Politics, Mature and taboo => Political Pundits => Topic started by: Gluey on November 06, 2009, 09:38:58 AM

Title: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: Gluey on November 06, 2009, 09:38:58 AM
I just happen to be a tin foil head. But seriously the government IS up to something. Some of conspiracy is bullshit and some is frighteningly accurate.
I find it hard to believe reptile humanoids exist but I do believe that the world is run by bankers. Rockefellers and Rothchilds. I do think that the government had created the swine flu and other diseases in order to cull our growing population. The cure for cancer is being suppressed, the UN is going to end the US and it's neighboring countries, secret societies do exist and I know a lot of people like Obama but I think it's all too good to be true.

Heres a good website
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: Parts on November 06, 2009, 09:48:20 AM
Some there is a lot going on with lots of things some of the people are just nuts though.  The government is always up to something and the bankers are always making backroom deals. Do you listen to Coast to Coast  ?  You would probably like it it can be informative on some things but there are so many nutters it's just too funny.  Here is a another site too
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: Tom/Mutate on November 12, 2009, 08:41:25 AM
i post on Icke forum, i have trustworthy friend who says we humans are half alien hybrids
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: Blasted on November 12, 2009, 08:44:23 AM
David Icke  :thumbdn:

If you're ever in London, go to Bank tube station.  Apparently the fact that it's full of pictures of lizards (and that the symbol of England is a dragon) proves his theory.  A guy I dated was obsessed with him  ::)
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: RageBeoulve on November 12, 2009, 10:02:21 AM
Anyone with a brain knows that the government isn't the final boss. Its rich assholes with no lives of their own. Since these rich dickheads have no lives, they spend all their time running ours. Our government is just a smoke screen.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: Blasted on November 12, 2009, 10:04:08 AM
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: RageBeoulve on November 12, 2009, 10:05:08 AM

Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: Blasted on November 12, 2009, 10:06:46 AM
If you had any clue who Icke was or what his beliefs are, you wouldn't have written that.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: RageBeoulve on November 12, 2009, 10:08:45 AM
If you had any clue who Icke was or what his beliefs are, you wouldn't have written that.

I don't know who Icke is and I wasn't talking about him anyway. I was talking about conspiracy theories. I thought that was the purpose of this thread.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: Blasted on November 12, 2009, 10:11:02 AM
Most conspiracy theorists are off their head.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: RageBeoulve on November 12, 2009, 10:12:57 AM
Most conspiracy theorists are off their head.

Most are yeah. But you'd have to be a braindead moron to not suspect something isn't right.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: Blasted on November 12, 2009, 10:15:14 AM
You'd hav to be a braindead moron to seriously believe that all world leaders are 12 foot lizards from outer space, which is what David Icke believes.  He also went on national TV a couple of years ago and said he's the next Jesus  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: RageBeoulve on November 12, 2009, 10:16:00 AM
You'd hav to be a braindead moron to seriously believe that all world leaders are 12 foot lizards from outer space, which is what David Icke believes.  He also went on national TV a couple of years ago and said he's the next Jesus  :zoinks:

He's just trying to make money. People will believe anything nowadays, and the guy prolly knows it.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: Tom/Mutate on November 12, 2009, 10:16:30 AM
it was 20 years ago.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: Blasted on November 12, 2009, 10:18:24 AM
You'd hav to be a braindead moron to seriously believe that all world leaders are 12 foot lizards from outer space, which is what David Icke believes.  He also went on national TV a couple of years ago and said he's the next Jesus  :zoinks:

He's just trying to make money. People will believe anything nowadays, and the guy prolly knows it.

You know fuck all  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: punkdrew on November 12, 2009, 12:00:48 PM
Bint: Because RB doesn't agree with you in re conspiracy theories doesn't mean he knows fuck all.

As for me, I've never believed the Warren Commission Report on the JFK assasination, esp. the Magic Bullet Theory. Bullets just don't behave like that after exiting the human body. And there's the little matter of if Oswald was firing from behind the motorcade, why did JFK's head go back? And how the Hell did Oswald manage a clear view of the road from the sixth floor of the book depository? If you can explain these things w/out calling me a wacko or an idiot, I'll gladly listen.

