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Phallacy here.

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Well now I'm confused. Sigh.

I am trying to care.


It's just Penty pretending to be some other dick. The clue is in the name  :laugh:

Guten tag, Phallacy here. You guys sure are weird. Anyways, so here's my life story: I moved from Texas to Kansas City cuz I got a better paying job, I got a late model Hyundai Genesis which I ended up totaling sadly. Any time I tried to stream, I got indifference and people gave me shit about my audio quality even though I bought fancy expensive headsets and have a 2,000 dollar laptop. So I stopped streaming and got a life outside of Discord. I think you guys should get a life outside of these forums, because you guys seem to exhibit a little bit of the inferiority complex, you know what I mean? Go outside and enjoy the finer things in life. And any allegations of me spending money on "SnapChat THOTs" are simple untrue. I have a girlfriend! Why would I do such a ridiculous thing? Anyways, I'm gonna go ahead and stream Resident Evil HD at 1080p/60 on my 2000 dollar laptop PC while that pathetic NEET Gouty streams on his old toaster PC at 720/60 the original Gamecube version on Dolphin! THE ORIGINAL GAMECUBE VERSION! Wau. I guess NEETdom really doesn't pay. But lemme tell you what does pay: Stocks. I made 70 dollars off of buying stocks during this coronavirus pandemic. What has Gouty made? Exactly!

Anyways, guys. In case anyone asks about my avatar, yes that is a real picture of me. I'm a handsome boy, wouldn't you agree. Gouty and his dumb friends made fun of it and called me "Sad Alberto" like I'm a Mexican when in reality I'm German. 100 percent. A German with a dual citizenship in Germany and America. I'm German because I enjoy brots and cigars, ya feel me? Anyways, Phallacy out.


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