Politics, Mature and taboo => Political Pundits => Topic started by: Scrapheap on January 04, 2010, 06:46:50 PM

Title: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Scrapheap on January 04, 2010, 06:46:50 PM
The latest would-be Arline terrorist wasn't caught by the government no-fly list, he wasn't stopped by airport security, he wasn't stopped by an air marshall, he was stopped by fellow passengers.

FUCK THE NTSB!!! FUCK HOMELAND SECURITY!!! They can't protect a bag of potato chips from being crushed if their lives depended on it. Do you know what will make air travel safe from terrorists?? YOU!

Yes, you, the airline passenger stopped the attack on United Airlines flight 93, the shoe bomber and now the underwear bomber.

Citizens on Airplanes =3  :thumbup:  US Government =0  :thumbdn:
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: jman on January 04, 2010, 07:06:12 PM


When will the gov't get a fucking clue and stop fear mongering, if a terrorist really wants to attack us they'll find a way irregardless of security measures. I am not saying have no security, I am just saying some of the measures are ridiculous

Not allowed to listen to your ipod? No accessing onboard luggage once it's loaded? Keep your hands where the crew can see them at all times? Come the fuck on  :zombiefuck: :duh:
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Scrapheap on January 04, 2010, 07:08:14 PM
^ I don't watch too much of TAA anymore, he banned me (Scrapheap71) for pointing out the fact that his videos started sucking after he moved away from California.
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Parts on January 04, 2010, 07:18:17 PM
And it's even more evasive than before and they still don't catch anyone
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: jman on January 04, 2010, 07:20:40 PM
And it's even more evasive than before and they still don't catch anyone

you mean invasive
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Parts on January 04, 2010, 07:21:55 PM
And it's even more evasive than before and they still don't catch anyone

you mean invasive

yes :asthing:
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: punkdrew on January 05, 2010, 08:15:26 AM
that fool shld have never tried to land in Detroit they know what to do with assholes there
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Parts on January 05, 2010, 09:36:14 AM
that fool shld have never tried to land in Detroit they know what to do with assholes there

I'm surprised they didn't kill him it would have been tempting to use some excess force >:D  Wonder if he burn his dick off lighting the stuff up in his pants we can only hope
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Scrapheap on January 05, 2010, 11:23:41 AM
that fool shld have never tried to land in Detroit they know what to do with assholes there

I'm surprised they didn't kill him it would have been tempting to use some excess force >:D  Wonder if he burn his dick off lighting the stuff up in his pants we can only hope

I'd nominate him for the 2009 Darwin Award if that's the case!!! :laugh:
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Scrapheap on January 08, 2010, 03:49:45 PM
Now the Departmen of Homeland Security is proposing Thought Scanners ( in airports??




 :hair: :headexplode: :hair: :headexplode: :hair: :headexplode: :hair: :headexplode: :hair: :headexplode: :hair: :headexplode: :hair: :headexplode: :hair: :headexplode: :hair: :headexplode: :hair: :headexplode: :hair: :headexplode: :hair: :headexplode: :hair: :headexplode: :hair: :headexplode:
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: odeon on January 08, 2010, 03:57:32 PM
I know one easy way to stop the terrorists at airports: stop the flights.
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Scrapheap on January 08, 2010, 04:03:57 PM
I know one easy way to stop the terrorists at airports: stop the flights.

As I said in the OP, the biggest deterrent to airline terrorism is the passengers themselves.

We don't need government to make airplanes safe, we just have to be vigilant ourselves.

Any terrorist trying to fuck with an airplane has to deal with 100 passengers who won't let him get away with his Islamic bullshit.
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: odeon on January 08, 2010, 04:17:47 PM
Scrap, it's not "islamic bullshit", it's just a deranged mind. Which is a lot if there's explosives but it's not about the religion, it's about the nutcases that interpret it.
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Adam on January 08, 2010, 04:23:47 PM
It is islamic bullshit when everyone of them is a nutcase muslim

It's not like it's repesentative ov the population
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: odeon on January 08, 2010, 04:48:28 PM
no, it's nutcases drawing from one popular source of nuttery.
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Christopher McCandless on January 08, 2010, 05:05:12 PM
I know one easy way to stop the terrorists at airports: stop the flights.

