Arena for the Competitive > Main Event Callouts

Peter MacKenzie vs. Postperson

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Very well then.  The voting system hasn't really been sorted out yet, so I'm going to create a poll for the thread.  To prevent any accusations of cheating, I'll vote for myself and you can vote for yourself.  Anything after that will be from the other members.  Is this ok with you?

Sure, yeah. I thought if it was up to the Peanut Gallery to comment and/or vote, so have a go, even if it just clarifies the process. Should voting should be public (ie named, not anonymous)? I think the role of the Peanut Gallery is to point out any flaws/weaknesses in the debate for clarification.

Some 'fights' aren't going to attact much interest, I suspect this is one of them.

It's done.  My understanding was that polls were meant to be added to the debate threads once the debate itself had finished, and that other members could also post in them afterwards.

ok worth doing just to see how/if it works. Have other debates had the poll added or not? I don't recall.

The other debates have been unsatisfactoraly resolved; a lot are joke call-outs or degenerated into garbage, and in my thread with peegai, he forfeited, thus no polls.  This is the first debate that was a proper one-on-one fight with a start, middle and ending.


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