Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: Adam on September 21, 2009, 11:19:12 AM

Title: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 21, 2009, 11:19:12 AM
i know you guys all miss the "do I have AS too?" from WP  :zoinks:

go on then, from what you guys know of me on here/zomg /wherever, what d'you think?

and be honest if you do have an opinion either way, i'm not gonna be offended if you don't think i belong in the cool club  :lol:

btw: i am diagnosed but wasn't diagnosed till I was 18. the guy who did it said i "definitely" have it, but that was only after an hour or so with me
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Soleiyu on September 21, 2009, 11:20:16 AM
i know you guys all miss the "do I have AS too?" from WP  :zoinks:

go on then, from what you guys know of me on here/zomg /wherever, what d'you think?

and be honest if you do have an opinion either way, i'm not gonna be offended if you don't think i belong in the cool club  :lol:

btw: i am diagnosed but wasn't diagnosed till I was 18. the guy who did it said i "definitely" have it, but that was only after an hour or so with me

You seem ADHD to me, not aspie.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 21, 2009, 11:21:36 AM
interestong. in what way?
i have thought about that before actually, but it's never once been suggested, either by family or by psychs/doctors
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 21, 2009, 11:22:21 AM
You're an assburger  :thumbup:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Soleiyu on September 21, 2009, 11:25:12 AM
interestong. in what way?
i have thought about that before actually, but it's never once been suggested, either by family or by psychs/doctors

Asperger isn't usually the spazzy, hyperactive type but more typically introvert, dreamy. I'm surprised no one suggested ADHD because at least to me you feel so much ADHD. You might have some mild retardation when it comes to mental age, but this doesn't equal AS just because AS people have it too.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Adam on September 21, 2009, 11:25:19 AM
You're an assburger  :thumbup:


you've used worse insults on me i guess  :lol:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: jman on September 21, 2009, 11:25:55 AM
I'd say you're just a spaz
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 21, 2009, 11:27:15 AM
You're an assburger  :thumbup:


you've used worse insults on me i guess  :lol:


Soleyuu said you have mild retardation  :orly:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 21, 2009, 11:28:07 AM
interestong. in what way?
i have thought about that before actually, but it's never once been suggested, either by family or by psychs/doctors

Asperger isn't usually the spazzy, hyperactive type but more typically introvert, dreamy. I'm surprised no one suggested ADHD because at least to me you feel so much ADHD. You might have some mild retardation when it comes to mental age, but this doesn't equal AS just because AS people have it too.

i think hte dreamy/introverted description fits me well IRL, but not online, and it's difficult to tell how much of my IRL personality is down to social anxiety. for example i could just be that way because i'm incapable of being my real self. i've often thought it's a good job i had social anxiety while growing up, as if I didn't, i wouldn't have been able to stop myself doing really stupid things or getting really angry in class

i have the whole obsessive interests, routines, misunderstanding people when they talk though

but even then, i get that more IRL. i think i can pass for NT online (or am i flattering myslf?  :laugh: )
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Soleiyu on September 21, 2009, 11:28:36 AM
You don't look AS at all either. People with AS have certain expressions which makes them easy to recognize, sometimes a "dead face" no matter how much theatre mimic they are capable of. In your pictures at least, no "dead" signs are visible in the face, eyes etc anywhere. Your way of writing and personality suggests it's more concentration, hyperactivity issues and retardation rather than complete AS retardation. You might have overlapping symptomes but not full AS, is my guess.

I'm severely depressed myself and have social anxiety, who knows how I would be without it. I have manic depressive/bipolar indications though, when I feel happy it usually becomes a little too much. I get exstatic and feel almost sublime, as if I was a God or something. If I drink and get a bipolar top at the same time I can sometimes disappear into a fantasy of greatness, epicness and immortality. I want to die in the city lights, fall from the sky, surround myself with music and perform something in front of 30 000 people on a giant arena. I become totally insane.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: jman on September 21, 2009, 11:30:59 AM
You don't look AS at all either. People with AS have certain expressions which makes them easy to recognize, sometimes a "dead face" no matter how much theatre mimic they are capable of. In your pictures at least, no "dead" signs are visible in the face, eyes etc anywhere. Your way of writing and personality suggests it's more concentration, hyperactivity issues and retardation rather than complete AS retardation. You might have overlapping symptomes but not full AS, is my guess.

your ignorance is astounding  :o
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Soleiyu on September 21, 2009, 11:31:54 AM
You don't look AS at all either. People with AS have certain expressions which makes them easy to recognize, sometimes a "dead face" no matter how much theatre mimic they are capable of. In your pictures at least, no "dead" signs are visible in the face, eyes etc anywhere. Your way of writing and personality suggests it's more concentration, hyperactivity issues and retardation rather than complete AS retardation. You might have overlapping symptomes but not full AS, is my guess.

