Start here => What's your crime? Basic Discussion => Topic started by: Nomaken on May 20, 2006, 12:32:26 AM

Title: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Nomaken on May 20, 2006, 12:32:26 AM
This may answer the question, do i ever get pissed at anybody.  And it also may dispell the notion that I never want to fight with anyone, and i'm just interesting in sucking up and kissing ass.
But mostly i'm posting this, because i'm curious if i have gone insane and what he is saying does make sense, and more than that, he is right about what he says.  Because he seems stupid, or confused, or stupid and confused.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: CuriousPrimate on May 20, 2006, 01:52:37 AM
Having spent several years as a secondary school teacher, and having studied educational psychology, I'm afraid that I have to confess that much of what Fluore writes makes a kind of sense. (For example, I got the phone call thing straight away.)

This kind of gainsaying and bravado is common in the schoolyard as children work out the pecking order

It could be that experience has given me certain insights, but that would be to suggest a developmental and maturity level which Fluore may take exception to, so perhaps somewhere inside I'm just a twisted morass of darkness and dispair.

(Statistically speaking, your poll is heavily biased to no votes, having three options to one in favour of your hypothesis. Hardly sporting old chap. Pip pip.)
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: McGiver on May 20, 2006, 03:54:57 AM
i just don't think that it is wise (during a debate) to advertise what you are doing and what you are all about.
it seems like he does this everytime he puts a sentence on the board.
also i am concerned by two of his tactics.

1.) his grasping for supporters when things aren't going his way.
seems like he is scrambling for friends to get his back.? first he started sucking up with odeon.? and then when it was apparaqnt that odeon didn't want to hitch hisself to that pony he started sucking up to me.? could be bi-polar issues.

2.) also i am not fond of the way that he plays the martyr role.?
previously he was dying of skin cancer, and now he has particular issues with being made fun of.? also he mentioned that he studied up on AS traits to be prepared.? one thing i have noticed with AS people is that they have endured alot of bullying.? so by saying that he has issues with getting made fun of he is both, trying to gain supporters and sympathy.

but by him even mentioning all the things he has, and taken in total, i am less likely to feel sympathetic towards him, or ally with him.? now if he would be more genuine and honest, then i would ally with him

i reserve the right to vote until later.? it seems like it is all tactics with him, and unfortunately i am beginning to understand it.? let me have a little more time to de-code his ways, then i will judge him.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Merry Widow on May 20, 2006, 04:16:45 AM
what i don't understand is why so many people insist on winding him up, when he's clearly not functioning very well. if you find what he's says to be so foolish etc, my advice would be to not respond to him and let him be. i understand that you are trying to make sense of it, but i think you're just going to have to accept that some ?things simply don't make sense.

also, i want you to consider the words "Will" and "Freund" and then ask yourself whether it is worth getting so infuriated with him.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Postperson on May 20, 2006, 06:13:47 AM
mm there's some kind of language problem there with fluoro, i don't know what it is, but he's got one. He doesn't get under my skin, but i haven't had a lot to do with him. i think he may be one of those people that gets banned from everywhere.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: shima on May 20, 2006, 08:04:36 AM
I vote #3, though occasionally I can understand him. 
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 20, 2006, 09:16:01 AM
There is no problem with language, I am having trouble with truama. It is severly fucking up my posts, but? I am trying to fuckn edit it. I am hyperaurosed and therefore some cognitive function suffers. I am an idiot because you don;t understand?? No offense.? I have seen trouble with pronouns alot. I was not loosing.? ?I only want sympathy, after I have done my part.? I just wanted to let you know to be patient. Fuckn truama is difficult without meds.? I thought having good mood maid everything alright, but? I am still having problems. That is why I might need meds.? Mc Jagger I was being sincere, you gave me a run for my money, I had a good time. I boast because I feal threatened, again truama issue.? ?I was not trying to suck up to odeon, I was trying to envolve him him my jokes. I do this with everyone, although not always bad.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 20, 2006, 10:18:30 AM
Bipolar? Half right.? I have discrete personality disorder, and it is subset of complex post truamatic stress disorder. My mom has bipolar disorder, and I act like her to give her a distraction from her depression. In this case, distractions means trouble. She also makes her own distractions. So she and I both give her shit to distract her from her depression, caused by bipolar disorder. I was just following the script.? Distractions maid living with her easier to deal with.

All of this is all my work, (hypothesis) except the discrete personality disorder.? My clinical social worker thinks I am correct.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Silk on May 20, 2006, 01:38:52 PM
I vote #3, though occasionally I can understand him.?

