Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: Eclair on March 19, 2011, 01:18:45 AM

Title: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Eclair on March 19, 2011, 01:18:45 AM
Yes, well, the focus of today has been food for me...and meandering thoughts.

1. My first question is. Pizza Hut. In America, in the 70's, did your pizza's from Pizza Hut come on a hard cardboard base, then a put in a big white paper bag, that I think was stapled, kind of up to a point? Looked like a house roof I guess?

See, I think that pizza from Pizza hut has changed it's taste over the years. It doesn't seem to taste like those first ones in the 70's in those paper bags. Or delight of delights, when we got to eat in and play with our activity sheet place mat. Pizza Hut used to be quite expensive to eat in back then and in the early 80's.

2. I confess also (I know it's bad)...I sometimes crave the styrofoam containers, and I'm sure fast food has changed now they make it fresh! Let the burger sit there for 5 minutes! That was the point of fast food in the first place. Last time I went to McDonalds, I seriously had to wait about 10 minutes for a fucking Big Mac and Fries....The point of fast food is that it's FAST!!!!! I want in, and I want out.

3. Yumbo. In Australia, Burger King (we call it Hungry Jacks here) had a burger up until the early 90's called a Yumbo. Then they take it off the menu....never to be seen again, no surprise 4 week special showing....nothing. I found a site where all Yumbo tragics like me lament the disappearance of this most fabulous, slivers of layered shaved ham and melted goey cheese delight...

Your thoughts on any of the above, or your own personal disappointment when a food is discontinued or seems to have changed in flavour over the years?

Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: renaeden on March 19, 2011, 02:06:11 AM
I remember going to Pizza Hut as a special occasion. Like birthdays. They had huge tables to put the pizza on. That was in the early/mid 80s.

I vaguely remember the Yumbo. I do remember the polystyrene containers quite well.
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: ZEGH8578 on March 19, 2011, 02:33:37 AM
actually i do have a lament

my very favorite kebab shop here changed its recipe to appease retard norwegians...

they used to use _ACTUAL_ kebab meat.
but norwegians complained, cus kebab is foreign to them, while normal boring beef is nice, homely and familiar,

i didnt go there for years, and went back for nostalgia + a kebab, and it was basically just beef-in-a-pita. i was SO dissapointed :(

fucking norwegians :(
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Eclair on March 19, 2011, 03:41:15 AM
^ See, that sucks. They obviously didn't have the patience to see if the kebab meat caught on. When you say Kebab meat, do you mean that kind that's kind of manufactured, a bit sausage tasting?
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Adam on March 19, 2011, 03:45:48 AM
I remember when a large fries from mcdonalds was 99p and then went up to 1.09 then 1.19 then 1.29 and now it's 1.39 mothafuckas
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Adam on March 19, 2011, 03:46:13 AM
I also remember when they did super fries, bigger than large fries, but then they stopped because of all the fat americans
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: P7PSP on March 19, 2011, 03:57:01 AM
1. Pizza Hut did make a much better Pizza in the 1970s and 1980s. Now it is something I only eat when a company supplies it in a safety lunch, and then only to be polite.
2. Now days going to McDonalds on a 1/2 hour lunch will eat up most of the 1/2 hour waiting for food.
3. Yumbo never existed here that I am aware of at Burger King.
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Eclair on March 19, 2011, 04:16:20 AM
1. Pizza Hut did make a much better Pizza in the 1970s and 1980s. Now it is something I only eat when a company supplies it in a safety lunch, and then only to be polite.
2. Now days going to McDonalds on a 1/2 hour lunch will eat up most of the 1/2 hour waiting for food.
3. Yumbo never existed here that I am aware of at Burger King.

1. Cool, I'm glad it's not just me. Do you recall it ever coming in paper on a cardboard slab?
2. I actually avoid going there because of the waiting. I refuse to wait for unhealthy food, when I could have made myself a sandwich at home. At least when it 'was' fast food, you could justify having it because you could grab it and go. I felt like a dick waiting 10 minutes for it last time. Just because they make it 'fresh', doesn't mean it's any healthier or better for you than it was before.