your ignorance is astounding  :o

You're just a clumsy, stupid jew. What would you know about this?
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 21, 2009, 11:32:22 AM

your ignorance is astounding  :o

No, no.  He's an expert on everything he says  :zoinks:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 21, 2009, 11:33:03 AM
i think i try not to look aspie in pics. ones other people take of me look very weird i think. i'll try and find one
other people say I am expressionless or look "depressed" "stoned" "pissed off"

i do agree my personality on here doesn't seem AS at all though, when i read through my own posts. i tend to have different ways of expressing myself online, and i go through phases of them. even down to the way i use capital letters and stuff. atm i think i'm going through a spazzy phase. maybe that is ADHD

another thing that might be ADHD is how little noises distract me so much. i always thought my sensory problems were obvious AS things, but maybe it's just that i get too distracted and notice things too much

I'd say you're just a spaz

this is what i used to think, but it's got to the point now where i'm 21 and still i'm fucked up. like there must be SOMETHING not right in my head. it's really frustrating not knowing exactly what it is, if it's not AS
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: jman on September 21, 2009, 11:33:36 AM
You don't look AS at all either. People with AS have certain expressions which makes them easy to recognize, sometimes a "dead face" no matter how much theatre mimic they are capable of. In your pictures at least, no "dead" signs are visible in the face, eyes etc anywhere. Your way of writing and personality suggests it's more concentration, hyperactivity issues and retardation rather than complete AS retardation. You might have overlapping symptomes but not full AS, is my guess.

your ignorance is astounding  :o

You're just a clumsy, stupid jew. What would you know about this?

I rest my case
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: TheoK on September 21, 2009, 11:35:56 AM
Soph looks like a girl. :toporly:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Soleiyu on September 21, 2009, 11:37:09 AM
i think i try not to look aspie in pics. ones other people take of me look very weird i think. i'll try and find one
other people say I am expressionless or look "depressed" "stoned" "pissed off"

i do agree my personality on here doesn't seem AS at all though, when i read through my own posts. i tend to have different ways of expressing myself online, and i go through phases of them. even down to the way i use capital letters and stuff. atm i think i'm going through a spazzy phase. maybe that is ADHD

another thing that might be ADHD is how little noises distract me so much. i always thought my sensory problems were obvious AS things, but maybe it's just that i get too distracted and notice things too much

I'd say you're just a spaz

this is what i used to think, but it's got to the point now where i'm 21 and still i'm fucked up. like there must be SOMETHING not right in my head. it's really frustrating not knowing exactly what it is, if it's not AS

Many aspies seem to have very colourful language online. I am the opposite myself. When I played MMO's people thought I was weird for using capital letters, sometimes punctuation and writing full sentences without ever using a smiley. I played with others who were clearly aspie but they were typically extremely emotive in their expressions, lots of "zomg lulz w00t :P".

IRL I'm almost theatrical at times, when I'm not paralyzed by the severe social anxiety,
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 21, 2009, 11:39:43 AM
ok i'm gonna get ripped for this, but here's a pic of me not pulling a stupid face or trying to smile for the camera :P

(i don't usually dress like that btw. that's my little brother's quiditch cloak)

Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Soleiyu on September 21, 2009, 11:45:05 AM
ok i'm gonna get ripped for this, but here's a pic of me not pulling a stupid face or trying to smile for the camera :P

(i don't usually dress like that btw. that's my little brother's quiditch cloak)


I'm not a typical aspie, but my spazzyness developed late.

As a child I was rigid, OCD-like, pedantic, uptight etc. I didn't even learn how to joke until I was around 17-18.

Maybe you have AS but not the typical type.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Frolic_Fun on September 21, 2009, 11:49:40 AM
Tranneh potter! :laugh:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 21, 2009, 11:51:43 AM
lol here's the one i was looking for. this is more what i look like IRL unfortunately, i think it does look pretty aspie. or maybe i just look like a geeky spazz?


i'm definitely not a typical aspie. when i was a kid i was weird, but ok. i had friends until i was about 11. i had some aspie symptoms like how i walked, sensory stuff, obsessions and all that. but i didn't have major problems and no one who met me would have thought i was autistic
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 21, 2009, 11:59:28 AM
I think the more you isolate yourself from people, the weirder you get.  As a kid you were probably constatly surrounded by kids your age, despite wanting it or not but as you got older you got a choice whether to be around people or not.

I certainly got weirder the less time I spent with people. 

