Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: MissKitty on December 14, 2012, 01:48:18 PM

Title: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: MissKitty on December 14, 2012, 01:48:18 PM
The media pisses me off. They need to stop interviewing these kids. I mean seriously. They've been through something highly traumatic and most are still in shock and you can see it in their body language yet the reporters are hounding them in the hopes of a good sound bite.

A man in his 20's open fired in a school where the student population was just kindergarten through fourth grade. He killed the principal, the school psychologist. Approx 30 people dead with 18-20 of them being children.

For those in other countries, should be on the front page: (

Families should be able to send their kids to school without fearing they won't come home.  :(
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: The Member Formerly Known As Sophist on December 14, 2012, 02:14:36 PM
My mother called me earlier to tell me. Really horrific.

I mean, life is life and it's horrific (or should be) regardless of the age of the victims. But hurting kids or animals... I don't know... More emotional.

Hunting riffles aside, are guns really that necessary for the general populace??
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Peter on December 14, 2012, 02:15:41 PM
Seems there's a mass shooting every other week somewhere in the US.  There was the Portland mall shooting ( just a few days ago.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Natalia Evans on December 14, 2012, 02:18:07 PM
Great two shootings in one week. One here at the local mall and now the school one in CT. But only two were shot dead at the mall and one left in critical condition and the shooter pulled the gun on himself. But this one is worse.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Peter on December 14, 2012, 02:22:12 PM
Great two shootings in one week. One here at the local mall and now the school one in CT. But only two were shot dead at the mall and one left in critical condition and the shooter pulled the gun on himself. But this one is worse.

I give the school shooter 8/10 for a solid performance with a high body count and maximum emotional impact.  The mall shooter only deserves 2/10.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: MissKitty on December 14, 2012, 02:25:29 PM
He's a coward. He killed his brother first. He killed his mother at the school (she was the kindergarten teacher) and most of the kids killed were in her class.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Parts on December 14, 2012, 05:31:41 PM
Newtown is a sleepy little place I have done lots of work there and I have even worked on the road the mother lived on. Not the place you would expect this sort of thing but it can happen anyplace I guess.  Already heard on one news outlet that he was the quiet type let's hope it does not go down that road
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: MissKitty on December 14, 2012, 06:45:30 PM
I was thinking the same, Parts  :-\
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Pyraxis on December 14, 2012, 07:05:41 PM
Me three
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: "couldbecousin" on December 14, 2012, 07:11:10 PM
  These mass killings so often end in the shooter's death that I reckon most of them are
  suicide missions.  I despise suicides who take others with them.  If you want to off
  yourself, don't drag anyone else into it.  :grrr:
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Icequeen on December 14, 2012, 07:31:53 PM
Newtown is a sleepy little place I have done lots of work there and I have even worked on the road the mother lived on. Not the place you would expect this sort of thing but it can happen anyplace I guess.  Already heard on one news outlet that he was the quiet type let's hope it does not go down that road

Too late... :zombiefuck: (
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: "couldbecousin" on December 14, 2012, 07:47:14 PM
Newtown is a sleepy little place I have done lots of work there and I have even worked on the road the mother lived on. Not the place you would expect this sort of thing but it can happen anyplace I guess.  Already heard on one news outlet that he was the quiet type let's hope it does not go down that road

Too late... :zombiefuck: (

  Comment  by  "PAHOLDOUT" :   "They (aspies) may not be violent but they can have the
   emotional attachment of a sociopath."  Here we go.  I hope somebody quickly identifies
   the  *other*  personality disorder this kid is said to have had.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Icequeen on December 14, 2012, 07:53:20 PM
I feel awful for these parents...I can't even begin to imagine the pain  :'(, but I also feel bad for the brother.

The media first id's him as the shooter and posts his facebook page for the world to find and vent their wrath on, then he finds out his mother's dead, and his brother is the killer, and also dead.

They're saying his brother had his id on him which caused the mix up. :P

Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: "couldbecousin" on December 14, 2012, 07:54:28 PM
Newtown is a sleepy little place I have done lots of work there and I have even worked on the road the mother lived on. Not the place you would expect this sort of thing but it can happen anyplace I guess.  Already heard on one news outlet that he was the quiet type let's hope it does not go down that road

Too late... :zombiefuck: (

  Comment  by  "PAHOLDOUT" :   "They (aspies) may not be violent but they can have the
   emotional attachment of a sociopath."  Here we go.  I hope somebody quickly identifies
   the  *other*  personality disorder this kid is said to have had.

  Of course, whatever disorder it is, the people who have it won't appreciate being
   lumped in with a mass murderer any more than we appreciate it.  :-\
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: TA on December 14, 2012, 08:25:42 PM
Of for fuck's sake, the sociopaths need to take a day off.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: MissKitty on December 14, 2012, 08:45:33 PM
Fucking ridiculous per usual. I can't even read the comments. Makes me too angry.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: TA on December 14, 2012, 09:13:09 PM
Fucking ridiculous per usual. I can't even read the comments. Makes me too angry.

The news comment section? Those are never monitored.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on December 15, 2012, 12:14:14 AM
To be brutally honest, I couldn't care less about this. Always the same media bullshit every time.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: lutra on December 15, 2012, 12:39:37 AM
I feel sad for those who lost their kid or loved one. Totally terrible this is.

Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: TA on December 15, 2012, 01:03:10 AM
To be brutally honest, I couldn't care less about this. Always the same media bullshit every time.

They will probably spend a week milking the same story to get ratings.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Charlotte Quin on December 15, 2012, 01:23:45 AM
All I'm seeing around the interwebs atm is the same old tired gun control debates. Aspies are safe for now.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Adam on December 15, 2012, 07:29:54 AM
Fucking awful. You guys seen all the god comments too? It's because they "removed God from schools" apparently.

Coulda seen the autism shit coming a mile off. No surprise there.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: "couldbecousin" on December 15, 2012, 07:37:10 AM
Fucking awful. You guys seen all the god comments too? It's because they "removed God from schools" apparently.

Coulda seen the autism shit coming a mile off. No surprise there.

  Yeah, this kind of tragedy always brings out the preachers.  As if Biblical people were
   incapable of violence, as if the Biblical God were not a sadistic torturer and mass murderer.
   And yes, here come the Asperger's comments as well, I'm sure ASPartners is full of threads about it.  :facepalm2:
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on December 15, 2012, 09:06:21 AM
All I'm seeing around the interwebs atm is the same old tired gun control debates. Aspies are safe for now.

Meanwhile in China... (

I think that alone will shut up the pro gun control people pretty quickly. When there's a will, there's a way for these kind of people. You can't stop someone really determined to fuck shit up by pre-emptive bans on weapons. Because if not guns, knives, if not knives, crossbows, if not crossbows, explosives, if not explosives, kitchen utensils and so on.

Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on December 15, 2012, 09:37:28 AM
Oh boy here we go, the typical loner, past trauma profile of the suspect: (

No direct mention of Aspergers or Autism... yet.

He apparently had no Facebook page and his electronic footprint was minimal.

OH SHI- I could be a deeply disturbed individual for not having a Facebook page too. :zoinks:
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Peter on December 15, 2012, 09:40:15 AM
All I'm seeing around the interwebs atm is the same old tired gun control debates. Aspies are safe for now.

Meanwhile in China... (

I think that alone will shut up the pro gun control people pretty quickly. When there's a will, there's a way for these kind of people. You can't stop someone really determined to fuck shit up by pre-emptive bans on weapons. Because if not guns, knives, if not knives, crossbows, if not crossbows, explosives, if not explosives, kitchen utensils and so on.

Except none of the Chinese kids died.  Knives, crossbows, explosives, kitchen utensils, socks with bricks in them and pointy sticks are all less effective at killing and/or more difficult to obtain and/or use effectively than semi-automatic firearms in the US.  It's one thing if you're Anders Breivik and you have the intelligence, resourcefulness and determination to set up an agricultural company to obtain fertiliser for explosives, build a bomb from it and jump through some legal hoops to get guns, but if you're just the average maniac, it's going to make a difference to the final body count if you can't easily lay your hands on a gun when the homicidal urges strike.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Zippo on December 15, 2012, 09:47:19 AM
All I'm seeing around the interwebs atm is the same old tired gun control debates. Aspies are safe for now.

Meanwhile in China... (

I think that alone will shut up the pro gun control people pretty quickly. When there's a will, there's a way for these kind of people. You can't stop someone really determined to fuck shit up by pre-emptive bans on weapons. Because if not guns, knives, if not knives, crossbows, if not crossbows, explosives, if not explosives, kitchen utensils and so on.

Except none of the Chinese kids died.  Knives, crossbows, explosives, kitchen utensils, socks with bricks in them and pointy sticks are all less effective at killing and/or more difficult to obtain and/or use effectively than semi-automatic firearms in the US.  It's one thing if you're Anders Breivik and you have the intelligence, resourcefulness and determination to set up an agricultural company to obtain fertiliser for explosives, build a bomb from it and jump through some legal hoops to get guns, but if you're just the average maniac, it's going to make a difference to the final body count if you can't easily lay your hands on a gun when the homicidal urges strike.

explosives less effective at killing than guns? tell me you dont truly believe that. let me give you a brief history of explosives.

projectile weapons
high explosive [lethal shockwaves]

explosives are more lethal than guns simply because the bullets coming from those guns are propelled by explosives

not to mention when all you have to do is leave a back pack on a timer in a classroom with some home made nitro glyceren [its not hard to make. you can get the recipie and instructions from google]

provided you do not blow yourself up making the stuff, be it nitro, anfo, semtex, your more likely to kill a greater ammount of people.

seriously. drop a bag with one of those in any classroom. timed to go off at last class. go about your day normally. dropping them off. whole school. gone. instantly.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Zippo on December 15, 2012, 09:49:13 AM
but why are we talking about more effective ways to kill people. a catastrophic event just happened. and i have to get back to ignoring it.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on December 15, 2012, 09:58:26 AM
All I'm seeing around the interwebs atm is the same old tired gun control debates. Aspies are safe for now.

