Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: Litigious on December 20, 2006, 03:12:30 PM

Title: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 20, 2006, 03:12:30 PM

The number of rapes in the Norwegian capital Oslo is six times as high as in New York City. I’ve written about the issue of rape and Muslim immigration so many times that I am, quite frankly, a bit tired of the subject. But as we all know, problems don’t disappear just because you are tired of talking about them, so here goes.

There has been an explosive increase in the number of rape charges in the city of Oslo, but both the media and the authorities consistently refuse to tell us why. They did do so, however, in 2001, when two out of Norway's three largest newspapers, Aftenposten and Dagbladet, reported that most of these rape charges involve an immigrant perp, which again mostly means Muslims. Both newspapers have since then conveniently “forgotten” about this, and have never connected the issue to Muslim immigration although the number of rape charges has continued to rise to historic levels. They are thus at best guilty of extreme incompetence, since their former articles about this issue are still available online.

Norway’s Minister of Justice from 2001 to 2005, Odd Einar Dørum, mentioned the problem in 2001 but has later gone quiet about the issue. The reported number of rapes in Oslo is now six – 6! – times as high per capita as in New York City, yet the media keeps warning against Islamophobia.

According to Aftenposten, the clinic (voldtektsmottak) at the emergency hospital known as Legevakt has never had so many rape victims to treat. Its ability to care for them all is being severely tested. The number of reported rapes has skyrocketed this year.

Two out of three charged with rape in Norway’s capital are immigrants with a non-western background according to a police study. The number of rape cases is also rising steadily. Unni Wikan, a professor of social anthropology at the University of Oslo, in 2001 said that “Norwegian women must take their share of responsibility for these rapes” because Muslim men found their manner of dress provocative. The professor’s conclusion was not that Muslim men living in the West needed to adjust to Western norms, but the exact opposite: “Norwegian women must realize that we live in a Multicultural society and adapt themselves to it.”

These "anthropologist" morons blame the Norwegian women for not acting in a way so that the muslims "respect" them, i.e. like muslim women. And thanks to cowardly gun laws, these women have almost no chance whatsoever to defend themselves from those creeps. Great!  ::)
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Peter on December 20, 2006, 04:41:33 PM
I have friends from Södertälje, who say the town's become a no-go area for police since the riots a few years ago, when the police station was attacked after a couple of Syrians were arrested, and is now controlled by eastern European, Russian and middle eastern gangs.  It doesn't bother them though; they're all friends with the immigrants and wouldn't be touched, but a Swedish girl was attacked a while ago for walking through a muslim area without wearing a hajib, and they say there's a great deal of organised crime in the town now.  Also, one of their friends got tasered by some Turks on motorcycles, out for a laugh, but they accepted that as normal.

The immigrant situation is much different here in Glasgow; all the immigrants here tend to be productive citizens with jobs, and the younger ones go to uni and stuff.  Unlike Sweden, they haven't recently come from warzones and the like, so they're far better adjusted.  It's the mostly native neds here that cause the problem, but they don't have the intelligence or organisation to be really dangerous.  That said, Glasgow gets about 50 murders a year, and is the stabbing capital of Europe, or so I've heard, but I'm not an expert on Glaswegian criminality.

Anyway, seems that the problem isn't so much that there's immigrants, but that the immigrants going to Scandanavia come from some of the most deprived and traumatised places in the world.  Our post WW2 wave of immigration was completely different, and was composed mainly of workers with families coming over from India and Pakistan to fill a gap in the job market, rather than fleeing some disaster and ending up on benefits.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 20, 2006, 04:56:05 PM
The Swedish immigrant policy is totally wrong. The authorities give permissons to stay in the country and Swedish citizenships to criminals and unproductive people and brandish all critics of the immigration policy as racists and neonazis. Swedish authorities and politicians are experts on sweeping the problems under the carpet.

And the Swedish police, as always, are cowards. They harass kids with tuned up mopeds or people violating the speed limits on the motorways with 10 kmph but immigrants in the suburbs make them shit their pants...

I can't get hold of a gun illegally, and maybe not legally either, since I have AS, but those Syrians could get hold of a machine gun without problems, despite the fact that they're practically isolated from the "normal" Swedish society more than I am. The ammunition to the machine gun was of a very unusual sort, but since the gun itself wasn't found and they claimed that they'd just stored the ammunition for some friend of theirs, they're were freed in court.

I despise my country. Cowards.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 24, 2006, 05:25:41 PM
I despise my country. Cowards.

Then move. And I mean it in the nicest possible way.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Eamonn on December 24, 2006, 05:43:40 PM
I despise my country. Cowards.

Then move. And I mean it in the nicest possible way.

Why should law-abiding citizens move as opposed to foreign criminals disrespecting and violating the generousity of the local population (and the stupidly cunts who think they should apoligise to the people whio are biting the hand that feeds them should move to the fucking middle-east if they want to live in a foreign shthole under shariah law as opposed to ruining great countries in Europe)
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 24, 2006, 06:06:44 PM
I despise my country. Cowards.

Then move. And I mean it in the nicest possible way.

Why should law-abiding citizens move as opposed to foreign criminals disrespecting and violating the generousity of the local population (and the stupidly cunts who think they should apoligise to the people whio are biting the hand that feeds them should move to the fucking middle-east if they want to live in a foreign shthole under shariah law as opposed to ruining great countries in Europe)

I think he should move if he despises his country. Why live in a place you don't like? Life's too short.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: thepeaguy on December 24, 2006, 09:04:26 PM
I despise my country. Cowards.

Then move. And I mean it in the nicest possible way.

Why should law-abiding citizens move as opposed to foreign criminals disrespecting and violating the generousity of the local population (and the stupidly cunts who think they should apoligise to the people whio are biting the hand that feeds them should move to the fucking middle-east if they want to live in a foreign shthole under shariah law as opposed to ruining great countries in Europe)

 Life's too short.

Only if you're a gnat or some specimen with a short life-span.

Being a cancer sufferer also helps.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: McGiver on December 24, 2006, 09:25:30 PM
I despise my country. Cowards.

Then move. And I mean it in the nicest possible way.

Why should law-abiding citizens move as opposed to foreign criminals disrespecting and violating the generousity of the local population (and the stupidly cunts who think they should apoligise to the people whio are biting the hand that feeds them should move to the fucking middle-east if they want to live in a foreign shthole under shariah law as opposed to ruining great countries in Europe)

 Life's too short.

Only if you're a gnat or some specimen with a short life-span.

Being a cancer sufferer also helps.

hey, i was born on the 17th of july.  i am a cancer.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Eamonn on December 24, 2006, 09:34:06 PM
  i am a cancer.

Nice of you to be so forthcoming.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: McGiver on December 24, 2006, 09:34:47 PM
  i am a cancer.

Nice of you to be so forthcoming.
nice to have you fifthcumming.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: ozymandias on December 24, 2006, 10:33:57 PM
Looks like Dr. Emo Eamonn wants to cum all over us with his wisdom!
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: thepeaguy on December 25, 2006, 12:37:34 AM
I despise my country. Cowards.

Then move. And I mean it in the nicest possible way.

Why should law-abiding citizens move as opposed to foreign criminals disrespecting and violating the generousity of the local population (and the stupidly cunts who think they should apoligise to the people whio are biting the hand that feeds them should move to the fucking middle-east if they want to live in a foreign shthole under shariah law as opposed to ruining great countries in Europe)

 Life's too short.

Only if you're a gnat or some specimen with a short life-span.

Being a cancer sufferer also helps.

hey, i was born on the 17th of july.  i am a cancer.

Don't be so insensitive; I nearly died from Internet Cancer once.

Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 08:52:04 AM
I despise my country. Cowards.

Then move. And I mean it in the nicest possible way.

No. The foreign criminals should move. And all politicians and political correct douche bags wanting peaceful, law abiding Swedes to adapt to islamic "culture" should move to the Middle East with them.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 25, 2006, 09:27:07 AM
No. The foreign criminals should move. And all politicians and political correct douche bags wanting peaceful, law abiding Swedes to adapt to islamic "culture" should move to the Middle East with them.

We have freedom of religion, and if it bothers you so much, I still think your best course of action is to move. May I suggest the Netherlands?
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 09:36:35 AM
No. The foreign criminals should move. And all politicians and political correct douche bags wanting peaceful, law abiding Swedes to adapt to islamic "culture" should move to the Middle East with them.

We have freedom of religion, and if it bothers you so much, I still think your best course of action is to move. May I suggest the Netherlands?

When in Rome, do as the Romans. They can have their stupid religion (like the Christians and the Jews, for that matter), but they shouldn't try to force it upon us and harassing Swedish women for how they dress, and, above all, the state shouldn't support them trying to do this. And if they don't have Swedish citizenship and commit crimes, they should be kicked out of our country. It's not a human right to live in Sweden.

But yes, I like the Netherlands. The Dutch stand up for their country, unlike most other Europeans these days. They even defended themselves against overwhelmingly overpower in WWII when Sweden was busy licking first Nazi Germany's and then (from 1943) the Soviet Union's arse.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 25, 2006, 10:04:01 AM
You should free yourself of the cliches, at least. The stereotypes have their place in SD meetings, I suppose, but c'mon, who do you think you're addressing?
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 10:13:25 AM
You should free yourself of the cliches, at least. The stereotypes have their place in SD meetings, I suppose, but c'mon, who do you think you're addressing?

I just don't think it's a proper behaviour to seek asylum in a country and then, when you get your permission to stay or citizenship, try to impose your religion and culture with threats and violence on your "hosts". It has nothing to do with racism, it's just common sense and decency.

And as an aspie I know perfectly well how it is to be a scapegoat. That doesn't mean that a minority group should go free doing anything they like and then claiming to be treated like scapegoats or victims of "racism", when they harass people who live the majority's way of life. 
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 25, 2006, 11:02:50 AM
You're blaming the whole group of people for something that only a handful are guilty of. You're using cliches instead of demonstrable facts. It's got all to do with racism and intolerance, although I'm sure you would prefer not to see it in that way.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Draggon on December 25, 2006, 11:07:38 AM
He never blamed the whole group of people, just stated that there was a statistical correlation between the crimes and the influx of the Islamic culture.  And he showed some quasi-intellectual figure stating that the women were to blame for being raped due to their cultural insensitivity (or however he phrased it) which is outrageous
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 11:08:02 AM
You're blaming the whole group of people for something that only a handful are guilty of. You're using cliches instead of demonstrable facts. It's got all to do with racism and intolerance, although I'm sure you would prefer not to see it in that way.

