Start here => Free For ALL => Topic started by: DirtDawg on January 28, 2009, 06:07:33 PM

Title: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: DirtDawg on January 28, 2009, 06:07:33 PM

Mine might be my ability to hear beyond the common sounds that others hear.

Not so much that i can hear well as that I can hear more deeply and possibly a bit in the past.

What's yours?
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: TheoK on January 28, 2009, 06:10:11 PM
I'm sometimes clairvoyant.
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: Pyraxis on January 28, 2009, 06:26:13 PM
I have limited telepathy. And it's not really a sixth sense, but in the same way that some people claim gaydar, I from somewhere acquired multiplicity-dar.
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: Parts on January 28, 2009, 06:32:14 PM
I seem to have trouble sense.  It began in HS  I always seemed to sense when things have gone to far and leave usally just before someone gets hurt or the cops come. In collage many of my friends noticed this and always left when I did.  Other than that I have over sensitive hearing but no filter on it I hear it all at once :-\  Smell is another I cab DX cars from the exhaust and find gas leaks others need meters to find :)
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: Icequeen on January 28, 2009, 10:11:54 PM
I don't know if I would call it a trouble sense or a danger sense. My ex said I'm the only person he'd ever seen that would slow down or start to swerve BEFORE someone pulled out in front of me. Whatever it is, it's saved my ass many times over. :laugh:

I'm also good at finding stuff, lost things etc.
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: Pyraxis on January 28, 2009, 10:23:19 PM
I'm also good at finding stuff, lost things etc.

Ooh, can I borrow some of that?
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: DirtDawg on January 28, 2009, 10:41:19 PM

Very cool.

I am also an untangler. It's not a sense, but it is certainly an odd talent ...

When I used work in a photography studio, I've seen people struggle for an hour with knotted, tangled chains they wanted to wear for a portrait. All the time they were waiting their turn, they would pull and twist on these fancy chains. I would ask if I could try. Often they hesitated to allow someone else to touch their precious jewelry and certainly had reservations about allowing a gorilla shaped, ham-fisted old guy mess with it.

Most of the time I had the knots and twists out of their chain necklaces or fancy pearl strings, without even really looking at it, while we were walking back into the camera room.
Same thing happens with cables, ropes, strings. People get so frustrated trying to untangle a mass of cabling, throw it down, make the tangle worse  --  I pick it up turn it over, take this piece around that piece, shake it a little, pull some and the tangle is just gone.

I may also have some version of that danger-dar. It seems like almost every single fucking day I escape or just miss some calamity.
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: Parts on January 29, 2009, 07:44:37 AM
I'm also good at finding stuff, lost things etc.

Ooh, can I borrow some of that?

Me too :laugh:
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: ALLDAYGLOWRANDY on January 29, 2009, 03:50:00 PM
I been noticing it alot recently, people saying selfish things to me, and I feel like I can "hear" what they are really thinking.  One of those times it was a gal, and I got aurosed even though she was being mean.  I would like to believe that, as I am not quite  so sure of my situation.  I have had $600 or so placed infront of me, finding later it was a mistake.
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: odeon on January 29, 2009, 05:16:15 PM
I'm good at finding things, too.
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: DirtDawg on January 29, 2009, 05:53:20 PM

I can only find other peoples' lost things, though. I do so by pattern recognition and the ability to identify, at an instant, a break or "shiny spot" in a perceived pattern and by a memory of my surroundings in a picture form. Any oddity or inconsistency in what my memory may carry reveals the "lost thing," almost instantly and often before I can even see it, I hear it.

My lost things, by the simplest definition possible, are lost to me, until I have some great eureka moment, usually.

I always play down my finding of  things though. I don't want to be known as a finder of things.
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: punkdrew on January 30, 2009, 04:09:38 AM
I can tell when I need to pick my nose before I actually do it.  :P
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: renaeden on January 30, 2009, 06:01:22 AM
^ :lol:

I don't think I have a sixth sense. I have a sense of humour though. Maybe that counts. :)
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: El on January 30, 2009, 07:04:04 AM
I get odd little bits of prescience sometimes.

