Politics, Mature and taboo > Political Pundits

The American Empire

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9/11 was a plot by Israel. The world trade center changed hands for the first time in decades a few months before 9/11. It was bought by a Jewish man who then purchased a gigantic insurance policy for it. The man just collected 7 billion dollars or so from the insurance company I believe.

The jewish owner handed the keys to the WTC to the Mossad operatives who planted the explosives that demolished the building. All of this was done to start the Israeli operation for Israeli World Domination. With an attack on the USA, the USA could attack just about anyone and who was going to stop them?

The first place that needed to be attacked was Afghanistan. The Taliban had almost completely stopped opium production. This was really pissing off all the Americans, Europeans and Israelis who sold heroin. They needed to take Afghanistan back from the religious guys and start opium production again. They attacked Afghanistan and took it over. Opium production from Afghanistan is now at some of it's highest levels ever. First mission of Israeli World Domination accomplished.

Then Irag had to be attacked to stop Saddam Hussein from paying money to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. The Israelis were losing. The Palestinians were winning thru a long series of suicide bombings that were turning public opinion in Israel against the ancient aliens. Everyone knows the lies made up about WMD to justify invading Iraq.

In addition to stopping Saddam Hussein from paying the families of suicide bombers, the Israelis have many other plans for Israeli World Domination that required the takeover of Iraq.

The Israelis needed to use the Kurds for attacks into the muslim countries of Turkey and Syria. Since the invasion of Iraq, Israeli troops are training Kurds in the north. These Kurds have staged terrorist attacks in both Syria and Turkey.

Owning Iraq is part of a ancient alien plot for something called "Greater Israel". Israeli World Domination means of course they dominate the world. They believe that Israel should be about the size of half of the Middle East. Parts of Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, etc. Now they own Iraq and they can use the Kurds to move on Syria and Turkey.

There is also the question of oil. Now that the Israelis own Iraq, there is an oil pipeline that I believe goes to Haifa. There have been plans to open this pipeline for some time. There is no way to know if it has already been opened or not of course. The Israelis and Americans assasinate all the western journalists they can. There is no real honest news coming out of Iraq since about a year or more ago.

9/11 was the trigger for the ancient aliens to begin the final stage of Israeli World Domination. All the rest of it is just details. If you want to know what happens next, the Israelis will finish killing or enslaving the muslim world. They have just about done this. Almost all the Muslims except for Iran are Israeli Collaborators. They sold out their countries for guarantees that they get the oil wealth and military support to keep them in power.

After the Israelis are finished with the muslims, the move on to the Asians. Israeli World Domination means White World Domination. No room for the coloreds. The USA has already been ordered to ring China with military bases. This plan is proceeding as you read. Pointed exchanges have been made between China and the US about exactly who will nuke what if there is a war.

Israel of course is egging both sides on. The Israelis in charge of the USA are pushing the military to confront China. Israel is also selling China top secret USA military technology. That way, when the USA attacks, the Chinese have the USA's own weapons to defend themselves with. That should lead to lots of casualties. Death in plain words. The thing the Israelis love most. Dead people who are not Israelis.

Look into history and you will find something very interesting. Many of the mass slaughters of the past were carried out by jewish people. The Russian slaughters in the Ukraine were carried out by Russian Jews. We all know about the slaughter in WWII. The Jewish people cry about how they were the victims. Look at the death statistics and see how many other people died. For some reason you never hear about that.

These days, it is almost as if WWII was about nothing but Germany killing jewish people. Germany and France, or Britain or Russia or the USA? Who cares about those dead guys. The only important dead people to the jewish controlled media is dead jewish people.


conspiracy theories are funny.

why the israelites?
why/how did they convince america and brittian to spend trillions on a war just for israel?

couldn't it bre possible that george bush bankrupt two thriving oil businesses when he was a private citizen and he owes people.  bush was just paying back a debt.
isn't that more probable

The Member Formerly Known As Sophist:
Dude, people. Watch the speech. It won't sound like a conspiracy theory anymore. I've shunned away from that which one woud call "conspiracies", but this guy makes a lot of sense and he brings a lot of real evidence to the foreground. There's another video a friend told me about on 9/11 and goes into detail with pictures of the towers and how the buildings resembled having been demolished by detonators below ground at the foundation and not from planes hitting the upper towers.

Anybody surprised to know that the Bin Laden family and the Bush family have been long-time friends? Anybody also surprised to find that 9 of the 16 supposedly "dead" hijackers have been found alive and well working in other countries? Watch the video. This was Bush Administration through and through. It was just another Pearl Harbor. And since then Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld have been able to get anything they damn well pleased from Congress, especially with regards to the military. It was all a set-up. Money, greed, and power.


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