Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: Zippo on April 13, 2012, 06:21:48 PM
so i mentioned i wanted my new computer a while back in the computer corner. it will cost a lot of moneys.
just over $1500 to be exact [oxymorons are awesome]
my "boyfriend" maciej has given me a challenge. we will have a contest to see who raises the money the fastest and than we will buy are computers and have a "date" putting them togeather and probably going out for pizza after.
this is going to be fun
Donations via paypal would be greatly apreceated -cheeky bugger-
Sounds fun.
I thought if I won the challenge, you would give me $1500. :emosad:
eBeggar! :orly:
eBeggar! :orly:
guilty as charged! :autism:
What, I can't win $1500? Fuck this shit.
What, I can't win $1500? Fuck this shit.
you can, just not here. :P