I also voted number 3. The way he posts you know it's not a grammar problem, but something along the lines of a disorder or medications. That's why I don't mess with him, and hope that someone posts after him that understood what he wrote. The reply makes it easier for me to understand what Fluor writes.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 20, 2006, 02:11:39 PM
Most of the time I am a nice person and have real controll over this issue. That is why I ask them to respond in callouts.  Simple verbal abuse is not going to do much to me, I have plenty of self esteem. Theory of mind help me to gain back compassion I already have, and not repeat behaviors that got me in trouble.  Positive visualization exercises will make sure I am not low in mood for long.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Nomaken on May 20, 2006, 03:06:12 PM
I do understand what fluorescent says, in meaning if not literally.  But he annoys me because of a bunch of behaviors I can't quite describe, Mcjagger mentioned 2 things.
I wish like hell he would be more honest and I would so have sympathy for him, and patience with what he says.
And i wouldn't say people just rile him up which causes him to do things which piss us off, he seems like he riles himself up a lot of the time.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: odeon on May 20, 2006, 05:34:00 PM
I tend to agree with CuriousPrimate's analysis; Fluorescent is basically a kid, or acting like one. The schoolyard variety, that is, which, considering his reported age, is not necessarily far from the truth. Maturity does not necessarily coincide with leaving one's teens.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 20, 2006, 05:51:48 PM
Nomaken, here is the problem. I post the answer to your troubles already. I just said, ?I expected sympathy, after I did my part. It would be manipulation if I used it only. I am being very honest, I will put pics up of my cancer scars.

"And i wouldn't say people just rile him up which causes him to do things which piss us off, he seems like he riles himself up a lot of the time."

That is partly true at wrong planet. I acknowledge I rilled myself up, but others aggravted it. They aggravated it because they don;t know the social rules like I do. I keep forgetting that, and I appologize. ?This is what I meant by idiot comments, Nomaken.( Social rules) ?I learned I have to tell them, so I can get by, otherwise they continue to disrupt others. I am doing them and everyone else a favor. I do it ?tactfully too.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 20, 2006, 05:54:13 PM
Your analysis is faulty, I would not expect you to get.  I already maid that mistake,( expecting too much of others) and it got me in too much trouble.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Pyraxis on May 20, 2006, 07:15:21 PM
what i don't understand is why so many people insist on winding him up, when he's clearly not functioning very well. if you find what he's says to be so foolish etc, my advice would be to not respond to him and let him be. i understand that you are trying to make sense of it, but i think you're just going to have to accept that some  things simply don't make sense.

also, i want you to consider the words "Will" and "Freund" and then ask yourself whether it is worth getting so infuriated with him.

By stepping onto Intensity he has opened himself to people's honest and insulting responses. If this were in the WP haven and I were still a mod, I would have put a stop to it a long time ago. But I think McJagger and others have made it abundantly clear what this site is about, and it's not pussyfooting around people who have issues. So whether or not Fluorescent is stable enough to take it, we have the right to dish it out.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 20, 2006, 07:30:44 PM
I am more worried about you guys, than you are of me.? I actually I enjoy this website a whole lot.? You ought to be worried more about yourself than me. I see from the votes, more people are overstimulated by what I say than I thought.? Its ok, really, we all have to start somewhere.? Why am I the idiot, a slow minded person, when you don;t understand? Is everything black and white only? Everything being black and white, and nothing else, is a symptom of autism. This is a metaphore for the way you think. I am not trying to manipulate the votes, I just want you to think more about what you vote.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Postperson on May 20, 2006, 07:58:12 PM
oh i'm not voting, it's ridiculous. the voting thing here is a joke.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: El on May 20, 2006, 08:02:53 PM
I don't see Will Freund in what he's posting.  I just seem some weird disorganized speech stuff and no understanding of socializing.  Maybe seeing reactinos he gets will help modify his behavior?  Dunno.  Probably not.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 20, 2006, 08:11:10 PM
You want to start a callout?
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: McGiver on May 20, 2006, 10:09:27 PM
Is everything black and white only?

for me, the answer is yes!
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Nomaken on May 21, 2006, 10:06:03 AM
Quote from: fluorescent
They aggravated it because they don;t know the social rules like I do.

Are you suggesting you have a better grasp on the rules of social conduct than we do?

Quote from: fluorescent
Why am I the idiot, a slow minded person, when you don;t understand?

If what you say doesn't make sense then the reader wont understand no matter how intelligent they are.