Personally, I like the FAMILY GUY theory that Oswald was trying to shoot the assassin on the grassy knoll and missed. Badly.  :P
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: Frolic_Fun on November 12, 2009, 12:14:02 PM
I couldn't give a shite if there's a hidden world order ran by reptiles, chemtrails to control our minds or any of that bollocks.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: punkdrew on November 12, 2009, 12:27:28 PM
"TO SERVE MAN" is a cookbook, Shleed. Would you like fries with that?
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: Scrapheap on November 12, 2009, 02:00:08 PM
Bint: Because RB doesn't agree with you in re conspiracy theories doesn't mean he knows fuck all.

As for me, I've never believed the Warren Commission Report on the JFK assasination, esp. the Magic Bullet Theory. Bullets just don't behave like that after exiting the human body. And there's the little matter of if Oswald was firing from behind the motorcade, why did JFK's head go back? And how the Hell did Oswald manage a clear view of the road from the sixth floor of the book depository? If you can explain these things w/out calling me a wacko or an idiot, I'll gladly listen.

Personally, I like the FAMILY GUY theory that Oswald was trying to shoot the assassin on the grassy knoll and missed. Badly.  :P

The only conspiracy, in the JFK assasination, that makes any snese to me, is tht LBJ and J.Edgar Hoover were behind it. There's a ton of eywitness accounts to a meeting between the two the day before JFK came to Texas. It's been reported by those who were there, that Hoover left the meeting saying "The Kenedy brothers will never embarass us again".
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: Blasted on November 12, 2009, 02:04:24 PM
Bint: Because RB doesn't agree with you in re conspiracy theories doesn't mean he knows fuck all.

I know, I was in a bitchy mood and he was annoying me.

I used to be somewhat obsessed with conspiracy theories believe it or not.  Like the Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Grove and all that shit.  It doesn't take much brains though to realise the government is fucked up and that if you have influence and money, you can do anything.

You should read this book, it's quite funny:


Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: punkdrew on November 13, 2009, 02:31:12 AM
Bint: Because RB doesn't agree with you in re conspiracy theories doesn't mean he knows fuck all.

As for me, I've never believed the Warren Commission Report on the JFK assasination, esp. the Magic Bullet Theory. Bullets just don't behave like that after exiting the human body. And there's the little matter of if Oswald was firing from behind the motorcade, why did JFK's head go back? And how the Hell did Oswald manage a clear view of the road from the sixth floor of the book depository? If you can explain these things w/out calling me a wacko or an idiot, I'll gladly listen.

Personally, I like the FAMILY GUY theory that Oswald was trying to shoot the assassin on the grassy knoll and missed. Badly.  :P

The only conspiracy, in the JFK assasination, that makes any snese to me, is tht LBJ and J.Edgar Hoover were behind it. There's a ton of eywitness accounts to a meeting between the two the day before JFK came to Texas. It's been reported by those who were there, that Hoover left the meeting saying "The Kenedy brothers will never embarass us again".

I've wondered if maybe the Mafia didn't have a hand in it too. Sam Giancana was pretty pissed at RFK for the racketeering and gambling investigations he did. According to Gore Vidal, someone suggested to Giancana that he should have Bobby Kennedy killed. Giancana allegedly replied something to the effect of "why should I go after the #2 guy when I can get the head guy?" I'm sure that, if he actually said that, his language was much more colorful.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: odeon on November 13, 2009, 03:37:38 PM
Bint: Because RB doesn't agree with you in re conspiracy theories doesn't mean he knows fuck all.

As for me, I've never believed the Warren Commission Report on the JFK assasination, esp. the Magic Bullet Theory. Bullets just don't behave like that after exiting the human body. And there's the little matter of if Oswald was firing from behind the motorcade, why did JFK's head go back? And how the Hell did Oswald manage a clear view of the road from the sixth floor of the book depository? If you can explain these things w/out calling me a wacko or an idiot, I'll gladly listen.

