so you are something of a literary buff
says who?
anyway... anything by dickens or austen, cos they both needed shooting at birth, and saving me the HORROR of having to read them.
most of the russians - CHEER UP , for fuck's sake! and i can't remember all those fucking names, so make them easier to remember. mainly. am okay with other non-english names, though, so fuck knows why the russian ones give me so much trouble.
asimov. why?
what else do you consider classic, then? went my own way as far as reading goes, after 'O' Level english (i was 15), so not sure of the definition.
oh, but one thing which really annoys me, just recently - what's with all these books being pulished which claim to be novels, and are short stories, supposedly "linked"? i mean david mitchell's "cloud atlas" and "ghostwritten", and the paul theroux book i've just abandoned (how many stories about child sex abuse do i want to read, when it's made into something which is supposed to be amusing - nasty cunt). and i know that's what they're doing - linking several short stories, very tenuously indeed (especially in the case of mitchell), cos i did it with my third book. although mine was far better linked than theirs, so ner.
that answer your question?