All that salt, sugar, fat and preservatives is there to preserve it in the heating tray FFS!

3. You haven't lived! :P this, but with about 2 more slices of cheese melted through it. (Bun was sweet and round, like a McDonalds cheeseburger roll)

Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: P7PSP on March 19, 2011, 04:21:44 AM
Yes the Pizza used to come like that. When I first saw hard cardboard base it got me thinking of the current crust.  :thumbdn:  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: renaeden on March 19, 2011, 04:45:25 AM
I remember when cheeseburgers from McDonald's were 75 cents each. I would get two for $1.50. Now I think they are about $2 each.
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Callaway on March 19, 2011, 05:11:07 AM
I remember when cheeseburgers from McDonald's were 75 cents each. I would get two for $1.50. Now I think they are about $2 each.

Wow, they are having a special on Happy Meals for kids here for $2.99 for any Happy Meal.
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Eclair on March 19, 2011, 05:23:36 AM
I remember when cheeseburgers from McDonald's were 75 cents each. I would get two for $1.50. Now I think they are about $2 each.

Wow, they are having a special on Happy Meals for kids here for $2.99 for any Happy Meal.

Yeah, and wasn't the 60 cent cone (which really should be the 50 cent cone) like, 20 cents in the 80's then I think it went up to 30 cents.

Cookies were really cheap too, I think 40 cents a packet.

I think Happy Meals used to be $2.99 but are $3.99 here...I think. I have only been to McDonalds a couple of times in the past year.
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: "couldbecousin" on March 19, 2011, 05:26:59 AM
I remember when cheeseburgers from McDonald's were 75 cents each. I would get two for $1.50. Now I think they are about $2 each.

I once went shopping in the city and ended my shopping trip with a stop at McDonald's, where I bought two cheeseburgers.
I then took a cab home but didn't have enough money to tip the driver, so I tipped him with one of the cheeseburgers!   :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: ZEGH8578 on March 19, 2011, 05:31:31 AM
^ See, that sucks. They obviously didn't have the patience to see if the kebab meat caught on. When you say Kebab meat, do you mean that kind that's kind of manufactured, a bit sausage tasting?


first of all, its halal meat, cus theyre muslims, its spun round and round, getting sortof roasted gently, and thinly sliced, as on the pic.

beef is just beef, just big chunky chunks of meat. it both tastes different, and has a different texture.

thing is, these guys "kept it real" for maybe a decade, but finally whored out to a mere trend instead of sticking to what made them authentic :(
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Parts on March 19, 2011, 05:37:45 AM
I have noticed the difference also Pizza Hut I believe used t use different oils in cooking the flavor has kinda gone down hill since the 80's.  McDonald's I know has changed the ingredients around to make it more healthful and have succeeded in killing the taste and failed at the healthful bit as well. One of the things they changed was a switch to all vegetable oil away from anything with any animal fats
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: "couldbecousin" on March 19, 2011, 05:42:56 AM
I have noticed the difference also Pizza Hut I believe used t use different oils in cooking the flavor has kinda gone down hill since the 80's.  McDonald's I know has changed the ingredients around to make it more healthful and have succeeded in killing the taste and failed at the healthful bit as well. One of the things they changed was a switch to all vegetable oil away from anything with any animal fats

I believe McDonald's used to fry their fries in beef lard, which gave them that special taste we loved!  :emosad:
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: P7PSP on March 19, 2011, 05:53:49 AM
I have noticed the difference also Pizza Hut I believe used t use different oils in cooking the flavor has kinda gone down hill since the 80's.  McDonald's I know has changed the ingredients around to make it more healthful and have succeeded in killing the taste and failed at the healthful bit as well. One of the things they changed was a switch to all vegetable oil away from anything with any animal fats