Did you read my link about rapes in Oslo? Are those who put the statistic together racists? Did I say that all muslim males are rapists? I just said that it's much more common in that group, especially gang rapes are. The statistics from Norway proves it. If the Swedish authorities  weren't such total hypocrites, things like that would be found in Swedish crime statistics as well.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 11:08:57 AM
He never blamed the whole group of people, just stated that there was a statistical correlation between the crimes and the influx of the Islamic culture.  And he showed some quasi-intellectual figure stating that the women were to blame for being raped due to their cultural insensitivity (or however he phrased it) which is outrageous

Damned right it's outrageous, but that's the usual way to deal with problems in Europe; being a coward and blame the victims.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Eamonn on December 25, 2006, 11:14:53 AM
You're blaming the whole group of people for something that only a handful are guilty of. You're using cliches instead of demonstrable facts. It's got all to do with racism and intolerance, although I'm sure you would prefer not to see it in that way.

Standard troll tactic. Instead of debating the issues or talking facts like Litigeious, you are resorting to all-encompasing brain-washed hysteria, slandering all who support lawfulness and to preserve the peace as racists, knowing full well your fellow indigenous citizens of Sweden will allow you that right, whilst you conveniently cow-down to foreign criminals who will behead you if you ever develop a set and have the brass balls to stand up to their raping and terrorism veil-wearing ways. You sir, are a coward! You dont deserve the freedoms that your offered and you will soon lose them when your living under shariah law. Why dont you save time and move to Saudi Arabia now?
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 25, 2006, 11:34:21 AM
Eamonn: Because I like it here, unlike some. I don't have a problem with influences from other religions than Christianity.

Litigious: I thought we were talking about Sweden. Since when is Oslo part of Sweden?

Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Draggon on December 25, 2006, 11:41:01 AM
Litigious: I thought we were talking about Sweden. Since when is Oslo part of Sweden?

Here is one from Sweden.  Warning that the picture at the top is not for the faint of heart, this shit makes me ill >:(
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 12:41:58 PM
That's the multiculture for which we shall be so grateful.  ::)
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: McGiver on December 25, 2006, 12:43:20 PM
No. The foreign criminals should move. And all politicians and political correct douche bags wanting peaceful, law abiding Swedes to adapt to islamic "culture" should move to the Middle East with them.

We have freedom of religion, and if it bothers you so much, I still think your best course of action is to move. May I suggest the Netherlands?

When in Rome, do as the Romans. They can have their stupid religion (like the Christians and the Jews, for that matter), but they shouldn't try to force it upon us and harassing Swedish women for how they dress, and, above all, the state shouldn't support them trying to do this. And if they don't have Swedish citizenship and commit crimes, they should be kicked out of our country. It's not a human right to live in Sweden.

But yes, I like the Netherlands. The Dutch stand up for their country, unlike most other Europeans these days. They even defended themselves against overwhelmingly overpower in WWII when Sweden was busy licking first Nazi Germany's and then (from 1943) the Soviet Union's arse.
when in tha Manson family, do as they do?
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 12:46:55 PM
And as you can see, the authorities are purposely lying. All four rapists were of Somalian origin, though one had Swedish and one Finnish citizenship.

Just one of the rapists to some degree got what he deserved, and not by the Swedish "justice", but from an inmate who raped him anally while being in a mental institution.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: McGiver on December 25, 2006, 12:47:39 PM
And as you can see, the authorities are purposely lying. All four rapists were of Somalian origin, though one had Swedish and one Finnish citizenship.

Just one of the rapists to some degree got what he deserved, and not by the Swedish "justice", but from an inmate who raped him anally while being in a mental institution.
fucken somalians!
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 12:48:43 PM
when in tha Manson family, do as they do?

In Sweden Charles Manson probably would have been a free man for a long time now...
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 12:50:59 PM
And as you can see, the authorities are purposely lying. All four rapists were of Somalian origin, though one had Swedish and one Finnish citizenship.

Just one of the rapists to some degree got what he deserved, and not by the Swedish "justice", but from an inmate who raped him anally while being in a mental institution.
fucken somalians!

This is the attitude those bastards have towards our women:
Some Muslim immigrants admit their bias quite openly. An Islamic Mufti in Copenhagen sparked a political outcry after publicly declaring that women who refuse to wear headscarves are "asking for rape." Apparently, he's not the only one thinking this way. “It is not as wrong raping a Swedish girl as raping an Arab girl,” says Hamid. “The Swedish girl gets a lot of help afterwards, and she had probably fucked before, anyway. But the Arab girl will get problems with her family. For her, being raped is a source of shame. It is important that she retains her virginity until she marries.” It was no coincidence that it was a Swedish girl that was gang raped in Rissne – this becomes obvious from the discussion with Ali, Hamid, Abdallah and Richard. All four have disparaging views on Swedish girls, and think this attitude is common among young men with immigrant background. “It is far too easy to get a Swedish whore…… girl, I mean;” says Hamid, and laughs over his own choice of words. “Many immigrant boys have Swedish girlfriends when they are teenagers. But when they get married, they get a proper woman from their own culture who has never been with a boy. That’s what I am going to do. I don’t have too much respect for Swedish girls. I guess you can say they get fucked to pieces.”
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: McGiver on December 25, 2006, 12:59:17 PM
This is the attitude those bastards have towards our women:

i think it would be better to own a few somalianese than your women.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 01:02:27 PM
I would hereby like to protest against the passivity and the lack of resolve demonstrated by Swedish authorities in the face of a huge spike in the number of rapes in their country. It is time for Swedish politicians, Swedish media and the Swedish public to admit that the large increase in the number of rape charges in their country during the past generation is intimately tied to the immigration that has taken place during that same time period. The attitude among many Muslim men is that women who are not veiled and act properly submissive have themselves to blame if something happens to them. Such a line of thinking is incompatible with the culture of freedom in any Western country. It means that as long as Muslim immigration continues, Sweden will continue to import an Islamic culture that will destroy women’s freedom in Swedish society. The strains caused by immigration are now so large that unless something serious is done about this, pretty soon Sweden will face the same kind of riots we have recently seen in France, and will approach the point of permanent ethnic and religious strife. Swedish politicians and media need to put the well-being of their daughters above that of political correctness and their own Multicultural vanity, and it is shocking that they actually need to be reminded of this. It is an international embarrassment to Sweden as a nation that Swedes travel around the world to lecture about women’s rights, and at the same time their own young women are finding that their most basic rights, such as being able to go outside wearing normal clothes without being harassed, are slipping away. It’s a sham, and it needs to end. Unless Swedish authorities are able to provide basic security to a population that has some of the highest tax rates in the world, the Swedish government should publicly admit its inadequacy and resign from office. At the very least, it should be honest enough to tell Swedish citizens that they must provide security for themselves, and stop making it difficult for people to do this. The Swedish general elections are less than a year away, and this time, Muslim immigration needs to be raised to the very top of the public agenda.

I'm not the only "islamophobic" "gun nut" in Scandinavia, I think...
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 01:03:42 PM
This is the attitude those bastards have towards our women:

i think it would be better to own a few somalianese than your women.

Even I think Swedish women are slutty, it would be ridiculous of me to deny it, but at least I'm just ranting about it on the internet or occasionally tell it to them straight in their face, but I'm not going out raping them...
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 01:12:58 PM
At December 13, 2005 11:37 AM, phiser said...

Neighbouring countries to Sweden should really consider a very strong bordercontrol.
 A lot of muslim terrorists flew to Sweden - this is well known for the swedish authorities but they dont act accordingly.
With EU's weak internal bordercontrol Sweden is actually housing terrorists which will have little problems travelling to any country within EU.

Regarding criminal activity amongst muslims - they should have been punished according to their beloved book. But of course that is impossible in "political correct" western countries - which of course muslims are aware of...

Our politicians feel so sorry for these muslims ; and there is always an excuse for muslims severe criminality.

The problem in a nut shell.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 25, 2006, 02:26:22 PM
I'm not the only "islamophobic" "gun nut" in Scandinavia, I think...

Unfortunately that's true.

But if you want to quote other gun nuts and islamophobics, please give us references.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 25, 2006, 02:50:43 PM
I don't deny that statistically, immigrants are over-represented in Sweden. In some areas, the differences are particularly clear, for example, narcotics crimes. However, the vast majority of both groups are law-abiding citizens that don't even get parking tickets.

Keep in mind that according to the same studies that you use, immigrants are far more likely than Swedes to be found guilty, and will be punished far more severely for the same crime. A crime that gives a Swede four years in prison will give an immigrant six, according to these studies. Also, since unemployment figures are disproportionally high among immigrants, this too adds to the crime rates, even among second-generation immigrants. Unemployment is a very common reason for criminality, both in Sweden and elsewhere. Also, a foreign-sounding name is often enough to keep a third-generation Swede unemployed, according to a recent study.

What you are doing is to use the hideous crimes of a little minority to spread hatred and mistrust against every Muslim, as a group of people, insinuating that somehow, their religion is to blame, or their "Muslim culture", and that's just racist and wrong. If you actually knew anything about Islam as a religion, you wouldn't blame the religion. This sort of strategy is commonly used by racists (islamophobics, if you prefer that term), but it works just as well against any minority.

Did you watch, or hear about, the TV program "Ondska" ("Evil") where people with mental disorders, among them people with AS, were pointed out as possible, and even likely, criminals? They used rhetorics very similar to yours, and if you've read any of the comments posted by viewers on the TV3 website, you know that some viewers think that people with Asperger's shouldn't even have the right to be born.

