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Questions for Icequeen

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--- Quote from: El on July 13, 2018, 05:52:39 AM ---How about this?

I believe the current understanding of how to best use them (if you're using them to correct posture, rather than to rehab from an injury, anyway) is to max out at a couple of hours a day to get the muscle memory in there and to otherwise do the kinds of strengthening and stretching I'm already doing, so you're not over-reliant on the brace.  Thought was initially to just wear it in the morning while on the computer and see what that does.

--- End quote ---
That looks similar and seems it would do the same thing. Not sure how comparable your slouch is to mine, of if you will have the same struggles, but sitting at a computer could depend on how ergonomically correct the keyboard placement. It's why driving was so difficult. Sitting with the strap, combined with elevated elbows was impossible in the beginning. Could only tolerate it for a few minutes; hurt awful and felt like I couldn't breathe. Maybe had a weak diaphragm muscle.

Do you sell anything on Facebook marketplace?  I have been since March and have noticed something odd, stuff that was up for a few weeks with no interest then all the sudden I get multiple messages  all within hours from different people and it sells.  This has happened a bunch of times


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