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Happy Fathers Day

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I bought my husband a new wrinkle-free cotton shirt and some socks.  My daughter made him a card at school.

I got a grill-mit my daughter made me at daycare. Then I bought myself a radio with a remote control.

But, she had been practicing and so since Friday she's been saying 'Happy Fathers Day' which ends up sounding like 'Happy Fullaffels Brey'.

That's a pretty good gift.


--- Quote from: SomeRandomGuy on June 17, 2007, 11:37:49 AM ---I got a grill-mit my daughter made me at daycare. Then I bought myself a radio with a remote control.

But, she had been practicing and so since Friday she's been saying 'Happy Fathers Day' which ends up sounding like 'Happy Fullaffels Brey'.

That's a pretty good gift.

--- End quote ---

That's so sweet.  How old is she?

Natalia Evans:
I need to call my dad and wish him a Happy Father's Day. I never got him anything. No card, nothing. Self centered am I eh?


--- Quote from: SomeRandomGuy on June 17, 2007, 11:37:49 AM ---I got a grill-mit my daughter made me at daycare. Then I bought myself a radio with a remote control.

But, she had been practicing and so since Friday she's been saying 'Happy Fathers Day' which ends up sounding like 'Happy Fullaffels Brey'.

That's a pretty good gift.

--- End quote ---

A gift that just made me hungry. I now want Falafel.

I got a DVD which the kids gave me early so I could watch it last night (Tenacious D in The Pick Of Destiny) and amusing home made cards. So I took em for a walk this aft. It were good. The kids saw lots of nature stuff, including a bold wood mouse which finished its snack a foot away from my daughter before walking back into the grass.  8)


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