Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: Natalia Evans on April 02, 2010, 10:39:00 PM

Title: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 02, 2010, 10:39:00 PM
I have been a victim of this guy. Any other aspies here too?
Chair decided to expose this guy

He has posted this at different places.

Chat between him and my friend:

The chat in case no one wants to download the file:

4/2/2010 8:34:28 PM
4/2/2010 8:34:35 PM
4/2/2010 8:34:53 PM
Boy am I spooked with everyone that has been sending me invites on here!
4/2/2010 8:35:03 PM
You added me a long time ago.
4/2/2010 8:35:10 PM
Oh right.
4/2/2010 8:35:12 PM
Well, a month ago or so.
4/2/2010 8:35:19 PM
I always am invisible.
4/2/2010 8:35:44 PM
I know of you.
4/2/2010 8:36:28 PM
I've been thinking of creating blogs about you.
4/2/2010 8:36:42 PM
I want to expose you.
4/2/2010 8:36:49 PM
4/2/2010 8:36:57 PM
Post your email and picture everywhere.
4/2/2010 8:37:00 PM
And your YouTube account.
4/2/2010 8:37:28 PM
And tell everyone how you've added hundreds of people from Asperger's communities to your MSN account asking them to show you nude pics.
4/2/2010 8:37:36 PM
4/2/2010 8:37:36 PM
I'm not bothering anybody!
4/2/2010 8:37:48 PM
If you cooperate I may not do this.
4/2/2010 8:38:00 PM
It is not true.
4/2/2010 8:38:07 PM
And you've asked lots of underage people to show you pics.
4/2/2010 8:38:14 PM
Which could get you into shit.
4/2/2010 8:38:18 PM
Gave it up if I have to spell it out clear and plain.
4/2/2010 8:38:28 PM
Thousands of people read my blogs, and I cross-post everywhere.
4/2/2010 8:38:39 PM
And I know your full name.
4/2/2010 8:38:42 PM
I did research.
4/2/2010 8:39:05 PM
I could easily include it, your email, let people know of the fact that you're obsessed with the PBS logo, etc.
4/2/2010 8:39:14 PM
You'd be exposed.
4/2/2010 8:39:19 PM
So I wonder who is out to riddle me with bullet holes and whatnot.
4/2/2010 8:39:34 PM
David - you should be more careful.
4/2/2010 8:39:44 PM
You don't seem like a bad person, but what you do IS in fact bad.
4/2/2010 8:39:58 PM
Do you think it's cool to ask underage people for nude pics?
4/2/2010 8:40:04 PM
People from the Asperger's community?
4/2/2010 8:40:11 PM
"Take a breath, prepare to crash, you'll see a bright blinding flash!" I've been told what you said until I am blue in the face. Of course not.
4/2/2010 8:40:15 PM
That makes you a sicko.
4/2/2010 8:40:19 PM
To a lot of people.
4/2/2010 8:40:26 PM
A pedophile.
4/2/2010 8:40:34 PM
Do you identify yourself as being a pedophile?
4/2/2010 8:41:52 PM
No, I really don't.
4/2/2010 8:42:14 PM
If you wonder what I quoted in quotation marks, I'll tell you where it came from.
4/2/2010 8:42:45 PM
How would you react if you'd see blogs mentioning you all over the Internet?
4/2/2010 8:43:11 PM
Fearing for my life.
4/2/2010 8:43:17 PM
Some of my blog entries receive 5000+ views, and I cross-post everywhere, so that totals to many thousands of views.
4/2/2010 8:43:33 PM
I also bookmark my blog entries to social bookmarking sites.
4/2/2010 8:43:36 PM
Fear for your life?
4/2/2010 8:43:57 PM
Who is going to be next to be out to kill me? You tell me.
4/2/2010 8:44:48 PM
What I quoted from was a Rupert Holmes track, "Brass Knuckles."
4/2/2010 8:45:39 PM
I have a forum and created a thread about you.
4/2/2010 8:45:45 PM
People think I should expose you.
4/2/2010 8:46:03 PM
It's a private thread though, so you must be a member to be able to read it.
4/2/2010 8:46:10 PM
So no outsiders have seen it.
4/2/2010 8:46:28 PM
So there are those members who want me dead, I sense it.
4/2/2010 8:47:26 PM
4/2/2010 8:47:31 PM
That is my forum.
4/2/2010 8:47:36 PM
A thread about you is on there.
4/2/2010 8:47:55 PM
What am I supposed to do to reverse all of this?!?
4/2/2010 8:48:09 PM
Dunno if you can.
4/2/2010 8:48:19 PM
I'm debating whether I should do it or not.
4/2/2010 8:48:24 PM
But I'm not taking down my thread.
4/2/2010 8:48:49 PM
You really shouldn't do it. I am not lying that I threw acting like that away.
4/2/2010 8:49:04 PM
You want me dead as well, I have a feeling.
4/2/2010 8:49:21 PM
Are you scared?
4/2/2010 8:50:49 PM
Rightly so! You are not having me killed if that's your aim.
4/2/2010 8:51:14 PM
Who put you up to this cyber bullying?!?
4/2/2010 8:51:51 PM
It's not ######6 bullying./
4/2/2010 8:52:04 PM
You are a pedo to a lot of people.
4/2/2010 8:52:25 PM
Oh yes it is when I've honestly stated I threw that away.
4/2/2010 8:53:35 PM
I will put out blogs about you to teach you a lesson.
4/2/2010 8:53:50 PM
I will type a blog up now, and cross-post it to everywhere.
4/2/2010 8:54:03 PM
I don't know what I should give the title of my blogs though.
4/2/2010 8:54:16 PM
"Pedophile of the Aspergers Community"?
4/2/2010 8:54:39 PM
That's it! You're blocked out! Don't come back again!
4/2/2010 8:54:46 PM
Status change: signed off (was Online)

This man needs a Encyclopedia Dramatica page.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Parts on April 03, 2010, 08:30:01 AM
You seem to attract that type of attention
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: DukeNukem on April 03, 2010, 12:12:17 PM
If this guy messaged me and asked me for my nudes, I will show him my enormous PINGAS! :zoinks:
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 03, 2010, 06:12:38 PM
You seem to attract that type of attention

Lot of aspies have been his victim. He is bisexual and is aspiesexual and goes asking them for inappropriate photos and asks to hear them pee.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Parts on April 03, 2010, 06:18:39 PM
You seem to attract that type of attention

Lot of aspies have been his victim. He is bisexual and is aspiesexual and goes asking them for inappropriate photos and asks to hear them pee.

Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 05, 2010, 02:20:29 AM
I just heard people are adding him on facebook and harassing him. Someone even called him too. I don't know what harassment they are doing and what the caller said to him. I doubt me adding him, he will accept my friend's request because he chewed me out on AIM in 2008 and blocked me I assume because I haven't seen him on since. He was pissed at me because I talked about him on another forum and he was pissed about others talking about him. He was even banned from WP. Oh boy I also want to post this there but it be a violation to their rules. Posting this might be seen as a attack on another member and discussion of banned members isn't allowed.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Gluey on April 08, 2010, 08:10:08 PM
You seem to attract that type of attention

Lot of aspies have been his victim. He is bisexual and is aspiesexual and goes asking them for inappropriate photos and asks to hear them pee.

hhahhaha! hearing them pee. I'd send him a pic of me naked in a nixon mask holding a toy gun to my twat. There would be no proof that its a pic of me anyways. He's think i'd got it off google images.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Phlexor on April 08, 2010, 08:12:48 PM
You seem to attract that type of attention

Lot of aspies have been his victim. He is bisexual and is aspiesexual and goes asking them for inappropriate photos and asks to hear them pee.

hhahhaha! hearing them pee. I'd send him a pic of me naked in a nixon mask holding a toy gun to my twat. There would be no proof that its a pic of me anyways. He's think i'd got it off google images.

You could post it here instead.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 08, 2010, 08:49:53 PM
People are such sickos. My friend got suspended from facebook for posting about this all over the aspie groups. People reported him and he got suspended. I was told facebook was tyring to protect themselves from a lawsuit. David can press charges on them for having it there.

I posted about this at the Delphi forums and lost my posting privileges. Someone in one of the aspie groups said she reported it thinking it might be against the TOS. Sick woman. I am sure other people reported it. Sickos.

They want to protect a sick fuck, a teenophile.

I think taking away posting privileges is a way of banning people. But I don't care because I never posted there anyway or even went to them.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on April 08, 2010, 08:52:51 PM
Ha! They're more worried about a lolsuit, than protecting the community.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: on April 08, 2010, 09:10:55 PM
You seem to attract that type of attention

Lot of aspies have been his victim. He is bisexual and is aspiesexual and goes asking them for inappropriate photos and asks to hear them pee.

hhahhaha! hearing them pee. I'd send him a pic of me naked in a nixon mask holding a toy gun to my twat. There would be no proof that its a pic of me anyways. He's think i'd got it off google images.

Pics or it didn't happen.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: TheFuzz305 on April 08, 2010, 09:38:49 PM
You seem to attract that type of attention

Lot of aspies have been his victim. He is bisexual and is aspiesexual and goes asking them for inappropriate photos and asks to hear them pee.

Yeah, he asked to hear me pee back in 2008. Amy banned him from the chatroom. :P He won't be at AFF. If he comes here, let's hurt him! :D

Coming soon, "Scary Rapist Man" Rated NC-17. :aff:
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: TheoK on April 09, 2010, 05:02:44 AM
You seem to attract that type of attention

Lot of aspies have been his victim. He is bisexual and is aspiesexual and goes asking them for inappropriate photos and asks to hear them pee.

hhahhaha! hearing them pee. I'd send him a pic of me naked in a nixon mask holding a toy gun to my twat. There would be no proof that its a pic of me anyways. He's think i'd got it off google images.

A friend of mine used to watch girls peeing in the parks. He is an organ-player in the Swedish church...
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: punkdrew on April 09, 2010, 07:28:35 AM
Sorry to come on all naive here, but who exactly is the sicko? They both sound off.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 09, 2010, 09:22:45 AM
David Gill? Ever heard of him?

Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: punkdrew on April 09, 2010, 11:40:19 AM
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Frolic_Fun on April 09, 2010, 01:35:52 PM
Chair is just as bad as him. He asked for nudes from Emma and various other people. :zoinks:
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: odeon on April 09, 2010, 01:43:42 PM
David Gill? Ever heard of him?

Not me.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Parts on April 09, 2010, 01:44:42 PM
Me either.  I can't get over the wanting to hear people pee :laugh:
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Callaway on April 09, 2010, 02:02:20 PM
Chair is just as bad as him. He asked for nudes from Emma and various other people. :zoinks:

Your girlfriend?
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: skyblue1 on April 09, 2010, 05:43:39 PM
Chair is just as bad as him. He asked for nudes from Emma and various other people. :zoinks:
yeah I thought it was kind of funny ,chair exposing someone......Y not just call the cops, if the guy was that bad a person........Oh yeah, made chair look like a hero, for pointing out the obvious.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Scrapheap on April 09, 2010, 07:12:23 PM
Can someone invite chair here, so that I can see for myself what a douche he is??
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 10, 2010, 12:15:47 AM
Sure, I'll try and bring him here.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: odeon on April 10, 2010, 07:42:23 AM
Can someone invite chair here, so that I can see for myself what a douche he is??

yeah, we need fresh meat.  :evillaugh:
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: 'andersom' on April 10, 2010, 08:17:22 AM
Can someone invite chair here, so that I can see for myself what a douche he is??

yeah, we need fresh meat.  :evillaugh:

He's already here, in the marinade as a zero poster, you can pm him.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Scrapheap on April 10, 2010, 11:09:53 AM
Can someone invite chair here, so that I can see for myself what a douche he is??

yeah, we need fresh meat.  :evillaugh:

He's already here, in the marinade as a zero poster, you can pm him.

