History I dropped a long time ago, i never saw the appeal at the time. I seem not to have the ones that you seem to have with AS, but most of the other ones. The danger one, I am intrested to see how you put yourself at risk, I havent been in a dangerous situation for years. As for the topological one, i never knew that could be a part of AS, I am more like the opposite one. Is there any particular areas/ eras of history you are intrested in?
Right now, I haven't really got myself into any particularly dangerous situations for a while, mostly because I still get dropped off at uni because of my disorientation.
It's probably other things that are the main problems, I can get round uni alright because I'm only in 2 buildings and they're on the same road, but getting there would be the problem.
As for the history, mostly 18th/19th century British and 20th century Europe, which is what I'm doing next year really. I wanted to take a Soviet unit as well, but couldn't fit it on my timetable.