Politics, Mature and taboo => Political Pundits => Topic started by: RageBeoulve on August 27, 2013, 12:46:49 PM

Title: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on August 27, 2013, 12:46:49 PM
Whether you like it or not, here is point of view you may not have considered. Welcome to the twilight zone.

The Effects of Emasculation, Part I (

The Effects of Emasculation, Part II (
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on August 27, 2013, 12:55:22 PM
A bit more, just to rub it in. Familiar with the "friend zone", boys? Do you live your life in service to women, dedicated the better part of your time to keeping them satisfied, and not bullying you? Pay attention to this shit then. Remember, you are half of this fucking equation. If you don't have these problems, then enjoy the vids and have a laugh.  :thumbup:

The Problem (

The Solution (

The Application (
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on August 28, 2013, 08:16:18 AM
Okay, people. I'm frankly shocked. Does this silence mean you actually accepted this nonsense?

I posted these videos as a mirror effect to the actions of feminism today. It sort of a clever jab at feminism, and what they believe the "patriarchy" to be. I do not believe true equality is achieved by male dominance. That's stupid.

True equality is throwing both these twilight zone views out the window, and accepting that leadership is best left to the individual with the correct blend of skills to handle any given situation regardless of what they've got in their underwear.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: MLA on August 28, 2013, 10:19:41 AM
When you keep saying the same thing people eventually stop responding.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Adam on August 28, 2013, 10:22:55 AM
I rarely watch videos. Maybe if it was an article I'd have skimmed through it to see what it was about

But yeah, people aren't interested in arguing the same shit all the time
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on August 28, 2013, 10:34:43 AM
Truth doesn't change when the human race is unchanging.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Jesse on August 28, 2013, 12:29:56 PM
I like watching Feminist dominatrix porn. a very forceful lady turns me on
public speaking? or there agenda? not so much. but I'm not worried because, they aren't going to be able to march men off to concentration camps. they need us, to reproduce.  :zoinks:

Or maybe they can have a few select males they keep in cages to milk evey now and then to fill the entire planet with females.


I don't really care about it to be honest. nothing will happen, exept more of the same bullshit
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on August 28, 2013, 12:34:25 PM
I care about people bullying each other.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Jesse on August 28, 2013, 12:40:20 PM
As long as people are around bullying will always exist. you can only do so much, because that's just the way it is.
As a person who knows what its like to be bullied I think its good you want to change the world.

They say, it only takes a man to do something good to show the rest of us how to become better. maybe in the real world you can volunteer to be a speaker at a school gym on the subject of bullys? I bet if you wore your Army uniform you would gain everyone's attention

Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on August 28, 2013, 12:43:27 PM
As long as people are around bullying will always exist. you can only do so much, because that's just the way it is.
As a person who knows what its like to be bullied I think its good you want to change the world.

They say, it only takes a man to do something good to show the rest of us how to become better. maybe in the real world you can volunteer to be a speaker at a school gym on the subject of bullys? I bet if you wore your Army uniform you would gain everyone's attention

It goes a lot deeper than a couple of kids fighting over lunch money, or calling someone's mom a cocksucker. I'm talking terrorism here.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Jesse on August 28, 2013, 12:45:18 PM
welp. I guess until some woman blows herself up in a crowded mens bathroom I don't consider it terrorism at all.

Everyone has an Agenda. some more silly than others
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on August 28, 2013, 12:49:47 PM
welp. I guess until some woman blows herself up in a crowded mens bathroom I don't consider it terrorism at all.

Everyone has an Agenda. some more silly than others

Bombs and Allah, huh? Dude....  :facepalm2:

Here. This is what terrorism means.

 Systematic use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective. It has been used throughout history by political organizations of both the left and the right, by nationalist and ethnic groups, and by revolutionaries. Although usually thought of as a means of destabilizing or overthrowing existing political institutions, terror also has been employed by governments against their own people to suppress dissent; examples include the reigns of certain Roman emperors, the French Revolution (see Reign of Terror), Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union under Stalin, and Argentina during the “dirty war” of the 1970s. Terrorism's impact has been magnified by the deadliness and technological sophistication of modern-day weapons and the capability of the media to disseminate news of such attacks instantaneously throughout the world. The deadliest terrorist attack ever occurred in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001 (see September 11 attacks), when members of al-Qaeda terrorist network hijacked four commercial airplanes and crashed two of them into the twin towers of the World Trade Center complex in New York City and one into the Pentagon building near Washington, D.C.; the fourth plane crashed near Pittsburgh, Pa. The crashes resulted in the collapse of much of the World Trade Center complex, the destruction of part of the southwest side of the Pentagon, and the deaths of some 3,000 people.

Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Jesse on August 28, 2013, 12:55:25 PM
So my obvious question would then be, what are these women doing that is so frightening? holding some signs? protesting?
making a man out of hamburger and then stepping on him?  :LOL:

The majority of the population knows femi-nazi's are nothing to be taken seriously. in another words whatever agenda they do have wont go anywhere
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on August 28, 2013, 01:06:57 PM
So my obvious question would then be, what are these women doing that is so frightening? holding some signs? protesting?
making a man out of hamburger and then stepping on him?  :LOL:

The majority of the population knows femi-nazi's are nothing to be taken seriously. in another words whatever agenda they do have wont go anywhere

Nigga wut? Can you only see the direct and momentary results of things? ( ( (   <Note: Men are blamed(as usual), but still worth a read because of the context. ( (


Sexual assault is any kind of sexual activity committed against a woman's will. Whether the rapist uses force or threats of force is irrelevant. Men use different

^ LOLOLOLOL Just against a woman's will huh?

Feminist makes false sexual assault allegation and then assaults innocent man (

Yeah. There are many types of violence, bud.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on August 28, 2013, 01:32:14 PM
Dunno why youre so bothered by feminism. I agree, some feminists are completely over the top, but I think that feminism overall is a force for good.

I would class myself pro-feminist. I believe in full equality, and I think that gender stereotyping is harmful.

You cant judge any movement, by its most extreme members.

Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on August 28, 2013, 01:37:50 PM
Dunno why youre so bothered by feminism. I agree, some feminists are completely over the top, but I think that feminism overall is a force for good.

I would class myself pro-feminist. I believe in full equality, and I think that gender stereotyping is harmful.

You cant judge any movement, by its most extreme members.

and I think that gender stereotyping is harmful

So do I. Which is why I am VERY bothered by feminism.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Beardy McFuckface on August 28, 2013, 01:46:55 PM
Radical feminism is growing, which is a concern. Too many angry bints over analysing everything.

The real gender issues have to be fixed, not the imaginary ones pointed out by radicals.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Beardy McFuckface on August 28, 2013, 01:48:16 PM
Also if I hear "check your priveledge" again, I will choke someone. No one is made equal, not even men.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on August 28, 2013, 01:53:03 PM
Agreed, man. Except I do believe everyone should get a fair shake. I just realize its stupid to try and make everyone the same. Its more than stupid, its inhuman and psychotic.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Beardy McFuckface on August 28, 2013, 02:03:02 PM
Normal feminism does not approach the level of craziness of the radicals you pointed out. It does make a lot of sense in that regard, ie. make men and women more equal and sort out the issues with sexism.

Radicals think even having consensual sex is rape, or even saying hello to them. They have twisted the ideology to their own insane agendas and sadly it's picking up. Common sense, logic and reason have to be applied to sort this out, not baseless claims that I'm a potential rapist or someone with more priveledge than another.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on August 28, 2013, 02:05:33 PM
I've had my ear to the ground and saw this trend approaching. Admit it. ;)
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Beardy McFuckface on August 28, 2013, 02:08:16 PM
Admit to what? It's common on the likes of tumblr, and groups such as "Atheism plus" is infected with it.

That said, they are no REAL threat for the most part. People tend to be armchair activists in this regard. The radicals who demonstrate usually get nowhere or laughed at too.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Adam on August 28, 2013, 02:24:03 PM
The title of that section is "Violence against women" so I'd assume that's why it refers to a woman's will and not a man's

Although I agree that male victims of sexual abuse/rape are often ignored

That's as much to do with masculinity as it is with feminism though. sexual violence towards men has ALWAYS been viewed with shame and hushed up, probably even more so than with women. So it's not a recent feminist thing

And as butterflies said, this is a minority of feminists who hate men. Feminism is, by definition, about equality.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on August 28, 2013, 02:26:25 PM
Admit to what? It's common on the likes of tumblr, and groups such as "Atheism plus" is infected with it.

That said, they are no REAL threat for the most part. People tend to be armchair activists in this regard. The radicals who demonstrate usually get nowhere or laughed at too.

Not recently, man.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Bastet on August 28, 2013, 04:42:03 PM
Also if I hear "check your priveledge" again, I will choke someone. No one is made equal, not even men.

Check your white male privilege at the door, evil penis person!


Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Bastet on August 28, 2013, 04:46:59 PM
All your penises are belong to us!

You wear your badge of masculine shame between your legs like the animal you are.   >:D
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on August 28, 2013, 11:22:27 PM
Also if I hear "check your priveledge" again, I will choke someone. No one is made equal, not even men.

Heh, best counter to that is to tell them you're Autistic. Watch them back-peddle then as you less "privileged" than they are.  :zoinks:

When I originally heard the term, I thought it was a joke to mock social justice types. Knowing it's real was shocking to say the least, just how can people be that retarded?
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Beardy McFuckface on August 29, 2013, 03:33:32 AM
It is retarded. Everyone has different lives, and even if someone is priviledged, it doesn't meant they can't help or have an opinion on the matter.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on August 29, 2013, 08:43:28 AM
It is retarded. Everyone has different lives, and even if someone is priviledged, it doesn't meant they can't help or have an opinion on the matter.

Exactly dude. The whole point of me making this thread was to ask what is wrong with people being different but equal? I mean, to the dismay of radfems things like sexual dimorphism cannot be disproven by sabotaging wikipedia articles like a bunch of hormonal teenagers.(which is done a LOT)

I think true equality can only occur if both males and females stop scrambling for dominance and realize that leadership is best handled with each circumstance, by the individual best suited at that time. Whether they have a penis, a vagina, or alien enemy crab parts.  :dunno:
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: MLA on August 29, 2013, 11:06:33 AM
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 11, 2013, 01:12:40 PM


Feminism - PAY Attention to Women With Obstacles! (
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Lestat on September 11, 2013, 05:50:14 PM
Equating greeting or speaking with rape?

Jesus H, shit like that REALLY pisses me off.  People that make false rape claims, put innocent people in danger. I've known somebody be on the receiving end of this, a rape claim made against someone who is generally a bit of a gimp, but who is not likely to be able to rape his way out of a paper bag with a willy pete grenade.

Didn't know at the time, but that false rape claim got the guy in question a hairs breadth away from being executed for it.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 11, 2013, 06:58:41 PM
Equating greeting or speaking with rape?

Jesus H, shit like that REALLY pisses me off.  People that make false rape claims, put innocent people in danger. I've known somebody be on the receiving end of this, a rape claim made against someone who is generally a bit of a gimp, but who is not likely to be able to rape his way out of a paper bag with a willy pete grenade.

Didn't know at the time, but that false rape claim got the guy in question a hairs breadth away from being executed for it.

The majority of the modern "radfems" literally hate men, Lestat. In their minds, the male's entire existence oppresses women. Our minds are only ever filled with ways to subjugate women, and we are incapable of caring for other human beings.