Meanwhile in China... (

I think that alone will shut up the pro gun control people pretty quickly. When there's a will, there's a way for these kind of people. You can't stop someone really determined to fuck shit up by pre-emptive bans on weapons. Because if not guns, knives, if not knives, crossbows, if not crossbows, explosives, if not explosives, kitchen utensils and so on.

Except none of the Chinese kids died.  Knives, crossbows, explosives, kitchen utensils, socks with bricks in them and pointy sticks are all less effective at killing and/or more difficult to obtain and/or use effectively than semi-automatic firearms in the US.  It's one thing if you're Anders Breivik and you have the intelligence, resourcefulness and determination to set up an agricultural company to obtain fertiliser for explosives, build a bomb from it and jump through some legal hoops to get guns, but if you're just the average maniac, it's going to make a difference to the final body count if you can't easily lay your hands on a gun when the homicidal urges strike.

A fair point, that's true. But I'm emphasizing more on the point that you can't stop people if they're motivated enough. It'd be better to tackle the problem way before it can even reach that stage. An improvement in mental health services could mitigate some potential candidates as I'm sure some of these people just need a good psychologist to sort out their frustrations, skewed perceptions of reality out (or get medication if it's at a point where it's neurological/chemical caused). It'd be preferable if society was more responsible enough to still have arms, while able to reduce such tragedies at the same time. But I know, sounds too idealistic.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Adam on December 15, 2012, 10:22:00 AM
Prof, they've already said he had aspergers
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on December 15, 2012, 10:39:09 AM
Prof, they've already said he had aspergers

I just realized that now. Well that didn't take long. :-\
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Peter on December 15, 2012, 12:28:44 PM
All I'm seeing around the interwebs atm is the same old tired gun control debates. Aspies are safe for now.

Meanwhile in China... (

I think that alone will shut up the pro gun control people pretty quickly. When there's a will, there's a way for these kind of people. You can't stop someone really determined to fuck shit up by pre-emptive bans on weapons. Because if not guns, knives, if not knives, crossbows, if not crossbows, explosives, if not explosives, kitchen utensils and so on.

Except none of the Chinese kids died.  Knives, crossbows, explosives, kitchen utensils, socks with bricks in them and pointy sticks are all less effective at killing and/or more difficult to obtain and/or use effectively than semi-automatic firearms in the US.  It's one thing if you're Anders Breivik and you have the intelligence, resourcefulness and determination to set up an agricultural company to obtain fertiliser for explosives, build a bomb from it and jump through some legal hoops to get guns, but if you're just the average maniac, it's going to make a difference to the final body count if you can't easily lay your hands on a gun when the homicidal urges strike.

explosives less effective at killing than guns? tell me you dont truly believe that. let me give you a brief history of explosives.

projectile weapons
high explosive [lethal shockwaves]

explosives are more lethal than guns simply because the bullets coming from those guns are propelled by explosives

not to mention when all you have to do is leave a back pack on a timer in a classroom with some home made nitro glyceren [its not hard to make. you can get the recipie and instructions from google]

provided you do not blow yourself up making the stuff, be it nitro, anfo, semtex, your more likely to kill a greater ammount of people.

seriously. drop a bag with one of those in any classroom. timed to go off at last class. go about your day normally. dropping them off. whole school. gone. instantly.

Knives, crossbows, explosives, kitchen utensils, socks with bricks in them and pointy sticks are all less effective at killing and/or more difficult to obtain and/or use effectively than semi-automatic firearms in the US.

Explosives are more difficult to obtain and more difficult to use effectively than semi-automatic firearms in the US.  Pointy sticks are less effective at killing than semi-automatic firearms.  I didn't say that explosives are less effective at killing than semi-automatic firearms. 

My point was that there are reasons why knives, crossbows, explosives, kitchen utensils, socks with bricks in them and pointy sticks aren't perfect replacements for guns; they all have at least one of the three deficiencies I laid out above, and if people have to resort to those things because guns are difficult to acquire, the body count will generally be lower, if there's a body count at all.  When people have to start making their own nitroglycerin, it's at least going to weed out those killers on the lower end of the intelligence scale.  Like I said, if you're Breivik, not a lot is going to stop you, but if you're Dumb McArse, making things difficult for you is probably going to limit the damage to some degree, and might avert a situation completely.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: MissKitty on December 15, 2012, 12:55:10 PM
We actually had a crossbow murder here. Not something you hear about every day. (

I've turned off the media in my house. My kids don't need the barrage of news reporting on it. As a parent, I can't ignore the emotions it brings about though. I feel awful for the 20 families who had to go identify the bodies of their children. No parent should have to endure that. Losing my kids is my worst nightmare.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Adam on December 15, 2012, 01:00:30 PM
Wow, here's an AS reference you guys aren't gonna like lol

Apparently Lanza had a personality disorder, possible Aspergers Disease :zoinks: (

btw this is from the INDEPENDENT. One of the most reliable papers in the UK. You'd expect this kinda shit from the Mail or the Sun or something. Not them
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Adam on December 15, 2012, 01:02:15 PM
Surprised anyone has mentioned the incident in China. If anything, I would say that seriously backs up those in FAVOUR of gun control. Not the opposite
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: "couldbecousin" on December 15, 2012, 01:02:37 PM
Wow, here's an AS reference you guys aren't gonna like lol

Apparently Lanza had a personality disorder, possible Aspergers Disease :zoinks: (

btw this is from the INDEPENDENT. One of the most reliable papers in the UK. You'd expect this kinda shit from the Mail or the Sun or something. Not them

  Already facepalmed over this on Facebook.  Shame on the  Independent.  :facepalm2:
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Adam on December 15, 2012, 01:04:26 PM
I might email them about it later if I can be arsed. I'm so lazy on the internet. I can spend a whole evening online and not actually get anything done. I have stuff to email people etc, but I will end up just wasting time on twitter most likely !
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Peter on December 15, 2012, 01:22:13 PM
There's already been another shooting (more of an attempted massacre than an actual one, by the looks of it): (
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Adam on December 15, 2012, 02:19:08 PM
there's been two apparently.

also have a look at this: (
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Zippo on December 15, 2012, 02:21:16 PM
All I'm seeing around the interwebs atm is the same old tired gun control debates. Aspies are safe for now.

Meanwhile in China... (

I think that alone will shut up the pro gun control people pretty quickly. When there's a will, there's a way for these kind of people. You can't stop someone really determined to fuck shit up by pre-emptive bans on weapons. Because if not guns, knives, if not knives, crossbows, if not crossbows, explosives, if not explosives, kitchen utensils and so on.

Except none of the Chinese kids died.  Knives, crossbows, explosives, kitchen utensils, socks with bricks in them and pointy sticks are all less effective at killing and/or more difficult to obtain and/or use effectively than semi-automatic firearms in the US.  It's one thing if you're Anders Breivik and you have the intelligence, resourcefulness and determination to set up an agricultural company to obtain fertiliser for explosives, build a bomb from it and jump through some legal hoops to get guns, but if you're just the average maniac, it's going to make a difference to the final body count if you can't easily lay your hands on a gun when the homicidal urges strike.

explosives less effective at killing than guns? tell me you dont truly believe that. let me give you a brief history of explosives.

projectile weapons
high explosive [lethal shockwaves]

explosives are more lethal than guns simply because the bullets coming from those guns are propelled by explosives

not to mention when all you have to do is leave a back pack on a timer in a classroom with some home made nitro glyceren [its not hard to make. you can get the recipie and instructions from google]

provided you do not blow yourself up making the stuff, be it nitro, anfo, semtex, your more likely to kill a greater ammount of people.

seriously. drop a bag with one of those in any classroom. timed to go off at last class. go about your day normally. dropping them off. whole school. gone. instantly.

Knives, crossbows, explosives, kitchen utensils, socks with bricks in them and pointy sticks are all less effective at killing and/or more difficult to obtain and/or use effectively than semi-automatic firearms in the US.

Explosives are more difficult to obtain and more difficult to use effectively than semi-automatic firearms in the US.  Pointy sticks are less effective at killing than semi-automatic firearms.  I didn't say that explosives are less effective at killing than semi-automatic firearms. 

My point was that there are reasons why knives, crossbows, explosives, kitchen utensils, socks with bricks in them and pointy sticks aren't perfect replacements for guns; they all have at least one of the three deficiencies I laid out above, and if people have to resort to those things because guns are difficult to acquire, the body count will generally be lower, if there's a body count at all.  When people have to start making their own nitroglycerin, it's at least going to weed out those killers on the lower end of the intelligence scale.  Like I said, if you're Breivik, not a lot is going to stop you, but if you're Dumb McArse, making things difficult for you is probably going to limit the damage to some degree, and might avert a situation completely.

i belive that first exception in your quote is "Are less effective at killing" unless you are not talking about all those devcice as a whole.

my point is that explosives are not hard to obtain. i can buy Ammonium nitrate. gasoline, and some foam pellets to absorb gassoline and make ANFO a high powered explosive thats not hard to get and is not even illigal in some areas.

in case you did not know you can get ammonium nitrate simply by picking out the white pellits in some firtalizers/potting soils.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Peter on December 15, 2012, 03:10:34 PM
All I'm seeing around the interwebs atm is the same old tired gun control debates. Aspies are safe for now.

Meanwhile in China... (

I think that alone will shut up the pro gun control people pretty quickly. When there's a will, there's a way for these kind of people. You can't stop someone really determined to fuck shit up by pre-emptive bans on weapons. Because if not guns, knives, if not knives, crossbows, if not crossbows, explosives, if not explosives, kitchen utensils and so on.