For the record: I do NOT in anyway CONDONE those rapes, by those Somalians or by any others, immigrants or Swedes. In my mind, rapists should sit behind bars for a very long time, AFTER they've been sterilized.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 03:02:03 PM
I'm not the only "islamophobic" "gun nut" in Scandinavia, I think...

Unfortunately that's true.

But if you want to quote other gun nuts and islamophobics, please give us references.

It was from that Norwegian blog that Dragoon posted. It helps bother reading the links.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 25, 2006, 03:10:49 PM
It was from that Norwegian blog that Dragoon posted. It helps bother reading the links.

Actually, it helps more if you tell us what you quote. Your post wasn't immediately after Dragoon's--in fact, there were no less than seven posts between your post, and Dragoon's. Good attributions are necessary if you want to achieve believability.

It also helps to have a point.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 03:12:01 PM
Did you watch, or hear about, the TV program "Ondska" ("Evil") where people with mental disorders, among them people with AS, were pointed out as possible, and even likely, criminals? They used rhetorics very similar to yours, and if you've read any of the comments posted by viewers on the TV3 website, you know that some viewers think that people with Asperger's shouldn't even have the right to be born.

I don't have TV3, but I've read about it. That was a caricature of a documentary. The rhetorics may have been very similar, but that program pointed out people with AS as criminals without any real facts and some ignorant fools always believe what they watch on TV. In opposition to this program, statistics over gang rapes are proven. 
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 03:15:43 PM
Actually, it helps more if you tell us what you quote. Your post wasn't immediately after Dragoon's--in fact, there were no less than seven posts between your post, and Dragoon's. Good attributions are necessary if you want to achieve believability.

It also helps to have a point.

My point was that for people who aren't blindfolded  by politically correctness, it's obvious that some minorities are over-represented by certain crimes and that there are some people who share my opinion on the right to self-defence worth it's name.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 25, 2006, 03:21:11 PM
I don't have TV3, but I've read about it. That was a caricature of a documentary. The rhetorics may have been very similar, but that program pointed out people with AS as criminals without any real facts and some ignorant fools always believe what they watch on TV. In opposition to this program, statistics over gang rapes are proven. 

Actually, they used statistics a lot like you use statistics--without any critical look of all the underlying causes, without any attempt at an explanation or even a hint of a balanced view. If a few rotten eggs commit crimes, their whole ethnical group is to blame.

A group of nationalists that used this kind of rhetorics were the Serbs, during the mid-nineties. They didn't quite have the media power to sustain their claims in the long run, not even in their own country, but NATO did, using the exact same rhetorics, against the Serbs.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 25, 2006, 03:25:34 PM
Actually, it helps more if you tell us what you quote. Your post wasn't immediately after Dragoon's--in fact, there were no less than seven posts between your post, and Dragoon's. Good attributions are necessary if you want to achieve believability.

It also helps to have a point.

My point was that for people who aren't blindfolded  by politically correctness, it's obvious that some minorities are over-represented by certain crimes and that there are some people who share my opinion on the right to self-defence worth it's name.

It's not about political correctness, Litigious, it's about respect for other people. I think it's sad that you don't understand it.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 03:37:52 PM
It's not about political correctness, Litigious, it's about respect for other people. I think it's sad that you don't understand it.

Have you ever noticed that there are actually more blacks/Arabs/latinos etc in commercials and TV-programs than their actual percentage of the population (here in Sweden that is)? Have you ever noticed that on great holidays, like 6th of June, Midsummer Eve etc the TV cameras always zoom in on immigrants, especially children? Have you ever noticed all female TV announcers with foreign origin, like Lisette Rådström, Pia Conde, etc? Why do you think the medias show more people of foreign origin in percentage than they actually are of the whole population's percentage? Why is a serious debate about whether the Swedish people wants 50-60000 new immigrants each year or not in principle forbidden? Why is every person putting this in question brandished a racist/neonazi?
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 25, 2006, 03:56:31 PM
It's not about political correctness, Litigious, it's about respect for other people. I think it's sad that you don't understand it.

Have you ever noticed that there are actually more blacks/Arabs/latinos etc in commercials and TV-programs than their actual percentage of the population (here in Sweden that is)? Have you ever noticed that on great holidays, like 6th of June, Midsummer Eve etc the TV cameras always zoom in on immigrants, especially children? Have you ever noticed all female TV announcers with foreign origin, like Lisette Rådström, Pia Conde, etc? Why do you think the medias show more people of foreign origin in percentage than they actually are of the whole population's percentage? Why is a serious debate about whether the Swedish people wants 50-60000 new immigrants each year or not in principle forbidden? Why is every person putting this in question brandished a racist/neonazi?

Because most are--those of us without the racist tendencies don't consider a coloured face on TV to be a problem.

The debate isn't forbidden--you are free to start one without fear of persecution (another reason to why many refugees come here). We, on the other hand, are free to ignore you. Ain't democracy and free speech great?

Oh, and I'd love to see some (serious) statistics on your claims.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 04:01:20 PM
If the guys in charge feel really secure that multiculture is the best thing, why don't they let the people decide whether they want it or not? How could the people say "no", if the people agree with the politicians? Why do they have to show more coloured people than there actually is (except in a few city suburbs) on TV? Why do they have to have hate crime laws against freedom of speech?
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 04:06:39 PM
Because most are--those of us without the racist tendencies don't consider a coloured face on TV to be a problem.

No, I asked why there are more people of foreign origin on TV than out in the real world.

Quote from: odeon

The debate isn't forbidden--you are free to start one without fear of persecution (another reason to why many refugees come here). We, on the other hand, are free to ignore you. Ain't democracy and free speech great?

I would get jail for saying in public that most gang rapists are of foreign origin, even if it's true. Sweden doesn't have freedom of speech. The US have, though.

Quote from: odeon
Oh, and I'd love to see some (serious) statistics on your claims.

Count. You can count the number of people of foreign origin on TV. About 1 person of 5 in Sweden is a foreigner, not 5 of 10 or 4 of 6.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: McGiver on December 25, 2006, 04:40:01 PM
Actually, it helps more if you tell us what you quote. Your post wasn't immediately after Dragoon's--in fact, there were no less than seven posts between your post, and Dragoon's. Good attributions are necessary if you want to achieve believability.

It also helps to have a point.

My point was that for people who aren't blindfolded  by politically correctness, it's obvious that some minorities are over-represented by certain crimes and that there are some people who share my opinion on the right to self-defence worth it's name.

It's not about political correctness, Litigious, it's about respect for other people. I think it's sad that you don't understand it.

i have always believed that you must give respect if you expect to recieve respect.  but that goes both ways.
one can sit by idly all day long and watch events in horror, and then give respect to the disrespectful to their faces.  however, i choose to call people out if i think they are wrong.
for instance; many muslims in sweden appear to be incorrect, if not politically but in the respect sense of the word.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Peter on December 25, 2006, 05:12:50 PM
<Watching Ricky Gervais take this piss out of political correctness.>
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 25, 2006, 06:22:30 PM
Because most are--those of us without the racist tendencies don't consider a coloured face on TV to be a problem.

No, I asked why there are more people of foreign origin on TV than out in the real world.

Why do you ask? Given your earlier posts, your question isn't exactly innocent.

Quote from: Litigious
Quote from: odeon

The debate isn't forbidden--you are free to start one without fear of persecution (another reason to why many refugees come here). We, on the other hand, are free to ignore you. Ain't democracy and free speech great?

I would get jail for saying in public that most gang rapists are of foreign origin, even if it's true. Sweden doesn't have freedom of speech. The US have, though.

Cheap rhetorics, and you know it. You are perfectly free to say it in public, without fearing jail. You do need to have some statistics handy, though, or have a libel case in your hands. Oh, and the US have libel laws, too.

As for freedom of speech and the US, have a look at the Patriot Act.

Quote from: Litigious
Quote from: odeon
Oh, and I'd love to see some (serious) statistics on your claims.

Count. You can count the number of people of foreign origin on TV. About 1 person of 5 in Sweden is a foreigner, not 5 of 10 or 4 of 6.


Surely, you can't be serious? Have you kept score? Throughout the programming of half a dozen Swedish channels, or more, depending on exactly what you count as Swedish television? Simultaneously? How, exactly, do you go about this?

Admit that your statement is pure speculation, or show me some statistics. Don't bother if the above is all you can offer, 'cause it's laughable.

I can see why you prefer not to go public with this, though.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 25, 2006, 06:24:20 PM
If the guys in charge feel really secure that multiculture is the best thing, why don't they let the people decide whether they want it or not?

They do let the people decide. It's called "election". Guess what? You lost.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 06:45:06 PM
Why do you ask? Given your earlier posts, your question isn't exactly innocent.

If that's done on purpose, and I can't see how it isn't, the ones who did it aren't exactly innocent either.
Quote from: odeon

Cheap rhetorics, and you know it. You are perfectly free to say it in public, without fearing jail. You do need to have some statistics handy, though, or have a libel case in your hands. Oh, and the US have libel laws, too.

As for freedom of speech and the US, have a look at the Patriot Act.

It's not cheap rhetorics. It's not a libel case saying it about an entire ethnic group (even if statistically proven), it's a "hatecrime". Yes, the US have libel laws, but not for ethnic groups but for individuals. The Patriot Act doesn't restrict what you might say about crimes amongst minorities, does it?

Quote from: odeon

Surely, you can't be serious? Have you kept score? Throughout the programming of half a dozen Swedish channels, or more, depending on exactly what you count as Swedish television? Simultaneously? How, exactly, do you go about this?

Admit that your statement is pure speculation, or show me some statistics. Don't bother if the above is all you can offer, 'cause it's laughable.

I can see why you prefer not to go public with this, though.

No, it's easy. About 20% of the population are immigrants. When there was an article in the paper of a kindergarten in my neighbourhood, where the immigrant ratio is much lower than nationwide, for example, there were 6 girls on a picture. 4 of them were of Middle Eastern origin and were standing in the foreground. And that's not a single coincidence. That can be seen all the time in newspapers and on TV.

Why should I go public with this? No one cares. Otherwise, this would have been brought up by someone else long time ago.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 06:46:50 PM
If the guys in charge feel really secure that multiculture is the best thing, why don't they let the people decide whether they want it or not?