That's my take on it anyway.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: TheoK on September 21, 2009, 12:02:14 PM
Anyway, Heinrich looks like a girl.  :orly:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 21, 2009, 12:05:00 PM
I don't think he does  ???  I'd say Soph is more andro really.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: TheoK on September 21, 2009, 12:06:53 PM
Well, at least andro.  :P
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 21, 2009, 12:25:57 PM
yeah i think I am somewhere in the middle, my personality is kinda andro as well

IRL people tend to either refer to be as he/son/guy, or try and offend me by asking me if i'm male or female  :lol:

i think i have quite feminine features though, which is ok with me

And yeah I agree about the isolating yourself thing. I have definitely got more fucked up since I started being very withdrawn in school. I used to put that down to just AS getting "worse" as you're in your teens, which i think happens to a lot of aspies. but maybe with me my AS traits are just from being fucked up, rather than actually having AS
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Soleiyu on September 21, 2009, 01:05:20 PM
yeah i think I am somewhere in the middle, my personality is kinda andro as well

IRL people tend to either refer to be as he/son/guy, or try and offend me by asking me if i'm male or female  :lol:

i think i have quite feminine features though, which is ok with me

And yeah I agree about the isolating yourself thing. I have definitely got more fucked up since I started being very withdrawn in school. I used to put that down to just AS getting "worse" as you're in your teens, which i think happens to a lot of aspies. but maybe with me my AS traits are just from being fucked up, rather than actually having AS

I used to think my AS traits were because of cluster B disorders and a sociopathic/disturbed emotional spectrum with high degrees of narcissism. However, I am really autistic as well. I'm both autistic and a sociopath, but being aware of the fact I am a sociopath makes me handle it in a different way.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: richard on September 21, 2009, 02:29:27 PM
Soph looks like a girl. :toporly:
i think she looks like a hot guy. and she probably has some narsassitic personality disorder.  ;)

where is calandale when you need him :zoinks:

Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 21, 2009, 02:31:18 PM
Soph looks like a girl. :toporly:
i think she looks like a hot guy. and she probably has some narsassitic personality disorder.  ;)

where is calandale when you need him :zoinks:

Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: 'andersom' on September 21, 2009, 02:32:34 PM
lol here's the one i was looking for. this is more what i look like IRL unfortunately, i think it does look pretty aspie. or maybe i just look like a geeky spazz?


i'm definitely not a typical aspie. when i was a kid i was weird, but ok. i had friends until i was about 11. i had some aspie symptoms like how i walked, sensory stuff, obsessions and all that. but i didn't have major problems and no one who met me would have thought i was autistic

I wonder how many people are typical textbook aspies.
I know more a-typical aspies than typical aspies. Both IRL and online.

Oh well Soph, you look very much like Soph to me.
And I'll believe you if you tell that you are an aspie.  ;D
They come in all kinds of flavours and shapes, even in a Soph version.

And who knows, DSM V might differentiate and shatter us aspies all over the spectrum, with new labels. Who cares.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: richard on September 21, 2009, 02:36:04 PM
soph you look amazing in plad, how come girls arent checking you out? i'd be burning holes trough your body with my eyes if i was a lesbian
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: renaeden on September 21, 2009, 05:24:55 PM
Soph, I think you are an aspie. From what I know about autism. Plus every aspie is different. You meet the criteria and so you are a Soph aspie.
With a dash of OCD thrown in. ;)
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 21, 2009, 05:46:05 PM
Tranneh potter! :laugh:

Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: The_Chosen_One on September 24, 2009, 12:34:21 AM
I don't think it really matters tbh, but for what it's worth if there is any AS there, you wouldn't pick it by looking at you. If you see yourself as a spazz, then WTF is wrong with that? Being a spazz is just another way of expressing yourself, and if people can't accept that, then fuck 'em. I never claimed to be aspie, but I also never went around saying how all the NTs and others were so much better. As far as I'm concerned, we are who we are and we are all just people living on the face of the earth.

Black, white, brindle, Aspie, NT, blind, Jewish, spazz, whatever. We are all just people.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 02:42:58 AM
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 24, 2009, 04:14:07 AM
It matters because until I know what is wrong with me, how can I fix it?
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: The_Chosen_One on September 24, 2009, 04:26:28 AM
It matters because until I know what is wrong with me, how can I fix it?

Soph: you can't fix what isn't broken. Whoever or whatever you are is what you were meant to be. You are not 'damaged', and you don't have to feel that you need to be 'fixed' to fit in. You are one of the smartest people here, you are in Uni doing a degree (which I never did) and you run your own forum. Plus, you are good with your pets, so as far as thinking that you have to be something you're not, then whomever told you that needs a good kick in the arse. I know you feel that you need to change somehow, but the most important thing is accepting the person you are. That's the person WE all know here, and if anyone else outside doesn't want to get to know you, then that's their loss.

Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Phlexor on September 24, 2009, 06:19:13 AM
It matters because until I know what is wrong with me, how can I fix it?

I know what you mean, also you need to know if it is even fixable vs just some shit you have to live with an accept.

For me this was my main concern when all the shinks kept throwing different things at me and nothing seemed to gel with me. Right up until I got my AS dx that is.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 10:00:48 AM
It matters because until I know what is wrong with me, how can I fix it?

Your just a normal aspie girl
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 24, 2009, 10:38:42 AM

sorry, it might be because I'm not as clever as you, but the above sentence doesn't seem to make sense to me  ???
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 10:45:59 AM
your, you're.  Either works in the English language.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 24, 2009, 10:46:39 AM
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: TheoK on September 24, 2009, 10:47:25 AM
your, you're.  Either works in the English language.

Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 10:47:56 AM

Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 10:51:05 AM
your, you're.  Either works in the English language.


Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 10:52:54 AM
Funny, weren't you one of the ones who criticised Soleiyu's apparent bad English?  :zoinks:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 24, 2009, 10:57:33 AM
It's people like benjiladybreeg that give us English a bad name

There are some of us who aren't as illiterate as him though, honest :-[
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 10:57:54 AM
Funny, weren't you one of the ones who criticised Soleiyu's apparent bad English?  :zoinks:

one of the ones?  :laugh:

Yeah once, to mock him.  His English typing is fine, he just writes complete nonsense.  I'm a lazy typer, so what.  At least i'm not just a lazy cunt in general, like that simpleton.  
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 11:00:23 AM
One of the ones is a perfectly correct use of English as opposed to not seeing the difference between your and you're  8)

You write more nonsense than he does put together.

Also, try lazy thinker, not typer  :orly:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 11:00:50 AM
Yes Soph, cause the English are judged on typing mainly.  Fucking moron.  And fuck you for judging me, you know fuck all of what I do to help people.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 11:01:54 AM
you know fuck all of what I do to help people.

As if that has anything to do with you being a thick shit  :lol:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 24, 2009, 11:02:44 AM
And fuck you for judging me, you know fuck all of what I do to help people.

Ooooooooh, benjiladybreeg is in a bad mood  :cheer:

( I won't bother pointing out your hypocrisy about not judging people though... oh wait, I just did :P )
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 11:04:45 AM
One of the ones is a perfectly correct use of English as opposed to not seeing the difference between your and you're  8)

You write more nonsense than he does put together.

Also, try lazy thinker, not typer  :orly:

That doesn't make sense you dipshit.  What does he have multiple personalities?  I know the difference between the two, thanks.  Anyone can understand what I mean.  At least I don't write in text format, like a lot of people do.

Lol, yeah if only.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 11:06:03 AM
you know fuck all of what I do to help people.

As if that has anything to do with you being a thick shit  :lol:

I'd be quite offended with that, if it wasn't coming from a waste of space, like yourself.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 11:07:16 AM
It's a figure of speech and you'd know if you paid attention in your English lessons  :hahaha:

I know the difference between the two, thanks.

your, you're.  Either works in the English language.

Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 11:10:05 AM
Bint's quick guide to basic English:

your = possesive form of you eg. your table, your girlfriend, your spectacular lack of brain

you're = contraction of the words "you" and "are" eg. you're a fucking twat
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 11:10:22 AM
And fuck you for judging me, you know fuck all of what I do to help people.

Ooooooooh, benjiladybreeg is in a bad mood  :cheer:

( I won't bother pointing out your hypocrisy about not judging people though... oh wait, I just did :P )

I haven't said that anyone on here is giving their country a bad name.  I've judged a few people on here, mainly soy, and its pretty obvious he's a wanker anyway, he proves it everytime he posts.  People that give our country a bad name, are either foreigners who came here to get benefits for doing nothing.  People who talk like wannabe gangsters, even worse when they are white, and wear their jeans down to their knees.  Oh and football thugs, who just go to the ground to beat the shit out of people.  I don't fit into any of those.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 24, 2009, 11:12:36 AM
That's a really cool reply, benjiladybreeg  :cheer:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 11:14:38 AM
Its an unwritten rule that either works.  Lots of people use it.  She knew exactly what I meant, she's just trying to patronize me.  And no, but i've already explained my school situation, due to being on the spectrum.  You are not, so fuck off.  I wonder what lurid thought gave you the idea to have an aspie site as your social life.  
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 11:16:16 AM
Its an unwritten rule that either works.  Lots of people use it. 

Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 11:16:32 AM
Unlike you, i'm not offended by being called a lady, i'm in touch with my femmenie side  :eyelash:  And comfortable with my sexuality.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 24, 2009, 11:17:53 AM
You know an aspie's losing an argument when he resorts to the "you're NT, fuck off" response  :asthing:

And while benjiladybreeg might be in touch with his "femmenie" side, I am in touch with me feminine side. I don't think anyone who knows me would seriously accuse me of being uncomfortable with my sexuality  :-*

Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Callaway on September 24, 2009, 11:21:36 AM
i know you guys all miss the "do I have AS too?" from WP  :zoinks:

go on then, from what you guys know of me on here/zomg /wherever, what d'you think?

and be honest if you do have an opinion either way, i'm not gonna be offended if you don't think i belong in the cool club  :lol:

btw: i am diagnosed but wasn't diagnosed till I was 18. the guy who did it said i "definitely" have it, but that was only after an hour or so with me

From reading your posts, I would say that you definitely have AS but your OCD causes most of your problems.

Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 11:25:09 AM
You know an aspie's losing an argument when he resorts to the "you're NT, fuck off" response  :asthing:

And while benjiladybreeg might be in touch with his "femmenie" side, I am in touch with me feminine side. I don't think anyone who knows me would seriously accuse me of being uncomfortable with my sexuality  :-*

Not really.  But yeah you're  right, I shouldn't use that old one.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 24, 2009, 11:25:31 AM
i know you guys all miss the "do I have AS too?" from WP  :zoinks:

go on then, from what you guys know of me on here/zomg /wherever, what d'you think?

and be honest if you do have an opinion either way, i'm not gonna be offended if you don't think i belong in the cool club  :lol:

btw: i am diagnosed but wasn't diagnosed till I was 18. the guy who did it said i "definitely" have it, but that was only after an hour or so with me

From reading your posts, I would say that you definitely have AS but your OCD causes most of your problems.

That's what my family think too. In a way I actually feel better with my OCD though, but I guess that's the nature of it - as long as you follow the rituals etc, you're ok. Which is the problem. The doctor I saw the other day seemed to think it might be something else though.

But then most psychs don't seem to understand people with AS very well, and mistake things in us (if I do have AS that is) for something else, simply because they manifest themselves differently in autistic people

I kinda wanna go back to see the AS specialist who diagnosed me, so I can see what he thinks. But that would cost a lot as I'd have to go private
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Callaway on September 24, 2009, 11:40:14 AM
i know you guys all miss the "do I have AS too?" from WP  :zoinks:

go on then, from what you guys know of me on here/zomg /wherever, what d'you think?

and be honest if you do have an opinion either way, i'm not gonna be offended if you don't think i belong in the cool club  :lol:

btw: i am diagnosed but wasn't diagnosed till I was 18. the guy who did it said i "definitely" have it, but that was only after an hour or so with me

From reading your posts, I would say that you definitely have AS but your OCD causes most of your problems.

That's what my family think too. In a way I actually feel better with my OCD though, but I guess that's the nature of it - as long as you follow the rituals etc, you're ok. Which is the problem. The doctor I saw the other day seemed to think it might be something else though.

But then most psychs don't seem to understand people with AS very well, and mistake things in us (if I do have AS that is) for something else, simply because they manifest themselves differently in autistic people

I kinda wanna go back to see the AS specialist who diagnosed me, so I can see what he thinks. But that would cost a lot as I'd have to go private

I think that as long as you have the time to carry through with your rituals you feel OK, but I think you actually spend quite a lot of time on them and then when you can't follow them through for some reason, it kind of freaks you out.  It would be interesting to see what the doctor thinks about that.  How much does it cost to go private with someone like an AS specialist?
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 24, 2009, 11:42:45 AM
I'm not sure actually. My mum sorted it all out when I went for my diagnosis. But I think it was something like £500 just for the one assessment. That could be totally wrong though, it was
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: TheoK on September 24, 2009, 11:44:01 AM
300 kronor here. A krona is 1/12£.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 11:45:28 AM
When I went to a private psychiatrist for about 3 sessions, he charged £400 an hour.  Do you have insurance?
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: TheoK on September 24, 2009, 11:46:19 AM
When I went to a private psychiatrist for about 3 sessions, he charged £400 an hour.  Do you have insurance?

No. The state pays.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 11:46:45 AM
When I went to a private psychiatrist for about 3 sessions, he charged £400 an hour.  Do you have insurance?

lmao, shows how fucked up you are.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 11:47:54 AM
When I went to a private psychiatrist for about 3 sessions, he charged £400 an hour.  Do you have insurance?

lmao, shows how fucked up you are.

You're not saying anything that I don't know myself already ;)  In fact I frequently mention it myself on here  :orly:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Adam on September 24, 2009, 11:48:14 AM
When I went to a private psychiatrist for about 3 sessions, he charged £400 an hour.  Do you have insurance?

lmao, shows how fucked up you are.

As opposed to everyone else here, who are just perfectly sane? :zoinks:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Callaway on September 24, 2009, 11:48:56 AM
I'm not sure actually. My mum sorted it all out when I went for my diagnosis. But I think it was something like £500 just for the one assessment. That could be totally wrong though, it was

Wow.  So how long did the one assessment take?  I'm wondering how many hours the doctor had to work to earn £500.

Here, private child psychiatrists earn somewhere around $200-$250 per hour.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 24, 2009, 11:51:54 AM
I only talked to him on my own for an hour or so I think. Then he saw my family too.

That was the only time spent in the actual assessment, although I'd filled in questionnaires and stuff for him beforehand.

I might be wrong about the cost. It was expensive though, because I'd probably still be waiting now if I'd got it on the NHS, and the guy I saw was an AS specialist who's had work published on it and seemed to know what he was talking about. It was worth it, but not something I could afford if I wanted to keep seeing him I think
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Tristeza on September 24, 2009, 11:52:48 AM
I think I know you pretty well, and seems to me you've got high-functioning AS, ADHD, social anxiety and OCD. 

The OCD and social anxiety are what seem to impact you the most.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Phlexor on September 24, 2009, 11:53:14 AM
When I went to a private psychiatrist for about 3 sessions, he charged £400 an hour.  Do you have insurance?

