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Music specific anhedonia!

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--- Quote from: odeon on August 25, 2016, 10:09:39 AM ---Goodness, no. I could not survive without music.

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A great deal of my life has been devoted to producing, enhancing, directing, recording, performing, reinforcing and mostly ENJOYing music.*

I used to say I never turn my music off, but to be honest, these days are more "hands-on" than days used to be.

I will say that I only RARELY turn off my music these days.

*almost forgot sharing music


--- Quote from: Jack on August 25, 2016, 04:40:40 PM ---Enjoy music under the right circumstances, though it never really occurs to me to do so. Music is usually someone else's idea.

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/drops miscellaneous empathic post


--- Quote from: Jack on August 25, 2016, 04:40:40 PM ---Enjoy music under the right circumstances, though it never really occurs to me to do so. Music is usually someone else's idea.

--- End quote ---

  Some poor souls apparently don't enjoy it at all.  :(

   I think we should do something for them.  How about a benefit concert?  :zoinks:

Oh couldbe sweetie, you aren't REALLY so daft as to....well...that^

My old man is FOREVER whining about the volume of my music, yabbering on at me to turn it down, and being an impatient prick at that, keeps going on at me if I am actually in the middle of lowering the volume, and is never satisfied either, and to top it off with a  creamy mountain of freshly whipped tosspot, keeps moaning and whining like a little 5 year old brat who's just been told by mom that no, he cannot have more sweeties before you have eaten your tea, whining like a bitch because I use the volume setting in youtube, and not the master setting on the computer.

Unfortunately I am stuck using his laptop atm, that he doesn't use, otherwise, I would have told him to shut his trap or he isn't getting so much as a thousandth of a decibel down. And if he kept on, I would turn it up. Oh, and tell him to eff off:P

I do enjoy music but I also at times enjoy time without it,  my wife and daughter on the other hand can't do without


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