No really. They actually believe this. Ask me for evidence.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Al Swearegen on September 11, 2013, 07:15:20 PM
You know the 77% thing is bullshit too. I have found it tends to go up and down and that the exactly the same job, has a habit too of concealing things like volunteered overtime and commission and such. It is a good way of men losing out twice. If a man in a job spends more time in his role rather than going home to spend time with his parter and children whereas his female counterpart doing "the same job", does only the require hours, then the man loses out with his family and helps contribute to the "pay gap" myth.
I have noticed of all the salespeople (50% split of males and females) I work with who are all on base salary and commission, the top 10 are except for two very noticeable exceptions male. Only one of the two girls does this consistently. Would this skew the numbers? They talk to same user base and have forseeably same chances of a sale. BUT I can tell you each of us boys in the top 10 are competitive with each other and will go the extra mile to make that commission. I generally see the girls there as just working there to pay the bills.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 11, 2013, 07:18:16 PM
I believe this attitude is entitled by... wait for it...

FEMINISM. It serves as a safety bubble for women who don't feel like going the extra mile.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: DirtDawg on September 11, 2013, 07:21:48 PM
Equating greeting or speaking with rape?

Jesus H, shit like that REALLY pisses me off.  People that make false rape claims, put innocent people in danger. I've known somebody be on the receiving end of this, a rape claim made against someone who is generally a bit of a gimp, but who is not likely to be able to rape his way out of a paper bag with a willy pete grenade.

Didn't know at the time, but that false rape claim got the guy in question a hairs breadth away from being executed for it.

The majority of the modern "radfems" literally hate men, Lestat. In their minds, the male's entire existence oppresses women. Our minds are only ever filled with ways to subjugate women, and we are incapable of caring for other human beings.

No really. They actually believe this. Ask me for evidence.  :zoinks:

OK, but I am not so much the one you are talking to, except that I also have internet.

I am ONE asking for evidence to support your claim that we who swing balls are the enemy. (trust me, I have met many women who prefer MY balls and ... so forth, to some other dreadful relationally misfit anatomy.)

I understand that a portion of those who do not swing are actively trying to eliminate all us who do, but for real, put the shit up for all to see!!!!
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 11, 2013, 07:25:01 PM
Equating greeting or speaking with rape?

Jesus H, shit like that REALLY pisses me off.  People that make false rape claims, put innocent people in danger. I've known somebody be on the receiving end of this, a rape claim made against someone who is generally a bit of a gimp, but who is not likely to be able to rape his way out of a paper bag with a willy pete grenade.

Didn't know at the time, but that false rape claim got the guy in question a hairs breadth away from being executed for it.

The majority of the modern "radfems" literally hate men, Lestat. In their minds, the male's entire existence oppresses women. Our minds are only ever filled with ways to subjugate women, and we are incapable of caring for other human beings.

No really. They actually believe this. Ask me for evidence.  :zoinks:

OK, but I am not so much the one you are talking to, except that I also have internet.

I am ONE asking for evidence to support your claim that we who swing balls are the enemy. (trust me, I have met many women who prefer MY balls and ... so forth, to some other dreadful relationally misfit anatomy.)

I understand that a portion of those who do not swing are actively trying to eliminate all us who do, but for real, put the shit up for all to see!!!!

Good on ya, man. Please note: I am not talking about women. I am directing this at radical feminists. I am saying that they are not women, and essentially hate biology itself.

(I will post a bunch of info in this thread tomorrow when I am at college. I generally stay after class for several hours to stuff, so I should have a bit of time to gather up some real bombs to drop in here.)
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 12, 2013, 07:11:00 AM
 :pwned: :mischief:
possum, I think one of the unfortunate side effects of feminism is free love.  And that has lead to an explosion of teen pregnancy.  What do you think?
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 12, 2013, 10:15:16 AM
Lets kick this party off with a funny video.

MAN HATRED: How feminists REALLY see men (

Now lets move on to feminist hatespeech. All these are prominent feminists, and these are direct quotes from them. Names and occupations are listed. We're talking professors, writers, etc. These "womyn" are a huge influence on our culture. Fact check it if you like.

"The nuclear family must be destroyed... Whatever its ultimate meaning, the break-up of families now is an objectively revolutionary process." -- Linda Gordon
"I feel that 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them." -- Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor.

"I haven't the faintest notion what possible revolutionary role white hetero- sexual men could fulfill, since they are the very embodiment of reactionary- vested-interest-power. But then, I have great difficulty examining what men in general could possibly do about all this. In addition to doing the shitwork that women have been doing for generations, possibly not exist? No, I really don't mean that. Yes, I really do." -- Robin Morgan

"We can't destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage." -- Robin Morgan

"I claim that rape exists any time sexual intercourse occurs when it has not been initiated by the woman, out of her own genuine affection and desire."
 -- Robin Morgan

From her "The Demon Lover" (NY: Norton & Co., 1989 Morgan doesn't hide her bigotry):

 * p. 138-9: The phallic malady is epidemic and systemic... each individual male in the patriarchy is aware of his relative power in the scheme of things.... He knows that his actions are supported by the twin pillars of the State of man - the brotherhood ritual of political exigency and the brotherhood ritual of a sexual thrill in dominance. As a devotee of Thanatos, he is one with the practitioner of sado-masochistic "play" between "consenting adults," as he is one with the rapist.
 * p. 224: My white skin disgusts me. My passport disgusts me. They are the marks of an insufferable privilege bought at the price of others' agony.
 * p. 229: Sex to this point in my life has been trivial, at best a gesture of tenderness, at worst a chore. I couldn't understand the furor about it.
 * p. 316: Did she die of the disease called "family" or the disease called "rehabilitation", of poverty or drugs or pornography, of economics or sexual slavery or a broken body?

 "And let's put one lie to rest for all time: the lie that men are oppressed, too, by sexism--the lie that there can be such a thing as 'men's liberation groups.' Oppression is something that one group of people commits against another group, specifically because of a 'threatening' characteristic shared by the latter group--skin, color, sex or age, etc. The oppressors are indeed ****ED UP by being masters, but those masters are not OPPRESSED. Any master has the alternative of divesting himself of sexism or racism--the oppressed have no alternative--for they have no power but to fight. In the long run, Women's Liberation will of course free men--but in the short run it's going to cost men a lot of privilege, which no one gives up willingly or easily. Sexism is NOT the fault of women--kill your fathers, not your mothers".
-- Robin Morgan
"To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he's a machine, a walking dildo."
 -- Valerie Solanas, Authoress of the SCUM Manifesto

"Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation, and destroy the male sex."
 -- Valerie Solana, SCUM founder (Society for Cutting Up Men.)

"The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness...can be trained to do most things."
 -- Jilly Cooper, SCUM (Society For Cutting Up Men, started by Valerie Solanas)

"Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women's movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage." -- Sheila Cronin, the leader of the feminist organization NOW

"I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig." -- Andrea Dworkin
"Marriage as an institution developed from rape as a practice." -- Andrea Dworkin

"Heterosexual intercourse is the pure, formalized expression of contempt for women's bodies." -- Andrea Dworkin

"In my own life, I don't have intercourse. That is my choice." -- Andrea Dworkin

Under patriarchy, every woman's son is her potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman." -- Andrea Dworkin

"To be rapeable, a position that is social, not biological, defines what a woman is." -- Andrea Dworkin

"Q: People think you are very hostile to men.
 A: I am." -- Andrea Dworkin
"Men use the night to erase us." -- Andrea Dworkin
"The annihilation of a woman's personality, individuality, will, character, is prerequisite to male sexuality." -- Andrea Dworkin
"Men love death. In everything they make, they hollow out a central place for death, let its rancid smell contaminate every dimension of whatever still survives. Men especially love murder. In art they celebrate it, and in life they commit it. They embrace murder as if life without it would be devoid of passion, meaning, and action, as if murder were solace, stilling their sobs as they mourn the emptiness and alienation of their lives."
 -- Andrea Dworkin

"Men are rapists, batterers, plunderers, killers; these same men are religious prophets, poets, heroes, figures of romance, adventure, accomplishment, figures ennobled by tragedy and defeat. Men have claimed the earth, called it 'Her'. Men ruin Her. Men have airplanes, guns, bombs, poisonous gases, weapons so perverse and deadly that they defy any authentically human imagination."
 -- Andrea Dworkin, Pornography: Men Possessing Women

"On the Left, on the Right, in the Middle; Authors, statesmen, thieves; so-called humanists and self-declared fascists; the adventurous and the contemplative, in every realm of male expression and action, violence is experienced and articulated as love and freedom."
 -- Andrea Dworkin, Pornography: Men Possessing Women.

"The institution of sexual intercourse is anti-feminist" -- Ti-Grace Atkinson

"Feminism is the theory, lesbianism is the practice." -- Ti-Grace Atkinson

"Rape is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear" -- Susan Brownmiller; Authoress of Against Our Will p.6

"When a woman reaches orgasm with a man she is only collaborating with the patriarchal system, eroticizing her own oppression." -- Sheila Jeffrys

"Politically, I call it rape whenever a woman has sex and feels violated." -- Catherine MacKinnon

"All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman." -- Catherine MacKinnon

"You grow up with your father holding you down and covering your mouth so another man can make a horrible searing pain between your legs."
 -- Catherine MacKinnon (Prominent legal feminist scholar; University of Michigan, & Yale.)

"In a patriarchal society, all heterosexual intercourse is rape because women, as a group, are not strong enough to give meaningful consent."
 -- Catharine MacKinnon, quoted in Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the Strange World of Women's Studies.

"The more famous and powerful I get the more power I have to hurt men." -- Sharon Stone; Actress

"Ninety-five percent of women's experiences are about being a victim. Or about being an underdog, or having to survive... women didn't go to Vietnam and blow things up. They are not Rambo."
 -- Jodie Foster; Actress - as quoted in The New York Times Magazine.

"The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race." -- Sally Miller Gearhart, in The Future - If There Is One - Is Female.
"And if the professional rapist is to be separated from the average dominant heterosexual (male), it may be mainly a quantitative difference."
 -- Susan Griffin, Rape: The All-American Crime.

"If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males." --Mary Daly, former Professor at Boston College, 2001.

"If anyone is prosecuted for filing a false report, then victims of real attacks will be less likely to report them." - David Angier

"Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience." - Catherine Comins

"As long as some men use physical force to subjugate females, all men need not. The knowledge that some men do suffices to threaten all women. He can beat or kill the woman he claims to love; he can rape women...he can sexually molest his daughters... THE VAST MAJORITY OF MEN IN THE WORLD DO ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE."
 -- Marilyn French (her emphasis)

My feelings about men are the result of my experience. I have little sympathy for them. Like a Jew just released from Dachau, I watch the handsome young Nazi soldier fall writhing to the ground with a bullet in his stomach and I look briefly and walk on. I don't even need to shrug. I simply don't care. What he was, as a person, I mean, what his shames and yearnings were, simply don't matter."
 -- Marilyn French; The Woman's Room.

"All patriarchists exalt the home and family as sacred, demanding it remain inviolate from prying eyes. Men want privacy for their violations of women... All women learn in childhood that women as a sex are men's prey."
 -- Marilyn French

"All men are rapists and that's all they are"
 -- Marilyn French, Authoress; (later, advisoress to Al Gore's Presidential Campaign.)

"The media treat male assaults on women like rape, beating, and murder of wives and female lovers, or male incest with children, as individual aberrations...obscuring the fact that all male violence toward women is part of a concerted campaign."
 -- Marilyn French

"I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which man structurally does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it. He's just incapable of it."
 -- Barbara Jordan; Former Congresswoman.

"Probably the only place where a man can feel really secure is in a maximum security prison, except for the imminent threat of release."
 -- Germaine Greer.

"Man-hating is everywhere, but everywhere it is twisted and transformed, disguised, tranquilized, and qualified. It coexists, never peacefully, with the love, desire, respect, and need women also feel for men. Always man-hating is shadowed by its milder, more diplomatic and doubtful twin, ambivalence."
 -- Judith Levine; Authoress

"Men's sexuality is mean and violent, and men so powerful that they can 'reach WITHIN women to ****/construct us from the inside out.' Satan-like, men possess women, making their wicked fantasies and desires women's own. A woman who has sex with a man, therefore, does so against her will, 'even if she does not feel forced.'
 -- Judith Levine, (explicating comment profiling prevailing misandry.)

