Politics, Mature and taboo => Political Pundits => Topic started by: Yuri Bezmenov on August 01, 2018, 01:47:29 PM

Title: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on August 01, 2018, 01:47:29 PM
Even though this meme peaked over 5 years ago, the phenomenon behind it persists. Despite the prevalence of police body cameras vindicating cops who shoot black men, BLM types continue to make excuses for violent thugs.

This latest case should never have made the news in the first place. The body camera video shows a niggly bear pull a gun and try to shoot cops. Despite this his family claims "YO HE DINDU NUFFIN' "  :insane:   :tard:

How much do you want to bet he got his gun illegally in the first place? So much for "gun control" cough,cough odeot
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Lestat on August 05, 2018, 01:31:18 PM
Put a slug in a pig's snout, fuckin' so much the better. Stab'em, burn 'em, shoot 'em,  GOOD, let the cunts fucking slowly burn alive.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: DirtDawg on August 05, 2018, 02:30:07 PM
Put a slug in a pig's snout, fuckin' so much the better. Stab'em, burn 'em, shoot 'em,  GOOD, let the cunts fucking slowly burn alive.

Our police officers have a difficult job to do and dealing with a world full of Monday morning quarterbacks judging their every move is a part of the danger they face every day. They are, however, human beings and mistakes are made sometimes. More often than not, when they do an almost perfect job, few notice.

Not sure how much an attitude including "shoot the pigs" helps any of us.
I have several "friends" who are police officers and help us at times in our overnight neighborhood watch efforts.
If we are to rake them ALL over the coals as a group when one makes a mistake, then why do we not praise them all when they do some good!
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Lestat on August 05, 2018, 07:07:09 PM
It isn't 'difficult' to victimize a person, sending assault teams repeatedly to trash what they already KNOW is there and legal.

It isn't 'difficult' to burn somebody's pets to death in a microwave.

Takes fuck all effort to torture a person held in captivity, the filth here ain't even coppers, they are pure and simple TRASH. Get this, 'help, help me, quickly, there is a knifeman running rampage in a govt building, just burst out and fixing to kill me'

pork-#takes name then immediately decides it isn't worth bothering because there 'might not be CCTV there'

Or how about nearly blowing the house to pieces,  near gassing me twice, once with iodine monochloride fumes and once with phosgene. I've got enough reason to want to dig the bastard's graves.

Shit, couldn't  be arsed responding when they  knew without doubt who was responsible for  say, oh, bricking me in the face, or  another lot, jumping me and leaving me for  dead, kicked the fuck out of me, knew  who it was, reply? 'oh its just common assault, nothing worth bothering  with' same  attack that has left me physically crippled the remainder of my life, and led to my having to take  strong pain meds daily, which is a shit game even if it does go your way or if you  do have some nifty chemical tricks up your sleeve for when the fucking doctors decide to treat you like a criminal for getting your fucking kneecaps stamped in.

Believe you me, I have good reason to despise those  gutterspawned whorebegotten sons of bitches.

And a pig? do good?  here they send SWAT teams, complete with choppers overhead and military bomb disposal, and convict you for  the least shit, when not a single person has been harmed, and wouldn't know a plutonium nuclear pit from a fart in a jar.  Not just idiots, but vicious idiots, that rampage and destroy glassware that costs thousands to replace just for fun, and who are so stupid, they will walk into a strange (to them) lab, that is not their own and think surgical gloves are the be all and end all of safety. Shit, they have nearly KILLED me more times than I wish to count. In multiple different ways.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: DirtDawg on August 05, 2018, 07:23:04 PM

I can only suppose that I am most glad that I do not live where you live.

Actually, it would not matter. I already live in the greatest country that has ever been conceived in the history of humankind. Now if only the conception can begin to compete with reality.
As soon as we can root out all the troublesome problems we have created out of our own fears in the past, things will only get better.

Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Lestat on August 05, 2018, 07:56:13 PM
IMO it takes a cunt to make a porker, you can't do the job without being  a bona fide motherfucker. Shit, I just lost out about 100 quid, and had a mate put in a fucking tackle and chokehold due to those cocksuckers. Lucky for him he wasn't carrying owt', but his guy thinks he can get off with fucking me off for 100 quid worth of gear just because he 'only had 10 shots at the time', which turned out to be both less than .5g (should have gotten me a 1/8th oz) and so much  cut that by the time it was cleaned, there was NOTHING left, inactive, when the entire remainder was shot in one.

And for just being NEAR this guy, my man got punched in the kidneys, held overnight, and probably in hell (he's on methadone, does gear now and then, caught with nothing at all), and slammed to the floor in a choke-hold by a bunch of svinya.

Totally fucked up no matter how your stance on substances recreational is, repeatedly punching someone in the kidneys  while other svinya choke then near unconscious is NOT on. You don't need to batter the fucking christicles out of someone you've already immobilized. Fucking filth here are  just that, filth. They need to burn, slowly.

And land of the free? the US? where they count the weight of the inert paper in  an acid blotter as  'drug weight' and use that 'data' to give a man a whole life sentence despite his  having lifted a hand against no fellow man, land of the free my arse. Its a festering shithole run by the rich for the rich.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: DirtDawg on August 06, 2018, 12:16:21 AM
Repeating myself here, but not merely the words but more critically and decisively, the essence and poignant nuances of all substantive undertones, implied or expressed.

I can only suppose that I am most glad that I do not live where you live.

You live in a horrid place.

Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Queen Victoria on August 06, 2018, 11:04:13 AM
my experience with and opinion of police is tempered by my age, my sex, my ethnicity, my father being a reserve policeman and both PA and my grandfather being security guards.  For the vast overwhelming part police/state troopers/guards, etc. do an admirable job.   To my knowledge PA and my dad were fair in the performance of their actions.

Yes, I am a 68 year old white woman, so I'm probably very low on the profile list of being a threat or danger in the eyes of the law.  So I acknowledge I come from a place of safety and privilege not given to others.

If I had a choice among a robot, a neighbor or a trained officer doing policing duties I'd pick the officer. 

These guys put their lives on the line every time they go to work.  And they're expected to do the same thing when they're not on the clock.  Yes, they are human, have their prejudices and are just plain tired of being challenged/fought against/cursed by some people.  They lose their temper, do less than their best, because they can't be perfect all the time.

Sorry, Lestat, this is one thing we're just miles away from agreeing on.

Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Fun With Matches on August 06, 2018, 11:10:04 AM
Where do you live, Lestat? Glasgow?
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Lestat on August 07, 2018, 08:55:12 AM
I told her, in PM. In future, Ren my dear, please, do help yourself in such cases. It is for me to decide who gets to know what, when, how much and where about me. Please edit your response.

I'm not angry with you, and I certainly bear you no ill will.  But in future please know that I value my privacy. That much ought to bee obvious given my chosen line of work. So edit that. Please. You are my friend, hell I think of you, along with a handful of other members here as  extended family members, who I very much care about. Please  show  me the respect of giving and to me, leaving, the answering of such questions to me and to me alone, when they pertain to me and me alone. It is my right, and I will see it respected. By you or by anybody else.

Thanks 'Renster, I appreciate it.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on August 07, 2018, 01:08:52 PM
Lestat, obviously you don't like cops because of your addictions, your "hobbies" and some of the shady people you associate with.

This thread is about ghetto trash who can't accept responsibility for theirs or their family members actions.

From the sounds of it, you fit right in with these people, you're just a Eurotrash "Dindu Nuffin' ".   ::)

You do stupid shit, you're on drugs, you have a chemistry lab at your house, you hang around people with criminal records and yet you don't feel that is deserving of attention from the Po-lease.  ::)  Give me a break!! you're just lucky you aren't in jail for living your lifestyle. At some point you have to be an adult and accept responsibility for your behavior.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: DirtDawg on August 07, 2018, 03:57:56 PM
I do not know how much I talked about the time I was curious as to why my  "little old lady"  neighbor was home and her lights were not on near dusk. I went over and some "up from the city"  ghetto trash tried to take my head off with a bat that I managed to get away from him and used to put him down. He fractured my ulna, though.

They were all ghetto trash and "dey had all dun sumffin!"
Two different times I have found butterfly knives in my garden areas next to the sidewalk and once a crack pipe or some shit. "Jes dump shi' in da plants when ya see da man cummin'!"
I do not believe I ever mentioned that those guys who broke into "Helen's house" were black, up from the city (not sure it mattered when compared to me getting my arm injured). They caught two of them, the one I laid out and the one delayed by a door he could not figure out.

It is due to the influx of this element into our "safe" little suburban area that we started our neighborhood watch efforts. We are fairly well organized, now AND recognized by the local police. I am not a part of that aspect; I am just a soldier who never sleeps. Even when I am not helping I am often awake and out when the patrol comes by. Always glad to see them.
I am usually smoking my pipe, drinking coffee or an O'Douls, but I am getting the idea that to do my part I should be on a raccoon hunt at night, but that is another chapter.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Lestat on August 07, 2018, 04:59:17 PM
Like hell. It has been EXACTLY the same string of shit and abuse from them, right from when I was a little child, and when I had no criminal record.

Also, so WHAT if I have a lab at my place? that lab is my pride and joy, something I have worked on over a lifetime, and indeed due to those pricks have had to replace twice, and many single items, when no conviction or offense was comitted, just destroyed out of their unpleasantness, because they wished to hurt me. When I had been arrested and held on the basis of allegations which, even if they had BEEN true (they were not, as it happens), were suggestions I had performed actions which broke no law whatsoever.

