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I am genuinely worried.

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I don't know you personally, Nomaken, but I don't think you are a narcissist either.  Would a true narcissist care enough about others to not want to do something to them that he would hate if it were done to him?  Wouldn't it be all about the narcissist and his needs?  You are intelligent and a good student and I do not see it as narcissistic to know that and not brag all the time about it. 

I am sorry for my role in hijacking your topic.

I'm not terribly worried anymore because apparently I don't piss off anyone enough for them to bitch at me.

But i'm not sure about it, because many people often have a flawed understanding of things like narcissism.  They've often had a flawed understanding of schizophrenia and sociopathism.  I don't know much about narcissism myself, but i do know that when people have talked about schizophrenia and sociopathism, they made them out to be a lot more dangerous, and unpredictable than they really are.  So it might be true that narcissists are not on average the flaming assholes that i've seen implied several times on the forums.   


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