I believe McDonald's used to fry their fries in beef lard, which gave them that special taste we loved!  :emosad:
:indeed: Where is Francis Dec when we need him?  :police:
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Eclair on March 19, 2011, 05:57:17 AM
I have noticed the difference also Pizza Hut I believe used t use different oils in cooking the flavor has kinda gone down hill since the 80's.  McDonald's I know has changed the ingredients around to make it more healthful and have succeeded in killing the taste and failed at the healthful bit as well. One of the things they changed was a switch to all vegetable oil away from anything with any animal fats

I believe McDonald's used to fry their fries in beef lard, which gave them that special taste we loved!  :emosad:

Fuck the "Healthy Choices" range....they should have the "Unhealthful Choices"....for those who like unadulterated fat....

Plus...did the Big Mac shrink?
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Adam on March 19, 2011, 06:13:59 AM
I don't care if food  is unhealthy so long as it tastes nice. We shouldn't all have to suffer just because americans are fat  :dunno:
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: TheoK on March 19, 2011, 06:17:31 AM
Junk food is pretty harmless as long as you have a good metabolism.
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: "couldbecousin" on March 19, 2011, 06:18:12 AM
I don't care if food  is unhealthy so long as it tastes nice. We shouldn't all have to suffer just because americans are fat  :dunno:

You're absolutely right! Just keep eating the tasty fatty food! Surely you  won't get fat...  :flame:
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Adam on March 19, 2011, 06:19:04 AM
If I started getting fat I would cut down on junk and exercise more  :dunno:
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Eclair on March 19, 2011, 06:21:49 AM
If I started getting fat I would cut down on junk and exercise more  :dunno:

Mmm, you don't eat healthy anyway.
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: P7PSP on March 19, 2011, 06:29:13 AM
I have noticed the difference also Pizza Hut I believe used t use different oils in cooking the flavor has kinda gone down hill since the 80's.  McDonald's I know has changed the ingredients around to make it more healthful and have succeeded in killing the taste and failed at the healthful bit as well. One of the things they changed was a switch to all vegetable oil away from anything with any animal fats

I believe McDonald's used to fry their fries in beef lard, which gave them that special taste we loved!  :emosad:

Fuck the "Healthy Choices" range....they should have the "Unhealthful Choices"....for those who like unadulterated fat....

Plus...did the Big Mac shrink?
:plus: for finding that video Eclair. Leo's analysis is excellent. I like how, after he specifies 1986 and 2010, that McD's reassures him that in the last 10 years there has been no change in size or composition.  
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: bodie on March 19, 2011, 07:50:57 AM
I have noticed whatever you buy out and about, sandwhich, burger etc it seems more and more common to fill it up with healthy salad stuff.  Now i don't mind a bit of rabbit food, and yeah fancy shaped lettuce leaves can be aesthetically pleasing,  but they just put less and less filling and more and more foliage!!!

C'mon, who are they kidding...
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: P7PSP on March 19, 2011, 07:52:28 AM
I have noticed whatever you buy out and about, sandwhich, burger etc it seems more and more common to fill it up with healthy salad stuff.  Now i don't mind a bit of rabbit food, and yeah fancy shaped lettuce leaves can be aesthetically pleasing,  but they just put less and less filling and more and more foliage!!!

C'mon, who are they kidding...
Fuckin A!
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: ZEGH8578 on March 19, 2011, 08:07:37 AM
i just talked about that w my only irl aspie friend :D
like frozen pizzas ALWAYS cheap out on the topping, no matter the brand, they always cheap out!
there are some brands that cost more, theyre more poshy or whatever, but even there they cheap out...

we were celebrating this one spinach pizza, that had piles of spinach on it :D otherwise, you even pay MORE, and get just as little content as w the cheap brands.

theres a sandwich chain here, where they offer to give you extra filling for 10 krones more, and naaaturally, EVEN THEN, they just fuck you over, like its the most natural thing in the world, and really cheap out on you :S
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Osensitive1 on March 19, 2011, 08:09:46 AM
Sonic still has styrofoam cups and they have a different kind of ice in their drinks; it's good. Haven't noticed pizza to change much and like it just the same.
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: bodie on March 19, 2011, 08:12:33 AM
oh yeah,  drinks...