And even when a young kid, I'd been jumped by a huge pack of pikey garbage, much, MUCH older than me and vastly outnumbering me, kicked the fuck out of me and literally left me for dead in the road. Its because of those bastards I ended up permanently disabled, and that I have to rely on pain meds to walk, or to be able to lie down without it feeling as though someone were hammering red hot rusty nails into my hip bones and as though my knee were on fire, the nerve damage in my leg causing severe muscle spasm, due to sending signals to contract, without being able to relax them properly. I have to take something for that, too, to help relax the muscle, which even medics say when it ISN'T bothering me, is taught and tense. I've had them believe an infection was present before, because that calf was SO stiff and tense, because of  one time I had a heart scare, and I hadn't my muscle relaxant tablets to help release the spasm.

They called almost KILLING a KID 'common assault', knew exactly who it was, they were known to the filth, but the pigs just didn't give a damn and wouldn't even investigate. Didn't even bring any of the pricks in, let alone so little as a caution. I almost got beaten to death that day, had my head stamped on. And no matter what, even if someone DID have a criminal record in such a situation, are they not as entitled, if assaulted, to the same degree of protection as say, QV, Ren, DFG, the PR ? if they committed no crime, other than the crime of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and getting your face stamped in? AFAIK it is a criminal act to assault someone with a pack of vicious thugs, not a crime to be attacked. And as I said, twice, I've been attacked as a kid with no record, other time getting a brick thrown in my face. Again 'just common assault, not our problem', and again, the attacker was known to the pigs as a thug.

Since when does a kid deserve that?

I won't stand for being bullied.  And I sure as shit won't be discriminated against either because I'm different (I.e in the spesh sense) and have a thing for chemistry and biotech. I'm not going to stand for my pets being MICROWAVED either. What, WHAT exactly, justifies something like that? And I am not, myself a thug. I will protect my interests, certainly, as I will protect me and my loved ones or family. But I am no fucking scumbag.

And so what if I decide that the intoxicant of my choice is say, a mushroom, or the buds of a female sterile strain of a herb, instead of hepatotoxic, highly addictive alcohol? (I should add, I have never been charged for illegal drugs)

And so what the fuck if I decide I am going to run a lab? I'm autie, I love chemistry, and I've wanted to be a chemist since I first picked up a book on chemistry. A few years old, I just couldn't wait until I was allowed on my bike further than the end of the street, so I could go and trade scrap metal and sell flowers door to door (the flowers, obviously the metal went to the scrap yard :P ) so I could earn myself some money for chemicals, and for equipment. It was going to happen, one way or the other, some people just hear a calling to a field of work or study, and its what they DO, who they are. The tweaking and manipulation of atoms and molecules and atomic/molecular bonds, just happens to be mine. It could just as easily have ended up being art, or playing guitar (if I wasn't dyscalculic and didn't have too much trouble with reading music to be able to do that at last), or going fishing, as it could have been a mixture of mycology, botany, medicine, biology and the aforementioned poking around with atoms, getting them to fit into patterns both desirable, useful and where possible, profitable.

You have no idea who I hang around with, or even if I hang around with anyone at all. Not who, nor why, nor how or when or what for.

And you certainly have nothing by evidence you can point at me to lump me in with chav scum. I'm no chav either. Can't stand the bastards. I'm  a civilized, decent human being, so what if I am not 'orthodox'? do you REALLY expect to see an autie and think you are going to find them to run with the herd? lol
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on August 07, 2018, 06:10:09 PM
Lestat, chronic pain management is extraordinarily difficult and for people with chronic, long-term pain management issues the reality is that they need to find what works for them and learn to live with the side-effects or life basically becomes unbearable and they will eventually do something more drastic.

I can only sympathise, I don't (touch wood) have to deal with chronic pain. Local anaesthetics tend not to work on me... this doesn't make dental work much fun. And I'm not even going to mention the vasectomy. Ouch!!!! But yeah, at least that's extreme pain that doesn't last more than a few minutes or an hour tops. 
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Lestat on August 08, 2018, 08:40:22 AM
That kind of thing is what a hefty shot of morphine etc. is IDEAL for. A short, otherwise extremely painful experience with relatively short recovery period. That way, any taper, can be done relatively fast if needed at all, maybe just a few days reduction, and with modern adjuncts, that unfortunately, doctors tend to need introducing to and the pharmacology lesson hat being put on for an explanation.

But something like having someone poke about in your nads, especially if  locals don't work....definitely, reach for  the morphine,or  heroin if nobody will give you anything, or someone you get stuck with is a callous piece of  shit (E.g 'don't be a whiny pussy, just endure the pain' .

I can only have dental work done under a general. I am AWFUL about people like that touching or being near my face to begin with,  and can think of very, very few things I'd  hate more.  I'd be  more comfortable donating  a bloody kidney; at least so long as it would either go to one I love, such as my stalker, my ex fiancee, kassiane S, QV/PR, the Renster or 'Raxy. Someone I really care about. Or if it were to bring me to the top of the list for another organ I desperately needed.

What locals have you tried? because there are two overall classes. aminoesters, which tend to have a very short duration of effect, such  as benzocaine, because an ester linkage  is quite delicate and easily torn asundere either by strong base, by acids, or by one of th many ubiquitous plasma esterases and pseudoesterases in-vivo. The other type are generally longer acting, the aminoamides, with an amide  bond being MUCH less susceptible to hydrolysis, either in glass or in people.

