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Look upon my works ye mighty and decide!

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--- Quote from: McJagger on May 06, 2006, 12:59:51 PM ---

aha, i knew it.  if i was patient and vigil i would find a post where you forgot to sign off:


welcome ozzy and why not a new handle, that fits the mood?

--- End quote ---

Well, it just wouldn't be me! 8)   AND as recent history shows I don't do very well trying to be something I'm not! >:(  As for the sign off........well I didn't forget, I'm just not feeling very peaceful lately. Besides this isn't meant to be a peaceful place, now is it?? ;)

actually,  its an understood kinda peace.

you will feel it. 

how is logging on for you?  i remember the difficulties with the first time around i want to make sure you don't have them this time.
everything ok?

No problems logging on! 8)   That problem is officially history!  ;D


i am happy to have you here.


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