Arena for the Competitive => Main Event Callouts => Topic started by: Al Swearegen on November 15, 2011, 08:42:00 AM

Title: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Al Swearegen on November 15, 2011, 08:42:00 AM
Perhaps the phrase “Let sleeping dogs lie” is a reasonable philosophy and a sensible approach to dealing with things in life. Especially when the effort involved in bringing up past issues is at best pointless and at worst counterproductive. Perhaps.

That is just not me. It was precisely this reason though I have tried my best to bite my tongue and not bring up anything prior. Fuck knows what difference it is likely to make and for those involved, no doubt they will look at the exercise as a means to try to justify a position I believe is meritless.

But again, here goes.

TCO and Pandora.
TCO – Generally an Ok guy. Has a tendency when online to go from average everyday poster and reasonably nice bloke to asshat very quickly and when in the throes of a meltdown is liable to do or say anything and be a nasty spiteful piece of work. He also sees things very black and white and expects everyone not agreeing with him, and backing him up, is against him. He believes what he says is defensible because he says it, and his justification is that he believes it (at least at the time). His ability to fuck things up nice and proper and only after much concerted effort, and him calming down, can see it, and then feels bad about his role in it but instead of learning or moving on, either hopes it will go away or he removes himself.

You may say that this is shitty behavior. Yup. You may say that he is too sensitive. Yup. You may say that this is something he has to deal with. Yup.

So why do I support him and his behavior? I do not believe I have. I have many times, both on and off the board condemned it. I also do not have a go at others calling him to rights on such behavior. I believe you own your actions and behaviours. You fuck up, you fix. Say or do something shitty then you are still responsible for it. He does meltdown and it does fuck with him. It is no fun for him at all. That said, he says something abhorrent, then regardless if it is heat of the moment or midst of meltdown, he is the one saying it and needs to own it. In a similar way to someone getting blind drunk and throwing up in someone’s house before having a fight and passing out. They may be unable to neither deal with the situation then, or make any sense nor “control” their actions. But when they sober up…they have a lot of bridges to mend and explaining to do. It also does not necessarily make them a bad person.
But you know this already. Most of you do not like him and that too is understandable.

So what is my “investment” in him? Pandora.

Pandora is a person I am close with and that I am fond of. Regardless of what you think you know of her,   know her a little bit better. She is sweet, loyal, kindly and more than a little socially inept. She is tenacious and vulnerable and very smart. I am honoured to have her as a friend. What I wrote about her in the callout with Butterflies was true then and now.

I had never actively encouraged her onto I2 because she is not a good fit here as TCO has proven that he is not and she recognized the same. It is no biggie. Plenty of forums I would not fit and the same could be said of anyone here.

She is TCO’s fiancé and loves him. She has found someone, at her age, which she feels a sense of companionship and connection with and that is great. This is why I was keen to learn and get on with TCO and how I got to know him.

Now the Butterflies “Rancid” comment that caused the initial callout was thoughtless and mean-spirited but an attempt by her to hit out at TCO. My callout was nothing to do with him but of Pandora. I made that very clear to butterflies but somehow despite this Butterflies still thought I was trying to use the situation to stick up for TCO. It made no sense, after being told continuously that it was not the case, that she would hold onto this. But she did. No biggie.

After apologies were made by her about the misunderstanding and a promise not to insult my friend that way, I kind of believed that she would not do this again. She lied.

Let’s fast-track though.
TCO leaves her in a butthurt rage and in a ridiculous attempt at payback here, decides to try to bad-mouth I2 at one of Pandora’s little safe havens, a Facebook group that she posts on. He further ups the ante. He tries to see if he can blacklist I2 members.  It was typical behavior we have seen on here by him and his further attempts to draw members here to there were all too transparent.
Had he ever fucked up Pandora’s previous safe online areas? Yup? But I had told you guys that. Had he ever used her account before to talk shit? Yup. But then I had told you that too.

Did Pandora say something horrible to Bint to get her and other’s blood boiling and send people over there? You sure it was her? Nope, it wasn’t. He admitted it to me well after the event, that it was him. In fact much of what was said through her was him. But how would you guys know that it was not her? You would at least know that it did not paint the picture of her I gave you. You would at least have cause to suspect that there was a good chance it was him using her account again as I told you he had previously done.
You all disliked his involvement in this thing and wanted him to account for his horrid behavior. I had no issue with that.

So over a posse went to rip well deserved shit out of him…right? Nope. Over you went and ripped shit out of his fucking fiancé. She sees you there and unloading on her and TCO and puts up a rather poor attempt at defence. Anyone attack him? Nope you unload on her.

I was unable to get onto Facebook with the mobile broadband (as I was in between proper internet connections due to a recent house move) I had and could only furiously berate TCO by email and watch my poor mate cop an undeserved flogging. On i2 I had to sit here watching whistles and cheers of a group of you for a job well done celebrating with me in the room.

That alone was fucking poor form, but let’s excuses it if we can. I bit my tongue and said not a lot. He deserved to cop a flogging for what he did but you chose an associated target and ignored every fucking thing I told you about the situation because you did not care to believe me or respect that I may know a little bit more about the situation than you did.

So now I have an unscathed TCO who is telling Pandora that this is proof that the aspie online communities are poisonous. That the Facebook group was no good for her. They both withdraw memberships and he rewards her defending him thick and fast, which you all know is what he craves. That she copped a flogging whilst he cheered her on is neither here nor there for you, and hell maybe him. It mattered to me though. It mattered to her and really upset her. She is not a flamer. Nor a troll and nor part of any of this shit.
To reward her, he took her off for a holiday. She will feel more secure without the online drama and online attacks and that is one more place she built up relationships now ruined and less places to feel safe in and able to be herself in. But she will feel more secure with him.

Well done to those thinking you did anything but enable TCO in his behavior.

All this is bad, but the icing on the cake….goes to Butterflies.
So here I am trying to look after my friend who is upset and berate TCO and hold my tongue which I am loathe to do whilst the posse and well wishers are partying around me hi-fiving themselves whilst announcing that they bravely sunk the boot into Al’s bitch friend.
Then Butterflies knowing that both TCO and Pandora are IP banned and cannot enjoy the celebrations, decides to start calling my dear friend “Rancidora”. Why “Rancidora”? She did promise she would not use that terminology against Pandora…but she lied.

The reason is simple. I was not reacting and Butterflies wanted a chance to square up and a reaction. She felt a sense of vindication as to her belief of what and who Pandora was and wanted to show it publicly in the sly and nasty way she can do.
It is rather rancid behavior.

Worse still many of you cheered on her wit. I could have fired up and taken her on and all comers but I thought to myself “Nah, fuck it. It is like berating someone for blowing their nose with their shirt. If they fucking don’t know better, then who am I to try to teach them decency and respect?”

It really was not a hard ask to connect the fucking dots on this one and justify it any way you like, it was a very poor fucking show all around. I am embarrassed that this is something that I2 would condone. I am disappointed that a place I saw as tough but fair and full of combative but intelligent posters reduced to a forum that would see good sport or righteousness in displays like this. It is jarring to me and flies in the face of what I saw as something of merit in this place.

This place is what the members make it and if this is the best that can be made of i2, I am far from impressed. I am thinking such poisonous thinking will lead, without being addressed by the membership, in good people leaving.

Have any people been leaving lately? They will.

As I said not that it will likely be anything but a futile attempt by me but fuck it, was worth an explanation and a shot.  This is a good forum and has some great members, so it was worth it.

Yeah there is a hell of a lot more than this that i can not tell and i am uncomfortable in having said as much.

So how about you all post, ”tl;dr” and laugh that up?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Al Swearegen on November 15, 2011, 08:48:26 AM
Oh for those thinking that I will vehemently defend justifications and demands for me to do or say whatever...i probably won't. Said what I really want to say here and again I do not think that such justifications are going to be much value to me. I do not think I really have much more to say in respect to this and what I felt compelled to say has been said.
Apathy is not really something I feel much of, but I have it in a big way over this.
Disappointed, a bit despondent and probably a bit over the effort in participating in the environment due to all I have said here.
By all means say and do what you like and want, and consider what I wrote or not. I have said my bit and that was why I posted it.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 15, 2011, 08:58:35 AM
Read every word, Sir. It's a shame you're so disenchanted with the place right now. I hope you decide to become a regular again sometime.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 15, 2011, 09:00:38 AM
As I said before, just because she is your friend does not necessarily mean she is a nice person.  She might be nice to you but then again, she is your friend.

Maybe it was clear to you that that it was TCO posting as Pandora, but it wasn't as clear to us.  Far from it being the mob attack you're trying to portray it as, it was more people trying to defend themselves and their friends, much in the same way you're now defending Pandora.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: earthboundmisfit on November 15, 2011, 09:19:41 AM

This place is what the members make it and if this is the best that can be made of i2, I am far from impressed. I am thinking such poisonous thinking will lead, without being addressed by the membership, in good people leaving.

It's already happening. This is a much different place than the forum I joined three and a half years ago.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 15, 2011, 09:21:22 AM
Have any people been leaving lately?
Yeah; looking for one and sent you a pm about that. Oh, on the point of apathy, don't think you're being apathetic over this situation at all. Have always said if I have a major flaw in my character, it's my own apathy.
Sometimes I feel bad about that.

That last bit was a joke. :)
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 15, 2011, 09:30:02 AM

This place is what the members make it and if this is the best that can be made of i2, I am far from impressed. I am thinking such poisonous thinking will lead, without being addressed by the membership, in good people leaving.

It's already happening. This is a much different place than the forum I joined three and a half years ago.

Then maybe it's time to have think about it and ask ourselves if we can do something better. For our own sakes.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 15, 2011, 10:04:55 AM

This place is what the members make it and if this is the best that can be made of i2, I am far from impressed. I am thinking such poisonous thinking will lead, without being addressed by the membership, in good people leaving.

It's already happening. This is a much different place than the forum I joined three and a half years ago.

Personally, I think it's exactly the same.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: midlifeaspie on November 15, 2011, 10:45:29 AM
Hi Al  :zoinks:

You have inspired me to post something as well.  It won't be nearly so well put, and will probably fail at making sense to anyone, but I am posting it for myself, not for anyone else.

Al is the one who brought me here.  Not that he asked me to come join, but I got to know him a little while in the process of banning him from WP.  What little I knew of him intrigued me so I followed him over here.  This is important because it describes what I was looking for when I came here.  I was looking for genuine connections with people whom I respected, and I was hoping they would also have some of the same problems I have.  I wanted this badly enough when I joined that I convinced myself for some time that I had actually found this.  When Al left I stepped back and took a look at everything and realized my errors.

I am a socially retarded autistic, and a complete noob to forums.  I joined my first online forum,, in 1999 and ended up moderator and then administrator within a couple of months.  I burned out quickly and quit within a year.  During this time I was a kid and I learned little from the experience.  I joined my second online forum last October, and that was WP.  I told myself before I joined that I would not accept a moderator position if one was offered because I didn't want the responsibility or extra work, nor did I want to lose what little support I was actually getting from the place.  I had only learned about my AS the month before and am still dealing with this new information today.  I took the damn position and am glad I did as I learned about what the place really was about much quicker than I would have otherwise, but as soon as I took the position I lost everything that I had joined to get.  I lost personal connections.  I then found this place and thought maybe I could find that here.  I even convinced myself that I had.

This place isn't about personal connections.  It isn't about making friends.  I thought I had done so several times, and there are still a few people I consider myself "friendly" with, but I recently figured out that this place is really about conflict and drama.  People are friendly with each other until they find a weakness, a mistake, or an opening and then it is about tearing each other apart.  I participated in this as much as anyone else and might even be responsible for the increase lately.  I enjoy verbal sparring.  I love taking down twits like Benji and Praetor.  I want to have my cake and eat it too.  What I want doesn't exist and I am just embarrassing myself here.  I am indulging parts of myself that I keep under control for a reason.  I am indulging my opposite nature and then wondering why I am not getting what I really want in the process.

I have a 50 hour a week job, a wife, a special needs toddler, an infant daughter due in 6 weeks, an online MBA program that is completely unfulfilling, and a pending law school application.  My life is full.  My AS doesn't cause me to fail at life, so I will simply learn how to incorporate this without an online community to assist, as assistance is not what this place is about.  This place is a thinly veiled competition for who can be Brave or Hard or Insensitive.  Guess what?  I am sensitive.  I am very sensitive.  I have this thing called AS and it makes me much more sensitive than most.  This sensitivity makes me a great husband and a better-than-average father.  This sensitivity is something that I should be embracing.  This place is about "enabling the spazzes" and "teaching them to harden up".  I think I disagree with the philosophy at the very core of the place.  I don't want an emo cry-fest where everyone talks about their problems, but I do want a place where I can be myself, and open myself up a little bit without fear of retaliation or having it used against me by the very people who I trusted enough to crack open the shell.  This place is not that place. This place is dysfunctional at the core.  It's a "community" that eschews the idea of community.  I don't think the place I am looking for exists, and I am too busy to try and find it.  So instead I will lurk.  I am emotionally invested in many of you and want to see how things turn out.  I am Facebooked to some of you and will keep up that way.  I have some of you on the Drivel, though that place is a dead snore-fest at the moment. 

Al, I hope we can keep in touch in some way or another. 
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 15, 2011, 11:06:58 AM
I don't want to get involved in another big argument, but I totally deny lying about not insulting Pandora. It is true that Les and I made up, and it is true that I agreed fully to leave Pandora out of my argument with Steve. This was before she started bad-mouthing me on FB. Obviously my agreement to Les was that I would not make any unprovoked attacks about her. Of course my agreement with Les wasn't that I would never attack Pandora, even if she attacks me.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 15, 2011, 11:12:08 AM
And I'm really sad to see you leave MLA. Actually, I'm pretty gutted about the amount of good members who are leaving.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Parts on November 15, 2011, 11:13:35 AM

This place is what the members make it and if this is the best that can be made of i2, I am far from impressed. I am thinking such poisonous thinking will lead, without being addressed by the membership, in good people leaving.

It's already happening. This is a much different place than the forum I joined three and a half years ago.

Then maybe it's time to have think about it and ask ourselves if we can do something better. For our own sakes.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 15, 2011, 11:14:04 AM
Thanks for clearing that up, hubert. Have been concerned about you and another, and have assumed the worst. As for what this place is about, I think that could be something different for each member. It's a shame it means conflict and drama to you. My day is almost devoid of language, except for my family in the evenings, and language is what this place is about for me. I don't want the close personal connection; have my family for that and know I'm lucky in that regard. Shame you didn't find what you're looking for here; really enjoyed interacting with you.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: "couldbecousin" on November 15, 2011, 11:14:43 AM
And I'm really sad to see you leave MLA. Actually, I'm pretty gutted about the amount of good members who are leaving.

 I am sad about it too.  Maybe some will return after taking time away to deal with life.  :chin:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Psychophant on November 15, 2011, 11:42:12 AM
Sad to see them both go!  Things just don't seem the same here. 
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 15, 2011, 11:54:56 AM
People come and go.  It's the very nature of the place and of life in general.  You just have to get used to it.

It is a shame that one cannot fully open up here, without having that information used against them at a later point but shit happens, I guess.  It's the way this place has always been and to say that this has only arisen now, is a big fat lie.  As long as you don't come here with grand expectations of a warm and open community that will embrace your faults and cheer you on when you're down, I don't see the problem  ???  (This isn't supposed to be a criticism, just an acknowledgement that I2 isn't and never was a support site.)

I use this place as an escape from daily life and a way to communicate with a bunch of people who know how it feels life to be awkward and spazzy in real life.  'Tis probably one of the few online places where I can freely joke about my lack of a social life and not be met with complete derision :laugh:

Anyway, most of what I'm writing will probably fall on deaf ears so I'll stop now.

/steps off podium
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 15, 2011, 11:57:25 AM
Have no idea what the site used to be like, except there was voting and rules and admin changes. Wouldn't have joined if that were still the case.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 15, 2011, 12:00:13 PM
It is a shame that one cannot fully open up here, without having that information used against them at a later point but shit happens, I guess. 
That's not a special trait of I2; that's people, so really don't mind that part at all because it's expected.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 15, 2011, 12:16:21 PM
(This isn't supposed to be a criticism, just an acknowledgement that I2 isn't and never was a support site.)
Was thinking about this more, and have to disagree. There certainly is support here, and know some also make the close connections hubert mentioned. It is kind of sad if somone seeks that here and doesn't get it at all.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: earthboundmisfit on November 15, 2011, 12:24:59 PM

People come and go.  It's the very nature of the place and of life in general.  You just have to get used to it.

It is a shame that one cannot fully open up here, without having that information used against them at a later point but shit happens, I guess.  It's the way this place has always been and to say that this has only arisen now, is a big fat lie.  As long as you don't come here with grand expectations of a warm and open community that will embrace your faults and cheer you on when you're down, I don't see the problem  ???  (This isn't supposed to be a criticism, just an acknowledgement that I2 isn't and never was a support site.)

I use this place as an escape from daily life and a way to communicate with a bunch of people who know how it feels life to be awkward and spazzy in real life.  'Tis probably one of the few online places where I can freely joke about my lack of a social life and not be met with complete derision :laugh:

Anyway, most of what I'm writing will probably fall on deaf ears so I'll stop now.

/steps off podium

I do agree with you on this, but there seems to be a bit of a pack mentality here as of late.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 15, 2011, 12:27:31 PM
(This isn't supposed to be a criticism, just an acknowledgement that I2 isn't and never was a support site.)
Was thinking about this more, and have to disagree. There certainly is support here, and know some also make the close connections hubert mentioned. It is kind of sad if somone seeks that here and doesn't get it at all.

I politely disagree.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 15, 2011, 12:31:02 PM
I do agree with you on this, but there seems to be a bit of a pack mentality here as of late.
Never really know what to think when the pack mentality thing comes up. Some say pack; some say individuals with the same grief. Did you see the Steve thing as a pack? A couple of the members of that pack have left, so can't help but maybe say no from my own view.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 15, 2011, 12:31:38 PM
(This isn't supposed to be a criticism, just an acknowledgement that I2 isn't and never was a support site.)
Was thinking about this more, and have to disagree. There certainly is support here, and know some also make the close connections hubert mentioned. It is kind of sad if somone seeks that here and doesn't get it at all.

I politely disagree.
You think there's no real friedships or genuine support here?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: skyblue1 on November 15, 2011, 12:38:04 PM
(This isn't supposed to be a criticism, just an acknowledgement that I2 isn't and never was a support site.)
Was thinking about this more, and have to disagree. There certainly is support here, and know some also make the close connections hubert mentioned. It is kind of sad if somone seeks that here and doesn't get it at all.

I politely disagree.
You think there's no real friedships or genuine support here?
not for everyone :)
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 15, 2011, 12:42:11 PM
(This isn't supposed to be a criticism, just an acknowledgement that I2 isn't and never was a support site.)
Was thinking about this more, and have to disagree. There certainly is support here, and know some also make the close connections hubert mentioned. It is kind of sad if somone seeks that here and doesn't get it at all.

I politely disagree.
You think there's no real friedships or genuine support here?

I didn't say that. 
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 15, 2011, 12:49:11 PM
I said there's support and personal connections here and you disagreed. Maybe just misunderstanding what you disagree.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 15, 2011, 12:50:33 PM
(This isn't supposed to be a criticism, just an acknowledgement that I2 isn't and never was a support site.)
Was thinking about this more, and have to disagree. There certainly is support here, and know some also make the close connections hubert mentioned. It is kind of sad if somone seeks that here and doesn't get it at all.

I politely disagree.
You think there's no real friedships or genuine support here?
not for everyone :)
That's true. Some also don't seek it, which is true of me.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: earthboundmisfit on November 15, 2011, 12:57:52 PM

I do agree with you on this, but there seems to be a bit of a pack mentality here as of late.
Never really know what to think when the pack mentality thing comes up. Some say pack; some say individuals with the same grief. Did you see the Steve thing as a pack? A couple of the members of that pack have left, so can't help but maybe say no from my own view.

Honestly, I did think the Steve thing was pack mentality. Not at first, but it escalated into it.

(This isn't supposed to be a criticism, just an acknowledgement that I2 isn't and never was a support site.)
Was thinking about this more, and have to disagree. There certainly is support here, and know some also make the close connections hubert mentioned. It is kind of sad if somone seeks that here and doesn't get it at all.

I politely disagree.
You think there's no real friedships or genuine support here?

There absolutely is, but that isn't the site's purpose. The friendships and support is from people sharing their personal experiences, and that is less likely to happen when people feel those details will be used against them.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 15, 2011, 01:00:47 PM
I didn't see it as pack mentality, at least not from my side.  I have disliked TCO since 2009 and have been pretty open about it :laugh:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Psychophant on November 15, 2011, 01:02:36 PM
(This isn't supposed to be a criticism, just an acknowledgement that I2 isn't and never was a support site.)
Was thinking about this more, and have to disagree. There certainly is support here, and know some also make the close connections hubert mentioned. It is kind of sad if somone seeks that here and doesn't get it at all.

I politely disagree.
You think there's no real friedships or genuine support here?
not for everyone :)
That's true. Some also don't seek it, which is true of me.

Same here, I have a bunch of good friends irl.  And my ambulance crew is pretty tight.  But, I feel pretty friendly and appreciate the support I got when my ribs got broken.   And I can understand when MLA and others called me out for being arrogant.  Other then that, I don't expect much here, except to understand myself a little better and to figure out wtf I'm doing.   :autism:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 15, 2011, 01:12:14 PM
There absolutely is, but that isn't the site's purpose. The friendships and support is from people sharing their personal experiences, and that is less likely to happen when people feel those details will be used against them.
Yeah, I still don't know the purpose of this place outside of the purpose it serves for me, so just assume it's like that for others. Have to agree with the second sentence of your post though.

Same here, I have a bunch of good friends irl.  And my ambulance crew is pretty tight.  But, I feel pretty friendly and appreciate the support I got when my ribs got broken.   And I can understand when MLA and others called me out for being arrogant.  Other then that, I don't expect much here, except to understand myself a little better and to figure out wtf I'm doing.   :autism:
Don't have any friends, but it's nice to interact. I really suck at it in real life, online too sometimes.

I didn't see it as pack mentality, at least not from my side.  I have disliked TCO since 2009 and have been pretty open about it :laugh:
I really didn't either, and hope no one views me as part of the steve pack. I feel when I faced steve, I did it on my own and for my own reasons. I chose to believe others have their own reasons to face him too.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 15, 2011, 01:55:18 PM
I didn't see it as pack mentality, at least not from my side.  I have disliked TCO since 2009 and have been pretty open about it :laugh:

So, big deal! I've disliked TCO since 2007, so there!!! :moon: neener! neener! neener!!! :razz: :moon:

Honestly, I did think the Steve thing was pack mentality. Not at first, but it escalated into it.

I don't think it was a pack mentality. It was a case of TCO had made too many enemies by then.

I found out what a piece of shit he was in 2007 on WP. He sent me a string of nasty PM's that showed what an abusive dick he was. I had a truce with him after our confrontation in 2010, but I knew it wouldn't last.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 15, 2011, 04:39:28 PM
Wow. This is turning into a soap. Missing people return unexpectedly for shocking revelations while the existing cast does yet another rehash of the same old storyline, kept alive because the writers simply have nothing better to replace it with. And hell, it's worked for the past few episodes, several years in fact, so why not a few more?

Fairly soon there will be a deadly illness striking a well-loved figure, maybe it's a brain tumour, while long-standing combatants are revealed to be siblings, lost at birth.

FFS, seriously, people?!? This is a fucking internet message board, an unmoderated one, mostly, and as such more subject to the day-to-day headaches and whims of the so-called aspie elite than most of its cousins out there. It's not something that can replace real life or deliver profoundness on a plate. It's a fucking message board and only ever what those that bother posting there make of it.

Oh, and MLA--there is no such thing. You won't magically find connections online just because you want to, just the opposite. Most boards give back what you give them. Or just some muffled contempt or a ban, if they are moderated. Post. Or don't post. All there is to it.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 15, 2011, 04:40:51 PM
Oh, and btw: yeah, most here already know that some have disliked TCO from <insert a number here>. It's getting fucking old.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Parts on November 15, 2011, 04:49:04 PM
So who will show up next :zoinks:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 15, 2011, 04:52:31 PM
McJ or Lit.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 15, 2011, 04:56:02 PM
Please be Randy :)
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 15, 2011, 04:57:12 PM
Now THAT would be interesting.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 15, 2011, 05:02:50 PM
Calm down odeon, you'll give yourself a headache  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Psychophant on November 15, 2011, 05:20:21 PM
Christ, even a doofus like me sees that this is exactly what people want here.   :lol:

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 15, 2011, 05:44:18 PM
Wow. This is turning into a soap. Missing people return unexpectedly for shocking revelations while the existing cast does yet another rehash of the same old storyline, kept alive because the writers simply have nothing better to replace it with. And hell, it's worked for the past few episodes, several years in fact, so why not a few more?

Fairly soon there will be a deadly illness striking a well-loved figure, maybe it's a brain tumour, while long-standing combatants are revealed to be siblings, lost at birth.

FFS, seriously, people?!? This is a fucking internet message board, an unmoderated one, mostly, and as such more subject to the day-to-day headaches and whims of the so-called aspie elite than most of its cousins out there. It's not something that can replace real life or deliver profoundness on a plate. It's a fucking message board and only ever what those that bother posting there make of it.

Oh, and MLA--there is no such thing. You won't magically find connections online just because you want to, just the opposite. Most boards give back what you give them. Or just some muffled contempt or a ban, if they are moderated. Post. Or don't post. All there is to it.
There has been a deadly illness to strike a beloved member, and for some reason am thinking it was a brain tumor. Hope that wasn't a joke about it. Say what you will, but it may only be a message board, but it's stil real people and people can be affected by it. Am pretty sure I've inadvertantly hurt at least two people online. Will never know for certain, and they're so nice they would likely deny it even if the opportunity came up ask. Am much more careful about these things, though the latest drama has made me realize there might be a third person from something done almost two years ago, and I'm really upset about it.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 15, 2011, 06:26:33 PM
So why do I support him and his behavior? I do not believe I have.

Fuck you!!!  :finger:  that's a fucking lie and you know it.

EDIT: I just read your diatribe for the second time now, and it absolutely disgusts me.

How DARE you try to blame anyone here for what is clearly TCO's fault!!!  :finger:

We were NOT responsible for knowing that TCO was using Pandora's account. It is the combined fault of Pandora and TCO that that happened, and they are the only ones to blame.

All that you have shown, is what a disgusting, horrible evil EVIL EVIL piece of fucking shit TCO is.

Secondly, you have shown just how dumb Pandora is for sticking around that piece of shit. If these are the kind of manipulations that he is pulling on her on the internet, then I can only imagine how he fucks with her head IRL. I feel sorry for Pandora, but at some point she has to be held responsible for the fact that she doesn't leave him. If she loves him, I can only attribute that to Stockholm Syndrome. How blind can you be to not see TCO is a bad person?

Lastly, you Sir Les, need to see that TCO isn't a good person who does bad things, he's a bad person who plays nice when it suits him. That's the thing with these Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde personalitles, Mr. Hyde is the true person, Dr. Jekyl is the mask that they hide behind. My sister dates and marries people just like TCO. I've had 20+ years of experience with his type. Whether or not TCO has power over these "meltdowns" is a moot point. At the end of the day, it's just a power game that is designed to control people. Pandora is under his spell and he has sucked you into his routine too.

The best thing for Pandora is to leave TCO for good, and not dat anyone like him again. If TCO tries to stalk her, then he needs to have his brains bashed in and his body dumped in a river so the crocks can have their way with his corpse. Come to think of it, that's the best use for TCO.... :chin:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: midlifeaspie on November 15, 2011, 07:36:35 PM
Oh, and MLA--there is no such thing. You won't magically find connections online just because you want to

Thank you for proving my point.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 15, 2011, 10:25:22 PM

This place is what the members make it and if this is the best that can be made of i2, I am far from impressed. I am thinking such poisonous thinking will lead, without being addressed by the membership, in good people leaving.

It's already happening. This is a much different place than the forum I joined three and a half years ago.

Then maybe it's time to have think about it and ask ourselves if we can do something better. For our own sakes.

What do you think would be better?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Al Swearegen on November 16, 2011, 06:53:00 AM
So why do I support him and his behavior? I do not believe I have.

Fuck you!!!  :finger:  that's a fucking lie and you know it.

EDIT: I just read your diatribe for the second time now, and it absolutely disgusts me.

How DARE you try to blame anyone here for what is clearly TCO's fault!!!  :finger:

We were NOT responsible for knowing that TCO was using Pandora's account. It is the combined fault of Pandora and TCO that that happened, and they are the only ones to blame.

All that you have shown, is what a disgusting, horrible evil EVIL EVIL piece of fucking shit TCO is.

Secondly, you have shown just how dumb Pandora is for sticking around that piece of shit. If these are the kind of manipulations that he is pulling on her on the internet, then I can only imagine how he fucks with her head IRL. I feel sorry for Pandora, but at some point she has to be held responsible for the fact that she doesn't leave him. If she loves him, I can only attribute that to Stockholm Syndrome. How blind can you be to not see TCO is a bad person?

Lastly, you Sir Les, need to see that TCO isn't a good person who does bad things, he's a bad person who plays nice when it suits him. That's the thing with these Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde personalitles, Mr. Hyde is the true person, Dr. Jekyl is the mask that they hide behind. My sister dates and marries people just like TCO. I've had 20+ years of experience with his type. Whether or not TCO has power over these "meltdowns" is a moot point. At the end of the day, it's just a power game that is designed to control people. Pandora is under his spell and he has sucked you into his routine too.

The best thing for Pandora is to leave TCO for good, and not dat anyone like him again. If TCO tries to stalk her, then he needs to have his brains bashed in and his body dumped in a river so the crocks can have their way with his corpse. Come to think of it, that's the best use for TCO.... :chin:

Thank you for the contribution Scrap. What it lacked in insight , it made up for with disjointed hysteria.
Calm down big fella.

Once you manage to calm down I want you to try to not be quite a righteously indignant or pretend that you have the monopoly on truth and perception. Quite simply, you have an opinion.

"Grease Monkey (317) Al Swearengen (1195) - full page of lies In topic Yesterday at 06:33:54 PM "

No my raging friend.

Let's look at things rationally and fairly. Humour us here Scrap and see if you can, even if just for an exercise in self-restraint and open-mindedness.

Have I ever...yes ever..supported TCO's right to say whatever he wanted unchallenged? Have I ever denounced people's right to defend against these attacks? I have certainly on occassion agreed with others against him and him against others and at times even criticised his behaviour. I have even tried to allow him an "out" on ocassion to man up and apologise and stop making things worse for him and the board members. But this is not what I just asked.

The fact is we have seen he has not been able to play well here. He does meltdown and it does not do him, nor the board nor the board members any favours when he does. I do not deny this and I do not recall ever having said anything to the contrary.

I also liken the analogy of the drunk too far gone with drink to control their actions at the time they are drunk to realise what they are doing (and who is both incapable of registering the effect of what they are doing at the time and with which trying to draw accountability is futile) to his actions when in meltdown.

But find where i say that he is not accountable for anything he says. The truth is, regardless of what we say or do, we all are regardless too of how emotional we are at the time. maybe in the heat of the moment or in the throes of a meltdown we are not of a mind to appreciate our actions but that does not excuse our actions.

You suggest I have indicated otherwise? Find it.

So no I do not defend his actions and have not. Have I been patient? Like a fucking saint.

Have I tried to avoid driving him to meltdown? Yup. This is not defending him either.

What about my personal views and beliefs on him and who and what he is off-forum? Yup been honest here too. I have volunteered these things freely. That is not as much defending him as making a valued judgment.

So again Scrap - Find the lies and not difference of opinion or difference of perspective or judgment. Or stop being a drama queen and frothing at the mouth. Make a claimn and back it properly. I don't give a damn whether you or anyone likes TCO. He has done a lot to make a lot of people dislike him and that is his cross to carry. I do not much care whether people like him or not nor form a poor opinion on him based on the actions they have seen online.

You don't need to back these things and i do not call your judgment on this to bear. Accuse me of lying you better do better than to make vaccous accusations, or you are going to look stupid and redundant.

What exactly have I blamed on people and what have i blamed on TCO?
Now for the benefit of what i can only assume is rather poor comprehension in a biased mindset of which would do Bill O'Reilly proud, i will break it back down for you here Scrap.

TCO on here attacks members? TCO. No issue with members attacking back and he has to back himself.

Members attack TCO? Members  No issue with TCO attacking back and they have to back themselves.

TCO having a meltdown? Unfortunate. I do not believe in this state he can realise what he is doing/saying and addressing this pointless but that he is still accountable for everything he says.

TCO pulling shit over at Facebook? TCO. Poor fucking form and he deserved to be taken to task personally for it.
TCO using Pandora's account? Stupid and poor form and he is responsible for it.

