Arena for the Competitive > Main Event Callouts

Sargon of Akkad vs Thunderf00t.

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Yuri Bezmenov:

--- Quote from: Jack on June 25, 2017, 09:47:28 AM ---That's almost two hours of video. The topic doesn't sound familiar or self-explanatory, so not sure if it's of any interest equal to that amount of time.

--- End quote ---

 The dispute centers around the murder of Heather Anable by the YouTube Atheist/Feminist Aleksandr Kolpakov.

Sargon and others in the chatroom were remarking how many male feminists are in fact, creepy stalker types who often treat women far worse than the "misogynists" whom they disparage.

At some point, the people in the chat begin to banter a bit about the subject. Thunderf00t found this to be objectionable so he made the first video. The mistake he made was lumping Sargon in with the others. Sargon clearly voiced his objections in the chatroom and that's where Thunderf00t screwed up and that's what sparked the "debate" between the two.

Thanks. Probably wont watch it then.

Gopher Gary:
Are either one of these guys you, Pappy?  :orly:

Grey Area:
Those two should just get a room and fuck.

Grey Area:

This is more my cup of tea.


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