Gee, that's a bit steep isn't it?
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Adam on September 24, 2009, 11:54:53 AM
I think I know you pretty well, and seems to me you've got high-functioning AS, ADHD, social anxiety and OCD. 

The OCD and social anxiety are what seem to impact you the most.

Cheers. I think you probably know me as well if not better than anyone else online the last couple years. What makes you think I have ADHD btw? Someone else said that too, but it's never been suggested to me IRL
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 11:56:27 AM
It was, god knows how good the bloke thinks he is to charge that much.  Then again he DID nearly give me my BPD dx but we ran out of time (money too  :laugh:).  The insurance from my stepfather's workplace paid for it though, hence why I asked if Soph has insurance.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Phlexor on September 24, 2009, 11:57:03 AM
Its an unwritten rule that either works.  Lots of people use it.  She knew exactly what I meant, she's just trying to patronize me.  And no, but i've already explained my school situation, due to being on the spectrum.  You are not, so fuck off.  I wonder what lurid thought gave you the idea to have an aspie site as your social life.  

Hate to break it to you, but it isn't an unwritten rule that either work, that's just being lazy.

Considering that your/you're and there/they're/their are the most picked on errors on the internet, there is no excuse not to learn to get it right.

And I failed english in high school year after year because I'm one of those Maths nerd aspies as opposed to those literature nerd aspies (If that makes any sense at all).
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 12:00:20 PM
When I went to a private psychiatrist for about 3 sessions, he charged £400 an hour.  Do you have insurance?

lmao, shows how fucked up you are.

As opposed to everyone else here, who are just perfectly sane? :zoinks:

who said that? :twitch: (    *Are you there mother?
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 12:01:19 PM
Its an unwritten rule that either works.  Lots of people use it.  She knew exactly what I meant, she's just trying to patronize me.  And no, but i've already explained my school situation, due to being on the spectrum.  You are not, so fuck off.  I wonder what lurid thought gave you the idea to have an aspie site as your social life.  

Hate to break it to you, but it isn't an unwritten rule that either work, that's just being lazy.

Considering that your/you're and there/they're/their are the most picked on errors on the internet, there is no excuse not to learn to get it right.

And I failed english in high school year after year because I'm one of those Maths nerd aspies as opposed to those literature nerd aspies (If that makes any sense at all).

Hate to break it to you, but people can communicate offline
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 24, 2009, 12:01:59 PM
  *Are you there mother?

hahahahaha now we're into the their/there/they're one  :pwned:

Oh and insurance... I don't think so
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 12:02:46 PM
*Are you there mother?

Bint's quick guide to basic English:

there = indicates a place eg. over there!

their = possesive of "they" eg. their mother

Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 12:04:03 PM
Benjimanbreeg do you need lessons on how to quote posts too?  :orly:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 12:08:55 PM
*Are you there mother?

Bint's quick guide to basic English:

there = indicates a place eg. over there!

their = possesive of "they" eg. their mother


Oopsy, you just fucked up.  If you had any general knowledge, you'd know I was using the highlighted "there" correctly.  Go and watch the film, you spasticated moron.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 24, 2009, 12:10:03 PM
So you meant, "are you there, mother?"

This is why we have punctuation
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 12:10:39 PM
Psycho is shit anyway :moon:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 12:12:38 PM
So you meant, "are you there, mother?"

This is why we have punctuation

no, he says it all in one, I think, so without the ,   
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 12:16:45 PM
So you meant, "are you there, mother?"

This is why we have punctuation

no, he says it all in one, I think, so without the ,   

You are aware that a comma is not voiced directly when speaking I hope?  :zoinks:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 12:19:54 PM
obviously.  Hillarious  ::)
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 24, 2009, 12:20:38 PM
I'm ashamed to be a product of the same education system as benjigurlbreeg :-[
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Tristeza on September 24, 2009, 12:22:00 PM
I think I know you pretty well, and seems to me you've got high-functioning AS, ADHD, social anxiety and OCD. 

The OCD and social anxiety are what seem to impact you the most.

Cheers. I think you probably know me as well if not better than anyone else online the last couple years. What makes you think I have ADHD btw? Someone else said that too, but it's never been suggested to me IRL
I only started wondering about this recently, when you had all those papers to write.  It reminded me of myself back in uni or at work, of how I'd procrastinate and then hyper-focus to get stuff done.
Other stuff...your temper is like mine, you seem physically hyper like me.  Besides your anxiety/OCD, we seem pretty similar in how our brains operate.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 12:22:17 PM
obviously.  Hillarious  ::)

Hilarious* ;)

I just wasn't sure with your recent bad grammar and all  :lol:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 24, 2009, 12:23:07 PM
I think I know you pretty well, and seems to me you've got high-functioning AS, ADHD, social anxiety and OCD. 

The OCD and social anxiety are what seem to impact you the most.