Except none of the Chinese kids died.  Knives, crossbows, explosives, kitchen utensils, socks with bricks in them and pointy sticks are all less effective at killing and/or more difficult to obtain and/or use effectively than semi-automatic firearms in the US.  It's one thing if you're Anders Breivik and you have the intelligence, resourcefulness and determination to set up an agricultural company to obtain fertiliser for explosives, build a bomb from it and jump through some legal hoops to get guns, but if you're just the average maniac, it's going to make a difference to the final body count if you can't easily lay your hands on a gun when the homicidal urges strike.

explosives less effective at killing than guns? tell me you dont truly believe that. let me give you a brief history of explosives.

projectile weapons
high explosive [lethal shockwaves]

explosives are more lethal than guns simply because the bullets coming from those guns are propelled by explosives

not to mention when all you have to do is leave a back pack on a timer in a classroom with some home made nitro glyceren [its not hard to make. you can get the recipie and instructions from google]

provided you do not blow yourself up making the stuff, be it nitro, anfo, semtex, your more likely to kill a greater ammount of people.

seriously. drop a bag with one of those in any classroom. timed to go off at last class. go about your day normally. dropping them off. whole school. gone. instantly.

Knives, crossbows, explosives, kitchen utensils, socks with bricks in them and pointy sticks are all less effective at killing and/or more difficult to obtain and/or use effectively than semi-automatic firearms in the US.

Explosives are more difficult to obtain and more difficult to use effectively than semi-automatic firearms in the US.  Pointy sticks are less effective at killing than semi-automatic firearms.  I didn't say that explosives are less effective at killing than semi-automatic firearms. 

My point was that there are reasons why knives, crossbows, explosives, kitchen utensils, socks with bricks in them and pointy sticks aren't perfect replacements for guns; they all have at least one of the three deficiencies I laid out above, and if people have to resort to those things because guns are difficult to acquire, the body count will generally be lower, if there's a body count at all.  When people have to start making their own nitroglycerin, it's at least going to weed out those killers on the lower end of the intelligence scale.  Like I said, if you're Breivik, not a lot is going to stop you, but if you're Dumb McArse, making things difficult for you is probably going to limit the damage to some degree, and might avert a situation completely.

i belive that first exception in your quote is "Are less effective at killing" unless you are not talking about all those devcice as a whole.

my point is that explosives are not hard to obtain. i can buy Ammonium nitrate. gasoline, and some foam pellets to absorb gassoline and make ANFO a high powered explosive thats not hard to get and is not even illigal in some areas.

in case you did not know you can get ammonium nitrate simply by picking out the white pellits in some firtalizers/potting soils.

If you're going to make a bomb by picking ammonium nitrate pellets out of potting soil, you're not the type who'll be easily foiled.  If someone makes explosives out of their own urine and builds frag grenades with it, or rents a tanker truck and fills it with an oxyliquit explosive mixture, or makes a poison gas weapon with pool chlorine granules and a strong acid, that's just life and there's not much that can be done to prevent it.  Fortunately, 90%+ of people aren't in this category, and if they can't get a gun, explosives will be too difficult/require too much preparation/whatever (and there will be those who try but blow themselves up or get caught because the 25 litres of nitric acid they bought raised a red flag somewhere) and they'll settle for something less lethal like a knife, or just give up and see a psychiatrist about their issues.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Zippo on December 15, 2012, 03:41:44 PM
All I'm seeing around the interwebs atm is the same old tired gun control debates. Aspies are safe for now.

Meanwhile in China... (

I think that alone will shut up the pro gun control people pretty quickly. When there's a will, there's a way for these kind of people. You can't stop someone really determined to fuck shit up by pre-emptive bans on weapons. Because if not guns, knives, if not knives, crossbows, if not crossbows, explosives, if not explosives, kitchen utensils and so on.

Except none of the Chinese kids died.  Knives, crossbows, explosives, kitchen utensils, socks with bricks in them and pointy sticks are all less effective at killing and/or more difficult to obtain and/or use effectively than semi-automatic firearms in the US.  It's one thing if you're Anders Breivik and you have the intelligence, resourcefulness and determination to set up an agricultural company to obtain fertiliser for explosives, build a bomb from it and jump through some legal hoops to get guns, but if you're just the average maniac, it's going to make a difference to the final body count if you can't easily lay your hands on a gun when the homicidal urges strike.

explosives less effective at killing than guns? tell me you dont truly believe that. let me give you a brief history of explosives.

projectile weapons
high explosive [lethal shockwaves]

explosives are more lethal than guns simply because the bullets coming from those guns are propelled by explosives

not to mention when all you have to do is leave a back pack on a timer in a classroom with some home made nitro glyceren [its not hard to make. you can get the recipie and instructions from google]

provided you do not blow yourself up making the stuff, be it nitro, anfo, semtex, your more likely to kill a greater ammount of people.

seriously. drop a bag with one of those in any classroom. timed to go off at last class. go about your day normally. dropping them off. whole school. gone. instantly.

Knives, crossbows, explosives, kitchen utensils, socks with bricks in them and pointy sticks are all less effective at killing and/or more difficult to obtain and/or use effectively than semi-automatic firearms in the US.

Explosives are more difficult to obtain and more difficult to use effectively than semi-automatic firearms in the US.  Pointy sticks are less effective at killing than semi-automatic firearms.  I didn't say that explosives are less effective at killing than semi-automatic firearms. 

My point was that there are reasons why knives, crossbows, explosives, kitchen utensils, socks with bricks in them and pointy sticks aren't perfect replacements for guns; they all have at least one of the three deficiencies I laid out above, and if people have to resort to those things because guns are difficult to acquire, the body count will generally be lower, if there's a body count at all.  When people have to start making their own nitroglycerin, it's at least going to weed out those killers on the lower end of the intelligence scale.  Like I said, if you're Breivik, not a lot is going to stop you, but if you're Dumb McArse, making things difficult for you is probably going to limit the damage to some degree, and might avert a situation completely.

i belive that first exception in your quote is "Are less effective at killing" unless you are not talking about all those devcice as a whole.

my point is that explosives are not hard to obtain. i can buy Ammonium nitrate. gasoline, and some foam pellets to absorb gassoline and make ANFO a high powered explosive thats not hard to get and is not even illigal in some areas.

in case you did not know you can get ammonium nitrate simply by picking out the white pellits in some firtalizers/potting soils.

If you're going to make a bomb by picking ammonium nitrate pellets out of potting soil, you're not the type who'll be easily foiled.  If someone makes explosives out of their own urine and builds frag grenades with it, or rents a tanker truck and fills it with an oxyliquit explosive mixture, or makes a poison gas weapon with pool chlorine granules and a strong acid, that's just life and there's not much that can be done to prevent it.  Fortunately, 90%+ of people aren't in this category, and if they can't get a gun, explosives will be too difficult/require too much preparation/whatever (and there will be those who try but blow themselves up or get caught because the 25 litres of nitric acid they bought raised a red flag somewhere) and they'll settle for something less lethal like a knife, or just give up and see a psychiatrist about their issues.

fair enough. point taken.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Parts on December 15, 2012, 05:09:27 PM
The availability of guns does make it easy but it takes little conviction to find another way like Julio González who after getting kicked out of a social club in NYC threw  lit container of gas down the stairs into it killing 87 people in 1990. 
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: skyblue1 on December 15, 2012, 05:10:43 PM
President Obama Makes a Statement on the Shooting in Newtown, Connecticut  (
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Queen Victoria on December 15, 2012, 05:26:08 PM
We actually had a crossbow murder here. Not something you hear about every day. (

I've turned off the media in my house. My kids don't need the barrage of news reporting on it. As a parent, I can't ignore the emotions it brings about though. I feel awful for the 20 families who had to go identify the bodies of their children. No parent should have to endure that. Losing my kids is my worst nightmare.

There was compassion in identifying the children.  The Medical Examiner said he identified the students using school photos rather than have the parents identify them.  But still the entire situation has to be surreal and unbelievably tragic for the families. 
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Parts on December 15, 2012, 05:33:26 PM
The media coverage on this has been relentless.  How many times can they say they have no new information and just repeat the story in a slightly different way
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Queen Victoria on December 15, 2012, 05:36:12 PM
Forgot to add that a State Trooper or other law enforcement officer has been assigned to each family to restrict media access to them and to help the families in any way they can.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Parts on December 15, 2012, 05:40:58 PM
Forgot to add that a State Trooper or other law enforcement officer has been assigned to each family to restrict media access to them and to help the families in any way they can.

That's good,  I don't usually like tasers but I would be in favor of the cop using his on any media types that try an contact any of the families
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: MissKitty on December 15, 2012, 05:43:28 PM
Forgot to add that a State Trooper or other law enforcement officer has been assigned to each family to restrict media access to them and to help the families in any way they can.
Yes. Heard that earlier and thought it was such a good idea. I am sickened the more that is leaked out.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Pyraxis on December 15, 2012, 10:19:35 PM
Yeah, I don't have a TV so I haven't seen any of the filmed coverage, but the bits about sticking microphones in the kids' faces and then playing and playing them telling their parts of the story is really pathetic. Teach kids to capitalize on misfortune to get attention why don't you.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: odeon on December 16, 2012, 03:10:48 AM
Fucking awful. You guys seen all the god comments too? It's because they "removed God from schools" apparently.

Coulda seen the autism shit coming a mile off. No surprise there.

Removed god fro schools?!?!??!?!?!?

Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: odeon on December 16, 2012, 03:11:50 AM
Oh boy here we go, the typical loner, past trauma profile of the suspect: (

No direct mention of Aspergers or Autism... yet.