Do some work far worse or far better than others for you?
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on August 08, 2018, 06:09:49 PM
Lestat, novocaine works if I have a really good dentist. Except on the lower jaw, left hand side. It doesn't work at all there.

Of course the last couple of dentists I had were convinced I was imagining the pain. Hence when I get more (overdue) dental work done, it's gonna have to be under a general.

When I nearly cut my left index finger off with a sharp knife (slight exaggeration, I cut less than halfway through) they gave me about 4 injections of local, it paralysed the finger but had no effect on the pain. So I told them to just bloody stitch it up anyway. It wasn't long after having a broken tooth extracted with no effective anaesthetic anyway, and stitches in the finger with no effective anaesthetic didn't hurt half as much.

When I had my the lens in my right eye replaced they used a general sedative. That didn't work either. At least not until the surgeon told the anaesthetist that I was obviously still feeling it and they bumped up the amount they were pumping into me.

I dunno what they used for the vasectomy. One thing for sure is that it didn't work. They ended up giving me an epidural? That worked. They could have cut my bollocks off with a rusty butter knife after that and I wouldn't have felt a thing.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Lestat on August 08, 2018, 07:46:22 PM
Ugh...I'd hate to have anybody poking around in my eyeballs. Memories of the fuckup by pigs who shouldn't even have been here removing a label and setting up a nasty accident to come, leading to me being hit HARD (enough to dislodge goggles, now I wear a curved blast-shield and vent-less visor underneath to prevent anything the like ever happening again) by a searing, blazing hot burst of extremely corrosive, basic substances along with a jet of ammonia gas and plastic shrapnel, those memories make me more than uncomfortable with the idea of anything or anyone in or around my eyes. The pain was unbefuckinglievable, absolutely shocking, after I had part of my cornea razed and melted off by the nasty, viciously corrosive, searing hot and nastily gritty mixture of alkalis that hit me, having to irrigate my own eye whilst waiting for an ambulance, and just before they got here, dropping a local anaesthetic into the affected eye, wiping it on and around my eyeball with a finger *shudders*, to allow me to neutralize and partly take down a glassware setup that needed to react in a certain, controlled way to avoid danger, and doing the workup after I got out of hospital.

Locals don't work perfectly on me either, I can still feel some pain, although I wonder if it might not be because two of the meds I'm on, clonidine, to prevent overloads, and  tizanidine, a relative of clonidine, to relax the leg muscle  affected by some nerve damage due to a failed operation, on the knee damaged worst by both falling on glass, and in recovery, when I was attacked and left for dead by pikey filth as a kid, those meds are both alpha2 adrenergic autoreceptor agonists; meaning they decrease noradrenaline release and act as vasodilators.

Local anaesthetics are for many purposes mixed with adrenaline or noradrenaline, to act as a local vasoconstrictor and confine the local to the site of injection (local anaesthetics are sodium channel blockers, and this means that they can interfere with cardiac electrical conduction, leading to arrhythmias if systemically administered. This being one reason that cocaine in excess (or when cut to fuck with non-stimulant local anaesthetics like benzocaine) is a lot more dangerous and worse for the heart compared with other stimulants; a problem due to systemic local anaesthetic toxicity. Although lidocaine, IV is used as an antiarrhythmic drug to cardiovert certain types of abnormal heart rhythms, in the correct setting, but otherwise, systemic locals can also cause arrhythmias directly.

Have nearly had a fingertip gone myself, had to have it stitched back on, after a big fucker of a pike took it almost off, until the tip of my finger was just hanging on by a flap of skin and tissue. I still felt the stitches going in while they were being put in. The teeth wound was too deep to be seriously painful itself though, must have severed or damaged some sensory nerves in the tip of my finger.

Dental work, I fucking HATE dental work, even minor stuff really overloads me. I've often been left 'not right' for more than a week after, in a huge sensory and overstimulation fuckover. I have to have anything dental done under a general so I don't end up catatonic, or more seizure prone, and at best, with getting much of anything done for the next week. Major dental work, and I think I'm gonna need it soon, I've only been putting it off because I need to get certain medical type  supplies in place before I do.

And I HATE having my face touched by anyone who isn't a loved one in an intimate relationship. Absolutely hate it, if it isn't by somebody I'm already really close to, the kind of close where any and all time possible is going to be spent with the girl and I, tied up together with our arms wrapped  round one another.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: renaeden on August 08, 2018, 09:11:59 PM
When I had a lump cut out of my hand, they gave me local anaesthetic. Only it had an odd effect. I started feeling woozy, as if I'd had a general anaesthetic. It lasted about 2 minutes only, thankfully. I told the doctor and he said he had never heard of that happening before. Wow, reassuring. Not.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Fun With Matches on August 09, 2018, 05:52:02 AM
When I had a lump cut out of my hand, they gave me local anaesthetic. Only it had an odd effect. I started feeling woozy, as if I'd had a general anaesthetic. It lasted about 2 minutes only, thankfully. I told the doctor and he said he had never heard of that happening before. Wow, reassuring. Not.