"Posse" going over there? TCO. He bouight that shit on himself. If it was not concerns i had that Pandora would get roped into it and that it was likely to ruin another online community for her, I likely would be part of that too. (I use the word "posse" because i think it best fits. I do not think of it in a negative light. A group of concerned people going as a united group to right a wrong)

No TCO - and the posse starts firing shots at Pandora as next best target? Primarily TCO. He set this up and had his girl taking fire for him. Secondly the posse. Whilst it mayt have been unclear as to what was said or not by Pandora, I had put on the board what and who she was and that he did and does use her account sometimes so where there was a doubt who actually said what and that what was said fitted what i described in her and what you knew of him, I believe there ought to have been some restraint and an acceptance that she was not the person they sought to address, he was.

That said I understood as much as i did not like it and held my tongue.

Celebrating giving my mate a flogging over here and talking up what a bitch she is whilst her friend is in the room? Everyone involved in said celebrating. Fucking poor form.

Still I held my tongue. Did not like it but did not complain.

Trying to get a rancid sly dig at me after me not having reacted - with the "Rancidora" bullshit - and others cheering on that? Fucking pathetic and everyone involved in that is responsible.

So, yes Scrap. TCO is to blame for TCO's actions and other's for their own actions. Don't try to interpret that I was trying to leave him blameless, that would be both dishonest and stupid.

"then I can only imagine how he fucks with her head IRL" Do not let your imagination run away with you Scrap. You may be right and you may not be. Until you are you are condemning her and him based on online activities only. You would not be my pick for a jury Scrap. Am i keen to make sure my friend is safe? Yes. Do i have concerns? Yes. Will I look out for her interests? Yes. Will I run down her future husband based on some online interactions which have proved that he does not do the online thing that well in aspie online environments? No and if you think so you are a fucking idiot. Does it mean I will look at such things carefully and with concern. Of course. I am a friend and I have her interests at heart. At the moment she is with a man who makes her happy and conversely sucks at these online fora. The two CAN exist mutually. I do not know whether one reflects the other but I will be fucked if I will be judge, jury and executioner based on such loose speculation and fear. That would be unfair, rash, dishonest and stupid.

Oh and heads up Scrap. TCO is not your brother in Law. You may know your brother in law and you may read into TCO some specific psychoanalytical online diagnosis but between you, me and the rest of the thinking people here, that means shit and if you are not too self-opinionated or full of yourself, I would say that you probably know that such armchair diagnosises or greater awarenesses mean shit. (Yes...even when i do it myself)

So go find the lies Scrap. Fucking hopeless.

Jack I answered your PM.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 16, 2011, 06:56:45 AM
This could be a long reply. 

Not too sure if i was expected to reply to this.  As i was involved then i will.     

I had never actively encouraged her onto I2 because she is not a good fit here as TCO has proven that he is not and she recognized the same. It is no biggie. Plenty of forums I would not fit and the same could be said of anyone here.
Have to say i can't understand why she would get him an account on the FB WP group after what had just gone on over here!  Bearing in mind his past performance it seems crazy to encourage him to join another forum if he was still butthurt.  I would have thought the ending was a predictable one.  The reason i say 'get him an a/c'  is because it is not a 'click to join group'   You can request to join but until another member 'approves' you, you cannot post.  She opened the door for him.

Another reason i mention this -  i waited two or three days to get approved in the group.  V approved Butterflies,  she approved me,  etc.  This is worth bearing in mind if you are thinking we went in as a gang.  We all had to wait more than a day, i can't speak for anyone else but i was frustrated at reading the posts and not being able to comment.  As we were all aproved in the space of five mins it might appear that we went in as a 'posse' but it was just a bottleneck.

I was not angry or anything like that,  i simply wanted to comment on things like
Rod Craven Seems the admins of that site just let the chickens run the coop, and don;t give a monkey;s about what is posted by these bullies. A membership of 459, with at least 10 active bullies and a lot of fence-sitters. IntensitySquared - a site to be avoided by anyone who wants to feel safe.
11 October at 19:28
Rod Craven
Now, unfortunately I've been told that unless Texas or Florida law has been broken by anything that is posted on I2, they can do whatever the fuck they like, and the only real TOS violation is to post child porn and threaten to hack or damage the site. And unfortunately, there is not a lot Alex or anyone can do to stop them from posting their rubbish there. But when they cross over to here and start their shenanigans, or try it on in WP itself, that's where they are going to come unstuck. And being the cowards they are, they will stick to posting in their own backyard, or closet as it may be.
and this one really made me want to reply
While there has been the odd amount of swearing here (I was told by my niece that FB doesn't censor unless it is considerably vulgar) but the swearing and foul language on I2 has become de riguer. 
12 October at 08:21
I am sorry but i could not let that one go for he has the worst mouth for foul language i have ever come across.   

Also my approval to post came on 15th October.
This was a post made by Pandora on 13th October.
Carmel Anne Jones
I've never known Rod to lie about anything. It seems to me as if MLA was blowing off smoke about making a possible attack on WP because he was angry about the troubles he had over there. I don't believe Rod could have been expected to know if MLA was only posturing and had no real intention of making any attack. Rod has had enough of the bullying, taunting, and goading directed his way and I certainly don't blame him.
13 October at 15:56 • Like
  So is this Rod or Pandora?   He wouldn't have needed to post under her account then? or would he?   I am not really expecting an answer but trying to show you that i, personally,  couldn't really tell.  Yes i suspected there was some made by Rod,  but i honestly do not recall being told about this being a habit of his until later on.  I think i first cottoned on that maybe he was making some posts under her name when in one thread she said she had known Rod for 12 years and then in another said 14 years.

If you had said to me something like "oi fuckwit,  it's not Pandora it is Rod" i would have not made another comment.  To be honest i do regret getting involved.  You said yourself that Rod only admitted this after the event and can only assume you didn't really know until his admission.  So how can you expect us to know,  as a fact? 

So over a posse went to rip well deserved shit out of him…right? Nope. Over you went and ripped shit out of his fucking fiancé. She sees you there and unloading on her and TCO and puts up a rather poor attempt at defence. Anyone attack him? Nope you unload on her.
Hand on heart it was not like that at all, and i am speaking on behalf of myself.  I went there to reply  to Rod's comments.  I also went there to prevent ‘V’ from being dragged into defending them without all the facts.  I was not part of any posse.  I don’t know where you get your view that a posse went in and attacked Pandora.  Here are the first interractions i made
Teresa Louise Brown It is a grown up forum. Not a place to throw a tantrum. Majority of people have no problems at all there. A very childish and antagonistic person would probably face a bit of backlash.
16 October at 01:29 · Like
Teresa Louise Brown Oh dear! are you unable to string together a whole sentence without swearing? Also who are you talking to here?, i am not Butterflies. I put it to you that the reason you seem to have repeated 'problems' on the internet is that you are unable to communicate in a civil manner, and have no real grasp of polite conversation. Or are you just having another 3 week long meltdown?

here are Butterflies first posts
Lorna Smith Hi. I'm the Butterflies that has been getting discussed here. Carmel, I don't know you, and I'm sorry that you have so much animosity towards me. I suppose it may be understandable, considering what you have heard, but you do not appear to even know half of what's gone on. You are making comments about my personality such as "go on believing what you want to believe but don't be surprised if she turns on you at some stage. She won't right now because you're giving her all she wants - vindication and adulation." and others that I can't be bothered finding. They are simply not true. You are very welcome to message me, and I will be happy to discuss any issues you have with me.
15 October at 19:55 · Like
Lorna Smith Hi John. Intensity Squared is an aspie forum, a bit like WP, but it is not a support forum, and it is unmoderated. Free speech is promoted, and there are no rules, other than do not do anything that endangers the site. Fights can often occur on Intesity, because unlike WP, there are no mods stepping in to stop fights from happening. Don't get the wrong impression, it is a great site, with many great members, and just like WP, it provides a great service. I would certainly not say it is a site that should be avoided. However, it is not for anybody who is easily offended, or feels the need to be in a moderated environment.
15 October at 23:59 · Like
I won't put eris and squiddy as they are gone but they were not attacks on Pandora but on Rod.  I have no idea why you think that.

This is how i got into a silly argument with her, after i was kinda trying to see her perspective
Carmel Anne Jones I hope I am mistaken but he is about the same age as one of my daughters and I was going into my protective mother mode.
16 October at 14:13 · Like

Lloyd Purser Then at least get your facts straight before going into "protective mother mode".
16 October at 14:17 · Like

Carmel Anne Jones Is that a picture of you on your avatar?
16 October at 14:21 · Like

Lloyd Purser Yes.
16 October at 14:25 · Like

Vicente Rios Again Carmel I have a very close friend that has told me to be wary about there and she was told that Im aware of the possible issues and let it go. Your advice is appreciated but I see no issues at the moment and therefore Im not going to stop posting there.
16 October at 14:26 · Like

Teresa Louise Brown i understand the protective mother mode btw, i can mother Vicente at I2 if he needed it...but he doesn't.
16 October at 14:35 · Like

Kristine Kelly I wonder why she cared if that was his real picture ?
16 October at 14:38 · Like

Carmel Anne Jones Teresa, you do look old enough to be his mother.
16 October at 15:15 · Like

and she said my hair was like straw and i looked like a halloween fright mask!  But, you might say 'it wasn't her'  but all i had to go on was the info on my screen.  She made a post about her being in protective mother mode and i took that to be Pandora.  A few minutes later she insults me.  I hope you can see why it happened.

For what it is worth i am very sorry i insulted her back.  I said something really silly like 'are you the first of your family with no tail?'  I feel i should apologise to you and her.  Sorry.  There are other factors too,  but i need to go out in a bit and wanted to post before doing so.  As for Rod,  i would not apologise to him at all.  I think Rod is about a million miles away from 'alright'.

BTW I don't  think he has an undiagnosed condition -  unless you can class 'utter cunt' as one. 

I hope you don't really see the whole site as bad due to this incident.  I also hope you accept how sorry i am about getting involved.  I really have no bad feelings regarding your friend at all,  tempers were a bit frayed and i think Rod did his best to antagonize things.

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Al Swearegen on November 16, 2011, 07:38:32 AM
I do not know what specific posts that were his and hers. I do know he admitted to having posted that snipe at Bint on her account. I do know that she suddenly was or felt confronted by I2 members and felt she had to defend herself and TCO and was really upset and out of her depth and appealing to me as to what to do whilst TCO cheered her on.

Bodie if you read what I wrote about the "posse" you will see not only do I not associate it in a negative light but that were it not that she was there and it not her safe online community, I would have been right there too.

You Bodie were one of the few not carrying on back at the clubhouse around me on your success and i thank you. You also did not cheer on the incredible wit of using the Rancidora dig at me and i thank you for that too.

"I hope you don't really see the whole site as bad due to this incident"

As I have said. The site is what we as members make it and so in answer, YES. It is sactioned and condoned and celebrated and that is a damn shame. It is justified an dexcused and seen as a righteous exercise and that is disappointing.

Not really the environment i am proud of and happy to support
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 16, 2011, 08:12:15 AM
Posting from phone so cant say much, but c'mon Les, get a grip.
I was in a fight with Steve and Pandora. It was justified. Not one word I wrote was for your benefit. I wasnt fighting them whilst thinking of how to insult you.

Im sorry Les, but Im just not interested enough in you to aim digs at you after you appear to have left the site.

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 16, 2011, 08:22:19 AM
Something's foul here.

Les, I would encourage you not to leave on account of Butterflies. Don't forget DD did too. Between you two and eris, that's too many. I can't work out how things that happen on other sites by this group of a few people keep reflecting so badly on everybody on I2. There's a lot more to us than those few. When did the rest of us drop right off your radar?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'andersom' on November 16, 2011, 08:25:02 AM
Something's foul here.

Les, I would encourage you not to leave on account of Butterflies. Don't forget DD did too. Between you two and eris, that's too many. I can't work out how things that happen on other sites by this group of a few people keep reflecting so badly on everybody on I2. There's a lot more to us than those few. When did the rest of us drop right off your radar?

Is that why DD left?

I miss that guy.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 16, 2011, 08:41:09 AM
He left shortly after having a big argument with Butterflies and some others about patriotism and right to bear arms.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Al Swearegen on November 16, 2011, 08:46:00 AM
Posting from phone so cant say much, but c'mon Les, get a grip.
I was in a fight with Steve and Pandora. It was justified. Not one word I wrote was for your benefit. I wasnt fighting them whilst thinking of how to insult you.

Im sorry Les, but Im just not interested enough in you to aim digs at you after you appear to have left the site.

Get a grip? Get over yourself butterflies.

You were not posting to two people you knew were IP banned and could not see what was written. Credit this board with at least a little bit of common sense and a bit of memory recall.

Don't be sorry butterflies, I am not interested in you either.

Pyraxis, I know I keep rehashing the point but this place is what its members make it. I come here to wind down hang out and have fun. This type of shit is simply not doing it for me. I will do things other than what I am not enjoying.

I have pretty much said all I wanted to say and further comments would only really serve to rehash the same ground over and over. Hell. I don't expect that people should not do what they want here. Freedom of expression and all that. I question people simply in light of this to question what it is that they want out of the board. No one has to be here and no one is forced to do anything here. Make whatever culture you want and if it does it for you then stay and enjoy. If not change it or leave or do whatever.
Me? Well. I am a bit over it and think that at the moment it is not the place I am particularly wanting to be around nor do I find the current environment a pleasure to be around.
Things change, this place is not what it was 6 months ago or a year ago. What it may or could be is anyones guess.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 16, 2011, 08:52:58 AM
You also did not cheer on the incredible wit of using the Rancidora dig at me and i thank you for that too.

I do not see how you can think that was a dig at you?  ???
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 16, 2011, 08:53:40 AM
I have to make one very obvious point.
Yes. Steve is IP banned. There was always a guest viewing, and Steve knew what was being said. It was a fair assumption that he was snooping using a proxy.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 16, 2011, 08:58:37 AM
@Pyraxis. Thats a strange story about DD. At first it was presented as a fact that he left because of me. Now youre presenting as an observation that DD appears to have left some time after an argument with some people, one of them being me.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Adam on November 16, 2011, 09:35:43 AM
haha, the right to bear arms argument  :2thumbsup:

I don't even get what the fuck is going on here anymore, I thought this shit ended ages ago, but yeh whatever  :M
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 16, 2011, 10:23:22 AM
Wow. This is turning into a soap. Missing people return unexpectedly for shocking revelations while the existing cast does yet another rehash of the same old storyline, kept alive because the writers simply have nothing better to replace it with. And hell, it's worked for the past few episodes, several years in fact, so why not a few more?

Fairly soon there will be a deadly illness striking a well-loved figure, maybe it's a brain tumour, while long-standing combatants are revealed to be siblings, lost at birth.

FFS, seriously, people?!? This is a fucking internet message board, an unmoderated one, mostly, and as such more subject to the day-to-day headaches and whims of the so-called aspie elite than most of its cousins out there. It's not something that can replace real life or deliver profoundness on a plate. It's a fucking message board and only ever what those that bother posting there make of it.

Oh, and MLA--there is no such thing. You won't magically find connections online just because you want to, just the opposite. Most boards give back what you give them. Or just some muffled contempt or a ban, if they are moderated. Post. Or don't post. All there is to it.
There has been a deadly illness to strike a beloved member, and for some reason am thinking it was a brain tumor. Hope that wasn't a joke about it. Say what you will, but it may only be a message board, but it's stil real people and people can be affected by it. Am pretty sure I've inadvertantly hurt at least two people online. Will never know for certain, and they're so nice they would likely deny it even if the opportunity came up ask. Am much more careful about these things, though the latest drama has made me realize there might be a third person from something done almost two years ago, and I'm really upset about it.

No, it wasn't a joke about any particular member here, Jack. It was just a joke in reference to a typical daytime soap. My apologies if someone misunderstood my post.

To clarify: I'm all for a place where you feel you can connect, where you can find friends, etc, but I feel that all of a sudden, impossible expectations about what this place is or should be are risen. It's just a message board, nothing more. If people like it here and find like-minded individuals and feel at home, great, but it shouldn't be expected to change your life. Not saying it can't, but it shouldn't be expected.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 16, 2011, 10:26:44 AM
Oh, and MLA--there is no such thing. You won't magically find connections online just because you want to

Thank you for proving my point.

Eh? All I'm saying is that people sometimes place impossible expectations on message boards and your post was a case in point.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 16, 2011, 10:36:33 AM
I have to make one very obvious point.
Yes. Steve is IP banned. There was always a guest viewing, and Steve knew what was being said. It was a fair assumption that he was snooping using a proxy.

A rather obvious reply, then: Steve wasn't IP banned the whole time, far from it. Also, quite a few members use a proxy, all the time.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 16, 2011, 10:37:10 AM
Thanks, Odeon.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 16, 2011, 10:46:05 AM
"I hope you don't really see the whole site as bad due to this incident"

As I have said. The site is what we as members make it and so in answer, YES. It is sactioned and condoned and celebrated and that is a damn shame. It is justified an dexcused and seen as a righteous exercise and that is disappointing.

Not really the environment i am proud of and happy to support

You have a point because this place is always what its members make it. But "sanctioned and condoned" would imply that the site is a unit of sorts and somehow centrally governed (now, if the WC idea had stuck, that might have been the case but now, the closest to thing to that kind of authority are the admins and me), where such an action could get some sort of official approval or disapproval, and it just isn't so. People do what they do. Would I2 be to blame if, say, a number of AFF members who also are members here planned a "posse" at AFF, carried it out on a third site and then came here to celebrate? I guess what I'm wondering is where you draw the line.

But nevertheless I do feel I have a responsibility. To what extent that is something I imagine, I don't know. I suppose I'm the closest thing to a "publisher" we have, and so I feel I am responsible to some extent.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 16, 2011, 10:56:21 AM
I have to make one very obvious point.
Yes. Steve is IP banned. There was always a guest viewing, and Steve knew what was being said. It was a fair assumption that he was snooping using a proxy.

A rather obvious reply, then: Steve wasn't IP banned the whole time, far from it. Also, quite a few members use a proxy, all the time.

My post was in reply to Les' comment that:
You were not posting to two people you knew were IP banned and could not see what was written. Credit this board with at least a little bit of common sense and a bit of memory recall.

He is talking about the time Steve was IP banned, and he appears to be claiming that my comments about Pandora were meant as an insult to him because Steve and Pandora were banned, and therefore had absolutely no idea what was happening on this site.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 16, 2011, 11:01:22 AM
I have to make one very obvious point.
Yes. Steve is IP banned. There was always a guest viewing, and Steve knew what was being said. It was a fair assumption that he was snooping using a proxy.

A rather obvious reply, then: Steve wasn't IP banned the whole time, far from it. Also, quite a few members use a proxy, all the time.

My post was in reply to Les' comment that:
You were not posting to two people you knew were IP banned and could not see what was written. Credit this board with at least a little bit of common sense and a bit of memory recall.

He is talking about the time Steve was IP banned, and he appears to be claiming that my comments about Pandora were meant as an insult to him because Steve and Pandora were banned, and therefore had absolutely no idea what was happening on this site.

A lot of misunderstandings seem to circulate over for how long TCO was IP banned (and thus Pandora by proxy), and I've seen people assume that he was when he wasn't. I can't see how any of the above comments can be placed in time to one or the other situation.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 16, 2011, 11:06:16 AM
I have to make one very obvious point.
Yes. Steve is IP banned. There was always a guest viewing, and Steve knew what was being said. It was a fair assumption that he was snooping using a proxy.

A rather obvious reply, then: Steve wasn't IP banned the whole time, far from it. Also, quite a few members use a proxy, all the time.

My post was in reply to Les' comment that:
You were not posting to two people you knew were IP banned and could not see what was written. Credit this board with at least a little bit of common sense and a bit of memory recall.

He is talking about the time Steve was IP banned, and he appears to be claiming that my comments about Pandora were meant as an insult to him because Steve and Pandora were banned, and therefore had absolutely no idea what was happening on this site.

A lot of misunderstandings seem to circulate over for how long TCO was IP banned (and thus Pandora by proxy), and I've seen people assume that he was when he wasn't. I can't see how any of the above comments can be placed in time to one or the other situation.

TBH it doesn't really matter.

Les' point is that I was trying to insult him by saying what I said about Pandora whilst Steve was banned. My point is that, at all times during the argument, I assumed Steve had some kind of access to this site, whether it be full access, or access through a proxy.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 16, 2011, 01:03:06 PM
So did you try to insult him?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 16, 2011, 01:10:50 PM
@Odeon. Absolutely not. I believed Les and I had made up, and I had no desire at all to get back involved in figjting him. My insults were aimed at Steve and Pandora, as well as to amuse myself and some others.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 16, 2011, 03:38:05 PM
I did not hear anything bad about Les.  It was not directed at him, not to my knowledge anyway.

If you look at Butterflies first post (the one i posted earlier)It is not really very threatening at all.  Quite polite really.  Truth is i went there with the best intentions,  and i believe the other's did too.  I think we were all a little surprised by the reaction.  Looking back it probably would not have mattered what we posted to them,  they saw our presence there as hostile and attacked us.  That led to an exchange of insults which was really silly. 

I had an added pressure with it being on facebook.  I do go there daily,  just for poker,  but have kept chat closed and made no posts on my wall for ages.  So suddenly my activity increased and this alerted my brother to the fact i was posting again, and he only clicked on it and saw the argument.  He rang me up to find out what wrongplanet was all about and he wanted to join it and start defending me.

Can you imagine that,  how embarrassing eh,  your big brother shows up and starts mouthing off.  If it had of come to that i wouldn't be here now, i would have been too embarrassed. 

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 16, 2011, 04:25:11 PM
Just been thinking about how i would like this site to be?  I don't know really,  i was sort of happy with it.

I liked it enough to go on facebook and defend it. 

I liked enough of you enough to get irked when whole site got slagged!

So,  my question is...
Is this site not worth defending?     
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 16, 2011, 04:34:01 PM
Just been thinking about how i would like this site to be?  I don't know really,  i was sort of happy with it.

I liked it enough to go on facebook and defend it. 

I liked enough of you enough to get irked when whole site got slagged!

So,  my question is...
Is this site not worth defending?     

For me, the site is worth defending, and I think if this was anybody other than Les' friend, nobody would have had any issues with what we done
This whole thing has been blown out of all proportion, and I think it shows that if you shout loud enough and stamp your feet hard enough, you will always find some people who will take you seriously.

If you look at Butterflies first post (the one i posted earlier)It is not really very threatening at all.  Quite polite really.  Truth is i went there with the best intentions,  and i believe the other's did too.

Yes. I was more than happy to speak civily to her, and to try and explain what had happened.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 16, 2011, 06:26:00 PM
@Pyraxis. Thats a strange story about DD. At first it was presented as a fact that he left because of me. Now youre presenting as an observation that DD appears to have left some time after an argument with some people, one of them being me.

Yup. I'm casting vague aspersions on you in an attempt at ferreting out what's gone wrong.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 16, 2011, 06:30:44 PM
@Pyraxis. Thats a strange story about DD. At first it was presented as a fact that he left because of me. Now youre presenting as an observation that DD appears to have left some time after an argument with some people, one of them being me.

Yup. I'm casting vague aspersions on you in an attempt at ferreting out what's gone wrong.

I'm sure Inspector Pyraxis will ferret out the troublemaker in no time :thumbup:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 16, 2011, 06:46:57 PM
Pyraxis, I know I keep rehashing the point but this place is what its members make it. I come here to wind down hang out and have fun. This type of shit is simply not doing it for me. I will do things other than what I am not enjoying.

If you do take off then, I hope you come back and say hi sometimes, and check to see if anything's changed for the better.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Psychophant on November 16, 2011, 06:47:35 PM
Just been thinking about how i would like this site to be?  I don't know really,  i was sort of happy with it.

I liked it enough to go on facebook and defend it. 

I liked enough of you enough to get irked when whole site got slagged!

So,  my question is...
Is this site not worth defending?     

I'm feeling ambivalent about it right now!   :-\
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 17, 2011, 02:21:43 AM
Just been thinking about how i would like this site to be?  I don't know really,  i was sort of happy with it.

I liked it enough to go on facebook and defend it. 

I liked enough of you enough to get irked when whole site got slagged!

So,  my question is...
Is this site not worth defending?     

I'm feeling ambivalent about it right now!   :-\

I think it's worth defending, but it's not going to happen unless people want to.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Al Swearegen on November 17, 2011, 10:16:59 AM
I have to make one very obvious point.
Yes. Steve is IP banned. There was always a guest viewing, and Steve knew what was being said. It was a fair assumption that he was snooping using a proxy.

A rather obvious reply, then: Steve wasn't IP banned the whole time, far from it. Also, quite a few members use a proxy, all the time.

My post was in reply to Les' comment that:
You were not posting to two people you knew were IP banned and could not see what was written. Credit this board with at least a little bit of common sense and a bit of memory recall.

He is talking about the time Steve was IP banned, and he appears to be claiming that my comments about Pandora were meant as an insult to him because Steve and Pandora were banned, and therefore had absolutely no idea what was happening on this site.

Is that what I appear to be claiming?

Ok if this was what I was claiming then the fact that he had more than some idea of what was happening because up to the point he was IP banned he was viewing the threads in question as a guest and posting as such on Facebook (a fact which I and everyone on here knew) would be a kind of stupid thing to claim.
That is if this is what you are inferring that I am trying to claim this.
“had absolutely no idea what was happening on this site” Clever use of wording
Of course he had “some” idea of what was happening. He had read a good chunk of what was said.
BUT then he was IP banned (as he was seen as a real threat to the site).
You were aware approximately of when this happened because it was posted from what Pandora said about not being able to join if she wanted because she and he were IP banned, and this too was discussed and confirmed.
Until that time he had great access and so had a rather good idea of what was happening.
Probably best not muddying the waters . It is misrepresentation which I think is a rather close cousin to a lie. The callout I had with you was rather crammed full of such misrepresentations. Making a bogus claim (pretending that it was one of my values, or i had said it or inferred it) and then defending against it, and the like. You really don’t have to. It is stupid.

I have to make one very obvious point.
Yes. Steve is IP banned. There was always a guest viewing, and Steve knew what was being said. It was a fair assumption that he was snooping using a proxy.

A rather obvious reply, then: Steve wasn't IP banned the whole time, far from it. Also, quite a few members use a proxy, all the time.

My post was in reply to Les' comment that:
You were not posting to two people you knew were IP banned and could not see what was written. Credit this board with at least a little bit of common sense and a bit of memory recall.

He is talking about the time Steve was IP banned, and he appears to be claiming that my comments about Pandora were meant as an insult to him because Steve and Pandora were banned, and therefore had absolutely no idea what was happening on this site.

A lot of misunderstandings seem to circulate over for how long TCO was IP banned (and thus Pandora by proxy), and I've seen people assume that he was when he wasn't. I can't see how any of the above comments can be placed in time to one or the other situation.

TBH it doesn't really matter.

Les' point is that I was trying to insult him by saying what I said about Pandora whilst Steve was banned. My point is that, at all times during the argument, I assumed Steve had some kind of access to this site, whether it be full access, or access through a proxy.

@Odeon. Absolutely not. I believed Les and I had made up, and I had no desire at all to get back involved in figjting him. My insults were aimed at Steve and Pandora, as well as to amuse myself and some others.

Right….you assumed IP banning meant nothing and the term Rancidora had absolutely no connection nor origin in the term Rancid that you had a long protracted callout on with me. No connection at all and the term was used not to get at the person that you had a callout with because you had used the term (who was on the site and having to put up with your partying on and celebrating upsetting my friend) but was instead against two people off site who were IP banned…sure Butterflies.
The fact that the term was used was coincidence. I understand your argument.
Truly I do. I just think you are lying.

Just been thinking about how i would like this site to be?  I don't know really,  i was sort of happy with it.

I liked it enough to go on facebook and defend it. 

I liked enough of you enough to get irked when whole site got slagged!

So,  my question is...
Is this site not worth defending?     

For me, the site is worth defending, and I think if this was anybody other than Les' friend, nobody would have had any issues with what we done
This whole thing has been blown out of all proportion, and I think it shows that if you shout loud enough and stamp your feet hard enough, you will always find some people who will take you seriously.

Excepting of course no-one is shouting loudly or stamping their feet...are they butterflies?

This is another one of those misrepresenting things you keep doing.

Someone is pointing out their opinion on something that matters to them from their perspective and trying to illustrate why they think what they think. Is this what you call "shout loud enough and stamp your feet hard enough"? If it is then your understanding of communication perhaps a little lacking. I am not serious of course. I do not believe you do not know the difference. I believe you just want to misrepresent my actions and then try to make a case around a known falsity. This is again what you did manyy times in the callout I had with you and I picked it up each time. It is rather transparent.

Are you concerned that people do not take you seriously? Stop being dishonest in how you represent things and they will take you more seriously perhaps? Couldn't hurt, in any case.

I agree that the site is worth defending. But then I have never questioned this. In fact the repeating myself has begun and I am mentally facepalming here.

Do not try to read a subtext in here that does not exist. it is pretty clear.

TCO pulling shit over at Facebook? TCO. Poor fucking form and he deserved to be taken to task personally for it.
TCO using Pandora's account? Stupid and poor form and he is responsible for it.

"Posse" going over there? TCO. He bouight that shit on himself. If it was not concerns i had that Pandora would get roped into it and that it was likely to ruin another online community for her, I likely would be part of that too. (I use the word "posse" because i think it best fits. I do not think of it in a negative light. A group of concerned people going as a united group to right a wrong)

My views on whether the site ought to be defended from people attacking it is pretty clear and not in ANY way inferring it should not be defended from people taking potshots at it.

Inferred nowhere.

Celebrating giving my mate a flogging over here and talking up what a bitch she is whilst her friend is in the room? Everyone involved in said celebrating. Fucking poor form.

Still I held my tongue. Did not like it but did not complain.

Trying to get a rancid sly dig at me after me not having reacted - with the "Rancidora" bullshit - and others cheering on that? Fucking pathetic and everyone involved in that is responsible.

This is the kind of shit that ought to be looked at. It has not been an isolated thing and it is not. This is the kind of behaviour that ought not be considered valued by I2. The taking the step from tough but fair to poor form is not that hard.

An example may be being one of many to accept a fun trolling of a forum and clowning around and being stupid and irrelevant, causing the forum owner to be slightly confused. That shit is funny and fine. Then you could take it further. You could try to get naked shots of them or critical information to use against them. See, up to this point it is reasonably lighthearted and not mean-spirited and potentially harmful. Certainly not undeserving of possible harm this effort may cause.

No it is not being oversensitive. I personally believe that it is poor form. Yes i have no issue trolling trolls and flaming flamers. But then that is not what this is about. I would hope that this place did not accept and even endorse the types of behaviours that cross into simply bad form. I2 is set up to be combative and allow freedom of expression. It is set up to enable spazzes. It is not set up to enable people to be arseholes.

There has been a recent exodus of members and I feel strongly that the recent change in culture that I have notice (irrespective of whether you have or not) is a BIG factor. I pointed out my reasoning. (without shouting or stamping my feet).

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Al Swearegen on November 17, 2011, 10:19:14 AM
Pyraxis, I know I keep rehashing the point but this place is what its members make it. I come here to wind down hang out and have fun. This type of shit is simply not doing it for me. I will do things other than what I am not enjoying.

If you do take off then, I hope you come back and say hi sometimes, and check to see if anything's changed for the better.

Thanks Py
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 17, 2011, 10:31:10 AM
Mostly tl:dr, but I do feel that its strange behaviour to claim to be leaving a site because of the drama that has affected your friend, yet return regularly to the site to keep the drama going.
Its never going to die for as long as you keep writing essays on the drama.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 17, 2011, 10:38:21 AM
It's not strange to me at all. He is clearly pissed off and no longer having a good time, and making sure everyone knows why. Which I think is a very good thing because it helps us know what kind of crap to avoid in the future. I respect Sir Les and I respect his point of view even if I don't always agree with it. You, on the other hand, still seem to be squirming out of wrongdoing and trying to erase it, which suggests to me that you know you went too far.

Not that I really care what you or anyone does off-site except as a sign of character.

What bugs me about Sir Les is that a big part of his grief is that people here egged on the TCO and Pandora drama. Yet I never really noticed that happening or who was involved with it. He hasn't given much explanation on that count, IMO.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 17, 2011, 10:51:35 AM
You, on the other hand, still seem to be squirming out of wrongdoing and trying to erase it, which suggests to me that you know you went too far.

No. Pretty much the opposite in fact. I got involved in an argument with Steve. We both said some bitchy stuff about each others family. Turns out Steves girlfriend is Les' friend.
It was bitchy, and it was wrong. I have never denied that. By the standard of much of what goes on here though, it was pretty tame. I've done far worse here, and I've received far worse. It is a massive over-reation by some people.

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Adam on November 17, 2011, 10:56:56 AM
tbh I agree with butterflies
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 17, 2011, 10:59:30 AM
I think I was misunderstanding Butterflies. I didn't know she'd admitted that the stuff with TCO and Pandora was wrong.

I don't know about tame or otherwise without having actually watched it play out. I do know that Les leaving fucking sucks, and points to not tame, and likely highly manipulative. And then there's eris leaving, same with Calavera, same with DD. I don't know if all those are directly related, but there is in fact a trend.