"I feel what they feel: man-hating, that volatile admixture of pity, contempt, disgust, envy, alienation, fear, and rage at men. It is hatred not only for the anonymous man who makes sucking noises on the street, not only for the rapist or the judge who acquits him, but for what the Greeks called philo-aphilos, 'hate in love,' for the men women share their lives with--husbands, lovers, friends, fathers, brothers, sons, coworkers."
 -- Judith Levine, Authoress of My Enemy, My love

"There are no boundaries between affectionate sex and slavery in (the male) world. Distinctions between pleasure and danger are academic; the dirty-laundrylist of 'sex acts'...includes rape, foot binding, fellatio, intercourse, auto eroticism, incest, anal intercourse, use and production of pornography, cunnilingus, sexual harassment, and murder."
 -- Judith Levine; summarizing comment on the WAS document, (A southern Women's Writing Collective: Women Against Sex.)

"All men are good for is ****ing, and running over with a truck".
 Statement made by A University of Maine Feminist Administrator, quoted by Richard Dinsmore, who brought a successful civil suit against the University in the amount of $600,000. Richard had protested the quote; was dismissed thereafter on the grounds of harassment; and responded by bringing suit against the University. 1995 settlement.

((Delaney Nickerson, of the American Coalition for ABUSE AWARENESS, refers to the False Memory Syndrome Foundation as "The ****ing Molesters Society". (Miami Herald, April 3, 1995) The ACAA is a lobbying group, which includes Ellen Bass (co-author of THE COURAGE TO HEAL), and Rene Frederickson, leading feminist psychotherapist and strong proponent of repressed memory theory.))

((At the STONE ANGELS satanic ritual abuse conference in Thunder Bay in February, 1995, the following was contained in the handouts at a conference supported financially by the Ontario Government: FMS stands for: FULL OF MOSTLY SHIT; FOR MORE SADISM; FELONS, MURDERERS, SCUMBALLS; FREQUENT MOLESTERS SOCIETY.))

"Women have their faults / men have only two: / everything they say / everything they do."
 -- Popular Feminist Graffiti

"I was, in reality, bred by my parents as my father's concubine... What we take for granted as the stability of family life may well depend on the sexual slavery of our children. What's more, this is a cynical arrangement our institutions have colluded to conceal.".
 -- Sylvia Fraser; Journalist

"We are taught, encouraged, moulded by and lulled into accepting a range of false notions about the family. As a source of some of our most profound experiences, it continues to be such an integral part of our emotional lives that it appears beyond criticism. Yet hiding from the truth of family life leaves women and children vulnerable."
 -- Canadian Panel on Violence Against Women.

Catharine MacKinnon ( ) maintains that "the private is a sphere of battery, marital rape and women's exploited labor." In this way, privacy and family are reduced to nothing more than aspects of the master plan, which is male domination. Democratic freedoms and the need to keep the state's nose out of our personal affairs are rendered meaningless. The real reason our society cherishes privacy is because men have invented it as an excuse to conceal their criminality. If people still insist that the traditional family is about love and mutual aid--ideals which, admittedly, are sometimes betrayed--they're "hiding from the truth." The family isn't a place where battery and marital rape sometimes happen but where little else apparently does. Sick men don't simply molest their daughters, they operate in league with their wives to "breed" them for that purpose.
 -- Donna Laframboise; The Princess at the Window; (in a critical explication of the Catharine MacKinnon, Gloria Steinhem et al tenets of misandric belief.)

"If the classroom situation is very heteropatriarchal--a large beginning class of 50 to 60 students, say, with few feminist students--I am likely to define my task as largely one of recruitment...of persuading students that women are oppressed"
 -- Professor Joyce Trebilcot of Washington University, as quoted in Who Stole Feminism: How Women Have Betrayed Women.

"Men, as a group, tend to be abusive, either verbally, sexually or emotionally. There are always the exceptions, but they are few and far between (I am married to one of them). There are different levels of violence and abuse and individual men buy into this system by varying degrees. But the male power structure always remains intact."
 Message on FEMISA, responding to a request for arguments that men are unnecessary for a child to grow into mature adulthood.

Another posting on FEMISA: "Considering the nature and pervasiveness of men's violence, I would say that without question, children are better off being raised without the presence of men. Assaults on women and children are mostly perpetrated by men whom they are supposed to love and trust: fathers, brothers, uncles, grandfathers, step-fathers."
 Both quotes taken from Daphne Patai's excellent critical work, Heterophobia

"At Brandies I discovered Feminism. And I instantly became a convert... writing brilliant papers in my Myths of Patriarchy class, in which I likened my fate as a woman to other victims throughout the ages."
 -- Heather Hart 7

Here are 10 reasons why we are concerned about feminism and the National Organization for Women.

1. "The simple fact is that every woman must be willing to be identified as a lesbian to be fully feminist" (National NOW Times, January, 1988).

2. "Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women's movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage" (feminist leader Sheila Cronan).

3. In response to a question concerning China's policy of compulsory abortion after the first child, Molly Yard responded, "I consider the Chinese government's policy among the most intelligent in the world" (Gary Bauer, "Abetting Coercion in China," The Washington Times, Oct. 10, 1989).

4. "Overthrowing capitalism is too small for us. We must overthrow the whole...patriarch!" (Gloria Steinem, radical feminist leader, editor of MS magazine).

5. "Marriage has existed for the benefit of men; and has been a legally sanctioned method of control over women.... We must work to destroy it. The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women. Therefore it is important for us to encourage women to leave their husbands and not to live individually with men.... All of history must be re-written in terms of oppression of women. We must go back to ancient female religions like witchcraft" (from "The Declaration of Feminism," November, 1971).

6. "By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not God." (Gloria Steinem, editor of MS magazine).

7. "Let's forget about the mythical Jesus and look for encouragement, solace, and inspiration from real women.... Two thousand years of patriarchal rule under the shadow of the cross ought to be enough to turn women toward the feminist 'salvation' of this world." (Annie Laurie Gaylor, "Feminist Salvation," The Humanist, p. 37, July/August 1988.

8. "In order to raise children with equality, we must take them away from families and communally raise them" (Dr. Mary Jo Bane, feminist and assistant professor of education at Wellesley College, and associate director of the school's Center for Research on Woman).

9. "Being a housewife is an illegitimate profession... The choice to serve and be protected and plan towards being a family- maker is a choice that shouldn't be. The heart of radical feminism is to change that." (Vivian Gornick, feminist author, University of Illinois, The Daily Illini, April 25, 1981

10. "The most merciful thing a large family can to do one of its infant members is to kill it." (Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, in "Women and the New Race," p. 67).
"We are, as a sex, infinitely superior to men." -- Elizabeth Cady Stanton

From 'A feminist Dictionary; ed. Kramarae and Triechler, Pandora Press, 1985:

 MALE:...represents a variant of or deviation from the category of female. The first males were mutants...the male sex represents a degeneration and deformity of the female. obsolete life form... an ordinary creature who needs to be watched...a contradictory baby-man...

TESTOSTERONE POISONING: ... 'Until now it has been though that the level of testosterone in men is normal simply because they have it. But if you consider how abnormal their behavior is, then you are led to the hypothesis that almost all men are suffering from "testosterone poisoning."

 Letter to editor: "Women's Turn to Dominate". "......Clearly you are not yet a free-thinking feminist but rather one of those women who bounce off the male-dominated, male-controlled social structures. Who cares how men feel or what they do or whether they suffer? They have had over 2000 years to dominate and made a complete hash of it. Now it is our turn. My only comment to men is: if you don't like it, bad luck--and if you get in my way I'll run you down."
 Signed: Liberated Women, Boronia Herald-Sun, Melbourne, Australia. 9 Feb., 1996.

Yeah? So Feminism is about equality huh? Oh I almost forgot. Heres some links to some more disturbing shit. (                < (      <  All third wave feminist shit. Supposedly about equal rights. (                      <

So yeah. This movement is extremely hateful, anti biologic, bigoted as the church, and frankly dangerous in my opinion. Some of the statements I find these women making are just plain chilling, and I don't understand how they could possibly see themselves as a force for good. To me, this is plainly rampant psychopathy.

One thing. I included this:
"By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not God." (Gloria Steinem, editor of MS magazine).

Only because it supports indoctrination, not morality. People should just believe whatever they think is right, not what the feminist community decides.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Lestat on September 12, 2013, 01:21:16 PM
Some pretty disturbing and indeed disturbed, warped shit these arsehats are spouting off.

I just hope that A-no woman who HAS been ill used by man, or indeed, other women gets suckered in and brainwashed into being another misandric, militant sourpuss and then lose all friends and loved ones as a result.

And B-that these radfem shitheads don't have kids. No kid would deserve to grow up in a family with one of these fucking dried up, bitter old tools.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 12, 2013, 01:35:29 PM
Unfortunately the old tools have passed their manifesto on to the next generation which now includes males as well, even thought the mainstream feminist movement refuses to identify males as feminists. They have a separate term for male "feminists", likely because they hate men so much they can't bear to include them in any aspect of their ideology.


Main article: Pro-feminism

Pro-feminism is the support of feminism without implying that the supporter is a member of the feminist movement. The term is most often used in reference to men who are actively supportive of feminism. The activities of pro-feminist men's groups include anti-violence work with boys and young men in schools, offering sexual harassment workshops in workplaces, running community education campaigns, and counseling male perpetrators of violence. Pro-feminist men also are involved in men's health, activism against pornography including anti-pornography legislation, men's studies, and the development of gender equity curricula in schools. This work is sometimes in collaboration with feminists and women's services, such as domestic violence and rape crisis centers.[211][212]

You can't make this kind of shit up. :facepalm2:
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 12, 2013, 01:42:56 PM
Just to set the record straight, I refuse to be a "pro-feminist"(what a joke), or an MRA. Fuck that. The idea that one could achieve equality for all demographics by focusing soley on the issues of one of them is just insane. Especially coupled with the vast amount of hateful propaganda which is easily found with a simple google search.

I am actually interested in equality. Real equality. And to me, equality is based on the individual. What they are capable of, what is inside their head, how honest and forthcoming they are, their unique skillset, etc. The fact that they have a penis or a vagina? IRELLEVANT for crissakes!

Take a simple project: Building a fence. Have a man and a woman build a separate fence. Now lets ask a question, which one did it better? Well, I would think its probably a good idea to look at the fences instead of between their legs, don't you?
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 12, 2013, 02:01:08 PM
Feminists want to remove "rape culture" and get rid of violent male tendencies. They're a movement that promotes peace and equality, guys.  ::)

Feminists Protest Men's Awareness Event with Speaker Warren Farrell [MIRROR] (

What you just witnessed was the result of an MRA attempting to peacefully promote awareness of problems that young males face in today's society. He attempted to present some of these problems and refute a couple of very heated feminist challenges. Suddenly...


This is why I consider these "movements" to be generally harmful.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 12, 2013, 02:28:42 PM
One more example of the MEN ARE SHIT attitude in America.

the great poster tear-down extravaganza (
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 12, 2013, 02:32:59 PM
Am I convincing anyone that there is a problem here?
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 12, 2013, 09:40:05 PM
I asked possum a question and you spam. Wtf?
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Al Swearegen on September 12, 2013, 10:21:53 PM
Read his interactions with DirtDawg.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Beardy McFuckface on September 13, 2013, 03:42:08 AM
Am I convincing anyone that there is a problem here?