I PM'ed him, well see if he responds.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: odeon on April 10, 2010, 04:24:54 PM
Can someone invite chair here, so that I can see for myself what a douche he is??

yeah, we need fresh meat.  :evillaugh:

He's already here, in the marinade as a zero poster, you can pm him.

What's his name again?
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Callaway on April 10, 2010, 04:34:15 PM
Chair, apparently.;u=797
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: odeon on April 10, 2010, 04:35:10 PM
He's been here a while but never posted.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 10, 2010, 05:14:28 PM
LOL someone joined his forum claiming to be his girlfriend and she posted in the sicko thread about him saying she is sick and tired of people talking about him and all that. But one of his mods had deleted her posts from that thread. Chair didn't know until he looked in the logs and asked him about it. Then he told me about it and showed me her profile and he googled her email and showed me her facebook page and myspace that popped up in the results.

I didn't get to see those posts because they were deleted before I saw them.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: skyblue1 on April 10, 2010, 05:43:30 PM
claiming to be whose girlfriend?
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 11, 2010, 04:48:55 AM
Someone joined under the name davidsgirlfriend and claims to be in a relationship with him. That sicko guy.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Isabitch on April 13, 2010, 04:14:40 PM
What a horrible man!
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 13, 2010, 04:23:21 PM
What a horrible man!

What a horrible woman.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Isabitch on April 13, 2010, 04:29:28 PM
You seem to have gained self awareness suddenly.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 13, 2010, 04:31:31 PM
You seem to have gained self awareness suddenly.

I was calling you that stupid.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Isabitch on April 13, 2010, 04:40:59 PM
thumb sucking diaper wearer!!!!!
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Isabitch on April 13, 2010, 06:02:48 PM
I have been a victim of this guy. Any other aspies here too?
Chair decided to expose this guy

He has posted this at different places.

Chat between him and my friend:

The chat in case no one wants to download the file:

4/2/2010 8:34:28 PM
4/2/2010 8:34:35 PM
4/2/2010 8:34:53 PM
Boy am I spooked with everyone that has been sending me invites on here!
4/2/2010 8:35:03 PM
You added me a long time ago.
4/2/2010 8:35:10 PM
Oh right.
4/2/2010 8:35:12 PM
Well, a month ago or so.
4/2/2010 8:35:19 PM
I always am invisible.
4/2/2010 8:35:44 PM
I know of you.
4/2/2010 8:36:28 PM
I've been thinking of creating blogs about you.
4/2/2010 8:36:42 PM
I want to expose you.
4/2/2010 8:36:49 PM
4/2/2010 8:36:57 PM
Post your email and picture everywhere.
4/2/2010 8:37:00 PM
And your YouTube account.
4/2/2010 8:37:28 PM
And tell everyone how you've added hundreds of people from Asperger's communities to your MSN account asking them to show you nude pics.
4/2/2010 8:37:36 PM
4/2/2010 8:37:36 PM
I'm not bothering anybody!
4/2/2010 8:37:48 PM
If you cooperate I may not do this.
4/2/2010 8:38:00 PM
It is not true.
4/2/2010 8:38:07 PM
And you've asked lots of underage people to show you pics.
4/2/2010 8:38:14 PM
Which could get you into shit.
4/2/2010 8:38:18 PM
Gave it up if I have to spell it out clear and plain.
4/2/2010 8:38:28 PM
Thousands of people read my blogs, and I cross-post everywhere.
4/2/2010 8:38:39 PM
And I know your full name.
4/2/2010 8:38:42 PM
I did research.
4/2/2010 8:39:05 PM
I could easily include it, your email, let people know of the fact that you're obsessed with the PBS logo, etc.
4/2/2010 8:39:14 PM
You'd be exposed.
4/2/2010 8:39:19 PM
So I wonder who is out to riddle me with bullet holes and whatnot.
4/2/2010 8:39:34 PM
David - you should be more careful.
4/2/2010 8:39:44 PM
You don't seem like a bad person, but what you do IS in fact bad.
4/2/2010 8:39:58 PM
Do you think it's cool to ask underage people for nude pics?
4/2/2010 8:40:04 PM
People from the Asperger's community?
4/2/2010 8:40:11 PM
"Take a breath, prepare to crash, you'll see a bright blinding flash!" I've been told what you said until I am blue in the face. Of course not.
4/2/2010 8:40:15 PM
That makes you a sicko.
4/2/2010 8:40:19 PM
To a lot of people.
4/2/2010 8:40:26 PM
A pedophile.
4/2/2010 8:40:34 PM
Do you identify yourself as being a pedophile?
4/2/2010 8:41:52 PM
No, I really don't.
4/2/2010 8:42:14 PM
If you wonder what I quoted in quotation marks, I'll tell you where it came from.
4/2/2010 8:42:45 PM
How would you react if you'd see blogs mentioning you all over the Internet?
4/2/2010 8:43:11 PM
Fearing for my life.
4/2/2010 8:43:17 PM
Some of my blog entries receive 5000+ views, and I cross-post everywhere, so that totals to many thousands of views.
4/2/2010 8:43:33 PM
I also bookmark my blog entries to social bookmarking sites.
4/2/2010 8:43:36 PM
Fear for your life?
4/2/2010 8:43:57 PM
Who is going to be next to be out to kill me? You tell me.
4/2/2010 8:44:48 PM
What I quoted from was a Rupert Holmes track, "Brass Knuckles."
4/2/2010 8:45:39 PM
I have a forum and created a thread about you.
4/2/2010 8:45:45 PM
People think I should expose you.
4/2/2010 8:46:03 PM
It's a private thread though, so you must be a member to be able to read it.
4/2/2010 8:46:10 PM
So no outsiders have seen it.
4/2/2010 8:46:28 PM
So there are those members who want me dead, I sense it.
4/2/2010 8:47:26 PM
4/2/2010 8:47:31 PM
That is my forum.
4/2/2010 8:47:36 PM
A thread about you is on there.
4/2/2010 8:47:55 PM
What am I supposed to do to reverse all of this?!?
4/2/2010 8:48:09 PM
Dunno if you can.
4/2/2010 8:48:19 PM
I'm debating whether I should do it or not.
4/2/2010 8:48:24 PM
But I'm not taking down my thread.
4/2/2010 8:48:49 PM
You really shouldn't do it. I am not lying that I threw acting like that away.
4/2/2010 8:49:04 PM
You want me dead as well, I have a feeling.
4/2/2010 8:49:21 PM
Are you scared?
4/2/2010 8:50:49 PM
Rightly so! You are not having me killed if that's your aim.
4/2/2010 8:51:14 PM
Who put you up to this cyber bullying?!?
4/2/2010 8:51:51 PM
It's not ######6 bullying./
4/2/2010 8:52:04 PM
You are a pedo to a lot of people.
4/2/2010 8:52:25 PM
Oh yes it is when I've honestly stated I threw that away.
4/2/2010 8:53:35 PM
I will put out blogs about you to teach you a lesson.
4/2/2010 8:53:50 PM
I will type a blog up now, and cross-post it to everywhere.
4/2/2010 8:54:03 PM
I don't know what I should give the title of my blogs though.
4/2/2010 8:54:16 PM
"Pedophile of the Aspergers Community"?
4/2/2010 8:54:39 PM
That's it! You're blocked out! Don't come back again!
4/2/2010 8:54:46 PM
Status change: signed off (was Online)