They do let the people decide. It's called "election". Guess what? You lost.

No, we all did. Maybe you'll understand that in 10 or 20 years.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 06:58:39 PM
There are links to BRÃ…:s statistics about this on Fjordman's blog, by the way. Unfortunately, they want you to pay for this report:
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 07:01:33 PM
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 25, 2006, 07:21:31 PM
Cheap rhetorics, and you know it. You are perfectly free to say it in public, without fearing jail. You do need to have some statistics handy, though, or have a libel case in your hands. Oh, and the US have libel laws, too.

As for freedom of speech and the US, have a look at the Patriot Act.

It's not cheap rhetorics. It's not a libel case saying it about an entire ethnic group (even if statistically proven), it's a "hatecrime". Yes, the US have libel laws, but not for ethnic groups but for individuals. The Patriot Act doesn't restrict what you might say about crimes amongst minorities, does it?

Regarding the Patriot Act: We were talking about freedom of speech. I've set my comment about it in bold, above.

The "hate crimes" you're talking about deal with something else entirely. I maintain that you are indeed free to say what you want, and that you are using cheap rhetorics. Cheap because you don't actually reference specific laws or even cases, you just comment on what you assume will happen. You postulate that you will go to jail, and from that, you build your "case" stating that Sweden lacks freedom of speech.

I'm not buying it, and I doubt that anyone else will, either.

As for this:

Quote from: Litigious
Yes, the US have libel laws, but not for ethnic groups but for individuals.

You'd better have a look at some of the class action suits in the US in later years.

Quote from: Litigious
Quote from: odeon

Surely, you can't be serious? Have you kept score? Throughout the programming of half a dozen Swedish channels, or more, depending on exactly what you count as Swedish television? Simultaneously? How, exactly, do you go about this?

Admit that your statement is pure speculation, or show me some statistics. Don't bother if the above is all you can offer, 'cause it's laughable.

I can see why you prefer not to go public with this, though.

No, it's easy. About 20% of the population are immigrants. When there was an article in the paper of a kindergarten in my neighbourhood, where the immigrant ratio is much lower than nationwide, for example, there were 6 girls on a picture. 4 of them were of Middle Eastern origin and were standing in the foreground. And that's not a single coincidence. That can be seen all the time in newspapers and on TV.

Why should I go public with this? No one cares. Otherwise, this would have been brought up by someone else long time ago.

It's either that, no-one cares (which probably means that the majority are more open-minded than you are), or that you've simply gotten it all wrong.

To prove your assumption about the over-exposure of foreigners on national media, you bring up one newspaper article? You don't tell us what it was about, why that particular kindergarten was displayed, what the immigrant/Swede ratio was, etc, etc, etc. I wanted proof, statistics, anything. Surely, you can at least offer some statistics from an SD demographic? Did you check the other pictures in that newspaper? What were those articles about? Etc.

You feared our supposed lack of free speech, but now you won't speak your mind because nobody cares? Try to be consistent.

If the guys in charge feel really secure that multiculture is the best thing, why don't they let the people decide whether they want it or not?

They do let the people decide. It's called "election". Guess what? You lost.

No, we all did. Maybe you'll understand that in 10 or 20 years.

The people decided, they cared, you lost. Face it. There's nothing to be afraid of.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 25, 2006, 07:34:17 PM
I'm sure you haven't even looked on Fjordman's blog or his links. He's probably not a nazi, since he's got Jewish friends in the Netherlands collecting most of his articles.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 25, 2006, 08:48:36 PM

I'm sorry, but nowhere in this article can I find statistics on the ethnicity of rapes in Sweden. There's some for Denmark and Norway, but nothing for Sweden. There is the mentioning of a well-published, and brutal, case on four foreign men and a 13-yo girl in Motala, but no statistics. Fjordman extrapolates from Denmark and Norway.

I'm sure you haven't even looked on Fjordman's blog or his links. He's probably not a nazi, since he's got Jewish friends in the Netherlands collecting most of his articles.

Of course I've looked at his blog. I just don't buy his skewed use of statistics by extrapolation as readily as you do. And no, I don't think he's a nazi. He is, however, a bigot and most likely a racist, and if you read some of his material, you'll find that he considers being Muslim a disease, supports isolating Muslims at universities and in business, and generally uses an argumentation akin to the Nazi propaganda against the Jews in the twenties and early thirties. I don't really consider his opinions worthy of a serious discussion.

However, he does scare me. Won't you be sorry when people like him turn their attention to those evil, criminal, Asperger's sufferers and their apologists?

Here's a blog that brings down Fjordman. I don't agree with everything he says but it's interesting, nevertheless. In particular, do read some of the comments...

And speaking of freedom of speech in America:

Finally, documenting islamophobia:
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Peter on December 26, 2006, 12:47:50 PM
Concerning islamophobia, muslims seem to do themselves absolutely no favours when it comes to people's perceptions of them.  People didn't just wake up one day as islamophobes, and events such as the muslim responses to the Danish cartoons can only reaffirm people's beliefs about them.  If that sort of violence and chaos can come from a handful of poorly drawn cartoons in an obscure Danish newspaper, what carnage would have resulted if The Life of Brian had been about Muhammed, rather than Jesus?  It's like they set out to prove our worst fears about them, so that when someone published some cartoons to test the muslim reaction, that reaction was "You insult our religion?  YOU DIE!!!"; not exactly something that instills confidence that people's fears were unfounded.

Some pictures of the muslim protests after the Danish cartoons:

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

On February 4, 2006, the Danish and Norwegian embassies in Syria were set ablaze, though with no injuries. In Beirut, the Danish Embassy was set on fire,[44] leaving one protester dead.[45] Altogether, at least 139 people were killed in protests,[46] mainly in Nigeria, Libya, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Several death threats and reward offers for killing those responsible for the cartoons have been made,[47] resulting in the cartoonists going into hiding.[48]. Four ministers have resigned amidst the controversy, among them Roberto Calderoli and Laila Freivalds.[49] In India, Haji Yaqoob Qureishi, a minister in Uttar Pradesh state government announced in February 2006 a cash reward of Rs 51 crore (roughly about US$11 million) for anyone who beheads the Danish cartoonist who caricatured Prophet Mohammad.

Not great PR for the 'muslims are peaceful and misunderstood' camp.  (On a side note, notice how all those placards from the london protest look the same?  Guess someone set up a stall or something, kind of like how all those Danish flags conveniently turned up around the world for crowds to burn.)  I'm sure that the majority are perfectly peaceful, but muslims seem to have a sizable hardcore contingent, ready and willing to take extreme measures against critics of their religion and culture, and that, to me, is cause enough for concern.  If any other group behaved this way, I'd be worried by them too.  Perhaps I'm mistaken, and muslims really are no worse than any other group; I'm entirely open to the possibility, but I've seen no evidence so far that that's the case.

Btw, how many people heard about the painting "Imitation of Christ", where Jesus was depicted surrounded by gay men engaged in sexual acts?  Anybody recall the reaction it produced?
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 26, 2006, 12:59:09 PM
Those paintings were actually made by a Swedish artist, if we think about the same paintings. There were some lame protests, but nothing at all compared with the reactions on the drawings in Jyllandsposten. No death threats against the artist as far as anyone knows. Not even extreme Christian fundamentalists in midwestern US or the Catholic church protested as far as I know.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Scrapheap on December 26, 2006, 01:18:11 PM
Concerning islamophobia, muslims seem to do themselves absolutely no favours when it comes to people's perceptions of them.  People didn't just wake up one day as islamophobes, and events such as the muslim responses to the Danish cartoons can only reaffirm people's beliefs about them.  If that sort of violence and chaos can come from a handful of poorly drawn cartoons in an obscure Danish newspaper, what carnage would have resulted if The Life of Brian had been about Muhammed, rather than Jesus?  It's like they set out to prove our worst fears about them, so that when someone published some cartoons to test the muslim reaction, that reaction was "You insult our religion?  YOU DIE!!!"; not exactly something that instills confidence that people's fears were unfounded.

Some pictures of the muslim protests after the Danish cartoons:

Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: thepeaguy on December 26, 2006, 01:21:59 PM
Good post, Peter Pan.


You moron. Not it's rather its, since the former being a contraction of it is, not a possessive pronoun like its.

Less of the fundamentalist bullshit, please, and go back to grammar school.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: ozymandias on December 26, 2006, 01:26:13 PM
I don't think I posted this here, but, my sentiments are not anti-muslim.  Yet the thing that strikes me in the US and in other countries is the silence of Moderate muslims speaking out against the extremism of their Islamic bretheren.  Christians do criticize each other frequently and there are vocal divisions between Liberal, moderate and conservative christians.  If there are moderate muslims speaking out, they are few and far between!
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 26, 2006, 01:28:56 PM
Exactly. Even if the absolute majority of muslims themselves do no harm, they're kind of silent followers to the nut cases. The few moderate muslims who actually speak out risk their lives, though.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Scrapheap on December 26, 2006, 01:38:38 PM
I don't think I posted this here, but, my sentiments are not anti-muslim.  Yet the thing that strikes me in the US and in other countries is the silence of Moderate muslims speaking out against the extremism of their Islamic bretheren.  Christians do criticize each other frequently and there are vocal divisions between Liberal, moderate and conservative christians.  If there are moderate muslims speaking out, they are few and far between!

Quote from: Litigious
Exactly. Even if the absolute majority of muslims themselves do no harm, they're kind of silent followers to the nut cases. The few moderate muslims who actually speak out risk their lives, though.

These are excellent points which reflect my own personal experience.

The inbred rednecks I grew up with in the Nebraska acted the same way that Islamic terrirists do. A small handfull of bullies terrorised those on the margins of society to create fear and produce order. The majority of people were decent people who did nothing ,and accepted, even rewarded the behavior of the bullies. This was the natural order of the world as they understood it and perfectly normal.

The Muslim terrorists work off the same mentality.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Peter on December 26, 2006, 01:45:57 PM
Exactly. Even if the absolute majority of muslims themselves do no harm, they're kind of silent followers to the nut cases. The few moderate muslims who actually speak out risk their lives, though.