By cherrypicking a few radicals? All of the examples you pointed above are from radicals who have no grasp on reality. Any person I met who claimed to be a feminist were nowhere as crazy, and didn't desire to burn my cock off at any waking moment. Actually, the opinion of said feminists is that there is a HUGE divide between radicals and feminists - in other words, they hate each other.

It's best to tackle radical feminism (something which is retarded at best) rather than feminism itself. That said, regular "feminism" should really have it's name changed, since it reflects on gender equality more than women's rights. This is why I don't call myself a feminist - simply because the name is now outdated.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 13, 2013, 05:26:05 AM
Am I convincing anyone that there is a problem here?

By cherrypicking a few radicals? All of the examples you pointed above are from radicals who have no grasp on reality. Any person I met who claimed to be a feminist were nowhere as crazy, and didn't desire to burn my cock off at any waking moment. Actually, the opinion of said feminists is that there is a HUGE divide between radicals and feminists - in other words, they hate each other.

It's best to tackle radical feminism (something which is retarded at best) rather than feminism itself. That said, regular "feminism" should really have it's name changed, since it reflects on gender equality more than women's rights. This is why I don't call myself a feminist - simply because the name is now outdated.

Just a "few" huh?

Get lost, bro.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Al Swearegen on September 13, 2013, 05:28:16 AM
Am I convincing anyone that there is a problem here?

By cherrypicking a few radicals? All of the examples you pointed above are from radicals who have no grasp on reality. Any person I met who claimed to be a feminist were nowhere as crazy, and didn't desire to burn my cock off at any waking moment. Actually, the opinion of said feminists is that there is a HUGE divide between radicals and feminists - in other words, they hate each other.

It's best to tackle radical feminism (something which is retarded at best) rather than feminism itself. That said, regular "feminism" should really have it's name changed, since it reflects on gender equality more than women's rights. This is why I don't call myself a feminist - simply because the name is now outdated.

I disagree. I think that the people that are into gender equality are into gender equality and that feminists are into more equality for women.
These do not amount to the same thing at all.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Beardy McFuckface on September 13, 2013, 06:56:39 AM
That's if you assume they're all the same. They're not. Most feminists cant even agree with each other! The whole issue of gender equality needs to be standardised and injected with sanity.

Just a "few" huh?

Get lost, bro.

Yes, a few. They're not fighting for equality, but using feminism as an excuse to spearhead their own agendas. Radicals dont fight for gender equality or womens rights.

Then again, you always fill your posts with hyperbole and bluster. Explains why no one bothers properly arguing with you anymore.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 13, 2013, 07:02:04 AM
That's if you assume they're all the same. They're not. Most feminists cant even agree with each other! The whole issue of gender equality needs to be standardised and injected with sanity.

Just a "few" huh?

Get lost, bro.

Yes, a few. They're not fighting for equality, but using feminism as an excuse to spearhead their own agendas. Radicals dont fight for gender equality or womens rights.

Then again, you always fill your posts with hyperbole and bluster. Explains why no one bothers properly arguing with you anymore.

I filled my posts with hyperbole? How about you list some sources to back your claims like I do?  :zoinks:

You're completely wrong anyway. These women are actually spearheading feminism, not the other way around.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 13, 2013, 07:44:12 AM
I love sources which back up claims.  I can generally find one which backs up even the most bigoted pov.
Find one which meets the strict criteria of h scientific method....not just opinion pieces.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 13, 2013, 07:45:04 AM
When you keep saying the same thing people eventually stop responding.
but I really want you did.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 13, 2013, 08:20:17 AM
I love sources which back up claims.  I can generally find one which backs up even the most bigoted pov.
Find one which meets the strict criteria of h scientific method....not just opinion pieces.

I made a statement. I said that feminism in its current form is hateful. DD asked me to show this. I posted tons of evidence that the "womyn" leading the way for the feminist movement are hateful, nasty people. This suggests my statement is true, doesn't it?

I love sources which back up claims.

You've got a funny way of showing it. People spouting off their opinions(especially insane ones if there are enough of them) can be valid evidence in this instance, Jag. Used as quotes, they are evidence of hate-speech. And what I posted was a tiny bit of an endless about of hatred for anything resembling a male. I mean ENDLESS.

Oh man, I love how feminists and pro feminists are SSOOOO open minded and give the old college try at evaluating their wonderful movement when a concerned person offers criticism, instead of immediately calling anything that makes them uncomfortable RAPE or HATE SPEECH. Yeah. I looooove feminists. They're so fucking peaceful and reasonable. And the ones that aren't? Ehh they're a minority! Of course they are! I won't consider anything else because I've been told feminism is about equality, and that makes me feel nice inside. My feelings are very important.

the great poster tear-down extravaganza (

No they aren't a minority. Not by a longshot. I challenge you do a little experiement, gentlemen. Print the posters Girlwriteswhat just spoke about in that video, and post them in as many places as possible. Then watch and see just how long they last.

Just try it. In fact if you have the balls, go to a feminist meet and ask them questions about their movement. Just see what happens. See how reasonable and how peaceful and "progressive" the modern feminist philosophy is. Maybe once you get a dose of reality, you'll understand what i'm talking about here. You'll understand that feminism is a movement for equal rights, unless you have a penis.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Beardy McFuckface on September 13, 2013, 12:38:53 PM
I filled my posts with hyperbole? How about you list some sources to back your claims like I do?  :zoinks:

Look at most of your more "political" threads. Most people (apart from lap dogs like lit) don't bother replying anymore. You have been pointed out on your aggressive manner and tendency to use hyperbole from members before, one example being Possum.

You're completely wrong anyway. These women are actually spearheading feminism, not the other way around.

I really think you need to look up on the issue of radical feminists. The examples you pointed out are radical feminism, not feminism. I am in no way denying anything offered there, people like thunderfoot etc. do raise some good points on the matter.

The sad fact is that looking through websites like twitter, tumblr etc, radicals are increasing. Even more worrying, some have political clout. Atheism + for example is riddled with radical feminism.

Still, they are a minority, although a quite vocal one. Non-radicals are nowhere near as noticed, since they are not complete nutcases.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 13, 2013, 12:45:28 PM
Look at most of your more "political" threads. Most people (apart from lap dogs like lit) don't bother replying anymore. You have been pointed out on your aggressive manner and tendency to use hyperbole from members before, one example being Possum.

Translation: You may be right, but you're a big meaniehead!

Protip: Exactly. I don't give a fuck, either. Reality is reality no matter what its delivery method is.

I really think you need to look up on the issue of radical feminists. The examples you pointed out are radical feminism, not feminism. I am in no way denying anything offered there, people like thunderfoot etc. do raise some good points on the matter.

The sad fact is that looking through websites like twitter, tumblr etc, radicals are increasing. Even more worrying, some have political clout. Atheism + for example is riddled with radical feminism.

Still, they are a minority, although a quite vocal one. Non-radicals are nowhere near as noticed, since they are not complete nutcases.

Thunderfoot. Indeed, he's a good man.

Non-radicals are nowhere near as noticed, since they are not complete nutcases

Oh yeah? You're absolutely sure about that. I mean you didn't just "talk to some girls" a few times and suddenly understand the feminist movement, right? I'll post this part again, to make sure you see it.

No they aren't a minority. Not by a longshot. I challenge you do a little experiement, gentlemen. Print the posters Girlwriteswhat just spoke about in that video, and post them in as many places as possible. Then watch and see just how long they last.

Just try it. In fact if you have the balls, go to a feminist meet and ask them questions about their movement. Just see what happens. See how reasonable and how peaceful and "progressive" the modern feminist philosophy is. Maybe once you get a dose of reality, you'll understand what i'm talking about here. You'll understand that feminism is a movement for equal rights, unless you have a penis.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 13, 2013, 01:12:13 PM
I love sources which back up claims.  I can generally find one which backs up even the most bigoted pov.
Find one which meets the strict criteria of h scientific method....not just opinion pieces.

I made a statement. I said that feminism in its current form is hateful. DD asked me to show this. I posted tons of evidence that the "womyn" leading the way for the feminist movement are hateful, nasty people. This suggests my statement is true, doesn't it?

I love sources which back up claims.

You've got a funny way of showing it. People spouting off their opinions(especially insane ones if there are enough of them) can be valid evidence in this instance, Jag. Used as quotes, they are evidence of hate-speech. And what I posted was a tiny bit of an endless about of hatred for anything resembling a male. I mean ENDLESS.

Oh man, I love how feminists and pro feminists are SSOOOO open minded and give the old college try at evaluating their wonderful movement when a concerned person offers criticism, instead of immediately calling anything that makes them uncomfortable RAPE or HATE SPEECH. Yeah. I looooove feminists. They're so fucking peaceful and reasonable. And the ones that aren't? Ehh they're a minority! Of course they are! I won't consider anything else because I've been told feminism is about equality, and that makes me feel nice inside. My feelings are very important.

the great poster tear-down extravaganza (

No they aren't a minority. Not by a longshot. I challenge you do a little experiement, gentlemen. Print the posters Girlwriteswhat just spoke about in that video, and post them in as many places as possible. Then watch and see just how long they last.

Just try it. In fact if you have the balls, go to a feminist meet and ask them questions about their movement. Just see what happens. See how reasonable and how peaceful and "progressive" the modern feminist philosophy is. Maybe once you get a dose of reality, you'll understand what i'm talking about here. You'll understand that feminism is a movement for equal rights, unless you have a penis.
you aren't concerned. You're angry.

Sources are like a two bit whore.  Easy to come by and offers temporary relief.  I said give me something that stands up to scrutiny.  You offer opinions and biased stats.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Al Swearegen on September 13, 2013, 01:19:31 PM
I think that the real problem is that the radical feminists set a high benchmark so that when their not so crazy feminists sisters come along and accept a much watered down version of what was insane, they do without much checking because it "feels right" or "sounds credible" or "is not "batshit crazy".
For example if I was a feminist and i heard one radical feminist say that men were walking dildos, and another that male population ought to be culled to 20%, and then heard that women are more likely to be victims of assault than men, I would probably think the first two incorrect and the province of incorrect thought but that my "women being more likely to be the victims of assault" thing was a reasonable proposition in contrast.
I possibly would think I was fighting a good cause and maybe even seek to push support for female victims of crime ahead of male victims of crime. Because that is more constructive and less crazy that the radical loud voiced feminists.....except that women are NOT more likely to be victims of assault.
Many of these things are bought up over and over and are wrong and known to be wrong and yet the studies are never thrust into the public consciousness be feminists do not want it there. Garden variety feminists. Not just radical feminists. The pay gap....same story.
So on and on the fight is fought. More support for girls at school, change the school system to encourage girls. How are girls now doing compared to boys? Need you ask....yet on they go.

Feminism is NOT equality and never was.
Fighting for equality is admirable. Fighting for Feminism is not fighting for equality and they are nit interchangeable terms. The people that believe this give an undeserved credibility to feminism that is unwarranted.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 13, 2013, 01:36:18 PM
you aren't concerned. You're angry.

Sources are like a two bit whore.  Easy to come by and offers temporary relief.  I said give me something that stands up to scrutiny.  You offer opinions and biased stats.

Oh lawd. Lets pick this one apart.

you aren't concerned. You're angry.
And how do you know this, praytell?  :LOL:

Sources are like a two bit whore.  Easy to come by and offers temporary relief.
Feelings are more important, I know.

I said give me something that stands up to scrutiny.
It does. Explain, if it doesn't. I even offered you the idea of an experiement to see for yourself what is right or wrong. You won't do it though, you'll continue being a faggoty mangina who does what he's told. :trollface:

You offer opinions and biased stats.
Sure, I might do that sometimes. You're telling me you've never done that before in your entire life? But in this instance, I did not. In fact... you're starting to sound familiar. Guy has a problem with feminism, points it out, and...

You offer opinions and biased stats.