Cheers. I think you probably know me as well if not better than anyone else online the last couple years. What makes you think I have ADHD btw? Someone else said that too, but it's never been suggested to me IRL
I only started wondering about this recently, when you had all those papers to write.  It reminded me of myself back in uni or at work, of how I'd procrastinate and then hyper-focus to get stuff done.
Other stuff...your temper is like mine, you seem physically hyper like me.  Besides your anxiety/OCD, we seem pretty similar in how our brains operate.

Maybe I should bring it up next time I see someone then. It might help with my uni stuff
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 12:24:10 PM
obviously.  Hillarious  ::)

Hilarious* ;)

I just wasn't sure with your recent bad grammar and all  :lol:

Ok, that was just a mistake  :zoinks:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Celticgoddess on September 24, 2009, 12:24:38 PM
Are you there comma mother question mark


It would be a good social experiment. Talk like that to everyone you meet on the street and secretly record their reactions. It would annoy the hell out of people pretty quickly.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 12:25:39 PM
I'm ashamed to be a product of the same education system as benjigurlbreeg :-[

You should be honoured, i've learnt more from life than you. 
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 12:26:06 PM
obviously.  Hillarious  ::)

Hilarious* ;)

I just wasn't sure with your recent bad grammar and all  :lol:

Ok, that was just a mistake  :zoinks:

You don't say.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 12:32:38 PM
Everyone makes mistakes bint, especially your parents.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: TheoK on September 24, 2009, 12:33:51 PM
Little Bintska.  :P
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 12:36:27 PM
It's pretty pathetic though when an English speaker mocks a person (two people if you include me) for whom English is a second language about the quality of their writing  :orly:

Not to mention your insistance on the fact that you know better, when you have been proved you were wrong.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 12:39:27 PM
I didn't know English was your second language. 

I have a wider range of knowledge.  I know your typing skills are probably better than mine, you get a lot of practice with your fingers.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Phlexor on September 24, 2009, 12:39:50 PM
Its an unwritten rule that either works.  Lots of people use it.  She knew exactly what I meant, she's just trying to patronize me.  And no, but i've already explained my school situation, due to being on the spectrum.  You are not, so fuck off.  I wonder what lurid thought gave you the idea to have an aspie site as your social life.  

Hate to break it to you, but it isn't an unwritten rule that either work, that's just being lazy.

Considering that your/you're and there/they're/their are the most picked on errors on the internet, there is no excuse not to learn to get it right.

And I failed english in high school year after year because I'm one of those Maths nerd aspies as opposed to those literature nerd aspies (If that makes any sense at all).

Hate to break it to you, but people can communicate offline

Yeah, what part of you figured that this would be big news to me?
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 12:41:08 PM
is that a trick question?
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 12:42:15 PM
I have a wider range of knowledge. 

Sure you do  ;)

I didn't know English was your second language. 

Learnt it when I was 9 when we moved back to England.  Started primary school from Year 4.  Before that I only spoke Polish, now I'm bilingual.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Tristeza on September 24, 2009, 12:42:16 PM
I think I know you pretty well, and seems to me you've got high-functioning AS, ADHD, social anxiety and OCD. 

The OCD and social anxiety are what seem to impact you the most.

Cheers. I think you probably know me as well if not better than anyone else online the last couple years. What makes you think I have ADHD btw? Someone else said that too, but it's never been suggested to me IRL
I only started wondering about this recently, when you had all those papers to write.  It reminded me of myself back in uni or at work, of how I'd procrastinate and then hyper-focus to get stuff done.
Other stuff...your temper is like mine, you seem physically hyper like me.  Besides your anxiety/OCD, we seem pretty similar in how our brains operate.

Maybe I should bring it up next time I see someone then. It might help with my uni stuff
LOL, I was just reading your thread about nosy people, etc.  I knew I felt the same way you do about lots of people, and my reason is primarily because I bore so easily and I can't stay focused on whatever it is they're blabbing about unless I find it very interesting personally.  So I wind up getting irritated and pissed off with them, because it's taken so much effort for me to try and pay attention in the first place.  Maybe that's what's happening with you, too. 

Yeah, it might be something to think about, especially for your uni stuff.  Might want to explain your study habits, etc. to the doc and see what they think.  If you really do have ADHD, stimulant meds could help you get your work done more efficiently.  But I don't think you could take them because of the anxiety.  Plus they can really turn you into a zombie - for some reason, they made me feel more assburgery when I was on them. 
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 12:42:57 PM
is that a trick question?

Looks like rhetorical questions are lost on you too  :orly:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 12:46:19 PM
I have a wider range of knowledge. 

Sure you do  ;)

I didn't know English was your second language. 

Learnt it when I was 9 when we moved back to England.  Started primary school from Year 4.  Before that I only spoke Polish, now I'm bilingual.

You'd be suprised.

So you and the family came back to steal our jobs?  :zoinks:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 24, 2009, 12:48:11 PM
Yes your jobs especially since my father is British and I was born in London  ::)

Looks like you're a Daily Mail reader too, no wonder you are a thick shit  :zoinks:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Phlexor on September 24, 2009, 12:48:41 PM
is that a trick question?

Is that your final answer?  :orly:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 12:49:54 PM
is that a trick question?

