Arena for the Competitive > Main Event Callouts

ascan is afraid of mcj

(1/12) > >>

The sort of bullying you see at the place I mentioned carried-out by people of superior intelligence for the purpose of amusing themselves at the expense of others

he said that and so much more.  i have no special evil powers and he is a member here.
i call ascan.


I thought they introduced a special 'gag' clause (like they can gag anyone they don't like) over at the neighbours just to shut ascan up.

He is being very clever how he phrases his taunts and deliberate twists of reality, so as to tiptoe along the boundary of the TOS. He lacks your bottle Postie.


--- Quote from: duncvis on June 29, 2006, 02:34:20 AM ---He is being very clever how he phrases his taunts and deliberate twists of reality, so as to tiptoe along the boundary of the TOS. He lacks your bottle Postie.

--- End quote ---

actually his clever brand of communication almost seems NT to me.

where is he posting nowadays ???


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