“It hasn’t happened before” is one they tend to say, to reassure the patient. It’s an absolute lie, but not malicious. Another one they use when at the end of testing is “Everything is fine” or similar, just to get you out of the room ASAP, again not out of malintent, but to make time to see the next patient, because people tend to talk a lot, especially about their results. Even if the results aren’t great.

I pick up on things like that.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on August 09, 2018, 06:03:23 AM
When you try to have a serious conversation with a dentist about how local anaesthetic doesn't work properly on you and you need him to assure you that he won't go and perform an immensely painful procedure on you without it... the tendency on the part of the dentist is to see you as a nervous patient who needs reassuring that everything will be okay if you just truuuuussssst him. As opposed to "maybe I should listen to this patient and take his concerns into consideration".

A lot of people experience pain during dental surgery and yet there is this whole myth propagated by that profession that modern dental surgery is painless. Yes, sometimes it is, but sometimes it isn't.

Last time I went to a dentist was a long time ago. I told him my concerns. He was all reassuring, guaranteed me that there would be absolutely no pain. And then he just gave me a shot and started going to work without even checking to see if it had worked. And wouldn't believe me that it hadn't worked... and insisted that he couldn't stop once he had started, even though I was shaking and sweating and telling him he had to stop.

Fucking idiot, in hindsight I should have made a big fucking scene in front of his other patients and insisted on seeing a supervisor or something.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: DirtDawg on August 09, 2018, 06:45:52 AM
When you try to have a serious conversation with a dentist about how local anaesthetic doesn't work properly on you and you need him to assure you that he won't go and perform an immensely painful procedure on you without it... the tendency on the part of the dentist is to see you as a nervous patient who needs reassuring that everything will be okay if you just truuuuussssst him. As opposed to "maybe I should listen to this patient and take his concerns into consideration".

A lot of people experience pain during dental surgery and yet there is this whole myth propagated by that profession that modern dental surgery is painless. Yes, sometimes it is, but sometimes it isn't.

Last time I went to a dentist was a long time ago. I told him my concerns. He was all reassuring, guaranteed me that there would be absolutely no pain. And then he just gave me a shot and started going to work without even checking to see if it had worked. And wouldn't believe me that it hadn't worked... and insisted that he couldn't stop once he had started, even though I was shaking and sweating and telling him he had to stop.

Fucking idiot, in hindsight I should have made a big fucking scene in front of his other patients and insisted on seeing a supervisor or something.

The only time that happened to me, it was a local anesthetic and it did not do anything for the pain. However, the rest of my body was still quite functional and I began to defend myself. Things kind of spiraled out of control at that point. I mean out of HIS control, not mine.
I was having a molar removed and he was not getting near me with that gougy, plucky thing until he gave me some MORE of that shot stuff.

He said something idiotic like, "Wow, I guess you do have a toothache."
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on August 09, 2018, 07:08:32 AM
Problem for me is that I can literally have 5 or 6 shots of novocaine in my bottom left jaw and it does almost nothing to numb the pain.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: DirtDawg on August 09, 2018, 07:42:27 AM
Not sure about a similarity, but ...
I had a root canal in my lower left and had to have general anesthesia after several shots did nothing.

Well, I can't really say the shots did nothing, because the shots an hour later made my jaw feel like it was about five feet wide and weighed about a hundred pounds. NO effect on the pain, though.

The other time I had one extracted was an upper and the shots helped eventually.
I think it takes a while for the "medicine" to work and they rush things sometimes. But having a patient take a utensil out of his hand and get up from the chair kind of freaked the guy out.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: odeon on August 09, 2018, 02:40:41 PM
My dentist is this guy who warns me about exactly what and how I'll be feeling. I mean literally. He knows what will happen. So I trust him when he says I won't be feeling a thing, but also when he says this might hurt a little bit.

He hasn't been wrong yet.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: 'andersom' on August 09, 2018, 04:55:14 PM
My dentist uses something else on me than novocaine. Because novocaine numbs movement and accurate feeling. But does not wear off, and ads pain too.
It has been used three times on me, and the aftereffects got worse every time. Last time it s used in me the effects lasted six months  no way I wanted that to happen in  my mouth.
My rootcanal treatments have been done twice without any sedation. But for extractions dentist decided to use something else than novocaine.

He thinks I'm kind of of interesting in what I do and don't feel.  :asthing:

Did not have to struggle to convince him of not using novocaine on me. My dad never wanted the stuff either, because of bad aftereffects. He got all his teeth pulled without any sedation. He was a bit of a nutter, when it came to pain.
Dentist did not dare doing something similar to me, so he found an alternative.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Al Swearegen on August 10, 2018, 06:02:35 PM
Problem for me is that I can literally have 5 or 6 shots of novocaine in my bottom left jaw and it does almost nothing to numb the pain.

Sounds like you need to be knocked out

Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on August 10, 2018, 06:54:22 PM
Problem for me is that I can literally have 5 or 6 shots of novocaine in my bottom left jaw and it does almost nothing to numb the pain.