Looks like rhetorical questions are lost on you too  :orly:

lawl, that wasn't what he asked
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 12:50:36 PM
is that a trick question?

Is that your final answer?  :orly:

Can I ask the audience first?
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 12:51:49 PM
Yes your jobs especially since my father is British and I was born in London  ::)

Looks like you're a Daily Mail reader too, no wonder you are a thick shit  :zoinks:

What did he knock up some Polish immigrant?

Damn, maybe you are aspie, as you can't spot sarcasm.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Phlexor on September 24, 2009, 12:58:27 PM
is that a trick question?

Is that your final answer?  :orly:

Can I ask the audience first?

If you think it will help.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: P7PSP on September 24, 2009, 05:40:12 PM
I think I know you pretty well, and seems to me you've got high-functioning AS, ADHD, social anxiety and OCD. 

The OCD and social anxiety are what seem to impact you the most.

Cheers. I think you probably know me as well if not better than anyone else online the last couple years. What makes you think I have ADHD btw? Someone else said that too, but it's never been suggested to me IRL
Perhaps a generalized retardation i.e. liking Man. U. etc. ?
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 24, 2009, 05:54:02 PM
Yeah, i'd agree there
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: Adam on September 24, 2009, 05:57:02 PM
I'm glad I suppport United and not some shitty American "football" team  :zoinks:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: P7PSP on September 24, 2009, 05:59:18 PM
I'm glad I suppport United and not some shitty American "football" team  :zoinks:
SF 49ers if you want to give it a more personal touch Soph.  :thumbup:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: renaeden on September 25, 2009, 04:40:41 AM
I think I know you pretty well, and seems to me you've got high-functioning AS, ADHD, social anxiety and OCD. 

The OCD and social anxiety are what seem to impact you the most.
Cheers. I think you probably know me as well if not better than anyone else online the last couple years. What makes you think I have ADHD btw? Someone else said that too, but it's never been suggested to me IRL
I only started wondering about this recently, when you had all those papers to write.  It reminded me of myself back in uni or at work, of how I'd procrastinate and then hyper-focus to get stuff done.
Other stuff...your temper is like mine, you seem physically hyper like me.  Besides your anxiety/OCD, we seem pretty similar in how our brains operate.
Maybe I should bring it up next time I see someone then. It might help with my uni stuff
LOL, I was just reading your thread about nosy people, etc.  I knew I felt the same way you do about lots of people, and my reason is primarily because I bore so easily and I can't stay focused on whatever it is they're blabbing about unless I find it very interesting personally.  So I wind up getting irritated and pissed off with them, because it's taken so much effort for me to try and pay attention in the first place.  Maybe that's what's happening with you, too. 

Yeah, it might be something to think about, especially for your uni stuff.  Might want to explain your study habits, etc. to the doc and see what they think.  If you really do have ADHD, stimulant meds could help you get your work done more efficiently.  But I don't think you could take them because of the anxiety.  Plus they can really turn you into a zombie - for some reason, they made me feel more assburgery when I was on them. 
I think most aspies have attentional problems. I take ADHD meds but they don't help me get my homework done on time or easily because I have bad study habits. The meds help with paying attention in class and being able to write stuff down and listen to what people are saying instead of daydreaming and not caring. So when it comes to exam time I am better off than I used to be because I remember what happened in class as I was mentally there.

I think you should get your OCD sorted out first, to be honest. I am sure you could do a lot better with study and stuff if you weren't occupied with thinking should you go to the toilet or not because if you do you need a shower. OCD isn't just about the actions that take up a lot of your time, but the thoughts that do, too.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: P7PSP on September 25, 2009, 04:48:00 AM
What is your major renaeden?
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: renaeden on September 25, 2009, 04:54:51 AM
Psychology. :P

Believe me, it is doing my head in.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: P7PSP on September 25, 2009, 04:58:44 AM
I liked Pstchology but I never took the advanced courses. I did read The Clam Plate Orgy and have studied and used redirected aggression to my advantage. That guy Watson that fucked with baby Albert was a POS.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Blasted on September 25, 2009, 05:30:05 AM
Yes your jobs especially since my father is British and I was born in London  ::)

Looks like you're a Daily Mail reader too, no wonder you are a thick shit  :zoinks:

What did he knock up some Polish immigrant?

Damn, maybe you are aspie, as you can't spot sarcasm.

He and my mum met in Poland actually  :zoinks:

Nice try  :thumbup:
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy NT?
Post by: benjimanbreeg on September 25, 2009, 11:53:11 AM
how romantic.
Title: Re: am I an asperger, some other kind of mentally ill person, or just a spazzy N
Post by: Tristeza on September 25, 2009, 12:17:14 PM
I think you should get your OCD sorted out first, to be honest. I am sure you could do a lot better with study and stuff if you weren't occupied with thinking should you go to the toilet or not because if you do you need a shower. OCD isn't just about the actions that take up a lot of your time, but the thoughts that do, too.
I agree.