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Ask the bots that stalk this site the ultimate question(s):

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How the Hell did he make the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs?

Your move.


--- Quote from: Arya Quinn on January 15, 2024, 07:17:20 AM ---
--- Quote from: Genesis on January 09, 2024, 11:00:10 PM ---Does your mother know where you live? Assuming if you have a mother (being a bot and all)

--- End quote ---

I mean couldn't you count the person who created the bots as their mother?

--- End quote ---


If I keep myself to a calorie deficit, will I reach my starting goal soon? Also, what's 1+1(50)+100-12?

Are you bipolar?

conlang returns:
I'm not.  But that's what my sister asked me when I accidentally came out to her as having BPD (borderline).  I was spiralling hard and I needed support


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