And/or are criticised as islamophobes.

From Odeon's islamophobia-watch link:

"The latest media darling of Scandinavian politics is not only black, beautiful and Muslim; she is also firmly against the wearing of the veil.

"Nyamko Sabuni, 37, has caused a storm as Sweden's new integration and equality minister by arguing that all girls should be checked for evidence of female circumcision; arranged marriages should be criminalised; religious schools should receive no state funding; and immigrants should learn Swedish and find a job.

"Supporters of the centre-right government that came to power last month believe that her bold rejection of cultural diversity may make her a force for change across Europe. Her critics are calling her a hardliner and even an Islamophobe."
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Peter on December 26, 2006, 01:54:25 PM
The islamophobia-watch site seems to shoot itself in the foot a lot, IMO:

Quote from:
The old 'multiculturalism causes terrorism' myth

Commenting on the report "Migrants face new 'Britishness' test" the Telegraph takes the opportunity to repeat the usual right-wing, anti-multiculturalist nonsense about the causes of 7/7:

"The terrorist bombings of London's transport system on 7 July, 2005, and their failed sequel two weeks later, brought a sharp public realisation that Britain's attitude to absorbing immigrants needed to be rethought.

"For innocent civilians to be murdered in their scores in an indiscriminate attack was appalling, but even more shocking was the revelation that these acts had been planned by British-born Muslims: young men who had been raised and educated in this country, but clearly did not feel themselves to be a part of it. In the analysis and debate that followed these traumatic incidents, the scale of the problem became evident.

"Large communities of migrants were living in virtual cultural isolation in Britain. Often making no attempt to learn English, or to accept the national identity that they had adopted, these immigrant groups had been left to their own devices.

"The policy of multi-culturalism, which saw itself as tolerant and benign, had in effect encouraged them to remain tied to their old national or ethnic loyalties, rather than to participate in mainstream British life. The consequence of this failure to assimilate was a pernicious alienation that bred underachievement and a sense of grievance."

I fail to see how this is meant to make us feel any less phobic about muslims, or any more supportive of multiculturalism.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 26, 2006, 01:56:39 PM
Nyamko Sabuni.

People like her are problematical to the politically correct. It's typical that it has to be a person of foreign origin who actually speaks out about this. This is just so typically Sweden...

The ice cream that she eats on this pic is called Nogger in Sweden and the company that makes it was accused for racism, since the ice cream is dark brown and Nogger sounds like "nigger"...

Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: thepeaguy on December 26, 2006, 01:59:58 PM
It's just a fucking ice-cream...

Talk about sensitive.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 26, 2006, 02:01:32 PM
It's just a fucking ice-cream...

Yes, in a normal country, not in Sweden though...
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Scrapheap on December 26, 2006, 02:01:46 PM
The ice cream that she eats on this pic is called Nogger in Sweden and the company that makes it was accused for racism, since the ice cream is dark brown and Nogger sounds like "nigger"...

Just like the flap over here when a judge described a black plaintiff as "Niggardly"  ;D
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: thepeaguy on December 26, 2006, 02:09:02 PM
It's just a fucking ice-cream...

Yes, in a normal country, not in Sweden though...

Pfft. In our town, we had to change the name of some newly built shopping centre to appease the black community, since it was derived from some slave trade industry back in the old days of my hometown, which used to be a bustling port for pirates, sailors and the like.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: McGiver on December 26, 2006, 02:16:18 PM
looks like this discussion has taken a turn in favor of the pro islamiphobics
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: ozymandias on December 26, 2006, 02:44:53 PM
I don't think I posted this here, but, my sentiments are not anti-muslim.  Yet the thing that strikes me in the US and in other countries is the silence of Moderate muslims speaking out against the extremism of their Islamic bretheren.  Christians do criticize each other frequently and there are vocal divisions between Liberal, moderate and conservative christians.  If there are moderate muslims speaking out, they are few and far between!

Quote from: Litigious
Exactly. Even if the absolute majority of muslims themselves do no harm, they're kind of silent followers to the nut cases. The few moderate muslims who actually speak out risk their lives, though.

These are excellent points which reflect my own personal experience.

The inbred rednecks I grew up with in the Nebraska acted the same way that Islamic terrirists do. A small handfull of bullies terrorised those on the margins of society to create fear and produce order. The majority of people were decent people who did nothing ,and accepted, even rewarded the behavior of the bullies. This was the natural order of the world as they understood it and perfectly normal.

The Muslim terrorists work off the same mentality.

Agreed!  But I am not Islamiphobic, just pro common sense!  I feel the same way about the battle between Ultra-conservative Jews and moderate, liberal Jews.

Today I heard the ultimate definition that defines this whole argument, to paraphrase:  "You cannot have peace in a religious war, but, you can have peace in a political war."  In religion you have no grey areas to compromise or moderate, in politics you do.  Think about it!

Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 26, 2006, 06:55:29 PM
First of all, the islamophobia-watch site's whole purpose is to document what happens. If you cannot see why the quoted article ( is supposed to illustrate, you need to read more. One place to start is on that site, another is to do a quick Google search on islamophobia.

As for the vast majority of peaceful Muslims that see how their kin and their friends are treated throughout Europe, can you blame them for wanting to hide any more than you could blame the Jews silently hiding in Germany and elsewhere in Europe, Russia, and lots of other places, including Sweden, during the twenties and the thirties? It's just so easy for you to speak of how cowardly they are for not speaking up, when you are not the ones threatened, isn't it?

But tell me, if you had lived in Germany during the late twenties and early thirties, not as Jews but as Aryan, as Germans, blond and proud, would you have raised your voices? Would you have protested, or would you just silently have agreed that surely, there must be some truth in what they say, and what they get is not in any way worse than what they had in store for us?

But there are so many people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, that are not silent. They are screaming out about this, yet you choose not to listen. Have any of you bothered to read the links showing another side of Islam, have you any idea what the word Islam means?

I'm not saying that they are all good and peaceful. Not all are, but neither are all Christians or indeed all Jews, Hindus, or anyone else. In Peter's pictures there were surely exactly the kind of nut cases we all should fear because some of them seem to confuse terrorism with the word of their god, and act on that.

But to hell with balanced views, eh? It's not a group of people any of you can relate to, most of them are not from the old world or the brave new one, they're just foreigners thinking and reacting differently from how you would. Now, can you think of any OTHER kind of people that would think and react differently from your average Joe? Hmmm... a tough one.

Anyway, here's just a quick sample of all those silent, peaceful Muslims and non-Muslims alike, keeping their mouths shut:

Muslim voices against extremism and terrorism (

Muslims against terrorism (

Muslims Condemn Terrorist Attacks ( - a long list of voices condemning the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Are muslims hated? ( Lots of voices, muslims and otherwise.

Wikipedia (is your friend) ( Here's a decent view of islamophobia. Have a look at the links, too.

Islam Online ( There's a lot you can find out about Islam, and here are some views; pay special attention to the FAQ and "Ask the Scholar".

Oh, and Litigious, I noticed how you've dodged practically everything I sent your way. Pwned you, didn't I?
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 26, 2006, 07:32:57 PM

Oh, and Litigious, I noticed how you've dodged practically everything I sent your way. Pwned you, didn't I?

No, I can answer, if you want me to. Denmark, Norway and Sweden are so similar, that an "extrapolation" from Denmark and Norway to Sweden hardly is a great false. Since Swedish politicians and media are so dishonest, compared with their colleagues in Denmark and Norway, an extrapolation is in fact almost a must. It's not what would be considered science to do so, but when was politics ever science?

That I'm an aspie and part of a vulnerable minority doesn't mean that I haven't the right to have an opinion on other minorities, when I think they're wrong. Pim Fortuyn was gay and attacked islam for being intolerant to gay people. Gay people are a vulnerable minority as much as aspies. In fact, both aspies and gays are much more vulnerable than muslims, since we have no mighty state officially supporting our interests like the muslims have. There are 22 arab states standing against little Israel for example. Which state is standing behind us fighting narrow-minded NTs? Which state is fighting the homophobes on behalf of gay people?

Fjordman isn't very consistent, no, and he over-generalizes, but he has more sense than the islamic extremist fools, however. And as I said, it is so fucking typically Sweden, that it has to be a black muslim woman that finally stands up against the religious morons.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: ozymandias on December 26, 2006, 08:33:58 PM
Litigious, enough!  Lets drop this issue for a few days, a truce if you will, I'm feeling emo and just want a bit of peace to last for a few days!  OK???

Nobody is persuading anybody to change they're views, so lets' all agree to disagree WITHOUT being disagreeable! 

Yeah, thats not the I2 way, but then again, maybe I'm not Intense enough!
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: pixel on December 27, 2006, 12:32:03 AM
I don't like those filthy, bloodthirsty savages! And i don't care who doesn't like it that i don't like them. :finger:
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 27, 2006, 04:55:53 AM

Oh, and Litigious, I noticed how you've dodged practically everything I sent your way. Pwned you, didn't I?

No, I can answer, if you want me to. Denmark, Norway and Sweden are so similar, that an "extrapolation" from Denmark and Norway to Sweden hardly is a great false. Since Swedish politicians and media are so dishonest, compared with their colleagues in Denmark and Norway, an extrapolation is in fact almost a must. It's not what would be considered science to do so, but when was politics ever science?

THAT's your reply? That, in your opinion, the Swedish media and politicians are dishonest, and therefore it follows that....?


That I'm an aspie and part of a vulnerable minority doesn't mean that I haven't the right to have an opinion on other minorities, when I think they're wrong. Pim Fortuyn was gay and attacked islam for being intolerant to gay people. Gay people are a vulnerable minority as much as aspies. In fact, both aspies and gays are much more vulnerable than muslims, since we have no mighty state officially supporting our interests like the muslims have. There are 22 arab states standing against little Israel for example. Which state is standing behind us fighting narrow-minded NTs? Which state is fighting the homophobes on behalf of gay people?

I notice that you're still not actually replying to anything I said. All I can see is the vain hope of new conjecture covering the old one.