This man needs a Encyclopedia Dramatica page.

I really want to be his friend now.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Parts on April 13, 2010, 07:27:20 PM
What a horrible man!

Will you post a sound file of you peeing :zoinks:
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Isabitch on April 13, 2010, 07:37:42 PM
What a horrible man!

Will you post a sound file of you peeing :zoinks:

I dont want to take my laptop in the bathroom.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Parts on April 13, 2010, 07:39:55 PM
What a horrible man!

Will you post a sound file of you peeing :zoinks:

I dont want to take my laptop in the bathroom.

Get a mike on a wire :zoinks:
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Isabitch on April 13, 2010, 09:12:59 PM
What a horrible man!

Will you post a sound file of you peeing :zoinks:

I dont want to take my laptop in the bathroom.

Get a mike on a wire :zoinks:

Only if he pays me money to do it.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Scrapheap on April 13, 2010, 09:16:11 PM
What a horrible man!

Will you post a sound file of you peeing :zoinks:

I dont want to take my laptop in the bathroom.

Get a mike on a wire :zoinks:

Only if he pays me money to do it.

I'v got something I'll pay you money to do!  :eyebrows:

Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Alex179 on April 13, 2010, 09:28:53 PM
What a horrible man!

Will you post a sound file of you peeing :zoinks:

I dont want to take my laptop in the bathroom.

Get a mike on a wire :zoinks:

Only if he pays me money to do it.

I'v got something I'll pay you money to do!  :eyebrows:

Eat a bullet?
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on April 13, 2010, 09:36:07 PM
If bullet, you mean flying cum, then yes, I guess that's what he meant.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Alex179 on April 13, 2010, 09:41:19 PM
If bullet, you mean flying cum, then yes, I guess that's what he meant.  :laugh:
Yeah he wanted to give her a facial.   They are both projectiles, in a sense.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 21, 2010, 01:40:28 AM
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on April 21, 2010, 01:44:55 AM
I lol'd

Google, it can be your worst nightmare. :toporly:
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 21, 2010, 01:53:03 AM
The Yahoo Answers one and the psych forums ones belongs to me. Chair posted the rest.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: DukeNukem on April 21, 2010, 02:26:14 AM
Awwww... The poor little guy needs a ball licking! :-[
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Scrapheap on April 21, 2010, 08:54:46 AM
Awwww... The poor little guy needs a ball licking! :-[

I wouldn't mind having my balls licked... since you're offering.  :-*
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: SBI_Patience on April 21, 2010, 03:44:16 PM
It seems that everyone has got the message...

You'd find when you google it, it's now practically impossible to avoid. :LOL:
Now it's takes over. :green:
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 21, 2010, 03:45:35 PM
I LOL when Chair showed it to me so I had to post it here.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: SBI_Patience on April 21, 2010, 03:52:48 PM
I LOL when Chair showed it to me so I had to post it here.

I wonder if that would ever make it to the news one day?

It reminds me of this family guy episode.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 21, 2010, 06:29:31 PM
Maybe he will get caught on To Catch a Predator :zoinks:
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Frolic_Fun on April 21, 2010, 06:44:51 PM
Why even bother with that fucktard. I repeat: Chair IS AS BAD as zepjet. He's only doing it so he'll get all the attention he desperately seeks.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: on April 22, 2010, 05:26:05 PM
Why even bother with that fucktard. I repeat: Chair IS AS BAD as zepjet. He's only doing it so he'll get all the attention he desperately seeks.

Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Parts on April 22, 2010, 05:49:31 PM
It's the ones you don't know about that you have to watch for
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: "couldbecousin" on April 22, 2010, 09:03:01 PM
It's the ones you don't know about that you have to watch for

 :orly: wut

How can you watch for them if you don't know about them? :laugh:
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Herman's Hermits on April 22, 2010, 09:18:38 PM
Question: Who's going to actually google "Sicko of the Asperger's Community?"

Does Kit just come here and update you people with what is going on at other forums?
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Phlexor on April 22, 2010, 10:14:52 PM
Question: Who's going to actually google "Sicko of the Asperger's Community?"

Does Kit just come here and update you people with what is going on at other forums?

Seems so lately.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 23, 2010, 12:31:09 AM
Question: Who's going to actually google "Sicko of the Asperger's Community?"

Does Kit just come here and update you people with what is going on at other forums?

Not really. I can't be arsed going to every board updating this.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: on April 23, 2010, 01:30:22 AM
It's the ones you don't know about that you have to watch for

Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: DukeNukem on April 23, 2010, 09:22:12 AM
Question: Who's going to actually google "Sicko of the Asperger's Community?"