Feminist equivalent:

Check your privelige!

You're okay living in a rape culture?!

All I can hear out of you right now is HATE SPEECH!

Honestly dude. You'd make a fine feminist. You make arguments based soley on your word, and only offer criticism based on your feelings. You have no interest in facts, whatsoever.

You offer opinions and biased stats.
I've done nothing of the kind in this case. But even in some bizarre world where I did, at least I offered SOMETHING.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 13, 2013, 03:43:54 PM
If I was angry, like you, I would find counter stats. It's as simple as google.  I can't be assed.
As I said before opinions are easy to come by. And stats can be skewed.
I was simply pointing out your best and final argument to schleed is lame-o

Stop being angry about EVERYTHING. Take yourself out of your own mind and attempt to see things through another's non white middle class poring male American perspective.
Good luck with that, bigot.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Bastet on September 13, 2013, 03:48:03 PM
If I was angry, like you, I would find counter stats. It's as simple as google.  I can't be assed.
As I said before opinions are easy to come by. And stats can be skewed.
I was simply pointing out your best and final argument to schleed is lame-o

Stop being angry about EVERYTHING. Take yourself out of your own mind and attempt to see things through another's non white middle class poring male American perspective.
Good luck with that, bigot.

Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 13, 2013, 04:04:37 PM
If I was angry, like you, I would find counter stats. It's as simple as google.  I can't be assed.
As I said before opinions are easy to come by. And stats can be skewed.
I was simply pointing out your best and final argument to schleed is lame-o

Stop being angry about EVERYTHING. Take yourself out of your own mind and attempt to see things through another's non white middle class poring male American perspective.
Good luck with that, bigot.

Translation: Oh yeah your argument sucks and you'e such a racist sexist bigot, but i'm such a wildly intelligent person that I will show you mercy.

Whatever, Jags. Weaksauce.  :wanker:
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Bastet on September 13, 2013, 04:07:45 PM
If I was angry, like you, I would find counter stats. It's as simple as google.  I can't be assed.
As I said before opinions are easy to come by. And stats can be skewed.
I was simply pointing out your best and final argument to schleed is lame-o

Stop being angry about EVERYTHING. Take yourself out of your own mind and attempt to see things through another's non white middle class poring male American perspective.
Good luck with that, bigot.

Translation: Oh yeah your argument sucks and you'e such a racist sexist bigot, but i'm such a wildly intelligent person that I will show you mercy.

Whatever, Jags. Weaksauce.  :wanker:

Mmm sauce. :drool:
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 13, 2013, 04:22:40 PM
If I was angry, like you, I would find counter stats. It's as simple as google.  I can't be assed.
As I said before opinions are easy to come by. And stats can be skewed.
I was simply pointing out your best and final argument to schleed is lame-o

Stop being angry about EVERYTHING. Take yourself out of your own mind and attempt to see things through another's non white middle class poring male American perspective.
Good luck with that, bigot.

Translation: Oh yeah your argument sucks and you'e such a racist sexist bigot, but i'm such a wildly intelligent person that I will show you mercy.

Whatever, Jags. Weaksauce.  :wanker:
nope, just less closed minded.

Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Beardy McFuckface on September 13, 2013, 04:35:54 PM
Most of what he saying is right, but he's tacking it to feminists rather than it's radicals. He is confusing feminism, which is really just an outdated name for "gender equality" these days, for radical man-hating feminism. Changing feminism's name to reflect the fact it's really just about gender equality (ie. something less wordy than "gender egalitarianism") will differentiate it from the radical side of it.

You'll get radicals in any religion or ideology. Rage fails to see that. He's a bit of a radical of his own views anyway, and seems to come off as a stereotypical posterchild of right-wing libertarianism mixed with paranoia. (cue posts of BACK YER SHIT UP despite most of his recent posts proving it)
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 13, 2013, 05:04:40 PM
Most of what he saying is right, but he's tacking it to feminists rather than it's radicals. He is confusing feminism, which is really just an outdated name for "gender equality" these days, for radical man-hating feminism. Changing feminism's name to reflect the fact it's really just about gender equality (ie. something less wordy than "gender egalitarianism") will differentiate it from the radical side of it.

You'll get radicals in any religion or ideology. Rage fails to see that. He's a bit of a radical of his own views anyway, and seems to come off as a stereotypical posterchild of right-wing libertarianism mixed with paranoia. (cue posts of BACK YER SHIT UP despite most of his recent posts proving it)
and to be quite honest....this is why I only peruse what he has to say.  It seems like a broken record played for a deaf person.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 13, 2013, 07:29:02 PM
Most of what he saying is right, but he's tacking it to feminists rather than it's radicals. He is confusing feminism, which is really just an outdated name for "gender equality" these days, for radical man-hating feminism. Changing feminism's name to reflect the fact it's really just about gender equality (ie. something less wordy than "gender egalitarianism") will differentiate it from the radical side of it.

You'll get radicals in any religion or ideology. Rage fails to see that. He's a bit of a radical of his own views anyway, and seems to come off as a stereotypical posterchild of right-wing libertarianism mixed with paranoia. (cue posts of BACK YER SHIT UP despite most of his recent posts proving it)
and to be quite honest....this is why I only peruse what he has to say.  It seems like a broken record played for a deaf person.

You sound the same to me, actually. Its obvious you skimmed the fuck out of my posts when you say the "STATS" I posted were biased. I didn't post any fucking stats, you moron. You don't even read anything, which solidifies your image as a piece of shit in my view. Especially when you throw labels at me like close minded.

At least I read your fucking posts, you hypocrite. :dunno:

Moving on.

You'll get radicals in any religion or ideology. Rage fails to see that. He's a bit of a radical of his own views anyway, and seems to come off as a stereotypical posterchild of right-wing libertarianism mixed with paranoia. (cue posts of BACK YER SHIT UP despite most of his recent posts proving it)

You're off on some things, but I will not deny being pretty radical. The way things are in the world today, I think if you're not taking a radical stance against it then you must be mentally retarded. Next up, the right left statement. Fuck that shit, Schleed. I am non-partisan, and militantly so. I would like to see the party system completely destroyed.

And I disagree with your stance on "radical" feminism. I think radical feminism is pretty much the norm now, and is designed to progressively get worse by infecting the minds of impressionable youngsters at universities and through media. It is not a movement for equality, its a movement for special treatment.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 13, 2013, 08:10:40 PM
I say most stats are biased. :kapkao:

My issue is with you telling schleed to come up with you did.
I is not evidence.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Bastet on September 13, 2013, 08:29:21 PM
I say most stats are biased. :kapkao:

My issue is with you telling schleed to come up with you did.
I is not evidence.

My farts smell better than your farts. :M
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Al Swearegen on September 14, 2013, 12:14:12 AM
Most of what he saying is right, but he's tacking it to feminists rather than it's radicals. He is confusing feminism, which is really just an outdated name for "gender equality" these days, for radical man-hating feminism. Changing feminism's name to reflect the fact it's really just about gender equality (ie. something less wordy than "gender egalitarianism") will differentiate it from the radical side of it.

You'll get radicals in any religion or ideology. Rage fails to see that. He's a bit of a radical of his own views anyway, and seems to come off as a stereotypical posterchild of right-wing libertarianism mixed with paranoia. (cue posts of BACK YER SHIT UP despite most of his recent posts proving it)

Nope. You are well meaning enough Shleed but I don't know who sold you this ideology.
Feminism is not about gender equality and is not a different name for gender equality. Feminism is for females. They are the end recipients. If males get ANY benefit, it is not by design.

We do not have to look to radical feminist ideas.
Society actively seeks to further women ahead of men in an attempt to "bring them up to par" This is the theory. In practice whilst they strived for housing for women to tackle women who are victims of domestic violence, where are the men's shelters? What about the difference in prison sentencing? What about the Child Support laws? What about the men's rights movements? What about the difference in male and female educational standards at school? What about Paternity/Maternity leave differences? What about the misinformation about me and women pay gaps?
Why is there so much information difference in so many areas where woman are NOT on par but quite obviously all over the blokes, YET still the push for "more equality" in these areas?
Why are feminists not supporting the men's movement? Why are feminists not supporting men's housing....oh well ask Erin Pizzey what happens if you try to assert that men need shelters. (

Society has been dictated to by feminists and not just hardline radicals and a lot of the presumptions are based on bullshit, nothing more than feelings or fears or wants. a lot of the fearmongering is as successful as the fearmongering about terrorists after 9/11 (years after) and just as successful in thinking that society has to give up rights or change their views for their own good over a lot of things that they possibly ought not.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Parts on September 14, 2013, 05:42:02 AM
I saw this yesterday and thought of this thread.

A former portfolio manager on Wall Street who says he simply doesn't have the money to pay alimony of nearly $78,000 annually after job losses and using up his savings will be spending his nights and weekends in jail for the foreseeable future.

Noting that Ari Schochet owes $233,000 to his former wife of 17 years, a New Jersey judge on Monday ruled that he must continue to serve the part-time contempt sentence unless and until he comes up with a down payment of $25,000, Bloomberg reports.

Schochet's pro bono lawyer, Benjamin Kelsen, said during a hearing in the Bergen County case that Schochet wants to pay but can't and unsuccessfully sought Schochet's release pending a 30-day review. With child support, Schochet's total annual obligation to his ex-wife is nearly $100,000.
Link (

I have know several men screwed in this fashion one that was forced to live in his truck and threatened with jail after losing his job but still told he had to pay the same amount.  Sure I have know guys who fucked over women and got away with it but the courts are very much stacked against men in these things
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 14, 2013, 07:44:10 AM
I saw this yesterday and thought of this thread.

A former portfolio manager on Wall Street who says he simply doesn't have the money to pay alimony of nearly $78,000 annually after job losses and using up his savings will be spending his nights and weekends in jail for the foreseeable future.

Noting that Ari Schochet owes $233,000 to his former wife of 17 years, a New Jersey judge on Monday ruled that he must continue to serve the part-time contempt sentence unless and until he comes up with a down payment of $25,000, Bloomberg reports.

Schochet's pro bono lawyer, Benjamin Kelsen, said during a hearing in the Bergen County case that Schochet wants to pay but can't and unsuccessfully sought Schochet's release pending a 30-day review. With child support, Schochet's total annual obligation to his ex-wife is nearly $100,000.
Link (

I have know several men screwed in this fashion one that was forced to live in his truck and threatened with jail after losing his job but still told he had to pay the same amount.  Sure I have know guys who fucked over women and got away with it but the courts are very much stacked against men in these things
interesting story.  How could this happen?  There is usually a formula used to figure out how much alimony and child support is.

The reason why the courts favor women is because, for years men would simply up and leave,   Not owning p to their financial responsibilities.   
I don't know how the laws got changed, whether it be feminism or a general public who said enough is enough.  But in any case, someone stopped crying about it and went out and solved the problem.

So, if feminism is such a dastardly thing....stop your fucking bitching and do something about it.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 14, 2013, 07:49:54 AM
The rest of the article
Although Family Court Judge Ronny Jo Siegel pointed out that Schochet could have sought a separate hearing concerning his ability to pay, Schochet and others say doing so is expensive and the system is difficult for a nonlawyer to navigate.

Those behind the state's alimony reform movement say it should be easier for individuals to show that they can't afford to pay court-ordered alimony and harder to jail a former spouse for failing to do so.

“State judges are incarcerating non-criminals without even a sentence,” said attorney Stuart Meissner, a candidate in an October special election for U.S. Senate who has made alimony reform part of his platform. He says individuals should be represented by counsel and given a hearing to determine ability to pay before they are incarcerated.