He apparently had no Facebook page and his electronic footprint was minimal.

OH SHI- I could be a deeply disturbed individual for not having a Facebook page too. :zoinks:

We could have told you that.  :hahaha:
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Adam on December 16, 2012, 04:14:36 AM
If you want lunacy, have a look at this guy's twitter feed:

Two components to the best security system for a home or a school: God and a loaded gun.

Solution to school violence is to get God and guns back into schools, in that order.

What we can do to stop school massacres: 1. Invite God back into our schools. 2. Allow school faculty to carry concealed.

We've spent 50 years kicking God out of our public schools, then wonder why he's not around when we need him.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: odeon on December 16, 2012, 05:11:08 AM
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Icequeen on December 16, 2012, 10:06:27 AM
Just wait. :zombiefuck:

This happening around the holiday season doesn't help.

The loonies will be coming out everywhere.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Parts on December 16, 2012, 10:17:59 AM
Just wait. :zombiefuck:

This happening around the holiday season doesn't help.

The loonies will be coming out everywhere.

Not just the holiday season but close to the so called apocalypse on Friday this week.  I think it definitely get loonier
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: The Member Formerly Known As Sophist on December 16, 2012, 02:59:16 PM
President Obama Makes a Statement on the Shooting in Newtown, Connecticut  (

The comments below the video scare me.

Seriously, there's a large portion of America that is stupid. Ranting about Darth Vader or some guy saying he'd shoot whoever tried to take his gun. Yeah, real convincing.

Imo, any person who says they'd shoot whoever would try to take their gun REALLY shouldn't have a gun in the first place!  :grrr:
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: skyblue1 on December 16, 2012, 06:28:10 PM
President Obama Makes a Statement on the Shooting in Newtown, Connecticut  (

The comments below the video scare me.

Seriously, there's a large portion of America that is stupid. Ranting about Darth Vader or some guy saying he'd shoot whoever tried to take his gun. Yeah, real convincing.

Imo, any person who says they'd shoot whoever would try to take their gun REALLY shouldn't have a gun in the first place!  :grrr:
The world has already ended for some families. :(
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Queen Victoria on December 16, 2012, 06:30:35 PM
Slightly off-topic, but this is copied from an MSN article: 

Can two wrongs make a right? Westboro Baptist Church, the vicious anti-gay group that pickets the funerals of soldiers and AIDS victims, recently declared it will protest at the burials of the children slain in Newtown, Conn. In response, the hacker group Anonymous posted personal information of church members online, including phone numbers, home and email addresses. The law gives us all the right to some privacy, but when the Westboro Church's stance on the shooting is to "sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment," do they deserve what they get?
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Pyraxis on December 16, 2012, 06:33:32 PM
I stopped reading the moment I saw "Westboro Baptist Church". Fucking trolls.

(course then I started reading again  :hahaha:)
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: "couldbecousin" on December 16, 2012, 06:35:08 PM
Slightly off-topic, but this is copied from an MSN article: 

Can two wrongs make a right? Westboro Baptist Church, the vicious anti-gay group that pickets the funerals of soldiers and AIDS victims, recently declared it will protest at the burials of the children slain in Newtown, Conn. In response, the hacker group Anonymous posted personal information of church members online, including phone numbers, home and email addresses. The law gives us all the right to some privacy, but when the Westboro Church's stance on the shooting is to "sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment," do they deserve what they get?

  Protesting at the burials of little children is a new low, even for the WBC.
   As long as no one hurts WBC members' children, elderly/disabled/non-protesting
   family members or pets, I don't care what happens to them.  :grrr:
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: MissKitty on December 16, 2012, 08:26:45 PM
WBC is the perfect example of what Christianity (and what it stands for) is NOT about. They're awful on so many levels. I feel sick to my stomach that they are even contemplating protesting the funerals.

Anonymous on the other hand, I have to say it kind of made me laugh in that they're like a bully who is pushing another bully back into the corner. They stood up for the little guy, but I don't think what they did was right either.

Apparently iNewtown only has ONE funeral director. I feel really bad for him/her because this will take a huge emotional toll on that person.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Callaway on December 16, 2012, 08:27:23 PM
Slightly off-topic, but this is copied from an MSN article: 

Can two wrongs make a right? Westboro Baptist Church, the vicious anti-gay group that pickets the funerals of soldiers and AIDS victims, recently declared it will protest at the burials of the children slain in Newtown, Conn. In response, the hacker group Anonymous posted personal information of church members online, including phone numbers, home and email addresses. The law gives us all the right to some privacy, but when the Westboro Church's stance on the shooting is to "sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment," do they deserve what they get?

Can two wrongs make a right?

I would have to say no.  As much as I despise WBC for their protests at soldiers' funerals, gay people's funerals, and now innocent little chldren's funerals, more people than just the protesters could be harmed by the release of their private information.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Icequeen on December 16, 2012, 08:51:40 PM
Sorry I may be the minority here but...

:plus: for Anonymous.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: MissKitty on December 16, 2012, 09:02:28 PM
I really did get a chuckle out of that. Although my fear is if their info isn't right and they out someone who isn't associated with WBC.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: TA on December 16, 2012, 09:38:35 PM
Ah, Anonymous, always a source of light in an otherwise dark situation.

I rather liked the Deuteronomy reference they used when talking about the founders of WBC.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Dexter Morgan on December 16, 2012, 10:34:37 PM
Children die every day, yet they never receive condolences or prayers from everyone.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Queen Victoria on December 16, 2012, 11:00:59 PM
Children die every day, yet they never receive condolences or prayers from everyone.

True.  But in my nightly prayers I thank G_d for his marvelous gift of comfort and healing and ask that he will give it to all those need it.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Calavera on December 16, 2012, 11:32:14 PM
Oh boy here we go, the typical loner, past trauma profile of the suspect: (

No direct mention of Aspergers or Autism... yet.

He apparently had no Facebook page and his electronic footprint was minimal.

OH SHI- I could be a deeply disturbed individual for not having a Facebook page too. :zoinks:

Uh oh. I don't have one either.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: odeon on December 17, 2012, 12:18:11 AM
Oh boy here we go, the typical loner, past trauma profile of the suspect: (

No direct mention of Aspergers or Autism... yet.

He apparently had no Facebook page and his electronic footprint was minimal.

OH SHI- I could be a deeply disturbed individual for not having a Facebook page too. :zoinks:

Uh oh. I don't have one either.

What's WRONG with you people? :P
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: odeon on December 17, 2012, 12:24:03 AM
There's a lot I'd like to comment on the subject of these shootings, but every time I try, I end up deleting the post.
It pisses me off that some media are trying to somehow make a connection between this and autism. It pisses me off to read how the fundies wake up and make this to be about ignoring god at school. And it pisses me off to see how the question of access to guns is avoided by so many in the media.

But above all, every time I think about all those families losing their children I don't even want to think about the tragedy, much less post about it. :(
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: 'andersom' on December 17, 2012, 03:48:26 AM
It takes the heat away from the newsitem here, about kids taking their own lives. Two of them in one day, both having had support from an organisation that helps kids with psychiatric issues (mainly autism/AD(H)D). Both jumped in front of a train. It is likely that both of them could not handle bullying any more. For one of them, it is clear that that was the reason.

My radiant view on humanity thinks that there may be people happy, with the shifting of the focus to problems in an other country.  :-\
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: El on December 17, 2012, 06:52:19 AM
Slightly off-topic, but this is copied from an MSN article: 

Can two wrongs make a right? Westboro Baptist Church, the vicious anti-gay group that pickets the funerals of soldiers and AIDS victims, recently declared it will protest at the burials of the children slain in Newtown, Conn. In response, the hacker group Anonymous posted personal information of church members online, including phone numbers, home and email addresses. The law gives us all the right to some privacy, but when the Westboro Church's stance on the shooting is to "sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment," do they deserve what they get?
I think they deserve what they get, especially in this case, but it won't stop them- it'll just make them dig their heels in more, if anything, and it'll just make room for more hate and cruelty.  So, yes justicewise but no in terms of what good can come of it.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: midlifeaspie on December 17, 2012, 11:36:10 AM
I can't even focus on this story.  It is far too terrifying, so I am putting my head in the sand for now.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Adam on December 17, 2012, 01:28:53 PM
I'm glad Anonymous are fucking them over. As long as the info is correct and no kids or people unrelated to WBC are going to be affected, I think it's great. Fuck WBC

Children die every day, yet they never receive condolences or prayers from everyone.

True.  But in my nightly prayers I thank G_d for his marvelous gift of comfort and healing and ask that he will give it to all those need it.

I don't get this.

Why ask? Is God going to change his mind just becuase you (and some others) ask him to?
If comfort and healing are his marvelous gifts, isn't the murder of children a "non-marvelous" gift of his too?
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Adam on December 17, 2012, 01:29:54 PM
also one of their twitter accounts has been hacked

I think it's called @Dear_Shirley or @DearShirley iirc
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: TA on December 17, 2012, 01:40:04 PM
I'll just leave this here.

Anonymous - Message To The Westboro Baptist Church on Vimeo (

Warning: Loud noises at the end.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Icequeen on December 17, 2012, 02:44:50 PM
Saw that earlier. :thumbup:
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Parts on December 17, 2012, 03:48:40 PM
I would like to know when I can listen to the radio again without hearing updates every commercial break.  Big story and a tragedy for certain but is this much coverage helpful?
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: TA on December 17, 2012, 03:49:29 PM
I would like to know when I can listen to the radio again without hearing updates every commercial break.  Big story and a tragedy for certain but is this much coverage helpful?

