Arena for the Competitive > Main Event Callouts

Prove Fluorescent needs meds

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Wow, I said this quite alot.  Its the adjustment period that I can;t afford.  If I got the right dose,  I could afford the meds.  I don;t need them,  I have fealt so great these past couple of days, that if I did take the meds it would be toxic.  Regular meditation is all I need.  Those herbs keep stimulating the liver and kidneys, and they make me irritable.  I took the begining dose, not even the medium dose, and I got irritable. You start low and work your way up in seven days. What this says, to me, is my liver and or kidney is in trouble.  I have noticed though after herbs and good diet take affect, the same dose of those herbs don;t have any affect.  My guess is  liver and kidneys are getting better.  I seem to be thinking better and mood stabalization is better too.  Something was fucked up, but seems to be getting better.

I am not sure about this, but are some of you resentful because I am not on meds and you are?  There is no reason for this.  I will teach you my secrets, for mood mantainence.  I don;t talk out my asshole, I did alot of reading.

Meds or not, I don't care. I eat whatever I have to, and you do the same. Or not. Whatever works for you...


--- Quote from: fluorescent on June 05, 2006, 09:35:36 AM ---I am not sure about this, but are some of you resentful because I am not on meds and you are?? There is no reason for this.? I will teach you my secrets, for mood mantainence.? I don;t talk out my asshole, I did alot of reading.

--- End quote ---

Nah, i think i'll take a pass.


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