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Unemployed bums

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Mr Smith:
Are you soft? Would you allow unemployed bums to hang around your house without paying any rent? Even if they are your friends? One of my friends is letting bums do this, and I can't see how he could be so soft.

They whine about being poor and make no effort whatsoever to change it. - Especially in this country - they've got no excuse. The government is so soft.

I guess for me it would depend on how close the friend was and how long it went on.

This quiz needs more options, there are a lot of people in my country who try very hard to find work, but can't get it for various reasons, too old, not enough experience/skills.

I don't see a reasonable option there.
I'd like to be an unemployed bum again
(and am as close as I can manage right
now), but am not.

On the other hand, I don't see what
concern it is of anyone's what someone
else chooses to do with their money.

If I had anyone I cared about, I'd sure
the hell let them leech of me, as much
as they liked. That's what friends are for.

kick them out and watch as natural selection takes its course.

sink or swim, baby!


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