Also (and this HAS to be selective attention, but it can still be kinda freaky) often I'll talk about something/do something/blog something etc. and have an echo of it happen shortly afterward.  Like, I'll have a conversation with a friend while watching TV and half an hour later what we were talking about shows up in whatever program we're watching.
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: DirtDawg on January 30, 2009, 08:29:46 AM
I can tell when I need to pick my nose before I actually do it.  :P

Hey, that is  a big step, in itself. Some people can never identify that they may have issues to resolve. Finding a one finger solution to a problem is like a ninja!

Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: DirtDawg on January 30, 2009, 09:02:02 AM
I get odd little bits of prescience sometimes.

Also (and this HAS to be selective attention, but it can still be kinda freaky) often I'll talk about something/do something/blog something etc. and have an echo of it happen shortly afterward.  Like, I'll have a conversation with a friend while watching TV and half an hour later what we were talking about shows up in whatever program we're watching.

I creepy as that seems, I think it happens often to some of us, which is why I brought up the topic again.

I have a tendency to "metaphorize" things that have great impact upon me and (BE DAMNED, but) then,  some part of the impossible metaphor does soon come to pass.

I also think of a saying my grandmother (truly a full life Christian) used. "Be very careful what you pray for, you might just get it."

My experience has lead me to take that wisdom to heart and expand upon it to include all the rotten things that we worry about. Do not worry about all the horrible things that CAN happen while you're dealing with all the things that HAVE happened.
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: DirtDawg on January 30, 2009, 09:13:00 AM
^ :lol:

I don't think I have a sixth sense. I have a sense of humour though. Maybe that counts. :)

That is truly a useful sense. Taking the common "five"  senses in some combination to find a way to laugh is indeed a strength.
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: DirtDawg on January 30, 2009, 09:16:09 AM
I have limited telepathy. And it's not really a sixth sense, but in the same way that some people claim gaydar, I from somewhere acquired multiplicity-dar.

... and yet, you seem to resist the common, boring call of hypocrisy, when you sense this multiplicity, possibly because you have accepted that people are not one-dimensional.

We are not linear.

I wish I had some telepathy. I have been accused of such, but it is only my constant re-thinking and "cause-effect" analysis which seems to give me a fore-thought on what can happen or what has motivated someone. When I am right, people think I have some telepathy or clairvoyance. It's not true, though. I just think too much and sometimes reason predicts for me.
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: punkdrew on January 30, 2009, 04:50:19 PM
Well, as my dad didn't use to say, "You know, son, those boogers aren't going to pick themselves."  :P
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: Pyraxis on January 30, 2009, 06:58:53 PM
I have limited telepathy. And it's not really a sixth sense, but in the same way that some people claim gaydar, I from somewhere acquired multiplicity-dar.

... and yet, you seem to resist the common, boring call of hypocrisy, when you sense this multiplicity, possibly because you have accepted that people are not one-dimensional.

We are not linear.

What would be the common, boring call of hypocrisy? I'm not even sure what you mean here. But I know it's a spectrum, same as autism - and yeah, even a spectrum's too simplistic because there are too many variables.

I wish I had some telepathy. I have been accused of such, but it is only my constant re-thinking and "cause-effect" analysis which seems to give me a fore-thought on what can happen or what has motivated someone. When I am right, people think I have some telepathy or clairvoyance. It's not true, though. I just think too much and sometimes reason predicts for me.

I'm only half convinced it's supernatural. It seems to operate in a similar way to what identical twins can do, where they're so much on the same wavelength that they can predict each other's responses well enough to shoot the odds to hell in games like the Prisoner's Dilemma. Only I pick my targets. I remember being about eight and at one of those science discovery centers with my father. They had a double-blind setup where you picked a digit between 1 and 9 and the other person had to guess it. I went through about four or five of his before getting one wrong, and even that last one was a 50-50 guess where I was sure it was one of two and just guessed wrong. Wish I could remember the exact number, it would be more statistically useful, but it was enough to impress him the mathematician.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: DirtDawg on January 30, 2009, 10:56:47 PM
I have limited telepathy. And it's not really a sixth sense, but in the same way that some people claim gaydar, I from somewhere acquired multiplicity-dar.

... and yet, you seem to resist the common, boring call of hypocrisy, when you sense this multiplicity, possibly because you have accepted that people are not one-dimensional.

