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there is no possible way that my Intelligence quotient is anywhere close to yours.

although, i do fancy myself a quick study.  once i get passed testing things and learning things the hard way, i tend to learn exponentially after that.

also i used to have a fantastic, almost photographic memory, that is, until the abuses of my late teens and early twenties.


in school, what was your favorite subject?
what was your best subject?

also, have you been banned from WP?

do you secretly have a hidden desire to become banned, and join the ranks of the violators of what, i cannot say?

not banned, dont do space travel anymore

favorite subject: tie: english writing arts/psychology
best subject: better ask what the worst one was - all A's if i felt like it, B's if i did nothing. go by grades: Spanish - minored in it and got a 4.0
worst subject: auto mechanics instructor subtracted points for being late. late twice so got a B

high school:
best subject: likely english. limited memory of high school.
favorite subject: industrial arts

is industrial arts the same thing as home ec?


where were you in high school?
home ec was for girls

industrial arts was for boys - we built things of wood and metal and learned the basics of design. when i went to college i majored in industrial arts until i started losing ground for getting to class late. i switched to writing arts because i knew i could get good grades.


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