Who was cheering on the "Rancidora" crap?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 17, 2011, 11:11:19 AM
I think I was misunderstanding Butterflies. I didn't know she'd admitted that the stuff with TCO and Pandora was wrong.

I don't know about tame or otherwise without having actually watched it play out. I do know that Les leaving fucking sucks, and points to not tame, and likely highly manipulative. And then there's eris leaving, same with Calavera, same with DD. I don't know if all those are directly related, but there is in fact a trend.

Who was cheering on the "Rancidora" crap?

The bit about bringing up Pandora to wind up Steve was wrong. I don't believe the rest of what happened was wrong.

I'm not sure if you are suggesting that I have been manipulative, but if you are you would be wrong. I did not want to get into any argument with Les, and I have certainly never been knowingly manipulative in our argument. I got on well with Les until this all started.
DD hasn't been a regular in years, and I got on well with Squiddy, Eris, Jack, MLA, Calavera, and V.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 17, 2011, 11:44:31 AM
tbh I agree with butterflies

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Adam on November 17, 2011, 11:51:13 AM
How does Les leaving indicate that Butterflies was being manipulative? I think that's a pretty big jump to make that assumption

As Butterflies said, DD was only around a little bit and for a short while last time he was here. If he really did leave because of anything Butterflies said and because of the patriotism/gun control threads, then that's kinda sad imo

I know nothing about what happened with eris so won't say anything about that, but what I will say is that I think Butterflies is one of the nicest people on here. She might get into arguments with people and get involved in a lot of the drama/trolling stuff, but she's not manipulative or nasty
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 17, 2011, 11:54:32 AM
How does Les leaving indicate that Butterflies was being manipulative? I think that's a pretty big jump to make that assumption

As Butterflies said, DD was only around a little bit and for a short while last time he was here. If he really did leave because of anything Butterflies said and because of the patriotism/gun control threads, then that's kinda sad imo

I know nothing about what happened with eris so won't say anything about that, but what I will say is that I think Butterflies is one of the nicest people on here. She might get into arguments with people and get involved in a lot of the drama/trolling stuff, but she's not manipulative or nasty

Thanks. I really do appreciate that :hug:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 17, 2011, 11:58:39 AM
@Adam: You and I have different definitions of niceness. I don't even consider it a virtue.

I think there were a lot of reasons that DD left and Butterflies was only one of them. The reason I'm thinking about manipulation is because it seems similar to Les leaving. Not sad, just a thing of alienation. Some people do get on, some people don't, whatever. But I like the older guys and I'm trying to understand what it is about the younger cliques that makes them finally intolerable to be around. DD had a stick up his ass about the USA and Butterflies is British, so maybe a political thing? And Les is Australian and that's a whole other dynamic. What happened to multiculturalism and live-and-let-live?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Adam on November 17, 2011, 12:03:51 PM
Who do you think the "younger cliques" are on here?

The way I see it, if someone finds it intolerable on heere then that's their problem. You can't blame other people for someone else making the decision to leave. Unless it's something really serious like RL threats
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 17, 2011, 12:06:54 PM

And, I don't know. You/Squiddy/Butterflies? It's not something I've tried to keep track of before.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Adam on November 17, 2011, 12:08:23 PM
Maybe the old fogies need to just step aside and accept that it's time for the younger, better looking generation to take control :zoinks:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 17, 2011, 12:13:22 PM
@Adam: You and I have different definitions of niceness. I don't even consider it a virtue.

I think there were a lot of reasons that DD left and Butterflies was only one of them. The reason I'm thinking about manipulation is because it seems similar to Les leaving. Not sad, just a thing of alienation. Some people do get on, some people don't, whatever. But I like the older guys and I'm trying to understand what it is about the younger cliques that makes them finally intolerable to be around. DD had a stick up his ass about the USA and Butterflies is British, so maybe a political thing? And Les is Australian and that's a whole other dynamic. What happened to multiculturalism and live-and-let-live?

You have really got the wrong end of the stick here. Me and Les got along great until Les called me out for saying something about his friend, who I had no idea he was friends with.
Les has never been excluded, and was very popular on the site.

You really seem interested in what has happened, but you don't appear to know much.
Why don't you just ask. It's pretty hard for anyone to tell you lies when all the evidence is so easy to find.

And to your next post. Squiddy was one of Les' best mates here. It was never Les v me Adam, and Squiddy.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 17, 2011, 12:17:09 PM
Why don't you just ask. It's pretty hard for anyone to tell you lies when all the evidence is so easy to find.

Hm. Because people aren't that trustworthy, and whenever there's a conflict, they end up getting polarized into their own exclusive opinions which contradict the people on the other side of the conflict. So I'd have to ask everyone in order to get a coherent picture. It makes more sense to just stand back and observe.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Adam on November 17, 2011, 12:20:33 PM
People have evidence surely - ie posts they can quote?

If you just observe the fallout of it, then how can you REALLY know what teh initial arguments were?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 17, 2011, 12:23:14 PM
Why don't you just ask. It's pretty hard for anyone to tell you lies when all the evidence is so easy to find.

Hm. Because people aren't that trustworthy, and whenever there's a conflict, they end up getting polarized into their own exclusive opinions which contradict the people on the other side of the conflict. So I'd have to ask everyone in order to get a coherent picture. It makes more sense to just stand back and observe.

Yes, but your obsevations so far seem very flawed.

There are people on both sides here, and AFAIK we all pretty much agree on what happened. Where we disagree is "was what we done on FB wrong?" and "how wrong was my bitchy comment about Pandora?"
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 17, 2011, 12:24:36 PM
If you just observe the fallout of it, then how can you REALLY know what teh initial arguments were?

I guess I can't. Maybe that's what's so confusing about the recent offsite conflicts. I'm not getting on Facebook or AFF to track down what exactly happened, and it's harder to work out without knowing the source.

On the other hand, nobody can read everything everywhere, so sometimes you just have to go on limited knowledge.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 17, 2011, 12:25:48 PM
There are people on both sides here, and AFAIK we all pretty much agree on what happened. Where we disagree is "was what we done on FB wrong?" and "how wrong was my bitchy comment about Pandora?"

That makes sense.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 17, 2011, 12:52:02 PM

"Grease Monkey (317) Al Swearengen (1195) - full page of lies In topic Yesterday at 06:33:54 PM "

Seriously?? WTF is this shit?? it makes me doubt the sincerity of everything else you wrote.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 17, 2011, 01:02:35 PM
Who do you think the "younger cliques" are on here?

That brings up a point i was going to mention actually,  age.   I am an oldee too.  My opinion of the word 'rancidora' is it is a silly made up word.  Probably snigger-worthy to the younger people.  Probably would have sniggered myself if i weren't aware of Les's feelings.   That is because i am old though, and thoughtful,  and had many run ins not unlike this one when i was Butterflies age.

I do not think Butterflies is bad or nasty.  I don't think she sat and tried to think up the most offensive word just to piss Les off.  I think it just came into her head,  she used it and it got a few laughs.   If you notice she is now referring to her as 'pandora' which leads me to believe what i just said to be true.   If she was a nasty little bitch she would be using it now.  She isn't.

I think Les implied it was not just Butterflies actions that pissed him off.  Maybe now is a good time to look at the other things.  I think Butterflies has been hauled over the coals quite a lot now.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 17, 2011, 01:19:16 PM
Who do you think the "younger cliques" are on here?

That brings up a point i was going to mention actually,  age.   I am an oldee too.  My opinion of the word 'rancidora' is it is a silly made up word.  Probably snigger-worthy to the younger people.  Probably would have sniggered myself if i weren't aware of Les's feelings.   That is because i am old though, and thoughtful,  and had many run ins not unlike this one when i was Butterflies age.

I do not think Butterflies is bad or nasty.  I don't think she sat and tried to think up the most offensive word just to piss Les off.  I think it just came into her head,  she used it and it got a few laughs.   If you notice she is now referring to her as 'pandora' which leads me to believe what i just said to be true.   If she was a nasty little bitch she would be using it now.  She isn't.

I think Les implied it was not just Butterflies actions that pissed him off.  Maybe now is a good time to look at the other things.  I think Butterflies has been hauled over the coals quite a lot now.

Thank you. I appreciate it.

I do think that the attention on me is absurd. I done something small wrong a month ago. AFAIK people are only still going on about it because Les is threatening to quit over it.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Adam on November 17, 2011, 02:27:49 PM
Exactly. I don't see how terrible this all is really . btw Is he actually quitting btw or just considering it? Have only skimmed thru his posts in here
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 17, 2011, 02:37:29 PM
Exactly. I don't see how terrible this all is really . btw Is he actually quitting btw or just considering it? Have only skimmed thru his posts in here

I think he has already left, but keeps coming back to post about the Pandora issue.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 17, 2011, 04:07:47 PM
Personally, I think Les over-reacted with this whole Pandora thing.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 17, 2011, 04:10:58 PM
For me, the site is worth defending, and I think if this was anybody other than Les' friend, nobody would have had any issues with what we done

Bullshit. The difference would probably have been that we wouldn't know about it.

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 17, 2011, 04:14:54 PM
Mostly tl:dr, but I do feel that its strange behaviour to claim to be leaving a site because of the drama that has affected your friend, yet return regularly to the site to keep the drama going.
Its never going to die for as long as you keep writing essays on the drama.

Maybe he sees it differently. Maybe he sees that it's a way to defend his friend AND the values of a site he no longer fully recognises?

Maybe we do need to ask ourselves if this is what we want the site to be.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 17, 2011, 04:20:24 PM
Thats bullshit Odeon. There was nowhere near this level of moral outrage when I pulled the stunt with Parakeets wife, and that was a genuinely bad thing.
I didnt see any moral outrage when Les started a thhread of two whales fucking, and claimed it to be CCTV of keet fucking his wife.

This is quickly turning into a site for the easily morally outraged.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 17, 2011, 04:22:11 PM
You, on the other hand, still seem to be squirming out of wrongdoing and trying to erase it, which suggests to me that you know you went too far.

No. Pretty much the opposite in fact. I got involved in an argument with Steve. We both said some bitchy stuff about each others family. Turns out Steves girlfriend is Les' friend.
It was bitchy, and it was wrong. I have never denied that. By the standard of much of what goes on here though, it was pretty tame. I've done far worse here, and I've received far worse. It is a massive over-reation by some people.

Actually it took you quite a while to do more than to acknowledge that it was "mean". In that particular post you also said "I see no need to apologize, and no apologies will be issued."

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 17, 2011, 04:25:43 PM
Being mean and apologizig are different things. What I said about Pandora way back was wrong, but I wont be apologizing to her.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 17, 2011, 04:27:46 PM
Thats bullshit Odeon. There was nowhere near this level of moral outrage when I pulled the stunt with Parakeets wife, and that was a genuinely bad thing.
I didnt see any moral outrage when Les started a thhread of two whales fucking, and claimed it to be CCTV of keet fucking his wife.

This is quickly turning into a site for the easily morally outraged.

Nice strawman.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 17, 2011, 04:28:45 PM
Being mean and apologizig are different things. What I said about Pandora way back was wrong, but I wont be apologizing to her.

Reading those posts your true sentiment is clear.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Adam on November 17, 2011, 04:32:16 PM
ok I'm starting to think I have no idea wtf is going on here after all. just to clarify if I've got it right or no, can someone explain what exactly it is that Butterflies did that Les is making this thread about
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 17, 2011, 04:40:32 PM
ok I'm starting to think I have no idea wtf is going on here after all. just to clarify if I've got it right or no, can someone explain what exactly it is that Butterflies did that Les is making this thread about
Sure,  although i am not sure anymore if i missed something but AFAIK  BF said TCO's fiance was rancid, and that got Les pissed because although BF didn't' know at the time,  TCO's fiance is a good friend of Les's.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 17, 2011, 04:42:50 PM
Firstly, a month or so ago me and Steve fought.It got bitchy and we both insulted each others familes. He wished death on mine. I said Pandora was rancid.
Me and Les argue, then make up, and I agree to leave Pandora out of any future argument with Steve.

Some time later, Pandora unexpectadly starts posting absolute BS on FB about me and others on the site.
Afight broke out on FB, and we discussed it here. We made up names for Steve and Pandora. PPK came up with Craving Rod for him. Icame up with Rancidora for her.
Les thinks this was an attack on him.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 17, 2011, 04:43:20 PM
sorry, no, i said that wrong

that was the original callout.

this is because of the 'rancidora' word
that was used in the recent fb argument?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 17, 2011, 04:44:35 PM
ok I'm starting to think I have no idea wtf is going on here after all. just to clarify if I've got it right or no, can someone explain what exactly it is that Butterflies did that Les is making this thread about

Sorry Adam but you need to read the earlier callout threads:,18371.0.html (,18371.0.html) (Sir Les calls out Butterflies in the wake of the TCO drama)

and Butterflies calls out sir Les, muddying the waters a day later:,18371.0.html (,18371.0.html)

But there is a lot more, unfortunately, that set off the callouts and the drama that ensued both here and on FB.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Adam on November 17, 2011, 04:52:06 PM
I d read those a whle ago, although I dunno if I read the entire things as I was in London at the time and not on much. But I did see quite a lot of the stevo-butterflies stuff and FB stuff, altho I didnt have enough time to really get involved

I just don't see what is so terrible about what Butterflies has done though. I get that Pandora is a friend of Les, so he's bothered by her being attacked and feels the need to defend her. But the whole thing in general sees like a bit of an overreaction unless I'm missing something or forgot something. Butterflies called her Rancidora? It's just an insulting name, no big deal. right?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 17, 2011, 04:56:08 PM
The issue is that Les thinks Butterflies set out to insult him with the Rancidora comment.  Which she didn't and anyone who has a bit of sense knows that.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 17, 2011, 04:58:55 PM
sorry, no, i said that wrong

that was the original callout.

this is because of the 'rancidora' word
that was used in the recent fb argument?

As far as I can tell, Les' main issue is that I made up the name Rancidora after she chose to fight me, and that others slapped me on the back. He thinks I was deliberately attacking him.

Ithink thats it anyway. You might want to check for yourself. All his posts on the matter are in this thread.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 17, 2011, 05:07:41 PM
I have no real strong feelings about changing the site.  It is as it was when i joined it.  Saying that others have noticed a difference.

Fair enough,  i can accept that.  Improve it.  Enhance it,  whatever.   

If you really want to make it better you have to look at all the things the whole membership find wrong.

I can not comprehend how or why this is all down to Butterflies and her 'rancid' comment.

I don't see any other people with a major problem with Butterflies.  Yes i can see why Les is mad,  but it is not fair to make her a scapegoat either.

Surely a more positive step in making improvements will be to look at any other issues, as well as this one.  At the moment it seems to be just this one. 
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Psychophant on November 17, 2011, 07:33:17 PM
I see butterflies and Sir_Les not seeing the forest for the trees.   Talk about beating a dead horse.   ::)
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 17, 2011, 07:43:26 PM
Maybe Butterflies is taking all the heat for this because nobody else has the balls to step up and talk. Sir Les' posts earlier were about how Butterflies made the "Rancidora" comment and then about how 'everybody' egged her on.

Where is this everybody?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: ProfessorFarnsworth on November 17, 2011, 07:46:51 PM
Maybe Butterflies is taking all the heat for this because nobody else has the balls to step up and talk. Sir Les' posts earlier were about how Butterflies made the "Rancidora" comment and then about how 'everybody' egged her on.

Where is this everybody?

I acted out on my own volition against TCO. Just because I wanted nothing to do with that drama, I got dragged into it by his actions, so I promptly responded. I don't recall saying anything malicious about Pandora except maybe imply TCO was using her account. If I did, I will apologize in advance for it.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 17, 2011, 07:47:39 PM
Maybe Butterflies is taking all the heat for this because nobody else has the balls to step up and talk. Sir Les' posts earlier were about how Butterflies made the "Rancidora" comment and then about how 'everybody' egged her on.

Where is this everybody?

A lot of people have left the site recently, but these people have done nothing wrong. All of these people had been attacked by Pandora on FB, or at least by her boyfriend impersonating her.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 17, 2011, 07:47:57 PM
Les should first show what he meant by "egging on".  I just laughed at the Rancidora comment.  Still think it's somewhat amusing  :dunno:

This really isn't as big of a deal as Les is making it out to be.  A friend of his was insulted by proxy.  Then that insult was made into a joke.  Shit happens.  If Les is trying to come across as a white knight of sorts, fair enough but this is getting ridiculous now.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 17, 2011, 07:49:01 PM
Les should first show what he meant by "egging on".  I just laughed at the Rancidora comment.  Still think it's somewhat amusing  :dunno:

This really isn't as big of a deal as Les is making it out to be.  A friend of his was insulted by proxy.  Then that insult was made into a joke.  Shit happens.  If Les is trying to come across as a white knight of sorts, fair enough but this is getting ridiculous now.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Psychophant on November 17, 2011, 08:14:39 PM
 :jaded:  I just wonder how long before this ends.    :violin:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 17, 2011, 11:14:15 PM
So why do I support him and his behavior? I do not believe I have.

Fuck you!!!  :finger:  that's a fucking lie and you know it.

So go find the lies Scrap. Fucking hopeless.

Why? Because i do not wish to enable TCO's want to start fights around the internet and have me come in and clean it up for him and I have him putting Pandora in the firing line.

Now I realize that this is a reference to not wanting to do something in the future, but it is a bit of a smoking gun here because really the reason you don't want to do this is because you've done it in the past and you recognize the pattern.

Now, I know that you'll object to be using this post as evidence of anything, but it is the only one that i could find where you summarized your behavior in such concise terms. Really, it's your fault for being so goddamned long-winded and drawn out. I just can't be arsed into searching through miles and miles text where you take a paragraph to say what could be said in a sentence. I'm sure you'll claim victory through fillabuster. That's your tallent, you can't dazzle people with your brilliance, so you bury them in a mountian of bullshit.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: P7PSP on November 18, 2011, 12:02:53 AM
So why do I support him and his behavior? I do not believe I have.

Fuck you!!!  :finger:  that's a fucking lie and you know it.

So go find the lies Scrap. Fucking hopeless.

Why? Because i do not wish to enable TCO's want to start fights around the internet and have me come in and clean it up for him and I have him putting Pandora in the firing line.

Now I realize that this is a reference to not wanting to do something in the future, but it is a bit of a smoking gun here because really the reason you don't want to do this is because you've done it in the past and you recognize the pattern.

Now, I know that you'll object to be using this post as evidence of anything, but it is the only one that i could find where you summarized your behavior in such concise terms. Really, it's your fault for being so goddamned long-winded and drawn out. I just can't be arsed into searching through miles and miles text where you take a paragraph to say what could be said in a sentence. I'm sure you'll claim victory through fillabuster. That's your tallent, you can't dazzle people with your brilliance, so you bury them in a mountian of bullshit.
It's Sir_Les' fault that you lack the attention span to search through his posts?  ::) As I recall one of the things you detest about TCO is his tendency to blame others for his own behavior. Now you are blaming Sir_Les for your own failings in simple research.  :hahaha:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 18, 2011, 12:51:46 AM
Have I ever...yes ever..supported TCO's right to say whatever he wanted unchallenged?

Yes, every time someone has an argument with him, you step in to "clean up the mess" to use your term. Just like you did when I had my spat with him. You had no place jumping in the middle of that one.

Have I ever denounced people's right to defend against these attacks?

Yes, you have run interference by jumping into call-outs. "poor form" to use your term.

I have certainly on occassion agreed with others against him and him against others and at times even criticised his behaviour. I have even tried to allow him an "out" on ocassion to man up and apologise and stop making things worse for him and the board members. But this is not what I just asked.

Derp.  ::)  Did you do anything to defend me when TCO attacked me?? no, I didn't think so.

The fact is we have seen he has not been able to play well here. He does meltdown and it does not do him, nor the board nor the board members any favours when he does. I do not deny this and I do not recall ever having said anything to the contrary.

You have tried to blame others for his "meltdowns" as you tried to blame me for his meltdown when I tried to ask him a simple question.

I also liken the analogy of the drunk too far gone with drink to control their actions at the time they are drunk to realise what they are doing (and who is both incapable of registering the effect of what they are doing at the time and with which trying to draw accountability is futile) to his actions when in meltdown.

It's funny that you compare him to a drunk. Yes, TCO is like a chronic alcoholic, he's self-destructive and will destroy all of those close to him. The lesson here? Don't be close to TCO. When you lie with dogs, you rise with fleas.

But find where i say that he is not accountable for anything he says. The truth is, regardless of what we say or do, we all are regardless too of how emotional we are at the time. maybe in the heat of the moment or in the throes of a meltdown we are not of a mind to appreciate our actions but that does not excuse our actions.

Of course you're not dumb enough to say that directly, but you imply it when you said that "meldowns are just what he does".

You suggest I have indicated otherwise?

No, that's just you putting words in my mouth.

So no I do not defend his actions and have not. Have I been patient? Like a fucking saint.

So say you.  ::)

Have I tried to avoid driving him to meltdown?

No, you always jump in after ther fact, and "clean up the mess".

What about my personal views and beliefs on him and who and what he is off-forum? Yup been honest here too. I have volunteered these things freely. That is not as much defending him as making a valued judgment.

Your failure to see TCO for what he is, shows your lack of judgement.

I don't give a damn whether you or anyone likes TCO. He has done a lot to make a lot of people dislike him and that is his cross to carry. I do not much care whether people like him or not nor form a poor opinion on him based on the actions they have seen online.

And that's why you fail to see him for what he is. His online behavior shows a clear pattern of trying to control others. There's no way he doesn't do this IRL too.

TCO on here attacks members? TCO. No issue with members attacking back and he has to back himself.

Members attack TCO? Members  No issue with TCO attacking back and they have to back themselves.

Yes you do have an issue with this because you're constantly jumping in on his side. Poor form on your part.

TCO having a meltdown? Unfortunate. I do not believe in this state he can realise what he is doing/saying and addressing this pointless but that he is still accountable for everything he says.

TCO doesn't have "meltdowns". This is his Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde game. Mr. Hyde ("meltdown") is the REAL TCO. Dr. Jekyl is the mask he wears. This is how he controls an manipulates people.

TCO pulling shit over at Facebook? TCO. Poor fucking form and he deserved to be taken to task personally for it.

Poor form is an understatement. There's no excuse for using your fiance's account to attack others.
TCO using Pandora's account? Stupid and poor form and he is responsible for it.

No, Pandora is to blame for it too. She let him use her account, which speaks volumes about their "relationship".

"Posse" going over there? TCO. He bouight that shit on himself. If it was not concerns i had that Pandora would get roped into it and that it was likely to ruin another online community for her, I likely would be part of that too. (I use the word "posse" because i think it best fits. I do not think of it in a negative light. A group of concerned people going as a united group to right a wrong)

Pandora broght that shit on herself too, she shouldn't've let TCO use her account.

No TCO - and the posse starts firing shots at Pandora as next best target? Primarily TCO. He set this up and had his girl taking fire for him. Secondly the posse. Whilst it mayt have been unclear as to what was said or not by Pandora, I had put on the board what and who she was and that he did and does use her account sometimes so where there was a doubt who actually said what and that what was said fitted what i described in her and what you knew of him, I believe there ought to have been some restraint and an acceptance that she was not the person they sought to address, he was.

That said I understood as much as i did not like it and held my tongue.

Again, you are full of shit here. It doesn't matter who posted what because Pandora ALLOWED TCO to say that shit in her name. She didn't denounce it, therefore she owns it. Everything tha was posted on her account is 100% her fault.

Celebrating giving my mate a flogging over here and talking up what a bitch she is whilst her friend is in the room? Everyone involved in said celebrating. Fucking poor form.

Still I held my tongue. Did not like it but did not complain.

bullshit! As far as all are concerned, Pandora attacked several memebers here and she got her just retaliation. It's her fault for allowing TCO to attack people in her name.

Trying to get a rancid sly dig at me after me not having reacted - with the "Rancidora" bullshit - and others cheering on that? Fucking pathetic and everyone involved in that is responsible.

Butterflies has adequately addressed this.

So, yes Scrap. TCO is to blame for TCO's actions and other's for their own actions. Don't try to interpret that I was trying to leave him blameless, that would be both dishonest and stupid.

You've failed to lay blame where blame is due, especially in regards to Pandora.

"then I can only imagine how he fucks with her head IRL" Do not let your imagination run away with you Scrap. You may be right and you may not be.

I'm right. TCO is a control freak and a coward. He seeks out weak people and exploits them.

Am i keen to make sure my friend is safe? Yes. Do i have concerns? Yes. Will I look out for her interests? Yes.

If you have any concern for Pandora at all, tell her to dump TCO.

At the moment she is with a man who makes her happy

Of course. She's under his spell, READ: Brainwashed

and conversely sucks at these online fora. The two CAN exist mutually. I do not know whether one reflects the other but I will be fucked if I will be judge, jury and executioner based on such loose speculation and fear.

The two DO reflect eachother and especially in this case.

Oh and heads up Scrap. TCO is not your brother in Law. You may know your brother in law and you may read into TCO some specific psychoanalytical online diagnosis but between you, me and the rest of the thinking people here, that means shit and if you are not too self-opinionated or full of yourself, I would say that you probably know that such armchair diagnosises or greater awarenesses mean shit. (Yes...even when i do it myself)

I never claimed that TCO was my brother-in-law. TCO's online behavior is exactly like my brother-in-law, and the boyfreind before him, and the one before him, and the brother-in-law before him and the boyfriend before that. They were cowardly manipulators that used proxies (people and accounts) to achive their ends without consequences. They did this both online and IRL.

That's how I know that TCO's online behavior is a smoking gun for how he behaves IRL. :nerdy:

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 18, 2011, 12:55:11 AM
It's Sir_Les' fault that you lack the attention span to search through his posts? 

No, it's Sir Les' fault that he packes them so full of useless filler.

It's something called "Proof through Verbosity", i.e. Fillabustering
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: renaeden on November 18, 2011, 07:03:46 AM
Maybe Butterflies is taking all the heat for this because nobody else has the balls to step up and talk. Sir Les' posts earlier were about how Butterflies made the "Rancidora" comment and then about how 'everybody' egged her on.

Where is this everybody?
I can't remember egging anyone on about calling Pandora "Rancidora". The only thing I expressed disagreement about in relation to something Pandora wrote was this:
Carmel Anne Jones Hey, I wasn't saying don't give her access to the group but if you want to go on believing don't be surprised if it comes back sometime to bite you on the bum. Also, watch out for a person called Bint, because she is not an aspie and she has a history of spoiling relationships and turning on people. Just ask her about a young man called "The Other Window".
Well, Pandora just lost any respect I may have had for her.
What I bolded, why should that be a reason to "watch out"?
And then I wrote how I don't like the whole AS/NT who-is-better attitudes. And that was about it I think.

Then I find out that it may not have even been Pandora who wrote that stuff about Binty, it could have been TCO. When I think about it I feel angry and understand why Scrapheap has said what he has. Pandora's online life seems to have been pretty much destroyed by TCO. Can't understand why Pandora would give TCO her password(s) and let him post online as her? It looks like giving up control. Or maybe control was taken from her? :dunno:

Well Pandora is very welcome to join Gestalt if she wants to, it is pretty supportive there. And I am sorry for thinking she wrote something when it may not have been her afterall.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: P7PSP on November 18, 2011, 07:58:41 AM
It's Sir_Les' fault that you lack the attention span to search through his posts? 

No, it's Sir Les' fault that he packes them so full of useless filler.

It's something called "Proof through Verbosity", i.e. Fillabustering
It is how he posts when he is not in a callout/argument situation.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 18, 2011, 08:55:29 AM
As this is a members site, maybe we should be looking
at how members treat each other first?  Concern is focused on friends of members here,  and i think the culture here is that members insult each other every day!  it's no surprise then when this extends to friends of members.

Les said he would have been in the posse himself, had it not been for his friend,  so how does that reflect on the site?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 18, 2011, 09:04:00 AM
As this is a members site, maybe we should be looking
at how members treat each other first?  Concern is focused on friends of members here,  and i think the culture here is that members insult each other every day!  it's no surprise then when this extends to friends of members.

Les said he would have been in the posse himself, had it not been for his friend,  so how does that reflect on the site?

I totally agree.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 18, 2011, 01:01:58 PM
It's Sir_Les' fault that you lack the attention span to search through his posts? 

No, it's Sir Les' fault that he packes them so full of useless filler.

It's something called "Proof through Verbosity", i.e. Fillabustering
It is how he posts when he is not in a callout/argument situation.

It's also how he posts in call-outs. He also throws in a generous amount of weasel words in order to wrigle out of a position, if he has to.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 18, 2011, 01:18:59 PM
I have no real strong feelings about changing the site.  It is as it was when i joined it.  Saying that others have noticed a difference.

Fair enough,  i can accept that.  Improve it.  Enhance it,  whatever.   

If you really want to make it better you have to look at all the things the whole membership find wrong.

I can not comprehend how or why this is all down to Butterflies and her 'rancid' comment.

I don't see any other people with a major problem with Butterflies.  Yes i can see why Les is mad,  but it is not fair to make her a scapegoat either.

Surely a more positive step in making improvements will be to look at any other issues, as well as this one.  At the moment it seems to be just this one.

It's not all down to Butterflies and she is not a scapegoat. but like everyone here, she is responsible for her actions and if called out, those actions are what can reasonably be expected of her to defend. Not any perceived or real change in how this place works, because that is something we all have to address.

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 18, 2011, 01:20:39 PM
Les should first show what he meant by "egging on".  I just laughed at the Rancidora comment.  Still think it's somewhat amusing  :dunno:

This really isn't as big of a deal as Les is making it out to be.  A friend of his was insulted by proxy.  Then that insult was made into a joke.  Shit happens.  If Les is trying to come across as a white knight of sorts, fair enough but this is getting ridiculous now.

By proxy? I would say directly.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 18, 2011, 01:24:18 PM
It's Sir_Les' fault that you lack the attention span to search through his posts? 

No, it's Sir Les' fault that he packes them so full of useless filler.

It's something called "Proof through Verbosity", i.e. Fillabustering

You've just said that you haven't read through it all. How can you know it is useless?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 18, 2011, 01:26:23 PM
It's Sir_Les' fault that you lack the attention span to search through his posts? 

No, it's Sir Les' fault that he packes them so full of useless filler.

It's something called "Proof through Verbosity", i.e. Fillabustering
It is how he posts when he is not in a callout/argument situation.

It's also how he posts in call-outs. He also throws in a generous amount of weasel words in order to wrigle out of a position, if he has to.

He's made you look bad on occasion. I'd say he knows what he is doing.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 18, 2011, 02:14:46 PM
Les should first show what he meant by "egging on".  I just laughed at the Rancidora comment.  Still think it's somewhat amusing  :dunno:

This really isn't as big of a deal as Les is making it out to be.  A friend of his was insulted by proxy.  Then that insult was made into a joke.  Shit happens.  If Les is trying to come across as a white knight of sorts, fair enough but this is getting ridiculous now.

By proxy? I would say directly.

If you mean the time I called her "rancid," then no. It was not a direct insult. It was aimed at Steve, and AFAIK it was Les who informed her of it.

If you mean the time she was called Rancidora, then yes, it was an insult, but one I have every right to make. She had already been on FB slagging us off. As soon as she done that, we all had every right to fight back, and also to insult her.

This is why ths is such bullshit. I, and everybody else involved, have done no more than mock and insult someone who has attacked us. The fact that she is Les' friend is not our problem.
It's one thing to ask people here not to attack your friend. It's another thing to demand that people here do not retaliate when provoked by your friend.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 18, 2011, 02:39:13 PM
Les should first show what he meant by "egging on".  I just laughed at the Rancidora comment.  Still think it's somewhat amusing  :dunno:

This really isn't as big of a deal as Les is making it out to be.  A friend of his was insulted by proxy.  Then that insult was made into a joke.  Shit happens.  If Les is trying to come across as a white knight of sorts, fair enough but this is getting ridiculous now.

By proxy? I would say directly.

If you mean the time I called her "rancid," then no. It was not a direct insult. It was aimed at Steve, and AFAIK it was Les who informed her of it.

If you mean the time she was called Rancidora, then yes, it was an insult, but one I have every right to make. She had already been on FB slagging us off. As soon as she done that, we all had every right to fight back, and also to insult her.

This is why ths is such bullshit. I, and everybody else involved, have done no more than mock and insult someone who has attacked us. The fact that she is Les' friend is not our problem.
It's one thing to ask people here not to attack your friend. It's another thing to demand that people here do not retaliate when provoked by your friend.

Of course it's a direct insult. Your argument is the equivalent of a soldier's who happened to shoot a civilian by being a little too trigger-happy and then saying that she shouldn't have been there to begin with; it was her own fault for being in a war zone.

That's just bullshit, Butterflies. Bullshit and bad form. What you are really saying is that you really don't care about collateral damage. The end justifies the means and all that. You've all but admitted that it's fair game. Sorry but I don't buy it. I think you went too far, repeatedly, and now you are trying to cover your ass by selectively looking back, trying to moving the goalposts weeks after the game ended.

Nowhere does anyone mention how you started threads about TCO's greatest hits, before "they" attacked you.