There are two possibilities, either your idea is clear but you have trouble conveying it so it comes out garbled, OR your idea is confused, and even spoken clearly, it would seem like nonsense.  I'd like to believe that your idea is clear and you just have thought to expression problems, but in your clearest expressions if you are saying what you mean, you are obviously terribly confused.  And if you aren't confused, then you are being an ass.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 21, 2006, 11:09:16 AM
"Are you suggesting you have a better grasp on the rules of social conduct than we do?"

I want to remind you, first, I have HFA.? I must have been a fast fucker because I already got it. :laugh: (There is a joke in there, if you did not noticed, to calm Nomaken down.)? The trauma I experienced might have forced me to pick it up real quickly. (I was Hyperaurosed, so it fealt like life or death, therefore I must learn quick)? Maybe I am just really fuckn smart, I don;t know.? I got a tiny bit from social workers.
? ? ?I have had to tell some people what they did wrong, because it seemed like they did not know sometimes.? I am doing it as a favor nothing more. One was Ashfire, and he seemed to be pretty thankfull.? He appologized to me.? I was talking to Jman in the chatroom, at ots, and he forgot the incident that got me mad.? Jman thought I was verbally attacking him for nothing.? It was the same thing in both instances.? People expect me to just drop my guard down because they are acting nice now, and it does not matter what they did before. They were supposed to appologize. It cause me so much distress, because I think people are fuckn with me on purpose, and here I am finding they don't know.?

"I'd like to believe that your idea is clear and you just have thought to expression problems, but in your clearest expressions if you are saying what you mean, you are obviously terribly confused.? And if you aren't confused, then you are being an ass"

? If by confused, you mean hyperaurosed, then yes I am. That does not last long though. I use theory of mind so I can gain my compassion and controll back.? I try to edit my post, but the ideas I express are rather abstract.? Do you actually understand them?

"Is everything black and white only?"

"for me, the answer is yes!"

By the way you answered that, I think you know my intentions are good.? I will help anytime I think I can.? I am not a heartless bastard. You will get Mc Jagger, everyone must start somewhere.? Brains can adapt.? All the stuff I throw out will give plenty of experience.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: odeon on May 22, 2006, 02:52:39 AM
I want to remind you, first, I have HFA. 

Please make up your mind. In recent posts, you've said that you don't have it.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: McGiver on May 22, 2006, 03:37:02 AM
about HFA:
i am almost positive that it is a neuro disorder (not my favorite term), that you are born with, when all of your dna and shit form in the womb.
i really don't think that its like the common cold or HIV, i don't think you catch it.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: odeon on May 22, 2006, 06:02:11 AM
Yeah, you're right about HFA, of course, but fluorescent thinks he got it from a cereal box.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: McGiver on May 22, 2006, 06:10:29 AM
the secret decoder ring surprise.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Nomaken on May 22, 2006, 08:56:47 AM
If your intentions are good, then please take this as friendly advice.  If you do know the proper rules of social conduct better than we do, you aren't demonstrating them.

One of the rules of social conduct probably says something a long the lines of don't be condescending and presumptuous.

Quote from: fluorescent
I have had to tell some people what they did wrong, because it seemed like they did not know sometimes.  I am doing it as a favor nothing more.
Even if you're RIGHT you're not supposed to act like you are the grand master teacher of social conduct.

And am i just terribly wrong here, but I thought no matter what form of autism you have picking up the rules of social conduct was a primary DIFFICULTY not one of our strengths?

It seems like you invented your own rules of social conduct and are trying to get people to behave according to them rather than learning the rules of social conduct people have at large.

And the reason I say you are confused is because it would require a profound lack of awareness for you to really believe you are zinging or burning anybody in an argument.

Or maybe the ideas you have make sense, but are hard to translate, and the things you say appear to be witty but that is only because of the information you have that failed to translate over.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 22, 2006, 10:55:06 AM
I am really getting pissed off, that is why I did act that way.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: odeon on May 22, 2006, 11:17:52 AM
Thing is, you must be easy to piss off since you act that way all the time.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 22, 2006, 11:54:46 AM
No, you are just incompetent, that is all.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: BeeBee on May 22, 2006, 01:02:08 PM
But if odeon is trying to piss you off, isn't he very competete?    ???
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: odeon on May 22, 2006, 01:10:40 PM
Hey, did you just get a new, multisyllable, word there? Something that came to you via PM, perchance? That's nice, kid. Now all you have to do is to find out what it means.