Sounds like you need to be knocked out


Good thinking Al. If I ever take up cage fighting I will be sure to have a dentist on standby.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Al Swearegen on August 10, 2018, 08:15:23 PM
Problem for me is that I can literally have 5 or 6 shots of novocaine in my bottom left jaw and it does almost nothing to numb the pain.

Sounds like you need to be knocked out


Good thinking Al. If I ever take up cage fighting I will be sure to have a dentist on standby.

Horse before the cart. If you realise the drugs are not going to work, get one of these guys to put you to sleep and loose your teeth and then prop you in the dentist chair
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Tequila on August 12, 2018, 02:58:11 AM
I heard a song about this once.  It was rather racist but it tickled my funny bone.  I'm not sure why.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Tequila on August 17, 2018, 08:20:28 AM
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on September 11, 2018, 12:18:03 PM
Serena Williams DINDU NUFFIN'!!!
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: odeon on September 11, 2018, 02:38:12 PM
I read about this earlier today and thought "Scrap will post something about this".

Mind, predictability is one of your superpowers.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Jack on September 11, 2018, 04:22:19 PM
Watched the game and award ceremony. Felt bad for Osaka. This was her dream and it's tainted.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Lestat on September 11, 2018, 05:33:50 PM
Ugh, Williams is one ugly fucking skank!
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: odeon on September 12, 2018, 12:00:41 PM
It's not about ugly, Lestat.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Grey Area on September 12, 2018, 12:25:23 PM
Have nearly had a fingertip gone myself, had to have it stitched back on, after a big fucker of a pike took it almost off, until the tip of my finger was just hanging on by a flap of skin and tissue. I still felt the stitches going in while they were being put in. The teeth wound was too deep to be seriously painful itself though, must have severed or damaged some sensory nerves in the tip of my finger.

I once got told a tale about a match angler who thought it would be fun to unhook a large deep-hooked chub with his finger and thumb. Of course, it latched onto his finger with its pharyngeal teeth and stayed there til the paramedics arrived. I don't know what happened to the fish, but apparently the guy said it felt like someone had smashed the end of his finger with a hammer.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Calandale on September 12, 2018, 03:36:04 PM
It's not about ugly, Lestat.

Incidentally it may be, as sex and race enter into aesthetic as well as other issues of bias.

The same statement Lestat used, is unlikely to have been used against a male and her features show a strong african influence.
Such extreme aesthetic reactions are quite often rooted in dislike of the race or sex as a whole, just as differing treatment can be.

She's certainly got nothing in temper on Jimmy Connors.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Jack on September 12, 2018, 04:51:01 PM
It's not about ugly, Lestat.

Incidentally it may be, as sex and race enter into aesthetic as well as other issues of bias.

The same statement Lestat used, is unlikely to have been used against a male and her features show a strong african influence.
Such extreme aesthetic reactions are quite often rooted in dislike of the race or sex as a whole, just as differing treatment can be.

She's certainly got nothing in temper on Jimmy Connors.
Her facial features are fairly symmetrical, so she would qualify as attractive based on symmetry analysis unbiased by gender or coloring. Have noticed with age her chin and jaw area appear thicker, along with much heavier muscle in the arms and legs. Not sure if that's a sign of performance enhancements, or simply the process of aging and thickening, but she does strike me as looking very manly these days. Needlessly calling her a skank might be more of a sign of bias than saying she's ugly; though can understand why a hetero male might find a masculine looking female unattractive. No doubt her gozillions of dollars don't care either way. :laugh:
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on September 12, 2018, 04:56:07 PM
but she does strike me as looking very manly these days.

That's more typical of western Africans. Eastern African women tend to be better looking, that's where most of the black supermodels come from.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Gopher Gary on September 14, 2018, 03:32:06 PM
She's certainly got nothing in temper on Jimmy Connors.

There's more of an expectation now for athletes to be positive role models, not only in front of the crowd but in their personal life too. I don't think that's a bad thing.  :dunno:
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Calandale on September 14, 2018, 05:10:43 PM
Next thing you know, hockey games will have group hugs.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Gopher Gary on September 14, 2018, 06:02:41 PM
I'd rather watch men grope each other than fight anyway.  :zoinks:
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: odeon on September 15, 2018, 01:22:09 AM
Next thing you know, hockey games will have group hugs.

Great idea.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Lestat on September 15, 2018, 12:18:08 PM
Well you are part right, part wrong, in respect of the statement, I'd not have used the term 'skank' about a man, but the term generally isn't used to describe fuckugly males by anyone else either. If it had been a male, I'd just have said 'ugly fucking cunt' 'ugly bastard' or something like it. Both of them (the two Williams sisters I mean, never heard of Connors, I'm not a tennis fan, I don't DO sport in general, its just EW!, can't stand it) are ugly motherfuckers, they look like a baboon covered in dog shit, that just got beaten to within a nanometer of death with a baseball bat carved from ugly tree wood. and the way they grunt and huff, they SOUND like apes too.