Personally, I like the FAMILY GUY theory that Oswald was trying to shoot the assassin on the grassy knoll and missed. Badly.  :P

He ahd a clear view but not for long enough, as I recall it.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: punkdrew on November 14, 2009, 01:51:15 AM
Cats foot iron claw
Neurosurgeons scream for more
At paranoia's poison door
21st century schizoid man

Bad rack barbed wire
Politicians' funeral pyre
Innocents raped with napalm fire
21st century schizoid man
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: Blasted on December 11, 2009, 11:31:56 PM
Nothing is real.  We're all a dream.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: SleepyDragon on December 12, 2009, 02:34:32 AM
Cats foot iron claw
Neurosurgeons scream for more
At paranoia's poison door
21st century schizoid man

Bad rack barbed wire
Politicians' funeral pyre
Innocents raped with napalm fire
21st century schizoid man


Great album, with some of the best cover art ever.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: TheoK on January 15, 2010, 03:51:37 AM
I don't believe in ZOG theories or David Icke's crap (at least not most of it), but facts are:

* That the "war against terrorism" is an excuse to get rid of civil rights for criminals and law-abiding citizen alike.

* That most governments try to disarm "their" people either by bans or control of guns, so that any succesful uprising will be impossible. Most of the Europeans and many Americans have already been brainwashed to voluntarily go into this trap.

* That superstates like EU and the North American Union are being formed, like in "1984".

* That freedom of speech is being continously infringed.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on January 15, 2010, 05:02:36 AM
I do believe there is a top level group that manipulates most of human civilization. However it's a flexible and decentralized entity, and usually manipulates as needed to advance their goals, and leaves the rest to the ordinary people.

It's like a guy who anonymously calls you unexpectedly to reveal revelations to you when you're in a major strife; something so bad you're royally fucked (like as in jail time soon). He somehow know everything about you, especially about the problem you have. They offer either to solve it or provide a solution, but first in exchange for your cooperation with them as in, a 'small' favour. Once done, they solve your problem, tie up loose ends so you're completely safe and you never hear from them again. Little do you know, this same anonymous guy might have caused your problem in the first place, indirectly, by playing the same trick on someone else to do a favour. Since the favour the caller asks might likely be illegal or very embarrassing; and since you're hiding your own problems too, you wouldn't dare mention about it to others and just be glad to be out of the entire mess clean. This caller then later recruits others into the game in exchange for immense wealth and the ability for them to grant each others favours when needed. Eventually enough people join in the game, and an entire organisation is formed and dedicated to this secret cabal of manipulative callers. It even gets to a point where public figures are recruited by this cabal to act as their voice, and allows more abilities such as in person manipulations.

No-one dares whistle blow on it with evidence, because this cabal is powerful enough to absolute destroy someone who defies them. Also as mentioned before, the whistle blower has his/her own skeletons in the closest, so he/she would end up incriminating themselves.

As far as this cabal would be concerned, they want people to believe it's only a conspiracy theory and think nothing of it. They are also careful to pick their targets, making sure that at no point, anyone curious enough can trace the trail of all calls to the original mystery caller or contact.

That's one theory on how such a secret cabal would operate. Based on a web of lies, deceit and fear.

Not saying that's how it really works, but it's an interesting concept.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: TheoK on January 15, 2010, 05:21:08 AM
What's going on isn't a conspiracy, because it happens too openly. Though people believing in ZOG and lizzards from outer space are useful idiots to the assholes in charge: "He, look at that, you can't sincerely believe what those nutcases are talking about! Of course we're controlling guns, hunting terrorists, invading other countries and implanting RFID chips in you for your own security. Isn't that obvious? How would you be safe from lunatics and terrorists otherwise?"  :facepalm2:
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on January 15, 2010, 05:54:15 AM
Well the best way to control opposition would be to create an environment for all of them to flock to, and then neutralize them by leading them astray in many directions. They will be so conflicted and disorganised with so many theories, they would pose minimal threat, and in some cases, an actual advantage to those truly in charge.