And I know you will protest, you will think I'm being unfair, and Bint and Scrap and possibly others will chime in, but so far every single reply has been either simply shifting the blame, trying to make it sound as if THEY started it, or how TCO is clearly <insert interwbz dx here> and it's ultimately Pandora's fault because she doesn't listen to you lot and leave him, etc ad nauseum.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 18, 2011, 02:41:28 PM
Is it not just easier to admit we all have different opinions on this drama and that mud was slung on all sides?

Not trying to be patronising , just cannot see this issue being resolved because of so many contrasting viewpoints.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 18, 2011, 02:44:16 PM
Nowhere does anyone mention how you started threads about TCO's greatest hits, before "they" attacked you.

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 18, 2011, 02:50:33 PM
Is it not just easier to admit we all have different opinions on this drama and that mud was slung on all sides?

Not trying to be patronising , just cannot see this issue being resolved because of so many contrasting viewpoints.

Now that depends, because what I'm really interested in here is if what I'm seeing is behaviour that is acceptable. Should you act if you believe that something is wrong, or should you stay silent to not rock the boat because the viewpoints are so contrasting and unlikely to be resolved?

Think about it. This place is not moderated so the kind of behaviour that can get you banned elsewhere can only be addressed here by speaking up.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 18, 2011, 02:51:27 PM
Nowhere does anyone mention how you started threads about TCO's greatest hits, before "they" attacked you.


Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 18, 2011, 02:57:09 PM
I wasn't being sarcastic. I didnt get that comment at all.

So Odeon. You obviously have an issue with me, so why dont you tell me what it is. At the moment, all I really see defending Les' position, and sniping at me for criticizing Les. What have I done to piss you off, and I'm not asking you to just tell me what Les' problem is.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Psychophant on November 18, 2011, 03:01:58 PM
Is it not just easier to admit we all have different opinions on this drama and that mud was slung on all sides?

Not trying to be patronising , just cannot see this issue being resolved because of so many contrasting viewpoints.

Couldn't agree with you more!  I don't see this ever being resolved.   ::)
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 18, 2011, 03:09:06 PM
Is it not just easier to admit we all have different opinions on this drama and that mud was slung on all sides?

Not trying to be patronising , just cannot see this issue being resolved because of so many contrasting viewpoints.

Now that depends, because what I'm really interested in here is if what I'm seeing is behaviour that is acceptable. Should you act if you believe that something is wrong, or should you stay silent to not rock the boat because the viewpoints are so contrasting and unlikely to be resolved?

Think about it. This place is not moderated so the kind of behaviour that can get you banned elsewhere can only be addressed here by speaking up.

Good point.

I don't mean to stay silent to "not rock the boat" , I merely mean agree to disagree , because it seems like to me this is one argument that will go in circles.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 18, 2011, 03:12:26 PM

I have a problem with you trying to muddy the waters concerning the whole TCO/Pandora affair, making it sound as if you were attacked instead of attacking. I have a problem with you seeing Pandora as collateral damage (see my last post) and implying that she somehow started it instead of you choosing to include her. Hell, the whole tone in your posts is about how you should have the right to defend yourself, clearly saying that she did the attacking, not you.

And I have a problem with you repeatedly saying that there is nothing you should apologise about (while admitting it was "mean"). You could have avoided a hell of a lot of all this simply by admitting it was the decent thing to do.

I think I've been pretty clear about this so I'm surprised you asked.

As for TCO's greatest hits, you and other posse members devoted pages of posts to reposting TCO's old meltdowns and such, at a time when neither he or Pandora was "attacking" you. That thread's only possible purpose was to provoke, the way I see it. Can't be arsed to look it up so I won't pretend remembering who started it, but I find it interesting that you didn't get the reference.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 18, 2011, 03:13:32 PM
Nowhere does anyone mention how you started threads about TCO's greatest hits, before "they" attacked you.



The greatest hits thread was created on 17th October.   It was after the attack on Binty / Butterflies/ Intensity which started on the 11th October on Rod's FB a/c  and  13th October on Pandora's.

It was well after.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Adam on November 18, 2011, 03:16:29 PM
I still don't get this. Is it really that bad? Rancidora. It's just a fucking playground insult ffs. I doubt she even cares herself
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 18, 2011, 03:18:58 PM
:jaded:  I just wonder how long before this ends.    :violin:

It's a bit like a motorway accident. Yes, there's a lot of glass lying around and there are heaps of twisted metal and possibly body parts, and you wonder if anyone could have survived THAT so you stick around and watch, but as a passer-by, you are perfectly free to continue your journey when the ambulance has arrived.

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 18, 2011, 03:23:41 PM
:jaded:  I just wonder how long before this ends.    :violin:

It's a bit like a motorway accident. Yes, there's a lot of glass lying around and there are heaps of twisted metal and possibly body parts, and you wonder if anyone could have survived THAT so you stick around and watch, but as a passer-by, you are perfectly free to continue your journey when the ambulance has arrived.

Psychophant is an EMT though , he has to stick around and patch up any possible survivors.  :P

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 18, 2011, 03:27:45 PM
Nowhere does anyone mention how you started threads about TCO's greatest hits, before "they" attacked you.



The greatest hits thread was created on 17th October.   It was after the attack on Binty / Butterflies/ Intensity which started on the 11th October on Rod's FB a/c  and  13th October on Pandora's.

It was well after.

Sorry, I got the thread names mixed up. Here's one, started on October 5:,18487.0.html (,18487.0.html)

Here's someone impersonating TCO, started on October 11:,18524.0.html (,18524.0.html)

The greatest hits thread was indeed started on October 17, by Butterflies:,18568.0.html (,18568.0.html)
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 18, 2011, 03:28:36 PM
:jaded:  I just wonder how long before this ends.    :violin:

It's a bit like a motorway accident. Yes, there's a lot of glass lying around and there are heaps of twisted metal and possibly body parts, and you wonder if anyone could have survived THAT so you stick around and watch, but as a passer-by, you are perfectly free to continue your journey when the ambulance has arrived.

Psychophant is an EMT though , he has to stick around and patch up any possible survivors.  :P


Oh, I know. That is why I thought he'd appreciate my angle.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 18, 2011, 03:29:46 PM
:jaded:  I just wonder how long before this ends.    :violin:

It's a bit like a motorway accident. Yes, there's a lot of glass lying around and there are heaps of twisted metal and possibly body parts, and you wonder if anyone could have survived THAT so you stick around and watch, but as a passer-by, you are perfectly free to continue your journey when the ambulance has arrived.

Psychophant is an EMT though , he has to stick around and patch up any possible survivors.  :P


Oh, I know. That is why I thought he'd appreciate my angle.

And there I thought I was being clever.  :P
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 18, 2011, 03:30:21 PM
Ive never denied attacking Steve long before Pandora was attacked. I made a thread aboutSteve, before Pandora was involved.Im not sure its relevant though.
Isuppose its pointless arguing about the rights and wrongs of the Pandora situation. I feel I had every right to say what I said, and Im unlikely to change mu mind.

I am slightly concerned by your sudden attack of moral responsibilty. Are you just concerned that Les claimed he was leaving, or are you going to start policing the board, inflicting your moral outrage on anyone who you deem to be guilty of insulting someone from offboard who you do not feel deserves to be insulted.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 18, 2011, 03:36:05 PM
I didnt even start that thread. It was MLA.

Yes. I impersonated Steve. It was never a secret.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Psychophant on November 18, 2011, 03:37:22 PM
:jaded:  I just wonder how long before this ends.    :violin:

It's a bit like a motorway accident. Yes, there's a lot of glass lying around and there are heaps of twisted metal and possibly body parts, and you wonder if anyone could have survived THAT so you stick around and watch, but as a passer-by, you are perfectly free to continue your journey when the ambulance has arrived.

As an emt on an ambulance crew, the last thing I want to do is rubberneck.   And I will continue onward........ :M
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 18, 2011, 03:39:08 PM
Just to add the purpose of that thread was to make links.   eris and squid spent a good deal of time talking to people on fb who had been previously informed by rod that it was full of bullies and he was squeeky clean and had not provoked any of the arguments.  it's primary function was to make it easier to show his actual posts that he denied existed.

I don't recall anything about it being constructed to annoy Les,  if it was it was it's secondary function and not one discussed in the posse of individuals.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Psychophant on November 18, 2011, 03:42:37 PM
:jaded:  I just wonder how long before this ends.    :violin:

It's a bit like a motorway accident. Yes, there's a lot of glass lying around and there are heaps of twisted metal and possibly body parts, and you wonder if anyone could have survived THAT so you stick around and watch, but as a passer-by, you are perfectly free to continue your journey when the ambulance has arrived.

Psychophant is an EMT though , he has to stick around and patch up any possible survivors.  :P


Oh, I know. That is why I thought he'd appreciate my angle.

I do appreciate it, this whole controversy has been like a slow motion crash.   :trainwreck:

And as Squiddy pointed under the Good Samaritan law and our professional code of ethics, I am required to offer assistance any time I run into that type of situation.  The Good Samaritan Law protects me from lawsuits when I do render assistance off duty.  The law applies to anybody who does that, professional or non professional.   :police:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 18, 2011, 03:42:56 PM
Ive never denied attacking Steve long before Pandora was attacked. I made a thread aboutSteve, before Pandora was involved.Im not sure its relevant though.
Isuppose its pointless arguing about the rights and wrongs of the Pandora situation. I feel I had every right to say what I said, and Im unlikely to change mu mind.

I am slightly concerned by your sudden attack of moral responsibilty. Are you just concerned that Les claimed he was leaving, or are you going to start policing the board, inflicting your moral outrage on anyone who you deem to be guilty of insulting someone from offboard who you do not feel deserves to be insulted.

That's a great strawman, Butterflies. Does me pointing out what I see as cold hearted and, yes, morally reprehensible actions on your part equal me starting to police the board and expressing my moral outrage on anyone?

You have every right to say what you said, in that no-one will stop you from doing it here. I have every right to point out how I see that you are muddying the waters, just as I notice you did just now. Again. In your world, the degree of involvement and blame on your side of this whole sad affair is like that proverbial goalpost. It's forever moving.

And I'm saying that moving it now, weeks after the game ended, speaks volumes. To be honest, I'm slightly concerned.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 18, 2011, 03:44:30 PM
:jaded:  I just wonder how long before this ends.    :violin:

It's a bit like a motorway accident. Yes, there's a lot of glass lying around and there are heaps of twisted metal and possibly body parts, and you wonder if anyone could have survived THAT so you stick around and watch, but as a passer-by, you are perfectly free to continue your journey when the ambulance has arrived.

Psychophant is an EMT though , he has to stick around and patch up any possible survivors.  :P


Oh, I know. That is why I thought he'd appreciate my angle.

I do appreciate it, this whole controversy has been like a slow motion crash.   :trainwreck:

And as Squiddy pointed under the Good Samaritan law and our professional code of ethics, I am required to offer assistance any time I run into that type of situation.  The Good Samaritan Law protects me from lawsuits when I do render assistance off duty.  The law applies to anybody who does that, professional or non professional.   :police:

Oh, excellent. Wanna join the argument? We could make it last for weeks and weeks.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Psychophant on November 18, 2011, 03:47:18 PM
Nah, I had my say and it's pointless for me to say more.  Nothing is going to change and this member is going to  :zip:

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 18, 2011, 03:51:19 PM
I dont see the strawman. This site is full of far worse stuff than what I said to Pandora. You happily ignore, or occasionally encourage it.

Now all of a sudden, Les has told you he's leaving over my comment, and now youve decided this is a huge deal.

Ithink youre just pissed because you actually think Les will really leave.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 19, 2011, 05:52:41 AM
I dont see the strawman. This site is full of far worse stuff than what I said to Pandora. You happily ignore, or occasionally encourage it.

The strawman was you implying that my posts here equal starting to police the site. I'd be very interested in you trying to back up that particular bullshit.

Now all of a sudden, Les has told you he's leaving over my comment, and now youve decided this is a huge deal.

Ithink youre just pissed because you actually think Les will really leave.

Actually I've been talking to Sir Les as well as reading the old threads and realised that I should have posted more about all this earlier. Instead I was pissed off by what you did and remained mostly silent. Not completely, as you will note if you actually bother to read my older posts, so you are just wrong on this one.

Isolated, a lot of the TCO/Pandora stuff would not have merited a response. Put in context, however, I think this particular drama has developed in directions that I dislike enough to speak out. I have said more than once that I'm not always consistent--very few are--but I try to learn from my mistakes and not do the same ones more than once. So yes, I'm pretty sure there are times in the past when I should have reacted but for various reasons didn't.

But that's not how I would like to excuse myself if I stay silent or look the other way when I see something I think is wrong. Would you?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 19, 2011, 08:17:51 AM
Actually I've been talking to Sir Les as well as reading the old threads and realised that I should have posted more about all this earlier. Instead I was pissed off by what you did and remained mostly silent. Not completely, as you will note if you actually bother to read my older posts, so you are just wrong on this one.

Isolated, a lot of the TCO/Pandora stuff would not have merited a response. Put in context, however, I think this particular drama has developed in directions that I dislike enough to speak out. I have said more than once that I'm not always consistent--very few are--but I try to learn from my mistakes and not do the same ones more than once. So yes, I'm pretty sure there are times in the past when I should have reacted but for various reasons didn't.

But that's not how I would like to excuse myself if I stay silent or look the other way when I see something I think is wrong. Would you?
Can you please clarify what exactly it is that you think is so wrong that you need to speak out?  I am not being funny or facetious i simply am unclear if it is the insult she used,  or who she insulted,  or the fb thing,  or the TCO thing in general that has caused this reaction?   I don't intend to start going around getting into fights and slanging matches but would just like to know in case i ever do?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 19, 2011, 08:36:24 AM
All I know is that Odeon was great with me throughout the Steve incident. Was clearly sad to be seeing Steve cop so much flack, but made clear he could see my point. I even non-seriously suggested that Steve would be trying to get some of us arrestef for cyber bullying.
Odoen said "he'll have to explain his own behaviour first"

I think Odeons comment about speaking to Les and now becoming morally outraged is very telling.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 19, 2011, 09:21:09 AM
All I know is that Odeon was great with me throughout the Steve incident. Was clearly sad to be seeing Steve cop so much flack, but made clear he could see my point. I even non-seriously suggested that Steve would be trying to get some of us arrestef for cyber bullying.
Odoen said "he'll have to explain his own behaviour first"

I think Odeons comment about speaking to Les and now becoming morally outraged is very telling.
I can't see how just the Pandora comments alone equate to such animosity.  If it is the other things as well,  like what went on over at fb,  and the mammoth meltdown TCO had before he left,  then i really think it is unfair that you alone are facing the music.   
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 19, 2011, 10:37:21 AM
I think people are making the same old stupid mistake, which is that Odeon's personal opinions have anything to do with policing the site, or with laws that anyone has to follow. If he's morally outraged by Butterflies' behavior, it doesn't mean anyone else has to be confused and think they did something "wrong".
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 19, 2011, 10:51:10 AM
All I know is that Odeon was great with me throughout the Steve incident. Was clearly sad to be seeing Steve cop so much flack, but made clear he could see my point. I even non-seriously suggested that Steve would be trying to get some of us arrestef for cyber bullying.
Odoen said "he'll have to explain his own behaviour first"

I think Odeons comment about speaking to Les and now becoming morally outraged is very telling.
I can't see how just the Pandora comments alone equate to such animosity.  If it is the other things as well,  like what went on over at fb,  and the mammoth meltdown TCO had before he left,  then i really think it is unfair that you alone are facing the music.

Thanks, and I very much agree.

At the moment I think Odeons just looking to pin everything he can on me. Even Les seems to have left it alone.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 19, 2011, 10:54:56 AM
Perhaps there's a reason for that. Your innocent little me routine is getting really old.   :eh:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 19, 2011, 10:56:25 AM
Perhaps there's a reason for that. Your innocent little me routine is getting really old.   :eh:

I don't think you like me :P
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 19, 2011, 11:03:46 AM
Indeed, I am quickly developing dislike for you, and I'm not the only one. This is what it feels like to be hit with the clue wagon, Butterflies. You're making a lot of enemies in this whole drama, and some of us won't just leave the site.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 19, 2011, 11:06:34 AM
Indeed, I am quickly developing dislike for you, and I'm not the only one. This is what it feels like to be hit with the clue wagon, Butterflies. You're making a lot of enemies in this whole drama, and some of us won't just leave the site.

That's a real shame, because you seem really nice.

The only enemies I appear to be making are Odeon, you, and Les, and I certainly don't see Odeon as an enemy.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 19, 2011, 11:18:30 AM
Butterflies isn't innocent.  It was a nasty thing to say.

A moral 'low' if you like.  It is not the worst behaviour i have seen on here.  And as far as insults go,  she endured a lot from TCO, threatening to punch her, wishing death and cancer on her and her family. etc.

I have seen lots of members throwing worse insults and i just don't understand why Butterflies is being made an example of?  I understand why her and Les might have animosity.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 19, 2011, 11:26:42 AM
Butterflies isn't innocent.  It was a nasty thing to say.

A moral 'low' if you like.  It is not the worst behaviour i have seen on here.  And as far as insults go,  she endured a lot from TCO, threatening to punch her, wishing death and cancer on her and her family. etc.

I have seen lots of members throwing worse insults and i just don't understand why Butterflies is being made an example of?  I understand why her and Les might have animosity.

And I've never said it wasn't wrong to say she was rancid.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 19, 2011, 11:27:57 AM
I personally don't see why there's real blame for anyone other than TCO.

Anyone here couls say the same shit that Butteflies said to me, or most members here, without getting much of a reaction at all, much less the histrionic temper-tantrum that TCO threw. :GA:

For that matter, no one else here would say the same things that TCO said, with the appearance of being serious.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 19, 2011, 11:30:16 AM
And I've never said it wasn't wrong to say she was rancid.

I don't see why calling her rancid was such a big deal.  :dunno:

Hey Butterflies! you're RANCID!!! :razz: :moon:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 19, 2011, 11:33:55 AM
And I've never said it wasn't wrong to say she was rancid.

I don't see why calling her rancid was such a big deal.  :dunno:

Hey Butterflies! you're RANCID!!! :razz: :moon:

Thanks. I agree.

And, you're rancid too :P
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 19, 2011, 11:42:26 AM
All of this is getting really fucking ridiculous.

What strikes me as odd, is that when Les was attacking Adam and I in a really disgusting and low manner, simply because we called him a dumbass in a silly argument over Shleed, odeon didn't day a word.  I know it escalated and I said awful things myself but at the start, we were just using playground insults like dumbass and old man etc.  Les, however, wrote paragraphs of poisonous essays about Adam being trans and about his OCD - trying to trigger it.  Yet odeon was completely fine with this.  Before you mention us calling him a paedophile and me attacking his kids, that was bad yes but it only happened when things started to escalate.

Now suddenly, Butterflies calls Pandora "rancid" by proxy and she's the devil. 

Something is clearly wrong here.  Or maybe it's just that older people back older people here and vice versa with us young ones.  It was something I noticed a while ago.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 19, 2011, 11:45:29 AM
I am at a family 'do' now until Sun evening. ???  So probably won't be online til mon morning so i am not gonna see how all this plays out :(

So,  pretty much the same thing for me really- that is more arguing!  :hahaha:

I dare say this drama will be over and a new one probably be in full swing :zoinks:

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 19, 2011, 11:55:00 AM
All of this is getting really fucking ridiculous.

What strikes me as odd, is that when Les was attacking Adam and I in a really disgusting and low manner, simply because we called him a dumbass in a silly argument over Shleed, odeon didn't day a word.  I know it escalated and I said awful things myself but at the start, we were just using playground insults like dumbass and old man etc.  Les, however, wrote paragraphs of poisonous essays about Adam being trans and about his OCD - trying to trigger it.  Yet odeon was completely fine with this.  Before you mention us calling him a paedophile and me attacking his kids, that was bad yes but it only happened when things started to escalate.

Now suddenly, Butterflies calls Pandora "rancid" by proxy and she's the devil. 

Something is clearly wrong here.  Or maybe it's just that older people back older people here and vice versa with us young ones.  It was something I noticed a while ago.


I'm in three minds about Odeons behaviour.
I think he's either trying to show Les how morally outraged he is, in an attempt to win Les' favour and get him to return to the site.
Or, he really is a sanctimonious old windbag, who has only appeared cool because he doesn't have a clue about the insults that are really flying about this site. If he did, he'd probably shut the site.
Or, he's actually very easily suggestable, and Les has managed to convince him that he really is morally outraged.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Adam on November 19, 2011, 12:23:56 PM
Yeah I really don't get what's so bad about the Rancid insult

Way worse things are said on this site

Also I don't think Butterflies ever plays the innocent little me thing - hasn't she said plenty of times herself that she;s acted badly
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 19, 2011, 12:31:57 PM
Yeah I really don't get what's so bad about the Rancid insult

Way worse things are said on this site

Also I don't think Butterflies ever plays the innocent little me thing - hasn't she said plenty of times herself that she;s acted badly

Yes. I'm the first to admit that I'm not a well behaved person, either here, or in RL.

I'm guilty of many things, but pretending I'm an angel isn't one of them.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Psychophant on November 19, 2011, 12:53:59 PM
I am at a family 'do' now until Sun evening. ???  So probably won't be online til mon morning so i am not gonna see how all this plays out :(

So,  pretty much the same thing for me really- that is more arguing!  :hahaha:

I dare say this drama will be over and a new one probably be in full swing :zoinks:

Have a good time and I'm sure the drama will still be here for your perusal!   :green:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 20, 2011, 05:19:56 PM
Actually I've been talking to Sir Les as well as reading the old threads and realised that I should have posted more about all this earlier. Instead I was pissed off by what you did and remained mostly silent. Not completely, as you will note if you actually bother to read my older posts, so you are just wrong on this one.

Isolated, a lot of the TCO/Pandora stuff would not have merited a response. Put in context, however, I think this particular drama has developed in directions that I dislike enough to speak out. I have said more than once that I'm not always consistent--very few are--but I try to learn from my mistakes and not do the same ones more than once. So yes, I'm pretty sure there are times in the past when I should have reacted but for various reasons didn't.

But that's not how I would like to excuse myself if I stay silent or look the other way when I see something I think is wrong. Would you?
Can you please clarify what exactly it is that you think is so wrong that you need to speak out?  I am not being funny or facetious i simply am unclear if it is the insult she used,  or who she insulted,  or the fb thing,  or the TCO thing in general that has caused this reaction?   I don't intend to start going around getting into fights and slanging matches but would just like to know in case i ever do?

I don't think it's OK when people who have never been members here (Pandora, in this case) and have until then not been involved with the site get hurt and are seen as some kind of collateral damage and nothing to be particularly sorry about. Admit it was mean, sure, apologies, hell no.

There was something nasty about the whole thing that set it apart from most previous dramas. Personally  found the rather merciless riling up of TCO when he returned after his self-imposed ban cruel and unnecessary and something that could have been avoided if the will had been there. 

I'm all for backing up your shit and have flamed and been flamed on more than one occasion in the past but when people's actual real lives are being thrown into the fire for nothing more than some lulz over internet butthurt (because frankly, why else would anyone bother?), there is something wrong.

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 20, 2011, 05:27:58 PM
All I know is that Odeon was great with me throughout the Steve incident. Was clearly sad to be seeing Steve cop so much flack, but made clear he could see my point. I even non-seriously suggested that Steve would be trying to get some of us arrestef for cyber bullying.
Odoen said "he'll have to explain his own behaviour first"

I think Odeons comment about speaking to Les and now becoming morally outraged is very telling.

It might have, had it not been for the fact that I posted about this BEFORE I heard from Les. What pisses me off about how you've handled this, more than anything else, is that you don't see any reason to apologise. Most others involved have examined their actions but you, well, you act like that soldier from my previous post.

Your gut reaction throughout this whole mess has been to constantly shift blame and move goalposts, never to examine if there might have been something YOU could have done better or differently.

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 20, 2011, 05:32:45 PM
All of this is getting really fucking ridiculous.

What strikes me as odd, is that when Les was attacking Adam and I in a really disgusting and low manner, simply because we called him a dumbass in a silly argument over Shleed, odeon didn't day a word.  I know it escalated and I said awful things myself but at the start, we were just using playground insults like dumbass and old man etc.  Les, however, wrote paragraphs of poisonous essays about Adam being trans and about his OCD - trying to trigger it.  Yet odeon was completely fine with this.  Before you mention us calling him a paedophile and me attacking his kids, that was bad yes but it only happened when things started to escalate.

Now suddenly, Butterflies calls Pandora "rancid" by proxy and she's the devil. 

Something is clearly wrong here.  Or maybe it's just that older people back older people here and vice versa with us young ones.  It was something I noticed a while ago.


I'm in three minds about Odeons behaviour.
I think he's either trying to show Les how morally outraged he is, in an attempt to win Les' favour and get him to return to the site.
Or, he really is a sanctimonious old windbag, who has only appeared cool because he doesn't have a clue about the insults that are really flying about this site. If he did, he'd probably shut the site.
Or, he's actually very easily suggestable, and Les has managed to convince him that he really is morally outraged.


Me, I think we all know you aren't this stupid.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'andersom' on November 20, 2011, 05:35:39 PM
Yeah I really don't get what's so bad about the Rancid insult

Way worse things are said on this site

Also I don't think Butterflies ever plays the innocent little me thing - hasn't she said plenty of times herself that she;s acted badly

Yes. I'm the first to admit that I'm not a well behaved person, either here, or in RL.

I'm guilty of many things, but pretending I'm an angel isn't one of them.

You have said you behaved badly, but, you are quick in adding a but (he did .......)
Even when all added after the but is true, when added after a but, in many cases, it comes across as making what was said before the but less important, or even less true.

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 20, 2011, 05:36:04 PM
Actually I've been talking to Sir Les as well as reading the old threads and realised that I should have posted more about all this earlier. Instead I was pissed off by what you did and remained mostly silent. Not completely, as you will note if you actually bother to read my older posts, so you are just wrong on this one.

Isolated, a lot of the TCO/Pandora stuff would not have merited a response. Put in context, however, I think this particular drama has developed in directions that I dislike enough to speak out. I have said more than once that I'm not always consistent--very few are--but I try to learn from my mistakes and not do the same ones more than once. So yes, I'm pretty sure there are times in the past when I should have reacted but for various reasons didn't.

But that's not how I would like to excuse myself if I stay silent or look the other way when I see something I think is wrong. Would you?
Can you please clarify what exactly it is that you think is so wrong that you need to speak out?  I am not being funny or facetious i simply am unclear if it is the insult she used,  or who she insulted,  or the fb thing,  or the TCO thing in general that has caused this reaction?   I don't intend to start going around getting into fights and slanging matches but would just like to know in case i ever do?

I don't think it's OK when people who have never been members here (Pandora, in this case) and have until then not been involved with the site get hurt and are seen as some kind of collateral damage and nothing to be particularly sorry about. Admit it was mean, sure, apologies, hell no.

There was something nasty about the whole thing that set it apart from most previous dramas. Personally  found the rather merciless riling up of TCO when he returned after his self-imposed ban cruel and unnecessary and something that could have been avoided if the will had been there. 

I'm all for backing up your shit and have flamed and been flamed on more than one occasion in the past but when people's actual real lives are being thrown into the fire for nothing more than some lulz over internet butthurt (because frankly, why else would anyone bother?), there is something wrong.
I really don't want to start this all up again, just as it seems to be dying, but everyone, including me, agrees that what I said to Steve about Pandora, before she became involved was wrong. It appears to be over though. In fact, it happened a couple of months ago, and everyone other than you, appears to have moved on. Les has moved on from there.
Why would I want to apologize to her now? I dislike her, and we ended up getting involved in a fight.
I've seen some real nasty shit be said about Pentys family, far worse than anything that has been said about Pandora, some of it probably by me, but I don't see anyone being expected to apologize to him over it.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 20, 2011, 05:37:57 PM
All of this is getting really fucking ridiculous.

What strikes me as odd, is that when Les was attacking Adam and I in a really disgusting and low manner, simply because we called him a dumbass in a silly argument over Shleed, odeon didn't day a word.  I know it escalated and I said awful things myself but at the start, we were just using playground insults like dumbass and old man etc.  Les, however, wrote paragraphs of poisonous essays about Adam being trans and about his OCD - trying to trigger it.  Yet odeon was completely fine with this.  Before you mention us calling him a paedophile and me attacking his kids, that was bad yes but it only happened when things started to escalate.

Now suddenly, Butterflies calls Pandora "rancid" by proxy and she's the devil. 

Something is clearly wrong here.  Or maybe it's just that older people back older people here and vice versa with us young ones.  It was something I noticed a while ago.

Ah, the two wrongs DOES make a right defence. Well done, Binty.

But seriously, folks, if you honestly think this is all about that "rancid" comment, I'm not surprised how what I'm saying seems to go straight over your heads.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 20, 2011, 05:38:39 PM
Yeah I really don't get what's so bad about the Rancid insult

Way worse things are said on this site

Also I don't think Butterflies ever plays the innocent little me thing - hasn't she said plenty of times herself that she;s acted badly

Yes. I'm the first to admit that I'm not a well behaved person, either here, or in RL.

I'm guilty of many things, but pretending I'm an angel isn't one of them.

You have said you behaved badly, but, you are quick in adding a but (he did .......)
Even when all added after the but is true, when added after a but, in many cases, it comes across as making what was said before the but less important, or even less true.

It's a clever technique, isn't it?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'andersom' on November 20, 2011, 05:40:55 PM
I kept out of this discussion mostly, for various reasons.

Think this discussion needs to be broader than just the TCO thing, if it needs to be discussed wider.

To find topics to include, one could search the posts of EBM. He is a very good observer, and he acts on it. He has made posts with the gist of "Not Cool" more than once. That would be a good way to find things to broaden this discussion.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 20, 2011, 05:42:28 PM
All I know is that Odeon was great with me throughout the Steve incident. Was clearly sad to be seeing Steve cop so much flack, but made clear he could see my point. I even non-seriously suggested that Steve would be trying to get some of us arrestef for cyber bullying.
Odoen said "he'll have to explain his own behaviour first"

I think Odeons comment about speaking to Les and now becoming morally outraged is very telling.

It might have, had it not been for the fact that I posted about this BEFORE I heard from Les. What pisses me off about how you've handled this, more than anything else, is that you don't see any reason to apologise. Most others involved have examined their actions but you, well, you act like that soldier from my previous post.

Your gut reaction throughout this whole mess has been to constantly shift blame and move goalposts, never to examine if there might have been something YOU could have done better or differently.

I think maybe we are different types of people. Everything I do could be done better. I don't strive to handle things perfectly.

Yes. I could have kept out of the Steve argument. If I had done that, the following stuff might not have happened.
I handled this as I did, and there's nothing that can be done about it now. The only part of this I would have done differently in hindsight is to have not mentioned Pandora while I was still only fighting Steve.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 20, 2011, 05:44:25 PM
I kept out of this discussion mostly, for various reasons.

Think this discussion needs to be broader than just the TCO thing, if it needs to be discussed wider.

To find topics to include, one could search the posts of EBM. He is a very good observer, and he acts on it. He has made posts with the gist of "Not Cool" more than once. That would be a good way to find things to broaden this discussion.

And why do you feel this discussion needs to be broadened?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 20, 2011, 05:44:46 PM
Actually I've been talking to Sir Les as well as reading the old threads and realised that I should have posted more about all this earlier. Instead I was pissed off by what you did and remained mostly silent. Not completely, as you will note if you actually bother to read my older posts, so you are just wrong on this one.

Isolated, a lot of the TCO/Pandora stuff would not have merited a response. Put in context, however, I think this particular drama has developed in directions that I dislike enough to speak out. I have said more than once that I'm not always consistent--very few are--but I try to learn from my mistakes and not do the same ones more than once. So yes, I'm pretty sure there are times in the past when I should have reacted but for various reasons didn't.

But that's not how I would like to excuse myself if I stay silent or look the other way when I see something I think is wrong. Would you?
Can you please clarify what exactly it is that you think is so wrong that you need to speak out?  I am not being funny or facetious i simply am unclear if it is the insult she used,  or who she insulted,  or the fb thing,  or the TCO thing in general that has caused this reaction?   I don't intend to start going around getting into fights and slanging matches but would just like to know in case i ever do?

I don't think it's OK when people who have never been members here (Pandora, in this case) and have until then not been involved with the site get hurt and are seen as some kind of collateral damage and nothing to be particularly sorry about. Admit it was mean, sure, apologies, hell no.

There was something nasty about the whole thing that set it apart from most previous dramas. Personally  found the rather merciless riling up of TCO when he returned after his self-imposed ban cruel and unnecessary and something that could have been avoided if the will had been there. 

I'm all for backing up your shit and have flamed and been flamed on more than one occasion in the past but when people's actual real lives are being thrown into the fire for nothing more than some lulz over internet butthurt (because frankly, why else would anyone bother?), there is something wrong.
I really don't want to start this all up again, just as it seems to be dying, but everyone, including me, agrees that what I said to Steve about Pandora, before she became involved was wrong. It appears to be over though. In fact, it happened a couple of months ago, and everyone other than you, appears to have moved on. Les has moved on from there.
Why would I want to apologize to her now? I dislike her, and we ended up getting involved in a fight.
I've seen some real nasty shit be said about Pentys family, far worse than anything that has been said about Pandora, some of it probably by me, but I don't see anyone being expected to apologize to him over it.

