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What nationality are you?

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I'm Swedish, whatever that means  :viking:

Apparently I am Japanese.

Your general knowledge is Swedish! You are incredibly well-rounded, highly educated, and intellectually stimulated. From a young age you were instilled with the idea that all knowledge is a gift, and you learned to cherish it deeply, You are incredibly curious about everything that you come across, and strive to understand it better. You rarely come across a new topic without your interest being piqued! You are constantly striving to expand your mind!

Queen Victoria:
Not surprisingly, I am British.  (Honestly!)


Your general knowledge is Japanese! You are a math and science whiz! You are fascinated by the mechanics and particles that make up the world around you. You constantly find yourself grasping for new and complex ways to wrap your head around the great cosmos that spans before you. You are often engrossed in the greatness of reality, and wish to understand it more fully!


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