Legislation to reduce or even eliminate alimony is being considered in at least 10 states, including New Jersey. However, even though women are now a mainstay of the American workforce, the concept of supporting a stay-at-home spouse, post-divorce, isn't entirely a relic of history, says attorney Laura W. Morgan, who operates Family Law Consulting in Charlottesville, Va. Among other reasons, women on average still earn less than men, she points out.

Sharona Grossberg, the ex-wife of Schochet, told the judge on Monday that she has had to get three jobs to cover the cost of raising the couple's four girls.

“I feed my daughters, I clothe them, I pay for their health insurance, I keep gas in the car,” Grossberg said. “My paycheck doesn’t cover the expenses that are necessary. I cannot do this alone.”

Her ex-husband says his part-time entry-level job as a stock transfer agent leaves him with about $100 per month after his wages are taxed and garnished. Occasional work for a florist brings in some extra bucks.

Jailed at least eight times during the past two years for missing required payments to Grossberg, he now follows a routine before each family court hearing, including wearing a nicotine patch to deal with a lack of cigarettes behind bars and writing key phone numbers on his arm in permanent ink, an earlier Bloomberg article reported.

“When I tell people what’s happened to me these last two years, they say, ‘Your story can’t possibly be true, and you must be in court because you beat your wife,’” he told the news agency. “This has nothing to do with anything other than money.”

There is something more going on here.  Why does she have to work so much.  She also has to work three jobs.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Al Swearegen on September 14, 2013, 08:24:25 AM
I saw this yesterday and thought of this thread.

A former portfolio manager on Wall Street who says he simply doesn't have the money to pay alimony of nearly $78,000 annually after job losses and using up his savings will be spending his nights and weekends in jail for the foreseeable future.

Noting that Ari Schochet owes $233,000 to his former wife of 17 years, a New Jersey judge on Monday ruled that he must continue to serve the part-time contempt sentence unless and until he comes up with a down payment of $25,000, Bloomberg reports.

Schochet's pro bono lawyer, Benjamin Kelsen, said during a hearing in the Bergen County case that Schochet wants to pay but can't and unsuccessfully sought Schochet's release pending a 30-day review. With child support, Schochet's total annual obligation to his ex-wife is nearly $100,000.
Link (

I have know several men screwed in this fashion one that was forced to live in his truck and threatened with jail after losing his job but still told he had to pay the same amount.  Sure I have know guys who fucked over women and got away with it but the courts are very much stacked against men in these things
interesting story.  How could this happen?  There is usually a formula used to figure out how much alimony and child support is.

The reason why the courts favor women is because, for years men would simply up and leave,   Not owning p to their financial responsibilities.   
I don't know how the laws got changed, whether it be feminism or a general public who said enough is enough.  But in any case, someone stopped crying about it and went out and solved the problem.

So, if feminism is such a dastardly thing....stop your fucking bitching and do something about it.

You are not honestly saying you don't know how it happens?
Child Support was certainly supposed to be a an encouragement for men to pay for their children. The amount was supposed to be an amount about equivalent to what it would be to make the man financially better off to stay with his wife...only with the passage of time and change in society, now separation and divorce is resounding initiated by the wife rather than the husband. So the husband is forced to pay child support to stop him leaving his wife but can not stop her leaving him.
The wife will often get government pensions and Mother support and child maintenance from the Father and a larger chunk of the family estate, and the guy? Well the guy get's fucked by a system that seeks to supplant his role in the family dynamic and make him obsolete.
And McJagger YOU know as well as I know that men are not creatures with gender bias. They compete against other men in pretty much everything and are not taught or socialised to share, they are taught to suck it up and deal with things.

I have no idea why you are asking these kinds of questions and faking ignorance BUT I strongly suspect you are just trying to further the debate and like Fox News are pressing buttons to get mileage.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 14, 2013, 08:53:04 AM
I say most stats are biased. :kapkao:

My issue is with you telling schleed to come up with you did.
I is not evidence.

And you didn't read it. I didn't post a single statistic, and you're in here throwing your pro-feminist agenda around without even looking at any of the other arguments. At least Schleed recognizes it as a problem, although he thinks its a lot smaller than I do.

I say most stats are biased.

Yeah I know you emotional types hate statistics, so I DIDN'T POST ANY THIS TIME. And what do you know, you saw another "one of those meanie rage threads"  and then something occurred to you and was instantly true and you came in here to fling shit on everything without looking at it.

Feminism is very reasonable, at least when you're a raging faggot mangina. :zoinks:
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Beardy McFuckface on September 14, 2013, 09:01:22 AM
I'm not saying I agree 100% with even normal feminism (I have issues with their stances on porn and the double standards do irritate me), however It is something that needs to be standardised and made logical. However, most people who would consider themselves "feminist" are not radical simply because even they're not hard lined on pornography and do wish for equality issues to be fixed for men too. They are only feminist by name, rather than subscribing literally to the whole ideology like radicals do. This is what I mean by feminism really being "gender equality" these days, as most issues women had years ago are not here anymore.

However, there is still a patriarchal system which is bad for both men and women, including the double standards that even feminists think is okay such as child support etc.

I believe in total equality between the sexes, however no real movement comes close to that, not even MRA. Efforts should be made to evolve normal feminism (which is already going this direction) into a general gender equality movement, to fix issues for both sides and to remove all the double standards and bullshit.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 14, 2013, 09:07:20 AM
However, there is still a patriarchal system which is bad for both men and women, including the double standards that even feminists think is okay such as child support etc.

I believe in total equality between the sexes, however no real movement comes close to that, not even MRA. Efforts should be made to evolve normal feminism (which is already going this direction) into a general gender equality movement, to fix issues for both sides and to remove all the double standards and bullshit

I'm glad you recognize these "movements" as harmful. We can agree on that at least. It seems these supposedly well meaning people are incapable of carrying out social justice without securing "prizes" for themselves. You know what I mean? That will never bring about equality, and feminism, MRAs, atheism +, Tumblr radfems, etc are all full of fucking shit from where i'm standing. They only pretend to care about others. They're interested in how they appear, not in making change.

I fucking hate that.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Beardy McFuckface on September 14, 2013, 09:14:11 AM
At least we can agree to that, they are bullshit.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 14, 2013, 09:22:29 AM
At least we can agree to that, they are bullshit.

Indeed. I think i'll write Penn about it. If I give him enough shit to talk about, maybe him and teller will make it an episode?
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Al Swearegen on September 14, 2013, 09:34:23 AM
I actually think you frame it different to me. You see Radical feminists and feminists and that the radicals are loons and the feminists are really gender equality supporters by a different name.
The truth is the radical feminists are loons. Feminists are simply pro-women BUT some people actually have been conned by thinking that by supporting very reasonable ideals of gender equality (Like Erin Pizzey did/does) is feminism, and call themselves Feminists.
It neither makes them Feminists nor the cause they are supporting Feminism.
It would be like me celebrating Christianity and encouraging free love and homosexuality as being ok, but generally following so of the other stuff. I "could" call myself Christian still and join Christian rallies and the like BUT....well, you know.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 14, 2013, 10:06:48 AM
That's exactly what I'm saying.  Based upon this biased example most divorced men should be facing jail.
I'm saying it doesn't make sense. And this is not commonplace.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Al Swearegen on September 14, 2013, 10:16:41 AM
That's exactly what I'm saying.  Based upon this biased example most divorced men should be facing jail.
I'm saying it doesn't make sense. And this is not commonplace.

Well I can tell you that I personally had a very hard time with CSA in the past. I am 5 years from finished with them and fell behind because I was screwed over by my ex and carrying huge debt caused by having to pay for the cost of taking her to court to see my own children and still pay her child support whilst she keeps them from me and then have to cover these costs whilst having had a stress related heart attack and subsequent health issues as my body tried to call it a day. (Irony.....what caused the stress do you think?)

Now tell me. Is this REALLY unusual in its weighting against men or par for the course?
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 14, 2013, 10:30:26 AM
That's exactly what I'm saying.  Based upon this biased example most divorced men should be facing jail.
I'm saying it doesn't make sense. And this is not commonplace.

Well I can tell you that I personally had a very hard time with CSA in the past. I am 5 years from finished with them and fell behind because I was screwed over by my ex and carrying huge debt caused by having to pay for the cost of taking her to court to see my own children and still pay her child support whilst she keeps them from me and then have to cover these costs whilst having had a stress related heart attack and subsequent health issues as my body tried to call it a day. (Irony.....what caused the stress do you think?)

Now tell me. Is this REALLY unusual in its weighting against men or par for the course?
is it the result of feminism?
Or the result of society taking men to task for (in the past) abusing and shirking their responsibility.

Life is cyclical al.  Imagine that social norms swing on a pendulum.  When it goes too far one way it inevitibly swings back the other.
Take ownership and work to affect change. Bitching won't solve a thing....well, maybe it'll make you feel better.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Al Swearegen on September 14, 2013, 12:50:03 PM
That's exactly what I'm saying.  Based upon this biased example most divorced men should be facing jail.
I'm saying it doesn't make sense. And this is not commonplace.

Well I can tell you that I personally had a very hard time with CSA in the past. I am 5 years from finished with them and fell behind because I was screwed over by my ex and carrying huge debt caused by having to pay for the cost of taking her to court to see my own children and still pay her child support whilst she keeps them from me and then have to cover these costs whilst having had a stress related heart attack and subsequent health issues as my body tried to call it a day. (Irony.....what caused the stress do you think?)

Now tell me. Is this REALLY unusual in its weighting against men or par for the course?
is it the result of feminism?
Or the result of society taking men to task for (in the past) abusing and shirking their responsibility.

Life is cyclical al.  Imagine that social norms swing on a pendulum.  When it goes too far one way it inevitibly swings back the other.
Take ownership and work to affect change. Bitching won't solve a thing....well, maybe it'll make you feel better.

No McJagger
i am not bitching I am giving good account of thinking what I think. You know, backing yourself. Though a good way to close down such discussion is to call someone out for not giving account of themselves OR convrersely if they DO give good account of themselves, call it "bitching"....Isn't that right?  ;)

It doesn't really matter much to me. I have (like Autism Rights) a bit of investment but not a great deal. My boy turn 18 in less than 2 years and 3 years following, so will my girl. I am as financially comfortable as I have been in the last 15 years. So impact on me to rattle chains is limited.

What you have described is great in theory but not in this specific instances because of the inherent changes in society. To put it into context, it is like society going from Stone Age to Bronze Age and the way this will throw every aspect of life into limbo. New Rules are made and the Old Rules and norms are thrown out. You effectively have a new society with new foundations.

Women no longer NEEDED to stay home. "Well there was never any need in the first place because that was just male suppression"? No that is just more propaganda and history reinvention. It is one of many tidbits that keep resentment and a feeling of anti-male/patriarchy fires glowing. Truth is that every remedial culture needed this. I have written about it before. As long as men and women have existed there has been a strong instinct in both of them to find a mate of the opposite gender, have sex and raise children. It is not sexist or social conditioning or any of the bullshits feminists like to spout. Primal needs had then seek out the opposite gender and screw and then....well, quite often the pregnant girl or the child would die in childbirth. So if the whole tribe's survival counted on those which were likely not to be heavily laden with an unborn child or nursing a child and those who are physically stronger less susceptible to injury and more disposable.
Who are the women of the tribe going to point the finger at and who are the men going to point the finger at. We are not talking fair, we are talking the choices that are going to keep tour tribe surviving.
So men die by number going out hunting for the women. Here they learn to be competitive and silent. The women stay together in the cave in relative safety (except for the childbirth mortality thing) and learn to communicate and share and work together co-operatively.
That was relatively the same set up through the ages UNTIL Women rights movement/feminism BUT Women Rights Movement/feminism could NOT have worked were in not for some very important developments in contraception, infant and mother survival rates and such.
Yes there was resistance but the changes really were catalyst to these changes.
With such society changing and the tremendous effort at lies, misrepresentation, misinformation and power-mongering over the last 30 years, it is naive to think of this as a pendulum swing.
It is so inherent in our society that most people don't even recognise the bullshit from the truth because it has been said as "fact" for 20-30 years.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 14, 2013, 12:54:17 PM
I overused.  Blame my ADHD.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Al Swearegen on September 14, 2013, 12:57:37 PM
I overused.  Blame my ADHD.

Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 14, 2013, 03:38:33 PM
I overused.  Blame my ADHD.

Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: 'andersom' on September 14, 2013, 04:23:22 PM
I'm with Schleed. Feminism is a wide terminology. It covers man hating groups, it covers women hating groups. Most of it is mainstream though. And, they do make a lot of sense. Not all of them. Really, feminists are just humans. But what I see in mainstream feminism is not only focusing on rights for women. Schleed has a point that by now mainstream feminism would be better off defining themselves as a gender movement. Because that is what the goal is, nowadays. They look at things from a gender perspective. And, then see that, the way things are, women, or men, can be at a disadvantage. And they want to address that. Mainstream feminism as I know it is not focused on rights of women only.

Radical feminism? Sure, there are idiots to be found. And prominent ones too. Just like there are idiots that make it to be prominent politicians. Politicians claiming pregnancies after rape prove the rape wasn't real rape and such. :P (Sorry, we had a politician like that in my country too, it jumped to mind)

And for things like childsupport being unfair, as Al pointed out. That is a bureaucratic system, probably once made to treat every man equal. After finding too many women without child-support. But, in creating this, the system became abusive in itself. By taking men as the target to get the money from. Is there no option of men taking care of the kids, and the women to pay alimony? And then by treating all men equal. Not all men are equal. There are men very willing to participate financially and physically in the upbringing of their kids. And there are men wanting to run away from that responsibility. Treating those two types of men equally is not fair. I see it as a bureaucratic failure.
Of course, a state collection system for alimony can be a good thing, if other options don't work. But, it should not be used by default.

Bureaucracy will make more failures, under the disguise of some freedom or right. A council not too far away from me wants to force single mothers who have not disclosed the name of the fathers to name them. Or they will lose part of their income. A plan to make this a default thing is going to be disastrous. It will help some men, who want to be part of the lives of their kids, but who are kept from their kids because of the whim of the mother. It happens. But, it will also put women and kids at risk, when the relationship was a very violent one. It is the default idea, complete with forced DNA testing they are thinking of, that makes it so dangerous. Tackling people by default ideas, telling it is good for the child, but in fact caring about money only, is not going to bring justice to anyone. This is not a feministic idea btw. It is a council, wanting to economise.

And Rage. Too many threads about how bad feminism is, and I just skip them. Only now and then, I decide to read one of them. And then I will probably react. But, may sigh and skip that option too.

Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: 'andersom' on September 14, 2013, 04:27:52 PM
:pwned: :mischief:
possum, I think one of the unfortunate side effects of feminism is free love.  And that has lead to an explosion of teen pregnancy.  What do you think?

I think it is time for proper sex-education in schools. All should learn never to have their hands under the covers in bed. To always shower with a bathingsuit on too.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 14, 2013, 05:08:38 PM
:pwned: :mischief:
possum, I think one of the unfortunate side effects of feminism is free love.  And that has lead to an explosion of teen pregnancy.  What do you think?

I think it is time for proper sex-education in schools. All should learn never to have their hands under the covers in bed. To always shower with a bathingsuit on too.
and that gay love is just as legitimate as heterosexual sexual love.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: 'andersom' on September 14, 2013, 05:12:56 PM
:pwned: :mischief:
possum, I think one of the unfortunate side effects of feminism is free love.  And that has lead to an explosion of teen pregnancy.  What do you think?

I think it is time for proper sex-education in schools. All should learn never to have their hands under the covers in bed. To always shower with a bathingsuit on too.
and that gay love is just as legitimate as heterosexual sexual love.
Indeed. And sex is only for those who are married and who pray before the deed, and praise afterwards.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: 'andersom' on September 14, 2013, 05:17:02 PM
I really do think sex-education should be informative, fun, and elaborate, in secondary schools. Kids need to know how they can have fun together. They need to know how they can communicate. They need to know how to prevent STD's and pregnancies. And they need to know there is nothing wrong with being straight, gay, bi, asexual.

If parents are not willing to educate their kids. Schools have to fill the gap. It will pay off. The more kids know, the less teen pregnancies.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 14, 2013, 05:35:58 PM
The day my oldest daughter go her first period we sat both girls own for a talk.
Let them know that teenage boys turn into animals and everybody gets curious about sex. If they get curious, talk to us first so we an get them on the pill or talk about other methods of birth control.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: DirtDawg on September 14, 2013, 10:28:09 PM
Unfortunately the old tools have passed their manifesto on to the next generation which now includes males as well, even thought the mainstream feminist movement refuses to identify males as feminists. They have a separate term for male "feminists", likely because they hate men so much they can't bear to include them in any aspect of their ideology.


Main article: Pro-feminism

Pro-feminism is the support of feminism without implying that the supporter is a member of the feminist movement. The term is most often used in reference to men who are actively supportive of feminism. The activities of pro-feminist men's groups include anti-violence work with boys and young men in schools, offering sexual harassment workshops in workplaces, running community education campaigns, and counseling male perpetrators of violence. Pro-feminist men also are involved in men's health, activism against pornography including anti-pornography legislation, men's studies, and the development of gender equity curricula in schools. This work is sometimes in collaboration with feminists and women's services, such as domestic violence and rape crisis centers.[211][212]

You can't make this kind of shit up. :facepalm2:

I am amazed at how much time you put into that last post.

There is so much there that I have not actually finished reading all of it, but I will, soon.

Is there an opposing perspective that we should know about?

I want to read that as well!
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: 'andersom' on September 15, 2013, 02:05:44 AM
The day my oldest daughter go her first period we sat both girls own for a talk.
Let them know that teenage boys turn into animals and everybody gets curious about sex. If they get curious, talk to us first so we an get them on the pill or talk about other methods of birth control.

Indeed. I told mine it was probably wise to explore on her own what she liked first. Bit of confidence about your own body and longings does not harm at all.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 15, 2013, 06:30:06 AM
The day my oldest daughter go her first period we sat both girls own for a talk.
Let them know that teenage boys turn into animals and everybody gets curious about sex. If they get curious, talk to us first so we an get them on the pill or talk about other methods of birth control.

Indeed. I told mine it was probably wise to explore on her own what she liked first. Bit of confidence about your own body and longings does not harm at all.
right.  That part will leave up to wife.  I'm not going to tell my daughters about masturbation.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 15, 2013, 09:41:26 AM
Unfortunately the old tools have passed their manifesto on to the next generation which now includes males as well, even thought the mainstream feminist movement refuses to identify males as feminists. They have a separate term for male "feminists", likely because they hate men so much they can't bear to include them in any aspect of their ideology.


Main article: Pro-feminism

Pro-feminism is the support of feminism without implying that the supporter is a member of the feminist movement. The term is most often used in reference to men who are actively supportive of feminism. The activities of pro-feminist men's groups include anti-violence work with boys and young men in schools, offering sexual harassment workshops in workplaces, running community education campaigns, and counseling male perpetrators of violence. Pro-feminist men also are involved in men's health, activism against pornography including anti-pornography legislation, men's studies, and the development of gender equity curricula in schools. This work is sometimes in collaboration with feminists and women's services, such as domestic violence and rape crisis centers.[211][212]

You can't make this kind of shit up. :facepalm2:

I am amazed at how much time you put into that last post.

There is so much there that I have not actually finished reading all of it, but I will, soon.

Is there an opposing perspective that we should know about?

I want to read that as well!

This thread is filled with the opposing perspective. Despite everything I've presented supporting that modern feminism is harmful and even the polar opposite on an equality movement, people seem bewitched by the propaganda and word of mouth promising equality and safety for women.

Although Schleed and I disagree about the severity of the problem I rather like his idea of changing the name of feminism to a more inclusive term. I think that the actual word, "feminism" sends a subconscious message of female superiority to feminists which negatively impacts boys and men. Sometimes even homosexuals.

TL;dr- I think feminism is complete bullshit, and keeps none of its promises anymore.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 15, 2013, 09:45:06 AM
That's exactly what I'm saying.  Based upon this biased example most divorced men should be facing jail.
I'm saying it doesn't make sense. And this is not commonplace.

ITs more common than you might think, and its trending. You're okay with that?
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 15, 2013, 09:48:23 AM
I'm with Schleed. Feminism is a wide terminology. It covers man hating groups, it covers women hating groups. Most of it is mainstream though. And, they do make a lot of sense. Not all of them. Really, feminists are just humans. But what I see in mainstream feminism is not only focusing on rights for women. Schleed has a point that by now mainstream feminism would be better off defining themselves as a gender movement. Because that is what the goal is, nowadays. They look at things from a gender perspective. And, then see that, the way things are, women, or men, can be at a disadvantage. And they want to address that. Mainstream feminism as I know it is not focused on rights of women only.

Radical feminism? Sure, there are idiots to be found. And prominent ones too. Just like there are idiots that make it to be prominent politicians. Politicians claiming pregnancies after rape prove the rape wasn't real rape and such. :P (Sorry, we had a politician like that in my country too, it jumped to mind)

And for things like childsupport being unfair, as Al pointed out. That is a bureaucratic system, probably once made to treat every man equal. After finding too many women without child-support. But, in creating this, the system became abusive in itself. By taking men as the target to get the money from. Is there no option of men taking care of the kids, and the women to pay alimony? And then by treating all men equal. Not all men are equal. There are men very willing to participate financially and physically in the upbringing of their kids. And there are men wanting to run away from that responsibility. Treating those two types of men equally is not fair. I see it as a bureaucratic failure.
Of course, a state collection system for alimony can be a good thing, if other options don't work. But, it should not be used by default.

Bureaucracy will make more failures, under the disguise of some freedom or right. A council not too far away from me wants to force single mothers who have not disclosed the name of the fathers to name them. Or they will lose part of their income. A plan to make this a default thing is going to be disastrous. It will help some men, who want to be part of the lives of their kids, but who are kept from their kids because of the whim of the mother. It happens. But, it will also put women and kids at risk, when the relationship was a very violent one. It is the default idea, complete with forced DNA testing they are thinking of, that makes it so dangerous. Tackling people by default ideas, telling it is good for the child, but in fact caring about money only, is not going to bring justice to anyone. This is not a feministic idea btw. It is a council, wanting to economise.

And Rage. Too many threads about how bad feminism is, and I just skip them. Only now and then, I decide to read one of them. And then I will probably react. But, may sigh and skip that option too.

Well that's alright. Its up to you whether or not you read my stuff, but i'm a square dealing guy and I hate lies. When I see lies and logical fallacies like this garner so much clout, I move against them soley on principle.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Al Swearegen on September 15, 2013, 09:54:10 AM
I stil say that Feminism is pro-women and is not inclusive nor working towards gender equality. Never was. Never will.

I think that "Feminists" (as in those that follow the Feminist principles and mindset) are pro-women and not gender inclusive.
I DO think there are people that are sensible and call themselves "Feminists". (For what it is worth, I very much am in support of people who are into gender equality as I am a believer of fair. If people are being decent and fair and supporting the things that matter they could call themselves Feminists, Vulcans, Neo Nazis, Marxists, or whatever, it would not matter their personal identification but rather the behaviours and opinions they vouch)
To me it is like a Sicilian community club calling themselves "La Casa Nostra". Sure maybe you could find some very base ideals and class specific things about the Club and the Mafia but the differences between the two is too big to serious entertain that they are the same. 
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 15, 2013, 12:07:09 PM
That's exactly what I'm saying.  Based upon this biased example most divorced men should be facing jail.
I'm saying it doesn't make sense. And this is not commonplace.