Rating whores will be ratings whores.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Calavera on December 17, 2012, 04:17:09 PM
WBC is the perfect example of what Christianity (and what it stands for) is NOT about. They're awful on so many levels. I feel sick to my stomach that they are even contemplating protesting the funerals.

Anonymous on the other hand, I have to say it kind of made me laugh in that they're like a bully who is pushing another bully back into the corner. They stood up for the little guy, but I don't think what they did was right either.

Apparently iNewtown only has ONE funeral director. I feel really bad for him/her because this will take a huge emotional toll on that person.

lol, them again.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: El on December 17, 2012, 08:44:57 PM
Charlie Brooker's Newswipe 25/03/09 (

Thought this was interesting.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: odeon on December 18, 2012, 12:10:30 AM
I would like to know when I can listen to the radio again without hearing updates every commercial break.  Big story and a tragedy for certain but is this much coverage helpful?

Be on the lookout for the next big piece of drama. When it happens, you can safely tune to your favourite radio station again and listen to endless drivel about that new drama instead. :zoinks:
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on December 18, 2012, 12:11:20 AM
Charlie Brooker's Newswipe 25/03/09 (

Thought this was interesting.

The forensic psychiatrist is absolutely right, basically he said in all that the media shouldn't be sensationalizing these events. By doing so they glorify these people as anti-hero figures to inspire others who are disturbed to do the same in the future; seeing how much attention they'll get and be remembered for it.

I mean think about the psychology behind the average shooter (I would imagine): You want vengeance due to decades of alienation, you want to be remembered and strike fear into and/or kill those who wronged you. You don't consider the more logical/moral options nor have coping mechanism to inhibit impulsive thoughts spurred on by negative experiences. You see the coverage on the news or read about past incidents of what people that felt like you did and be inspired by it. You realize that not only it satisfies your rage to mass-murder people, but you will be remembered in history for it too. And what's this? If you have an ideology or manifesto you want to spread, hey that's a bonus in doing such a heinous act. So much obsessive media coverage, the ultimate limelight and you have nothing to loose...

Frankly, I don't think these shooters are entirely insane or psychotic either as the act to shoot up a school is too per-meditated. It's more of failure of them developing impulsive control due to an actual illness or abuse. I'm sure people will disagree, but it's all too easy to consider someone insane without weighing up more specific factors first.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: odeon on December 18, 2012, 12:25:32 AM
^Agreed. Insanity is very frequently a copout.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Calavera on December 18, 2012, 12:46:55 AM
What exactly is insane anyway.

It's just a term mainly used for legal or psychiatric decisions. But philosophically speaking, it's subjective to one's perspective.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: El on December 18, 2012, 06:55:15 AM
"Insane" is a legal psychiatric term referring to the inability to tell right from wrong due to mental defect.  Insanity defenses very very rarely work.  I believe (I'm sure someone will end up researching this and correcting me if I'm wrong) insanity defenses typically refer more to psychosis than to psychopathy/sociopathy.

"Psychotic" would refer to some type of disturbance in reality.  Hallucinating, delusional, etc.  I work with quite a few folks with psychosis.  They're quite rarely actually "insane."  Some, you'd never be able to tell they have hallucinations, or any type of reality disturbance, to talk to them.  In fact, my impression at this point is most people who have psychotic symptoms don't actually have largely psychotic thought processes.  Though, the most common psychotic symptoms are very low level (hearing small noises, seeing things out of the corners of one's eyes).

Psychopaths/sociopaths are, for a quick and dirty definition, people who for all intents and purposes "don't have souls."

I'd say that in order to do something as heinous as a mass killing, one would have to be pretty damn sick, but not necessarily "insane" as above.  Not necessarily psychotic, either.  Sociopathic?  Probably.  Though, what that says about people in the military who're able to do prolific amounts of killing... is a tangent, but something that does come to my mind.  In general, it's scary what human beings are not only able to do to one another, but in many cases, do relatively commonly to one another.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Calavera on December 18, 2012, 07:24:38 AM
People without a conscience may not know right from wrong, but not all of them are considered "insane" by the law. Or even psychologically speaking (as far as I know).
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: midlifeaspie on December 18, 2012, 09:57:03 AM
People without a conscience may not know right from wrong, but not all of them are considered "insane" by the law. Or even psychologically speaking (as far as I know).

This is essentially a boiled down synopsis of what she just said.  Insanity defenses require a "break", while sociopathy doesn't qualify
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Lestat on December 18, 2012, 11:10:19 AM
What do you mean a 'break' ?

As in, a sudden departure from their normal self, as opposed to a sociopath/psychopath in the truest classical sense, in their case 'fruitcake' being the baseline personality/cognitive type to begin with?
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Lestat on December 18, 2012, 11:41:16 AM
Shit hun, thats awful; *hugs miss K*

Were you two friends before that incident?
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Lestat on December 18, 2012, 12:03:11 PM
Thats awful miss K. Death threats because they were grieving for both the wounded, and that their own son flipped his shit?

As if they weren't in a bad enough place to begin with, without being treated that way.
What is it to other people, if they are grieving. None of their crowbegotten motherfucking business IMHO. One can't 'order' somebody not to be traumatized after an event like that.

Good on your family for sticking by them. Death threats and abuse is the last thing they need to compound their misery hun.

*hugs* The Adam Lanza shooting must touch a raw nerve for you MK.

Of course, I've offered before when you are feeling down or miserable. But I will do so again. PM me. Any time, any reason, and I'll be there to offer what support or comfort I can. I like you. You are a good, sweet person, and for what its worth to you, I really do want to help.

So if you want to talk, all you need do is say the word.


Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: MissKitty on December 18, 2012, 12:09:46 PM
No, this event triggers me as a parent because my daughter is the same age as those kids, but it doesn't trigger me due to his choices in the past. But I think about his parents. This must be hell for them.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Lestat on December 18, 2012, 12:35:02 PM
Still, my offer is open. And if your upset or stressed, it always will be a standing offer of support.

One of good friends wanted to keep her two autie/aspie kids out of school for a few days after this latest atrocity, although she sent them in the end. I  can definitely see where she was coming from.

There must be a great many parents who are either wanting to keep their brood out of school for a while, and/or those who actually have done.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: TA on December 19, 2012, 04:08:08 PM
Small update from eyewitness accounts, funerals are crawling with Anonymous members and bikers (Presumably Hell's Angels and the Patriot Guard)
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: midlifeaspie on December 19, 2012, 04:09:19 PM
Small update from eyewitness accounts, funerals are crawling with Anonymous members and bikers (Presumably Hell's Angels and the Patriot Guard)

Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: MissKitty on December 19, 2012, 04:11:53 PM
Hells Angels are there to help Anonymous protect the funeral goers from WBC?
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: TA on December 19, 2012, 04:13:05 PM
Hells Angels are there to help Anonymous protect the funeral goers from WBC?

Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: MissKitty on December 19, 2012, 04:14:33 PM
Hells Angels are there to help Anonymous protect the funeral goers from WBC?

That's awesome.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Pyraxis on December 19, 2012, 09:57:17 PM
I can't believe this ( is on CNN. It reads more like bad Hernando Tellez fanfic than news of any sort.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: El on December 20, 2012, 06:49:24 AM
I can't believe this ( is on CNN. It reads more like bad Hernando Tellez fanfic than news of any sort.
:zombiefuck:  That's pretty ridiculous.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: MissKitty on December 20, 2012, 07:17:50 AM
I can't believe this ( is on CNN. It reads more like bad Hernando Tellez fanfic than news of any sort.
:zombiefuck:  That's pretty ridiculous.
:agreed: Seriously.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Parts on December 20, 2012, 05:03:03 PM
I can't believe this ( is on CNN. It reads more like bad Hernando Tellez fanfic than news of any sort.
:zombiefuck:  That's pretty ridiculous.

It's low and a despicable way to try and get ratings.  I saw this vid the other day about these sorts of tragedies and the way the medias plays into it
Newswipe with Charlie Brooker News Clip (
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: El on December 20, 2012, 07:34:07 PM
I can't believe this ( is on CNN. It reads more like bad Hernando Tellez fanfic than news of any sort.
:zombiefuck:  That's pretty ridiculous.

It's low and a despicable way to try and get ratings.  I saw this vid the other day about these sorts of tragedies and the way the medias plays into it
Newswipe with Charlie Brooker News Clip (
Wow, how did nobody link that video (,20303.msg929198.html#msg929198) in this thread already?  :P
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Peter on December 20, 2012, 08:15:00 PM
And, here come the conspiracy tards calling the thing a false flag operation to take away their guns/usher in the NWO/sap and impurify their precious bodily fluids, or something like that: (

(The tardedness is mostly in the comments section.)
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Calavera on December 20, 2012, 08:19:23 PM
Is there a more complete video of this?
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Parts on December 20, 2012, 08:22:50 PM
Wow, how did nobody link that video in this thread already?  :P

What can I say I have been slacking off here a bit lately it is my busy season at work.  I think of things to post at work then run out of energy to do it when I get home.

Here is one from today's work thoughts on this subject.
I heard an add for the United Way about donating to them to help the victims of the shooting and wondered just how much of that will go to that community which is a fairly affluent one where the homes are on average a half million dollars.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Calavera on December 20, 2012, 08:29:47 PM
Concerning the last video, sounds like he lacks any empathy and doesn't know how to act in front of the audience ... or he's way too traumatized.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Peter on December 20, 2012, 08:30:50 PM
Is there a more complete video of this?

There's this: (

And this: (

I'm waiting for someone to make a video about how the shooting was actually a controlled demolition using nano-thermite.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: MissKitty on December 20, 2012, 09:00:13 PM
I watched the entire 20 minute speech that Dad made when it aired originally and it was amazing. He absolutely spoke from the heart and missed his daughter more than anyone else could possibly imagine unless they had been in his shoes.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Calavera on December 20, 2012, 09:49:21 PM
I'm sure he didn't want his daughter to die and that he wishes she was still alive, but his body language shows that he lacks the emotions required to be deeply heartbroken by the event.