You should because unless you think you are without fault, it's the decent thing to do. You were not without blame. Too late for Pandora but if you intend to live among people, it's something people do and a valuable skill.

But it's always about shifting the blame, pointing out how worse things have been said or done by others, always about that "but".

That "but" is largely why this isn't dying so easily. Because it's fucking cowardly and spineless, and it's not what this place should be about.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 20, 2011, 05:48:50 PM
You should because unless you think you are without fault, it's the decent thing to do. You were not without blame

Have never suggested I'm without blame. I don't think I'm without blame at all.

You are mistaking my apathy with believing I'm innocent.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Adam on November 20, 2011, 07:55:34 PM
People seem to be reading what butterflies is saying in two different ways. Some of u are seeing her being cowardly and shifting blame. Me and some others are seeing her admitting blame and accepting it was wrong .
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Adam on November 20, 2011, 08:02:31 PM
I'm not sure what else people want
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 20, 2011, 08:05:26 PM
Tbh I don't really see anyone being "better" than the other , to say so is ridiculous.

Butterflies is not innocent and she has admitted this herself.

She made a remark about pandora to piss off Steve-O after he had told her he hopes she gets cancer and wishes death on her family.

"Rancid" was not a particularly nice thing of Butterflies to say , no but it was FAR less disgusting than what TCO said yet I didn't exactly see people tell him to stop what he was saying to her.

As for Butterflies pushing blame on to others , if she was doing that she would be claiming she was innocent not saying that she was as bad , the "but" thing is a mere fact, yes we did go over to facebook snd tried to discuss things civilly but none of us started mud slinging until Pandora flung insults at Bodie , THAT is when insults were aimed at Pandora and when the "Rancidora" name started being used.

Now can this finally be dropped? , there was shit on both sides and no one is better than the other.

Also Odeon , if you are so against non-members of this forum being targeted in such a way , where exactly were you complaining in the thread where Skyblue , Pikajedi and Farnsworth were threatening to use real-life info against Tambo-man?

Where were you complaining in the thread where Butterflies , Soph and I were targetting Parakeet whilst he was only a member of WP?

Please correct me if I am wrong but right now I am seeing a distinct double standard in a lot of people.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Psychophant on November 20, 2011, 08:05:45 PM
Welcome to the Jungle

Guns N' Roses - Welcome To The Jungle (
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 20, 2011, 08:07:03 PM
People seem to be reading what butterflies is saying in two different ways. Some of u are seeing her being cowardly and shifting blame. Me and some others are seeing her admitting blame and accepting it was wrong .

I'm no coward, and I don't see pointing out that what Steve has said worse stuff to me as shifting the blame.
I agree that the insult that I made before Pandora was involved was wrong, but pretty small compared to much of what goes on here.
I have not done anything that I see as wrong during the FB drama, and I fully reserve my right to refer to someone I am fighting with as Rancidora.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 20, 2011, 08:08:57 PM
Tbh I don't really see anyone being "better" than the other , to say so is ridiculous.

Butterflies is not innocent and she has admitted this herself.

She made a remark about pandora to piss off Steve-O after he had told her he hopes she gets cancer and wishes death on her family.

"Rancid" was not a particularly nice thing of Butterflies to say , no but it was FAR less disgusting than what TCO said yet I didn't exactly see people tell him to stop what he was saying to her.

As for Butterflies pushing blame on to others , if she was doing that she would be claiming she was innocent not saying that she was as bad , the "but" thing is a mere fact, yes we did go over to facebook snd tried to discuss things civilly but none of us started mud slinging until Pandora flung insults at Bodie , THAT is when insults were aimed at Pandora and when the "Rancidora" name started being used.

Now can this finally be dropped? , there was shit on both sides and no one is better than the other.

Also Odeon , if you are so against non-members of this forum being targeted in such a way , where exactly were you complaining in the thread where Skyblue , Pikajedi and Farnsworth were threatening to use real-life info against Tambo-man?

Where were you complaining in the thread where Butterflies , Soph and I were targetting Parakeet whilst he was only a member of WP?

Please correct me if I am wrong but right now I am seeing a distinct double standard in a lot of people.
Thanks Squiddy, and I fully agree.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Adam on November 20, 2011, 08:10:02 PM
Buterly I agree, that is hOw i am seein this whole hint too. I hunk I am. Issuing what the main issue is
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 20, 2011, 08:29:35 PM
Buterly I agree, that is hOw i am seein this whole hint too. I hunk I am. Issuing what the main issue is

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Adam on November 20, 2011, 09:02:55 PM
Sorry, ipod

I think that was meant to be that I was missing what the main issue was. Dunno what hunk was meant to be. think?

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 20, 2011, 09:05:07 PM
Sorry, ipod

I think that was meant to be that I was missing what the main issue was. Dunno what hunk was meant to be. think?

I honestly thought you were pissed.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Adam on November 20, 2011, 09:11:39 PM
so did i for a second when I read it :P
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 20, 2011, 09:14:47 PM
Sorry, ipod

I think that was meant to be that I was missing what the main issue was. Dunno what hunk was meant to be. think?

Odeon and Les have different issues.

Les believes that I called her Rancidora as a direct insult to him. Of course it wasn't directed at Les.

Odeon still seems to be going on about the fact that I said she was rancid 6 weeks ago, although he now just seems to want to prove that I'm a bad girl, and that I need disciplined :squiddy:.

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 20, 2011, 09:22:12 PM
Sorry, ipod

I think that was meant to be that I was missing what the main issue was. Dunno what hunk was meant to be. think?

I honestly thought you were pissed.  :laugh:

Me too.  :LOL:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 20, 2011, 09:28:21 PM
Odeon and Les have different issues.

Les believes that I called her Rancidora as a direct insult to him. Of course it wasn't directed at Les.

Odeon still seems to be going on about the fact that I said she was rancid 6 weeks ago, although he now just seems to want to prove that I'm a bad girl, and that I need disciplined :squiddy:.

Way to put words in everybody's mouths. I don't think you have any idea what the issues are.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 20, 2011, 09:33:27 PM
Odeon and Les have different issues.

Les believes that I called her Rancidora as a direct insult to him. Of course it wasn't directed at Les.

Odeon still seems to be going on about the fact that I said she was rancid 6 weeks ago, although he now just seems to want to prove that I'm a bad girl, and that I need disciplined :squiddy:.

Way to put words in everybody's mouths. I don't think you have any idea what the issues are.

Les did say that was his issue, at least that's how I read it.

If Odeon isn't looking to prove to the site that I'm a bad girl, then I'll be happy to stand corrected.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 20, 2011, 10:35:13 PM
If Odeon isn't looking to prove to the site that I'm a bad girl, then I'll be happy to stand corrected.

If Odeon doesn't prove to the site that you're a bad girl, then I'd be disappointed.  ;)  :eyebrows:  :laugh:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 20, 2011, 11:02:32 PM
If Odeon isn't looking to prove to the site that I'm a bad girl, then I'll be happy to stand corrected.

If Odeon doesn't prove to the site that you're a bad girl, then I'd be disappointed.  ;)  :eyebrows:  :laugh:

Don't say that. I wouldn't be surprised to see him search for all the bad things I've said, and then present them to the site as evidence that I'm evil. :facepalm2:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 21, 2011, 12:27:04 AM
If Odeon isn't looking to prove to the site that I'm a bad girl, then I'll be happy to stand corrected.

If Odeon doesn't prove to the site that you're a bad girl, then I'd be disappointed.  ;)  :eyebrows:  :laugh:

Don't say that. I wouldn't be surprised to see him search for all the bad things I've said, and then present them to the site as evidence that I'm evil. :facepalm2:

What happend to the days when we could rip on eachother and it was all in good fun, and no one got butthurt over it and there weren't half a dozen call-outs over petty, stupid shit??   :'(  :tantrum:

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'andersom' on November 21, 2011, 02:36:11 AM
Yeah I really don't get what's so bad about the Rancid insult

Way worse things are said on this site

Also I don't think Butterflies ever plays the innocent little me thing - hasn't she said plenty of times herself that she;s acted badly

Yes. I'm the first to admit that I'm not a well behaved person, either here, or in RL.

I'm guilty of many things, but pretending I'm an angel isn't one of them.

You have said you behaved badly, but, you are quick in adding a but (he did .......)
Even when all added after the but is true, when added after a but, in many cases, it comes across as making what was said before the but less important, or even less true.

It's a clever technique, isn't it?

Not so clever, because it has the opposite effect on me.

Were she to say, TCO went across all borders of decency, but, I reacted shitty myself too, and wish I hadn't, it would sound completely different.

edit for spelling....
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'andersom' on November 21, 2011, 03:08:34 AM
I kept out of this discussion mostly, for various reasons.

Think this discussion needs to be broader than just the TCO thing, if it needs to be discussed wider.

To find topics to include, one could search the posts of EBM. He is a very good observer, and he acts on it. He has made posts with the gist of "Not Cool" more than once. That would be a good way to find things to broaden this discussion.

And why do you feel this discussion needs to be broadened?
I think it needs to be broadened, because, this seems to lead nowhere.

15 pages about if Butterflies is a good person? And the same question in plenty of threads more? You are almost discussed as much as TCO was.  :zombiefuck:

(Creepy parallel is that he was pretty good in the using of the but argumentation btw, that's partly why meltdowns kept going on with him I guess)

If this discussion is about what the site should be about, then I'd like more examples, and more cases to think on. And then Squiddy is right in bringing TM into the discussion.

I think this place is about learning and fun. (UGH, now it sounds like an advertising for a new schoolprogram to do math or so, don't mean that, better words fail me  :nerdy:).
Think most of us here do have things to learn, and, very different things too. And the way we learn can be quite confrontational. I think what is part of the discussion here is how far are we "allowed" to go, to get our fun, and our confrontation. And, if it is about that, then this discussion needs to be a lot wider than focussing around Pandora.

You did learn something, you said you would do one thing different in hindsight. Maybe you'll get the "but" thing too one day. :P Don't worry when you don't get it yet, that's the beauty of this place, things you don't get will be right in your face another time.

Think it is time to move on beyond the discussion about Butterflies, to the discussion about the site. If we don't, this thread may go on till kingdom come, or December 21 2012, without leading anywhere.

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 21, 2011, 04:33:03 AM
but, but, but,

can we leave the 'buts' out of it please as mine
is getting bigger for sure, and i find it is something
i can't defend! :booty:

as always hyke makes sense!  i just feel like i been a ickle mouse in an executive elephants board meeting!  because it's sort of what i been saying
but no one else seemed to hear me.

granted hyke said it better despite her first language being something else! :bigcry:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'andersom' on November 21, 2011, 05:23:10 AM
But, I bet my but is bigger than yours. (Not going to back up my shit on this one  :booty: )
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: "couldbecousin" on November 21, 2011, 05:50:54 AM
But, I bet my but is bigger than yours. (Not going to back up my shit on this one  :booty: )

 MY butt is bigger than either of YOUR butts; if you don't believe me, call me out!  :M :P
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'andersom' on November 21, 2011, 05:56:08 AM
But, I bet my but is bigger than yours. (Not going to back up my shit on this one  :booty: )

 MY butt is bigger than either of YOUR butts; if you don't believe me, call me out!  :M :P

Well at least your butt is bigger in spelling.

Will you back up your shit, if I call you out on this?

Or should we just meet somewhere around where Bodi lives, and decide there and then, whose arse is champion?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: "couldbecousin" on November 21, 2011, 06:03:12 AM
But, I bet my but is bigger than yours. (Not going to back up my shit on this one  :booty: )

 MY butt is bigger than either of YOUR butts; if you don't believe me, call me out!  :M :P

Well at least your butt is bigger in spelling.

Will you back up your shit, if I call you out on this?

Or should we just meet somewhere around where Bodi lives, and decide there and then, whose arse is champion?

 We probably need to meet in person somewhere, maybe next year.  :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Psychophant on November 21, 2011, 06:30:57 AM
But, I bet my but is bigger than yours. (Not going to back up my shit on this one  :booty: )

 MY butt is bigger than either of YOUR butts; if you don't believe me, call me out!  :M :P

Well at least your butt is bigger in spelling.

Will you back up your shit, if I call you out on this?

Or should we just meet somewhere around where Bodi lives, and decide there and then, whose arse is champion?

 We probably need to meet in person somewhere, maybe next year.  :2thumbsup:

I voulnteer to be a totally impartial judge!   :eyebrows:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 21, 2011, 07:37:39 AM
@Hyke. Fair enough. You want a discussion on what is acceptable on this site. I agree.
From your earlier post on the matter, I got the impression that you were calling for a wider discussion about me.

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 21, 2011, 07:57:27 AM
What happend to the days when we could rip on eachother and it was all in good fun, and no one got butthurt over it and there weren't half a dozen call-outs over petty, stupid shit??   :'(  :tantrum:

That is a really really good question.  :plus:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 21, 2011, 11:20:45 AM
I think it needs to be broadened, because, this seems to lead nowhere.

it's perfectly OK if it leads nowhere

If this discussion is about what the site should be about, then I'd like more examples, and more cases to think on. And then Squiddy is right in bringing TM into the discussion.

... I think what is part of the discussion here is how far are we "allowed" to go, to get our fun, and our confrontation. And, if it is about that, then this discussion needs to be a lot wider than focussing around Pandora.

Think it is time to move on beyond the discussion about Butterflies, to the discussion about the site. If we don't, this thread may go on till kingdom come, or December 21 2012, without leading anywhere.

No, no and no.

We don't need to discuss what this site is about because that's the beginning of censorship/moderation.

We are "allowed" to say and do anything within Hostgator's TOS, that's a settled issue IMO and one that odeon has repeatedly said.

If this site changes because of the TCO shit, then he has won. He had been trying all along to control peoples behavior and if we change because of him, he has succeeded.  >:(
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 21, 2011, 12:19:11 PM
I don't think it's OK when people who have never been members here (Pandora, in this case) and have until then not been involved with the site get hurt and are seen as some kind of collateral damage and nothing to be particularly sorry about. Admit it was mean, sure, apologies, hell no.

I agree totally.   Woody was another one you might say was collateral damage.  Let's face it,  there are a few we could bring up.  Is it ok to mock and ridicule Woody because he plays a trumpet, has religious beliefs and because it seems his elevator does not go straight to the top?  Do you not think he was also 'hurt' when he realised (if he has yet i don't know) that he was made a fool of?  That poor sod didn't even have anyone to stand up and say 'oi' on his behalf! 

There was something nasty about the whole thing that set it apart from most previous dramas. Personally  found the rather merciless riling up of TCO when he returned after his self-imposed ban cruel and unnecessary and something that could have been avoided if the will had been there.
I thought so too.  I cringe a bit thinking about it.  I know a few people were involved in this and the one i remember distinctly is not Butterflies but MLA!  So how come he is smelling of roses?  well TCO said something about his that not justification! well Butterflies had a similar one so why doesn't his shit stink then?  we can go on and on...

I suppose i am 'muddying the waters' but it looks to me like they are murky as hell anyway.   :zoinks:

I don't think that there is a reason to change the running of the site or implement new rules.  These things don't happen much, as far as i can see. 

It would be a shame to make rules now.  It is a personal challenge to me to be able to behave like a human being without them. 


Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 21, 2011, 12:45:57 PM
You should because unless you think you are without fault, it's the decent thing to do. You were not without blame

Have never suggested I'm without blame. I don't think I'm without blame at all.

You are mistaking my apathy with believing I'm innocent.

If you'd been apathetic I would have seen the difference.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 21, 2011, 12:47:32 PM
People seem to be reading what butterflies is saying in two different ways. Some of u are seeing her being cowardly and shifting blame. Me and some others are seeing her admitting blame and accepting it was wrong .

My problem is that ever-present "but". Yes, but others have done worse. Yes it was mean but I won't apologise. Etc. I don't see her accepting anything, I only see her shifting.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 21, 2011, 12:59:19 PM
Tbh I don't really see anyone being "better" than the other , to say so is ridiculous.

Butterflies is not innocent and she has admitted this herself.

She made a remark about pandora to piss off Steve-O after he had told her he hopes she gets cancer and wishes death on her family.

"Rancid" was not a particularly nice thing of Butterflies to say , no but it was FAR less disgusting than what TCO said yet I didn't exactly see people tell him to stop what he was saying to her.

We already know TCO behaves like a cunt. does that mean that others have to? Does it make it OK? Desirable, even?

As for Butterflies pushing blame on to others , if she was doing that she would be claiming she was innocent not saying that she was as bad , the "but" thing is a mere fact, yes we did go over to facebook snd tried to discuss things civilly but none of us started mud slinging until Pandora flung insults at Bodie , THAT is when insults were aimed at Pandora and when the "Rancidora" name started being used.

you might want to look up the threads and study the order in which the drama unfolded.

Now can this finally be dropped? , there was shit on both sides and no one is better than the other.

Also Odeon , if you are so against non-members of this forum being targeted in such a way , where exactly were you complaining in the thread where Skyblue , Pikajedi and Farnsworth were threatening to use real-life info against Tambo-man?

Not sure I read it at the time, only when the drama spread and eris brought it up. When I was made aware of it, the main focus was already on eris's case. I do believe I did address it, though.

Where were you complaining in the thread where Butterflies , Soph and I were targetting Parakeet whilst he was only a member of WP?

Parakeet, AFAIK, was never collateral damage like Pandora was, but quite active elsewhere. I never read the WP threads but as I understood it at the time, you had legitimate issues to settle and that sort of thing was part of the concept behind I2, as Pyraxis and others will confirm. Do you see the difference between someone like Parakeet and Pandora?

If you don't, please tell me why.

Please correct me if I am wrong but right now I am seeing a distinct double standard in a lot of people.

I'm not saying I can't be inconsistent--I believe I pointed it out in a previous post. Quite the contrary. In this case I fail to see a double standard, however.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 21, 2011, 01:02:01 PM
If Odeon isn't looking to prove to the site that I'm a bad girl, then I'll be happy to stand corrected.

If Odeon doesn't prove to the site that you're a bad girl, then I'd be disappointed.  ;)  :eyebrows:  :laugh:

Don't say that. I wouldn't be surprised to see him search for all the bad things I've said, and then present them to the site as evidence that I'm evil. :facepalm2:

What happend to the days when we could rip on eachother and it was all in good fun, and no one got butthurt over it and there weren't half a dozen call-outs over petty, stupid shit??   :'(  :tantrum:

You mean the time when innocent people weren't seen by some as collateral damage?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 21, 2011, 01:03:26 PM
If Odeon isn't looking to prove to the site that I'm a bad girl, then I'll be happy to stand corrected.

If Odeon doesn't prove to the site that you're a bad girl, then I'd be disappointed.  ;)  :eyebrows:  :laugh:

Don't say that. I wouldn't be surprised to see him search for all the bad things I've said, and then present them to the site as evidence that I'm evil. :facepalm2:

I don't have to. I think I've proved my points here.

Still, if that's the way you want this to go, I'm fine with it.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 21, 2011, 01:05:45 PM
But, I bet my but is bigger than yours. (Not going to back up my shit on this one  :booty: )

 MY butt is bigger than either of YOUR butts; if you don't believe me, call me out!  :M :P

This matter is very easily settled by you both posting pictures and letting the members judge for themselves. :M
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 21, 2011, 01:09:48 PM
I think it needs to be broadened, because, this seems to lead nowhere.

it's perfectly OK if it leads nowhere

If this discussion is about what the site should be about, then I'd like more examples, and more cases to think on. And then Squiddy is right in bringing TM into the discussion.

... I think what is part of the discussion here is how far are we "allowed" to go, to get our fun, and our confrontation. And, if it is about that, then this discussion needs to be a lot wider than focussing around Pandora.

Think it is time to move on beyond the discussion about Butterflies, to the discussion about the site. If we don't, this thread may go on till kingdom come, or December 21 2012, without leading anywhere.

No, no and no.

We don't need to discuss what this site is about because that's the beginning of censorship/moderation.

We are "allowed" to say and do anything within Hostgator's TOS, that's a settled issue IMO and one that odeon has repeatedly said.

If this site changes because of the TCO shit, then he has won. He had been trying all along to control peoples behavior and if we change because of him, he has succeeded.  >:(


I understand what you are saying and wouldn't dream of introducing moderation or rules here. A discussion in this case is just that, a discussion. IF people choose to listen and do something differently, it's their choice, just as it is their choice to tell the posters to fuck off.

Free speech is not just a right but a responsibility. In that responsibility should be included other people's right to be heard.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 21, 2011, 01:14:18 PM
I don't think it's OK when people who have never been members here (Pandora, in this case) and have until then not been involved with the site get hurt and are seen as some kind of collateral damage and nothing to be particularly sorry about. Admit it was mean, sure, apologies, hell no.

I agree totally.   Woody was another one you might say was collateral damage.  Let's face it,  there are a few we could bring up.  Is it ok to mock and ridicule Woody because he plays a trumpet, has religious beliefs and because it seems his elevator does not go straight to the top?  Do you not think he was also 'hurt' when he realised (if he has yet i don't know) that he was made a fool of?  That poor sod didn't even have anyone to stand up and say 'oi' on his behalf! 

Took me a long time to read any of that. At first I had no idea of what it was about, tbh. I didn't see any URLs until later, only an occasional post in the who is who on woods board thread, none of which I understood at the time.

But yes, you are right. That's another drama that went too far, especially when considering how clueless he appeared to be.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 21, 2011, 01:23:08 PM
So. Instead of just bitching about me, why don't you  start your little discussion on the future of the site.

Seems pointless just going over and over like this when both of us have made our views clear, and are unlikely to change.

You think my behaviour was rancid and reprehensible. I think you're just butthurt because Les claims to have left.
How much longer do you want us to keep this pathetic drama going for? When other people are involved in drama, you're often one of the first to say it's getting old. Now you seem determined to drag this out as long as possible.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Adam on November 21, 2011, 02:22:43 PM
So what if Butterflies said "I won't apologise as I don't believe I need to, BUT I admit that I did wrong" ?

with the before-the-but and after-the-but the other way round?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 21, 2011, 02:36:47 PM
Butterflies doesn't habitually go around insulting members friends.    I don't see her making unprovoked attacks on innocent people in the near future either.  She has already stated she has learned from all this and in hindsight would have played it differently.

I am still not sure of the goals behind this call out.  I don't think an apology was requested and i don't see one on the horizon so what is to be gained by repeatedly conducting an autopsy? 

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 21, 2011, 02:50:33 PM
Butterflies doesn't habitually go around insulting members friends.    I don't see her making unprovoked attacks on innocent people in the near future either.  She has already stated she has learned from all this and in hindsight would have played it differently.

I am still not sure of the goals behind this call out.  I don't think an apology was requested and i don't see one on the horizon so what is to be gained by repeatedly conducting an autopsy? 


Yes. This is a messy and bloody autopsy that one person seems determined to prolong. I've stated why I believe he is doing this, but of course I might be wrong. If I am wrong, then I cant even begin to imagine what his reasons are.

Also, even if I was inclined to apologize, I have no idea who I would apologize to. I wouldn't apologize to, or accept an apology from Steve. If Pandora felt she wanted to discuss things reasonably with me, I'd be prepared to speak to her in a friendly manner.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 21, 2011, 02:57:37 PM
We already know TCO behaves like a cunt. does that mean that others have to? Does it make it OK? Desirable, even?

It is not desirable but why should anyone not act like a cunt to TCO?

My point was a very big fuss was made of frankly a very small remark , something which is miniscule in comparison to what TCO said and yet he did not get the shit Butterflies did.

you might want to look up the threads and study the order in which the drama unfolded.

I have.
Butterflies did not start with attacks on his family members she retaliated.

In  fact I seem to remember TCO was sending PM's to Butterflies at first about her family , so Butterflies may not be any better in a sense , but at least she had the balls to say it in the open.

Not sure I read it at the time, only when the drama spread and eris brought it up. When I was made aware of it, the main focus was already on eris's case. I do believe I did address it, though.

Right ok , I take that back then.

Parakeet, AFAIK, was never collateral damage like Pandora was, but quite active elsewhere. I never read the WP threads but as I understood it at the time, you had legitimate issues to settle and that sort of thing was part of the concept behind I2, as Pyraxis and others will confirm. Do you see the difference between someone like Parakeet and Pandora?

If you don't, please tell me why.

Parakeet made comments towards Soph and threatened legal action.
Pandora made comments about Butterflies and Binty.

There is a lot of similarities so I don't see how you can say Parakeet was justified and Pandora wasn't.

I'm not saying I can't be inconsistent--I believe I pointed it out in a previous post. Quite the contrary. In this case I fail to see a double standard, however.

Read above.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 21, 2011, 03:39:47 PM
You should because unless you think you are without fault, it's the decent thing to do. You were not without blame

Have never suggested I'm without blame. I don't think I'm without blame at all.

You are mistaking my apathy with believing I'm innocent.

If you'd been apathetic I would have seen the difference.

Because you always know better, right?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 21, 2011, 03:42:36 PM
The truth is out there  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 21, 2011, 04:57:15 PM
So. Instead of just bitching about me, why don't you  start your little discussion on the future of the site.

Seems pointless just going over and over like this when both of us have made our views clear, and are unlikely to change.

You think my behaviour was rancid and reprehensible. I think you're just butthurt because Les claims to have left.
How much longer do you want us to keep this pathetic drama going for? When other people are involved in drama, you're often one of the first to say it's getting old. Now you seem determined to drag this out as long as possible.

I realise it's unpleasant for you, but see it as a learning experience. Who knows, maybe you can learn something about yourself? More importantly, though, maybe others will learn things about you.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 21, 2011, 04:58:46 PM
Butterflies doesn't habitually go around insulting members friends.    I don't see her making unprovoked attacks on innocent people in the near future either.  She has already stated she has learned from all this and in hindsight would have played it differently.

I am still not sure of the goals behind this call out.  I don't think an apology was requested and i don't see one on the horizon so what is to be gained by repeatedly conducting an autopsy? 


It's not a callout, really, just a little learning experience for Butterflies. I doubt Sir Les is interested in continuing his thread.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 21, 2011, 05:02:56 PM
It's not a callout, really, just a little learning experience for Butterflies. I doubt Sir Les is interested in continuing his thread.

Was that spot, behind the shed, in your backyard, a good place to hide his body??  :orly:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 21, 2011, 05:13:53 PM
We already know TCO behaves like a cunt. does that mean that others have to? Does it make it OK? Desirable, even?

It is not desirable but why should anyone not act like a cunt to TCO?

My point was a very big fuss was made of frankly a very small remark , something which is miniscule in comparison to what TCO said and yet he did not get the shit Butterflies did.

It's not the remark, it never was, it's the viciousness displayed and the total lack of remorse, later thinly disguised. It's that an innocent person was caught in the crossfire in her eagerness to flame what was an exceptionally easy target. It's the cold calculation when planning and the gloat when recapitulating perceived victories, and the willingness to always take it a little bit further.

And the fuss I create now is nothing in comparison, but important, nevertheless. I think it's necessary for her to find out about how things are on the receiving end for a change.

you might want to look up the threads and study the order in which the drama unfolded.

I have.
Butterflies did not start with attacks on his family members she retaliated.

A shame you didn't keep the context. You wrote this:

but none of us started mud slinging until Pandora flung insults at Bodie , THAT is when insults were aimed at Pandora and when the "Rancidora" name started being used.

You didn't start the mud-slinging at FB first, you started it here.

In  fact I seem to remember TCO was sending PM's to Butterflies at first about her family , so Butterflies may not be any better in a sense , but at least she had the balls to say it in the open.

The two wrongs does make a right argument, with a twist. I have already commented on those.

Not sure I read it at the time, only when the drama spread and eris brought it up. When I was made aware of it, the main focus was already on eris's case. I do believe I did address it, though.

Right ok , I take that back then.

Parakeet, AFAIK, was never collateral damage like Pandora was, but quite active elsewhere. I never read the WP threads but as I understood it at the time, you had legitimate issues to settle and that sort of thing was part of the concept behind I2, as Pyraxis and others will confirm. Do you see the difference between someone like Parakeet and Pandora?

If you don't, please tell me why.

Parakeet made comments towards Soph and threatened legal action.
Pandora made comments about Butterflies and Binty.

There is a lot of similarities so I don't see how you can say Parakeet was justified and Pandora wasn't.

Parakeet was a participant. Pandora hadn't said a word when she was forced into this. You are confusing the timeline again, unless you support pre-emptive strikes.

I'm not saying I can't be inconsistent--I believe I pointed it out in a previous post. Quite the contrary. In this case I fail to see a double standard, however.

Read above.

Did. I still don't see a double standard.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 21, 2011, 05:14:49 PM
Well Odeon. If the only reason you're keeping this drama going is to try and show the members that Im bad, then Im going to try and do the sensible thing and try and keep out of it.

You seem to be the only person involved, so I will try and just ignore your bullshit, and leave you to speak to yourself.

Edit: Just noticed comment about showing me what its like being on recieving end. Iteresting tactics from the man who keeps claiming two wrongs dont make a right
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 21, 2011, 05:15:04 PM
I wonder what she has learned? ???
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 21, 2011, 05:15:08 PM
You should because unless you think you are without fault, it's the decent thing to do. You were not without blame

Have never suggested I'm without blame. I don't think I'm without blame at all.

You are mistaking my apathy with believing I'm innocent.

If you'd been apathetic I would have seen the difference.

Because you always know better, right?

No, but her actions re this had nothing to do with apathy. It's an interesting line of defence, though. I'd love to hear the reasoning behind it.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 21, 2011, 05:16:38 PM
The truth is out there  :zoinks:

"wait... worry... who cares?"

(Another Chris Carter tagline)
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 21, 2011, 05:17:11 PM
It's not a callout, really, just a little learning experience for Butterflies. I doubt Sir Les is interested in continuing his thread.

Was that spot, behind the shed, in your backyard, a good place to hide his body??  :orly:

No, he's buried in YOUR back yard.  :hahaha:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 21, 2011, 05:17:45 PM
I wonder what she has learned? ???

Surprisingly little.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 21, 2011, 05:18:23 PM
Well Odeon. If the only reason you're keeping this drama going is to try and show the members that Im bad, then Im going to try and do the sensible thing and try and keep out of it.

You seem to be the only person involved, so I will try and just ignore your bullshit, and leave you to speak to yourself.

Isn't as much fun to be on the receiving end, is it?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'andersom' on November 21, 2011, 05:20:20 PM
I think it needs to be broadened, because, this seems to lead nowhere.

it's perfectly OK if it leads nowhere

If this discussion is about what the site should be about, then I'd like more examples, and more cases to think on. And then Squiddy is right in bringing TM into the discussion.

... I think what is part of the discussion here is how far are we "allowed" to go, to get our fun, and our confrontation. And, if it is about that, then this discussion needs to be a lot wider than focussing around Pandora.

Think it is time to move on beyond the discussion about Butterflies, to the discussion about the site. If we don't, this thread may go on till kingdom come, or December 21 2012, without leading anywhere.

No, no and no.

We don't need to discuss what this site is about because that's the beginning of censorship/moderation.

We are "allowed" to say and do anything within Hostgator's TOS, that's a settled issue IMO and one that odeon has repeatedly said.

If this site changes because of the TCO shit, then he has won. He had been trying all along to control peoples behavior and if we change because of him, he has succeeded.  >:(


I understand what you are saying and wouldn't dream of introducing moderation or rules here. A discussion in this case is just that, a discussion. IF people choose to listen and do something differently, it's their choice, just as it is their choice to tell the posters to fuck off.

Free speech is not just a right but a responsibility. In that responsibility should be included other people's right to be heard.
That's what I meant indeed. Not in favour of implementing any rules that go beyond the ones of the TOS. Never was, and never will be I think. Moderation and I2 will wreck the thing.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 21, 2011, 05:26:16 PM
@Odeon. Quite the opposite. Maybe not fun, but certainly interesting.

You were the only one involved, so ots probably not as unpleasent as you might think.
In fact. Seeing the people who have been prepared to stick up for me on this matter is something I wont forget, and means far more to me than your little eposode.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 21, 2011, 05:29:59 PM
I've filled 17 pages all by myself? I never knew I had it in me.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 21, 2011, 05:30:01 PM
Well Odeon. If the only reason you're keeping this drama going is to try and show the members that Im bad, then Im going to try and do the sensible thing and try and keep out of it.

You seem to be the only person involved, so I will try and just ignore your bullshit, and leave you to speak to yourself.

Isn't as much fun to be on the receiving end, is it?
So are you saying two wrongs do make a right?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 21, 2011, 05:30:36 PM
Well Odeon. If the only reason you're keeping this drama going is to try and show the members that Im bad, then Im going to try and do the sensible thing and try and keep out of it.

You seem to be the only person involved, so I will try and just ignore your bullshit, and leave you to speak to yourself.

Isn't as much fun to be on the receiving end, is it?
So are you saying two wrongs do make a right?