Fjordman isn't very consistent, no, and he over-generalizes, but he has more sense than the islamic extremist fools, however. And as I said, it is so fucking typically Sweden, that it has to be a black muslim woman that finally stands up against the religious morons.

Still no actual reply, I note.

Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: duncvis on December 27, 2006, 05:11:32 AM
*brain explodes*

I can't bring myself to join in this debate... some people are so determined to reduce a diverse group of people to a label that even being smacked round the chops with the irony bat has little effect. What happened to rationality? :tantrum:
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: duncvis on December 27, 2006, 05:23:17 AM
I don't like those filthy, bloodthirsty savages! And i don't care who doesn't like it that i don't like them. :finger:

Wow, what a well reasoned opinion. Tosser.  :wanker:
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 27, 2006, 05:25:33 AM
What happened to rationality? :tantrum:

It's at the Ginseng Forum. Relatively speaking, of course. :LMAO:
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: duncvis on December 27, 2006, 05:52:12 AM
What happened to rationality? :tantrum:

It's at the Ginseng Forum. Relatively speaking, of course. :LMAO:

I forgot. Silly me.  :smarty:

One more comment for the all-muslims-are-evil posse: how many muslims do you actually know?
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: McGiver on December 27, 2006, 08:38:01 AM
i know very few muslims.  the ones i have known seem to be very decent people, just like the few mormons that i know.

i do not have a phobia against any particular group.  yet i do not condone the actions of animal rights people who spray paint women's fur coats.  nor the environmentalists who set hummers on fire.  nor christian right wingers who shoot abortion doctors.  nor am i a big fan of muslims who believe that the indidels should be beheaded.
in short, people may have any views they want.  once they impose their will on other peoples property, life or freedoms, then i have a problem with it.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 27, 2006, 08:39:27 AM
THAT's your reply? That, in your opinion, the Swedish media and politicians are dishonest, and therefore it follows that....?

OK, this is NOT a personal attack, it's just the only conclusion I can draw: You must either be much more AS than I am and simply unable to look through the lies or, like the NTs, living on wishful thinking. In Norway and Denmark there is a free debate whether this multicultural experiment should continue or not. In Sweden the debate is practically forbidden among "decent" political parties. What kind of a democracy is that? Didn't that hypocrite Lars Leijonborg treat his Danish colleague Pia Kjersgaard, and, subsequently, a great part of the Danish people, her voters, like an idiot, when he met her in a "debate" a couple of years ago? He showed openly that he didn't respect democracy and the will of our neighbour people, the Danes. That's the attitude of Swedish politicians and the reason they cannot be trusted one wit.

Quote from: odeon
I notice that you're still not actually replying to anything I said. All I can see is the vain hope of new conjecture covering the old one.


What should I reply to? You seem unable even to look through the most blatant lies and cover-ups.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on December 27, 2006, 08:45:29 AM
One more comment for the all-muslims-are-evil posse: how many muslims do you actually know?

My father knows or knew a lot of muslims, since he's been working in muslim countries for many years. He always told me that muslims can't be reasoned to in a logical way, when it comes to their religion. He said this out of experience, long before there hardly were any muslims in Sweden at all. I consider myself open-minded, but the more I've heard and seen from muslim behavior in Sweden and worldwide, the only conclusion I can draw is that this wasn't prejudice, but a fact. Alas.

I have met a few muslims at the university. None of them were fanatics. They were nice and decent. But they neither represent the minority of fanatics, nor the majority of what I refer to as "silent followers". Once again, alas.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: DirtDawg on December 27, 2006, 08:58:21 AM
*brain explodes*

I can't bring myself to join in this debate... some people are so determined to reduce a diverse group of people to a label that even being smacked round the chops with the irony bat has little effect. What happened to rationality? :tantrum:

Me neither. Rationality has left the building. Please, prepare for utter chaos. 

...  mob mentality at its most primitive.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: ozymandias on December 27, 2006, 10:15:43 AM
And I'm leaving this just seems to have gotten way too personal!
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: duncvis on December 27, 2006, 12:17:43 PM
One more comment for the all-muslims-are-evil posse: how many muslims do you actually know?

My father knows or knew a lot of muslims, since he's been working in muslim countries for many years. He always told me that muslims can't be reasoned to in a logical way, when it comes to their religion. He said this out of experience, long before there hardly were any muslims in Sweden at all. I consider myself open-minded, but the more I've heard and seen from muslim behavior in Sweden and worldwide, the only conclusion I can draw is that this wasn't prejudice, but a fact. Alas.

I have met a few muslims at the university. None of them were fanatics. They were nice and decent. But they neither represent the minority of fanatics, nor the majority of what I refer to as "silent followers". Once again, alas.

I have lived my whole life in an area with a sizable Muslim population (around 20%), mainly of Kashmiri, Afghani and Bangladeshi origin. With a few exceptions most of the Muslim friends, colleagues, classmates, members of my community, and strangers whose paths I've chanced to cross have been community minded, generous, helpful folk. Sure, some of their customs differ from mine, and aspects of some cultural behaviour I find irritating, but so fucking what? I'd rather share a street with the majority of Muslim families I've come across than many of the white families round here. Far from being hateful towards whites and the West, most of the folk I've met just want to get on. The biggest issue appears to have been caused by the reactions to 9/11. I can't think of a better way to radicalise unemployed, pissed off Asian lads than how our country handled the war on terror.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on December 27, 2006, 01:07:54 PM
THAT's your reply? That, in your opinion, the Swedish media and politicians are dishonest, and therefore it follows that....?

OK, this is NOT a personal attack, it's just the only conclusion I can draw: You must either be much more AS than I am and simply unable to look through the lies or, like the NTs, living on wishful thinking. In Norway and Denmark there is a free debate whether this multicultural experiment should continue or not. In Sweden the debate is practically forbidden among "decent" political parties. What kind of a democracy is that? Didn't that hypocrite Lars Leijonborg treat his Danish colleague Pia Kjersgaard, and, subsequently, a great part of the Danish people, her voters, like an idiot, when he met her in a "debate" a couple of years ago? He showed openly that he didn't respect democracy and the will of our neighbour people, the Danes. That's the attitude of Swedish politicians and the reason they cannot be trusted one wit.

Quote from: odeon
I notice that you're still not actually replying to anything I said. All I can see is the vain hope of new conjecture covering the old one.


What should I reply to? You seem unable even to look through the most blatant lies and cover-ups.

If you want to argue about this subject or any other, the basic idea is to offer something substantial, instead of conjecture, statistics for a neighbouring country, more conjecture, etc, etc, etc.

I gave you a list of Muslims protesting, you chose to ignore it and continue spreading your hate and your lies, I asked you to produce evidence of your theory on the ratio of foreigners/Swedes in the national media, you mentioned an unnamed newspaper with an unidentifiable article and an unidentified kindergarten class with unidentifiable demographics and told us to count any foreign-looking folks we can spot, you keep on telling us how you will be jailed if you speak your mind in public but resort to the lame "no-one is interested anyway" when confronted, etc.

Lies and conjecture. Do I need to go on?

Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: pixel on January 07, 2007, 07:40:09 PM
I hate sand-niggers!  :)
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: McGiver on January 07, 2007, 07:49:03 PM
I hate sand-niggers!  :)

i hate the beach because i always bet sand under my balls and in my butt-crack.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: hellznrg on January 07, 2007, 11:01:20 PM
I just don't think it's a proper behaviour to seek asylum in a country and then, when you get your permission to stay or citizenship, try to impose your religion and culture with threats and violence on your "hosts". It has nothing to do with racism, it's just common sense and decency.

And as an aspie I know perfectly well how it is to be a scapegoat. That doesn't mean that a minority group should go free doing anything they like and then claiming to be treated like scapegoats or victims of "racism", when they harass people who live the majority's way of life. 

the strategy of the moslems is to get into a country, and then by hook or crook increase their population's percentage by uncontrolled breeding and murdering and raping the other populations... when the moslem population is 51%, then they'll take over the government, convert it into sharia law, and then you can say goodbye sweden, hello swedistan
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: hellznrg on January 07, 2007, 11:10:40 PM
I forgot. Silly me.  :smarty:

One more comment for the all-muslims-are-evil posse: how many muslims do you actually know?

i know a lot,  i'm living in a moslem country.. (i do have plans to move somewhere else though...)

anyways, one only has to see the effect that islam has on people, countries, populations, culture (bamiyan buddhas anyone?), conflicts, genders, etc... to see that it's a great danger to modern civilization
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: McGiver on January 07, 2007, 11:46:58 PM
I forgot. Silly me.  :smarty:

One more comment for the all-muslims-are-evil posse: how many muslims do you actually know?

i know a lot,  i'm living in a moslem country.. (i do have plans to move somewhere else though...)

anyways, one only has to see the effect that islam has on people, countries, populations, culture (bamiyan buddhas anyone?), conflicts, genders, etc... to see that it's a great danger to modern civilization

maybe modern civilization is a danger to muslim.

what makes modern civilaztion correct and muslims incorrect?
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on January 08, 2007, 02:01:22 AM
the strategy of the moslems is to get into a country, and then by hook or crook increase their population's percentage by uncontrolled breeding and murdering and raping the other populations... when the moslem population is 51%, then they'll take over the government, convert it into sharia law, and then you can say goodbye sweden, hello swedistan

Ah. So that's what's happening in Iraq? :P
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Lurk Hurk Gurk on January 08, 2007, 09:19:45 PM
what makes modern civilaztion correct and muslims incorrect?
I'd say they are both severely flawed. "Modern civilization" however leaves more freedom, and doesn't ram its stupidity as (though still quite) far down the throats of its people.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: McGiver on January 08, 2007, 09:21:12 PM
what makes modern civilaztion correct and muslims incorrect?
I'd say they are both severely flawed. "Modern civilization" however leaves more freedom, and doesn't ram its stupidity as (though still quite) far down the throats of its people.
sorry, but i believe that some people just need to be led.

not me, though.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on January 09, 2007, 04:30:44 AM
I also believe that some people need to be led, not by the imams and ayatollahs, though...
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Lurk Hurk Gurk on January 09, 2007, 06:08:09 AM
I also believe that some people need to be led, not by the imams and ayatollahs, though...
Indeed; that kind of people (not specific to any religion or culture) are among those that should be led, in order to prevent them from misleading.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Peter on January 13, 2007, 06:10:20 AM
Quote from:
  Forced Marriages Must End


Amanda Day talks to Labour MP Ann Cryer about her campaign to win justice for young Asian women.



ANN CRYER, the Labour MP for Keighley, began her campaign against forced marriages some four years ago.

On the day we met, she was celebrating a small triumph.

The Home Office had passed a statutory instrument increasing the age at which a British citizen is able to sponsor a spouse coming to Britain from 16 to 18.

How many 16-year-olds have a year’s wage slips, a home and a visible means of supporting their incoming spouse?

That shows how out of date the law was.

Cryer would prefer the age to be set at 21, in order that many of those who face a forced marriage could at least finish their post-18 education if they wanted.

“From 1997, my parliamentary colleague Alice Mahon and I thought that Government action had to be taken.

“We felt that these girls had to be helped.

“When I was first elected, I had girls coming to my constituency surgeries with their fathers.

“He would say: ‘I want my son-in-law to come in to the country.’

“I would say: ‘Oh yes and who’s this young lady?’

“He would reply that it was his daughter and then I would ask what her part was in this – knowing full well what the answer was.

“I would then ask him to leave the room, telling him: ‘I don’t want to talk to her with you present and if you don’t like that, tough.’

“It worked.

“Frequently, I got the impression that some young girls weren’t keen, otherwise their dads wouldn’t have been with them.

“It made me suspicious.

“I’d ask to see her pay slips which didn’t turn up and so nothing would happen.

“As word got around that I wasn’t a person to be tricked, cases like that ceased to appear.

“Since then, some of the girls who come want their husbands to come in and need my help.

“Others have been forced into marriage and don’t want their husbands to come in. “They say things like: ‘I don’t want to marry him, he’s awful’; or: ‘He’s using me to get around entry clearance’.

“We then go into all the requirements and frequently find out that she doesn’t fulfil them.

“For instance, she isn’t earning enough money or the parents have acquired payslips to make it look as though she has a job.

“All of these things I pass on to entry clearance in Islamabad or Dacca and his application is turned down.

“The problem then is that the parents say they will appeal.

“I sometimes contact the Immigrants’ Advisory Service in Leeds.

“They are very good and in cases where the girl really doesn’t want the husband to come to Britain I ask them to spin cases out for as long as possible.

“But if parents have appealed there comes a point when it has to be dealt with.

“At the appeal tribunal, the girl has got two choices: either she accepts her husband or she is known as a reluctant sponsor and she says out in the open that she doesn’t want him to come in.

“To opt for the latter takes some doing.

“The older they are, the better their chances.

“If they turn around and say I don’t want him to come in, they will have lost everything.

“Until then, she would have had a very supportive childhood with not a great deal of independence. If she goes against her parents, she’s on her own.

“If she does reject the husband, then in many cases she has to do a runner out of the area.

“The chances are that she’ll never go back.

“I see a girl with a case like this every two or three weeks.

“I wish the Asian community would stop doing it, but almost every marriage in the Bradford area is trans-continental.

According to Cryer, this has changed the demographic nature of the area.

“We are getting more and more people who have never been to school.

“In the early 1980s, I spent four years teaching basic literacy skills to three girls from a local outreach centre and I noticed a massive improvement.

“Today we are back to a situation where barely no one speaks English.

“This has been particularly to the detriment of women, as they rarely get the chance to meet anyone who speaks English.

“Many of the girls that are brought in from the sub-continent arrive at Manchester Airport.

“They are taken by car to their home and all they know is the immediate vicinity.

“They know the family and no one else. If the family turns against them, they have no one.

“I am dealing with four cases of domestic violence, where the husband doesn’t particularly like his wife even though she has been picked by his family.

“He has never troubled to get her a visa of indefinite leave to remain.

“Without indefinite leave they can’t get any benefits and are unable to get into a women’s refuge.

“There are in a terrible state.

“However, since 1997 if a girl can prove violence but does not have a sponsor, we can get her into a refuge.

“The worse thing that could happen to her is if she is sent back to Pakistan.”

Cryer is modest but concedes that changes to immigration law might never have happened if she had not become an MP.

She thinks Asian men are in denial over forced marriages.

They frequently challenge her on why she raises what they regard as their business in Parliament.

A Muslim friend of Cryer’s refers to a certain section of the Keighley Muslim community as “backwoodsmen”.

She says that although she gets some support from legal services and from a few women, many of the meetings she attends are dominated by men who are very hostile at times.

She gives an example of how she was obstructed when she asked for a women’s meeting.

“Everyone agreed, but on the day of the meeting the rain was sheeting down and when I arrived at the community hall the doors were locked.

“About 30 women were waiting outside.”

Cryer is sure that the silent majority in her constituency is on her side and is growing. It is the “ones with the big mouths” who spout the most regressive views.

She tells of one imam, a graduate, who at a recent meeting put forward such a good case for women in Islam that she wanted to stand up and applaud.

But he is an exception.

“The rest seem to repeat the Koran parrot-fashion without giving much thought to what they are saying.

“Anyone who challenges this is in big trouble.”

So why do imams have to be brought over from the sub-continent?

“At two of my local mosques I have been asked to support an application to bring in an imam.

“I had to say no because I think they are part of the problem rather then the solution. “They don’t speak English, they are uneducated and reinforce regressive attitudes towards women.

“Should we continue giving work permits to imams from the sub-continent when there are young men that could do it here?

“The argument is that an imam from Pakistan is much cheaper than graduates from Britain who want proper wages.

“My argument is that if the Church of England has had to cut back  on vicars, mosques will have to  cut back on imams.”

She says that many imams have no understanding of the lives of the young men they are teaching who “exist in a no man’s land.”

“Although many of them want to be good Muslims, at the same time they are alienated.

“They are keeping faith with their parents, but not necessarily with Islam.

“Many are not Western, but they are not traditional Muslims either.

“Their community is poor, but the poverty comes from the trans-continental marriages.

“Every time you bring in a husband or wife who is completely uneducated you are setting back the progress of that community.

“They have no role models to follow.

“A primary school teacher told me recently that many kids look up to a man with a fast red car who is also a drug dealer.

“There are a lot of things to be done, and I’m afraid I am going to be called Islamophobic and a racist, and told that I’m demonising the Muslim community.

“But I want to pull them up by the bootstraps into the 21 century.

“We are not going to move on until the Asian community stops arranging marriages from the sub-continent.

“Until that happens we are going to go on struggling with poverty.

“There are racist employers that do not want to take on Asian men, but if it was only that why is that Hindus and Sikhs are outstripping the Muslim population academically and economically?”
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: duncvis on January 13, 2007, 12:18:40 PM
Ann Cryer is made of tough stuff. She's proper old school Labour.  8)

I'm proud to say that in the last election, when Nick 'racist cunt' Griffin of the BNP stood here, Ann Cryer not only still won but increased her majority. Most folk here black, Muslim or white who have their head screwed on know she's right in her head and she's well respected in Keighley.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: ozymandias on January 13, 2007, 12:48:16 PM
I must say it's quite a hoot to watch the sessions of Parlaiment that they show on Cable Channels C-Span and C-Span 2.  I often fantasize about seeing Georgie "W" Shrub having to endure the same grilling and having to defend himself like I see Tony Blair have to do on a regular basis.  That would be a real HOOT!
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Peter on January 21, 2007, 10:20:56 AM
Quote from:
This coming Saturday, on the 9th of December, it will be exactly six years ago that a 17-year old boy was tormented to death in a ditch in Salem, Sweden, by a multiethnic gang. And for the seventh year in a row the Salemfonden will be arranging their annual commemorative manifestation to honour the memory of the murdered boy, whose name was Daniel Wretström. But it is also a protest against the hostile violence against Swedes that is spreading across the country and claiming more and more victims.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Peter on January 21, 2007, 10:22:51 AM
Quote from:
In the analysis of the empirical material, I show how culture is created as contrast in the lives of women. ’Arab/Kurdish’ and ’Swedish’ appear as exclusive categories, and are connected with cultural conceptions of divided femininity and honour. Within these categories, a woman is either a virgin or a whore, and a woman that has been branded as a whore will be stained forever. Men’s honour will not be restored until she is extinguished. When these cultural conceptions are used in the life of a woman who lives with these highly normative demands, they may be crucial and signify experiences of violence. A woman with bad reputation may be defined as a ”Swedish whore” be her male relatives, contrasted with being an ”Arab/Kurdish virgin”. The honour of these men will not be restored until she is excluded from the family or dies: to be a virgin or a whore may be a life-and-death matter.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Peter on January 21, 2007, 10:25:02 AM
Quote from:
Swedish girls Malin and Amanda were on their way to a party on New Year's Eve when they were assaulted, raped and beaten half to death by four Somali immigrants. Sweden's largest newspaper has presented the perpetrators as "two men from Sweden, one from Finland and one from Somalia", a testimony as to how bad the informal censorship is in stories related to immigration in Sweden. Similar incidents are reported with shocking frequency, to the point where some observers fear that law and order is completely breaking down in the country. The number of rape charges in Sweden has tripled in just above twenty years. Rape cases involving children under the age of 15 are six - 6 - times as common today as they were a generation ago. Most other kinds of violent crime have rapidly increased, too. Instability is spreading to most urban and suburban areas.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Peter on January 21, 2007, 10:36:35 AM
Here's an article detailing the history of immigration in Sweden and wider Scandinavia:

Quote from:
Recently in Malmo, a man living in the almost all-white neighborhood of Bunkeflo was convicted for sending an e-mail message to a public official, in which he said he believed Arabs were mostly criminals, and that he was opposed to subsidies for immigrants who moved to Bunkeflo, because “Bunkeflo was one of the last few refuges in Malmo where you could go out and not see Arabs loitering all around you.” He managed to avoid prison, but had to pay a fine of 10 percent of his annual pre-tax income. With Sweden’s high tax rates, this means a fine of about 20 percent of net income.

