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Why is my heart so fucking cold?

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--- Quote from: renaeden on December 27, 2017, 09:00:05 PM ---Is it prothrombin gene mutation? That's what I have. Been told by doctors not to sit still for extended periods of time, to get up and walk around. Also don't bleed much.

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That's the one. They refer to it as that or the Factor 2 mutation.

--- Quote from: Calandale on December 27, 2017, 09:04:18 PM ---
I suspect it was just fatigue and alcohol.

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Probably the alcohol. 

You would think it would work like anti-freeze...but it doesn't.  :laugh:


If your entire body was on fire from the outside in, the last thing to catch fire would be your cold heart.


Unless it's cold fire burning up from the deep.


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