Arena for the Competitive > Main Event Callouts

mdagli1 calls out odeon

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--- Quote ---From: odeon
Having read a selection of your posts, including threats to go postal and end your life with a suicide note pointing to this site, I'd like to ask you to stop the trolling. I know some people here insist on feeding you but let's just say that they aren't the sharpest tools in the box and you shouldn't base your actions on their responses. You should base them on what I'll say now.
The way I see it, there are two ways to end this:
1. I report you to the authorities and your ISP. This will, of course, include banning you. I know who you are so it's about 30 minutes of work, give or take. This will most likely result in you having to get a new internet service provider and having to have a think about what to tell the nice people who'll be knocking on your door. I doubt there's enough to have you locked up but I have no doubt they'll be wanting to go through your stuff, including your computer. My guess is you will have more explaining to do.
2. You stop trolling and start contributing. I won't report you and I won't ban you. This is my preferred option since I think you have a lot to add.
Happy to hear your thoughts on this, but please don't assume I'm anything like whatstheirname that reported you the last time around.

--- End quote ---

lol? Power trip much?
People die, life goes on. If you want to siphon off positive energy from me by using such coercive tact, go ahead. Let the fallout begin.

I take it you choose #1, then?

But before that, I'd love to hear your views on this, actually. See, this is not a power trip at all. I'd much prefer you to stay because I think you can add a lot to this site.

So, tell me. Will you stop the trolling?


I'm not going to suck your dick if that's what you are implying. Trolling is just a communication style to deal with negative people. If you have a problem with me targeting myself for being like you, then be offended by a bunch of pixels on a screen.
But let it be made clear, ether I'm dead or you want me dead. That's your choice.

Yuri Bezmenov:

--- Quote ---From: odeon
2. You stop trolling and start contributing.
--- End quote ---

I think this is a poor choice of words.

McDangly has a particular style of trolling and as long as he sticks to it; let him troll, let him troll, let him troll.

It's his posts that threaten suicide, this site and suggest he migh commit criminal violent acts that are at issue.

It's entirely reasonable to tell him to quit that shit or else. Anything beyond that is well, a power trip.


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