Am I wrong in pointing out the errors in her ways?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: skyblue1 on November 21, 2011, 05:32:07 PM
Well Odeon. If the only reason you're keeping this drama going is to try and show the members that Im bad, then Im going to try and do the sensible thing and try and keep out of it.

You seem to be the only person involved, so I will try and just ignore your bullshit, and leave you to speak to yourself.

Isn't as much fun to be on the receiving end, is it?
So are you saying two wrongs do make a right?

Am I wrong in pointing out the errors in her ways?
not as long as its done in a constructive way
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 21, 2011, 05:35:11 PM
That's the thing, really. If her behaviour was to become the norm, I think we would all lose.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'andersom' on November 21, 2011, 05:39:12 PM
I think it needs to be broadened, because, this seems to lead nowhere.

it's perfectly OK if it leads nowhere

Usually call-outs lead to boobs, a win, a loss, or utter derailment, all fine.

This looked like an unacknowledged stalemate.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 21, 2011, 05:44:55 PM
@Hyke. Not unacknowledged on my part.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'andersom' on November 21, 2011, 05:46:51 PM
Not so sure about that.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 21, 2011, 05:49:27 PM
That's the thing, really. If her behaviour was to become the norm, I think we would all lose.
Are you working your way through a list of people?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: skyblue1 on November 21, 2011, 06:00:57 PM
I have learned lessons from being called out. Thats just me tho
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 21, 2011, 06:07:38 PM
It's not the remark, it never was, it's the viciousness displayed and the total lack of remorse, later thinly disguised. It's that an innocent person was caught in the crossfire in her eagerness to flame what was an exceptionally easy target. It's the cold calculation when planning and the gloat when recapitulating perceived victories, and the willingness to always take it a little bit further.

"innocent" , no one is innocent in that drama.

Not Bodie , not TCO , not me , Not Butterflies and not Pandora.

Yes Tco may be controlling but Pandora is an adult and fully capable of making her own decisions , Pandora made the decision to make poisonous remarks about Binty's relationships and paint Butterflies as some extremely evil person.

You go on about Butterflies seeing the consequences of her behaviour but at the same time advocate that another is an "innocent person" and the response to the insults and lies they decided to sling were "cruel"?

Now do you see the double standard?

And the fuss I create now is nothing in comparison, but important, nevertheless. I think it's necessary for her to find out about how things are on the receiving end for a change.

Hardly a fuss , more like Les running in making a few posts then running off again , you going on for some reason and Hyke and Pyraxis interjecting here and there.

You didn't start the mud-slinging at FB first, you started it here.

I really did not , maybe MLA or others did but I tried to be reasonable on FB.

The two wrongs does make a right argument, with a twist. I have already commented on those.

Not two wrongs make a right at all.

I said that Butterflies was not right to retaliate in a similar method to what TCO did , I merely noted that she said it in the open and it was nohere near as bad IMO as what he had said.

Parakeet was a participant. Pandora hadn't said a word when she was forced into this. You are confusing the timeline again, unless you support pre-emptive strikes.

I believe you are confusing the timelines.

Yes Pandora was forced into this but not by butterflies, remember TCO claiming that if he hit Pandora it would have been butterflies's fault?

This is going in circles.  :facepalm2:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Parts on November 21, 2011, 06:13:00 PM
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 21, 2011, 06:39:28 PM
I'd just like to point out.

You do realise carrying on this frankly beyond decaying drama , is probably exactly what TCO would have wanted?
To continue creating arguments and anger between people even after he had left?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Parts on November 21, 2011, 06:40:40 PM
It keeps going and going and going and going and going and going and going  :wanker:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 21, 2011, 06:47:35 PM
It keeps going and going and going and going and going and going and going  :wanker:


One day hopefully everyone will get over it.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Parts on November 21, 2011, 06:48:58 PM
It keeps going and going and going and going and going and going and going  :wanker:


One day hopefully everyone will get over it.

I was never on it :M
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 21, 2011, 06:54:56 PM
You know what the fucking problem is?

Butterflies is acting like an NT.

Yes, I'm going to be a raging bigot here. Bear with me.

She successfully got a posse together and hounded down a spazztastic fucktard and made his life miserable to the point of epic meltdown. Now she's back on her own territory, her friends are all patting her on the back while she further talks shit about him and anyone who objects to the whole mess. When she thinks she's going to get in trouble she makes excuses for her behavior. When she thinks she'll get more social credit for owning up, she owns up. If that's not NT social chameleon bullshit, I never went to middle school.

Go on, Butterflies. You've graduated. You are successfully able to bully an autistic man and his possibly battered wife. Yay for you. Asperger's or not, you've graduated Intensity.

Now turn around, if you're a decent human being, and think about what it would mean to use that ability well.

There's a reason the kids here keep insisting you're fine and the big guns got outraged. This community is about enabling the spazzes. Who are you enabling? Yourself? That's great, if you're still young and learning. That's just fine, self-empowerment and all that. But once you get adept at it, then further grinding the point home - and doing your utmost to minimize it and erase it when people call you on it - crosses the line into cruelty.

Sure, we can tolerate it. We all want to get by in the NT world, right? Learning more and more NT behavior is only an advantage.

But I for one don't think it makes for a good community. It only repeats the bullshit that created a need for an Intensity in the first place.

I don't think Butterflies is evil. I do think she needs to grow up.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: "couldbecousin" on November 21, 2011, 07:08:24 PM
But, I bet my but is bigger than yours. (Not going to back up my shit on this one  :booty: )

 MY butt is bigger than either of YOUR butts; if you don't believe me, call me out!  :M :P

This matter is very easily settled by you both posting pictures and letting the members judge for themselves. :M

 I shan't subject myself to that.  I haven't even been properly called out.  :M :zoinks:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 21, 2011, 07:20:33 PM
You know what the fucking problem is?

Butterflies is acting like an NT.

And with that line you instantly discredited your argument.

Good job.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 21, 2011, 07:35:39 PM
Why thank you. Glad to hear you've still got your head in the sand.


*takes a bow*
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Queen Victoria on November 21, 2011, 07:40:03 PM
It keeps going and going and going and going and going and going and going  :wanker:

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: P7PSP on November 21, 2011, 07:40:53 PM
I'd just like to point out.

You do realise carrying on this frankly beyond decaying drama , is probably exactly what TCO would have wanted?
To continue creating arguments and anger between people even after he had left?
Arguing about various things went on before TCO ever joined I2, some arguments even involved anger.  :o Doing, or not doing, something based on what we might infer about TCOs desires seems like a piss poor way to decide what to post, or not post, IMO. Of course you are free to consider WWTCOD in all your future decisions if it suits you.
You know what the fucking problem is?

Butterflies is acting like an NT.

And with that line you instantly discredited your argument.

Good job.
Not necessarily. Why are you so concerned about a minor dust up between odeon and Butterflies? You have frequently jumped in to arguments with both feet and now appear to be greatly disturbed that arguments happen here.  :dunno:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 21, 2011, 07:42:26 PM

Hey, don't knock it, we're going for the record.  :hamsterwheel: :pirate:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: P7PSP on November 21, 2011, 07:46:04 PM

Hey, don't knock it, we're going for the record.  :hamsterwheel: :pirate:
It will take a bit of typing to outdo Meadow's threads. What a toxic bitch. I miss her sometimes.  :'(
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Queen Victoria on November 21, 2011, 07:48:21 PM

Hey, don't knock it, we're going for the record.  :hamsterwheel: :pirate:
It will take a bit of typing to outdo Meadow's threads. What a toxic bitch. I miss her sometimes.  :'(

I miss labor pains, but I wouldn't want to go through them again.   :zombiefuck:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Psychophant on November 21, 2011, 07:50:05 PM

Hey, don't knock it, we're going for the record.  :hamsterwheel: :pirate:

We have a weiner   :hadron: :congrats: :dwave:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: P7PSP on November 21, 2011, 07:51:43 PM

Hey, don't knock it, we're going for the record.  :hamsterwheel: :pirate:
It will take a bit of typing to outdo Meadow's threads. What a toxic bitch. I miss her sometimes.  :'(

I miss labor pains, but I wouldn't want to go through them again.   :zombiefuck:
:lol: :plus:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 21, 2011, 07:54:51 PM
Why thank you. Glad to hear you've still got your head in the sand.


*takes a bow*

I'd rather have my head in the sand than have my head up my arse Pyraxis. :thumbup:

I'd just like to point out.

You do realise carrying on this frankly beyond decaying drama , is probably exactly what TCO would have wanted?
To continue creating arguments and anger between people even after he had left?
Arguing about various things went on before TCO ever joined I2, some arguments even involved anger.  :o Doing, or not doing, something based on what we might infer about TCOs desires seems like a piss poor way to decide what to post, or not post, IMO. Of course you are free to consider WWTCOD in all your future decisions if it suits you.
You know what the fucking problem is?

Butterflies is acting like an NT.

And with that line you instantly discredited your argument.

Good job.
Not necessarily. Why are you so concerned about a minor dust up between odeon and Butterflies? You have frequently jumped in to arguments with both feet and now appear to be greatly disturbed that arguments happen here.  :dunno:

I'm not sure what you're referring to , I meant the argument over the rancid insult etc etc , IMO I think TCO would have wanted trouble to stir up over this.

I'm not disturbed arguments happen here , I just really cannot see why this argument is still going on and why there is a need for it to continue, I'm not demanding it stop of course but I still fail to see the point in all this.  :dunno:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 21, 2011, 07:56:21 PM
You know what the fucking problem is?

Butterflies is acting like an NT.

Yes, I'm going to be a raging bigot here. Bear with me.

She successfully got a posse together and hounded down a spazztastic fucktard and made his life miserable to the point of epic meltdown. Now she's back on her own territory, her friends are all patting her on the back while she further talks shit about him and anyone who objects to the whole mess. When she thinks she's going to get in trouble she makes excuses for her behavior. When she thinks she'll get more social credit for owning up, she owns up. If that's not NT social chameleon bullshit, I never went to middle school.

Go on, Butterflies. You've graduated. You are successfully able to bully an autistic man and his possibly battered wife. Yay for you. Asperger's or not, you've graduated Intensity.

Now turn around, if you're a decent human being, and think about what it would mean to use that ability well.

There's a reason the kids here keep insisting you're fine and the big guns got outraged. This community is about enabling the spazzes. Who are you enabling? Yourself? That's great, if you're still young and learning. That's just fine, self-empowerment and all that. But once you get adept at it, then further grinding the point home - and doing your utmost to minimize it and erase it when people call you on it - crosses the line into cruelty.

Sure, we can tolerate it. We all want to get by in the NT world, right? Learning more and more NT behavior is only an advantage.

But I for one don't think it makes for a good community. It only repeats the bullshit that created a need for an Intensity in the first place.

I don't think Butterflies is evil. I do think she needs to grow up.
:fp: :emb: :tinfoil:

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 21, 2011, 07:57:10 PM
 :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green: :green:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 21, 2011, 07:58:12 PM
You know what the fucking problem is?

Butterflies is acting like an NT.

Yes, I'm going to be a raging bigot here. Bear with me.

She successfully got a posse together and hounded down a spazztastic fucktard and made his life miserable to the point of epic meltdown. Now she's back on her own territory, her friends are all patting her on the back while she further talks shit about him and anyone who objects to the whole mess. When she thinks she's going to get in trouble she makes excuses for her behavior. When she thinks she'll get more social credit for owning up, she owns up. If that's not NT social chameleon bullshit, I never went to middle school.

Go on, Butterflies. You've graduated. You are successfully able to bully an autistic man and his possibly battered wife. Yay for you. Asperger's or not, you've graduated Intensity.

Now turn around, if you're a decent human being, and think about what it would mean to use that ability well.

There's a reason the kids here keep insisting you're fine and the big guns got outraged. This community is about enabling the spazzes. Who are you enabling? Yourself? That's great, if you're still young and learning. That's just fine, self-empowerment and all that. But once you get adept at it, then further grinding the point home - and doing your utmost to minimize it and erase it when people call you on it - crosses the line into cruelty.

Sure, we can tolerate it. We all want to get by in the NT world, right? Learning more and more NT behavior is only an advantage.

But I for one don't think it makes for a good community. It only repeats the bullshit that created a need for an Intensity in the first place.

I don't think Butterflies is evil. I do think she needs to grow up.
:fp: :emb: :tinfoil:

You need to grow up you big evil bad bully.  >:( :bigcry:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 21, 2011, 08:00:15 PM
You know what the fucking problem is?

Butterflies is acting like an NT.

Yes, I'm going to be a raging bigot here. Bear with me.

She successfully got a posse together and hounded down a spazztastic fucktard and made his life miserable to the point of epic meltdown. Now she's back on her own territory, her friends are all patting her on the back while she further talks shit about him and anyone who objects to the whole mess. When she thinks she's going to get in trouble she makes excuses for her behavior. When she thinks she'll get more social credit for owning up, she owns up. If that's not NT social chameleon bullshit, I never went to middle school.

Go on, Butterflies. You've graduated. You are successfully able to bully an autistic man and his possibly battered wife. Yay for you. Asperger's or not, you've graduated Intensity.

Now turn around, if you're a decent human being, and think about what it would mean to use that ability well.

There's a reason the kids here keep insisting you're fine and the big guns got outraged. This community is about enabling the spazzes. Who are you enabling? Yourself? That's great, if you're still young and learning. That's just fine, self-empowerment and all that. But once you get adept at it, then further grinding the point home - and doing your utmost to minimize it and erase it when people call you on it - crosses the line into cruelty.

Sure, we can tolerate it. We all want to get by in the NT world, right? Learning more and more NT behavior is only an advantage.

But I for one don't think it makes for a good community. It only repeats the bullshit that created a need for an Intensity in the first place.

I don't think Butterflies is evil. I do think she needs to grow up.
:fp: :emb: :tinfoil:

You need to grow up you big evil bad bully.  >:( :bigcry:

I know. I am soooooooo bad >:D

 :shamone: :shamone:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 21, 2011, 08:05:31 PM
You know what the fucking problem is?

Butterflies is acting like an NT.

Yes, I'm going to be a raging bigot here. Bear with me.

She successfully got a posse together and hounded down a spazztastic fucktard and made his life miserable to the point of epic meltdown. Now she's back on her own territory, her friends are all patting her on the back while she further talks shit about him and anyone who objects to the whole mess. When she thinks she's going to get in trouble she makes excuses for her behavior. When she thinks she'll get more social credit for owning up, she owns up. If that's not NT social chameleon bullshit, I never went to middle school.

Go on, Butterflies. You've graduated. You are successfully able to bully an autistic man and his possibly battered wife. Yay for you. Asperger's or not, you've graduated Intensity.

Now turn around, if you're a decent human being, and think about what it would mean to use that ability well.

There's a reason the kids here keep insisting you're fine and the big guns got outraged. This community is about enabling the spazzes. Who are you enabling? Yourself? That's great, if you're still young and learning. That's just fine, self-empowerment and all that. But once you get adept at it, then further grinding the point home - and doing your utmost to minimize it and erase it when people call you on it - crosses the line into cruelty.

Sure, we can tolerate it. We all want to get by in the NT world, right? Learning more and more NT behavior is only an advantage.

But I for one don't think it makes for a good community. It only repeats the bullshit that created a need for an Intensity in the first place.

I don't think Butterflies is evil. I do think she needs to grow up.
:fp: :emb: :tinfoil:

You need to grow up you big evil bad bully.  >:( :bigcry:

I know. I am soooooooo bad >:D

 :shamone: :shamone:

You're a bad bad girl who needs seeing to! :poopy:  :squiddy: :bonban:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 21, 2011, 08:05:45 PM
Hey, you're showing your true colors. That's a step in the right direction.  :viking:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 21, 2011, 08:11:09 PM
Well I'm off to sleep , try not to bully anyone while I'm gone Butterflies.  :zoinks:

After all you need your posse to help you attack your victims.  :tickle:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: P7PSP on November 21, 2011, 08:13:26 PM
I'm not sure what you're referring to , I meant the argument over the rancid insult etc etc , IMO I think TCO would have wanted trouble to stir up over this.
I don't base my decisions on what to post based on WWTCOD. He is not here, aside from an occasional passing thought of him falling off a pier I don't invest much time in wondering what he wants or doesn't want. Trying to dissuade odeon from posting his opinion on Butterflies by throwing TCO's perceived wants and desires out there is ridiculous argumentation.
I'm not disturbed arguments happen here , I just really cannot see why this argument is still going on and why there is a need for it to continue, I'm not demanding it stop of course but I still fail to see the point in all this.  :dunno:
While you are not blatantly demanding that it stop you appear to be uncomfortable about it. Does Butterflies need your help? Is there any reason that she cannot handle odeon on her own?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 21, 2011, 08:23:49 PM
An amazing stroke of luck that Butterflies
was bad here...

...very lucky for her she was in a place of righteous correction!  and now is on the right path.

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: P7PSP on November 21, 2011, 08:32:29 PM
An amazing stroke of luck that Butterflies
was bad here...

...very lucky for her she was in a place of righteous correction!  and now is on the right path.

Should odeon be censured for having the temerity to disagree with Butterflies bodie? Maybe she should be immune from having others disagree with her,14881.0.html (,14881.0.html) she is wearing big girl panties. I don't get why you and squid appear to be of a mind that she needs protected from odeon. What's up with that?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 21, 2011, 08:37:28 PM
While you are not blatantly demanding that it stop you appear to be uncomfortable about it. Does Butterflies need your help? Is there any reason that she cannot handle odeon on her own?

TBH PPK, I can use all the help I can get here.
Odeon has admitted "I think it's necessary for her to find out about how things are on the receiving end for a change". So yes. I'm very appreciative of anyone who offers support here.

If this was a real callout, then I'd agree with you, but this is just a vedetta from Odeon.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 21, 2011, 08:47:30 PM
What am I, chopped liver?  :LOL: :bigcry:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 21, 2011, 08:57:10 PM
What am I, chopped liver?  :LOL: :bigcry:

You're way too nice to possibly have a vendetta

I think you really like me, but are just too shy to say, so you bitch at me :eyelash:
Don't worry. I used to be the same.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: P7PSP on November 21, 2011, 09:41:51 PM
While you are not blatantly demanding that it stop you appear to be uncomfortable about it. Does Butterflies need your help? Is there any reason that she cannot handle odeon on her own?

TBH PPK, I can use all the help I can get here.
Odeon has admitted "I think it's necessary for her to find out about how things are on the receiving end for a change". So yes. I'm very appreciative of anyone who offers support here.

If this was a real callout, then I'd agree with you, but this is just a vedetta from Odeon.
It is not a vendetta, it is a disagreement and bodie and squid both appear to me to be aghast at the idea that anyone would have a disagreement with you. That is why I posted the link to my poll about protected classes. Throwing red herrings about how I2 1. will be moderated 2. is a place of righteous correction or 3. WWTCOD is just providing distractions as covering fire instead of addressing what odeon has said. If they were actually addressing what odeon said rather than burying the thread in bullshit I would just continue spectating.

Assuming that it really is a vendetta just what is it that squid or bodie can do for you that you cannot do for yourself? All this crap that squid, Parts or anyone else puts up about dragging stuff on is easily fixed. If Squid or Parts or anyone else don't like this thread all they have to do is ignore it. It is similar to Rage getting a bug up his ass about the Meadow threads, not how he responded to it but why he bothered getting his knickers in a knot because of it.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 21, 2011, 09:49:56 PM
I will greatfully accept any help they offer.

You didnt criticize Odeon when he was trying to get people to lay off Steve.

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: P7PSP on November 21, 2011, 10:05:09 PM
I will greatfully accept any help they offer.

You didnt criticize Odeon when he was trying to get people to lay off Steve.
So fucking what! I don't weigh in on every fucking topic here.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 21, 2011, 10:17:07 PM
You're way too nice to possibly have a vendetta

I think you really like me, but are just too shy to say, so you bitch at me :eyelash:
Don't worry. I used to be the same.

You've got to be kidding me.  :zombiefuck:

Quoting this for posterity, because it's going to matter.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Osensitive1 on November 21, 2011, 10:23:35 PM
I've been watching this one closely while dealing with my own crap and waiting for my time to run out. This thread to me seems to have run astray. I sympathize with butterflies here, but will admit I have a bias for youth, and might not feel the same way if it were someone more mature. I also relate to Odeon. Sometimes when the children of I2 are naughty, I've had a compulsion to lecture.

My perspective: Sir Les distancing himself from this place may not really be about the place, but maybe his own behavior in the past toward others, or even his own sense of involvement in this particular happening. I really don't know. However, Sir Les' main point to be made was that someone was hurt. I found it interesting, early in the thread, the question was raised about if it was worth it. Of course it was intended as a question about if it was was worth it to defend the site. I think that's a very important question, was it worth it, and one people can only as of their self.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 21, 2011, 10:29:56 PM
You're way too nice to possibly have a vendetta

I think you really like me, but are just too shy to say, so you bitch at me :eyelash:
Don't worry. I used to be the same.

You've got to be kidding me.  :zombiefuck:

Quoting this for posterity, because it's going to matter.

Aww. It's OK. Please don't feel embarrassed :hug:
I'm sure you're really nice, but I just dont think we'd be compatable.
I am sorry.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 21, 2011, 10:36:11 PM
I will greatfully accept any help they offer.

You didnt criticize Odeon when he was trying to get people to lay off Steve.
So fucking what! I don't weigh in on every fucking topic here.

If Odeon has the right to behave in whatever way he wants, which I fully agree he does, then others have the right to act how they want, and if that involves criticizing Odeons behaviour, then that is fine.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 21, 2011, 10:45:52 PM
You're way too nice to possibly have a vendetta

I think you really like me, but are just too shy to say, so you bitch at me :eyelash:
Don't worry. I used to be the same.

You've got to be kidding me.  :zombiefuck:

Quoting this for posterity, because it's going to matter.

Aww. It's OK. Please don't feel embarrassed :hug:
I'm sure you're really nice, but I just dont think we'd be compatable.
I am sorry.

Exhibit one: Manipulation to provoke.

Determine your target's desired self-image. Respond to them as if they were the opposite.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: P7PSP on November 21, 2011, 10:49:26 PM
I will greatfully accept any help they offer.

You didnt criticize Odeon when he was trying to get people to lay off Steve.
So fucking what! I don't weigh in on every fucking topic here.

If Odeon has the right to behave in whatever way he wants, which I fully agree he does, then others have the right to act how they want, and if that involves criticizing Odeons behaviour, then that is fine.
Throwing red herrings into a discussion about I2 being moderated, I2 being a place of righteous correction, WWTCOD or whether or not I posted to protest odeon sticking up for TCO is not criticizing odeon's behavior. It is simply throwing bullshit into a fan  :shitfan: as a distraction.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 21, 2011, 10:51:32 PM
You're way too nice to possibly have a vendetta

I think you really like me, but are just too shy to say, so you bitch at me :eyelash:
Don't worry. I used to be the same.

You've got to be kidding me.  :zombiefuck:

Quoting this for posterity, because it's going to matter.

Aww. It's OK. Please don't feel embarrassed :hug:
I'm sure you're really nice, but I just dont think we'd be compatable.
I am sorry.

Exhibit one: Manipulation to provoke.

Determine your target's desired self-image. Respond to them as if they were the opposite.

Yes. You should have seen some of the excuses I made up to convince people I didn't have a crush on them :hug:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 21, 2011, 10:54:33 PM
I will greatfully accept any help they offer.

You didnt criticize Odeon when he was trying to get people to lay off Steve.
So fucking what! I don't weigh in on every fucking topic here.

If Odeon has the right to behave in whatever way he wants, which I fully agree he does, then others have the right to act how they want, and if that involves criticizing Odeons behaviour, then that is fine.
Throwing red herrings into a discussion about I2 being moderated, I2 being a place of righteous correction, WWTCOD or whether or not I posted to protest odeon sticking up for TCO is not criticizing odeon's behavior. It is simply throwing bullshit into a fan  :shitfan: as a distraction.

OK, but I appreciate their comments, and you are in no more of a position to tell them what they can and can't post, as I am to tell Odeon what he can and can't post.
They can, and they will post what they want. Just as you will, and just as Odeon will.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: P7PSP on November 21, 2011, 11:02:08 PM
OK, but I appreciate their comments, and you are in no more of a position to tell them what they can and can't post, as I am to tell Odeon what he can and can't post.
They can, and they will post what they want. Just as you will, and just as Odeon will.

Well there goes the odeon has an opinion = moderation theory out the window.  :clap: I can call bullshit when I see it, whether it involves bodie claiming that odeon disagrees with you = I2 is a place of righteous correction or you responding to my post with the non sequitur that I didn't criticize odeon at a particular time.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 22, 2011, 12:14:23 AM
I've filled 17 pages all by myself? I never knew I had it in me.

You can make a mountian out of a mole hill when you want to.  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 22, 2011, 01:25:13 AM
An amazing stroke of luck that Butterflies
was bad here...

...very lucky for her she was in a place of righteous correction!  and now is on the right path.

Should odeon be censured for having the temerity to disagree with Butterflies bodie? Maybe she should be immune from having others disagree with her,14881.0.html (,14881.0.html) she is wearing big girl panties. I don't get why you and squid appear to be of a mind that she needs protected from odeon. What's up with that?
I am just posting whatever is in my head.  If odeon wants to do a call out with Butterflies then  it is fine with me.  I don't have a history of butting in on call outs.  This was not a call out.  Odeon said it was a lesson.   It's surely up to me if i dislike the teaching methods.  I really don't.  It is no big deal.  Yes i agree Butterflies really doesn't need my input.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 22, 2011, 01:42:39 AM
21 pages now....

... is it time for me to start spamming with airplanes?? or boobs?? or motorcycles??

or how about this?

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 22, 2011, 01:59:29 AM
You should because unless you think you are without fault, it's the decent thing to do. You were not without blame

Have never suggested I'm without blame. I don't think I'm without blame at all.

You are mistaking my apathy with believing I'm innocent.

If you'd been apathetic I would have seen the difference.

Because you always know better, right?

No, but her actions re this had nothing to do with apathy. It's an interesting line of defence, though. I'd love to hear the reasoning behind it.

What bothered me, was that you didn't stop to consider that maybe perhaps it was/is apathy and you were reading her incorrectly.  Instead you claim that just because something may not be obvious to you, it isn't there at all.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 22, 2011, 03:36:44 AM
Apathy doesn't keep responding to every post.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 22, 2011, 05:17:24 AM
Well Odeon. If the only reason you're keeping this drama going is to try and show the members that Im bad, then Im going to try and do the sensible thing and try and keep out of it.

You seem to be the only person involved, so I will try and just ignore your bullshit, and leave you to speak to yourself.

Isn't as much fun to be on the receiving end, is it?
So are you saying two wrongs do make a right?

Am I wrong in pointing out the errors in her ways?
I am just disappointed.  I was expecting the punchline to be something more profound.  Maybe something that would make me think 'ah now i see what the point is to all of this'.   When you said "Isn't as much fun to be on the receiving end, is it?"  and "It's not a callout, really, just a little learning experience for Butterflies. I doubt Sir Les is interested in continuing his thread. "  then it made me think of how you addressed squids argument with "The two wrongs does make a right argument, with a twist."   

A double twist i think!   Reminds me of 'do as  i say and not as i do'.   Maybe this tactic has worked for you before and you got the result.

Has she seen the errors of her ways?   I think in teaching her a lesson like this,  and the fact that she hasn't run off crying,  you may have inadvertently   assisted in giving her a 'bad girl reputation' that she may or may not wish to live up to.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: V on November 22, 2011, 05:34:12 AM
Well fb group thing has been brought up and I "was the one that started it" so Im going to try to explain things a little.

Rod approached a community knowing I was a member there(we had interacted in the past) claiming that some members from here were planning on some sort of attack to wp.  I did the standard procedure at the time which is thank him for the information and told him I´d look into things.

Before I had a chance to actually look into things and see if he was just trying to string me along or he was being helpfull some members here decided to make my fb account public and a couple of other things I shant get into.   

Rod sent me a link to the thread were "you were attacking him" and he was saying that you should be carefull because you were all going to get banned from wp so I realized that he just wanted to use me and took a step back.

I was a bit worried about my account being made public here but the only thing that happened was some members approached me to try to make things clear and one of them suggested I joined this place. 

As for adding Butterflies into the group we were friends on fb after she sent me a message  to clear things(you can only approve requests to join a group by your friends) and when I saw her request to join  I wanted to give her a chance to say her side of the story as you can see by my posts on the group.

Vicente Rios ha añadido a Lorna Smith.
Me gusta · · Dejar de seguir esta publicación · 15 de octubre a las 7:44

        Vicente Rios I just learnt how to add people to this group. Yay me
        15 de octubre a las 7:44 · Me gusta · 2
        Vicente Rios You are entitled to have your own friends and Im entitled to have mine. You dont get along with her?, ignore her. Posting hurtfull comments against her before she posts tells a lot about you. Also I thought that rod was all for an open discussion here, the least we can do is have both sides of the story
        15 de octubre a las 11:56 · Me gusta
        Vicente Rios She doesnt have me fooled. She approached me openly telling me about her issues with parakeet and being open about her situation and asking for help and as I said to rod I try to help others when they approach me truthfully. You are more than free to create a discussion about me if you wish to.
        15 de octubre a las 12:22 · Me gusta
        Vicente Rios Excuse me?. Ive given her access to this group to defend herself if thats a crime sue me
There were several attempts of attacking quite a few members by Pandora between my comments but I dont feel like getting into my second account and she has me blocked on the original one.

As for giving Butterflies/everyone access to the group I just sped up things a little. Alex approves every request he sees sadly he doesnt keep an eye on that group so if you dont have a friend thats already a member it can take a while before you are accepted.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Al Swearegen on November 22, 2011, 08:56:05 AM
Wow this is still going? I expected by now it would have been well and truly derailed.
One of the members here sent me a Pm and I have come on to give them my email address.
Has a quick skim through.

Vendetta butterflies? Why because he disagrees with you? Because he defends his claim? Damn! That is about as credible as the police state comment you made about him. Nothing like misrepresentation. Has not worked up to now, but throw enough red herrings around and something may be believed.

Butterflies I know you are trying to make a bit of mileage over this "naughtygirl/bad girl" thing, but seriously I do not think that anyone is REALLY buying that are they? Seriously? Saying you act with bad form is about as connected to being a bad girl as blowing your nose on your sleeve is "hardcore". It isn't really. It is distasteful and not something to want to associate with, but bad?

I don't think it's OK when people who have never been members here (Pandora, in this case) and have until then not been involved with the site get hurt and are seen as some kind of collateral damage and nothing to be particularly sorry about. Admit it was mean, sure, apologies, hell no.

I agree totally.   Woody was another one you might say was collateral damage.  Let's face it,  there are a few we could bring up.  Is it ok to mock and ridicule Woody because he plays a trumpet, has religious beliefs and because it seems his elevator does not go straight to the top?  Do you not think he was also 'hurt' when he realised (if he has yet i don't know) that he was made a fool of?  That poor sod didn't even have anyone to stand up and say 'oi' on his behalf! 

Yes very good point about Woodysy, Bodie.

MLA banned Woodsy
Woodsy starts a forum to condemn MLA.
People from here like MLA went over and opened accounts and posted stupidly.

Now there was little "harm" in this. It was about the most harmless payback one could distribute. Probably around about on par with Omegle trolling.

Butterflies goes on and tries getting Woodysy to talk about masturbation and ilicit nudes from him (for what use i can only imagine...certainly not personal gratification...unless we consider it personally gratifying to share that around the internet)

So your point about the Woods board was something about stepping across the line was it? Something like that? I think it is a fine example. Thanks.

It's not the remark, it never was, it's the viciousness displayed and the total lack of remorse, later thinly disguised. It's that an innocent person was caught in the crossfire in her eagerness to flame what was an exceptionally easy target. It's the cold calculation when planning and the gloat when recapitulating perceived victories, and the willingness to always take it a little bit further.

"innocent" , no one is innocent in that drama.

Not Bodie , not TCO , not me , Not Butterflies and not Pandora.

Yes Tco may be controlling but Pandora is an adult and fully capable of making her own decisions , Pandora made the decision to make poisonous remarks about Binty's relationships and paint Butterflies as some extremely evil person.
You go on about Butterflies seeing the consequences of her behaviour but at the same time advocate that another is an "innocent person" and the response to the insults and lies they decided to sling were "cruel"?

Now do you see the double standard?

And the fuss I create now is nothing in comparison, but important, nevertheless. I think it's necessary for her to find out about how things are on the receiving end for a change.

Hardly a fuss , more like Les running in making a few posts then running off again , you going on for some reason and Hyke and Pyraxis interjecting here and there.

You didn't start the mud-slinging at FB first, you started it here.

I really did not , maybe MLA or others did but I tried to be reasonable on FB.

The two wrongs does make a right argument, with a twist. I have already commented on those.

Not two wrongs make a right at all.

I said that Butterflies was not right to retaliate in a similar method to what TCO did , I merely noted that she said it in the open and it was nohere near as bad IMO as what he had said.

Parakeet was a participant. Pandora hadn't said a word when she was forced into this. You are confusing the timeline again, unless you support pre-emptive strikes.