He's too uncomfortably calm and collected for someone who's recently lost a very young precious child. I'd have broken down crying were I to do that speech about my own daughter. No way I would've contained all the intense emotions within me like that.

Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: "couldbecousin" on December 21, 2012, 12:15:43 AM
I'm sure he didn't want his daughter to die and that he wishes she was still alive, but his body language shows that he lacks the emotions required to be deeply heartbroken by the event.

He's too uncomfortably calm and collected for someone who's recently lost a very young precious child. I'd have broken down crying were I to do that speech about my own daughter. No way I would've contained all the intense emotions within me like that.

   I  would guess he's still in shock, trying to keep it together for the sake of his other children,
   and may not feel the full impact of this.  I've heard of people being very calm immediately
   following a family death, largely because the wake, funeral, and condolence calls keep them
   too busy to absorb their loss.  They may function very well for days or weeks before breaking
   down.  Numbness, flat affect or strange body language, especially under such shocking
   circumstances, do not necessarily prove that the person lacks emotions.   :apondering:
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Calavera on December 21, 2012, 12:25:37 AM
A possibility.

Here's a link to another video that also involves the mother. The mother is definitely heartbroken and hurt.,AAABWfWhrnk~,FtZztaNxIqTVkSb1ju2Ka7JVAY8r79nB&bctid=2041406744001 (,AAABWfWhrnk~,FtZztaNxIqTVkSb1ju2Ka7JVAY8r79nB&bctid=2041406744001)
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Parts on December 21, 2012, 04:18:00 AM
I heard there are people who don't express emotions as well as others or in ways other people do,  it's said they also have trouble with body language  now if only I could remember who they say that about. :chin:

Fuck I would hate to see the critique of my performance in a situation like that they would be saying far worse than what they are about him.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Icequeen on December 21, 2012, 05:30:20 AM
He's probably medicated.

Dealing with the media, the public, the death of his child...hell I would be.

Some people aren't comfortable showing emotion in public, I'm not, grief to me is a personal thing I don't share. I would use any means at my disposal to get me through it.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: El on December 21, 2012, 06:45:51 AM
Yeah, seeing the vid, I gotta go with the "shock and/or medicated" theory.  Grief doesn't always show up as obvious sadness, and it's not a consistent thing, either- it comes and goes in waves.  Losing a child is one of the most devastating things a human being can experience- in any way, and this was a particularly horrific one.  It wouldn't be at all surprising for his emotions to be everyplace, or for him to be numb, or for him to not even really feel like it's "real" for awhile. 

That he's not crying doesn't mean he doesn't have depth of emotion.  That his response not being to cry or look sad in one particular moment in time is taken as a sign of lack of emotion is more than anything else a sign of how culturally fucked up we are when it comes to grief.  There's an expectation that we're supposed to be sad for a month straight and then be fine.  That's insane and not at all how it works for the vast, vast majority of people and losses.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Lestat on December 21, 2012, 07:46:23 AM
Who are we, to say what his response 'should' be?

He just lost a child, which is a truly terrible thing. Everybody grieves in their own way; and I really don't think that it is our place, either as individuals or as a community to look down on how he expresses (or holds back in  the public eye for that matter) his sorrow. It isn't for us to say he is 'wrong' or 'right' in terms of his method of doing so.

Its a fucking tragedy and no mistake, and the entire families of those affected should be offered all the support possible. As far as grieving and recovery goes for the individuals then what will be,will be.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: midlifeaspie on December 21, 2012, 10:33:11 AM
NRA doubled down on their bullshit just now.  I had actually hoped that this might open their eyes.  What was I thinking?
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Peter on December 21, 2012, 11:57:11 AM
He's probably medicated.

Dealing with the media, the public, the death of his child...hell I would be.

Some people aren't comfortable showing emotion in public, I'm not, grief to me is a personal thing I don't share. I would use any means at my disposal to get me through it.

That just isn't as engaging as the theory that his bodily fluids have been sapped and impurified by the Obama NWO Illuminati Jew-controlled media conspiracy, and that the shootings were the result of HAARP false-flag mind control waves, Blue-Beam holographic deceptions, chemtrails and nano-thermite controlled demolitions.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Icequeen on December 21, 2012, 12:39:37 PM
He's probably medicated.

Dealing with the media, the public, the death of his child...hell I would be.

Some people aren't comfortable showing emotion in public, I'm not, grief to me is a personal thing I don't share. I would use any means at my disposal to get me through it.

That just isn't as engaging as the theory that his bodily fluids have been sapped and impurified by the Obama NWO Illuminati Jew-controlled media conspiracy, and that the shootings were the result of HAARP false-flag mind control waves, Blue-Beam holographic deceptions, chemtrails and nano-thermite controlled demolitions.

What can I say? I'm boring. :LOL:
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Queen Victoria on December 21, 2012, 01:18:55 PM
The NRA's solution to the shooting also solves the unemployment problem: an armed guard in every school.   :zombiefuck:
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Parts on December 21, 2012, 03:48:36 PM
The NRA's solution to the shooting also solves the unemployment problem: an armed guard in every school.   :zombiefuck:

And how long would it be before one of them went on a shooting spree
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: lutra on December 21, 2012, 04:23:13 PM
1791, second amendment, the right to carry arms for everybody being a US citizen.. isn't that a bit 1791-ish, maybe? Anno 2013?

NRA, their lobbyists, are considered evil in most of the world, I add here. In mine they are. Aren't they mostly catholics and jews, I'm wondering now.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: midlifeaspie on December 21, 2012, 04:26:59 PM
Aren't they mostly catholics and jews, I'm wondering now.


Um, no
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Queen Victoria on December 21, 2012, 04:34:48 PM
1791, second amendment, the right to carry arms for everybody being a US citizen.. isn't that a bit 1791-ish, maybe? Anno 2013?

NRA, their lobbyists, are considered evil in most of the world, I add here. In mine they are. Aren't they mostly catholics and jews, I'm wondering now.

Second part first.  No, in fact Moses (Charlton Heston) is a member.

The Second Amendment is, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."  This was written at a time when the US had a minimal standing military force.  AFAIK, we don't have a militia, much less a well regulated one.  And I'm pretty sure the security of a free state refers to invasion by another country.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: lutra on December 21, 2012, 04:35:58 PM
^ Yes, you're right.. but in that monotheistic spirit, being utmost confident being right, shite goes. Typically jew or cath-like, imo.

You have a quite small dick, haven't you, mla?
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Parts on December 21, 2012, 05:30:19 PM
Not sure what you mean by catholics and jews :dunno:
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: "couldbecousin" on December 21, 2012, 05:40:23 PM
The NRA's solution to the shooting also solves the unemployment problem: an armed guard in every school.   :zombiefuck:

And how long would it be before one of them went on a shooting spree

  Oh shit.  I almost thought that was a good idea.  :-[
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: "couldbecousin" on December 21, 2012, 05:42:02 PM
Not sure what you mean by catholics and jews :dunno:

  Yeah, who you callin' Catholic?!    :pope:
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Pyraxis on December 21, 2012, 05:46:12 PM
The NRA's solution to the shooting also solves the unemployment problem: an armed guard in every school.   :zombiefuck:

And how long would it be before one of them went on a shooting spree

  Oh shit.  I almost thought that was a good idea.  :-[

Seriously? Of the types of violence an armed guard is likely to commit, I wouldn't have thought an amok mass shooting spree in the school they're supposed to be protecting (as opposed to say domestic violence or a confrontation on the street or something else) would be the most statistically likely.

Though personally I think if you're going to arm anyone in a school, the teachers are a better idea, because one guard isn't going to have very good coverage.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: "couldbecousin" on December 21, 2012, 05:56:56 PM
The NRA's solution to the shooting also solves the unemployment problem: an armed guard in every school.   :zombiefuck:

And how long would it be before one of them went on a shooting spree

  Oh shit.  I almost thought that was a good idea.  :-[

Seriously? Of the types of violence an armed guard is likely to commit, I wouldn't have thought an amok mass shooting spree in the school they're supposed to be protecting (as opposed to say domestic violence or a confrontation on the street or something else) would be the most statistically likely.

Though personally I think if you're going to arm anyone in a school, the teachers are a better idea, because one guard isn't going to have very good coverage.

   I recently saw a post on Facebook asking  "Which of these signs would more likely
   deter a shooter?"  First was the standard sign announcing  "No weapons of any kind on
   this property."  The second option was a stick figure of a person leveling a rifle, captioned 

             "Staff heavily armed and trained.
             Any attempt to harm a child
             will be met with deadly force."
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Peter on December 21, 2012, 06:04:53 PM
We should arm pimps, paedophiles and drug dealers and give them licenses to operate on school grounds.  They'll make sure that nobody interferes with their kid-pimping, paedophiling and pushing.  We'd have to screen out the necropaedophiles though, so that everyone is fully incentivised to keep the kids alive.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Pyraxis on December 21, 2012, 06:06:23 PM
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: odeon on December 21, 2012, 06:08:05 PM
^I second that  :zombiefuck:
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Peter on December 21, 2012, 06:10:02 PM
Call it the Vetinari approach.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Charlotte Quin on December 22, 2012, 12:33:13 AM
Armed guards at a school is just crazy compared to my part of the world. I mean, my old high school got a fence around it only a few years ago. A fence :O_o:
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: MissKitty on December 22, 2012, 08:04:32 AM
They're passing a law in Canada that schools must be locked during the instruction. The issue up here isn't outside people coming in with guns, it's the students who are armed and taking someone out. Usually directed at one person in particular. Gang violence.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Peter on December 22, 2012, 10:41:51 AM
My highschool got magnetic locks on the doors after Dunblane, which were supposed to prevent people from coming in the side entrances and force them to use the main entrance during class times, but it was easy to force the doors open just by pulling hard enough to overcome the magnets, and people routinely did it since it was a long walk to get around to the main entrance if you were coming from certain directions.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Parts on December 22, 2012, 07:54:53 PM
I went to middle and high school in Florida most of the classrooms were in long buildings connected by covered walkways instead of halls with each class having two doors to the outside. There were mostly no fences either except a corral for bicycles and around a drainage ditch.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Pyraxis on December 22, 2012, 08:56:38 PM
It was the same at the school I went to in California.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: TA on December 22, 2012, 09:26:04 PM
Properly protecting schools costs too much money. The brass would have to take a pay cut, and we can't have that.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Dexter Morgan on December 22, 2012, 11:31:46 PM
My countrymen and the media are so weird when it comes to dealing with tragic events.  It makes me question why I'm the one with the mental disorder.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: midlifeaspie on December 26, 2012, 11:23:15 AM
^ Yes, you're right.. but in that monotheistic spirit, being utmost confident being right, shite goes. Typically jew or cath-like, imo.

You have a quite small dick, haven't you, mla?

You usually make very little sense when you are posting something other than pictures of food, but this is around the bend even for you.  I have a small dick because I said that the NRA isn't composed entirely of catholics and jews?

Are you drunk?  Maybe a tadski?
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Adam on December 26, 2012, 05:05:43 PM
I wonder if the reason the NRA are so keen on armed guards in every one of the thousand public schools in the US has anything to do witht the money it would make them? Surely not :hmmm:

Solving gun violence with more guns is fucking retarded

And aside from that, who the FUCK wants to send their kids to a school where the teachers are armed or where there's a guy with a gun at the gate?

I find this bulletproof backpack thing crazy as hell too
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: lutra on December 26, 2012, 05:23:18 PM
^ Yes, you're right.. but in that monotheistic spirit, being utmost confident being right, shite goes. Typically jew or cath-like, imo.

You have a quite small dick, haven't you, mla?

You usually make very little sense when you are posting something other than pictures of food, but this is around the bend even for you.  I have a small dick because I said that the NRA isn't composed entirely of catholics and jews?

Are you drunk?  Maybe a tadski?

You, yes, have a small dick, mla, I'm sure.. (it's a metaphore) but but.. that doesn't matter in this dialoque. Sorry to bring that up.

Yet, show me how small it is..(up-) following this..
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: skyblue1 on December 26, 2012, 06:32:24 PM
I wonder if the reason the NRA are so keen on armed guards in every one of the thousand public schools in the US has anything to do witht the money it would make them? Surely not :hmmm:

Solving gun violence with more guns is fucking retarded

And aside from that, who the FUCK wants to send their kids to a school where the teachers are armed or where there's a guy with a gun at the gate?

I find this bulletproof backpack thing crazy as hell too
Preventing gun violence with the presense of armed security is not retarded.

It is  just not practical with school budgets the way they are.

Here in South Carolina all middle and high schools have armed officers on campus.

Parents appreciate it. Because it does deter crime.

Students appreciate it, also. ( well those not trying to commit crimes appreciate it )

Of course trying to get folks to understand, who dont live in a country where there is a gun culture over 200 years old, is impossible.

Y`all arent being realistic, Reality always trumps idealism.

Better mental health care for all citizens is a better way forward.

Criminals dont give a fuck about laws.

Ask the criminal in your country where smuggling weapons is a big business.

 Just how in the hell is the NRA supposed to profit off of this. They cant.

I am an Autist. I own an AK-47, a shot gun, and two handguns.

I havent shot anyone since 1969. And will not shoot anyone, except in self-defense.

I believe I have a good record
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: TA on December 26, 2012, 08:33:39 PM
When the politicians and the 1% give up their armed bodyguards, I will give up my gun.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: midlifeaspie on December 27, 2012, 10:18:16 AM
^ Yes, you're right.. but in that monotheistic spirit, being utmost confident being right, shite goes. Typically jew or cath-like, imo.

You have a quite small dick, haven't you, mla?

You usually make very little sense when you are posting something other than pictures of food, but this is around the bend even for you.  I have a small dick because I said that the NRA isn't composed entirely of catholics and jews?

Are you drunk?  Maybe a tadski?

You, yes, have a small dick, mla, I'm sure.. (it's a metaphore) but but.. that doesn't matter in this dialoque. Sorry to bring that up.

Yet, show me how small it is..(up-) following this..

I have to admit that I am very confused by your sudden desire to start up with me.  I am, of course, completely willing.  Ricky doesn't seem to be coming back any time soon and you will do in a pinch.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: odeon on December 27, 2012, 01:40:10 PM
Could prove interesting. Not sure what it is about, though, but that doesn't always seem to matter here.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Adam on December 27, 2012, 06:42:20 PM

Ask the criminal in your country where smuggling weapons is a big business.

Most gun violence here is criminals shooting OTHER criminals. drug dealers. gang violence etc.
And the kinda shit people are concerned about here (in the post-Sandy Hook debate) isn't really about criminals anyway. Most people who flip out and kill someone aren't career criminals. They have access to guns becuase EVERYONE has fuckin access to guns pretty much. That's what's wrong. Also I get it that you have a 200 yr old gun culture over there. That's the problem. Changing the culture/attitufe towards guns. Can't happen overnight, but I really dont think armed guards and gunmen in schools is a good start.

Just how in the hell is the NRA supposed to profit off of this. They cant.

Don't they get money of major gun manufacturers?
Admittedly I dont know much about them so could be totally wrong here. theyre cunts tho, either way
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: skyblue1 on December 27, 2012, 06:48:17 PM

Ask the criminal in your country where smuggling weapons is a big business.

Most gun violence here is criminals shooting OTHER criminals. drug dealers. gang violence etc.
^ same here in the US
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Adam on December 27, 2012, 08:27:17 PM
Yes, but you also get a shitload of "crimes of passion" involving guns and plenty of mass shootings in schools etc

We don't
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: skyblue1 on December 27, 2012, 08:42:09 PM
Yes, but you also get a shitload of "crimes of passion" involving guns and plenty of mass shootings in schools etc

We don't
Thats reality for you.

Crimes of passion and mass killings dont always incude guns.

Thats reality also.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: El on December 28, 2012, 06:54:46 AM
I wonder if the reason the NRA are so keen on armed guards in every one of the thousand public schools in the US has anything to do witht the money it would make them? Surely not :hmmm:

Solving gun violence with more guns is fucking retarded

And aside from that, who the FUCK wants to send their kids to a school where the teachers are armed or where there's a guy with a gun at the gate?

I find this bulletproof backpack thing crazy as hell too
Preventing gun violence with the presense of armed security is not retarded.

It is  just not practical with school budgets the way they are.

Here in South Carolina all middle and high schools have armed officers on campus.

Parents appreciate it. Because it does deter crime.

Students appreciate it, also. ( well those not trying to commit crimes appreciate it )

Of course trying to get folks to understand, who dont live in a country where there is a gun culture over 200 years old, is impossible.

Y`all arent being realistic, Reality always trumps idealism.

Better mental health care for all citizens is a better way forward.

Criminals dont give a fuck about laws.

Ask the criminal in your country where smuggling weapons is a big business.

 Just how in the hell is the NRA supposed to profit off of this. They cant.

I am an Autist. I own an AK-47, a shot gun, and two handguns.

I havent shot anyone since 1969. And will not shoot anyone, except in self-defense.

I believe I have a good record
not in 'merica, it doesn't.  :/
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Adam on December 28, 2012, 07:52:16 AM
Yes, but you also get a shitload of "crimes of passion" involving guns and plenty of mass shootings in schools etc

We don't
Thats reality for you.

Crimes of passion and mass killings dont always incude guns.

Thats reality also.


Guns are a lot more likely to kill and to kill more people
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Pyraxis on December 28, 2012, 01:17:23 PM
Guns allow people who are physically weak to defend themselves against violence. That gives an advantage to small people, women and the elderly.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: TA on December 28, 2012, 02:19:19 PM
Yes, but you also get a shitload of "crimes of passion" involving guns and plenty of mass shootings in schools etc

We don't
Thats reality for you.

Crimes of passion and mass killings dont always incude guns.

Thats reality also.


Guns are a lot more likely to kill and to kill more people

D: That must explain why my pistol is on trial for armed robbery. It floated into a bank and demanded money.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Adam on December 28, 2012, 07:55:40 PM
If only I had a £ for every time I've heard a retard make that "guns don't kill people - did the gun shoot someone by itself?" argument...

that, and the "let's ban cars as well, because people die in traffic accidents!" one
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: skyblue1 on December 28, 2012, 08:03:21 PM
cars should be banned
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Calavera on December 28, 2012, 08:08:46 PM
If only I had a £ for every time I've heard a retard make that "guns don't kill people - did the gun shoot someone by itself?" argument...

that, and the "let's ban cars as well, because people die in traffic accidents!" one

I can understand your point, Adam. Guns are primarily made to kill. Not the case with cars.

That said, I still have mixed feelings about all this and trying to figure out which side, in my opinion, is more reasonable.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Adam on December 28, 2012, 08:11:55 PM
Believe it or not, I kinda have mixed feelings about it as well. Not beccause I think a society with guns is better than a society without (I'd much prefer to carry on living in a country with strict gun control than a country with laws similar to those in the US). But I know the situation over there isn't as simple as taking them away. It's a culture thing. I find it hard to get my head round how so many americans are big on guns and how so many seem to almost value their right to bare arms more than anything else.

