Politics, Mature and taboo > Political Pundits

The other trump card in the gun debate.

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Yuri Bezmenov:

--- Quote from: El on March 29, 2018, 06:59:48 PM ---And a lot of it feels like obsessive planning around how to handle one particular moment, without though of what happens after that moment (i.e., you have shot someone, how will now have to deal with the legal ramifications of having shot someone- WHETHER OR NOT IT WAS "SELF DEFENSE."  And it will be hell for you EVEN IF YOU WIN YOUR CASE.  Which you PROBABLY WON'T.)
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SO fucking what?? Tha alternative to that would be to be D-E-A-D DEAD!

Haven't you ever heard the saying that it's better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6??

How stupid do you have to be to make an argument that you shouldn't kill in self defense because you will probably be tried for it??

Who do you think you are, mdagli1??   :hahaha:

Elle might not have it right on that one, but you can hardly place her and  our former pencil-dicked mentally bent 'friend' in the same sort of categories.

When elle spends time with the mentally twisted and/or fucked, at least it isn't another personality crawling out of the woodwork as with mcfagly. Although granted his alternate personalities more or less were limited to 'secondary dickweasel' and  'tertiary dickweasel'. Rather one-dimensional in their devotion to weaselly dick-ness.


--- Quote from: Lestat on August 20, 2018, 07:00:59 AM ---When elle spends time with the mentally twisted and/or fucked, at least it isn't another personality crawling out of the woodwork as with mcfagly.

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Yeah, but I wonder what she does when she's not hanging out with us. :zoinks:


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