Speaking of incompetence, when will we see the pictures? Any luck with Windows yet?
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 22, 2006, 06:04:13 PM
What are you kidding?  My reading level was that of college level in the 9th grade.  I took an accelrated algerbra course, and got a b+ with no little effort.  How about this one glyciation. I have read plenty of health magazines, stuff on autism included.  My therapist says I am an expert on autism.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Peter on May 23, 2006, 03:35:30 AM
Did you ever take a writing course?
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Leto729 on May 23, 2006, 02:27:43 PM
Is anybody perfect or anything well No that is what We should remember to in the end.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 23, 2006, 04:43:11 PM
I think I was fuckn tired, that might be the reason for writting errors.  Sometimes I was hyperaurosed, and that just fucks everything up too  :D  There was a joke there.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: McGiver on May 23, 2006, 08:38:27 PM
hyper=everything up


am i close?
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 24, 2006, 05:00:07 AM
I would say you no, but its pretty difficult. No one is really an idiot. Beginners and people with bad circumstances are not idiots.? I was just venting in that pm Mc Jagger.? Mc Jagger you are pretty good, and everyone will get it after a? while. Brains can adapt.

Up= on top of women,
everything= means oral and regular.?
hyperaurosed= orgaism
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Peter on May 24, 2006, 05:04:22 AM
I think I was fuckn tired, that might be the reason for writting errors.  Sometimes I was orgaism, and that just fucks oral and regular on top of women too  :D  There was a joke there.

Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 24, 2006, 05:14:05 AM
Peter you don;t put them back in.? Its the dirty images you can get from what? is already in the sentence.? I put the = sign to help clarify the meaning of my joke, it does not mean put it back in the sentence.? I was following Mc Jagger.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: McGiver on May 24, 2006, 08:13:13 AM
teach us the ways of the force master yoda.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 25, 2006, 03:49:51 PM
I know you are not calling me fat., but wasn;t master yoda fat?? I was fat when I was born.? My mom put me on a special yogurt diet.? For some reason I can't gain weight no more.? It is usually very difficult even if I eat a whole shit load of garbage.? I will sweat my ass off if I do eat alot of garbage.? At any rate, I would love to help anyone.? Thankyou for not bitting my head off.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: McGiver on May 25, 2006, 06:36:20 PM

i have been very aware lately of a theme coming from your posts.  you seem to mention your mother alot.  now i will reiterate that i am no specialist nor do i have a degree, but do you think that there might be something to that/
would you care to discuss your relationship with your mother?

do you think that maybe there is some correlations with the mentioning of your mother (quite often) and your root behaviour?  do you have a decent relationship with her?  does your brother?  do you think she acted responibly as a parent?  where was your father?

if you would prefer to answer via pm, feel free to send me one.  i will listen,  but i am not qualified to offer advise.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 25, 2006, 07:28:48 PM
 I memorized alot of shit from social workers.  I read a few things too. I am not afraid.  My mom has bipolar disorder.  She has made a pass at me.  She said "You have a nice body."  She met my physical needs and most of my psychological needs too.  I just feal unloved by her, because of her mood disorder.   She is trying but not as much as she could.  She told me two times, I farted, It went through my pants, and landed on the rug.  My mom sold drugs and took them.  She got got caught selling and left me alone, to deal with cancer.  I was better off without her.  After she left, my moody mom killer sister moved in.  Mom does not like her so she left. She lost her hud voucher from selling drugs, and I got it now.  I have reduced rent, from 750 to 256, because of the voucher.  I am supposed to be the most disabled of the household, but function better than all of them, for the most part.  Some time my sister may find this website and read all my private stuff, just like she read at wrong planet.  That is the reason she tried to kill my mom.  She noised in on my buisness and she read all the bad shit I read about my mom.   Evidently I am a doctor, because all I did, was lay some psychological theories down.  Apparently my sister agrees. My brother offered to put some hurt on her, so did I.  My mom has pissed my sister and I off the most, and does not bother my brother.  She has trouble handling us both. My mom is the one who suggested I had AS in the first place, and she was correct. My mom taught us everything, especially what not to do in a marriage.
     My biological dad is an alcoholic, but got much better in his age. From what I herd, he tried to kill my mom.  My mom said that, and my dad said he threatened her with a unloaded shotgun. My mom said her babies, that is us, held him back alittle while he was tring to shoot her. My mom also said, my dad, bought drugs from my mom when they were married.  She said that was the only way she could get any money out of him.  My dad never bothered with child support, that is why my mom sold drugs. I found beer bottles in my room too. I would say my dad cares sometimes but not enough for me.  Stealing pain meds, I needed after cancer surgury was very rude. One thing we do, is respect him.  He never beat anyone one of us.  He was a very honest person too.  My step dad raped my mom.  She cracked her pelvis and he forced it. My step dad was a beater too of everyone, except me, I behaved.  He just maid me write lines.  I will not do this or that. That or this is the thing I did wrong. He would make us do pages front and back like 3 of them.  My steps dad is in the special armed forces, and I am glad he left to New York.  My step had nasty punishments.  Hold up the pales of water, till he said drop it. 
     I had all these family issues before I went to school, and thus choose to remain isolated.  I even missed out on 2 girls at ounce.  I never saw those girl again, when I chicken out.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: McGiver on May 26, 2006, 03:56:48 AM
i guess they don't have a test that they make you pass before you can raise a child.

it sounds to me like you are doing incredibly well, considering...

i did want you to read something, let me get it and i'll post it here:
this i recieved from a friend.  thought it might help:


What role does genetics or family history play in bipolar disorder?

The illness tends to be highly genetic, but there are clearly environmental factors that influence whether the illness will occur in a particular child. Bipolar disorder can skip generations and take different forms in different individuals.

The small group of studies that have been done vary in the estimate of risk to a given individual:

    * For the general population, a conservative estimate of an individual's risk of having full-blown bipolar disorder is 1 percent. Disorders in the bipolar spectrum may affect 4-6%.
    * When one parent has bipolar disorder, the risk to each child is 15-30%.
    * When both parents have bipolar disorder, the risk increases to 50-75%.
    * The risk in siblings and fraternal twins is 15-25%.
    * The risk in identical twins is approximately 70%.

In every generation since World War II, there is a higher incidence and an earlier age of onset of bipolar disorder and depression. On average, children with bipolar disorder experience their first episode of illness 10 years earlier than their parents' generation did. The reason for this is unknown.

The family trees of many children who develop early-onset bipolar disorder include individuals who suffered from substance abuse and/or mood disorders (often undiagnosed).

Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 26, 2006, 04:36:10 AM
My therapist says my symptoms of HFA are masking bipolar disorder, and it is very hard to tell if I even have it.  To make in worse, there is the discrete personality disorder, were I mimic bipolar disorder, to make dealing with my mom easier.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: McGiver on May 26, 2006, 04:45:14 AM
i dont know the answer to this so this is why i will ask it.

does your mom realize when she is going through bipolar changes?
is it really bad?
what does she do? does she get moody, depressed, what?
is it something that occures that the individual is aware of, but has no control over?
are there medications or counselling, that can help control the swings?
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 26, 2006, 05:10:36 AM
My mom has lithium 900 mg. Therapeutic does tends to be 1200- 1800mg.( I think I remember something like that)  Average diet provides a couple of mcg a day.  Seaweed and sugar cane are good sources of lithium.  They are still wondering if its essential or not, as a nutrient.  My mom needs more, but won;t go any higher.  She says its messing up her thyroid and teeth. She grew a beer belly after starting meds.  I agree, she does need higher.  She take seroquel too, because she hear voices at night, tell her what to do. (good things) She can stay up untill 2:00am.  She goes, "How did you know what time I go to bed?" She told me and does not remember. I don;t know if she pays attention to manic and hypomanic phases, or knowes when they occur.  I know she got diagnosed after she got caught selling drugs. It got her out of prison. She goes to south shore mental health so I would hope she knowes.  I wish she would regulary pratice meditation like I do, because then she would not have such a fuckn problem.  I am mad at her anyways, because she tells strangers, I have AS.  She will sometimes blert out symptoms too.  I do it back too her.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Merry Widow on May 27, 2006, 08:40:43 AM
By stepping onto Intensity he has opened himself to people's honest and insulting responses. If this were in the WP haven and I were still a mod, I would have put a stop to it a long time ago. But I think McJagger and others have made it abundantly clear what this site is about, and it's not pussyfooting around people who have issues. So whether or not Fluorescent is stable enough to take it, we have the right to dish it out.

oops. sorry..... i've only just read this.

i didn't mean that people shouldn't treat Fluorescent (or anyone else) the way they feel inclined to; what i meant was that i don't understand why anyone would want? to argue with someone who seems quite insecure and vulnerable. i realise that it is the individual's choice whether they take the other person's mental stability in to the equation before responding to their statements.

i also think there is something rather dishonourable about aiming for such an easy target (although, i'm not saying that it shouldn't be allowed). if the expression "no shame in losing to the best" is true, then perhaps it is also true that there is? shame in winning to the worst.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Pyraxis on May 27, 2006, 08:46:55 AM
I'm not sure Flourescent (or along the same lines, happeh) are in fact the worst when it comes to having an argument. Someone like Space or maybe Neuroman would be what I'd consider "easy" - people whose insecurities are glaringly obvious and therefore easy to exploit. But with someone as hyposensitive as fluorescent, happeh, or neanthumain, steering an argument in such a way that it avoids two people talking to empty air and not hearing a word each other says, is quite a challenge. At least for me, maybe it's different for others. So I don't see any dishonor in it.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 27, 2006, 09:30:37 AM
I. But with someone as hyposensitive as fluorescent, happeh, or neanthumain, steering an argument in such a way that it avoids two people talking to empty air and not hearing a word each other says, is quite a challenge. 

I did it on purpose, I was getting boared. 

I am very sensitive, you just don;t see it.

Vunerable?, I think you had  better look in the mirror.  I really think you should worry about yourself more.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: odeon on May 27, 2006, 10:19:04 AM
I think there's truth in what Omega_Female says, but this *is* Intensity, and the person in question has repeatedly stated his willingness to participate. I wouldn't necessarily exploit everything there is ("there's still good in me") but I don't shy away either if need be.

OTOH, there's quite a bit going on sometimes behind the scenes, and what you see is not necessarily the whole truth.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 27, 2006, 12:01:13 PM
You got that right. Finally someone understands. I am only vunerable if I let myself be that way.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Praetor on May 27, 2006, 12:22:01 PM
So why all the contraversy over this guy again?
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: McGiver on May 27, 2006, 12:38:10 PM
there is no controversy, nothing to see here folks, move right along.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: odeon on May 27, 2006, 02:00:10 PM
Don't spoil the fun. Sure there's controversy. There are people crossing to the dark side, there are flames, there's action, sex, heavy language. Some of the subtitles are missing but what the heck.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: McGiver on May 27, 2006, 02:06:02 PM
yes, he has me talking in hidden jokes that only i can understand.
i have cum over to the dark side.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 27, 2006, 03:24:09 PM
Well thankyou.  I am glad I am a celebrity. Now if I could get those seminude pics up....
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: odeon on May 27, 2006, 04:04:44 PM
Well thankyou.  I am glad I am a celebrity. Now if I could get those seminude pics up....

...there would be even more sex?  ;D
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Merry Widow on May 27, 2006, 04:46:43 PM
I think there's truth in what Omega_Female says, but this *is* Intensity, and the person in question has repeatedly stated his willingness to participate.

yes, i'm quite aware that this is Intensity, thank you very much! ?:P all i am trying to do is to understand what motivates some people to treat Fluorescent so harshly. i can't imagine that he's done anything so bad that he deserves the wrath of so many people. ?:-\

as for a person's willingness to participate, i believe there is a point at which mentally ill people* are thought to be no longer responsible for their own actions ("diminished responsibility"). also, if person "A" helps person "B" to commit suicide, person "A" is still likely to be sent to prison for murder / man-slaughter, regardless of whether or not they had person "B's" consent. i'm not saying it's right, but that's just the way it is.

just in case i haven't explained myself clearly, i am not suggesting that members shouldn't be allowed to insult those who are perceived as being vulnerable; all i am asking is that members conduct themselves according to their own moral code and take some responsibility for their own actions. of course, everybody is free to ignore my advice - so take it or leave it.

* by the way, i am not suggesting that Fluorescent is ?mentally ill; i have no knowledge of his psychiatric history. i am just using him as an example.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Nomaken on May 27, 2006, 05:03:18 PM
It is very difficult to treat a mentally ill person nicely when everything they do annoys or insults you.  It may be our responsibility to treat them nicely anyway, but i'm just saying, it is very difficult.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: odeon on May 27, 2006, 05:10:21 PM
I cannot speak for other members, Omega_Female, but I have a moral code which I try to follow, and sometimes even succeed in following. As for the specifics of my and Fluorescent's, um, recent little discussion, let me assure you that a lot of it was actually conducted outside the forum. In my case then, at least, you don't know the whole truth.

Still I tend to agree with what you're saying, in general terms. There is a point when a person should not be considered to be fully responsible for his (or her) own actions, and we should all try to remember that, and spot any such individuals if possible, and treat them accordingly. Unfortunately, that's not easy for anyone.

And in any case, and in this particular one, it's over and done with, and I'm trying to be more moderate with my remarks.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 27, 2006, 05:20:49 PM
Oh knock it off!!!!, I said I can handle it. How many times do I have to tell you?
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 27, 2006, 05:27:06 PM
It is very difficult to treat a mentally ill person nicely when everything they do annoys or insults you. It may be our responsibility to treat them nicely anyway, but i'm just saying, it is very difficult.

Nomaken, bite me. There is a double meaning in that.? What makes you think you can take a chunk out of me? I might say the same thing as you just said.? I am holding back for your benefit.

Wait a minute, Nomaken do you know what you sound like?
Why  should I get all bent out of shape because you don;t understand? I think I am just going to have to ignore you, unless I you ask me to try again.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Nomaken on May 27, 2006, 05:40:53 PM
I don't know what I sound like but i'm concerned that in the format of the forum the message comes out with two It is very difficult's in a row.  Doesn't look good.

But on the matter at hand, I'm not trying to take a chunk out of you.  I was explaining to Omega a possible explanation of why a lot of people are unkind to you.  And if you want to insult me and tell me what is wrong with me, i'd like to hear it.  Would be amusing to me.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Merry Widow on May 27, 2006, 06:15:09 PM
I cannot speak for other members, Omega_Female, but I have a moral code which I try to follow, and sometimes even succeed in following. As for the specifics of my and Fluorescent's, um, recent little discussion, let me assure you that a lot of it was actually conducted outside the forum. In my case then, at least, you don't know the whole truth.

just for the record, i have never claimed to be in possession of all the facts; i was just sharing my observations in the hope that they would be of some benefit to others. it just seemed to me, at one point, that Fluorescent was being used as the community's verbal punch-bag. i accept that my perception of the issue could be wrong.

Oh knock it off!!!!, I said I can handle it. How many times do I have to tell you?

okay, point taken. but i still think it's worthy of discussion, in case a similar situation arises in the future.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: McGiver on May 27, 2006, 06:29:42 PM
to be clear, fluorescent and i are pm buddies.
we don't see things all that differently. 
i think we have established a mutual respect and have been doing my best to encourage him to follow through on doctors orders, and submitting items that may be of interest to him. 

i personally think, and have noticed that since fluorescent has been willing to show a thick skin that he has recieved easier treatment (from everybody) lately.  his willingness to be honest has gone a long ways in favor of his credibility.

omega, i respect your opinions, but i don't really see the situation the same way as you.

perhaps we should ask fluorescent what he percieves, and his view of things that are going on here.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Pyraxis on May 27, 2006, 06:58:40 PM
Vunerable?, I think you had  better look in the mirror.  I really think you should worry about yourself more.

Why? What vulnerability do you see in me?

Odeon - I also can't speak for anyone else, but I also follow my own moral code.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 27, 2006, 07:42:19 PM
Verbal punching bag?,  No body hit me, except myself. I make misunderstandings like you guys do.  I have gotten a grip though, and I am waiting for you guys.  If you have noticed I stopped and backed off, something you said Happeh and I  could not do.  I guess I will have to weight and see what Happeh is going to do, if anything.    I attacked him, but I maid my position clear.  I told him it was to get his attention, for callouts.  I appologized and he still is  being a pric.  Those of you who think they need to moderate their mouths, are talking out your assholes.  I am in controll of my moods, without meds. I don;t expect you to moderate your mouths, this is intensity, besides you guys can get me going to the extent you want. If you want to hide behind your moral code, because you have nothing, go ahead I will understand.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Nomaken on May 27, 2006, 07:46:08 PM
*Nomaken plays a withered old hag doomsaying*
Fluorescent, you know not what you face.  This happeh is a different monster entirely.  While you may have some issues understanding us, happeh is flat out paranoid delusional.  You will be amazed what he thinks of what you say. 

But then again, it will be entertaining.  Happeh is always entertaining.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: odeon on May 28, 2006, 04:48:20 AM
Fluorescent, please try to tell us who you're addressing when you reply. For example, several of us mentioned a "moral code" but you're not being clear on which one(s) of us you refer to here:

If you want to hide behind your moral code, because you have nothing, go ahead I will understand.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 28, 2006, 05:50:14 AM
If several thousand of you are mentioning it, then it must be all of you.  I feal like like I am being attacked by alot of you at ounce. What everyone is saying is a Minor annoyance, at best.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: McGiver on May 28, 2006, 05:51:48 AM
most times, when i try to communicate a thought, my brain works at a far quicker pace then my typing abilities allow.

i seem to push myself to the point, rather than the explanation, because i fear that i will be on to a different topic altogether, before i make the point.
kinda like dragging the cart ahead of the horse.

but i do realize that i am speaking to AS people, and try my best to be as concrete as i possibly can, since we all live in our own heads.

Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 28, 2006, 06:36:41 AM
That is why its a minor annoyance, people were dealt unfair cards.  I have compassion.  I most have lost compassion there. I told you I know when people are doing AS things.  I took the herbs and it maid me hyper all day.  Simple liver and kidney stimulants.  They mess me up,  I can calm down and gain my compassion back though, which is what I should have done there.  I did it after though, a postive visualization exercise. I exercised that morning too, just to calm down.  It helped untill I did tea binge, 10 cups.  I was nutty the whole day, untill today.  I feal really great.  I can only assume that was a detox reaction.  The detox reactions make me irritable also. I have been telling my psychiatrist and clinical social worker about this, and I told them I don;t have bipolar. The detox reactions make me look bipolar.  They just won;t listen, they don;t see what I see.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 28, 2006, 06:40:04 AM
Oh good, Nomaken wants to help each other, sounds fine with me.  That is what I have been wanting to hear.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: peegai on May 28, 2006, 12:44:43 PM
I think we can all agree that no matter who's the puching bag of the week here, we are all still in the same autistic spasticated boat -- and that's not saying much. :|
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Praetor on May 28, 2006, 12:55:56 PM
I think we can all agree that no matter who's the puching bag of the week here, we are all still in the same autistic spasticated boat -- and that's not saying much. :|

We all have needs that are special, true true...though some of us even look "special"
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 28, 2006, 01:43:53 PM
The special, must be my sexy body, I have six pack and big muscles.? I am not gay, sorry. I appologize if I misinterpeted you.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: McGiver on May 28, 2006, 04:27:53 PM
you keep on saying, "i am not gay", like their is something wrong with being gay.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: El on May 28, 2006, 05:27:39 PM
One thing I've noticed in Fluorescent's posts is that he explains things that don't nessessarily need explaining.? Fluorescent, is this a conscious thing, assuming that we might not "get" stuff due to theory of mind or metaphor deficiency, the result of being misunderstood too often in usual conversation, or is this a general tendency?

I should probably add that I don't mean this post as an attack.

(Oh god, now you've got me doing it.  ;)))
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 28, 2006, 07:01:54 PM
Actually it drives me
One thing I've noticed in Fluorescent's posts is that he explains things that don't nessessarily need explaining.  Fluorescent, is this a conscious thing, assuming that we might not "get" stuff due to theory of mind or metaphor deficiency, the result of being misunderstood too often in usual conversation, or is this a general tendency?

I should probably add that I don't mean this post as an attack.

(Oh god, now you've got me doing it. ;)))

Actually I am rather annoyed, because I am not used to dealing with problems like metaphores, which I call structural.  I had no idea this had anything to do with AS untill I came over here.  I am also getting annoyed with  the fact that sometimes people don;t know how they sound.  I am not used to that either.  This triggered my trauma and the trauma blined me.  I came through, and thought about it. These are AS things, and I should not take be an ass to the people that do it.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: McGiver on May 28, 2006, 08:38:15 PM
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Nomaken on May 29, 2006, 05:52:51 PM
People here often show deficiency in anticipating how they will sound to others.  And they also show a lack of empathy towards others who show this deficiency.  However this, seems to me, to be because they can't or won't believe that what they say can and does get misinterpreted.

What annoys me is that you feel justified in being annoyed by people who don't know how they sound, as if to imply you have a good handle on that yourself.  When at least due to VOTE it has been shown you are at least partially mistaken as to how you sound.

I can't be sure, but i might be making a case in point on the lack of empathy statement in this post.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 29, 2006, 06:11:57 PM
I am very much aware of how I sound, its part of the nature of trauma. (Social anxiety do to being maid fun of) I can put truama aside to straighten how I sound and what I think I sounds like. The whole reason I misinterpeted is because of truama and other;s disability.  Sometimes you piss me off, and I purposefully don;t care what I sound like.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 29, 2006, 06:19:52 PM
I understand people have issues though, so I am starting to have more consideration.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Nomaken on May 29, 2006, 06:23:20 PM
I was made fun of from grade 1 to 12.? And I don't know why my friend Gabe hasn't killed his childhood bullies.? None of my friend got through school without getting bulled.? I really don't see how people making fun of you could stunt your communication and interpretation abilities to this degree.

Did they kidnap you and tie you up and lower your head into a cold lake in the middle of the night for minutes at a time?  That could do some stuntin'
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Randy on May 30, 2006, 08:37:59 AM
Truama is tireing and that can fuck me up.? If I effectively communicate an idea about truama I might trigger something, but I try to edit now.? I had? issues before I went to school.? I? had bipolar disorder, HFA, ADHD, and family issues. Bipolar disorder is a maybe, my clinical social worker's view is muddled by HFA.? I got cancer, so maybe I had internal problems to boot.? I would say I got tag teamed, big time.? I am fighting the mood problem and winning, without meds.
Title: Re: Fluorescents success.
Post by: Yuri Bezmenov on August 19, 2014, 12:10:03 PM
Just like a broken clock that reads the right time twice a day, Randy could score some points once in a blue moon.