hell, not my hell, but hell just in general.....  ITS GREEN....yes, its green.  cries like a little school girl.... weeps profusely.

BTW, my neighbor,  the only "real" person that I considered a "real" in the flesh friend, DOESN'T BELIEVE...
gasp, that I have A-S.  I'm crushed.   You all may never hear from me.  Again.  god crazy bitch, you are so stalk worthy.  I hope you end up with quality stalker(s).  is that your real picture.... 

I WILL NEVER, AS GOD AS MY WITNESS TELL ANYONE, EVER AGAIN, THAT I THINK I HAVE A-S.  WATCH CNN ABOUT ~LETS SAY MIDNIGHT.  their a little slow on holiday weekends.  wheres my blanket. 

Story at 11.  or 12.
I don't think that's your really picture crazy bitch.  and by definition, crazy means you can't trust her.  prove yourself!....
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: El on December 29, 2006, 07:43:20 PM
You got me.  It's not my picture.  It's a doctored photo of a very well-known famous actress.  I'll let you figure out who.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 07:59:07 PM
jennifer garner
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 07:59:43 PM
I also lied....
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 08:02:09 PM
My favorite color IS blue....  I was trying to throw everyone off track, and for that, I'm eternally sorry.  The item that is not true, is the one thing that I wish was MOST true.....  I will still reveal it at the pub.  Aaron.  (double A, Double Z)...  Where's the smiley for "spent"?
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 08:04:10 PM
Your STILL stalkable,  I definitely could stalk a girl for her mind.  Notice (NO DOTS)...  damm it.  Where do they come from.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: El on December 29, 2006, 08:07:17 PM
It's not Jennifer Garner.  Any other guesses?
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 08:32:40 PM
NO I have no additional guesses, I had to ask someone for that guess. ,  but if you say you have blue eyes, you WILL be stalked...  BTW  (insert something funny here).  Oh yeah.  I finally figured out something.  I tend to write alot, and talk alot, and then... I run out of energy and my mind collapse like a white dwarf or a supernova or whatever it is that collapes upon itself.
Oh shit, and ambulance just pulled into the driveway.
Good, it wasn't for me.  You know, we're not really different from anyone, we just have trouble explaining our differences.... I hate, HATE having to explain.  I LOVE to answer questions, I just hate to explain my answer. 

Thanks for telling me about your picture.  I think she looks like you anyway (that is if I knew what your really looked like) that is what I pictured you look like.  Hell, for all I know, that really is your picture!

Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: renaeden on December 29, 2006, 10:53:32 PM
I'm very married, to a bi-polar NT, so pleeease take pity on me

There is such a sort of person????
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 11:21:17 PM
I LOVE your spectrum.  may I copy it somehow?
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 29, 2006, 11:23:31 PM
P.S.  Sorry for the earlier drama everyone. I just realized that I was not using caffeine free coke.  It was diet, but not caffiene free diet.  Slight change, big difference.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: Scrapheap on December 29, 2006, 11:27:58 PM
P.S.  Sorry for the earlier drama everyone. I just realized that I was not using caffeine free coke.  It was diet, but not caffiene free diet.  Slight change, big difference.

If that's what caffine does to you, I'd hate too see what alcohol does!! :o :yikes: :jawdrop:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: El on December 30, 2006, 07:48:45 AM
If you have no more guesses, I'll just tell you who my avatar is.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 30, 2006, 10:41:03 AM
I'm not really good with names, I wouldn't know who to guess.  I'll make one more stab at it though  Jennifer Aniston?  Please don't kill me.  I'm quite moviestar illiterate.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 30, 2006, 11:01:33 AM
Aaron sits patietly tapping fingers on desk top.  Homemade desktop.   Too bored to type dots.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: El on December 30, 2006, 11:07:28 AM
Nah, it's actually me, and not manipped much, just washed out.  I was just wondering what celeb I look most like.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: McGiver on December 30, 2006, 11:20:20 AM
Nah, it's actually me, and not manipped much, just washed out.  I was just wondering what celeb I look most like.
you look like a stringy haired alanis morrisette!
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 30, 2006, 11:37:58 AM
I'm so happy, my neighbor was SOO like, that's not her, that's Jennifer Gardner, telling me I was so gullible.  I think he believes real people can't be that good looking.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: El on December 30, 2006, 12:23:37 PM
Nah, it's actually me, and not manipped much, just washed out.  I was just wondering what celeb I look most like.
you look like a stringy haired alanis morrisette!

+ for that, you wonderful kissass.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 30, 2006, 12:47:43 PM
I'm the best...  but you (actually your parents) made that very easy.  You should see how hard it is for me when it comes to my MIL.  We actually took a day trip together.  And I just said everything that seemed to go against what I wanted to say, and she loved it~!
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: McGiver on December 30, 2006, 01:28:05 PM
Nah, it's actually me, and not manipped much, just washed out.  I was just wondering what celeb I look most like.
you look like a stringy haired alanis morrisette!