...lets just fill it with ice cubes from the tap - nice and cheap :zoinks:
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Eclair on March 19, 2011, 08:14:04 AM
i just talked about that w my only irl aspie friend :D
like frozen pizzas ALWAYS cheap out on the topping, no matter the brand, they always cheap out!
there are some brands that cost more, theyre more poshy or whatever, but even there they cheap out...

we were celebrating this one spinach pizza, that had piles of spinach on it :D otherwise, you even pay MORE, and get just as little content as w the cheap brands.

theres a sandwich chain here, where they offer to give you extra filling for 10 krones more, and naaaturally, EVEN THEN, they just fuck you over, like its the most natural thing in the world, and really cheap out on you :S

I always buy Dr Oetker frozen pizza. They are always crispy and delicious.
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: ZEGH8578 on March 19, 2011, 08:15:49 AM
i just talked about that w my only irl aspie friend :D
like frozen pizzas ALWAYS cheap out on the topping, no matter the brand, they always cheap out!
there are some brands that cost more, theyre more poshy or whatever, but even there they cheap out...

we were celebrating this one spinach pizza, that had piles of spinach on it :D otherwise, you even pay MORE, and get just as little content as w the cheap brands.

theres a sandwich chain here, where they offer to give you extra filling for 10 krones more, and naaaturally, EVEN THEN, they just fuck you over, like its the most natural thing in the world, and really cheap out on you :S

I always buy Dr Oetker frozen pizza. They are always crispy and delicious.

yes, me too, but i feel cheated even there, content wise.
theyre more sophisticated than cheaper brands, but theyll still cheap out on the ammount of topping :/
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Eclair on March 19, 2011, 08:17:06 AM
oh yeah,  drinks...

...lets just fill it with ice cubes from the tap - nice and cheap :zoinks:

You know McDonalds puts heaps of ice in their drinks so they don't have to use as much 'product' in the drink?
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: ZEGH8578 on March 19, 2011, 08:24:09 AM
oh yeah,  drinks...

...lets just fill it with ice cubes from the tap - nice and cheap :zoinks:

You know McDonalds puts heaps of ice in their drinks so they don't have to use as much 'product' in the drink?

this is common everywhere, have you ever watched what comes out of drink dispensers?
you can clearly see the divide between the soda and the crystal clear water that pours out. its so disencouraging :(
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Eclair on March 19, 2011, 08:28:30 AM
oh yeah,  drinks...

...lets just fill it with ice cubes from the tap - nice and cheap :zoinks:

You know McDonalds puts heaps of ice in their drinks so they don't have to use as much 'product' in the drink?

this is common everywhere, have you ever watched what comes out of drink dispensers?
you can clearly see the divide between the soda and the crystal clear water that pours out. its so disencouraging :(

It's actually post mix and supposed to be like that.
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: ZEGH8578 on March 19, 2011, 08:35:28 AM
oh yeah,  drinks...

...lets just fill it with ice cubes from the tap - nice and cheap :zoinks:

You know McDonalds puts heaps of ice in their drinks so they don't have to use as much 'product' in the drink?

this is common everywhere, have you ever watched what comes out of drink dispensers?
you can clearly see the divide between the soda and the crystal clear water that pours out. its so disencouraging :(

It's actually post mix and supposed to be like that.

ah wel, they do pile on the ice anyway tho :I
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Squidusa on March 19, 2011, 08:44:13 AM
I remember when cheeseburgers from McDonald's were 75 cents each. I would get two for $1.50. Now I think they are about $2 each.