Both of 'em, nasty fucking creatures.

And as for 'symmetry analysis'...bollocks to that. IMO you cannot possibly use a computer to determine whether or not someone is attractive or not. Because its down to the individual and what they like or don't like. A computer can't analyse that.

For example, what clinicians would consider dysmorphic, when associated with some sort of mental retardation, in some former partners, I've found sexy. Not talking 'looks like they got hit by a train', but obviously 'different' and obviously spesh in some way, I've found them very pretty, not symmetrical, a computer might well say 'ugly', but that doesn't  mean they ARE. Computer analysis of attractiveness..I've scarcely heard such abject bollocks!

Sure, there are certain individuals who are just fucking ugly no matter what. But asymmetrical, or even what a doctor would describe as dysmorphic, associated with some sort of genetic difference, doesn't mean they aren't fucking hot, depending on the individual in question.

For example, I think the canted eyes of people with down's syndrome (in girls obviously, I'm not going to find a man cute :P) are kinda cute,  same goes for their often huge smiles, they are pretty smiles IMO a lot of the time.

Maybe I've just got different standards to others, in terms of finding spesh people to be potential mates, but I'm just open minded.

Watching the likes of either Williams chimp out though, its revolting.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Jack on September 15, 2018, 02:35:00 PM
Pretty sure you just confirmed Calandale's analysis of your initial reaction.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on October 11, 2018, 06:34:31 PM

This thug who is an admitted member of the Crips, shoots a couple of guys in a street fight. The cops hear the shots, respond and shot Patrick as he's pointing a gun at them. His friends and family all claim "HE DINDU NUFFIN"!!!

It doesn't stop here though, The family decided to stage a protest and march, which of course attracted ANTIFA. The ANTIFA derptards decide that they are traffic police and start to divert traffic, when motorists refuse to obey their orders, they attack them.

Fuck, I'm so glad I don't live in Portland.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: DirtDawg on October 12, 2018, 10:24:57 AM
How about the idiotic woman who saw a black man filling his tank at a convenience store and called 911 because she saw two white children in the back of the car.

He was the kids' baby sitter and had been for two years. The guy runs a youth ministry to help kids in need. He still got stopped and the kids were separated into the police cars, terrified while they held the BLACK MAN in custody ran his ID for crimes, doing checks. He literally did not do anything and yet, here we are.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on October 12, 2018, 03:16:12 PM
How about the idiotic woman who saw a black man filling his tank at a convenience store and called 911 because she saw two white children in the back of the car.

He was the kids' baby sitter and had been for two years. The guy runs a youth ministry to help kids in need. He still got stopped and the kids were separated into the police cars, terrified while they held the BLACK MAN in custody ran his ID for crimes, doing checks. He literally did not do anything and yet, here we are.

He should of been grateful they didn't shoot him.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: DirtDawg on October 13, 2018, 06:39:11 AM
How about the idiotic woman who saw a black man filling his tank at a convenience store and called 911 because she saw two white children in the back of the car.

He was the kids' baby sitter and had been for two years. The guy runs a youth ministry to help kids in need. He still got stopped and the kids were separated into the police cars, terrified while they held the BLACK MAN in custody ran his ID for crimes, doing checks. He literally did not do anything and yet, here we are.

He should of been grateful they didn't shoot him.

I think we all are. The kids watching all this were very worried that he might make some wrong move or say something wrong and something along those lines might ensue.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Lestat on October 13, 2018, 08:43:57 PM
Did that protest guy pop a porker? I fucking hope so.

Whenever I find that a swine has been killed, mutilated or made to suffer, my heart gets a lovely warm glow inside. Bunch of filthy corrupt donut munching fat bastards deserve to die. Long, and slow and painful. The fucking filth deserve no better.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on October 13, 2018, 09:04:55 PM
How about the idiotic woman who saw a black man filling his tank at a convenience store and called 911 because she saw two white children in the back of the car.

He was the kids' baby sitter and had been for two years. The guy runs a youth ministry to help kids in need. He still got stopped and the kids were separated into the police cars, terrified while they held the BLACK MAN in custody ran his ID for crimes, doing checks. He literally did not do anything and yet, here we are.

Whataboutism (

For every case of this, there's 100 black thugs who commit violent acts, then act all innocent when caught and brought to justice.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on October 13, 2018, 09:06:22 PM
How about the idiotic woman who saw a black man filling his tank at a convenience store and called 911 because she saw two white children in the back of the car.

He was the kids' baby sitter and had been for two years. The guy runs a youth ministry to help kids in need. He still got stopped and the kids were separated into the police cars, terrified while they held the BLACK MAN in custody ran his ID for crimes, doing checks. He literally did not do anything and yet, here we are.

He should of been grateful they didn't shoot him.

Drinking the BLM Kool-aide??   ::)

White people are actually 1.7 times more likely to be shot in a violent police encounter.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: renaeden on October 13, 2018, 09:46:02 PM
Should of? Should of?????

MOSW, did you do that on purpose?
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on October 13, 2018, 10:01:27 PM
Should of? Should of?????

MOSW, did you do that on purpose?

I would never of done something like that on purpose. That would of been just trying to annoy people.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Lestat on October 13, 2018, 11:21:55 PM
True. For every black man out there, there are 20 niggers.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on October 13, 2018, 11:39:17 PM
How about the idiotic woman who saw a black man filling his tank at a convenience store and called 911 because she saw two white children in the back of the car.

He was the kids' baby sitter and had been for two years. The guy runs a youth ministry to help kids in need. He still got stopped and the kids were separated into the police cars, terrified while they held the BLACK MAN in custody ran his ID for crimes, doing checks. He literally did not do anything and yet, here we are.

He should of been grateful they didn't shoot him.

Drinking the BLM Kool-aide??   ::)

White people are actually 1.7 times more likely to be shot in a violent police encounter.

White people outnumber black people by 300%? 400%? Depends how you define white people.

And there are 70% more white people shot by cops?

Does that mean that, if you are a white person, you are more likely to be shot by police?

There seems to be something lacking in your analysis, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Oh, that's right. It's brains.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on October 14, 2018, 06:04:12 PM
White people outnumber black people by 300%? 400%? Depends how you define white people.

And there are 70% more white people shot by cops?

Does that mean that, if you are a white person, you are more likely to be shot by police?

There seems to be something lacking in your analysis, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Oh, that's right. It's my lack of brains.

FYP.   :M

You lack reading comprehension, I never said anything about population totals because that's the wrong metric.

Black people commit a disproportional amount of violent crime so a simple comparison of population totals is pointless and only used by low information libtards like you.   :hahaha:

When you look at violent police encounters and look at the percentages in which the suspect is shot by race, white people are 1.7 times more likely to be shot. This is part of what is known as the "Ferguson Effect".
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on October 14, 2018, 06:11:33 PM
I'm not going to teach you basic math. How can I explain this to a person who needs to take his shoes off to count past 10?

There is also no data to support the "Ferguson Effect".
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Jack on October 14, 2018, 07:14:38 PM
Black people commit a disproportional amount of violent crime so a simple comparison of population totals is pointless and only used by low information libtards like you.   :hahaha:
It's not difficult to compare police killings to racial stats for violent crime. In 2017 racial stats for people killed by police, whites account for 46.9%, blacks 22.5%. In FBI 2016 violent crime stats, whites account for 59%, blacks 37.9%. Some might look at those stats and conclude the police are killing whites and blacks at fair enough rates.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on October 14, 2018, 07:21:39 PM
Black people commit a disproportional amount of violent crime so a simple comparison of population totals is pointless and only used by low information libtards like you.   :hahaha:
It's not difficult to compare police killings to racial stats for violent crime. In 2017 racial stats for people killed by police, whites account for 46.9%, blacks 22.5%. In FBI 2016 violent crime stats, whites account for 59%, blacks 37.9%. Some might look at those stats and conclude the police are killing whites and blacks at fair enough rates.

That's a lot closer than the BLM kool-aide that MOSW was spouting but the numbers that I was quoting was done on surveys based on violent encounters with the police.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: odeon on October 15, 2018, 12:06:48 AM
Population total is the wrong metric for your bigotry, for obvious reasons.
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Minister Of Silly Walks on October 15, 2018, 12:51:38 AM
Black people commit a disproportional amount of violent crime so a simple comparison of population totals is pointless and only used by low information libtards like you.   :hahaha:
It's not difficult to compare police killings to racial stats for violent crime. In 2017 racial stats for people killed by police, whites account for 46.9%, blacks 22.5%. In FBI 2016 violent crime stats, whites account for 59%, blacks 37.9%. Some might look at those stats and conclude the police are killing whites and blacks at fair enough rates.

That's a lot closer than the BLM kool-aide that MOSW was spouting but the numbers that I was quoting was done on surveys based on violent encounters with the police.

Do you have a link to the source?
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on January 10, 2019, 06:10:30 PM
Now that the incident over, a year ago, that "forced" Starbucks to open its restroom to anyone who wanted to use them, used syringes have become such a problem they installed special disposal boxes.   :insane:
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Bastet on January 10, 2019, 06:40:29 PM
Now that the incident over, a year ago, that "forced" Starbucks to open its restroom to anyone who wanted to use them, used syringes have become such a problem they installed special disposal boxes.   :insane:

Oh, come on Pappy! Drug addicts have feelings, too!
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on March 27, 2019, 01:55:40 PM
Jussie Smollett got away with a fake hate crime hoax because he's black and he DINDU NUFFIN!!!

Can you imagine what would happen if a white actor had claimed that he was attacked by black men who were shouting "black lives matter", then it turned out to be a hoax? He would be crucified in the media and the legal system.

Talk about Black Privilege.   ::)
Title: Re: The "Dindu Nuffin" thread.
Post by: odeon on March 28, 2019, 03:39:09 PM
It shows that money matters.