It's a beautiful scheme, and an old one too, a divide and conquer strategy.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: Frolic_Fun on January 15, 2010, 06:02:14 AM
* That freedom of speech is being continously infringed.

Freedom of speech never existed in reality, since it basically contradicts itself.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: Christopher McCandless on January 15, 2010, 06:15:59 AM
I do believe there is a top level group that manipulates most of human civilization. However it's a flexible and decentralized entity, and usually manipulates as needed to advance their goals, and leaves the rest to the ordinary people.

It's like a guy who anonymously calls you unexpectedly to reveal revelations to you when you're in a major strife; something so bad you're royally fucked (like as in jail time soon). He somehow know everything about you, especially about the problem you have. They offer either to solve it or provide a solution, but first in exchange for your cooperation with them as in, a 'small' favour. Once done, they solve your problem, tie up loose ends so you're completely safe and you never hear from them again. Little do you know, this same anonymous guy might have caused your problem in the first place, indirectly, by playing the same trick on someone else to do a favour. Since the favour the caller asks might likely be illegal or very embarrassing; and since you're hiding your own problems too, you wouldn't dare mention about it to others and just be glad to be out of the entire mess clean. This caller then later recruits others into the game in exchange for immense wealth and the ability for them to grant each others favours when needed. Eventually enough people join in the game, and an entire organisation is formed and dedicated to this secret cabal of manipulative callers. It even gets to a point where public figures are recruited by this cabal to act as their voice, and allows more abilities such as in person manipulations.

No-one dares whistle blow on it with evidence, because this cabal is powerful enough to absolute destroy someone who defies them. Also as mentioned before, the whistle blower has his/her own skeletons in the closest, so he/she would end up incriminating themselves.

As far as this cabal would be concerned, they want people to believe it's only a conspiracy theory and think nothing of it. They are also careful to pick their targets, making sure that at no point, anyone curious enough can trace the trail of all calls to the original mystery caller or contact.

That's one theory on how such a secret cabal would operate. Based on a web of lies, deceit and fear.

Not saying that's how it really works, but it's an interesting concept.
Sounds like a very good description of Bilderberg to me...
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: TheoK on January 15, 2010, 06:18:08 AM
* That freedom of speech is being continously infringed.

Freedom of speech never existed in reality, since it basically contradicts itself.

In which way?

And people weren't put to jail before for saying things about immigrants etc.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: Frolic_Fun on January 15, 2010, 06:22:14 AM
Because it allows people to express and repress at the same time.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: TheoK on January 15, 2010, 06:35:52 AM
Because it allows people to express and repress at the same time.

The common definition of freedom of speech is that anyone is allowed to say anything, as long as it isn't a specific threat against others, without risk of getting punished for it. That's no longer the case in Sweden, the UK or Ireland, for instance.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: Frolic_Fun on January 15, 2010, 06:57:57 AM
Because it allows people to express and repress at the same time.

The common definition of freedom of speech is that anyone is allowed to say anything, as long as it isn't a specific threat against others, without risk of getting punished for it. That's no longer the case in Sweden, the UK or Ireland, for instance.

But you have the risk of being punished regardless. If it's not the government, it's your next door neighbour. They can justify their actions because they have a right to disagree. The law's version of freedom of speech *isn't* freedom of speech.
Title: Re: Any conspiracy theorists? What do you think is real?
Post by: TheoK on January 15, 2010, 07:15:07 AM
Because it allows people to express and repress at the same time.

The common definition of freedom of speech is that anyone is allowed to say anything, as long as it isn't a specific threat against others, without risk of getting punished for it. That's no longer the case in Sweden, the UK or Ireland, for instance.

But you have the risk of being punished regardless. If it's not the government, it's your next door neighbour. They can justify their actions because they have a right to disagree. The law's version of freedom of speech *isn't* freedom of speech.

I can defend myself pretty good against my neighbours, if they attacked me for my views. I can defense myself very poorly against the state, and I can't win. That's the big difference.