Immigrants, on the other hand, can write just about anything. For example, Tobias Hubinette was adopted as a child from South Korea, and has been active in “anti-racist” organizations like “Anti-Fascist Action” and “Expo.” He wrote this in the “anti-racist” magazine Creol: “To feel or even think that the white race is inferior in all conceivable senses of the word is quite natural given its history and current behavior. May the western world of the white race perish in blood and suffering.” He has not been charged with “incitement of ethnic hatred” and continues to be a leading “anti-racist” activist.

Still, after 1998, as the problems associated with immigration rose, so did the party’s fortunes. Violent crime, especially rape and robbery, were increasing sharply, and an astonishing 68 percent of all rapes are now committed by immigrants. At just five percent of the population, this means immigrants commit rape at no less than 40 times the native rate. As in Sweden and Norway, Middle Easterners are the worst offenders.

The increasingly frequent gang-rapes of Danish women by Muslims has particularly outraged the Danes. Unlike Sweden, where the media cover up the ethnic origins of criminals, the Danish press reports the facts. Gang-rapists often brought further criticism of immigrants because of their complete lack of remorse. After one highly-publicized trial of Arab gang-rapists in May 2000, the sister of one the offenders—wearing a traditional Muslim head scarf—ran up to journalists waiting outside the court and gave them all the finger. The burning hatred clearly visible on her face—her contempt for all of Danish society—led many Danes to ask themselves why they should admit people who hate them.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on January 21, 2007, 11:16:17 AM

You do realize that several of your quoted publications are extremist publications? Folkets Nyheter, as an example, is funded by well-known right-wing extremist organizations with nazi connections. They advocate white supremacy, racial biology, and so on.

I'm pretty sure that none of these publications would publish violence perpetrated against Muslim immigrants in Sweden. While the crimes they do write about are awful, the articles always have a slant and an agenda beyond mere reporting. It is in their interest to spread this type of news.

Oh, and since most of you don't speak Swedish, you'll probably miss the headlines of Folkets Nyheter #10: My absolute favourite is that a secret super-state is planned by the US, Canada, and Mexico! Something for our 'merican members to worry about. ;D
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Peter on January 21, 2007, 11:26:12 AM

You do realize that several of your quoted publications are extremist publications? Folkets Nyheter, as an example, is funded by well-known right-wing extremist organizations with nazi connections. They advocate white supremacy, racial biology, and so on.

I'm pretty sure that none of these publications would publish violence perpetrated against Muslim immigrants in Sweden. While the crimes they do write about are awful, the articles always have a slant and an agenda beyond mere reporting. It is in their interest to spread this type of news.

Oh, and since most of you don't speak Swedish, you'll probably miss the headlines of Folkets Nyheter #10: My absolute favourite is that a secret super-state is planned by the US, Canada, and Mexico! Something for our 'merican members to worry about. ;D

How about if you demonstrate to me that what they're saying is wrong, rather than dismissing them out of hand?  And you're more than welcome to send me material on native-Swedish violence against immigrants; I'm always open to new information.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: McGiver on January 21, 2007, 11:46:44 AM

You do realize that several of your quoted publications are extremist publications? Folkets Nyheter, as an example, is funded by well-known right-wing extremist organizations with nazi connections. They advocate white supremacy, racial biology, and so on.

I'm pretty sure that none of these publications would publish violence perpetrated against Muslim immigrants in Sweden. While the crimes they do write about are awful, the articles always have a slant and an agenda beyond mere reporting. It is in their interest to spread this type of news.

Oh, and since most of you don't speak Swedish, you'll probably miss the headlines of Folkets Nyheter #10: My absolute favourite is that a secret super-state is planned by the US, Canada, and Mexico! Something for our 'merican members to worry about. ;D


the mexicans are too stupid and the canadians are not proactive enough.

maybe those slimy americans though.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on January 21, 2007, 11:47:08 AM
I'm not dismissing the information in them out of hand. I'm saying that these publications have an agenda, and I am questioning their credibility.

I know there is violence committed by immigrants against Swedes, and don't question it, at all. Quite the contrary--I've read about enough such cases in the local media, and I condemn every such act just as I condemn every act of violence against the immigrants.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: McGiver on January 21, 2007, 11:48:35 AM
sweden is like that elderly widow who lives in the fear because she won't put bars up on her window.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on January 21, 2007, 12:05:18 PM
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Scrapheap on January 21, 2007, 12:12:49 PM

I know there is violence committed by immigrants against Swedes, and don't question it, at all. Quite the contrary--I've read about enough such cases in the local media, and I condemn every such act just as I condemn every act of violence against the immigrants.

Sitting around and condemning violence does nothing to stop it.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: McGiver on January 21, 2007, 12:27:44 PM

hey, what's that supposed to mean? :green:
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on January 21, 2007, 12:39:53 PM
sweden is like that elderly widow who lives in the fear because she won't put bars up on her window.

Yes. They could stop most of the immigration or at least throw the criminal immigrants out, like Denmark or the Netherlands, but like true Swedes they're cowering and sweeping it under the carpet.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on January 21, 2007, 12:41:05 PM

I know there is violence committed by immigrants against Swedes, and don't question it, at all. Quite the contrary--I've read about enough such cases in the local media, and I condemn every such act just as I condemn every act of violence against the immigrants.

Sitting around and condemning violence does nothing to stop it.

Most of my countrymen actually for real believe that it works that way...
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Litigious on January 21, 2007, 12:42:31 PM

hey, what's that supposed to mean? :green:

He does a Swede thing, being sarcastic against you for telling an unpleasant truth.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: ozymandias on January 21, 2007, 02:20:47 PM
 ::) :deadhorse: :gaara:
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: hellznrg on January 21, 2007, 02:55:10 PM
for just a sampling of just how retarded and stupid muslims are, read the following:

Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on January 21, 2007, 04:07:32 PM

I know there is violence committed by immigrants against Swedes, and don't question it, at all. Quite the contrary--I've read about enough such cases in the local media, and I condemn every such act just as I condemn every act of violence against the immigrants.

Sitting around and condemning violence does nothing to stop it.

You're right, which is why I'm doing what I can to put a stop to it. Violence isn't best fought by more violence, however.
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on January 21, 2007, 04:09:28 PM

hey, what's that supposed to mean? :green:

He does a Swede thing, being sarcastic against you for telling an unpleasant truth.

Will you stop trying to put things in my mouth? -1
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on January 21, 2007, 04:10:42 PM

hey, what's that supposed to mean? :green:

Waitasec, I'll have to go read that thread. ;D
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: Peter on January 21, 2007, 04:13:54 PM

I know there is violence committed by immigrants against Swedes, and don't question it, at all. Quite the contrary--I've read about enough such cases in the local media, and I condemn every such act just as I condemn every act of violence against the immigrants.

Sitting around and condemning violence does nothing to stop it.

You're right, which is why I'm doing what I can to put a stop to it. Violence isn't best fought by more violence, however.

What are you doing to put a stop to it?
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: McGiver on January 21, 2007, 04:16:13 PM

hey, what's that supposed to mean? :green:

Waitasec, I'll have to go read that thread. ;D

made me chuckle.

Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on January 21, 2007, 04:31:28 PM

I know there is violence committed by immigrants against Swedes, and don't question it, at all. Quite the contrary--I've read about enough such cases in the local media, and I condemn every such act just as I condemn every act of violence against the immigrants.

Sitting around and condemning violence does nothing to stop it.

You're right, which is why I'm doing what I can to put a stop to it. Violence isn't best fought by more violence, however.

What are you doing to put a stop to it?

I'm taking every opportunity to fight bigotry and racism, which I think are some of the causes for the kind of violence we're talking about (I think you might have noticed me taking an active part in some discussions of relevance to these subjects here at Intensity, but I'm doing more of the same elsewhere). I'm trying to make people see that the Muslims aren't necessarily trying to take over your country or kill all the infidels. I'm trying to prevent bullying and violence among kids at my kids' schools by talking to the kids, talking to teachers and the principals, etc. I'm writing about these things in various places, and I'm participating in various activities to help immigrant groups find places to be, for example, helping to arrange screenings of films from their home countries.

Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: McGiver on January 21, 2007, 04:33:59 PM

I know there is violence committed by immigrants against Swedes, and don't question it, at all. Quite the contrary--I've read about enough such cases in the local media, and I condemn every such act just as I condemn every act of violence against the immigrants.

Sitting around and condemning violence does nothing to stop it.

You're right, which is why I'm doing what I can to put a stop to it. Violence isn't best fought by more violence, however.

What are you doing to put a stop to it?

I'm taking every opportunity to fight bigotry and racism, which I think are some of the causes for the kind of violence we're talking about (I think you might have noticed me taking an active part in some discussions of relevance to these subjects here at Intensity, but I'm doing more of the same elsewhere). I'm trying to make people see that the Muslims aren't necessarily trying to take over your country or kill all the infidels. I'm trying to prevent bullying and violence among kids at my kids' schools by talking to the kids, talking to teachers and the principals, etc. I'm writing about these things in various places, and I'm participating in various activities to help immigrant groups find places to be, for example, helping to arrange screenings of films from their home countries.

i showed support by purchasing the dvd bend it like beckham
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: odeon on January 21, 2007, 04:35:06 PM
Ah yes, that will help, I'm sure. :green:
Title: Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
Post by: QuirkyCarla on January 22, 2007, 12:19:18 AM

You do realize that several of your quoted publications are extremist publications? Folkets Nyheter, as an example, is funded by well-known right-wing extremist organizations with nazi connections. They advocate white supremacy, racial biology, and so on.

I'm pretty sure that none of these publications would publish violence perpetrated against Muslim immigrants in Sweden. While the crimes they do write about are awful, the articles always have a slant and an agenda beyond mere reporting. It is in their interest to spread this type of news.

Oh, and since most of you don't speak Swedish, you'll probably miss the headlines of Folkets Nyheter #10: My absolute favourite is that a secret super-state is planned by the US, Canada, and Mexico! Something for our 'merican members to worry about. ;D


the mexicans are too stupid and the canadians are not proactive enough.

maybe those slimy americans though.