We are not linear.

What would be the common, boring call of hypocrisy? I'm not even sure what you mean here. But I know it's a spectrum, same as autism - and yeah, even a spectrum's too simplistic because there are too many variables.

I just mean that all too often the "common" or "vulgar"  thing to call someone is, "Hypocrite!"  and you seem to resist doing so. I don't think I've ever seen you call someone a hypocrite, unless maybe it was "C..." and you were trying draw something out of him, rather than shut him down.
I wish I had some telepathy. I have been accused of such, but it is only my constant re-thinking and "cause-effect" analysis which seems to give me a fore-thought on what can happen or what has motivated someone. When I am right, people think I have some telepathy or clairvoyance. It's not true, though. I just think too much and sometimes reason predicts for me.

I'm only half convinced it's supernatural. It seems to operate in a similar way to what identical twins can do, where they're so much on the same wavelength that they can predict each other's responses well enough to shoot the odds to hell in games like the Prisoner's Dilemma. Only I pick my targets. I remember being about eight and at one of those science discovery centers with my father. They had a double-blind setup where you picked a digit between 1 and 9 and the other person had to guess it. I went through about four or five of his before getting one wrong, and even that last one was a 50-50 guess where I was sure it was one of two and just guessed wrong. Wish I could remember the exact number, it would be more statistically useful, but it was enough to impress him the mathematician.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Thanks for expounding.
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: Pyraxis on January 30, 2009, 11:00:52 PM
I just mean that all too often the "common" or "vulgar"  thing to call someone is, "Hypocrite!"  and you seem to resist doing so. I don't think I've ever seen you call someone a hypocrite, unless maybe it was "C..." and you were trying draw something out of him, rather than shut him down.

Ah! That makes sense. Yeah.

I could relate that one back to personal stories too, but I'm sure I've already gone into it elsewhere.
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: The Racist Rapist on January 31, 2009, 12:19:59 AM
I can sense what people are going to say before they say it. I can't call them on it though, because if I tell them what they are about to say they will change what they are going to say. It's a pretty shitty power.
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: DirtDawg on January 31, 2009, 01:53:42 AM
I can sense what people are going to say before they say it. I can't call them on it though, because if I tell them what they are about to say they will change what they are going to say. It's a pretty shitty power.

Ah, but in a game of verbal chess, you will be more capable of staying a couple or more responses ahead of your opponent.

Not really that shitty.
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: Eclair on January 31, 2009, 07:03:39 AM
Well, even though I have been known to totally fuck up a conversation, I definitely get an intuition about people and their motives.  It's probably that which has saved me from relying on the old facial expressions etc. so I am lucky.

Since childhood, I have had dreams many times of things that will happen in the future...or I will dream of some person from my past and then hear something about them within a few days.  Some dreams though have been traumatic.  Two drownings of children, both of which came true.  On in my family and one across the road from our house.  I was beside myself after the second one and my husband at the time finally believed me, because I had told him of the dream days before it happened.

I learned when I was an adult that my great grandmother was very physcic and it had been played down by the family...probably not an 'acceptable' trait to have back in the day.  I also think she is the one the AS comes it figures.
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: McGiver on January 31, 2009, 07:59:15 AM
i have eyes in the back of my head.

and i can sense danger.
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: El on January 31, 2009, 10:22:40 AM
I can sense what people are going to say before they say it. I can't call them on it though, because if I tell them what they are about to say they will change what they are going to say. It's a pretty shitty power.
I do that to piss people off.
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: Parts on January 31, 2009, 10:42:23 AM
I can sense what people are going to say before they say it. I can't call them on it though, because if I tell them what they are about to say they will change what they are going to say. It's a pretty shitty power.
I do that to piss people off.

Yes the ability to sense the exactly wrong thing to say then say it
Title: Re: What is your Sixth Sense?
Post by: RageBeoulve on January 31, 2009, 12:37:42 PM
I have a useless one. I can sense how people feel and know things about them just from them talking almost to the point of reading their minds. BUT. I can't express myself at all IRL so it doesn't really come in handy.

I'm also only 5'4, but I can carry my 6'1 213 lbs dad on my shoulders.  :laugh: