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Have you hydrated today?

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--- Quote from: Jack on August 27, 2021, 04:44:41 AM ---
--- Quote from: renaeden on August 26, 2021, 08:22:40 PM ---It seems like all I do is hydrate. I got up 3 times in the night to hydrate plus the consequence, pee.

It's a good thing my Salvos boss understands my frequent need to hydrate during the day.

--- End quote ---
Is there a known cause? Suffered excess thirst for a while a couple years ago. Doctor was concerned but turned out to be nothing, and most likely psychological.
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Yeah, it's lithium. It's not actual thirst, but having a dry mouth and throat. I take the lithium morning and night and half an hour after taking it, my mouth goes completely dry. Sometimes I can't even talk it's that bad. I've tried sprays but they don't work for very long. It's a pain in the arse.

Oh yeah, I have had my blood sugar levels tested and everything is fine.

Dehydrating now.

Didn't bring water when I went out with the cub this morning. Paying for it now. Fucking stupid. :hahaha:

Not enough. I have a slight headache.

Hydrating today with raspberry and apple diet cordial. I don't normally like raspberry but I really like this cordial.


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