Politics, Mature and taboo > Political Pundits

Sometimes a noose...

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Oh yeah, my point was, often the only harm done from a harmless prank is in the reaction.

No reaction = no harm.

poor oppressed catholic students. our teachers would have laughed it off if that happened at my school. :P but yeah, your teacher was cool. just too bad you all expected it to be worse.


--- Quote from: Bob Fossil on December 05, 2007, 02:44:55 AM ---Oh yeah, my point was, often the only harm done from a harmless prank is in the reaction.

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--- Quote from: Mozart on December 05, 2007, 02:45:23 AM ---poor oppressed catholic students. our teachers would have laughed it off if that happened at my school. :P but yeah, your teacher was cool. just too bad you all expected it to be worse.

--- End quote ---

That was actually how I meant to portray it; the teacher casually walked to the blackboard as soon as she saw it, paying no attention to us, and wiped off the word. The then proceeded to cheerfully teach the class as if nothing had happened.

I went to catholic primary and secondary schools, and we definitely weren't oppressed. In Australia, a religious school is just a way of running a cheaper private school. It kinda falls between a public school and a private school, definitely not as strict as a private school!

yeah my point was it must be scary in a catholic school. all the kids thought there would be hell to pay.


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