Does Kit just come here and update you people with what is going on at other forums?

Yeah, Kit, what's the report at Wrong Planet? Is Tim Tex bawling about wanting a woman... yet again?

Or is there any change in the trends of the postwhoring on WP?

I wanna hear about it! :)
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 23, 2010, 12:45:30 PM
Question: Who's going to actually google "Sicko of the Asperger's Community?"

Does Kit just come here and update you people with what is going on at other forums?

Yeah, Kit, what's the report at Wrong Planet? Is Tim Tex bawling about wanting a woman... yet again?

Or is there any change in the trends of the postwhoring on WP?

I wanna hear about it! :)

Tim tex has not made any whiny threads since the incident. In fact I have seen a lot less of him. You should have seen the post he made about aspie women and it shocked members and a drama started. I didn't know about it until one of my aspie friends lured me to the post. Then Tim posted the apology thread and it turns out my friend was the one who told him to say it but he didn't listen to him on how to do it. He ignored everything he wrote him to say. He told me Tim's apology was a fake because he didn't do it right.

There are still aspies there whining about being single and not having a partner.

The Monkey Man is out of the house from his job for temporarily. 
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Herman's Hermits on April 23, 2010, 01:24:49 PM
Question: Who's going to actually google "Sicko of the Asperger's Community?"

Does Kit just come here and update you people with what is going on at other forums?

Yeah, Kit, what's the report at Wrong Planet? Is Tim Tex bawling about wanting a woman... yet again?

Or is there any change in the trends of the postwhoring on WP?

I wanna hear about it! :)
You do it also. You made a thread updating all the people here that Isabel got banned from some place called AFF. Why would any of these people know who someone is from a different forum and why do you think they will care?

There seems to be 3 or 4 of you people that come on here and just write about other forums and nothing else. Why can't you just complain on the forum you're complaining about?
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Herman's Hermits on April 23, 2010, 01:26:29 PM
Question: Who's going to actually google "Sicko of the Asperger's Community?"

Does Kit just come here and update you people with what is going on at other forums?

Not really. I can't be arsed going to every board updating this.
All of the posts that I have read of yours are about some other forum.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 23, 2010, 01:30:48 PM
Question: Who's going to actually google "Sicko of the Asperger's Community?"

Does Kit just come here and update you people with what is going on at other forums?

Yeah, Kit, what's the report at Wrong Planet? Is Tim Tex bawling about wanting a woman... yet again?

Or is there any change in the trends of the postwhoring on WP?

I wanna hear about it! :)
You do it also. You made a thread updating all the people here that Isabel got banned from some place called AFF. Why would any of these people know who someone is from a different forum and why do you think they will care?

There seems to be 3 or 4 of you people that come on here and just write about other forums and nothing else. Why can't you just complain on the forum you're complaining about?

Maybe it was to drive her mad in case she came here before. At least I didn't make a thread about the wrestling match going on over there. DFG vs Meadow and who will win. I knew no one would care.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 23, 2010, 01:31:24 PM
Question: Who's going to actually google "Sicko of the Asperger's Community?"

Does Kit just come here and update you people with what is going on at other forums?

Yeah, Kit, what's the report at Wrong Planet? Is Tim Tex bawling about wanting a woman... yet again?

Or is there any change in the trends of the postwhoring on WP?

I wanna hear about it! :)

Tim tex has not made any whiny threads since the incident. In fact I have seen a lot less of him. You should have seen the post he made about aspie women and it shocked members and a drama started. I didn't know about it until one of my aspie friends lured me to the post. Then Tim posted the apology thread and it turns out my friend was the one who told him to say it but he didn't listen to him on how to do it. He ignored everything he wrote him to say. He told me Tim's apology was a fake because he didn't do it right.

There are still aspies there whining about being single and not having a partner.

The Monkey Man is out of the house from his job for temporarily. 

He  doesn't like  being called the  monkey  man

How do you know?
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 23, 2010, 01:39:09 PM
Question: Who's going to actually google "Sicko of the Asperger's Community?"

Does Kit just come here and update you people with what is going on at other forums?

Not really. I can't be arsed going to every board updating this.
All of the posts that I have read of yours are about some other forum.

Oh RLY?,13899.msg593140.html#msg593140

I only have my husband.,2837.msg592733.html#msg592733

I hate people who give me lectures about sex acting like I need to like it and be into it as everyone else.,13879.msg592732.html#msg592732

Do you wear diapers?

Done  >:D,12762.msg592870.html#msg592870

Everyone says I'm pretty and good looking, even aspies. But I feel ugly sometimes.
folks are too kind in their complements , sometimes

if anyone ever told me I was goodlooking, I would have to ask what kind of drugs they were on

I have no problem telling people they aren't good looking when they ask.

And you say of all posts you read by me, it's all updates on forums? You must have missed these posts.

Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 23, 2010, 01:45:17 PM
Question: Who's going to actually google "Sicko of the Asperger's Community?"

Does Kit just come here and update you people with what is going on at other forums?

Yeah, Kit, what's the report at Wrong Planet? Is Tim Tex bawling about wanting a woman... yet again?

Or is there any change in the trends of the postwhoring on WP?

I wanna hear about it! :)
You do it also. You made a thread updating all the people here that Isabel got banned from some place called AFF. Why would any of these people know who someone is from a different forum and why do you think they will care?

There seems to be 3 or 4 of you people that come on here and just write about other forums and nothing else. Why can't you just complain on the forum you're complaining about?

Maybe it was to drive her mad in case she came here before. At least I didn't make a thread about the wrestling match going on over there. DFG vs Meadow and who will win. I knew no one would care.

Yeah why  do  you  bitch  about  other  forums.We all knowwhat WP is like. It almost seems to methat you don't  havealife outsideof Asperger'smessageboards.

I got a new job finally, a temporary one so everyone be seeing less of me now. I go to two diaper lover adult baby forums. I used to do Yahoo Answers a lot for a while but then lost interest. I go there sometimes now.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: skyblue1 on April 23, 2010, 01:45:56 PM
Question: Who's going to actually google "Sicko of the Asperger's Community?"

Does Kit just come here and update you people with what is going on at other forums?

Yeah, Kit, what's the report at Wrong Planet? Is Tim Tex bawling about wanting a woman... yet again?

Or is there any change in the trends of the postwhoring on WP?

I wanna hear about it! :)
You do it also. You made a thread updating all the people here that Isabel got banned from some place called AFF. Why would any of these people know who someone is from a different forum and why do you think they will care?

There seems to be 3 or 4 of you people that come on here and just write about other forums and nothing else. Why can't you just complain on the forum you're complaining about?
nice misdirection
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Herman's Hermits on April 23, 2010, 06:52:37 PM
Question: Who's going to actually google "Sicko of the Asperger's Community?"

Does Kit just come here and update you people with what is going on at other forums?

Yeah, Kit, what's the report at Wrong Planet? Is Tim Tex bawling about wanting a woman... yet again?

Or is there any change in the trends of the postwhoring on WP?

I wanna hear about it! :)
You do it also. You made a thread updating all the people here that Isabel got banned from some place called AFF. Why would any of these people know who someone is from a different forum and why do you think they will care?

There seems to be 3 or 4 of you people that come on here and just write about other forums and nothing else. Why can't you just complain on the forum you're complaining about?

Maybe it was to drive her mad in case she came here before. At least I didn't make a thread about the wrestling match going on over there. DFG vs Meadow and who will win. I knew no one would care.

Yeah why  do  you  bitch  about  other  forums.We all knowwhat WP is like. It almost seems to methat you don't  havealife outsideof Asperger'smessageboards.
You're the another one that just comes on here and discusses other forums. Skyblue1 is another that does it.

Is this the forum for discussing other forums?
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Parts on April 23, 2010, 07:00:37 PM
Question: Who's going to actually google "Sicko of the Asperger's Community?"

Does Kit just come here and update you people with what is going on at other forums?

Yeah, Kit, what's the report at Wrong Planet? Is Tim Tex bawling about wanting a woman... yet again?

Or is there any change in the trends of the postwhoring on WP?

I wanna hear about it! :)
You do it also. You made a thread updating all the people here that Isabel got banned from some place called AFF. Why would any of these people know who someone is from a different forum and why do you think they will care?

There seems to be 3 or 4 of you people that come on here and just write about other forums and nothing else. Why can't you just complain on the forum you're complaining about?

Maybe it was to drive her mad in case she came here before. At least I didn't make a thread about the wrestling match going on over there. DFG vs Meadow and who will win. I knew no one would care.

Yeah why  do  you  bitch  about  other  forums.We all knowwhat WP is like. It almost seems to methat you don't  havealife outsideof Asperger'smessageboards.
You're the another one that just comes on here and discusses other forums. Skyblue1 is another that does it.

Is this the forum for discussing other forums?

It's a forum to discuss what you like you too can start a tread about something your interested in rather than complaining
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: skyblue1 on April 23, 2010, 07:06:49 PM
Question: Who's going to actually google "Sicko of the Asperger's Community?"

Does Kit just come here and update you people with what is going on at other forums?

Yeah, Kit, what's the report at Wrong Planet? Is Tim Tex bawling about wanting a woman... yet again?

Or is there any change in the trends of the postwhoring on WP?

I wanna hear about it! :)
You do it also. You made a thread updating all the people here that Isabel got banned from some place called AFF. Why would any of these people know who someone is from a different forum and why do you think they will care?

There seems to be 3 or 4 of you people that come on here and just write about other forums and nothing else. Why can't you just complain on the forum you're complaining about?

Maybe it was to drive her mad in case she came here before. At least I didn't make a thread about the wrestling match going on over there. DFG vs Meadow and who will win. I knew no one would care.

Yeah why  do  you  bitch  about  other  forums.We all knowwhat WP is like. It almost seems to methat you don't  havealife outsideof Asperger'smessageboards.
You're the another one that just comes on here and discusses other forums. Skyblue1 is another that does it.

Is this the forum for discussing other forums?
ummmm, stick that  chair  up yer ass
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: DukeNukem on April 23, 2010, 07:56:08 PM
We apologize for interrupting this masturbation intellectual conversation to bring you a SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE AFF REPORT!!!

Studies have shown that approximately 95 percent of all AFF users have terrible taste in music. Among the most popular bands are KMFDM, Morrissey, Lady Gaga, Death Cab For Cutie (I can't believe anyone actually likes this shitty band), Madonna, Matchbox 20, Rick Astley, etc.

The Moderator of AFF, Pikajedi, had exceptionally awful taste in music, because he listens to... *GASP!* Rise Against! :zombiefuck: Rise... Fucking... Against... Pikajedi, you have lost my respect for you as a moderator of AFF. Next, you will say that you actually like the Jonas Brothers, right?

But all in all, this quite revealing discovery has shown that having shitty taste in music isn't just an NT trait... it's an even more prevalent Aspie trait! And more evidence that AFF is a batshit insanely boring and shallow place.

This has been a news report by Mudkip. Have a good evening! ;)

Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: skyblue1 on April 23, 2010, 08:30:32 PM
Dear Mr. Mudkipz,

 Please be advised that you can never tell what kind of music , will stir the heart .
So will you kindly keep the noise down.
                                               Thank You
                                                Yer Audience
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Herman's Hermits on April 23, 2010, 11:36:56 PM
Question: Who's going to actually google "Sicko of the Asperger's Community?"

Does Kit just come here and update you people with what is going on at other forums?

Yeah, Kit, what's the report at Wrong Planet? Is Tim Tex bawling about wanting a woman... yet again?

Or is there any change in the trends of the postwhoring on WP?

I wanna hear about it! :)
You do it also. You made a thread updating all the people here that Isabel got banned from some place called AFF. Why would any of these people know who someone is from a different forum and why do you think they will care?

There seems to be 3 or 4 of you people that come on here and just write about other forums and nothing else. Why can't you just complain on the forum you're complaining about?

Maybe it was to drive her mad in case she came here before. At least I didn't make a thread about the wrestling match going on over there. DFG vs Meadow and who will win. I knew no one would care.

Yeah why  do  you  bitch  about  other  forums.We all knowwhat WP is like. It almost seems to methat you don't  havealife outsideof Asperger'smessageboards.
You're the another one that just comes on here and discusses other forums. Skyblue1 is another that does it.

Is this the forum for discussing other forums?

It's a forum to discuss what you like you too can start a tread about something your interested in rather than complaining
I could. What are some other Aspie forums that I could start a thread to complain about? I just know of this website and wrongplanet.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Herman's Hermits on April 23, 2010, 11:38:40 PM
We apologize for interrupting this masturbation intellectual conversation to bring you a SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE AFF REPORT!!!

Studies have shown that approximately 95 percent of all AFF users have terrible taste in music. Among the most popular bands are KMFDM, Morrissey, Lady Gaga, Death Cab For Cutie (I can't believe anyone actually likes this shitty band), Madonna, Matchbox 20, Rick Astley, etc.

The Moderator of AFF, Pikajedi, had exceptionally awful taste in music, because he listens to... *GASP!* Rise Against! :zombiefuck: Rise... Fucking... Against... Pikajedi, you have lost my respect for you as a moderator of AFF. Next, you will say that you actually like the Jonas Brothers, right?

But all in all, this quite revealing discovery has shown that having shitty taste in music isn't just an NT trait... it's an even more prevalent Aspie trait! And more evidence that AFF is a batshit insanely boring and shallow place.

This has been a news report by Mudkip. Have a good evening! ;)
Didn't I tell you to look up "subjective" in the dictionary?
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: on April 24, 2010, 05:03:40 AM
Next, you will say that you actually like the Jonas Brothers, right?

I cannot say this loudly enough; FUCK NO

What would you define as good music then?

For the most part, I listen to bands like Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Turisas, Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, Murderdolls and Wednesday 13.

...actually, why the fuck am I defending my taste in music to someone who seems to be working through a list of dead memes as a substitute for personality?  :wanker:
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: SBI_Patience on April 24, 2010, 05:33:34 AM
Question: Who's going to actually google "Sicko of the Asperger's Community?"

Does Kit just come here and update you people with what is going on at other forums?

Yeah, Kit, what's the report at Wrong Planet? Is Tim Tex bawling about wanting a woman... yet again?

Or is there any change in the trends of the postwhoring on WP?

I wanna hear about it! :)

Tim tex has not made any whiny threads since the incident. In fact I have seen a lot less of him. You should have seen the post he made about aspie women and it shocked members and a drama started. I didn't know about it until one of my aspie friends lured me to the post. Then Tim posted the apology thread and it turns out my friend was the one who told him to say it but he didn't listen to him on how to do it. He ignored everything he wrote him to say. He told me Tim's apology was a fake because he didn't do it right.

There are still aspies there whining about being single and not having a partner.

The Monkey Man is out of the house from his job for temporarily. 

He  doesn't like  being called the  monkey  man

How do you know?

Becausesomeonecalledhim  that  on  WP and  got  banned  for  personalattack

Anyone would of thought he was the monkey guy since he has the purple monkey as his avatar.
I didn't think he would be temporarily out of his job because of that comment? Wow! :O_o:
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Natalia Evans on April 24, 2010, 09:50:13 AM
Question: Who's going to actually google "Sicko of the Asperger's Community?"

Does Kit just come here and update you people with what is going on at other forums?javascript:void(0);

Yeah, Kit, what's the report at Wrong Planet? Is Tim Tex bawling about wanting a woman... yet again?

Or is there any change in the trends of the postwhoring on WP?

I wanna hear about it! :)

Tim tex has not made any whiny threads since the incident. In fact I have seen a lot less of him. You should have seen the post he made about aspie women and it shocked members and a drama started. I didn't know about it until one of my aspie friends lured me to the post. Then Tim posted the apology thread and it turns out my friend was the one who told him to say it but he didn't listen to him on how to do it. He ignored everything he wrote him to say. He told me Tim's apology was a fake because he didn't do it right.

There are still aspies there whining about being single and not having a partner.

The Monkey Man is out of the house from his job for temporarily. 

He  doesn't like  being called the  monkey  man

How do you know?

Becausesomeonecalledhim  that  on  WP and  got  banned  for  personalattack

Anyone would of thought he was the monkey guy since he has the purple monkey as his avatar.
I didn't think he would be temporarily out of his job because of that comment? Wow! :O_o:

That is so stupid. His name is hard to remember so most people call him M, Mak, or Maku, and someone just happened to call him the monkey man because of his avatar. I don't think that was even a personal attack. M just sounds like a sensitive guy who gets his feelings hurt easily.

How do you know he isn't a mod right now for that reason?

I dunno if he still has his mod tools. I know he is on recess from his job.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: DukeNukem on April 24, 2010, 10:02:56 AM
Next, you will say that you actually like the Jonas Brothers, right?

I cannot say this loudly enough; FUCK NO

What would you define as good music then?

For the most part, I listen to bands like Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Turisas, Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, Murderdolls and Wednesday 13.

...actually, why the fuck am I defending my taste in music to someone who seems to be working through a list of dead memes as a substitute for personality?  :wanker:

Iron Maiden and Megadeth are OKAY at times, but WE ALL have heard of them a million times. Why can't most people look beyond the mainstream tripe and realize that just because a band isn't as popular as hell doesn't mean that they aren't worth a listen?

Here's the shit I listen to: Candlemass, Saint Vitus, Opprobrium, Celtic Frost, The Obsessed, Isloe, Neurosis, Pagan Altar, Pentagram, Trouble, Warning, Winter, Autopsy, Sodom, Venom, Death, Morbid Angel, Vital Remains, Master, Cacophony, Cirith Ungol, and it goes on and on.

Those bands are either Doom Metal, Thrash Metal, or Death Metal. Pick one.

Or if you don't give a shit, then go listen to that Rise Against crap some MOAR.

My personality used to be based on Duke Nukem and Dr. Robotnik, but now I'm being myself. You don't have much of a personality yourself, Pika-Jedi.

What's a Pika-Jedi? Is it just another God-awful furry character hybrid like Chris-chan's Sonichu? :wanker:
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: on April 24, 2010, 11:40:14 AM
Next, you will say that you actually like the Jonas Brothers, right?

I cannot say this loudly enough; FUCK NO

What would you define as good music then?

For the most part, I listen to bands like Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Turisas, Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, Murderdolls and Wednesday 13.

...actually, why the fuck am I defending my taste in music to someone who seems to be working through a list of dead memes as a substitute for personality?  :wanker:

Iron Maiden and Megadeth are OKAY at times, but WE ALL have heard of them a million times. Why can't most people look beyond the mainstream tripe and realize that just because a band isn't as popular as hell doesn't mean that they aren't worth a listen?

I said "mostly" - that's by no means the extent of my musical taste - however, it's much easier to simply say those few bands and give an impression of what I like - if I say, for example, NWOBM, a lot of people won't have a clue what I'm on about.

Death and Doom simply are not to my taste - I don't mind a little "rhawww" in my music, but I don't particularly like it to be the main vocal theme.

'Course, I'm not so much of an empty shell, so devoid of personality and character that I model myself after memes, that I give two shits what other people listen to, nor what they think of my musical tastes.

B'awwww some more, little bitch.  :violin:

What's a Pika-Jedi? Is it just another God-awful furry character hybrid like Chris-chan's Sonichu? :wanker:

It's been my handle since I was about 10. I now only go by the name on AS forums and a very small number of games - I go by a different name elsewhere.

Oh, and if you're not so illiterate that you can't read, let me just point out that it's one word, no hyphen.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: DukeNukem on April 24, 2010, 12:27:00 PM
Oooooh Pikajedi, your wit... it fucking stings! ::)

Doom Metal is not about the RAWWWRRR you idiot, it's probably the most diverse and inspired genre in Heavy Metal history.

If after reading these pages you don't drop the bullshit stigma that you have against Doom Metal and at least give it a chance, then you are just an ignorant prick. :thumbdn: (What IS Doom Metal?) (FAQ about Doom Metal) (History of Doom Metal)

I'm quite suprised that Doom Metal is mostly unheard of by aspies because it has a lot that aspies can relate to. More than any other genre of music.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on April 08, 2015, 08:48:14 AM
Was this the guy who got arrested for paedophillia??
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Walker on April 08, 2015, 11:33:14 AM
Was this the guy who got arrested for paedophillia??

Ghandy? Possibly, the child molesting fuck...

But it wouldn't surprise me if there were more than one pedophiles kicking about, since according to his book, all autistics are pedophiles at heart.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: odeon on April 08, 2015, 01:52:58 PM
But it wouldn't surprise me if there were more than one pedophiles kicking about, since according to his book, all autistics are pedophiles at heart.

Say what?!?
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Arya Quinn on April 08, 2015, 02:06:08 PM
Was this the guy who got arrested for paedophillia??

Ghandy? Possibly, the child molesting fuck...

But it wouldn't surprise me if there were more than one pedophiles kicking about, since according to his book, all autistics are pedophiles at heart.

So he's a fucking monster, a cancer who spreads bullshit about autism? The only thing he's missing is being a hateful bigot, an anti-vaxxer and a greedy, political religious fundamentalist with a history of animal abuse for him to be just about everything I despise about humanity :grrr:


The good news is sick fucks who touch kids have a swell time in prison. I hope he gets killed or at the very least badly beaten.  :)
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Walker on April 08, 2015, 04:37:36 PM
Was this the guy who got arrested for paedophillia??

Ghandy? Possibly, the child molesting fuck...

But it wouldn't surprise me if there were more than one pedophiles kicking about, since according to his book, all autistics are pedophiles at heart.

So he's a fucking monster, a cancer who spreads bullshit about autism? The only thing he's missing is being a hateful bigot, an anti-vaxxer and a greedy, political religious fundamentalist with a history of animal abuse for him to be just about everything I despise about humanity :grrr:


The good news is sick fucks who touch kids have a swell time in prison. I hope he gets killed or at the very least badly beaten.  :)

It pisses me off, because it's not enough that he had to fuck up his own life and that of his wife and step daughter. He decided to write that book to fuck up as many lives as possible...

Thankfully, nobody reads that garbage but it's not the first time that I've heard people say shit like that.
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Arya Quinn on April 08, 2015, 04:43:44 PM
Thankfully, nobody reads that garbage but it's not the first time that I've heard people say shit like that.

I'm not sure what pisses me off more. If a person says I have conscience/am a pure psychopath who's one weapon away from a murder spree or a sick fuck who likes to touch kids. It wouldn't surprise me if someone said both.  :grrr:
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Walker on April 08, 2015, 04:53:13 PM
Thankfully, nobody reads that garbage but it's not the first time that I've heard people say shit like that.

I'm not sure what pisses me off more. If a person says I have conscience/am a pure psychopath who's one weapon away from a murder spree or a sick fuck who likes to touch kids. It wouldn't surprise me if someone said both.  :grrr:

Different people have said both, considering that you play video games.

On the plus side, you don't have to wait in line anymore...

Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Arya Quinn on April 08, 2015, 05:17:00 PM
Now I'm actually tempted to try that.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Walker on April 09, 2015, 06:59:41 PM
Hmm... I just looked his book up and couldn't find a copy of it on Amazon, I think that it might have been taken down (and hopefully burnt).
Title: Re: Sicko of the Asperger's Community
Post by: Arya Quinn on April 09, 2015, 08:42:23 PM
Hmm... I just looked his book up and couldn't find a copy of it on Amazon, I think that it might have been taken down (and hopefully burnt).

It would be better if they tied him to a stake and burnt him with all of his disgusting books.