All I can say is I'm glad my little brothers aren;t going to schools where there are armed guards at the doors incase a kid comes in and shoots the place up
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: skyblue1 on December 28, 2012, 08:32:50 PM
There are 315 million Americans

There are 62,641,000  in the UK

There are 22,620,600 in Australia

Can anyone see why there is more incidence of violence in the US. Guns involved or not.

8,583 people murdered with guns  in the US in 2011

estimate of 32,310 died in car accidents in 2011

BAN cars
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: TA on December 28, 2012, 09:31:44 PM
If only I had a £ for every time I've heard a retard make that "guns don't kill people - did the gun shoot someone by itself?" argument...

that, and the "let's ban cars as well, because people die in traffic accidents!" one

Enjoy being a slave to the rich.

Now that the snide comments are out of the way...

Believe it or not, I kinda have mixed feelings about it as well. Not beccause I think a society with guns is better than a society without (I'd much prefer to carry on living in a country with strict gun control than a country with laws similar to those in the US). But I know the situation over there isn't as simple as taking them away. It's a culture thing. I find it hard to get my head round how so many americans are big on guns and how so many seem to almost value their right to bare arms more than anything else.

All I can say is I'm glad my little brothers aren;t going to schools where there are armed guards at the doors incase a kid comes in and shoots the place up

Yes, it is a difference in culture mate, which is fine. Most Americans don't like being walked all over by the ruling class, that's why we want a way to fight back if push came to shove. Your people were apathetic when the ruling class disarmed you, now i'm worried you won't have a chance to stand up to them when they start being bigger dicks than they are now.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: MissKitty on December 28, 2012, 10:01:42 PM
There are 34 million people in Canada (2012) and the most recent stat on gun related homicides was in 2010 and there were only 170. That's actually pretty good. Before the firearm registry came into effect, it was crazy high. Then it dropped by 41%
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Queen Victoria on December 28, 2012, 11:28:55 PM
Guns allow people who are physically weak to defend themselves against violence. That gives an advantage to small people, women and the elderly.

Hey, I fit all 3 categories.  Icanhazgun?

Seriously, if I was to use a gun I would shoot to kill.  I decided that was the way to handle intruders.  And before anyone says, "You don't know what you'd do in a real situation," I've spent years reaffirming that decision.  There is no doubt in my mind.  I don't own a gun, but PA has a gun and bullets (separately stored) and I thoroughly intend to take shooting lessons when he dies.  Taking them while he's alive is too tempting.  "But officer, I thought an intruder was lying next to me." 
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: midlifeaspie on December 29, 2012, 12:02:09 AM
Frankly I find the lame argument that rednecks need guns to keep the guvment in check to be fucking hilarious.  The government has tanks, strike fighters, and hellfire missile equipped robots that roam the skys.  If the gumment wants to repress you, your piddly Bushmaster won't make one bit of difference.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: midlifeaspie on December 29, 2012, 12:06:12 AM
Guns allow people who are physically weak to defend themselves against violence. That gives an advantage to small people, women and the elderly.

Hey, I fit all 3 categories.  Icanhazgun?

Seriously, if I was to use a gun I would shoot to kill.  I decided that was the way to handle intruders.  And before anyone says, "You don't know what you'd do in a real situation," I've spent years reaffirming that decision.  There is no doubt in my mind.  I don't own a gun, but PA has a gun and bullets (separately stored) and I thoroughly intend to take shooting lessons when he dies.  Taking them while he's alive is too tempting.  "But officer, I thought an intruder was lying next to me."

Statistically speaking, you are far more likely to shoot your daughter than an intruder.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: TA on December 29, 2012, 12:23:12 AM
Frankly I find the lame argument that rednecks need guns to keep the guvment in check to be fucking hilarious.  The government has tanks, strike fighters, and hellfire missile equipped robots that roam the skys.  If the gumment wants to repress you, your piddly Bushmaster won't make one bit of difference.

Explain Syria.

Small arms and homemade explosives are doing a fairly decent job against a trained army there.

It may be an insurance policy to some, but it is a control thing to me. I simply take issue with someone telling me I cannot own something.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Peter on December 29, 2012, 07:07:06 AM
Frankly I find the lame argument that rednecks need guns to keep the guvment in check to be fucking hilarious.  The government has tanks, strike fighters, and hellfire missile equipped robots that roam the skys.  If the gumment wants to repress you, your piddly Bushmaster won't make one bit of difference.

Explain Syria.

Small arms and homemade explosives are doing a fairly decent job against a trained army there.

It may be an insurance policy to some, but it is a control thing to me. I simply take issue with someone telling me I cannot own something.

'Trained' is relative.  Arab armies aren't noted for their effectiveness, whether it's against insurgents or conventional military forces. (

A more concise version: (

That said, the heavily armed nature of the US populace and the continental scale of the US would make it extremely difficult for the US military or any other military to deal with a popular uprising, just as Afghanistan wouldn't be nearly as difficult to occupy if every goat herder's son didn't have an RPG and an AK-47, and the Iraqi insurgency would be less deadly if 250,000 tons of ordinance hadn't been looted and re-purposed as IEDs.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Adam on December 29, 2012, 09:20:37 AM
If only I had a £ for every time I've heard a retard make that "guns don't kill people - did the gun shoot someone by itself?" argument...

that, and the "let's ban cars as well, because people die in traffic accidents!" one

Enjoy being a slave to the rich.

Now that the snide comments are out of the way...

Believe it or not, I kinda have mixed feelings about it as well. Not beccause I think a society with guns is better than a society without (I'd much prefer to carry on living in a country with strict gun control than a country with laws similar to those in the US). But I know the situation over there isn't as simple as taking them away. It's a culture thing. I find it hard to get my head round how so many americans are big on guns and how so many seem to almost value their right to bare arms more than anything else.

All I can say is I'm glad my little brothers aren;t going to schools where there are armed guards at the doors incase a kid comes in and shoots the place up

Yes, it is a difference in culture mate, which is fine. Most Americans don't like being walked all over by the ruling class, that's why we want a way to fight back if push came to shove. Your people were apathetic when the ruling class disarmed you, now i'm worried you won't have a chance to stand up to them when they start being bigger dicks than they are now.


Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: midlifeaspie on December 29, 2012, 01:23:13 PM
Frankly I find the lame argument that rednecks need guns to keep the guvment in check to be fucking hilarious.  The government has tanks, strike fighters, and hellfire missile equipped robots that roam the skys.  If the gumment wants to repress you, your piddly Bushmaster won't make one bit of difference.

Explain Syria.

Small arms and homemade explosives are doing a fairly decent job against a trained army there.

It may be an insurance policy to some, but it is a control thing to me. I simply take issue with someone telling me I cannot own something.

Yes, my bad.  The Syrian Army and the US Armed Forces are pretty much the same thing.

How much crack do you keep at home just because the government says you can't have it?
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: TA on December 29, 2012, 01:57:59 PM
I did not expect anything better from you two so.....i'll let the one Youtuber that proves that not all gun people are angry white republicans do the talking.

You Know You're a GUN CONTROL HYPOCRITE IF.... (
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Calavera on December 29, 2012, 06:39:47 PM
Keep in the mind the defected army doing the fighting for the people in Syria. And the allies ...

Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Adam on December 29, 2012, 07:23:40 PM
Ok so the guy in the video is pro-guns and black. Wow. You've totally convinced me of.... nothing

I watched about half of it and thought it was bollocks. I've never shot a gun so I can't be in favour of gun control? I may be wrong on gun control, but I'm definitely not a hypocrite on it, so not sure what your point is.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: TA on December 29, 2012, 07:28:55 PM
Ok so the guy in the video is pro-guns and black. Wow. You've totally convinced me of.... nothing

I watched about half of it and thought it was bollocks. I've never shot a gun so I can't be in favour of gun control? I may be wrong on gun control, but I'm definitely not a hypocrite on it, so not sure what your point is.

It was not specifically directed at you, MLA, or anyone.

You don't have armed bodyguards, and you probably don't live in a gated community, so I doubt you are a hypocrite by his standards.

You are entitled to your opinion, as am I.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Adam on December 29, 2012, 07:41:05 PM
What did you post it for then? To show that some black people like guns too? I kinda new that - I listen to hip hop
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: TA on December 29, 2012, 07:47:25 PM
What did you post it for then? To show that some black people like guns too? I kinda new that - I listen to hip hop

It was directed at the debate as a whole.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: TheoK on May 12, 2013, 02:23:09 PM
If only I had a £ for every time I've heard a retard make that "guns don't kill people - did the gun shoot someone by itself?" argument...

that, and the "let's ban cars as well, because people die in traffic accidents!" one

Enjoy being a slave to the rich.

Now that the snide comments are out of the way...

Believe it or not, I kinda have mixed feelings about it as well. Not beccause I think a society with guns is better than a society without (I'd much prefer to carry on living in a country with strict gun control than a country with laws similar to those in the US). But I know the situation over there isn't as simple as taking them away. It's a culture thing. I find it hard to get my head round how so many americans are big on guns and how so many seem to almost value their right to bare arms more than anything else.

All I can say is I'm glad my little brothers aren;t going to schools where there are armed guards at the doors incase a kid comes in and shoots the place up

Yes, it is a difference in culture mate, which is fine. Most Americans don't like being walked all over by the ruling class, that's why we want a way to fight back if push came to shove. Your people were apathetic when the ruling class disarmed you, now i'm worried you won't have a chance to stand up to them when they start being bigger dicks than they are now.



He is completely right - except that I doubt that a majority of Americans will ever fight "their" government, no matter how many guns they have. But the idea is completely right.
Title: Re: School shooting in Newtown, CT
Post by: Gopher Gary on May 12, 2013, 04:47:14 PM
We Brits can Breed like fucking bunnies and force them to feed us.