I believe you are confusing the timelines.

Yes Pandora was forced into this but not by butterflies, remember TCO claiming that if he hit Pandora it would have been butterflies's fault?

This is going in circles.  :facepalm2:

Squid I did not run in and make a few posts and run out again. Any particular reason you would choose to say this about me? I am not on the run over this. I simply came onto I2 after much thought whether i would bother and posted. Is that running in? It is not is it? Why would you say so? I did not run off. I answered a few posts and thought "Fuck it have already started repeating myself over and over and i doubt anyone gets it and i don't know whether i care enough to continually go over and over. Not sure I want to be here because I don't actually like the environment and i would rather be doing something I enjoy. Then I left. You know this though too.

So why the misrepresentation?

What is more of a concern is this little piece
Pandora made the decision to make poisonous remarks about Binty's relationships and paint Butterflies as some extremely evil person.
Considering that I not only said that TCO made these remarks (from Pandora's account) about Bint, I also PM'ed you the actual quote he wrote from an email to me that said this explicitly, why say this?
You KNOW it is blatantly untrue but you put it out there anyway?
THAT I don't get.

Py is right about something. The social subtleties of conversations are not my strong point. I am aspie. Most here are. Most here will not get the clever miswordings or misrepresentations or whatever. Py was not using NT as a dirty word and so no Squiddy, she did not discredit herself by saying so regardless of whether you see what she sees.
She is using it to say that Butterflies seems to be very clever with using subtle nuances and changing meaning. It is something my mother was particularly good at. It is deceptive and manipulating in the same way that misrepresenting someone's position and then arguing against the misrepsented falsity is clever and deceptive...if you don''t get caught.
Works like this Squid.
A argues X
B claims that A's argument is Y and then defends against Y.
Unless A can address Y then B skirts around having to make account of themselves for X.

In all of this I do not dislike Butterflies or anyone who likes her or supports her. I think Butterflies is fiery, quite often very witty,  tough, sometimes insightful, and quite charismatic. Unfortunately she also has a difference in what she passes off for fairplay and justifiable and so. She also does not seem to mind sacrificing truth in an argument. Everyone has their bad points. I have one or two (dozen) myself.

What I find disconcerting is that these things are left unchecked. Any time in the past i can recall I2 members stepping across the line there used to be a fair bit of debate and self-moderating and censorship here. We did not need rules or mods to police because members would sort themselves out and when people were being arseholes, they would at least cop in from all sides. I certainly have in the past when i have. I think it is good that there is this honesty,trust and respect.

Now there seems to be not only a silence but...I dunno...a sanctioning or support for being arseholes. That I object to.

There doesn't to my eyes look to be a want to support a notion, but instead support a person or a group. There seems to be a default defence position that if someone is liked then their actions will be supported by and large. I am not against arguing against people i like. I will argue a notion. There was a time that this was the norm. You disagreed you said. No expectation to tow the line because someone you liked said something.

To me this is not what the defend your claim thing should be about nor the environment here and , maybe that is me. Maybe there is a change in the culture and this is the new accepted norm. Maybe I am misreading things entirely.

That said, it really doesn't matter. This thread will  no doubt be dead soon. But it will be a point of reference to anyone who is desperate to find it for whatever reason.

Anyhow whatever. (Tl;dr)
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 22, 2011, 10:07:31 AM
That's the thing, really. If her behaviour was to become the norm, I think we would all lose.
Are you working your way through a list of people?

No, I'm not. I don't think there is a need.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 22, 2011, 10:18:54 AM
Squid I did not run in and make a few posts and run out again. Any particular reason you would choose to say this about me? I am not on the run over this. I simply came onto I2 after much thought whether i would bother and posted. Is that running in? It is not is it? Why would you say so? I did not run off. I answered a few posts and thought "Fuck it have already started repeating myself over and over and i doubt anyone gets it and i don't know whether i care enough to continually go over and over. Not sure I want to be here because I don't actually like the environment and i would rather be doing something I enjoy. Then I left. You know this though too.

Ok then I misread , I was under the impressionyou had left and then saw this thread , therefore that was an assumption I made , if it was wrong apologies.

What is more of a concern is this little piece
Pandora made the decision to make poisonous remarks about Binty's relationships and paint Butterflies as some extremely evil person.
Considering that I not only said that TCO made these remarks (from Pandora's account) about Bint, I also PM'ed you the actual quote he wrote from an email to me that said this explicitly, why say this?
You KNOW it is blatantly untrue but you put it out there anyway?
THAT I don't get.

I'm looking through my PM's but do not see a quote from TCO , you must have sent it to someone else , but ok if that was TCO who made that comment I retract it.
Py is right about something. The social subtleties of conversations are not my strong point. I am aspie. Most here are. Most here will not get the clever miswordings or misrepresentations or whatever. Py was not using NT as a dirty word and so no Squiddy, she did not discredit herself by saying so regardless of whether you see what she sees.
She is using it to say that Butterflies seems to be very clever with using subtle nuances and changing meaning. It is something my mother was particularly good at. It is deceptive and manipulating in the same way that misrepresenting someone's position and then arguing against the misrepsented falsity is clever and deceptive...if you don''t get caught.
Works like this Squid.
A argues X
B claims that A's argument is Y and then defends against Y.
Unless A can address Y then B skirts around having to make account of themselves for X.

I disagree with Pyraxis's statement about Butterflies acting "NT" , regardless of diagnosis people act like how she claims Butterflies acts.

I don't base my decisions on what to post based on WWTCOD. He is not here, aside from an occasional passing thought of him falling off a pier I don't invest much time in wondering what he wants or doesn't want. Trying to dissuade odeon from posting his opinion on Butterflies by throwing TCO's perceived wants and desires out there is ridiculous argumentation. 

I'm not trying to stop Odeon posting his opinion on Butterflies , if I wanted to do things like that why would I have joined I^2 in the first place?

I think you've taken what I said slightly the wrong way , it was mere noting that TCO would probably have wanted to cause as much drama judging by his past behaviour.

While you are not blatantly demanding that it stop you appear to be uncomfortable about it. Does Butterflies need your help? Is there any reason that she cannot handle odeon on her own?

Not uncomfortable , I just really do not see why Odeon desperately needs to continue this argument which is really never going to be resolved?

And no Butterflies probably doesn't need my help , but just as you criticise me for apparently "dissuading" Odeon's point of view , why are you "dissuading" my opinion that Odeon is wrong?

Butterflies is a friend , and I disagree about what is being said about her if you don't like me saying so , don't read my posts.  :thumbup:

Should odeon be censured for having the temerity to disagree with Butterflies bodie? Maybe she should be immune from having others disagree with her,14881.0.html (,14881.0.html) she is wearing big girl panties. I don't get why you and squid appear to be of a mind that she needs protected from odeon. What's up with that?

Did either of us say he should be censured?
Did either of us say she needs to be protected by Odeon?

Nope, first off stop reading things that aren't there , second why should we be censured by you because we disagree with what Odeon says about Butterflies?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 22, 2011, 10:27:33 AM
Well Odeon. If the only reason you're keeping this drama going is to try and show the members that Im bad, then Im going to try and do the sensible thing and try and keep out of it.

You seem to be the only person involved, so I will try and just ignore your bullshit, and leave you to speak to yourself.

Isn't as much fun to be on the receiving end, is it?
So are you saying two wrongs do make a right?

Am I wrong in pointing out the errors in her ways?
I am just disappointed.  I was expecting the punchline to be something more profound.  Maybe something that would make me think 'ah now i see what the point is to all of this'.   When you said "Isn't as much fun to be on the receiving end, is it?"  and "It's not a callout, really, just a little learning experience for Butterflies. I doubt Sir Les is interested in continuing his thread. "  then it made me think of how you addressed squids argument with "The two wrongs does make a right argument, with a twist."   

A double twist i think!   Reminds me of 'do as  i say and not as i do'.   Maybe this tactic has worked for you before and you got the result.

Has she seen the errors of her ways?   I think in teaching her a lesson like this,  and the fact that she hasn't run off crying,  you may have inadvertently   assisted in giving her a 'bad girl reputation' that she may or may not wish to live up to.

I think I've explained the reasons behind my posts enough times; whether or not they are in the form of a callout is neither here nor there.

As for profoundness, do YOU think the viciousness displayed by Butterflies when hunting down TCO and Pandora was warranted? TCO was hardly a worthy opponent and causing him another meltdown isn't enough stuff for Flaming 101. Do you think it's something I2 members should engage in more?

I don't think we should. Not just because we can, and certainly not when one of the targets this time wasn't even part of the original flamewar.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 22, 2011, 10:34:24 AM
Well Odeon. If the only reason you're keeping this drama going is to try and show the members that Im bad, then Im going to try and do the sensible thing and try and keep out of it.

You seem to be the only person involved, so I will try and just ignore your bullshit, and leave you to speak to yourself.

Isn't as much fun to be on the receiving end, is it?
So are you saying two wrongs do make a right?

Am I wrong in pointing out the errors in her ways?
I am just disappointed.  I was expecting the punchline to be something more profound.  Maybe something that would make me think 'ah now i see what the point is to all of this'.   When you said "Isn't as much fun to be on the receiving end, is it?"  and "It's not a callout, really, just a little learning experience for Butterflies. I doubt Sir Les is interested in continuing his thread. "  then it made me think of how you addressed squids argument with "The two wrongs does make a right argument, with a twist."   

A double twist i think!   Reminds me of 'do as  i say and not as i do'.   Maybe this tactic has worked for you before and you got the result.

Has she seen the errors of her ways?   I think in teaching her a lesson like this,  and the fact that she hasn't run off crying,  you may have inadvertently   assisted in giving her a 'bad girl reputation' that she may or may not wish to live up to.

I think I've explained the reasons behind my posts enough times; whether or not they are in the form of a callout is neither here nor there.

As for profoundness, do YOU think the viciousness displayed by Butterflies when hunting down TCO and Pandora was warranted? TCO was hardly a worthy opponent and causing him another meltdown isn't enough stuff for Flaming 101. Do you think it's something I2 members should engage in more?

I don't think we should. Not just because we can, and certainly not when one of the targets this time wasn't even part of the original flamewar.

Padora was never hunted down. That is just bullshit.

Steve was every bit as responsible for the argument as I am. Even when I agreed to drop it, he started making posts about me. He helped escalate things as much as I did.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 22, 2011, 10:38:36 AM
Of course he was, and probably more than his share. I'd say TCO did his best to remain a target. OTOH you (meaning those involved) made sure to bait him enough to keep him in the frame.

There's a reason for the word "posse", in this context. How else would you describe it? Just a couple of mates strolling by to offer a few opinions? You do know what posses do, right?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 22, 2011, 10:44:18 AM
You know Odeon. It's really sad. You seem desperate to get people to join you on your little witchhunt.
It shows that you are a nasty little person. You show all the signs of of a wannabe demagogue, attempting to whip the masses up into a little lynch mob.
At least when I choose to fight someone, I try to do it myself.

Imagine getting so morally outraged by my behaviour, thay you deal with your butthurt by behaving at least as bad as I've ever behaved.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 22, 2011, 10:45:52 AM
^ Not sure if you're grouping me into the "posse" or not there.

can't speak for the others but will say I went onto FB originally because Pandora (or TCO as it seems to be) was saying things I disagreed with.

As for TCO , I just gave my opinion on him , did bait him by creating the BIG FUCKING PETER and BIG FUCKING PETERS smilies I guess after seeing him spazz and spout off at a few undeserving people I.e Jack I don't feel bad for that however.

Of course you and Pyraxis are free to see this as just me shirking responsibility and can claim I am part of some "posse" , but all I cany say is I react on what I think is right / wrong , what others do is up to them.

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 22, 2011, 10:54:57 AM
There's a reason for the word "posse", in this context. How else would you describe it? Just a couple of mates strolling by to offer a few opinions? You do know what posses do, right? 

If I was part of a posse, then what are you, Les, Pyraxis, and Hyke?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 22, 2011, 11:06:08 AM
You know Odeon. It's really sad. You seem desperate to get people to join you on your little witchhunt.
It shows that you are a nasty little person. You show all the signs of of a wannabe demagogue, attempting to whip the masses up into a little lynch mob.
At least when I choose to fight someone, I try to do it myself.

Imagine getting so morally outraged by my behaviour, thay you deal with your butthurt by behaving at least as bad as I've ever behaved.

Easier to blame me than addressing your own behaviour, isn't it? Introspection is hard work.

But I'm going to humour you for a bit.

What butthurt? For what reason?

Moral outrage? Really? Well, if pointing out that what you did was over the top is moral outrage, I can live with that. Beats the alternative.

I sort of like your lynch mob insinuation. Tells me that you somehow need to reverse the tables; instead of you and the posse it's now me and the lynch mob. Amusing but painfully far off the mark.

Just to take one example, are you aware of the fact that Pyraxis and I will usually disagree on mostly everything? That she has been and still is one of my more vocal critics?

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 22, 2011, 11:09:04 AM
^ Not sure if you're grouping me into the "posse" or not there.

can't speak for the others but will say I went onto FB originally because Pandora (or TCO as it seems to be) was saying things I disagreed with.

As for TCO , I just gave my opinion on him , did bait him by creating the BIG FUCKING PETER and BIG FUCKING PETERS smilies I guess after seeing him spazz and spout off at a few undeserving people I.e Jack I don't feel bad for that however.

Of course you and Pyraxis are free to see this as just me shirking responsibility and can claim I am part of some "posse" , but all I cany say is I react on what I think is right / wrong , what others do is up to them.

In that you were one of the people who went over there, yes, you were part of that posse. But I think there is a difference between Butterflies and the others, tbh. Every single one of you has examined their involvement, I think. She has not, other than to try to silence the accusations. Those she frequently qualified with a "but".

It's not just the what. It's the how.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 22, 2011, 11:14:50 AM
What butthurt? For what reason?
That's obvious. You think Les has left the site. He has blamed me, so you blame me.

Moral outrage? Really? Well, if pointing out that what you did was over the top is moral outrage, I can live with that. Beats the alternative.
You had adequately pointed out your opinion 20 pages ago, I think we all get the point.

I sort of like your lynch mob insinuation. Tells me that you somehow need to reverse the tables; instead of you and the posse it's now me and the lynch mob. Amusing but painfully far off the mark.
Not really. You aren't a lynch mob, just as I wasn't part of a lynch mob on FB. If you read the drama on FB, you'll see that it was no lynching. In fact, I was perfectly civil to her.

Just to take one example, are you aware of the fact that Pyraxis and I will usually disagree on mostly everything? That she has been and still is one of my more vocal critics?
Yes, but at the moment her hatred for me is clearly greater than her dislike of you. TBH she doesn't seem to have any idea what really went on anyway.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 22, 2011, 11:16:26 AM
^ Not sure if you're grouping me into the "posse" or not there.

can't speak for the others but will say I went onto FB originally because Pandora (or TCO as it seems to be) was saying things I disagreed with.

As for TCO , I just gave my opinion on him , did bait him by creating the BIG FUCKING PETER and BIG FUCKING PETERS smilies I guess after seeing him spazz and spout off at a few undeserving people I.e Jack I don't feel bad for that however.

Of course you and Pyraxis are free to see this as just me shirking responsibility and can claim I am part of some "posse" , but all I cany say is I react on what I think is right / wrong , what others do is up to them.

In that you were one of the people who went over there, yes, you were part of that posse. But I think there is a difference between Butterflies and the others, tbh. Every single one of you has examined their involvement, I think. She has not, other than to try to silence the accusations. Those she frequently qualified with a "but".

It's not just the what. It's the how.

Nobody who went on FB done anything wrong. They engaged in an argument with someone who attacked them.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 22, 2011, 12:02:17 PM
Apathy doesn't keep responding to every post.

Apathy isn't contained in purely one thread.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 22, 2011, 12:05:42 PM
There's a reason for the word "posse", in this context. How else would you describe it? Just a couple of mates strolling by to offer a few opinions? You do know what posses do, right? 

If I was part of a posse, then what are you, Les, Pyraxis, and Hyke?

I feel sorry for you if you really don't see a difference.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 22, 2011, 12:09:05 PM
There's a reason for the word "posse", in this context. How else would you describe it? Just a couple of mates strolling by to offer a few opinions? You do know what posses do, right? 

If I was part of a posse, then what are you, Les, Pyraxis, and Hyke?

I feel sorry for you if you really don't see a difference.
There was no posse on FB. There was no lynching.

I was civil to her throughout, and only really defended myself from the accusations she made.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 22, 2011, 12:12:15 PM
What butthurt? For what reason?
That's obvious. You think Les has left the site. He has blamed me, so you blame me.

Do you even believe this yourself? Honestly?

Moral outrage? Really? Well, if pointing out that what you did was over the top is moral outrage, I can live with that. Beats the alternative.
You had adequately pointed out your opinion 20 pages ago, I think we all get the point.

In other words, you have to try something else since it turned out that the argument didn't work. A bit like your argument about me policing I2 a while back. :yawn:

I sort of like your lynch mob insinuation. Tells me that you somehow need to reverse the tables; instead of you and the posse it's now me and the lynch mob. Amusing but painfully far off the mark.
Not really. You aren't a lynch mob, just as I wasn't part of a lynch mob on FB. If you read the drama on FB, you'll see that it was no lynching. In fact, I was perfectly civil to her.

That didn't work either, did it? Next.

Just to take one example, are you aware of the fact that Pyraxis and I will usually disagree on mostly everything? That she has been and still is one of my more vocal critics?
Yes, but at the moment her hatred for me is clearly greater than her dislike of you. TBH she doesn't seem to have any idea what really went on anyway.

You really don't have a clue, do you? Hatred? Pyraxis?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 22, 2011, 12:14:12 PM
Apathy doesn't keep responding to every post.

Apathy isn't contained in purely one thread.

Must be a very active form of apathy.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 22, 2011, 12:17:21 PM
Apathy doesn't keep responding to every post.

Apathy isn't contained in purely one thread.

Must be a very active form of apathy.

It is if you misconstrue it that way.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 22, 2011, 12:19:27 PM
Apathy doesn't keep responding to every post.

Apathy isn't contained in purely one thread.

Must be a very active form of apathy.

It is if you misconstrue it that way.

Maybe I just don't buy it.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 22, 2011, 12:22:37 PM
Do you even believe this yourself? Honestly?

Yes. I think your butthurt is immense right now. I can only assume it's because you think Les has left.

You are trying to attack my behaviour, by behaving worse than I have ever done. All whilst preaching from your soapbox that two wrongs don't make a right.
You're just a nasty little hypocrite.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 22, 2011, 12:23:00 PM
Apathy doesn't keep responding to every post.

Apathy isn't contained in purely one thread.

Must be a very active form of apathy.

It is if you misconstrue it that way.

Maybe I just don't buy it.

Finally, an opinion posed as an opinion and not a fact.  Progress  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 22, 2011, 12:23:27 PM
TCO was hardly a worthy opponent and causing him another meltdown isn't enough stuff for Flaming 101.

Whether or not TCO was a "worthy opponent" in niether here nor there.

TCO was an antagonistic asshole who went asking for all this shit.

If this incident didn't "cause a meltdown" then something else would've.

As Rosanna Rosanna Danna used to say "If it isn't one thing, it's another. It's always something."
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 22, 2011, 12:51:53 PM
What is more of a concern is this little piece
Pandora made the decision to make poisonous remarks about Binty's relationships and paint Butterflies as some extremely evil person.
Considering that I not only said that TCO made these remarks (from Pandora's account) about Bint, I also PM'ed you the actual quote he wrote from an email to me that said this explicitly, why say this?
You KNOW it is blatantly untrue but you put it out there anyway?
THAT I don't get.

I've made this point before and I'll make it again.

Because Pandora allowed TCO to use her account, then she accepts full responsibility for what was posted.

It was a colossal mistake on her behalf to allow someone else to post in her name.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 22, 2011, 01:20:29 PM
Do you even believe this yourself? Honestly?

Yes. I think your butthurt is immense right now. I can only assume it's because you think Les has left.

You are trying to attack my behaviour, by behaving worse than I have ever done. All whilst preaching from your soapbox that two wrongs don't make a right.
You're just a nasty little hypocrite.

So, how many innocent people have I attacked as part of this? 

You know what I think? I think you are the butthurt one here. You were called out on your behaviour and your usual shifting doesn't work. You've been exposed and that just gotta hurt.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 22, 2011, 01:23:29 PM
TCO was hardly a worthy opponent and causing him another meltdown isn't enough stuff for Flaming 101.

Whether or not TCO was a "worthy opponent" in niether here nor there.

TCO was an antagonistic asshole who went asking for all this shit.

If this incident didn't "cause a meltdown" then something else would've.

As Rosanna Rosanna Danna used to say "If it isn't one thing, it's another. It's always something."

TCO did ask for it, yes. But riling him up is easier than stealing candy from a 5-yo and hardly warrants the attention.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 22, 2011, 01:24:49 PM
What is more of a concern is this little piece
Pandora made the decision to make poisonous remarks about Binty's relationships and paint Butterflies as some extremely evil person.
Considering that I not only said that TCO made these remarks (from Pandora's account) about Bint, I also PM'ed you the actual quote he wrote from an email to me that said this explicitly, why say this?
You KNOW it is blatantly untrue but you put it out there anyway?
THAT I don't get.

I've made this point before and I'll make it again.

Because Pandora allowed TCO to use her account, then she accepts full responsibility for what was posted.

It was a colossal mistake on her behalf to allow someone else to post in her name.

And the 5-yo is just asking for that candy to be stolen.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 22, 2011, 01:30:47 PM
Do you even believe this yourself? Honestly?

Yes. I think your butthurt is immense right now. I can only assume it's because you think Les has left.

You are trying to attack my behaviour, by behaving worse than I have ever done. All whilst preaching from your soapbox that two wrongs don't make a right.
You're just a nasty little hypocrite.

So, how many innocent people have I attacked as part of this? 

You know what I think? I think you are the butthurt one here. You were called out on your behaviour and your usual shifting doesn't work. You've been exposed and that just gotta hurt.

As far as I can see, you have become nastier, and nastier, as you have become more desperate to get others to join your little crusade.
Thankfully it hasn't worked, so I feel anything but hurt, or butthurt.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 22, 2011, 01:33:13 PM
TCO was hardly a worthy opponent and causing him another meltdown isn't enough stuff for Flaming 101.

Whether or not TCO was a "worthy opponent" in niether here nor there.

TCO was an antagonistic asshole who went asking for all this shit.

If this incident didn't "cause a meltdown" then something else would've.

As Rosanna Rosanna Danna used to say "If it isn't one thing, it's another. It's always something."

TCO did ask for it, yes. But riling him up is easier than stealing candy from a 5-yo and hardly warrants the attention.

As is winding up Pentagram and Razor yet I've not seen you speak against riling either of them up.

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Binty on November 22, 2011, 01:39:31 PM
TCO was hardly a worthy opponent and causing him another meltdown isn't enough stuff for Flaming 101.

Whether or not TCO was a "worthy opponent" in niether here nor there.

TCO was an antagonistic asshole who went asking for all this shit.

If this incident didn't "cause a meltdown" then something else would've.

As Rosanna Rosanna Danna used to say "If it isn't one thing, it's another. It's always something."

TCO did ask for it, yes. But riling him up is easier than stealing candy from a 5-yo and hardly warrants the attention.

As is winding up Pentagram and Razor yet I've not seen you speak against riling either of them up.


It only counts if the person in question is at least over 35  ::)
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 22, 2011, 01:46:38 PM
TCO was hardly a worthy opponent and causing him another meltdown isn't enough stuff for Flaming 101.

Whether or not TCO was a "worthy opponent" in niether here nor there.

TCO was an antagonistic asshole who went asking for all this shit.

If this incident didn't "cause a meltdown" then something else would've.

As Rosanna Rosanna Danna used to say "If it isn't one thing, it's another. It's always something."

TCO did ask for it, yes. But riling him up is easier than stealing candy from a 5-yo and hardly warrants the attention.

As is winding up Pentagram and Razor yet I've not seen you speak against riling either of them up.


It only counts if the person in question is at least over 35  ::)

I think there is truth in that. I was warned about it, not long after I joined the site, and it is clear.

Penty is fair game for anyone, as is his family. Steve, much more of a dick than Penty at his worst, should be given special treatment, and we should all go out of our way to ensure he doesn't have a meltdown.
Odeon is just a hypocrite :thumbdn:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 22, 2011, 01:56:37 PM
TCO was hardly a worthy opponent and causing him another meltdown isn't enough stuff for Flaming 101.

Whether or not TCO was a "worthy opponent" in niether here nor there.

TCO was an antagonistic asshole who went asking for all this shit.

If this incident didn't "cause a meltdown" then something else would've.

As Rosanna Rosanna Danna used to say "If it isn't one thing, it's another. It's always something."

TCO did ask for it, yes. But riling him up is easier than stealing candy from a 5-yo and hardly warrants the attention.

TCO WANTS to get riled up. There's nothing you can do to stop it. He went looking for a fight and got one.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 22, 2011, 01:59:03 PM
What is more of a concern is this little piece
Pandora made the decision to make poisonous remarks about Binty's relationships and paint Butterflies as some extremely evil person.
Considering that I not only said that TCO made these remarks (from Pandora's account) about Bint, I also PM'ed you the actual quote he wrote from an email to me that said this explicitly, why say this?
You KNOW it is blatantly untrue but you put it out there anyway?
THAT I don't get.

I've made this point before and I'll make it again.

Because Pandora allowed TCO to use her account, then she accepts full responsibility for what was posted.

It was a colossal mistake on her behalf to allow someone else to post in her name.

And the 5-yo is just asking for that candy to be stolen.

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Parts on November 22, 2011, 04:59:01 PM

How many pages this will be before people stop posting in it ::)
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 22, 2011, 05:01:58 PM

How many pages this will be before people stop posting in it ::)

I would also like to see this stop. All it takes however, is one obsessed poster to keep it dragging on
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Psychophant on November 22, 2011, 05:13:40 PM

How many pages this will be before people stop posting in it ::)

I would also like to see this stop. All it takes however, is one obsessed poster to keep it dragging on

And you and odeon are not obsessed!???  How about one of YOU stand down and be a bigger person.   Oh wait, this is I2, silly me...... :hahaha:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 22, 2011, 06:12:02 PM
Wait! Is this the "Last person to post wins" game??  :zoinks:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: skyblue1 on November 22, 2011, 06:25:03 PM
Wait! Is this the "Last person to post wins" game??  :zoinks:
yes....tag, you`re it
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Parts on November 22, 2011, 06:27:38 PM
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Adam on November 22, 2011, 06:38:02 PM

we could turn it into a boobs, cats and cheezburgers thread

coz everyone likes those except cunts and vegetarians
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 22, 2011, 06:51:16 PM
I would also like to see this stop. All it takes however, is one obsessed poster to keep it dragging on

 :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 22, 2011, 07:02:03 PM
I would also like to see this stop. All it takes however, is one obsessed poster to keep it dragging on

 :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke: :poke:

Make that two.  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 22, 2011, 07:29:06 PM
Let's underline the hypocrisy.

Have never suggested I'm without blame. I don't think I'm without blame at all.
Nobody who went on FB done anything wrong. They engaged in an argument with someone who attacked them.

At least when I choose to fight someone, I try to do it myself.
TBH PPK, I can use all the help I can get here.
Odeon has admitted "I think it's necessary for her to find out about how things are on the receiving end for a change". So yes. I'm very appreciative of anyone who offers support here.

Well Odeon. If the only reason you're keeping this drama going is to try and show the members that Im bad, then Im going to try and do the sensible thing and try and keep out of it.
I am soooooooo bad >:D

There was no posse on FB. There was no lynching.

I was civil to her throughout, and only really defended myself from the accusations she made.
I'm the first to admit that I'm not a well behaved person, either here, or in RL.

I'm guilty of many things, but pretending I'm an angel isn't one of them.

I'm not sure if you are suggesting that I have been manipulative, but if you are you would be wrong. I did not want to get into any argument with Les, and I have certainly never been knowingly manipulative in our argument.
Yes. You should have seen some of the excuses I made up to convince people I didn't have a crush on them :hug:

You aren't a lynch mob, just as I wasn't part of a lynch mob on FB. If you read the drama on FB, you'll see that it was no lynching. In fact, I was perfectly civil to her.
If you mean the time I called her "rancid," then no. It was not a direct insult. It was aimed at Steve, and AFAIK it was Les who informed her of it.

If you mean the time she was called Rancidora, then yes, it was an insult, but one I have every right to make.

And, just for fun:
I think you really like me, but are just too shy to say, so you bitch at me :eyelash:
Yes, but at the moment her hatred for me is clearly greater than her dislike of you.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Adam on November 22, 2011, 07:35:19 PM
do you know some of those "hypocrisies" are sarcastic or are u just including them anyway?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 22, 2011, 07:41:22 PM
Let's underline the hypocrisy.

Have never suggested I'm without blame. I don't think I'm without blame at all.
Nobody who went on FB done anything wrong. They engaged in an argument with someone who attacked them.

At least when I choose to fight someone, I try to do it myself.
TBH PPK, I can use all the help I can get here.
Odeon has admitted "I think it's necessary for her to find out about how things are on the receiving end for a change". So yes. I'm very appreciative of anyone who offers support here.

Well Odeon. If the only reason you're keeping this drama going is to try and show the members that Im bad, then Im going to try and do the sensible thing and try and keep out of it.
I am soooooooo bad >:D

There was no posse on FB. There was no lynching.

I was civil to her throughout, and only really defended myself from the accusations she made.
I'm the first to admit that I'm not a well behaved person, either here, or in RL.

I'm guilty of many things, but pretending I'm an angel isn't one of them.

I'm not sure if you are suggesting that I have been manipulative, but if you are you would be wrong. I did not want to get into any argument with Les, and I have certainly never been knowingly manipulative in our argument.
Yes. You should have seen some of the excuses I made up to convince people I didn't have a crush on them :hug:

You aren't a lynch mob, just as I wasn't part of a lynch mob on FB. If you read the drama on FB, you'll see that it was no lynching. In fact, I was perfectly civil to her.
If you mean the time I called her "rancid," then no. It was not a direct insult. It was aimed at Steve, and AFAIK it was Les who informed her of it.

If you mean the time she was called Rancidora, then yes, it was an insult, but one I have every right to make.

And, just for fun:
I think you really like me, but are just too shy to say, so you bitch at me :eyelash:
Yes, but at the moment her hatred for me is clearly greater than her dislike of you.


the term "Quote Mining" comes to mind.  ::)
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Queen Victoria on November 22, 2011, 07:44:48 PM

we could turn it into a boobs, cats and cheezburgers thread

coz everyone likes those except cunts and vegetarians

Your wishes are my commands.



Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 22, 2011, 07:48:33 PM

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 22, 2011, 07:51:06 PM
I don't mean to be rude, but is Pyraxis mentally ill? :tinfoil:

She seems a bit obsessed, which is sweet, but I'm not sure I want to be her girlfriend if she's as much of a bunny boiler as she seems to be here.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 22, 2011, 07:52:05 PM

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Parts on November 22, 2011, 07:59:39 PM

we could turn it into a boobs, cats and cheezburgers thread

coz everyone likes those except cunts and vegetarians

I vote for boobs :2thumbsup:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 22, 2011, 08:00:22 PM

the term "Quote Mining" comes to mind.  ::)

Not my usual style, I know, but it seemed appropriate.

Love the airplanes.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 22, 2011, 08:05:25 PM
I've been watching this one closely while dealing with my own crap and waiting for my time to run out. This thread to me seems to have run astray. I sympathize with butterflies here, but will admit I have a bias for youth, and might not feel the same way if it were someone more mature. I also relate to Odeon. Sometimes when the children of I2 are naughty, I've had a compulsion to lecture.