As I said in the OP, the biggest deterrent to airline terrorism is the passengers themselves.

We don't need government to make airplanes safe, we just have to be vigilant ourselves.

Any terrorist trying to fuck with an airplane has to deal with 100 passengers who won't let him get away with his Islamic bullshit.
You think that they don't catch most terrorists before they get on a plane? Asides, this all serves as a fantastic deterrent for wannabe terrorists - chances are they are going to get caught one way or another.
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on January 08, 2010, 07:14:31 PM
Meh, wouldn't the terrorists just bomb the terminals instead, if they know they can't get on board?

Come to think of it, the terrorists are winning indirectly. Their attempts are slowly destroying all the freedoms and privacy people have by having the affected governments increase 'security'. Hell, all they have to do is just threaten to do something, and the government does the real damage for them, at expense from tax payers.
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Scrapheap on January 08, 2010, 07:30:44 PM
Scrap, it's not "islamic bullshit", it's just a deranged mind. Which is a lot if there's explosives but it's not about the religion, it's about the nutcases that interpret it.

Islam, along with all other Abrahamic Religions (Jews, Christians, Mormons, etc...) are the products of deranged minds. These Ideologies, at their root, have a form of Orwellian doublethink. The holy books all contain internal contradictions so that the religion can be re-interpreted in a different manner, at the drop of a hat, for whatever suits the purposes of the clerical class.

When you add to this chameleon like religion, the human tribalistic mentality of "Us vs Them", you have a recipie for unparalleled violence. It wasn't so long ago, that Christianity behaved in the same way. It was the Secular Humanism Movement, born out of the Renaissance, that forced Christianity to behave in a more civilized manner. This hasn't happened in Islamic culture yet, and likely won't happen any time soon.
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Scrapheap on January 08, 2010, 07:33:15 PM
Come to think of it, the terrorists are winning indirectly. Their attempts are slowly destroying all the freedoms and privacy people have by having the affected governments increase 'security'. Hell, all they have to do is just threaten to do something, and the government does the real damage for them, at expense from tax payers.


That's my whole point behind this thread.
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: odeon on January 10, 2010, 12:23:43 PM
Scrap, it's not "islamic bullshit", it's just a deranged mind. Which is a lot if there's explosives but it's not about the religion, it's about the nutcases that interpret it.

Islam, along with all other Abrahamic Religions (Jews, Christians, Mormons, etc...) are the products of deranged minds. These Ideologies, at their root, have a form of Orwellian doublethink. The holy books all contain internal contradictions so that the religion can be re-interpreted in a different manner, at the drop of a hat, for whatever suits the purposes of the clerical class.

When you add to this chameleon like religion, the human tribalistic mentality of "Us vs Them", you have a recipie for unparalleled violence. It wasn't so long ago, that Christianity behaved in the same way. It was the Secular Humanism Movement, born out of the Renaissance, that forced Christianity to behave in a more civilized manner. This hasn't happened in Islamic culture yet, and likely won't happen any time soon.

It's still about the nutcases that interpret it, not the religion as such.
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Parts on January 10, 2010, 01:36:36 PM
Scrap, it's not "islamic bullshit", it's just a deranged mind. Which is a lot if there's explosives but it's not about the religion, it's about the nutcases that interpret it.

Islam, along with all other Abrahamic Religions (Jews, Christians, Mormons, etc...) are the products of deranged minds. These Ideologies, at their root, have a form of Orwellian doublethink. The holy books all contain internal contradictions so that the religion can be re-interpreted in a different manner, at the drop of a hat, for whatever suits the purposes of the clerical class.