+ for that, you wonderful kissass.

+1 for seeing through me.

still, you look hawt in that picture.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on December 31, 2006, 12:30:39 PM
Guess which ONE of the following is NOT true:

I already have 3 friends on IxI.
I hate introducing myself.
My last name is Blizzard.
I have 8 siblings.
I'm the only one of my sibliings with AS.
My mother is of Irish Descent.
My father is of English Descent.
My NickName is Double A.
I have a lighted Keyboard.
I am proficient with a pistol, shotgun and assault rifle.
I have captained my own sailboat.
I have lived on the Atlantic Coast, the Pacific Coast and in the Mid West.  And in the South.
I am a certified Scuba Diver.
Blue is my favorite color.
I speak 3 languages fluently.
I've seen two people as they died.
I've been married twice without dating either one.
I think this sounds like a highschooler talking.
I'm a proficient rum drinker.
I work at a nuclear facility and sometimes play with radioactive material.
I own a jet boat.
I am a male.
I am 4.4 decades in age.
I hope this is the beginers' board.
Until the 12th grade, I thought squinting was required during eye exams .
I got my first pair of glasses in the 12th grade.
I think all Europeans sound smart no matter what they are saying because of their accent.
I have never piloted an airplane.
I was a virgin until the first time I got laid.
I have friends in Romaina, Russia, Hungary, Belarus and Ireland. (Although they technically may not currently be in those countries.)
I still have all of my fingers and toes.
I know what the ultimate question to the ultimate answer of 42 is.
I'm getting up now to freshen my drink.
I miss understand 80% of what people think should be easy for me to understand.
I believe I should have numbered these.
I believe this list is too effing long.
I don't really like internet slang.
I think crazy bitch is a very good poet.
I made my own computer table.
My computer table looks suprising nice.
I tend to ramble when I'm nervous.
I like brunettes.
I want to marry a girl with AS.
I'm really getting up now to freshen that drink.

I have to modify this list and delete the statement about wanting to marry a girl with AS.  Because I think it to be true rather than KNOWING it to be true.  I think I wrote more along the lines of being with someone who is accepting of me and maybe I thought a girl with AS would be that person.  But I don't know that to be true so I must delete it.  Now, to work on the relationship that I am in so that the true statement wouldn't mean deconstructing and rebuilding a life which is actually quite good!  Contrary to what people might think by reading my anti-philosophy forum thread... :)

Nothing personal against girls with AS, quite the opposite.  Although my knee is aching so a storm must be brewing somewhere!?
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on January 13, 2007, 07:28:03 AM
driftingblizzard You have some cool posts. :laugh:

I think that was very nice of you to say, sometimes I think I'm the only one that thinks so.  It means a lot that someone noticed.  Thanks, Kevv.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on January 25, 2007, 10:29:30 PM
I currently have the feeling of anxiety. :GA:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: McGiver on January 25, 2007, 10:34:03 PM
I currently have the feeling of anxiety. :GA:
explain your feeling.

i get feelings of extreme excitememnt.  othertimes i feel extremely nervous.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on January 25, 2007, 10:49:16 PM
I currently have the feeling of anxiety. :GA:
explain your feeling.

i get feelings of extreme excitememnt.  othertimes i feel extremely nervous.

My boss just told me to go to Conneticut Monday.  For 3 days.  And gave me a street address to find.   A 6.5 hour drive.  But that's just the last piece of it.   I was making a list of things I want to do in the next 15 years.  But that's not really it either.  I think its just that too many things have changed on me lately.  And I keep up with it all, the people, situations, the decisions, but then when it all slows down, like right now, it kinda all just hits at once.   And I start to question my reality and how long it will all last. 

I think it has to also do with looking back on my past too much in too short of a period.  Someone at work just looked through a photo booklet of my family, so I had to talk about each one, and I don't really like going over old stories so much.

So, that's about it, past, present, future, all to quick together.  Last night it was almost too much of a lighthearted feeling.....  I'm not quite sure of why my mood changes like that.  I'm still trying to figure it all out.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: Callaway on January 25, 2007, 10:56:29 PM

You can put in your address that you have to find and it can give you driving directions to the place in Connecticut.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on January 25, 2007, 11:02:53 PM

You can put in your address that you have to find and it can give you driving directions to the place in Connecticut.

Thanks Callaway.  I was told, "just get on 95 and go North"...

But I've been practicing with being ok while getting lost.  I recently drove through Rochester without even looking at a map just to see if I'd make it out.  I got out.  It took awhile. :coffee:

But philsophocally, being OK seems to have to do with not caring, at least for me.  So if I don't care too much I'm more OK.  But what about the topics that I really care about.  I think that's where the anxiety kicks into high gear at times....

Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: DirtDawg on January 25, 2007, 11:18:33 PM

I just noticed this smiley. It really bugs the crap out of me, even though, I know it doesn't have to make sense ... it's a frggin' smiley. BUT, the physics of the supposed movement forward can not occur if you have a round body, with no keel, and alternate your strokes. You must use a both sides combined, simultaneous motion that pushes your center of gravity forward. Otherwise you will just alternate half turns in the same place.

