Politics, Mature and taboo > Political Pundits

The Progressive ideology exposed

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Yuri Bezmenov:

--- Quote from: Minister of silly walks on January 16, 2018, 07:27:58 PM ---If you've met one person who believes in social justice, then you've met one person who believes in social justice.

All you've done there is to make a bunch of extreme generalizations based on some cherrypicked extreme views.

For example: I believe in social justice and guess what? I don't believe any of that shit that you claim I am supposed to believe in.

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It doesn't matter what you believe because you don't have any power within these movements.

The people who are the self-appointed leaders of these movements hold extremist views and advocate subversive tactics to achieve their goals. To them, you're just a useful idiot.


--- Quote from: El on January 16, 2018, 07:14:07 PM ---So guys apologies if this has already been brought up; I sorta skimmed the last couple of pages but not in-depth:


This is bringing back a presentation I did in grad school on his article "The evolutionary history of an illusion: Religious causal beliefs in children and adults."  It's cited on his page but not downloadable there; related articles (including ones he referenced) are.  Points to someone who can find it in full (I can't seem to- google scholar in 2018 is still not as powerful as ebscohost was in 2008, apparently).

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It looks like full text can be accessed via https://www.researchgate.net/publication/232553857_The_Evolutionary_History_of_an_Illusion_Religious_Causal_Beliefs_in_Children_and_Adults

I didn't want to give fb/linked in/whatever login, but if it's important....

Yuri Bezmenov:
Yeah, perhaps El can give us the cliff notes along with what her point is.


--- Quote from: Go Piss Up A Rope on January 16, 2018, 06:15:40 PM ---
--- Quote from: odeon on January 12, 2018, 02:31:31 AM ---As for discussing social justice, I doubt there is a meaningful discussion to be had with Scrap on that front. It's all cute pejoratives and name-dropping for him.

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An there's a very good reason for that. Social Justice movements have all been hijacked by ideological puritans who want to reform society along ideals of human nature that have been thoroughly discredited by most psychologists and evolutionary psychologists in particular. 

Specifically, they believe in the notion of the human mind being a "blank slate" that is the formed entirely by society at large and there is no inherent biological difference between the brains of men and women. This is the point that James Damore made that got him fired from google.

They also buy into the false beliefs of racial identity movements that whites came to dominate the modern world because white people are somehow inherently pathological. They believe that all cultures are equally valid (except whites which they often deny even exist) despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that cultures have trajectories and at any given moment in history, some cultures will be vastly outperforming other cultures in terms if advancements in science, math and engineering.

Social Justice is ultimately an anti-intellectual movement that will destroy itself soon enough.

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You present your argument as if itself was a belief system. Yours is a narrow world.

Yuri Bezmenov:

--- Quote from: odeon on January 17, 2018, 03:47:14 AM ---
--- Quote from: Go Piss Up A Rope on January 16, 2018, 06:15:40 PM ---
--- Quote from: odeon on January 12, 2018, 02:31:31 AM ---As for discussing social justice, I doubt there is a meaningful discussion to be had with Scrap on that front. It's all cute pejoratives and name-dropping for him.

--- End quote ---

An there's a very good reason for that. Social Justice movements have all been hijacked by ideological puritans who want to reform society along ideals of human nature that have been thoroughly discredited by most psychologists and evolutionary psychologists in particular. 

Specifically, they believe in the notion of the human mind being a "blank slate" that is the formed entirely by society at large and there is no inherent biological difference between the brains of men and women. This is the point that James Damore made that got him fired from google.

They also buy into the false beliefs of racial identity movements that whites came to dominate the modern world because white people are somehow inherently pathological. They believe that all cultures are equally valid (except whites which they often deny even exist) despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that cultures have trajectories and at any given moment in history, some cultures will be vastly outperforming other cultures in terms if advancements in science, math and engineering.

Social Justice is ultimately an anti-intellectual movement that will destroy itself soon enough.

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You present your argument as if itself was a belief system. Theirs is a narrow world.

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You're not going to get away with calling me the dogmatist, for pointing out dogmatism.


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