ITs more common than you might think, and its trending. You're okay with that?
ok. I have your word. That's good..
Durrr!  It does not make sense.  There is no way this is commonplace.  And if I is, one must suspect there is more to this particular kind of story.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: 'andersom' on September 15, 2013, 04:23:54 PM
The day my oldest daughter go her first period we sat both girls own for a talk.
Let them know that teenage boys turn into animals and everybody gets curious about sex. If they get curious, talk to us first so we an get them on the pill or talk about other methods of birth control.

Indeed. I told mine it was probably wise to explore on her own what she liked first. Bit of confidence about your own body and longings does not harm at all.
right.  That part will leave up to wife.  I'm not going to tell my daughters about masturbation.

Oh, I did not explain the details. Kids are smart enough to find out that themselves. Like I told them that I would not be telling details of my bedroom life either. None of their business. And that goes both ways.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: Bastet on September 15, 2013, 04:26:35 PM
The day my oldest daughter go her first period we sat both girls own for a talk.
Let them know that teenage boys turn into animals and everybody gets curious about sex. If they get curious, talk to us first so we an get them on the pill or talk about other methods of birth control.

Indeed. I told mine it was probably wise to explore on her own what she liked first. Bit of confidence about your own body and longings does not harm at all.
right.  That part will leave up to wife.  I'm not going to tell my daughters about masturbation.

Oh, I did not explain the details. Kids are smart enough to find out that themselves. Like I told them that I would not be telling details of my bedroom life either. None of their business. And that goes both ways.

My surrogate mom says her daughters weren't allowed to have sex until they knew how to give themselves orgasms. :toporly:
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: 'andersom' on September 15, 2013, 04:30:24 PM
Unfortunately the old tools have passed their manifesto on to the next generation which now includes males as well, even thought the mainstream feminist movement refuses to identify males as feminists. They have a separate term for male "feminists", likely because they hate men so much they can't bear to include them in any aspect of their ideology.


Main article: Pro-feminism

Pro-feminism is the support of feminism without implying that the supporter is a member of the feminist movement. The term is most often used in reference to men who are actively supportive of feminism. The activities of pro-feminist men's groups include anti-violence work with boys and young men in schools, offering sexual harassment workshops in workplaces, running community education campaigns, and counseling male perpetrators of violence. Pro-feminist men also are involved in men's health, activism against pornography including anti-pornography legislation, men's studies, and the development of gender equity curricula in schools. This work is sometimes in collaboration with feminists and women's services, such as domestic violence and rape crisis centers.[211][212]

You can't make this kind of shit up. :facepalm2:

I am amazed at how much time you put into that last post.

There is so much there that I have not actually finished reading all of it, but I will, soon.

Is there an opposing perspective that we should know about?

I want to read that as well!

This thread is filled with the opposing perspective. Despite everything I've presented supporting that modern feminism is harmful and even the polar opposite on an equality movement, people seem bewitched by the propaganda and word of mouth promising equality and safety for women.

Although Schleed and I disagree about the severity of the problem I rather like his idea of changing the name of feminism to a more inclusive term. I think that the actual word, "feminism" sends a subconscious message of female superiority to feminists which negatively impacts boys and men. Sometimes even homosexuals.

TL;dr- I think feminism is complete bullshit, and keeps none of its promises anymore.

You see it, I don't. Could be a cultural thing. Everything does seem to be bigger in the USA. And the Dutch are poldermodelling all the time. And your word, vs what I see is not going to make me change what I see.

I will not agree with the extremists, when I find them on my path in life.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 15, 2013, 06:01:39 PM
That's exactly what I'm saying.  Based upon this biased example most divorced men should be facing jail.
I'm saying it doesn't make sense. And this is not commonplace.

ITs more common than you might think, and its trending. You're okay with that?
ok. I have your word. That's good..
Durrr!  It does not make sense.  There is no way this is commonplace.  And if I is, one must suspect there is more to this particular kind of story.

I see you taking care now to keep your posts to a sentence, as not to give away too much of your deck. But i'm good, Jag. I can work with that, too.

I have your word. That's good..

Just as good as yours, asshole. :dunno:

Durrr!  It does not make sense.  There is no way this is commonplace.
Doesn't make sense? There is NO WAY? And why is that, because you don't want there to be? McJagger, you must be taking drugs or something, man. If i'm right, then this will continue whether you want it to be true or not, and people will suffer for it. Don't you have enough of a heart to get over your bias, and take an honest look at things?

And if I is, one must suspect there is more to this particular kind of story.

Ahh there we go, so even if I post irrefutable evidence, you will still worship this corrupt movement by finding some stray fact or statistic out of thousands you can cling to. That reminds me of religion. You are addicted to dogma, sir.

Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 15, 2013, 06:03:33 PM
I will not agree with the extremists, when I find them on my path in life.

Fair enough. Not everyone is strong enough to fight.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 15, 2013, 06:06:37 PM
I said it cannot be common place.  And I bet you it's not.  You suggest it is by stating it happens more than I think.

I say durr, ill take your word for it ass hole.  Because we both know being jailed for simply not being able to afford alimony us rare.

Feminism is a distraction.  Stick to federal reserve posts.  That us the root of income inequality.
Viva guy Fawkes.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 15, 2013, 06:10:42 PM
I said it cannot be common place.  And I bet you it's not.  You suggest it is by stating it happens more than I think.

I say durr, ill take your word for it ass hole.  Because we both know being jailed for simply not being able to afford alimony us rare.

Feminism is a distraction.  Stick to federal reserve posts.  That us the root of income inequality.
Viva guy Fawkes.

Because we both know being jailed for simply not being able to afford alimony us rare.

Do we now? Would you care to prove it, since you've made a claim? I'd love to shoot down that one.

Feminism is a distraction.  Stick to federal reserve posts.  That us the root of income inequality.

You seem to have no connection at all with reality. The way you talk, its almost as if you think a small group of guys could take some rifles and molotovs and go burn down the federal reserve, making everyone else live happily ever after. No, dude. Its a complicated fucking issue, and feminism is part of it.

Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 15, 2013, 06:45:01 PM
I said it cannot be common place.  And I bet you it's not.  You suggest it is by stating it happens more than I think.

I say durr, ill take your word for it ass hole.  Because we both know being jailed for simply not being able to afford alimony us rare.

Feminism is a distraction.  Stick to federal reserve posts.  That us the root of income inequality.
Viva guy Fawkes.

Because we both know being jailed for simply not being able to afford alimony us rare.

Do we now? Would you care to prove it, since you've made a claim? I'd love to shoot down that one.

Feminism is a distraction.  Stick to federal reserve posts.  That us the root of income inequality.

You seem to have no connection at all with reality. The way you talk, its almost as if you think a small group of guys could take some rifles and molotovs and go burn down the federal reserve, making everyone else live happily ever after. No, dude. Its a complicated fucking issue, and feminism is part of it.
actually, I said it is not commonplace.  How can I find evidence for something that doesn't exist.
You said it was.   Show me!

I have never said a few men with rifles can take down the banking system.

Do you just make shit up as you go along?
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 15, 2013, 06:53:26 PM
actually, I said it is not commonplace.  How can I find evidence for something that doesn't exist.
You said it was.   Show me!

Technically Ross did, but he isn't here. Then you made a counterclaim. The burden of proof lies on the one making the claim.

I have never said a few men with rifles can take down the banking system.

You hardly "said" anything. And that won't work on me. I'll make things an argument and pull one out of you whether you want it or not. You come in my thread, pulling one liners? Face me, then. ;) And you said:

Feminism is a distraction.  Stick to federal reserve posts.  That us the root of income inequality.

Implying that feminism is a construct designed to distract us from the Federal Reserve, basically. The banking system is a juggernaught, friend. One would have to weaken it before taking it down. Also, you stated that the federal reserve is the root of income equality.  :zoinks: If that is the case, why do you support feminism, which blames this on a "patriarchy"?

Do you just make shit up as you go along?

No. I'm going to assume that was an emotional spasm on your part or something. Get it together.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 15, 2013, 06:56:14 PM
Who's Ross?
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 15, 2013, 06:56:38 PM
Who's Ross?

Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: P7PSP on September 15, 2013, 06:58:00 PM
Rage you are an elder @ ASDC now. Please take a moment from bumping monkeys here with McJ to post in elders there.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 15, 2013, 06:59:17 PM
Rage you are an elder @ ASDC now. Please take a moment from bumping monkeys here with McJ to post in elders there.

Ok. I'm not letting you go though, Jags. We still have things to straighten out.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 15, 2013, 07:00:38 PM
Rage you are an elder @ ASDC now. Please take a moment from bumping monkeys here with McJ to post in elders there.

Ok. I'm not letting you go though, Jags. We still have things to straighten out.
I don't understand. I'm the on who remains focused.
Who's Ross?

ross. That's nice
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: P7PSP on September 15, 2013, 07:04:02 PM
Yes Ross is pretty cool McJ. BTW I got the 3 year extension on my TWIC card for $60 instead of a new one for #132 it seemed like more bang for the buck. I should be picking it up within the week. 
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 15, 2013, 07:32:39 PM
Yes Ross is pretty cool McJ. BTW I got the 3 year extension on my TWIC card for $60 instead of a new one for #132 it seemed like more bang for the buck. I should be picking it up within the week.
i just picked up my $60 extension last week.

Ross is cool. I've enjoyed non public correspondence with him. 
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: P7PSP on September 15, 2013, 08:00:57 PM
Yes Ross is pretty cool McJ. BTW I got the 3 year extension on my TWIC card for $60 instead of a new one for #132 it seemed like more bang for the buck. I should be picking it up within the week.
i just picked up my $60 extension last week.

Ross is cool. I've enjoyed non public correspondence with him.
We must have gotten our first cards about the same time. Mine was expiring on the 19th.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 15, 2013, 08:18:20 PM
Mine was to expire 12-25-13.   I just need mine every day.  So I got a jump on it.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: DirtDawg on September 15, 2013, 11:55:50 PM

Meh, I think you band of rancid slots should just cunt up and fight it out to the last dribble!!

Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: P7PSP on September 15, 2013, 11:59:39 PM

Meh, I think you band of rancid slots should just cunt up and fight it out to the last dribble!!

:agreed: :lol1:
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: MLA on September 16, 2013, 10:28:32 AM
I asked possum a question and you spam. Wtf?

Sorry, I must have missed it.  Rage's spam takes up 80% of this site now  :wanker:
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 16, 2013, 12:19:42 PM
I asked possum a question and you spam. Wtf?

Sorry, I must have missed it.  Rage's spam takes up 80% of this site now  :wanker:

Prove its spam, bitch.  :hahaha:

Dirt dawg asked me to provide something, and I did. Its only spam to you, because you don't like it.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: McGiver on September 16, 2013, 12:22:45 PM
I asked possum a question and you spam. Wtf?

Sorry, I must have missed it.  Rage's spam takes up 80% of this site now  :wanker:

Prove its spam, bitch.  :hahaha:

Dirt dawg asked me to provide something, and I did. Its only spam to you, because you don't like it.
i tried to warn you. Rage against everything and people will imply skim....or ignore.
Pick your battles my good sir.
Title: Re: One of the extremely unfortunate results of feminism.
Post by: RageBeoulve on September 16, 2013, 12:23:37 PM
I asked possum a question and you spam. Wtf?

Sorry, I must have missed it.  Rage's spam takes up 80% of this site now  :wanker:

Prove its spam, bitch.  :hahaha:

Dirt dawg asked me to provide something, and I did. Its only spam to you, because you don't like it.
i tried to warn you. Rage against everything and people will imply skim....or ignore.
Pick your battles my good sir.

I already have. All of them.