Sorry, carry on!
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: Callaway on January 25, 2007, 11:22:45 PM
Navigation is definitely not one of my strengths.  I have gotten lost so many times before and laughed about it.  But I love Mapquest.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on January 25, 2007, 11:37:26 PM
Navigation is definitely not one of my strengths.  I have gotten lost so many times before and laughed about it.  But I love Mapquest.

OK, now I've printed out enough maps that I could use them for a blanket if I hit snow blocked freeways.  And I have a Purelltm if I need to start a bon fire....
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: McGiver on January 25, 2007, 11:43:11 PM
Navigation is definitely not one of my strengths.  I have gotten lost so many times before and laughed about it.  But I love Mapquest.

OK, now I've printed out enough maps that I could use them for a blanket if I hit snow blocked freeways.  And I have a Purelltm if I need to start a bon fire....
see i have been paying attention.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: Callaway on January 25, 2007, 11:49:25 PM
Navigation is definitely not one of my strengths.  I have gotten lost so many times before and laughed about it.  But I love Mapquest.

OK, now I've printed out enough maps that I could use them for a blanket if I hit snow blocked freeways.  And I have a Purelltm if I need to start a bon fire....

You can take an empty metal coffee can, a roll of toilet paper and a bottle of Isopropyl alcohol to make an emergency heater for your car, in case you get stuck in the snow.  Don't forget to open a window a little bit for ventilation if you need to use it.  You could take a small shovel and blankets too, as well as a small bag of sand for traction.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on January 25, 2007, 11:57:07 PM
Navigation is definitely not one of my strengths.  I have gotten lost so many times before and laughed about it.  But I love Mapquest.

OK, now I've printed out enough maps that I could use them for a blanket if I hit snow blocked freeways.  And I have a Purelltm if I need to start a bon fire....

You can take an empty metal coffee can, a roll of toilet paper and a bottle of Isopropyl alcohol to make an emergency heater for your car, in case you get stuck in the snow.  Don't forget to open a window a little bit for ventilation if you need to use it.  You could take a small shovel and blankets too, as well as a small bag of sand for traction.

For everything else, there's MASTERCARDtm    ;D
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: Callaway on January 26, 2007, 12:05:03 AM
Navigation is definitely not one of my strengths.  I have gotten lost so many times before and laughed about it.  But I love Mapquest.

OK, now I've printed out enough maps that I could use them for a blanket if I hit snow blocked freeways.  And I have a Purelltm if I need to start a bon fire....

You can take an empty metal coffee can, a roll of toilet paper and a bottle of Isopropyl alcohol to make an emergency heater for your car, in case you get stuck in the snow.  Don't forget to open a window a little bit for ventilation if you need to use it.  You could take a small shovel and blankets too, as well as a small bag of sand for traction.

For everything else, there's MASTERCARDtm    ;D

Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: McGiver on January 26, 2007, 12:05:41 AM
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on January 26, 2007, 12:08:28 AM

You HAVE been paying attention!   +1
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: McGiver on January 26, 2007, 12:11:37 AM

You HAVE been paying attention!   +1

no thanks to the vicodine.
i keep feeling waves of numbness fall over me.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: purposefulinsanity on January 26, 2007, 04:34:47 AM
/me wishes she had some vicodine
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: duncvis on January 26, 2007, 05:09:36 AM
/me wishes she had some vicodine

woo yay....  :stoned:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: purposefulinsanity on January 26, 2007, 05:16:55 AM
/me wishes she had some vicodine

woo yay....  :stoned:

Nah, more blissful numbness is what I'm looking for.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: DirtDawg on January 26, 2007, 06:46:14 AM
/me wishes she had some vicodine

woo yay....  :stoned:

Nah, more blissful numbness is what I'm looking for.

Numbness sounds like a good idea, at first, but I don't recommend mixing  it with consciousness. That's fucked.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: purposefulinsanity on January 26, 2007, 06:48:13 AM
I'd be happier with numbness and unconsciousness right now.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: DirtDawg on January 26, 2007, 07:43:29 AM
I'd be happier with numbness and unconsciousness right now.
I understand that feeling! It's nice to have them both as options.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: purposefulinsanity on January 26, 2007, 07:59:51 AM
I'd be happier with numbness and unconsciousness right now.
I understand that feeling! It's nice to have them both as options.

Thanks Dirtdawg- I have no doubt that the feeling will pass.
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: driftingblizzard on January 26, 2007, 07:16:45 PM
My anxiety was so high last night, and now I know why... Just don't know what to do about it.. may start a voting thread......
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on February 27, 2015, 10:00:39 PM
odd. driftingblizzards profile suddenly gets deleted, then a new one created after a few days.   :dunno:
Title: Re: THE INTRODUCTION: by DriftingBlizzard
Post by: Jack on February 27, 2015, 11:03:28 PM
Yes. Odd.