I once went shopping in the city and ended my shopping trip with a stop at McDonald's, where I bought two cheeseburgers.
I then took a cab home but didn't have enough money to tip the driver, so I tipped him with one of the cheeseburgers!   :2thumbsup:


Thats brilliant.  :plus:
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Binty on March 19, 2011, 11:23:54 AM
i just talked about that w my only irl aspie friend :D
like frozen pizzas ALWAYS cheap out on the topping, no matter the brand, they always cheap out!
there are some brands that cost more, theyre more poshy or whatever, but even there they cheap out...

we were celebrating this one spinach pizza, that had piles of spinach on it :D otherwise, you even pay MORE, and get just as little content as w the cheap brands.

theres a sandwich chain here, where they offer to give you extra filling for 10 krones more, and naaaturally, EVEN THEN, they just fuck you over, like its the most natural thing in the world, and really cheap out on you :S

I always buy Dr Oetker frozen pizza. They are always crispy and delicious.

That pizza looks gorgeous!
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Natalia Evans on March 19, 2011, 01:42:36 PM
The Pizza Hut logo has changed and I think they have changed the outlook of their buildings. I still see plenty in their original ones and they still have their pizzas in boxes when you order it and have it delivered (Do they not do that in Australia anymore?). And it's still expensive. $10 now for a pizza but back in 1991 it was only $8.99 for a medium meat lover's pizza. The most we have spent for Pizza Hut was 32 dollars and that was with two pizzas and pasta and bread sticks. We have also used coupons for it.

Go on youtube and look up pizza hut commercials. It's fun to see what the prices were back then.

Oh and Burger King, back then they only had the mighty kids meal and the kids club for it was eight and under and every time they would raise the age, I was too old by then. When I was 12, it was now 10 and under and then i think it was 12 and under and I was 14 by then. When I was 13, the big kid's meal came out and McDonalds did the same too two years later.

I also remember the playlands fast food places used to have and now today McDonalds rarely has any. Burger King took theirs out in 1996 or 97. I remember Burgerville (a local fast food chang in my area) had them too and now they don't anymore and some Taco places had them too. Blame it on lawsuits and stupid and greedy parents.

Now fast food places are offering alternate choices for kids than a pop and hamburger and fries or chicken mcnuggets.

Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: eris on March 19, 2011, 01:45:52 PM
I have noticed the difference also Pizza Hut I believe used t use different oils in cooking the flavor has kinda gone down hill since the 80's.  McDonald's I know has changed the ingredients around to make it more healthful and have succeeded in killing the taste and failed at the healthful bit as well. One of the things they changed was a switch to all vegetable oil away from anything with any animal fats
I believe McDonald's used to fry their fries in beef lard, which gave them that special taste we loved!  :emosad:

I remember reading in college about McDonald's fries. Guess why they taste so good ? Addictive chemicals.

That is the essay I read. Psh, English 102 or something ? easy read. Well, after I read that I was glad I don't eat McDonald's.

Also, I worked there a bit when I ws like 21 ;)

Guess what we did when the timer went off, saying the burgers were no longer fresh ? we reset the timer.
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: "couldbecousin" on March 19, 2011, 06:54:12 PM
Yogurt is sold in smaller containers now, and "fun size" Three Musketeers bars are smaller too. Small, cheap servings!   :(
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Icequeen on March 19, 2011, 07:03:09 PM
The town I grew up in was 95% Italian, you had 2 places to eat pizza, a family run pizza parlor (they made awesome pizza) & the bowling alley. They probably would have run a Pizza Hut out of town.

I didn't eat at Pizza Hut until the late 80's when we moved here, but I remember it tasted alot better to me back then.

We hardly ever ate out, it was usually always McDonald's or the pizza parlor when we did. Yep, I confess I miss those enviromentally unfriendly styrofoam containers also. :'(
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Eclair on March 19, 2011, 08:22:00 PM

I remember reading in college about McDonald's fries. Guess why they taste so good ? Addictive chemicals.

Yes, I used to say there was drugs in their food to make you addicted to it.