My perspective: Sir Les distancing himself from this place may not really be about the place, but maybe his own behavior in the past toward others, or even his own sense of involvement in this particular happening. I really don't know. However, Sir Les' main point to be made was that someone was hurt. I found it interesting, early in the thread, the question was raised about if it was worth it. Of course it was intended as a question about if it was was worth it to defend the site. I think that's a very important question, was it worth it, and one people can only as of their self.
I missed this.  Gonna miss Jack, and her observational skills. :thumbdn: 
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 22, 2011, 08:18:07 PM
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: P7PSP on November 22, 2011, 08:27:31 PM
I'm not trying to stop Odeon posting his opinion on Butterflies , if I wanted to do things like that why would I have joined I^2 in the first place?
You do appear to be protective of her and bothered that odeon would argue with her.
Not uncomfortable , I just really do not see why Odeon desperately needs to continue this argument which is really never going to be resolved?
Why do you seem to desperately want odeon to not continue this train of thought?
Butterflies is a friend , and I disagree about what is being said about her if you don't like me saying so , don't read my posts.  :thumbup:
I would rather read it and call you for blatantly running interference by posting WWTCOD instead of responding to what you believe odeon is wrong about. WWTCOD is just distraction, it has nothing to do with the matter at hand. As I stated before acrimonious arguments @ I2 predated TCO's membership here, there is no valid reason arguments should stop happening here because TCO is no longer a member.
Did either of us say she needs to be protected by Odeon?
Your posts and her reply that she feels like she needs all the help she can get lead me to the conclusion that that is exactly what you are doing. Needing protection from big bad odeon is a ludicrous concept IMO.
Nope, first off stop reading things that aren't there , second why should we be censured by you because we disagree with what Odeon says about Butterflies?
I am inferring what appears to me to be very clearly there. I asked bodie if she desired a censure for odeon, me disagreeing with you is not censure. This is (
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: P7PSP on November 22, 2011, 08:28:25 PM
I don't mean to be rude, but is Pyraxis mentally ill? :tinfoil:

She seems a bit obsessed, which is sweet, but I'm not sure I want to be her girlfriend if she's as much of a bunny boiler as she seems to be here.
That ^^^ is a very weak attempt at misdirection.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 22, 2011, 08:30:29 PM
@PPK. This has turned into a bit of a free for all. Nobody is telling Pyraxis that she can't come into this conversation to help Odeon. Why try and just chase away the people who are sticking up for me?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 22, 2011, 08:34:19 PM
Can't we just all get a bong? :stoned: ??
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Psychophant on November 22, 2011, 08:44:29 PM
Silence! I Kill you! (
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: P7PSP on November 22, 2011, 08:45:03 PM
@PPK. This has turned into a bit of a free for all. Nobody is telling Pyraxis that she can't come into this conversation to help Odeon. Why try and just chase away the people who are sticking up for me?
Calling squid on red herring bullshit (WWTCOD) is clearly not chasing him off as he appears to still be posting here. Since his main function here appears to be protecting you from big bad odeon's questions rather than addressing any of I called him on it. I have to go get Sprint phone service, back later.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Psychophant on November 22, 2011, 08:45:32 PM
Achmed- I KILL YOU (
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Psychophant on November 22, 2011, 09:08:43 PM

Shut The Hell Up (
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Parts on November 22, 2011, 10:34:57 PM
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: renaeden on November 23, 2011, 01:17:41 AM
The truth is out there  :zoinks:

"wait... worry... who cares?"

(Another Chris Carter tagline)
:o My psychiatrist's name is Chris Carter.
I don't mean to be rude, but is Pyraxis mentally ill? :tinfoil:

She seems a bit obsessed, which is sweet, but I'm not sure I want to be her girlfriend if she's as much of a bunny boiler as she seems to be here.
Lol, Pyraxis is not mentally ill. She just had the time to point out various things she noticed. Bunny boiler? I don't know what that is.

I noticed TCO being referred to as autistic but he is not.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: "couldbecousin" on November 23, 2011, 01:30:56 AM
I don't mean to be rude, but is Pyraxis mentally ill? :tinfoil:

She seems a bit obsessed, which is sweet, but I'm not sure I want to be her girlfriend if she's as much of a bunny boiler as she seems to be here.
Lol, Pyraxis is not mentally ill. She just had the time to point out various things she noticed. Bunny boiler? I don't know what that is.

 I think Butterflies is joking about Pyraxis.  "Bunny boiler" refers to Glenn Close's crazy
 stalker character in
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 23, 2011, 04:03:12 AM
The truth is out there  :zoinks:

"wait... worry... who cares?"

(Another Chris Carter tagline)
:o My psychiatrist's name is Chris Carter.

You do know that this particular Chris Carter created X-Files and later Millenium?
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 23, 2011, 04:53:45 AM
BTW, I'm going to stop posting in this thread. While I doubt I'll agree with Butterflies any time soon, I also doubt she will agree with me, and so a truce is probably wise. The time spent posting here is more useful elsewhere, anyway. For example, I can't help noticing that Binty hasn't updated the boobs thread lately.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: renaeden on November 23, 2011, 05:02:58 AM
The truth is out there  :zoinks:
"wait... worry... who cares?"

(Another Chris Carter tagline)
:o My psychiatrist's name is Chris Carter.
You do know that this particular Chris Carter created X-Files and later Millenium?
Now I do. :P Am not often aware of who creates shows I watch, although I haven't seen any of Millennium.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Callaway on November 23, 2011, 09:38:35 AM
BTW, I'm going to stop posting in this thread. While I doubt I'll agree with Butterflies any time soon, I also doubt she will agree with me, and so a truce is probably wise. The time spent posting here is more useful elsewhere, anyway. For example, I can't help noticing that Binty hasn't updated the boobs thread lately.


For what it's worth, I see both your point and hers. 

I don't think that she went to FB with the intention of hurting Pandora as her initial posts there were quite reasonable, but once TCO posted the insults to Bodaccea and Binty from Pandora's account and she believed that Pandora did it, I think all bets were off.

I agree with Scrapheap that Pandora shouldn't let TCO have access to her passwords, but he strikes me as a controlling sort of person so I'm not surprised that he is that way IRL as well.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Parts on November 23, 2011, 09:44:03 AM
My response to all this is :bounce:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 23, 2011, 10:20:16 AM
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 23, 2011, 10:22:22 AM
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 23, 2011, 10:24:30 AM
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 23, 2011, 10:25:58 AM
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 23, 2011, 10:27:35 AM
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 23, 2011, 10:31:56 AM
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 23, 2011, 10:37:22 AM
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 23, 2011, 10:39:29 AM
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 23, 2011, 10:53:04 AM
BTW, I'm going to stop posting in this thread. While I doubt I'll agree with Butterflies any time soon, I also doubt she will agree with me, and so a truce is probably wise. The time spent posting here is more useful elsewhere, anyway. For example, I can't help noticing that Binty hasn't updated the boobs thread lately.


For what it's worth, I see both your point and hers. 

I don't think that she went to FB with the intention of hurting Pandora as her initial posts there were quite reasonable, but once TCO posted the insults to Bodaccea and Binty from Pandora's account and she believed that Pandora did it, I think all bets were off.

I agree with Scrapheap that Pandora shouldn't let TCO have access to her passwords, but he strikes me as a controlling sort of person so I'm not surprised that he is that way IRL as well.
  Yes i agree,  otherwise why would she not have simply just changed her password?  If someone posted something i did not endorse on one of my accounts i would do that and make a statement explaining what had occurred.  Can only think of two reasons why i wouldn't  1) i was in full agreement of the insult  or  2) i was forced/ manipulated.   Also,  there is no real proof he did it anyway.  An email from TCO saying that he did means fuck all when you look at his other lies and bullshit.  It is not a fact it actually was him.  I would be more inclined to believe an email from Pandora than TCO.   
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 23, 2011, 11:04:00 AM
I'm happy to let this drop, but I really need to comment on Callaways post.

I don't think that she went to FB with the intention of hurting Pandora as her initial posts there were quite reasonable, but once TCO posted the insults to Bodaccea and Binty from Pandora's account and she believed that Pandora did it, I think all bets were off.

I never went to FB to hurt anyone. I went to contest the lies that were being told about me, and others.

At no time have I attacked Pandora on FB, or been rude or mean on FB. That never happened.

It's not because I am a great person. It's because I was well aware that I was in a moderated environment, and the people on the site would not have been impressed if I had attacked her. It would have done my case more harm than good.

Here is a link to the page. I've tried to link you to the results of my search, but if that hasn't worked, then just search for my posts under "Lorna Smith" (!/groups/5378779911/search/?query=lorna%20smith

What I did do, was whilst remaining civil to her on FB, I posted stuff about her on this site.

If there was an attack on Pandora on FB, then it certainly did not involve me. In fact, I wasn't even blocked until a bit after everyone else, and that was probably Steve trying to cover his tracks.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: bodie on November 23, 2011, 11:15:44 AM
Am outta here too.  I am just sat with my SIL and i asked her to read this thread to see if it is just me or is this proper fucked up.  She is giving me crazy stares now and asking why on earth would i wanna be involved in this?  I can't think of one good reason either. :thumbdn: :thumbdn: :thumbdn: :thumbdn:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 23, 2011, 11:20:16 AM
Great! this is all resolved now!!! lets go back to posting airplanes!!! :plane:

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Parts on November 23, 2011, 01:37:53 PM
And boobs
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 23, 2011, 08:11:24 PM
:2thumbsup:  :bounce:  :bounce:  :bounce:  :bounce:  :bounce:  :2thumbsup:

And boobs
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Psychophant on November 23, 2011, 09:31:21 PM
Boobs or airplanes.....which gets you higher faster!!!????   :bounce:   :plane:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: renaeden on November 23, 2011, 10:05:54 PM
Huh, I think if people want to say something here, then let them. If you think it is old, then don't look at the thread. This reminds me of what Rage did on some threads and is an attempt at controlling what other people post imo.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: 'Butterflies' on November 23, 2011, 10:28:46 PM
Huh, I think if people want to say something here, then let them. If you think it is old, then don't look at the thread. This reminds me of what Rage did on some threads and is an attempt at controlling what other people post imo.

I think this is probably dead. I certainly cant be bothered to keep the argument going, and am happy to see it buried.

However, if there is stuff said about me that is blatantly not true, then I do feel the need to attempt to set the record straight.

BTW. Definitely not blaming Callaway for that mistake. So much has been said, and so little of it was clear, that I can't fault anyone who has ended up misinformed.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 23, 2011, 11:54:14 PM
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 24, 2011, 12:56:58 PM
Huh, I think if people want to say something here, then let them. If you think it is old, then don't look at the thread. This reminds me of what Rage did on some threads and is an attempt at controlling what other people post imo.

This is true, of course. Enough airplanes or whatever, and I'd probably react by posting.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 24, 2011, 01:04:17 PM

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on November 24, 2011, 01:11:22 PM
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Squidusa on November 24, 2011, 01:21:26 PM

Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on November 24, 2011, 01:22:37 PM
Oh man I want one of those.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Jesse on November 30, 2011, 03:24:29 PM
the place is better without them. losers
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Scrapheap on November 30, 2011, 06:24:26 PM
the place is better without them. losers

Better without whom??
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Bastet on February 14, 2013, 10:24:57 PM
Hi Al  :zoinks:

You have inspired me to post something as well.  It won't be nearly so well put, and will probably fail at making sense to anyone, but I am posting it for myself, not for anyone else.

Al is the one who brought me here.  Not that he asked me to come join, but I got to know him a little while in the process of banning him from WP.  What little I knew of him intrigued me so I followed him over here.  This is important because it describes what I was looking for when I came here.  I was looking for genuine connections with people whom I respected, and I was hoping they would also have some of the same problems I have.  I wanted this badly enough when I joined that I convinced myself for some time that I had actually found this.  When Al left I stepped back and took a look at everything and realized my errors.

I am a socially retarded autistic, and a complete noob to forums.  I joined my first online forum,, in 1999 and ended up moderator and then besides, my ass hurts within a couple of months.  I burned out quickly and quit within a year.  During this time I was a kid and I learned little from the experience.  I joined my second online forum last October, and that was WP.  I told myself before I joined that I would not accept a moderator position if one was offered because I didn't want the responsibility or extra work, nor did I want to lose what little support I was actually getting from the place.  I had only learned about my AS the month before and am still dealing with this new information today.  I took the damn position and am glad I did as I learned about what the place really was about much quicker than I would have otherwise, but as soon as I took the position I lost everything that I had joined to get.  I lost personal connections.  I then found this place and thought maybe I could find that here.  I even convinced myself that I had.

This place isn't about personal connections.  It isn't about making friends.  I thought I had done so several times, and there are still a few people I consider myself "friendly" with, but I recently figured out that this place is really about conflict and drama.  People are friendly with each other until they find a weakness, a mistake, or an opening and then it is about tearing each other apart.  I participated in this as much as anyone else and might even be responsible for the increase lately.  I enjoy verbal sparring.  I love taking down twits like Benji and Praetor.  I want to have my cake and eat it too.  What I want doesn't exist and I am just embarrassing myself here.  I am indulging parts of myself that I keep under control for a reason.  I am indulging my opposite nature and then wondering why I am not getting what I really want in the process.

I have a 50 hour a week job, a wife, a special needs toddler, an infant daughter due in 6 weeks, an online MBA program that is completely unfulfilling, and a pending law school application.  My life is full.  My AS doesn't cause me to fail at life, so I will simply learn how to incorporate this without an online community to assist, as assistance is not what this place is about.  This place is a thinly veiled competition for who can be Brave or Hard or Insensitive.  Guess what?  I am sensitive.  I am very sensitive.  I have this thing called AS and it makes me much more sensitive than most.  This sensitivity makes me a great husband and a better-than-average father.  This sensitivity is something that I should be embracing.  This place is about "enabling the spazzes" and "teaching them to harden up".  I think I disagree with the philosophy at the very core of the place.  I don't want an emo cry-fest where everyone talks about their problems, but I do want a place where I can be myself, and open myself up a little bit without fear of retaliation or having it used against me by the very people who I trusted enough to crack open the shell.  This place is not that place. This place is dysfunctional at the core.  It's a "community" that eschews the idea of community.  I don't think the place I am looking for exists, and I am too busy to try and find it.  So instead I will lurk.  I am emotionally invested in many of you and want to see how things turn out.  I am Facebooked to some of you and will keep up that way.  I have some of you on the Drivel, though that place is a dead snore-fest at the moment. 

Al, I hope we can keep in touch in some way or another.

Quoted for posterity.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on February 14, 2013, 11:33:02 PM
Wow, I missed that when he first wrote it.  :LOL:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: El on February 15, 2013, 07:01:58 AM
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: midlifeaspie on February 15, 2013, 10:19:07 AM
Hi Al  :zoinks:

You have inspired me to post something as well.  It won't be nearly so well put, and will probably fail at making sense to anyone, but I am posting it for myself, not for anyone else.

Al is the one who brought me here.  Not that he asked me to come join, but I got to know him a little while in the process of banning him from WP.  What little I knew of him intrigued me so I followed him over here.  This is important because it describes what I was looking for when I came here.  I was looking for genuine connections with people whom I respected, and I was hoping they would also have some of the same problems I have.  I wanted this badly enough when I joined that I convinced myself for some time that I had actually found this.  When Al left I stepped back and took a look at everything and realized my errors.

I am a socially retarded autistic, and a complete noob to forums.  I joined my first online forum,, in 1999 and ended up moderator and then besides, my ass hurts within a couple of months.  I burned out quickly and quit within a year.  During this time I was a kid and I learned little from the experience.  I joined my second online forum last October, and that was WP.  I told myself before I joined that I would not accept a moderator position if one was offered because I didn't want the responsibility or extra work, nor did I want to lose what little support I was actually getting from the place.  I had only learned about my AS the month before and am still dealing with this new information today.  I took the damn position and am glad I did as I learned about what the place really was about much quicker than I would have otherwise, but as soon as I took the position I lost everything that I had joined to get.  I lost personal connections.  I then found this place and thought maybe I could find that here.  I even convinced myself that I had.

This place isn't about personal connections.  It isn't about making friends.  I thought I had done so several times, and there are still a few people I consider myself "friendly" with, but I recently figured out that this place is really about conflict and drama.  People are friendly with each other until they find a weakness, a mistake, or an opening and then it is about tearing each other apart.  I participated in this as much as anyone else and might even be responsible for the increase lately.  I enjoy verbal sparring.  I love taking down twits like Benji and Praetor.  I want to have my cake and eat it too.  What I want doesn't exist and I am just embarrassing myself here.  I am indulging parts of myself that I keep under control for a reason.  I am indulging my opposite nature and then wondering why I am not getting what I really want in the process.

I have a 50 hour a week job, a wife, a special needs toddler, an infant daughter due in 6 weeks, an online MBA program that is completely unfulfilling, and a pending law school application.  My life is full.  My AS doesn't cause me to fail at life, so I will simply learn how to incorporate this without an online community to assist, as assistance is not what this place is about.  This place is a thinly veiled competition for who can be Brave or Hard or Insensitive.  Guess what?  I am sensitive.  I am very sensitive.  I have this thing called AS and it makes me much more sensitive than most.  This sensitivity makes me a great husband and a better-than-average father.  This sensitivity is something that I should be embracing.  This place is about "enabling the spazzes" and "teaching them to harden up".  I think I disagree with the philosophy at the very core of the place.  I don't want an emo cry-fest where everyone talks about their problems, but I do want a place where I can be myself, and open myself up a little bit without fear of retaliation or having it used against me by the very people who I trusted enough to crack open the shell.  This place is not that place. This place is dysfunctional at the core.  It's a "community" that eschews the idea of community.  I don't think the place I am looking for exists, and I am too busy to try and find it.  So instead I will lurk.  I am emotionally invested in many of you and want to see how things turn out.  I am Facebooked to some of you and will keep up that way.  I have some of you on the Drivel, though that place is a dead snore-fest at the moment. 

Al, I hope we can keep in touch in some way or another.

Quoted for posterity.

I'm pretty sure that every member who pays attention to the posts of other people remember when I left around the time my daughter was born.  They also know that I came back with completely different expectations of what to achieve here, and what purpose this place serves.  Rather than looking for community, I now use the place for entertainment.  God knows certain folks provide plenty of it.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Al Swearegen on February 15, 2013, 11:51:43 AM
You know, I get both here. Though I admit fully around the time of this thread the entertainment factor was bottoming out and the community seemed to be not up to much, in my estimation. It seemed a small vocal gang was roaming the halls of I2, pissing on walls and up ending pot plants for reaction and to make some impression over the rest of the community. It sucked.
I was not enjoying myself coming here. I chose to be elsewhere. I was also a bit incredulous that no one seemed to want to react on what I saw as blatant disregard for the community.
That is no longer the case and I am pleased.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Pyraxis on February 15, 2013, 06:33:47 PM
Rather than looking for community, I now use the place for entertainment.  God knows certain folks provide plenty of it.

I'll keep that in mind.

(Like Al, I use it for both.)
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Jack on February 15, 2013, 08:11:10 PM

I'm pretty sure that every member who pays attention to the posts of other people remember when I left around the time my daughter was born.  They also know that I came back with completely different expectations of what to achieve here, and what purpose this place serves.  Rather than looking for community, I now use the place for entertainment.  God knows certain folks provide plenty of it.

It was still a really good post.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on February 16, 2013, 03:29:30 AM
It was a good post but one I partly disagree with. I still think the concept of this place is sound. I still think that here, it is possible to discuss things honestly. I still think I2 does enable the spazzes. Yes, there are people who will watch for an opening, any opening, and then go for the kill, but I don't find that to be the norm.

Unlike the other places, I2 is what you make it to be.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: RageBeoulve on February 16, 2013, 11:13:25 AM
Hi Al  :zoinks:

You have inspired me to post something as well.  It won't be nearly so well put, and will probably fail at making sense to anyone, but I am posting it for myself, not for anyone else.

Al is the one who brought me here.  Not that he asked me to come join, but I got to know him a little while in the process of banning him from WP.  What little I knew of him intrigued me so I followed him over here.  This is important because it describes what I was looking for when I came here.  I was looking for genuine connections with people whom I respected, and I was hoping they would also have some of the same problems I have.  I wanted this badly enough when I joined that I convinced myself for some time that I had actually found this.  When Al left I stepped back and took a look at everything and realized my errors.

I am a socially retarded autistic, and a complete noob to forums.  I joined my first online forum,, in 1999 and ended up moderator and then besides, my ass hurts within a couple of months.  I burned out quickly and quit within a year.  During this time I was a kid and I learned little from the experience.  I joined my second online forum last October, and that was WP.  I told myself before I joined that I would not accept a moderator position if one was offered because I didn't want the responsibility or extra work, nor did I want to lose what little support I was actually getting from the place.  I had only learned about my AS the month before and am still dealing with this new information today.  I took the damn position and am glad I did as I learned about what the place really was about much quicker than I would have otherwise, but as soon as I took the position I lost everything that I had joined to get.  I lost personal connections.  I then found this place and thought maybe I could find that here.  I even convinced myself that I had.

This place isn't about personal connections.  It isn't about making friends.  I thought I had done so several times, and there are still a few people I consider myself "friendly" with, but I recently figured out that this place is really about conflict and drama.  People are friendly with each other until they find a weakness, a mistake, or an opening and then it is about tearing each other apart.  I participated in this as much as anyone else and might even be responsible for the increase lately.  I enjoy verbal sparring.  I love taking down twits like Benji and Praetor.  I want to have my cake and eat it too.  What I want doesn't exist and I am just embarrassing myself here.  I am indulging parts of myself that I keep under control for a reason.  I am indulging my opposite nature and then wondering why I am not getting what I really want in the process.

I have a 50 hour a week job, a wife, a special needs toddler, an infant daughter due in 6 weeks, an online MBA program that is completely unfulfilling, and a pending law school application.  My life is full.  My AS doesn't cause me to fail at life, so I will simply learn how to incorporate this without an online community to assist, as assistance is not what this place is about.  This place is a thinly veiled competition for who can be Brave or Hard or Insensitive.  Guess what?  I am sensitive.  I am very sensitive.  I have this thing called AS and it makes me much more sensitive than most.  This sensitivity makes me a great husband and a better-than-average father.  This sensitivity is something that I should be embracing.  This place is about "enabling the spazzes" and "teaching them to harden up".  I think I disagree with the philosophy at the very core of the place.  I don't want an emo cry-fest where everyone talks about their problems, but I do want a place where I can be myself, and open myself up a little bit without fear of retaliation or having it used against me by the very people who I trusted enough to crack open the shell.  This place is not that place. This place is dysfunctional at the core.  It's a "community" that eschews the idea of community.  I don't think the place I am looking for exists, and I am too busy to try and find it.  So instead I will lurk.  I am emotionally invested in many of you and want to see how things turn out.  I am Facebooked to some of you and will keep up that way.  I have some of you on the Drivel, though that place is a dead snore-fest at the moment. 

Al, I hope we can keep in touch in some way or another.

Quoted for posterity.

I'm pretty sure that every member who pays attention to the posts of other people remember when I left around the time my daughter was born.  They also know that I came back with completely different expectations of what to achieve here, and what purpose this place serves.  Rather than looking for community, I now use the place for entertainment.  God knows certain folks provide plenty of it.

Don't place a different standard on others that you place on them, big guy. "quoted for posterity" Is something from your own vocabulary. Yeah.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: midlifeaspie on February 19, 2013, 10:50:16 AM

I'm pretty sure that every member who pays attention to the posts of other people remember when I left around the time my daughter was born.  They also know that I came back with completely different expectations of what to achieve here, and what purpose this place serves.  Rather than looking for community, I now use the place for entertainment.  God knows certain folks provide plenty of it.

It was still a really good post.

Thanks :)
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: midlifeaspie on February 19, 2013, 10:51:20 AM
Hi Al  :zoinks:

You have inspired me to post something as well.  It won't be nearly so well put, and will probably fail at making sense to anyone, but I am posting it for myself, not for anyone else.

Al is the one who brought me here.  Not that he asked me to come join, but I got to know him a little while in the process of banning him from WP.  What little I knew of him intrigued me so I followed him over here.  This is important because it describes what I was looking for when I came here.  I was looking for genuine connections with people whom I respected, and I was hoping they would also have some of the same problems I have.  I wanted this badly enough when I joined that I convinced myself for some time that I had actually found this.  When Al left I stepped back and took a look at everything and realized my errors.

I am a socially retarded autistic, and a complete noob to forums.  I joined my first online forum,, in 1999 and ended up moderator and then besides, my ass hurts within a couple of months.  I burned out quickly and quit within a year.  During this time I was a kid and I learned little from the experience.  I joined my second online forum last October, and that was WP.  I told myself before I joined that I would not accept a moderator position if one was offered because I didn't want the responsibility or extra work, nor did I want to lose what little support I was actually getting from the place.  I had only learned about my AS the month before and am still dealing with this new information today.  I took the damn position and am glad I did as I learned about what the place really was about much quicker than I would have otherwise, but as soon as I took the position I lost everything that I had joined to get.  I lost personal connections.  I then found this place and thought maybe I could find that here.  I even convinced myself that I had.

This place isn't about personal connections.  It isn't about making friends.  I thought I had done so several times, and there are still a few people I consider myself "friendly" with, but I recently figured out that this place is really about conflict and drama.  People are friendly with each other until they find a weakness, a mistake, or an opening and then it is about tearing each other apart.  I participated in this as much as anyone else and might even be responsible for the increase lately.  I enjoy verbal sparring.  I love taking down twits like Benji and Praetor.  I want to have my cake and eat it too.  What I want doesn't exist and I am just embarrassing myself here.  I am indulging parts of myself that I keep under control for a reason.  I am indulging my opposite nature and then wondering why I am not getting what I really want in the process.

I have a 50 hour a week job, a wife, a special needs toddler, an infant daughter due in 6 weeks, an online MBA program that is completely unfulfilling, and a pending law school application.  My life is full.  My AS doesn't cause me to fail at life, so I will simply learn how to incorporate this without an online community to assist, as assistance is not what this place is about.  This place is a thinly veiled competition for who can be Brave or Hard or Insensitive.  Guess what?  I am sensitive.  I am very sensitive.  I have this thing called AS and it makes me much more sensitive than most.  This sensitivity makes me a great husband and a better-than-average father.  This sensitivity is something that I should be embracing.  This place is about "enabling the spazzes" and "teaching them to harden up".  I think I disagree with the philosophy at the very core of the place.  I don't want an emo cry-fest where everyone talks about their problems, but I do want a place where I can be myself, and open myself up a little bit without fear of retaliation or having it used against me by the very people who I trusted enough to crack open the shell.  This place is not that place. This place is dysfunctional at the core.  It's a "community" that eschews the idea of community.  I don't think the place I am looking for exists, and I am too busy to try and find it.  So instead I will lurk.  I am emotionally invested in many of you and want to see how things turn out.  I am Facebooked to some of you and will keep up that way.  I have some of you on the Drivel, though that place is a dead snore-fest at the moment. 

Al, I hope we can keep in touch in some way or another.

Quoted for posterity.

I'm pretty sure that every member who pays attention to the posts of other people remember when I left around the time my daughter was born.  They also know that I came back with completely different expectations of what to achieve here, and what purpose this place serves.  Rather than looking for community, I now use the place for entertainment.  God knows certain folks provide plenty of it.

Don't place a different standard on others that you place on them, big guy. "quoted for posterity" Is something from your own vocabulary. Yeah.

Huh?  :autism:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Bastet on February 22, 2013, 06:09:14 AM
Hi Al  :zoinks:

You have inspired me to post something as well.  It won't be nearly so well put, and will probably fail at making sense to anyone, but I am posting it for myself, not for anyone else.

Al is the one who brought me here.  Not that he asked me to come join, but I got to know him a little while in the process of banning him from WP.  What little I knew of him intrigued me so I followed him over here.  This is important because it describes what I was looking for when I came here.  I was looking for genuine connections with people whom I respected, and I was hoping they would also have some of the same problems I have.  I wanted this badly enough when I joined that I convinced myself for some time that I had actually found this.  When Al left I stepped back and took a look at everything and realized my errors.

I am a socially retarded autistic, and a complete noob to forums.  I joined my first online forum,, in 1999 and ended up moderator and then besides, my ass hurts within a couple of months.  I burned out quickly and quit within a year.  During this time I was a kid and I learned little from the experience.  I joined my second online forum last October, and that was WP.  I told myself before I joined that I would not accept a moderator position if one was offered because I didn't want the responsibility or extra work, nor did I want to lose what little support I was actually getting from the place.  I had only learned about my AS the month before and am still dealing with this new information today.  I took the damn position and am glad I did as I learned about what the place really was about much quicker than I would have otherwise, but as soon as I took the position I lost everything that I had joined to get.  I lost personal connections.  I then found this place and thought maybe I could find that here.  I even convinced myself that I had.

This place isn't about personal connections.  It isn't about making friends.  I thought I had done so several times, and there are still a few people I consider myself "friendly" with, but I recently figured out that this place is really about conflict and drama.  People are friendly with each other until they find a weakness, a mistake, or an opening and then it is about tearing each other apart.  I participated in this as much as anyone else and might even be responsible for the increase lately.  I enjoy verbal sparring.  I love taking down twits like Benji and Praetor.  I want to have my cake and eat it too.  What I want doesn't exist and I am just embarrassing myself here.  I am indulging parts of myself that I keep under control for a reason.  I am indulging my opposite nature and then wondering why I am not getting what I really want in the process.

I have a 50 hour a week job, a wife, a special needs toddler, an infant daughter due in 6 weeks, an online MBA program that is completely unfulfilling, and a pending law school application.  My life is full.  My AS doesn't cause me to fail at life, so I will simply learn how to incorporate this without an online community to assist, as assistance is not what this place is about.  This place is a thinly veiled competition for who can be Brave or Hard or Insensitive.  Guess what?  I am sensitive.  I am very sensitive.  I have this thing called AS and it makes me much more sensitive than most.  This sensitivity makes me a great husband and a better-than-average father.  This sensitivity is something that I should be embracing.  This place is about "enabling the spazzes" and "teaching them to harden up".  I think I disagree with the philosophy at the very core of the place.  I don't want an emo cry-fest where everyone talks about their problems, but I do want a place where I can be myself, and open myself up a little bit without fear of retaliation or having it used against me by the very people who I trusted enough to crack open the shell.  This place is not that place. This place is dysfunctional at the core.  It's a "community" that eschews the idea of community.  I don't think the place I am looking for exists, and I am too busy to try and find it.  So instead I will lurk.  I am emotionally invested in many of you and want to see how things turn out.  I am Facebooked to some of you and will keep up that way.  I have some of you on the Drivel, though that place is a dead snore-fest at the moment. 

Al, I hope we can keep in touch in some way or another.

Quoted for posterity.

I'm pretty sure that every member who pays attention to the posts of other people remember when I left around the time my daughter was born.  They also know that I came back with completely different expectations of what to achieve here, and what purpose this place serves.  Rather than looking for community, I now use the place for entertainment.  God knows certain folks provide plenty of it.

Don't place a different standard on others that you place on them, big guy. "quoted for posterity" Is something from your own vocabulary. Yeah.

Huh?  :autism:

That's right, MLA, rollover and play dumb. :autism:  :hahaha:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Calavera on February 22, 2013, 01:20:53 PM
It was a good post but one I partly disagree with. I still think the concept of this place is sound. I still think that here, it is possible to discuss things honestly. I still think I2 does enable the spazzes. Yes, there are people who will watch for an opening, any opening, and then go for the kill, but I don't find that to be the norm.

Unlike the other places, I2 is what you make it to be.

Yeah, when I first heard about it and also when I first got here, I thought this place was mainly to fight and troll others and test your sensitivity and all that. And while there is that stuff here in this forum, I've come to realize this is more a community for a select group of somewhat like-minded Aspies unhindered by rules that a common forum would have.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: midlifeaspie on February 22, 2013, 03:24:00 PM
It was a good post but one I partly disagree with. I still think the concept of this place is sound. I still think that here, it is possible to discuss things honestly. I still think I2 does enable the spazzes. Yes, there are people who will watch for an opening, any opening, and then go for the kill, but I don't find that to be the norm.

Unlike the other places, I2 is what you make it to be.

Yeah, when I first heard about it and also when I first got here, I thought this place was mainly to fight and troll others and test your sensitivity and all that. And while there is that stuff here in this forum, I've come to realize this is more a community for a select group of somewhat like-minded Aspies unhindered by rules that a common forum would have.

I have to admit that my views have become tempered since leaving.  I do get some of this, but I also like the other.  :)
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on February 23, 2013, 09:06:19 AM
Oh, it's fun sometimes to flame people. I can't deny that.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Al Swearegen on February 23, 2013, 10:05:36 AM
Very true. It is a big part of this place. A necessary and good part of this place . There is other good stuff I like about this place too.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: "couldbecousin" on February 23, 2013, 10:08:40 AM
Very true. It is a big part of this place. A necessary and good part of this place .  There is other good stuff I like about this place too.

  I must admit I joined largely for the smilies.   :flyingbat:    Admit it, they're the best!
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on February 23, 2013, 10:10:16 AM
They are teh awesome.

But I've made some very good friends here too. That's what I think is the best thing about I2.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: "couldbecousin" on February 23, 2013, 10:14:02 AM
They are teh awesome.

But I've made some very good friends here too. That's what I think is the best thing about I2.

  Oh yes, I joined for the smilies (and the snark), but stayed for the friends.  :)
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Al Swearegen on February 23, 2013, 10:16:54 AM
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on December 24, 2014, 12:37:57 PM
There has to be something seriously wrong with Pandora if she's still with TCO.   :nerdy:
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Al Swearegen on December 24, 2014, 04:40:22 PM
There has to be something seriously wrong with Pandora if she's still with TCO.   :nerdy:

No idea if she is or not
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: odeon on December 25, 2014, 03:30:32 AM
Just read through this whole thing. I don't see why it should be reopened.
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Al Swearegen on December 25, 2014, 07:01:38 AM
Just read through this whole thing. I don't see why it should be reopened.

Nor I
Title: Re: Could no longer bite my tongue on know me.
Post by: Hannah on January 04, 2015, 11:50:21 PM
eh it's a blot on history, we all have ours...and we learn from them...I love this community because you all are auties, are insane in a good way...and for the most part are honest...we bumble along, and you know swhat we rock for it...we're still here, and still standing...that says a lot to me... :clap: