Politics, Mature and taboo > Political Pundits

Delete your copy of the anarchists' cookbook

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Piece of garbage, if you ask me.

Fucking useless,

Hash brownies recipe, Whoop de fuckin' do.

Most of the stuff they tell you how to make is more likely to kill you while making it than anybody else.  There are many more better sources but this one has that shock value to it.

It was titled properly for the sixties with wording intended to attract attention. The simple dollar-fetching work has begun to suffer from observation by The Man/Big Brother, due to the radical mid-easterner's dissent. It was never a valid study for anyone other than a teen who would try kitchen bombs. The title itself is what has caused all the uproar.


--- Quote from: Ass Fairy2 on October 12, 2007, 05:32:24 AM ---Piece of garbage, if you ask me.

Fucking useless,

Hash brownies recipe, Whoop de fuckin' do.

--- End quote ---

Do they explode and spread anarchy?

No, they make all the ass fairies lurve one another.


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