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What's in the mail today?

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Gopher Gary:
I got some protein drinks I ordered because they haven't had any in the store the last two times I checked. :woohoo:

Gopher Gary:

--- Quote from: Charlotte Quin on February 03, 2022, 05:55:26 AM ---I only receive mail as often as I remember to check my mail box :zoinks:

--- End quote ---

Sugarbutt checks the mail and always has, so if it weren't for him, I'm not sue it would ever occur to me to do it.  :lol1:

Nothing. :(

But I'll take this opportunity to say that this is a bloody good idea for a thread.


Gopher Gary:

I don't mind days with nothing, because it's very rare we don't receive at least one piece of junk mail. It's really annoying when everything in the mail goes straight into the recycle bin. I'm amazed all that unsolicited waste isn't illegal.  >:(

Gopher Gary:
I received the replacement dishes I had recently ordered. I washed them right away and tossed the three chipped ones. I was most excited about replacing the missing dessert bowl, because it wasn't part of the boxed set so I didn't expect to find it. The one I ordered was the only one I found for sale in the whole world, and now it's mine. :woohoo:


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