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i try every day to be a wonderful person

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--- Quote from: registrant44 on August 24, 2020, 02:40:42 AM ---Black people aren't all watermelon eating democrats you know

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Surely this racism breaches the forum rules?

III People with Autism are indivisible.
There can be no discrimination because of race, color, creed, national origin, religious or political belief.
Any division among Autistic People can help no one but the status quo of society.
Discrimination by one Autistic Person against another Autistic Person is suicide. Discrimination is a weapon of society. Its entire history is proof that it has served no other purpose than to pit person against person to their own destruction.

That's McJ's set of principles, not something we enforce.

Years ago watched an Oprah a segment on watermelon recipes. Oprah said a lot of black people wont eat watermelon because they don't want to be mocked for it. It's tragic people are so scarred by racism to feel self conscious about something as simple as enjoying a piece of fruit. Aren't people wonderful?


--- Quote from: Jack on August 24, 2020, 05:15:23 AM ---Years ago watched an Oprah a segment on watermelon recipes. Oprah said a lot of black people wont eat watermelon because they don't want to be mocked for it. It's kind of tragic people are so scarred by racism to feel self conscious about something as simple as enjoying a piece of fruit. Aren't people wonderful?

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Didn't know that.

Then I'd say it's hate speech and against the rules laid out in our host's TOS.


--- Quote from: Jack on August 24, 2020, 05:15:23 AM ---Years ago watched an Oprah a segment on watermelon recipes. Oprah said a lot of black people wont eat watermelon because they don't want to be mocked for it. It's tragic people are so scarred by racism to feel self conscious about something as simple as enjoying a piece of fruit. Aren't people wonderful?

--- End quote ---

It's used in the US in a racist context.  And that's sure as shit the context meant here.


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