When you add to this chameleon like religion, the human tribalistic mentality of "Us vs Them", you have a recipie for unparalleled violence. It wasn't so long ago, that Christianity behaved in the same way. It was the Secular Humanism Movement, born out of the Renaissance, that forced Christianity to behave in a more civilized manner. This hasn't happened in Islamic culture yet, and likely won't happen any time soon.

It's still about the nutcases that interpret it, not the religion as such.

 They need to bring their mainstream into the 21st century
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: odeon on January 10, 2010, 02:26:53 PM
I suspect some of them are trying. But with all those nutcases around, many will probably avoid revealing their faith.
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Adam on January 10, 2010, 02:28:55 PM
Those religions are insane anyway, even without being taken to the extreme
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: odeon on January 10, 2010, 02:29:45 PM
Every religion is insane.
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Parts on January 10, 2010, 02:48:23 PM
Every religion is insane.
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Adam on January 10, 2010, 03:10:13 PM
I'd rather be trapped in a lift with a buddhist and a pagan than a catholic and a muslim
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: TheoK on January 10, 2010, 03:14:59 PM
I'd rather be trapped in a lift with a buddhist and a pagan than a catholic and a muslim

Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Dexter Morgan on January 10, 2010, 05:41:36 PM
I'd rather be trapped in a lift with a buddhist and a pagan than a catholic and a muslim
Not if they're going to light themselves on fire.
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Scrapheap on January 10, 2010, 09:41:03 PM
It's still about the nutcases that interpret it, not the religion as such.

Every religion is insane.

Well, which one is it??

If you go to Skeptics Annotated ( and click the Injustice and Intollerance links, I think you'll see first hand just what an evil book the Quran is and the hate that it fosters.
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Parts on January 11, 2010, 06:28:01 AM
I'd rather be trapped in a lift with a buddhist and a pagan than a catholic and a muslim

But after the catholic and muslim kill each other you can go through their pockets and get some money
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: odeon on January 11, 2010, 06:34:13 AM
I'd rather be trapped in a lift with a buddhist and a pagan than a catholic and a muslim

The latter would probably be more entertaining.
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: odeon on January 11, 2010, 06:50:12 AM
It's still about the nutcases that interpret it, not the religion as such.

Every religion is insane.

Well, which one is it??

If you go to Skeptics Annotated ( and click the Injustice and Intollerance links, I think you'll see first hand just what an evil book the Quran is and the hate that it fosters.

You're missing my point. I personally don't believe in any religion. I think this is it, and I think it's not a test of any kind. I think there is overwhelming proof for my standpoint and none at all for the other, therefore making *every* religion claiming otherwise insane.

But, these are my opinions and I respect the rights of other people to hold whatever religious beliefs they see fit. The only thing I expect in return is that they respect my right to disagree. It is my experience that only the nutcases see it as necessary to uphold their views at the cost of other people's; their respective religions usually won't support them. Having read up on Islam, I know that the nutjobs have very little support from the religion itself, only from other nutjobs.

See, most religions can be interpreted in a way that excludes everyone but the followers from heaven, salvation, etc, but only a select few can *only* be interpreted in that way. Sure, you can go on blaming Islam for everything from the crusades to the swine flu and modern-day terrorism, but I'm pretty sure tolerance is a better way in the long run. Hating a religion out of misguided fear won't make the religion go away.
Title: Re: Airport Security is a waste of time and taxpayer money.
Post by: Christopher McCandless on January 11, 2010, 07:33:41 PM
It's still about the nutcases that interpret it, not the religion as such.

Every religion is insane.

Well, which one is it??

If you go to Skeptics Annotated ( and click the Injustice and Intollerance links, I think you'll see first hand just what an evil book the Quran is and the hate that it fosters.
If you look closely enough - it actually looks like it was written by one of us. All the things they ban are common pet hates of ours.

As for Islamic terrorism, it was unheard of until the US messed around with the place. No wonder they are after your countries blood. Religion just happens to be a convienient excuse, just like when creating Israel on top of 1/2 a million Arabs.