Arena for the Competitive > Main Event Callouts

Role Switch Callout

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Minister Of Silly Walks:
We had that welfare reform happening too. We had robots chasing people for money because, you know, those who are most vulnerable in society tend to get too much sympathy from real humans.

Of course a number of people who were being relentlessly pursued by robots for money they didn't actually owe ended up out of their minds with stress and depression and took their own lives. Our Prime Minister, bless him, made a half baked apology this week. Meanwhile the minister directly responsible is dodging any and all questions on the subject.

Other than that, this really only works if you take on a "persona" and adopt that persona for the sake of the callout. So, for example, I could choose to be a conservative who opposes gun control, gay marriage, abortion, racial equality, etc. And I would have to argue on that basis throughout, consistently and while making serious arguments and not just "I think everyone should make the same amount of money as Jeff Bezos because I'm a stupidhead". You can't just rant about stuff :D

rock hound:
Uh er um, welllllllllllll...............I got nothin'.......... :hide:   :tinfoil:


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