Thanks for the link...the strawberry milkshake additives list is quite impressive!  :zombiefuck:

I rarely eat McDonalds anyway, but I do crave my Hungry Jacks Yumbo's....even though they haven't been around for almost 20 years.  :'(
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Parts on March 20, 2011, 01:05:28 AM
I have noticed the difference also Pizza Hut I believe used t use different oils in cooking the flavor has kinda gone down hill since the 80's.  McDonald's I know has changed the ingredients around to make it more healthful and have succeeded in killing the taste and failed at the healthful bit as well. One of the things they changed was a switch to all vegetable oil away from anything with any animal fats
I believe McDonald's used to fry their fries in beef lard, which gave them that special taste we loved!  :emosad:

I remember reading in college about McDonald's fries. Guess why they taste so good ? Addictive chemicals.

That is the essay I read. Psh, English 102 or something ? easy read. Well, after I read that I was glad I don't eat McDonald's.

Also, I worked there a bit when I ws like 21 ;)

Guess what we did when the timer went off, saying the burgers were no longer fresh ? we reset the timer.

While I am sure much of the info on food additives is factually true the web site it came from is big on conspiracies and some pretty weird stuff not sure if I would ever use it as a source wanting to be taken seriously

Including some pro David Duke stuff,  holocaust denial, UFOs and 2012 stuff
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Semicolon on March 20, 2011, 06:59:55 AM
If I started getting fat I would cut down on junk and exercise more  :dunno:

How much further can you cut down your junk past "invisible penis". :dunno:
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Eclair on March 20, 2011, 02:19:33 PM
Hungry Jack's took Burger King to court in Australia for breach of contract and won. I never knew that.'s

Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Frolic_Fun on March 20, 2011, 02:35:12 PM
I have noticed the difference also Pizza Hut I believe used t use different oils in cooking the flavor has kinda gone down hill since the 80's.  McDonald's I know has changed the ingredients around to make it more healthful and have succeeded in killing the taste and failed at the healthful bit as well. One of the things they changed was a switch to all vegetable oil away from anything with any animal fats
I believe McDonald's used to fry their fries in beef lard, which gave them that special taste we loved!  :emosad:

I remember reading in college about McDonald's fries. Guess why they taste so good ? Addictive chemicals.

That is the essay I read. Psh, English 102 or something ? easy read. Well, after I read that I was glad I don't eat McDonald's.

Also, I worked there a bit when I ws like 21 ;)

Guess what we did when the timer went off, saying the burgers were no longer fresh ? we reset the timer.

That's funny since I always hated those chips.
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Scrapheap on March 20, 2011, 02:46:20 PM
I'm still lamenting the loss of Wasabi Funyons.  :'(

They have Flaming Hot Funyons, but they don't have nearly as good a flavor.  :-\
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: Eclair on March 20, 2011, 02:51:40 PM
I'm still lamenting the loss of Wasabi Funyons.  :'(

They have Flaming Hot Funyons, but they don't have nearly as good a flavor.  :-\

If the lament is as strong as the loss of my beloved Red Seal Tomato chips, then I am feeling your pain.

Fucking Samboy Tomato chips are nothing on them.
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: eris on March 21, 2011, 01:22:35 AM

While I am sure much of the info on food additives is factually true the web site it came from is big on conspiracies and some pretty weird stuff not sure if I would ever use it as a source wanting to be taken seriously

Including some pro David Duke stuff,  holocaust denial, UFOs and 2012 stuff

I read the article in my English 102 book, i think it might just be reposted there
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: P7PSP on March 21, 2011, 05:43:35 AM
Hungry Jack's took Burger King to court in Australia for breach of contract and won. I never knew that.'s

Hungry Jack's got a considerable settlement out of that.  :o
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: "couldbecousin" on March 21, 2011, 05:45:36 AM
Hungry Jack's took Burger King to court in Australia for breach of contract and won. I never knew that.'s

Hungry Jack's got a considerable settlement out of that.  :o

And now he will never go hungry again!   :oneliner:
Title: Re: Changes in foods over time....
Post by: P7PSP on March 21, 2011, 05:57:03 AM
No kidding.  :lol: