Politics, Mature and taboo > Political Pundits

Inheritance Tax

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a.k.a. the death tax
a.k.a. the Paris Hilton tax
a.k.a. the Marie-Andre tax

OK. Time to get your socialist thinking caps on. I'm fed up of people these days saying "Lets get rid of Inheritance Tax". I think it is one of the best things ever invented (aside from Income Tax, Corporation Tax, The Welfare State, the NHS, etc!).

It is one of the few ways to get the lazy rich off their backsides and into work.

Just the thought of having to pay half your wealth to the government upon your death is going to make most idle rich people think about doing some work (and earning money and contributing to society) so that their offspring can inherit a decent amount of money. The people listed above are examples of the idle rich. I'm sure everyone knows Paris Hilton. Marie-Andre is my grandfather's wife (NOT my grandmother) and she is an idle cow who does nothing but laze around and make fun of the working class. It makes me sick!! Never done a day's work in her life.

I believe the rich should have to work damn hard to keep their wealth, and I will make sure they work damn hard. Inheritance Tax does this job very nicely.

Otherwise, the rich would keep their wealth in the bank. Live off the interest. Not work. Not pay tax or contribute to society. Get free public services. Pass their wealth down to their kids, who would do exactly the same.

In the UK, large amounts of farmland is owned by absentee Landlords (especially in Scotland). Inheritance Tax breaks up these estates, forces the owners to sell so the workers (yes the people that hold the country together) can actually buy the land they work on.

I can't wait to pay Inheritance Tax. Probably the only contribution to society I am capable of making.

but the money would go to tony bliar!!! :o :o :o >:D >:( >:( >:( ??? ??? ::) ::)

i don't think you thought that through...


--- Quote from: DivaD on June 17, 2006, 05:01:00 PM ---but the money would go to tony bliar!!! :o :o :o >:D >:( >:( >:( ??? ??? ::) ::)

i don't think you thought that through...

--- End quote ---

Oh no. The money would go into the NHS, Benefits, Public Transport, tax-cuts for the working class, renationalisation of major industry, and renewable energy.

not in the real world, robert.

anyway, who the fuck is alic... sorry, marie-andre?


--- Quote from: RobertN on June 17, 2006, 03:46:27 PM ---I can't wait to pay Inheritance Tax. Probably the only contribution to society I am capable of making.

--- End quote ---

Tought choice: QFT or  ::)



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